HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-01, Page 1WIN(iHAM Ti
VOL, XXXIII,—NO. 1651.
tib % `,V.* :s
There should
be no doubt
about where to go, when
in need of Gents Fur-
nishings. An experi-
ence of years in this
line of business has
given us an insight into
the requirements of the
people of this vicinity,
and our many satisfied
customers give ample
evidence that what they
get here is always the
newest and best to be
had anywhere.
Our shelves and count-
ers are now replete with
the most fashionable
goods, and the prices
are, as usual, within
easy reach.
You are invited to call
and see what we have
Fall and Winter
Overcoatings and Suitings.
We feel sure they will
please you.
Remember, we sell cheap
Holnllth Bros.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid u , $ 2,980,0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,330,00
You are respectfully invited
to call and see our large and
v a r i‘e d assortment o f
And Fancy Dishes
of all kinds.
We feel sure we can satisfy
you both in quality and price
of these excellent goods.
Ra A. Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. Phone 59,
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent. Holyrood.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Tothe Real Estate Buyer
No matter where located
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Electric Light an
A special meeting
oil was held on Mon
questions of pure
light plant and putt
system were discus
tion was taken, bu
was read and the p
watermaines were
ter will likely be
the regular meets
day evening.
f the Town (Denn-
ey evening and the
using the electric
g in.a ,waterworks
ed. No definite no -
the engineer's report
oposed routes for the
iscussed. The mat-
urther discussed at
of council on Mon -
Wall Paper and
Fon SALE—A g •
farm horse, six y
Alf. Glover.
at Cooper's.
d general purpose
ars old, .Apply to
The wedding of
of Toronto and
B. A. pastor of Wi
was solemnized o
week at high noon
Hall, McMaster
Rev. Chancellor
L L D, officiating.
was bridesmaid and
ported by Mr. Fred
and Mrs McLean
Thursday evening.
extending congrat
Lean will be "At H
am sure I can,save you some money, unless
the circumstances under which you buy are
very exceptional. No matter what kind
of a property or business you are going to buy
write me or call before closing a deal.
I can and shall mzike it profitable to you to
buy through me. My extensive advertising
keeps"nie constantly in touch with proper
owners in every part of the country, and I can
find exactly the property you want in a very
short time.
C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Age t.
Vanstone block, Wingh
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President:-- Mae. W u. GrnsoN.
Vice -President and
General Manager —J. ttniNnvr u.
George Roach, John Proctor, A. D. Lee,
John S. Bondrie, Geo. Rutherford.
Assistant General Manager—B. S. STEVEN.
Inspector—B. M. WATSON.
iss M. W. Redfearn
v. J. N. McLean,
ham Baptist church
Thursday of last
n Castle .Memorial
iversity, Toronto.
allace, M A, D D,
Miss Lizzie Clark
he groom was sup-
e. McEwen. Mr
arrived home on
The TIMES joins in
ations. Mrs Mc -
me" after Ootob:r
Send details of our ' •perty, and
price to C. J. Maga• e d he will find
you a buyer.
WANTED.—A cook for a small family
in city, $4 per week. Apply to R. A.
See Halsey Park'seadvertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guara
teed to pure headache.
-The Woman's Ins
regular meeting in
Friday, October 2n
ladies are cordially
'tate will hold their
'hisholm's hall, on
, at 2.30 p. m. All
Fancy Goods and Wools at Cooper's.
HOUSE TO RENT.—Good comfortable
house to rent, with all conveniences.
Apply to R. VANSTCNE.
Bank of
The Teeswater b
Hamilton is now
every day in place
week. Mr. C. P.
has been sub age
was opened, has
maneut agent and
to that town. We
Mr. Smith's prone
meet with continu
.Sayings Sank -hours 10 to 8; Saturday, ib
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
tereat allowed, and computed on the 30th No-
vember and 31st May eaoh year and added to
tipeoial 1)epoeititi Also received at current
rates of intere
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the tank of Ham-
ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
whteh can ben t Qed w world.
charge or trio,
hie iu any part
yp, CORBOteLD, Agent
JOYO 1NSON lk 3101,11111 4, golloitors,
nth of the Bank of
open for business
f three days in each
ith, of town, who
t since this branch
een appointed per-
vill move his family
e pleased to learn of
ion and trust he may
d success.
Oysters this week at the "Star" Res-
Fon SALE,—Frame house, 8 rooms,
pantry and woodshed, bard and soft
water. John St., near Francis. For
particulars apply to
RonT. MAXWELL, Tailor.
