HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-24, Page 6COHOLIC DRINKS
Several European and American governments have made
parr tive tests of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for
ors on forced march. These tests have invariably resulted.
in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks
during all strenuous work, chocolate
and other sweetbeverages being
given instead.
The result of these scientific re-
searches is applicable to the army of
feeble and overworked people seek-
ing strength. Liquid medicines are
necessarily alcoholic ; they merely
stimulate and their effect is only°
Weak people should take ST.
JAMES WAFERS, which are a recon-
structive and a tissue builder ; their
effects are lasting, and a permanent
improvement will always follow their
steady use.
ST. JAMES WAVERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"I consider St. James Wafers a
most excellent preparation for
the nerves and shall recommend
them generally."
Dr. Thos. Brooks,
Manchester, Mag.
t Bat
t B434.
Y for',44T910NALwaosos 0
Olt n.rugGI5t5 et Demi`
Price in Canada: $1.00 ;
Six bottles for $5.00 4
St. Janes Wafers not a secret
remedy : to the numerous doctors re-
commending them to their patients
we mail the formula upon request.
'Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are mailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : St. James Wafers Co.. 1728
St. Catherine St., Montreal.
The ether day Mr. C. Greptiou of 12
King Street east, Toronto, found among
some second -lame articles he lend bought
a quaint old type cabinet, wearworu hat
still fit for servico. The case is of oak,
put together with wrought iron nails.
On the back this inscription appears:
"Wm. L. Mackenzie, Toronto. Can„
Nieigara Falls R. R., and steamer from
Lewiston." All this indicates that the
relic was a part of the printing plant
which Wilburn Lion Mackeuzie oper-
ated across the border after tbe rebellion
of 18317. Ws probably 75 years old.
We understand that Mr. G. F. Blair,
of Brussels, has joined the legal arm of
Proudfoot and Hays, Goderich, and will
take up his residence in the county
town after the first of November. The
firm will be known as Proudfoot, Ilays
& Blair. Mr. Blair has been a useful
man In Brussels, and his removal will
be greatly regretted,es he is exceedingly
' a
. {tyoAys Paragraphs aphsfrom our Exchanges.
t0 t,
pude Mr. Frank 3ordon,butcher, Luekrow, I Miss Irene Campbell, of Listowel, has
ism ' 'killed an eight weeks old calf that dress- resigned Ler pcsition in the Monkton
and ed 210 ponds. It was a good cue. s. hool and will leave shortly for the Soo,
chest'`• Mrs. Anson Eaten died near Hespeler where she has secured a position on the
the tt on Wednesday, aged 94. She belonged teaching staff at a salary of $425 for the
rpost' to a family noted for its longevity first year.
were represnted.
be ba" 'Worms are
da.lueirnis, •
n. ten bIr J Hard of U br• Ontari
.>.as• tl, r
neve jLow's Pleasant Worm syrup aeacli is
• as tF. t nate and always effectual. Price 25c.
wool Enun;zh subscribers have enrollee thrdr
'eia''y manes tr, ensure the connection of Mit-
elheli acid aionkton by telephone.
W. D. Angus has been re-engaged as
cheese and butter maker for the Blum
Cheese and Butter C l., for another year
at a slight increase of salary.
Mr. A. H. Leake, Inspector of manual
trair.itlg, says tat the new school at
B&Mite, upon whleh $2.$,00`) will be spent,
will be ono of the attest niriulial training
and dantestic soieltoa sohools iu the
coo ntry.
Tue Listowel waterworks contractors
are pushing along the work as rapidly as
the eatohy weather will permit. Nearly
forty man are now engaged in laying
mauls. The cement basement of the
puuhping station is also being pushed
Miss Blakeman, who Las been a resi-
dent of Brussels for over 20 years, has
sold her house and lot on John street, to
John Budd, of Morris, who purposes
moving to town this fall. Miss Blake-
man will visit with relatives and friends
in Wellington county and from there
will go to Manitoba, where she may
make her home.
