HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-18, Page 17Turkey bingos bring Legion much success BY CORDON scull. • Pito The 'Turkey Bingos held by the entertain- ment comrnyitee have been • a success, attended by Legion members and the public. Those in charge thank those that attended and the workers who gave of their time to help. it.was very much appreciated At the executive meeting held Thursday evening several items were presented for discussion. The secretary had been informed the local hospital has been the recipient of a grant totalling $2,900 from charitable founds• tion sponsored by Ontario Command. This grant was half the amount needed for the purchase of a piece of equipment required by the hospital, but on a motion presented to the executive it will be recommended to the floor of the general meeting the branch donate the other $2,900 of this expenditure necessary for the purchase of this equipment. Discussion was also held on the use of the Bingo machine. It was felt by most of the members• present, the machine should not leave the hall, after the first of the'year, but would be available for anyone wishing to hold a bingo in the hall. This policy will be adhered to as of January I President, Jack Muir would like to take this opportunityas the festive season approaches, to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming New Year, If you are home for the holidays, please drop in to the Branch to say "hello" and view the showcases that are always on display around the interior of the Branch. ' We are now in the last two weeks of the Early Rird campaign with less than 25 ner Hensall skaters LEGION NEWS • cent still not renewed. Le't's make an effort through the holidays to come down and be an early bird. There ,will be another draw for prizes at the end of December, so you might he lucky and win a year's free membership. This coming Thursday is the last general meeting of 1985. There will be a short executive meeting with Zone Commander Jack Tufford'at 7 p.m. Following that the general m eeting is to be called at 7:30 p.m. Please note the earlier time for this meeting. At 9 p.m. there will be a leadership seminar. This will be in charge of Gordon De Jong. He would like to see a good attendance of members, especially of the associate mem- bers. This could be a very enlightehing meeting of how the Legion works and should be interesting to young and old alike. Lunch will be served, at the conclusion of this meeting, so plan to attend if at all possible. Sunday. December22 at 2 p.m. is the date and time of the Legion Children's Christmas Party Please plan to attend with your children or grandchildren. Anyone wishing to take part in the program should contact Barbara Scott at 527.1787 to have their name put on the program. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them, Continued from Page A16 the service, Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of "The God 1V ho Comes " The service opened with the singing of Christmas carols and the church was decorated beautifully which gave a real atmosphere for Christmas worship The congregation were reminded that next Sunday would be Christmas Sunday and that Sunday evening the C.0 1.1' would be holding theirannualC U I T VesperService BEST RATE 91/8% 1 YEAR 103/4% 3 YEAR INVESTMENTS ,,..U„ANC. Ao...cv uo 53 WEST ST., GODERICH 1.800-265.5503 11-22044 sEAFY)R'rll & DEs-ri{lC'r FiGURE SKATING CLUB %vI\\I•3t" ohTHE CHRISTMAS TURKEY DRAW___ \:\E: iII 1•1:. Stalta 1\f% IIOR\E. Seaforth NI('II %E:1. IIE\1)I-7U-a)\, Seaforth COLLEEN 1,1\UF:3i N. Seaforth I.1RIIY lY)0K. i)ublin \1 1\\Fats \i 11 ( OI.I,F('T T11F:flt T( RHF;};S %VIER 3Jut P.\l. FRIi)AT. I)F:i'F:\IBI'1( 7e 1T TOPNOT('H, SE:A- FO RTi I . Appearing this weekend Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. "WHITE FROST" Come .., Rock with the best!! New Year's Eve Party "MAYHAM" f 10. a single $15. per couple Price Inc udes one - 26 oz. of champagne & 2 lunches. We are participating in the driver designation program. DOUG, VI and STAFF wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Service would also beheld on Christmas Eve at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday Church School of the United Church went out caroling around the village on Sunday afternoon and then came back to the church for their Christmas party. At 3:30 p.m. a special visitor, in the person of Santa Claus„ made his yearly visit to the students