Cons-rvatives B nquet Mr. Gamey.
The Wingham 1 onservativo Associa-
tion took the oppo tunity of the pres-
ence in town o Mr. R. R. Gamey,
M. L. A., to tend: him a banquet on
Friday evening 1 st. The affair took
Brunswick, and was
attended by a nu iber of members of
the party from th • surrounding country.
The menu was otten up in first-class
style by mine H. •t Orr, covers being
laid for sixty -fit :. Mr. A. Dulmage,
president of the Association, presided,
and when the de -stable delicacies pro-
vided had been • rtakeet of to the satis-
faction of all p esent, proceeded with
the toast list. ' Our Ding" was honor-
ed in the usual oyal manner. Among
those who spok were Dr, T. Chisholm,
Messrs, A. IL usgrove, W, S. Mitch-
ell of Godersch, T. Hall, John Watson
3. Irwin,
Dr, A. n
of Listowel, D. o ,
• wick, W
of TI wi Greer,
A. Strong ,
Tamlyn and + . I. Elliott, V. S. The
toast of "Our rest" was proposed by
Mr. IL A. D glass, and Mr. Gamey
responded in lengthy speech, dealing
principally ith the finding of the
judges in his recent cusp.
Mr. Wm. Bon
town for the pa
last week puic
building lots 01
Bone will bail
season. We u
move to tow
a suitable hoes
of Kinloss has
Farley propert
• build a ho
Considerable p
in Wingham a
past few mo
needs very bade
more dwelling
people would 111
are not able t
should have a bo
next season,
y Transfers.
, Rockwood, has been in
t few days and one day
sed Mr. W. Taylor's
Catharine street. Mr.
a residence early next
derstand that he would
at once if he could secure
to rent. Mr. Jas. Gaunt,
urchased a part of the
in Lower Wingham and
se thereon next season.
perty has changed hands
id vicinity during the
ths. What Wingham
at the present time is
oases. A number of
to move to town, but
get dwellings. We
in in house building
The Johnson-McRaye
held in the opera house
evening. Miss Johnson
will be assisted by lo
eittertainmeut proms
attended. The plan of
Park's jewellery store,
ceoital will be
is (Thursday)
nd Mr, MeRaye
1 talent. This
to bo largely
hall is at H.
Imported Fancy China at Cooper's.
A New Resent.
Mr. Frank Bnchaua , of Toronto,who
recently took an inter t in the C. Lloyd
& Son door factory'wa
few days this week, ".
well known to many o1
it will be pleasing new
is making arrangemei
family to our town.
iu town for a
Sr. Buchanan is
our readers and
to learn that he
is to move his
Dr. Butler, spenahst in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, Londa" i,
Visitor from
Mr. R. W. Dulmeg
N. W. T. is visting v
Mr. A. Dulmage. I
been a resident of the
of twenty years and tl
to Ontario in that the.
West at the time of
can tell many intone
days of the rebellion.
WANTED—Apprentices to learn uphol-
stering, finishing and also for parlor
frame department. Apply to Walker &
Big men's uncle wear in a wool and
national wool an h 'nka • •, shirts and
drawers, sizes 4•, ' and 50. At
A. R. SMITH'S, C • thier,Chisholm Block,
Death of
The friends a
David Ross W
learn of her such
ou Sunday m
enjoying her us
and around on
suddenly strio
was dead in a
maiden name
she was aged
many years a re
her husband, th
died in Septem
general store b
years where A.
is now located.
Mrs. Ross move
former home).
red in the Teesw
day afternoon.
rs. Dayid Ross.
acquaintances of Mrs.
e greatly shocked to
en death at Teeswater
ruing. Deceased was
al health and was up
unday, when she was
n with paralysis and
w minutes. Deceased's
s Caroline Fulford and
years. She was for
ident of Wingham and
late David Ross, who
r, 1894, conducted a
Hess here for many
Hamilton's drug store
Some few years ago
to Teeswater, (her
he remains were inter -
ter cemetery on Toes-
e West.
, of Saskatoon,
'th his brother,
r. Dulmage has
est for upwards
is is his first visit
He was in the
to rebellion and
ng stories of the
WANTED.—Turkeys and fowl o' all
hinds. Why sell only the largo : • rkeys
for 6 or 70 alive? Our m• k: •rice will
be 10 to 123,4cundrawn. e, -sh tub but-
ter 16c, eggs 15e, dried a: les 5c.
GEO. E. Knee.
Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. 5, L.