For O»'+. Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Treed Rf of d; —Mr
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymilllonsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chili,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty•five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
A quiet wedding was consummated
in Goderich, Thursday at noon, when
Miss Bertha, youngest slaughter of An-
drew Duff, the librarian at the
public library, became the bride
of R. R. Tupper, a merchant of
Lake Charles, Ont. The ceremony was
performed at the family residence, Stan-
ley street, by Rev. J. A. Anderson, B.
A., and the happy bride was given away
by her father.
1 If you can't sleep on account of a rag.
ling toothache, Low's Toothache Gum
will stop the ache and give yon ease.
1 ril dlCaue dealers.
Prise 10c, all e
The chartered banks of Canada have
1 deoided not to increase the interest rate
on depositors' funds from 3 per cent., the
present rate, to 3e per cent., as proposed
by the Bank of Lova Scotia. That con-
clusion was arrived at Friday at a special
meeting of the Canadian Bankers' Asso-
ciation, held in their headquarters in the
Bank of Montreal building, in Montreal,
at which the leas in Canadian banks
e brim on p , io,who C A ° ®R .
°net-Lame and death. If your chilli is is Si.years old, on Tuesday climbed to Bears the The Kind You Have always Bought
sufferieg from them, tidnhuuster Dr. the summit of Ben Nevis, the highest
mountain in Great Britain, 4,405 feet
above sea level. The aged Canadian
p erformecl this remarkable feat in four
and a half hours.
Mies Lottie Freeman; Listowel, who
•leceired serious burns about four weeks
InraImo from the explosion of a lamp, is
Hagyard's Yellow on is a good remedy
In.i for =au or beast. It reduces swelling,
aiong4allays inflammation, tikes out pain, and
and sl cures cuts, burns, bruises, sprains,
the r quinsy, sore threat, etc. Price 23e.
thous' Mr. Angus McDonald, of Kincardine,
are or A purchased Mr.P McD evhtt s interest
both I act Kincardine. He was 28 years old and
at one h;ad been eighteen years in the butcher -
Way ti ing business. Ile was a faithful old an -
open o inial and so his owuer superannuated
miles 1 Ilim some years ago and treated hila
her pet generously.
Waiting Fcr Second Growth. Timber.
The attention of the Department of
Crown Lamle has been called to the
fact that certain holder i of timber
licensees are endeavoring to keep their
licensees in effeet menet longer than
wing originally intended.. AA case in
point has come from Espanola, on the
drinisIi River, wftere extensive pulp
mills are being erected. +'a number of
man who leave been engaged an the
col struotion work ]have taken their
families with diem, and as there is
octhisid;'rablc good farming land in the
vicinity they have thought they would
like to take. up farms and settle down
as' 'goon. acs their work pan the millaais
completed. On smoking inquiry, they
have found that the township ie under
timber license, and hag been for 25
year:s. (The timber was all taken off
mans yearn ago, and it le claimed that
the. present holder, who, it lis said,
found the denuded limit' to be some-
thing, of a gold brick, is .simply trying
to lholcl hits license until a second crop
grows. t' There are (said to be 45 or 50
families ready to take up land around
Espanola at the present time, but havo
so far been prevented from doing so.
(Thi's case and any others of a sim-
ilar nature will be the subject of a
,speedy investigation by the depart-
ment. Of course, there is no trouble
with licen ea which have been issued
in recsnt years. They respect the
rights or eet tiers and have time limits,
but ,some 'of the old licensees issued 25
and 30 years ago were very wide and
have been troublesome.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New Yohlc Press.
Women can love to excess just as easily
as they eau hate unreasonably.
Men rarely show as much sympathy
for men in trouble as for women in dis-
Mrs. Wm. Berry, of Beuthick, has
been ill in the neighborhood of a couple
of years and her friends feared that she
had gone into decline. She frequently
had severe spasms of coughing. During
one of tbese violent efforts a couple of
weeks ago she coughed up a black ani-
mal about three inches long which re-
sembled a lizzard in a great degree. The
Berry family have been drinking spring
water and it is thought that Mrs. Berry
swallowed the egg in this way. %,ince
the event she has shown marked im-
provement in health.