Appreciation is expressed to the teachers who arranged and conducted this Christmas party for the students DUBLIN & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB New- Year's Eve DANCE at the DUBLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE Tues., Dec. 31st 9 p.m. -1 a.m. • •Lunch Provided 0'8.00 Per Person UNDER AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT FRIED CHICKEN AND SEAFOOD An all Canadian Company SEAFORTH - 527-0220 WE ARE Si I I IN(, CHRISTMAS TREES \II Prnrr,•rl. Ro rn lb" Lim St 0111, t , : SANTA CLAUS .:• • ti\1 I,1 FREE CANDIES FOR THE KIDS FREE TURKEY DRAW BREAKFAST SPECIAL ' us- 11,1, iv, hni', .,r ..r, -..c. h„m,• Tri, , nY n'.lr r11.11,rrt, UNI Y 1.99 -WE ARE OPEN - MON • W E n - a m p m THURS • SAT . a m 11 p m SUNDAY •Ram 9p n, VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE December Specials 482-3344 Private Lessons for Adults on Youth, will Ire available from December 16 until January 10. Consider this option If your child requires one or two lessons to complete a level or If Individual help would be beneficial. Call Now to orrange1Four time, WINTER SWIM PROGRAM Starts January 12 to March 22, 1986 Program Schedules are now available. Call 482-3544 to register DECEMBER MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL - CLIP 8, SAVE - 1 10% Saving on any membership Pool, Fitness Room, Sauna Taken out In December TOES upon presentation I 1 of this coupon at vonostra Recreation Cone -e. TEEN libr: DANCE 'Friday, Dec. 20 6:00-12:00r Seaforth & District Community Centres ADMISSION: $3.00 Music by Segeren Quality Sound Sponsored by: BOOSTER CLUB SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS STARTING FRIDAYill 1111 • YOUNG • • • SHERLOCK HOLMES "MOVIE OF THE YEAR!" • ,im' • II Great Pleasure, A Class Act, And There's Nothing ' • • ElementaryAboutlt! • • RATED PG 1 ■ SHOWS7AND9 N •U • MATINEES .111 BRITE •• •RAINBOW and Ihe. . • STAR STEALERS • • 2:00p.m. ■ • SAT. DEC. 21 • Ir SUN. DEC. 22 THURS. DEC. 26 la in CAPITOL THEATRE • • • ■ • The Theatre ■ ■ will be o CLOSED O DECEMBER24&25 • • sr, our staff may spend • Christmas with 'heir familiesle • THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 18, 1985 — A17 OMB HOW DO YOU STUFF A PIZZA IN A STOCKING? o Maa 527-0180 PIZZA TRAIN GIFT CERTIFICATE HOURS: SUN. & MON. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. TUES. - THURS. 11 a.m. - M F711. & SAT. 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. SEAFORTH EATEN OR TAKEOUT gni mow NMI see' Ell s •_N� idnight 4.0 11111111 111L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • S. • ENDS THURSDAY DEC. 19 • • 7:30 NIGHTLY SEEING IS BELIEVING ThREtlaw° e Movie (6 FAMILY MERRY FRI.-SAT. 7 8r 9:00 S.N. • WEDUN.-THURS. 7:30-MOi CLOSED • TUESDAY DEC. 24 • ONLY OPEN • CHRISTMAS DAY • • • [oo!_...rJ • CHRISTMAS FROM THE • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••t•••••••••••••••• STAFF MANAGEMENT • For a unique gift idea ... may we suggest A BENMILLER INN 'GIFT CERTIFICATE' A delightful gift redeemable on Accommodations, Dining or The Gift Shoppe Something For The Ladies AFTERNOON TEA SERVED 2:30 - 4:30, 7 DAYS A WEEK. You will enjoy such sweets and savouries as Shortbreads, Cheddar Straws, Banana Pecan Bread, Cornmeal Muffins Huron County Apple Butter.. Port telly, Devonshire Clotted Cream, Maple Butter...Coffee or your choke of 8 delicious Teas. Relax and enjoy service in front of an open hearth log Bre in one of our two lounges. Come alone or as a group $5.75 per person. - loin Us For A Special CHRISTMAS DAY DiNNER: Reser‘ anon,- Required From start to finish, a traditional Christmas feast with all the trimmings. Main Course features Roast Young Turkey or Grilled Ham Steak, Served December 25th from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Phone S24-2191 for reservations. $23P 'rf1R Afrrq,t, ng R,,nl,ing' Fn•, CHRISTMASxiaPARTIES Call us al Something 'To Start The New Year Off Right... NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH: Reservations Required Seri ed January 1st, 1986...0 all for full details Complete your outing with a Visit to The Gift Shoppe OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK .. In am -bpm For Reservations please phone: 524-2191 A unique shopping etperienr e just steps from the Inn. Benmiller Inn Nestled in Benmiller, Ont., just 7 kilornetres east of Goderich on Huron County Road I . Turn north off Highway 8 Ilt rNSfDUNI)Ft THi i 1 RO