HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-24, Page 8TILE 'WINGED]. TIMES, SEPTEMBER 1903 'b''tN"'�'I�I+`�1G� `iRn''�.'lar'�t.'N�`13�•it'�gr�t'�'��'4'�''�+�'@�b• � RITCIflE & CAMPBELL. "��r ^�'Mk'1�':K'ilk'V�+"Cr'Q+''6r�"1f"4'459,''�'i'v�1�'rnlr Q�'b Ai►'Qr GRAND DISPLAY OF Fall and Winter Goods No better assortment of goods can be had out- $ side of the cities ; and the prices are right ; including Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, from the best makers in France and Germany. MANTLES, of the latest New York and Paris styles. FUR RUFFS and FUR COATS, including Persian Lamb, Astrachan and Coon, from the 0 best furriers inn Canada, will he on display °.T11tltsl?Av, SEPT. 24.Tlr and following days, Special Prices for Saturday and all the following week 12 pieces Flannellette, 30 and 32 inches wide, reg. 8c, for - - - .05 10 pieces Wrapperatte, assorted patterns and colors, worth 10c and 121c, for - .08 5 pieces Dress Goods, assorted colors, 54 -inch, regular 75e, for - - 5 dczen Ladies' Cashmere Hose, reg 30c & 40c. 5 pieces Table Linen, regular 50e to 75c, for 100 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, special 50 pairs Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.25 quality for 12 Ladies Mantles, worth $9 & $9, fall fair pricy $5.00 .50 .23 .40 .50 .50 Butter 15e and 16e; Eggs 15e; taken as cash. RITCHIE & CAMPBELL $ �"0►•4ZR�.^Z+,'L')�BY "t./Q0.•'6D�'�'O•i'cF,b'@�'�9�'"J•'11r��'�'�'Q3•'O�b� 0 li y --Minutes of Turnberry Council and Presbytery of Maitland are crowded out of this issue. —H. X. Tudhopo announces a special ten days' crckery sale. See his new advt. in another column. —At the last meeting of the Morris Council. Mayor Vaustone was appointed solicitor for that township. —Mr. Thos. H. Taylor has sold a num- ber of the seats in the Congregational church to the Methodist church people at Langside, —All proeressive farmers in the neighborhood count on being present at Wingliam fall fair on Thursday and Fri- day of this week. —Wingham and Blyth baseball clubs played a game on the petit on Saturday afternoon last. The score was 7 to 4 in favor of Wingham, —Dr. Chisholm has had the vacant strip of laud south of the drug store covered with sod. The Dr. likes to keep his premises clean and tidy. —Miss Kate McLellan, late of God- erich has been appointed assistant iu the commercial department at the Toronto Junction Collegiate Institute. —The last excursion of the year to Manitoba and the Northwest is advertis- ed for the 29th inst. Get particulars from advt. iu another column. --Mr. D. E. McDonald, Highland piper and Miss Mabel McDonald, Highland dancer :•ill assist at the Drayton fall fair concert on Tuesday evening next. —Mr. John Campbell, of this town has been engaged as Principal of the Public School at Mosley. The people of Ches- ley will find Mr. Campbell a good teach- NOTIOE. Noticeis hereby given that a Court will 'be held. pursuant tothe Ontario Vetere' List Act, by His Honour, the Judge Utile County Cuttrt of the County of Huron, at the Town Mall in the said Town of Wingham on 19th and 14th days of October,1003, at 10 o'clock a. in., to hear and determine the several complaint:: of errors andoniissionaia the Voters',X.ist of the Munici• �atlity of the Town of Wingltmt for the year 003. All persons having; business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated, Cleric's Otllee.Wingham, Sept. 17, 1003, T. B FERGUSON, Cleric of the said Town and Court, 4. -1• .4.. 4. 4. • 4. A GOMPUTEE STOGii. OF -I- .fir. -f• K .4• 4. 4. 4. 4 .l. 4. 4 4- 4 4, 4. 4. 4. All Wall Pager4.4. 4. Trimmed Free 4. .11160VIGIR v 1 Cooer CCH 4. 4. I- • c$uecessor.; tc, Alex. ]2o. ' ) '.44• 4.-1--.1.-lel-l-4-÷.144.14-1--144.0..0.-1414-l4.1- ♦ per May be found at this store at any time of the year. Daring September and October, howevcr,tho assortment will be larger than it will be in Novem- ber and December, so that if you' have any Fall housecleaning and decor- ating to do, now is the best time to make your selection and have us re- serve what yon will need •fir 4 4�. • •s •i• 4. 