Authorized Life of Pope Leo XIII
Trustworthy lady or gentleman in each
district to manage our business and start
agents in the sale of the Oficial and Au-
thorized Life of Pope Leo XIII. Book
ieeued uuder the imprimatur of Cardinal
Gibbons and endorsed by the leading
Archbishops and priests throughout the
United States and Canada; printed in
both English and French; Fee0.00 straight
cash salary and expenses paide
direct from headquarters; expense
money advanced; position permanent.
Address DAVID B. CLARKSON, 324 Dear-
born Street, Chicago.
John Stacey, an aged and infirm old
man, who resided near Sodom in Stephen
township,mysteriously disappeared from
his home last week and has not been
HEADACHE: ALL GONE. heard tell of since. Many hours has
Mrs. Melbourne Parker, Torbrook, N. been spent in fruitless search by the
S., writes; "I have used Milburn's neighbors, both through the woods and
Sterling Headache Powders, and after n
taking one or two felt better at once, and i surrounding country, but no trace
was able to get up and go on with my whatever has been effected. When
work." Price 10c and 25c, all dealers. leaving home he was dressed in a dark
grey coat, black trousers, wore a heavy
After a residence in Brussels of 24 , cap and carried a rough walking -stick he
years, during which Andrew Currie was his hand.
as pure lase associated with his father and afterwards C1 A 'XsR x
,cs- .
in the Lucknow hotel on the corner of successor in a large and successful but. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Rees and Campbell streets, and took cberi ng business, he bas disposed of his j Signature
ossessiclh of the business this week, business to his brother, John Currie,and of
Jack Adams' old grey died this week his nephew, Andrew Currie, both of The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Seaforth. I Graham, Outram street, in Lucknow
A joint stock company with a share i was the scene of apretty home wedding
capital of $100,000 is being organized to ion Wednesday forenoon, Sept. 10th,
manufacture lager beer, ale and porter when their second daughter, Miss Ida
in Stratford. A considerable amount of was united in marriage to Mr. Francis
P. Flynn, of the brass foundry works,
Flint, Mich. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rey. R. R. Millyard of
the Methodist church. in the presence of
the family and immediate friends of the
o£ t bride.
Thais; For Infants and Children,
of$112r'iio Kind You Have Always Bought
or aha Bears the
Thly spea
Signature of
In the removal to Germantown, Ohio,
d $ of Dr. Wilkie, ie, Clinton loses one of its
d t citizens For ,0 odd
the stock has already been subscribed. A
plant costing $70,000 is to be installed.
C1 Ed'X'CAR-Z A .
Bears the The Kind Von stave Always Bought
Rev. Father Stanley who has been ap-
pointed parish priest of Goderich was
tendered a public farewell at St. Thom-
as and presented with a purse of $220
on behalf of the congregation of the
church of the Holy Angels. Rev.Father
West, late of Goderich, was welcomed.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
13y local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is causedby an inflamed condi-
re Ilon gest resi en tion of the mucous lining of the Eustach-
0,738; ears he had dwelt in town and during her, Henryeattia Barrister, of Olin- ian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
etas they y ' you have a rumbling sound of imperfect
That that time had been constantly employed ton, tiring of the lonesomeness of a hearing, and when it is entirely closed,
tots wat the profession of dentistry. bachelor's life, took unto himself a life I Deafness is the result, and unless the in -
Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to 1 partner, in the person o s Miss Ida M. 1 Hammation can be taken out and this
00 o\eiwash woolens and flannels, --you'll like Turner, on Saturday afternoon, Sept. , tube restored to its normal condition,
,er cent hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
at 32 12th. The ceremony was performed in cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
That t which is nothing but an inflamed condi-
During the month of Jelly the county tion of the mucous services.
sof Huron is credited by the monthly We will give One Hupdred Dollars
ulletin from the Provincial Board of for any case of Deafness (caused by Ca-
ealth's office with having two deaths tarrh) tbat cannot be cured by Hall's
fCatarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
from diphtheria and one from tubercul-
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
psis. These occurred,at Wroxeter, Wa- Sold by all Drnggists, 75c.
itartte.'wanosh W., and Grey.Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The hand of death visited Goderich on
Saturday, Sept.l2th, and separated the
soul from its earthly temple of the late
Abraham Smith, one of Goderich's old-
est residents. He was born in Dorset.
shire, Eng., in 1835, and came to this
country in 1840 with his father, who
settled in Woodstock. They lived there
for ten years coming to Goderich in 1850.