R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and
throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp-
bell's drug store, Monday, .Ov. 2nd.
Glasses properly filed.
Bowlers Won at fSeaforth.
Three rinks of the Wi
Club went to Seaforth c
engaged in a friendly in
number of rinks from
matches were played,
rinks winning by 14 sh
from town wero Messrs
E. Nash, V. Vannorma
Stone, J. Buckley, H.
son (skip) ; L. Hadson,
Holmes, C. Knechtel (
forth players will visi
play return matches next week.
The Most Successf
Large Crowd P
Receipts Over
I Ever Held --A
sent --Total
A Brief Address on
it. It. Gainey,
ew Ontario," by
I. L. A.
The exceptionally fi e weather, the
many additions to th prize list, the
special attractions, and he indefatigable
efforts of the officers an directors of the
Turnberry Agriculture Society, each
contributed their quota o make the fall
fair, held in Winghain •;n Thursday and
Friday of last week an nqualified suc-
cess from every point • view—indeed,
the most successful iu t e history of the
Society. The presence of Mr. R. R.
Gamey, M. P. P., for M uitoulin, on the
second day,while no do •t keeping some
away, very probably att acte•l a number
who might not otherwis:. have been pre-
sent. It is estimated th t there were be-
tween 3500 and 4000 people on the
grounds. The total ret ipts were over
The exhibits in the hal were in posi-
tion and the judges had `•mpleted their
work by Thursday eveniu` ,when a large
number attended the pr' menade con-
cert. Music was supplied y the Wing -
ham brass band.
On Friday m"rning the t • wn present-
ed a busy aeeearance, with visitors com-
ing in from all directions. Shortly after
one o'clock the people lvended their
rounds. Al -
at Mr.Gamey
o'clock, with
), it was not
man, accent-
igham Bowling
Tuesday and
tch with a like
hat town. Six
the Wingham
s, The players
(skip) ; G. Van-
ffrey, A.E. Gib-
e'. Irwin , W.
kip). The Sea-
Wingham and
New Indu ry in Wing;ham.
Wingham has new iudusery in the
manufacturing of cement blocks.
Messrs. A. Youn_,Hugli Taylor and Alf:
Glover, euterpri .ing citizens of the town
have purchased machine and now have
workmen busy making cement blocks
at the Beattie Bros. gravel dit. Tho
blocks are 32 in hes long by 9 x 10 inches.
They will cove the same space as twen-
ty-four ordlna i brick. With the ma-
chine three wo kmen are able to make
100 Of these blocks in a day. The
firm expect th i t the blooks can be sold
at about 400 ea h. The blocks will be
first used in the erection of the stables at
the Hotel Brun: wick and between 1400
and 1500 blocks will be required. This
kind of materia will no dou
t be large.
ly used itt builds • g dwelling houses next
season, and dwe ing houses could be
built much chea • :r with blocks than
with either brsek • lumber. The pro-
dess of reantifaet' e is worth seeing.
The TliteS wishes the firm sue0es in
their b'nsinesa,
For Boys
We have just passed into stock a
big shipment of the ever popular
Henty Books for boys. Buying in
the large quantities gave us a very
low price. We share this benefit
with our customers. For a limited
time wo will sell these books at
356 each, postpaid.
They are bound in cloth, and in-
clude such titles as :
Jack Archer
The Golden Canon
The Boy Knight
Colonel Tliorndyke's Secret
Rulub the Juggler
W.1. F. Mallagh
way to the agricultural
though it was announced tl
would open the fair at 1.3(
an address on New ()Atari
until 2.30 that that gentl
paused by President, J. J., Elliott, V. S.,
appeared in front of the *and stand, on
which a large crowd ]i d assembled.
On account of the high vind and the
difficulty of making himself heard, Mr,
Gamey spoke but for a ei ort time, first
acquainting his hearers o
he was not going to talk
He dwelt on the advanta
Now Ontario to those
comfortably situated in i
parts of the province, diroting partici-L.
lar attention to the immense mineral
The Sweetest Flower
That Blows
The New Perfume.
A delightful odor, delicate yet
permanent, " THELMA " is becom-
ing the favorite among people of
refinement everywhere.
Call and test it at our store.
We aro glad to show it because
it makes friends for itself and us.
Walton McKibbon
Nett door to post dew.
See J. Button & Co's Boats and Shoes
P. Scott, of Brusse
in three etr"aights.