'i •'r •i• 4' -,4 .:. if not ready to use it. or MINOR LOCALS. —The Brussels fall fair will be held on Oct, 1st and 2nd. - Potatoes are said to be rotting bad- ly in this section. —The Grand Trunk Railway has 40,- 000 stockholders. —The L 0. 0. F. has a total member- ship of 43,891 in Canada. —Mr. D. E. McDonald shinned a car load of cattle to Toronto ou Monday. — Fells dr Mitchell, butchers have a now advt. in this issue. Look for it in another column. ^—Mr. Thos. Gregory has about com- pleted the concrete foundation for his :hew block of stores. — Judge Doyle will hold Voters' List Court for East Wawanosh, i.n Belgrave, on Friday, Oct. Oth. —Wm. Armour is now in the market to purchase all kinds of poultry. See his advt. in another column. FARM F r11HE undersigned o' Jl 100 acre farm with 80 acres cleared and in 15 acres good hardw timbered with cedar emises are erected pr bank barn. For furtl AT SALE, rs for site a choice 1 5 miles of Wingham. pied state of cultivation, d hush, balance well nd basswood. On the new brick grouse and r particulars apply to . GLOVER Wingham. YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE undersigned will keep for service on lHE J. his farm at Winghain junction, the thor- oughbred Improved Yorkshire Boars "Lake- view Premier. Lakeview Premier• was bred by R. F. Ducat & Son, Port Credit, Ont. His sure was Summer Hill Master. 4188, bred by D. C. Platt..& Son, Mill Greve. Ont, His dam, Lakeview Daisy 10558, bred by R. F. Duck & Son. Terms, $1,00, at time of service, with privilege of returning, G. DAVIDSON, Wingham P.0, Pooliry Wanted. I ala now in the mark to buy all kinds of Poultry. Will y the highest Cash price for good thickens, either dead or alive. 51ce per pouu r good fat Chickens, and 4c per pot d for fat Hens, live weight. Don't deliver Dressed Poultry until after Oct. 1st. Parties having Fowl to dispose of will er. do well to see me before selling. —Mr. Thos. Dane, a respected resi- dent of Howiek, near Orange Hill has been seriously i11 this week. He was stricken with. apoplexy early in the week. —The blacksmiths of Walkortson have joined what is known as "The Western Blacksmiths' L'uion," and the result will be a general increase in prices. —The R. H, Crowder Co. have enlarg- ed their space this week. If you are in need of anything in mems wear it wil pay you. to read the aavt in another column. —Wingham's fall fair on Thursday. and Friday of this week. Don't forget the grand concert in the opera house on Friday evening. Plan of hall at Doug- lass' drug store. Il —Mr. Alex. Ross, local agent for the Dominion Express Co. and C. P. R.Tele- graph Co. has moved his office to the one recently fitted up for him, next to the Macdonald Bleck. —It is stated that the Grand Trunk Western has paid the Wallace Bros. cir- ens $35,000 cash and provided them a new car as damages incurred during the terrible wreck at Durand on Aug. 7. —Mr. Thos. Bower, of this town had an exhibit of Pyle Bantams at the Lon- don Fair, and he was very successful. His birds took the followiugirizes:-1st cock; 1st and 2nd cockrel and 1st pullet. —Messrs. John Mowat and E. F. Kennedy have moved their families and household effects to Action, where both gentlemen have accepted positions in the glove factory of the W. H. Storey & Son Co. —Mrs. Duni;an Anderson, formerly of Wingham, but now living in FIespeler, has sold her house and lot on Francis St, to l4Ir. George Wynn of Wingham. Price $G30. C. J. Maguire negotiated the sale for Mrs. Anderson. —The deal by which Mr. Thos. Mallin was to take charge of the Allion Hotel at Gorrie has fallen through. Mr. Dulmage has now rented -the hotel to Mr. Al. Proctor, of Aurora, who takes possession on Monday next. —A travelling troupe played East Lynne in the opera house on Monday evening to a small audience. —Plan of hall for the Johnson-Mc- Raye recital opens at H. Park's jewel- lery store on Monday next. —Miss Deacon has returned to town and is again prepared to attend to all ord- ers for sewing entrusted to her. —Be sure you secure your seats early for the fall fair concert on Friday even- ing. A rare treat is in store for you. —A new folding machine has been in- stalled in the Listowel Banner office. It should be a time saver for Brer. CIhmhe. —On October 1st Mr. Robt. Mooney will move his stock of stoves and tinware to the store recently occupied by Mr. C. Knechtel. WM. ARMOUR. W INCH AM. Notice to Creditors and Others. THE LATEST IN ILLI NER MISS BOYD Thanks the ladies of town and sur- rounding country for their presence at her Millinery Display on Tuesday. The newest and most up -to date goods will be found here, and a cordial invitation is given to any who have not already done so to inspect them. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1807, chapter 120, section 38, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other serine Smart ingham in the axed, who died on ay of August, A. cl by post prepaid, rug of the Town of of Perth, Solicitor for Joseph Beavers an Clarence Freeman, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or before the 2401 day of October, A. D. 1003, their full names, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security lit any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the said last mentioned date, the said Executors will distribute the Assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of winch notice shall have been given as above required, and that the said Executors will not be responsible for the Assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time ofsuch distribu- tion. Dated this 18th clay of September A.D. 1003, E. W. HAtenING, Solicitor for Executors, St. Marys P. 0., Ont. persons having claims against C Rogers, late of the Town of county of Huron, widow, dee or about the twenty-fonrtl D., 1003, are require to s or deliver to E. W. al St. Marys in the Cot n —Dr. H. E. W. T_mlyn has been ser- iously ill for some days past. A. blood. vessel bursted on Friday afternoon and he was in a critical condition. The •l• TIMES is pleased to learn that he is now improving and hopes to be about again in a few days. —Mr. T. H. Race, editor of the Mitchell Recorder, a son of Elizabeth I Race, whose next of kin was advertised for in the Globe of Aug. 11, has been informed that a fortune of ,£10,000 will be devidbcl among the family of the deceased. —Mr. Frank McCormick of Culross who had his left hand severely injured in a moving machine some two montbe ago , is now able to drive around without vrarseamesommwanmeme assistance and his hand is improving nicely. It will be several weeks yet be fore ho will be able to do any work - 1' } buy Crockery .MI orders for Fall and Winter Headwear will receive prompt and careful attention. Thanking the ladies for their kindness in the past, and soliciting the same for the future, • .4-.4 It pays best in the end. The Canada Business College Yours truly, MISS BOYD. CHATHA,II, ONT., With its 27 years of successful work to its credit, stands without a peer in Canada in the line of BUSINESS or SHORTHAND training 340 students placed in good positions in the past eleven months shows what we do for our students when graduated. College reopened for Fall Term, Sept. 1. Our catalogue is the handsomest issued by any business school in the Dominion. Copy sent Ly addressing, D. McLACHLA C & ., lrathamCO, Ont. Now area here. We ar_e.. having a special Ten Days' S' of everything in the,Crockery department. If you are Lely to need any in the clear future it will pay you to inv t while this sale is on. We've got to make room for our fal shipments ; so here goes : 1st ---WHITE PTATES— Tea siz', Sale Price, per doz. Breakfast size, Sale Price, " Dinner '` Sale Price, " Cups & Saucers, Sale Price " 2nd ---COLORED PLATES Tea Size, Sale Price, per doz. Breakfast Size, Sale Price, " Dinner Size, Sale Price, " Cups & Saucers, Sale Price " Mrd—ALL FANCY. CAIN"A including Cups and Saneers, Vaeea, Salads, Biscuit Jars, " Cream rugs and Raw fruit dishes at Li less than regular. 