Iu 1S5$ Mr. Smith was married to Ellen,
second daughter of John Allen. He
carried on a large and successful cloth-
ing store up to a few years ago and lour-
ing this time had gained the respect of
all who knew himas may be seen from
the confidence the people had reposed in
him by electing him as their represent-
ative to the county council as deputy
reeve for over 15 years.
Fromthe Toronto Tele gram we take
the following: "Can nothing be done
to kill elf exhhbitiou tramps? One girl
in the women's building took at least
$100 in prizes. She is showing both at
Ottawa and London. Her livelihood is
made by exhibiting at fairs. She and
others like her are the means of . deterr-
ing many who might be exhibitors from
entering for competitions. Would it not
be wise to prohibit the same individual
from entering for more than three com-
petitions'? * - " A lady visitor.while
making the round of the women's build-
ing, met with a surprise. She found a
piece of lace she had made ticketed first
prize end exhibited as being the work of
a child who shall be nameless. The
lady had presented the lace to the child's
mother, who had then made use of it for
the sake of the paltry sunt to which the
prize amonnted. Note should be taken
of this lest a similar proceeding again
Seaforth by Rev. Mr, Larkin at the resi-
dence of Mr. John Turner, father of the
Mr. Chas. Johnston, Bear River, N. S.,
says: "I was troubled with hoarseness
and sore throat and after taking three
bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine,Syr-
up I was entirely cured.
if sent direct to the''dlseased
parts by the Improved Blower,
Heals the ulcers, clean the air
passages, scope droppings In the
threat and permanantly Cures
Catarrh and Hayfever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Cissa
1(.dioine Co.. Toronto Ind Barak,.
lady in Brantford, Ont., while eat-
; honey felt a sharp pain and her
ingoo swelled afterwards, supposedly
ni the sting that some bee had left
the Honey. Is that the way the ton-
es of some other people get their sting?
r. Jas. Torn, one of Exeter's oldest
most highly respected residents cele -
tel. his hard birthday on Saturday
. At this remarkable age Mr. Tom
enjoying the best of health and gives
tea of celebrating numerous more
The choicest farm in Hallett exchang-
ed hands last week. We sneak of the
Tasker place situated on con. 13. It
was composed of 225 acres, well -fenced,
and all necessary buildings thereon. The
more than fortunate gentleman to get
this place at the price he did was Samue
Plumtree, of McKillop. The price paid
Vas $10,100.
Rev. W. H. Stillman, who has been in
charge of the Congregational church at
]Listowel for the past year left on Thurs-
day for Montreal, where lie intends tak-
ing a post -graduate course at the Con-
gregational College. Rev. C. C. Claris,
of Tilbury, will take his place as paster
of the Congregational church in Lis-
A schoolmaster offered a prize to the
boy who could write the best composi-
tion in five minutes on "How to Over-
come Habit." This Is what was writ-
ten by a nine-year-old boy who won the
prize: "Well, sir, habit is hard to over-
come. If you take off the first letter it
doesn't change it'abit.' If you take off
another, you still have a 'bit' left. If
you take off still another, the whole of
'it' remains. If you take off another, it
is not wholly used up, all of which goes
to show that if yon want to get rid of a
habit,you must throw it off altogether."
"I have tried Laxa'Liver Pills, and
find them an excellent medicine for indi-
gestion and Eilionsness.
X. McCallum, Stouffvillo, Oat.
No matter how swelled a man's bead
is he never thinks he is of as much im-
portance in the world as his wife does.
is ov
A woman alwaysg a new rim man is discovering e
corset that either will snake a thin person
look stout or a stout one thin.