Free for all:--
Kaplin, P. Scott,
Dubhey C., T. Cei
Marjorie Wilkes,
Alma, 3. Watson
Tine -2.25, 2.24
Double hitching
first, J. B. Tyerma
Mr. John Webst
parried off first
King's special priz
Keltou,with Mr.J
wanosh second.
shauk's special fo
Listowel, secured
John Kelly, of the same place, second.
There was keen kcompetition for both
these prizes. For the special for single
driver by J. J. lhott and Currie & Rin-
toul, there wore .ix entries. The poiuts
considered were altie, style, conforma-
tion and speed. ',There were three prises
and the followin' were the winners in
the order named'•—J. Kelly, Listowel;
H. Zinn, Listow1; Geo. E. King, Wing -
There were no ntries for the chicken
plucking conte t, the young men
probably throng bashfulness or fear,
not caring to exh it their adeptness at
that sort of work.
The officers and irectors of the Society
have great reason to feel elated at the
success attending heir efforts this year,
as each one, from the president down,
has worked with •ie same end in view—
the success of the fair. Messrs. Elliott,
Robertson and Do gles, upon whom, of
course, a great deal of the executive
work devolved, ar• to be congratulated.
There is not now . or never was any rea-
son why Wingha • should not have a
much more success ul fall fair than many
of the neighboring towns, and we hope
now to see it conti • ne to prosper and in-
crease in interest .ach year.
as follows: -Speed -
Livingston, Blyth,
1, W iugham ; horses,
lock; beef cattle and
ueiph ; dairy cattle,
ming, Guelph ;poul-
iam;woblen goods,
the fact that
olitics to them.
es afforded in
rho were not
lie olcler settled
and timber resources of t
country. Mr. Ganey i
remarks paid a complim
e ran a of t� town and sar-
hat part of the
concluding his
nt to tbe meg-
rounding country.
3,wasan easy winuer
russels 1 1 1
Lucknow 3 2
'2. McLean,
Co„Listowel 4 4 3
, 2.27%.
ane, W. J. Currie,
of West Wawanosh,
or Messrs. Elliott &
for a foal by Prince of
u Carrie of East Wa-
n Mr. Gen. Cruiclt-
single driver, H.Ziun,
the red ticket, with
The display in the ha11' this year, tak-
en as a whole, was hatdly up to last
The judges wei
ing contests, Elai
and Chea. Knecht
S. B. Fuller, Wouc
swine, G. B, Hood,
and sheep, Mr. C
try, W. Taylor,W
etc., T. A. Mills,ugham ; grain and
seeds, A. H. Carr and Thos. Gregory,
Wingham ; roots and vegetables, Rich.
Armstrong, Wingham ; i'ruit, F. Met-
calf and A Sloan, Blyth; dairy and pro•
ole, Belgrave; fine
and Dr. Towler,
visions, Mrs. John
arts, Rev. Dr. Gun
Wingham ; plantsd flowers, F. Met -
year. There was not as large a display calf and A. Sloan, Myth; ladies' work, I ways given in the
of ladies' wont, but the quality was bars Jas. Hampton iMt. Forest; school i printed at this of
good. Of apples there wily a good dis- children's coiupetlt on, A. H. Musgrove, necessary arrange
are guaranteed to give sat-
isfaction in all forms of
stomach troubles --or money
The Druggist.
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
Get the Best ---It pays,
for securing a thorough business
education or a superior shorthand
training. Our graduates are always
successful in eettine positions. THIS
Write for catalogue.
Euter this month if possible.
The auction sa]e
us. It will pay yo
printing at this o:
bilis on short noti
a good job. A fr
play of fine fruit. In leery, produce, gingham.
grain and seeds, there wi s a fairly large In the list of p
display and the quality as good. W. Wingham fall far, given in another
T. A. Fishleigh, hardveare merchant, column of this issue, a few errors have
occupied a large space wih a fine display been made. Owinto a new system of Dr. Brown L. R. C. P., London, Eng-
tioneer that parti
ize winners at the f ,ire.
ale Bills.
enema is again with.
to get your sale bills
ce. We print the
and will give you
e notice of sale is al-
Tn1Es when bills are
ce. We can malt, all
vents with any a
s having sales may r
of his ivares; Mr. D. Beld music dealer, keeping Crank 01 th
and the Singer Manufacturing Co , also the Society this
had displays, and Messr4. A. Young & difficult for the
Son were ou hand witlf a display of get the Haines o:
stoves,the product of 0h1 Western Fenn- The page on whi
dry Co., Wingham. en was printed on
An interesting exhibit! and one which we wero not able tgmake the corrections
attracted a good deal of attention, was a in the list. The cor reccious are as fol -
miniature schooner con'plete,with masts, lows:—Heavy draw ht team of Horses,
j sails, etc. This was the handiwork of Thos. Davidson wok first prize; aged
Mr. R. Bloomfield, of t�iYIorris township, ram, Leicester, Pur ')s Bros. first, no
and was entirely care d by hand. second; red fall whet should be J. 13.