4 .50 .00 '75 .50 .00 .70 .85 i --DINNER SETS One elegant 97 piece sot worth $13 00 easy, Bread and Butter Plates instead of Butter Pads. There aro two pieces broken. It doesn't spoil the set by any means, but you can have it for $9.00 Another very pretty 97 piece set slightly damaged regular $10.00, Sale Price, 0 Elegant 97 pieee sets every, piece good regular $10 to $13 Sale Price, 5th----Ilockingham Tea Pots, Bowls, .Tugs, Pio Plates and Pudding dishes, at 25% re- duction. 0tlh----12 N'ew Water Sets all of the very latest styles regular $1.35 and $1.50, Sale Price, TUDHOPE'S BOWS. CAypngtn—In Wingham,on September 1801, the wife of Colin A. Campbell; a son. RATut—In East Wawanosh, on September 10th the wife of Win. Rath ; a son. MAntts—In Teeswater, on Sept. !nth, the wife of John Marrs; a daughter. 11AfRIED BTrtins—PAniTN 0N --In Brussels, on Sept, 10, by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, Mr. Win. S. Stubbs to Mrs. Frances Parkinson, both of Morris. LEsstTE—idAcnoNAtD—At the Manse, Har; riston, on Sept. 10, 1003, by Rey. 1i C.Cameron, SINGLE B. D., Albert Edward Lessliq ,, of Uorrie, to Hannah McDonald, of Owen Sound. INOAta—Mc HHEnzTE—In Kinloss, on Sept. 3rd. by the Rev. F. A. McLennan, Thos. Inglis, of West Wawanosh, to Jennie, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. Alex McKenzie, of the 3rd con. Kin• loss. 44♦444♦♦••••••4444!4♦N44♦ 44••444♦•,•••444.4444♦040+ Z iiir MN • 4444 H ♦ w Friday, 25th i - _ — t t. FALL MILLINERY. To the Ladies : OPERA HOUSE, WINDHAM IN I desire to express my thanks to the ladies of Wingham and vi- cinity for their very generous favors in the past, and also for their kindness in attending my millinery display on Tuesday last. I am now ready for early fall orders, and can assure all who favor me with their patronage that the very latest and prettiest in millinery will be found here. All orders will receive prompt attention. GOROONI • (last day of Wingham fall fair) we will give :. _. Special Bargains in evera argent ii., t : of our large and carefully selected stock. Do not fail to i i ask to see our splendid range of the most stylish, up -to- :.: date Ladies', Misses' and • ildren's Coats :; and 'Wraps, at prices that ca of fail to please. • • In Men's Ready -to- the largest bargains e r a ♦ The salve fact wi 1 ♦` ear Clothing we offer empted by this house: *'•. ply to every article in the store. • • Let every person come ; use- our office for your o : correspondence ; leave your wraps here *here they will t a be safe and convenient when you require them ; and do 0 � not have any anxiety about being turned out of this store i any time during the day. Miss MacPherson. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATES, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. 4.o' • • • D. Gordon • • • DIRECT IMPORTER. i P. S. ----You will find every article in store marked • s• 4. • in plain figures. . •o' ♦000000000000*0000004400♦4 44.00♦4004004000404.0♦400♦07 Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. The Meat You Order "The Country Girl," MONDAY, SEPT. 28th Prices, - 50c and 25c. Plan of Hall at Campbell's drug store. GRANO TRUNK SYs EM Annual Western Excursions 7.50 NEmnany—Cent.. ht—At tho residence of the bride's parents, Morris on September 15th, by Rev. J. lolnroncls, Mr, Alex. Id. Nether•, of Sarnia, to Clara Charlotte, youngest daughter $8.50 of Mr. and Mrs. jus. Couper, DIED $1,10 Me(4rrtttr --In St. Helene, tin Sept. lOth,Cntlr- erineMeGuire.aged90 years. WArlrca--At Tavistock on Sept, 14th, W. G. Watts. aged 48 years yearn, formerly a resident of Wroxeter. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKEfis. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth ir<e Bank of Hamilton. wr NGH A.l� 1door 4/ahodonS d bololck Dude, Shop op. 1'A110 ..Olt THE ROUND TRIP To Port Huron, Mich, Cleveland Ohba. Detroit, Cincinnati, Grand Rapids " Columbus Saginaw, Dayton, " Chicago, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. $28.40 to St. Paul or Minneapolis, Minn. (food going Sept. 24, 2.3 and 20th. Valid returning on or before Oct. 12th. Special Colonist One - Way Excursion Tickets Now on sale to points in British Columbia, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Colorado rid California. Harvest Excursions x23,00 to 'taAnktln9sinihota,Alb d Saacew