HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-18, Page 5BRUSSELS. AND AREA Zambian missionary sends letter Brussels Correspondent EDNA MCLELLAN 887-9084 The Christmas meeting of Melville Wo-, men's Missionary Society was held at the home of Isabel Gibson with 11 members and one visitor present. President Margaret McLeod, opened the meeting with a poem. Margaret McLeod is to have the prayer at the annual meeting of the W . M. S. at the Presbyterial in Wingham. Isabelle Adams read a letter from Ellen Waldock who is a missionary in Zambia and whose parents live in Molesworth. Several members read about the Christmas story and a carol was sung between each reader. A discussion on Christmas took place./ Mrs. McLeod closed the meeting with prayer. A Christmas lunch was served by Mrs. Martin assisted by the hostess and a social time enjoyed. C.W.L.HAS BAZAAR • St. Ambrose Catholic Women's League of Brussels held its annual bazaar and bake sale at the Brussels library recently. NURSING HOME NEWS The staff and residents of the Callander Nursing Home have had another busy week with everyone getting into the Christmas spirit. Brussels United Church group with Rev. Carpentier conducting the sermon, visited Sunday afternoon. Bingo was played on Monday as the residents stayed in while it snowed. Fred Thuell's group provided old time music on Tuesday evening. Wednesday cards were played. Ruth Hinton so appropri- ately painted the home's windows for the joyous season. Anne Smith played the piano on Thursday morning 'and in the afternoon the kitchen was buzzing with ladies baking tea biscuits and pumpkin pies. The pumpkins were from the iigarden and Debbie Trollope and Ella Graber were in charge. Marion Letheriand, Audrey Seaton, Jim Laurie and Frank Dunn enjoyed a bus trip to the Stone Road Mall in Guelph where they dined out and went Christmas shopping with the Homebound Group from Wingham. Karen Cardiff led the discussion group with a talk about Christmas now and long ago. Cecil Moore is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Staff and residents wish him a speedy recovery. MORNING STAR LODGE ' The Morning Star lodge held their regular meeting with Noble Grand Barb Watts conducting. After opening exercises business discussed was the Christmas party to be held on December 18 at 6:30 p.m.; donations. for money to be sent to Family and Children's Services, Goderich; Sick Children's Hospital, London; Wingham Day, Care Centre and to Pilgrimage for Youth; and expenses for sending a delegate to New York and United Nations in 1986. Sanctuary decorated with colorfu Drehmann; novelty man, Clarence Hanna and low man, Mel Jecklin. This is the last euchre until after the Christmas holidays. The next euchre will be held January 8 starting at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. CHRISTMAS MEETING The afternoon unit of the Belgrave United Church W omen held their Christmas meeting at the Bray Lodge, Wingham. The residents joined in the singing of carols with Mrs. Glenn Coultes at the piano. Mrs. Ross Higgins opened with a reading and Mrs. William Fenton also read. A poem was shared by Sara Anderson and Olive Bolt. Mrs. Glenn Coultes also gave a reading. Mildred Vannan, on behalf of the group of residents, thanked the ladies of the U.C. W . for their visit. M LSSIONAHY SOCIETY The December .meeting of the Belgrave W omen's Missionary Society was held at the home of Ivy Cloakey Monday, December 9. Mrs Mac Scott presided. Scripture was read by Mrs Cloakey. Mrs Scott read a scripture passage. Mrs. Garner Nicholson led in prayer, The secretary's report was given by Ibibena McBurney and Agnes Youngblut gave the treasurer's report. The program committee was named as Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Cloakey Mrs Scott closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess. Belgrave Correspondent MRS. LEW LS STONEHOUSE 8147-9.187 The sanctuary of Knox United Church, Belgrave was decorated with colorful poinset- tias, a tree aglow and lighted tapers in the candlabra for the White Gift Service which coincided witliChildren's Sunday "A Song of Jesus Birth." An organ prelude of Christmas music was presented by Mrs. George Procter. The Call to Worship and Prayer of Approach were given by William Coultes, superintendent of the Sunday Schools. The scripture readings were given in dialogue form by Heather Hopper and Tom Cull, followed by all reading a prayer in unison. The children's choir sang. The white envelope contributions were collected by Christopher Campbell and Dean Vincent; the regular offering by Chris McIntosh, Robert Gordon. Kate Procter and Ruth Higgins. Mr. Coultes gave a short resume concern- ing the Foster Child. The choir and toddlers of the congregation occupied the central front pews while Rev John G. Roberts delivered the message. Eight tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the W omen's Institute Hall Wednesday, December 11, W inners were: high lady, Mrs. W illram Black; novelty lady, Helen Martin; low lady, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor: high man. George Carols, contests featured at party t'ranbronk Correspondent NIBS, Ni A(' ENGEi. 