It doesn't take a mau long after he is
engaged to realize that he is being shown
around as if he were a new gown.
The reason a scandal party breaks up
late is that every woman in it is afraid
to go away and havo others take up her
One nice thing about the way women
dress is that at a picnic party they can
sit in a damp place more comfortably
thee a man can.
It is funny how many grass widows
have hair the color of hay,
Women are so queer they will marry
a than it would make them shudder to
have their sisters like.
The pride that a woman gets out of
her son being a coward is that he is not
so likely to go into danger.
A woman's idea of riches is being able
to put a $5 bill on the collection plate
when the woman she hates is looking.
When a woman gete through worrying
over whether the cellar is damp she be-
gins on whether the children might not
catch malaria from the cellar next door.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans .tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion,
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
The Coming of Autumn.
(S. E. Kiser.)
The roses are gone, but the beautiful
Of the goldenrod spreads where the soft
breezes blow;
The hills that were green and loomed
near in July,
Seem distant, and bluishly blend with
the shy
Beyond where the slender streams lazily
'Neath the elms that were green but a
glad week ago,
Brown leaves are beginning to flit to and
The last of the nestlings has learned
how to fly.
The roses are ,gone.
But where the vines stretch in many a
Rich clusters of grapes are beginning to
Their soft tints of purple, and thick on
the dry
Brown turf 'heath the trees the ripe
apples lie—
O, the world is still good, still is lovely,
The roses are gone.
Are a sure and permanent cure for all
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
Is the first sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it t Check it in time!
Serious trouble will follow if yen don't.
Cure your Backache by taking '
4641('„; K ifiK : K &) . K .& K
Specialists In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of
Men and Women. 25 Years in Dotrolt.
&a"No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually °wept
to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas.
Anderson was one of the victims, but
was rescued
ued in time.
e. Be
says. •I learned an evil habit. Achan a soon came over me.
I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
poor c,rculation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make
matters worse, I beca.ue reckless and contracted a blood disease.
I tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed till Drs. Ken-
nedy & Kergan took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a
few weeks was entirely cared. They aro the only reliable and
honest Specialist.; in the country."
READER—We guarantee to cure yon or no pay. You run no
risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware. of
frauds and impostors. we win pay $1,000 for any case we take that our NEW
METHOD TREATMENT will not cure.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Varicocele, Stricture. Weak Parts, Kidney
and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question
List for Home Treatment.
DRS. KENNEDY Ei KERG NCor.MIDeiroit,,Me 61.eIbYSt.
N1N1K "'K:CF .K;ri';kC4t ill'
All work promptly executed
at most reasonable prices.
Two shall be born, the whole wide world
And speak in different tongues, and
have no thought
Each of the other's being, and no heed;
And these o'er unknown seas to unknown
Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying
And all unconsciously shape every act
And bend each wandering step to this
one end—
That one day, out of darkness they shall
And read life's meaning in each other's
And two shall walk some narrow way of
So nearly side by side that should one
Ever so little space to left or right
They must needs acknowledge face to
And yet, with wistful oyes that never
With groping hands that neverolasp,and
Coiling in Vain to ears that never hoar,
They seek each other all their weary
And die unsatisfied—and this is rate. BEAVER BLOCK
—$usau VI, Spaulding, JQSEPHI1J. STREET.
WAaTFn-^FAlrnrnr. P.EllSoN TO '1never,
for well established house in a few counties
calling on retail tnerclhants arid agents. Local
territory. Salary $1021 g year and expenses, pay-
able 8111.10 a Week in cash and expenses advanc-
ed. Position permanent. Business sueees ful
and. rushing. lenetose self -Addressed envelope
Stendara house, 315 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. •
Of Printing, in the way of
Letter Heads, Bill Heads,.
Note Heads,
Business Cards,
Auction Bills,
Calling Cards,,
Hand . Bills,
Order Blanks,
Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no
mistake by leaving your order at this office.
We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time.
41 -1 -1.41 -7s.4 -%.441.41---7t.41-71,
Call at, or address—