Going Sept. 20th, valid returning until Nov.30. ror tickets and All information apply to agents. L. EA12OLD, Agent, Wingluant, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'vvvlvvv' vvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvv from us will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of the best quality. E We ha v -r 9 Roasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and For Steaks, Bowles, CI ee ► ► ► n ► Curtain Poles in all shades. ► ► Picture Framing promptly attended to. is ► ► ► ► ► ► WALKER BROS. & BUTTON • C Furniture and Undertaking. The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. AA• AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:IAA. ll..s, Soup ling Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hide and Skins. FURNITURE for any room in different kinds of wood, all well finished. Prices as low as can be had. .4 in the house, f1< made and well .4 4 We are also prepared to pay the highest prices, for all kinds of Poultry. 4 , 4 You are cordially invited to look through our 41. 4 is a 41 stock before purchasing furniture elsewhere. —SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS__ 1AT THE We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will give satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. FELLS & MITCHELL. Opposite Skating Rink. ANNUAL WESTERN North -Wester Fair, - Wiugham'. Thursday & riday, Sept. 24-25 EXCURSIONS Fair to be opened at Address o R. R. G .30 P. M., on the 25th, by an• New Ontario, by I1 EY, M. P. P. 1 -FREE -FO a-ALL—Trot or Pac: (Darkey and Cap. Brino barred) Purse $150.00 2-2.85 TROT, 2.40 PACE Purse $50,00• 3—GENTLEMEN'S ROAD RAC a to four -wheeled vehicle.—lst prize Set Rubber Harness by Cha•. Knechtel, $30; 2nd prize, Cooler, value $12.00; 3rd prize, Plus Rug, value $8.00 $50.00. THE PURSES WILL BE DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS : No. 1-50%, 25x;,.15%, 10% ; 5 to -Ater, 4 to start ; mile heats ; best 3 in 5, No. 2-50;0, 30;x, 20% ; 4 to enter, ' to start ; mile heats; best 3 in 5. No. 3—Horses to be owned on the fl ab day of July, 1903, and to have been used exclusively for road purposes, p ud not been trained by a professional trainer during the last 12 months; hobbles b rred; owners to drive their own horses, Prizes on exhibition at Chas. 9 nechtel's harness shop. Entries will be received by Ths. Bell, Esq., at his office in the Bell factory, up to 11 o'clock a.m., 25th inst. Hor.es to be ready to start at 1.30 o'clock ppm. An entrance fee of 5 per cent. ill be charged in Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 per cent. retained from winners in No. 1. The Committee reserve the right to change the order of the above races- Association rules to govern. Return tickets to St. l'aul and Mimeo < a polis, Minn., via North gray, 128.40, Sept. 24th, 2'sth. 20th; via Owen Sound and Upper Lakes on Sept. 24th and 20th SU 40 Single Fare for Round Trip To Detroit, !Day City, Grand 11apids, Saginaw, Melt, Chicago, Irl., Cincinnati, Cleveland, Coltttnbus, Dayton, 011ie Indianapolis, Ind. Tickets good going Sept. 24th, 25th and 26t1i, valid for return until Octo- ber 12th, 1003, from all stations Toronto to Windsor, including branches. Tickets and full artieulars from your nearest Canadialt PaciiPc Agent. A. if, NOTMAN, sa Assistant General $'asienger Agent 3', 3, ELLIOTT, 1 aging St. Bast, Toronto ?resident. CHICKEN -PLUCKING CONTEST 4n 25th in front of grand stand. Prizes, $2; 81. Football Tournament, September 24th and 25th. On the evening of Sept. 24th at Fair Grounds. Band and other a p Sp=,_A.Y, 0 Grand Concert in the To •For which the following talent has Baritone Soloist; WI MISS SUSIE Admission to Co Plan of hall and sale of seats op Sept. 2 Promenade Concert will bo given in t— he Hall tractions in attendance, Closing with a grand F' R DWORKS n Hall on the Evening of 25th en secured : H. RUTHVEN MoDONALD, L. McLEOD, Humorist; and cGILL, Spanish Dancer. cert, - 25c and 35c. at DO'GLASs' 'Drug Store on Monday, t, at 12.30 p.m. B.,A.1\112) N it. A, D • tTGLASS, Wt, 11.O13ERTSON, Treasurer. Secretary.