The Stone Block Cement Co. made an Tyerman, first: citrons should be J. 13.
exhibit of their goodsi which are now Tyerman first; collet
being manufactured in Wingham. The be Jas. Alton first,
men engaged in this l usiness are Messrs. second; extracted
Young, Taylor & Gl¢ver. Henderson & Son Sr
AMONG THE ICE STOCK. mals grouped or sin
In live stock, the i general opinion is McInnes; slumber r
that this year's fair !eclipsed all previous first, Mrs. Orvis, segond; laundry bag,
ones, both in entries and in the quality Mrs, McInnes, second; battenburg lace,
entries adopted by
year it was very
newspaper men to
the prize winners,
h the prize list is giv-
3aturday night and
tion of pears should
T, M. Henderson,
ney should be C.
t; oil painting, ani-
le, second to Mrs.
be, Mrs. McInnes,
of the stock.
An instructive xhibit was one of
poultry by le. C. Elford,of the Dominion
Poultry Exporime `tel Station atHolmes-
ville, showing the est and most desire, -
Mrs. Hanson first, Airs. McInnes second.
The concert in the opera house in the
evening was well attended and the en-
tertainers did not disappoint the audi-
ence. H. Ruthveii Macdonald was a
ble kinds for fatte ing purposes. It was concert .n himself' He was in fine form
a practical lesson do the raising of poul- and his several s lections were highly
try for fattening, And was interesting to appreciated. In ur mind his two best
hat work. he Miner's Dream of
ATTRAOTIONS e Golden Wedding."
,as manifested in the las a splendid baritone
race. There were five pleasure to listen to him.
omit, was well received
ought rounds of laughter
. He will always be sure
tion. Miss Susie McGill,
of London mar o her first appearance be-
fore a Wingh n audience and was was
received. 141' s McGill has a good voice
and her sings g and dancing was much
Mrs. H. Ruthven Macdon-
the duties of aecempan-
ble manner. The Agrieul.
s to be congratulated on
Ithe evening's entertain•
tbose'engaged in
Great interest
gentleman's road
entries. The firs
single harness,va
donation of Mr. t
maker, and this
event an interes
ed ono. Tho fo
Gentlemen's goad race:—
Sandy, Dr. Per
Wane, Beattie
Little ,Tint,G.C.
Jubilee, Sas. le
Dexter, J, Mul
Five heats w,
2.85 race, Th
following g i
time: -
2.35 trot or 2
Starlight, T.M
Maggie Dano,
Walter rerga
In the free-fo
numbers were "
Home" and "T
Mr. Macdonald
voice and it is
prize was a set, of Will McLeod,
ued at $30,the generous and his songs b
has Knechtel, harness from the peopl
ontributed to make the of a good rem
ng and keenly -contest -
owing is the summary:
ue, Blyth 3 l 1
:res., Wingham 1 3 3
ham 2 2 2 appreciated.
ertson, Belgravia 4 4 aild performe
oy, Belmore 5 5 4 5 ist in a very n
re required to decide the tura' Society
re were three entries. the success of
the summary, and the
land, Graduate of London, New York
and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat, will be at the
eeucou'o Hotel, .:inghain, 4th Wednes-
day in each. mouth. Hours from 2 to
8 p. m.
40 pace:—
Donald, Lucknow 33 111
h, 1'. McDevitt,
11 222
on, Tim Corbett, 22 333
-all, Raplin, owned by
The list of p ize-winners will e found
npa8 e2 of t s issue.
Yon know all about r property or
business, I know ho , when and where
to reach the bu . Let us combine
Our forces. C. MAGtit8, Real Estate
Everything in NIn's
Fall Shoes that's new—
right from the Footwear
fashion centres.
This Shoe store has the
reputation of giving more
attention to correct fash-
ions than any other store,
and a look at our Fall
styles will convince you
that we deserve it.
Through all the trials
and tribulations of making
selections, we never lose
sight of the important
question of price.
It's a duty you owe "to
yourself, Sir, to see our
Fall stock of Shoes.
ter We do repairing and do it
right. Bring along your Shoes.
W. J. Greer
The Shoe Man.