887.6645 The annual Christmas party of the Cranhronk and Ethel Women's Institutes was held December 3 at 7 p m at Ethel A dmner was served by the Ethel ladies Mrs Flank Workman and Mrs Leslie Knight entertain• ed with carol singing and contests There was a gift exchange and an enjoyable evening was had by all The Canadian Order of Foresters held its December meeting in the ('ranbrook f fall on Tuesday. December 10 Approximately 20 members were present, with president Brother W Strickler and Brother Gordon Hanna. chaplain. opening the meeting All committees reported and the treasurer gave a good report. There will he another dance with Tiffen's Orchestra on January 17, with everyone welcome The Foresters are having another beef draw with tickets available from any member The Sunday School of Knox Presbyterian Church had its Christmas concert on Sunday, December 8 with a good attendance Stewart Steiss did his usual good job as master of ceremonies for the splendid variety program essiesaraweffiermimsrair GQ G( 0 which was enpyed by all PEOPLE Recent visitors with Mr and MIs Bert van t)nnkersgned were Mr and Mrs. G van Renselaar of Brandon. Manitoba Wilfred and Mrs Strickler attended the ;nth anniversary dinner and dance at PIM tswlle town hall in honor of Mr and Mrs inns Ferguson Mrs Ferguson is Wilfred's first cousin After lunch on Sunday at Ingersoll with their son John and his wife they attended a 4nth anniversary open house at College Avenue Church hall in Woodstock for Mr and Mrs .iim Bond Mrs Bond is also a first cousin Mr and Mrs Garnet Stan' and daughter Kim. Wallacehurg visited Don and Mrs Cotton on December 7 Wendy Smith. Calgary. spent a week with her parents Mr and Mrs Larry Smith, Mr and Mrs Keith Traves and children of i istowel visited on Sunday with her parents. Harvey and Mrs Smith The community was saddened to learn of the sudden death of Earl Dunn. a former resident of ('ranhrnok lie died on Thursday in 1istnwel Hospital Sincere sympathy is extended In his wife Jean. and the family ETTLER Ouhiih FINE FURNITURE iimmummionomminnimpmmommemmommummimnimis There is nothing quite like a genuine La -Z -Boy chair. And that is because La -Z -boy lets you select the comfort and style that is right for your needs. Our extensive selection is being offered from 299. A La -Z -Boy chair is made to last. OPEN l-hur•ctav ,incl Friday until a fpm ON THE f\ LAIN STREET o,M 1)l'RLiN 1-})•2�>t� The Vice Grand reported gifts and cards to sick and shut-ins were mailed or ready to deliver. The secretary asked all members who wished the insurance for 1986 get in touch with her before the end of December. The Oddfellows Rebekah float received first prize at the Santa Claus parade. Barbara Nichol and her helpers were thanked for their work assembling the float. Vice Grand Mary .Nichol donated stuffed animals to sell tickets on to be drawn for at Christmas party. After the closing of Lodge Mary Davidson and Nelva Scott conducted a card game, Sarah Stephenson and Vera Hastings won the prizes, W.i.MMING The Majestic Women's Institute of Brus- sels held their December meeting in the library on Thursday beginning with a pot luck dinner. The Branch Directors, Kathleen Semple and Marie McCutcheon were in charge of the meeting. There, were 21 members and 5 visitors present. The president, Peggy Cudmore opened the meeting. A gift exchaege was held which was looked after by Isabel Adams and Bernice Maf!Farlane. Iona Moore and Eleanor Hem- ingway were asked to look after getting a W .1. sign made for the institute shelves in the library, The next euchre party is to be held on Tuesday, January 7 with Evelyn Mair, Continued on Page A6 I poinsettias HAY RIDE AND CAROLLING About 50 area children attended the Ladies Club Christman Party Sunday December 8 at the W.I. Hall. Following the visit from Santa Claus, they enjoyed a hayride and carolling. around the village. Refreshments were served after- wards back at the hall. The winner of the Cabbage Patch Animal was Steven Michie. POT LUCK The Anglican Church pot luck supper and Christmas tree was held on Friday evening December 13 in the Women's Institute Hall, Belgrave. There was a good attendance and Santa arrived on schedule to help distribute the gifts from the well laden tree. • PFAPI-E The Edgar relatives held their Christmas get together and dinner at the W .i. Hall Saturday, December 14 with 49 present. Following the dinner at 7:00 Santa Claus arrived, to the delight of the children and everyone present, and with others helping, distributed the gifts from the tree. Those present were from Brigden, Petro- lia, Aylmer, Ltacknow, Blyth, W ingham, and Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fianna entertained 37 members of their family and friends at the Women's Institute Hall Sunday, December 15. Those atVending were from Kitchener, Goderich. Londesborn, Belgrave and area THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 18. 1985 — A5 ADVERTISING DEADLINES PAPER OF WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 PAPER WILL BE OUT MON. DEC. 23 DEADLINE IS 4:30 THURS. DECEMBER'19 PAPER OF WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1966 PAPER WILL BE OUT MON. DEC. 30, 1985 DEADLINE IS NOON — TUES.'DECEMBER 24 EFHuron •Xposjtor .527-024Y CHRISTMAS FEATURES Specials effective Thurs. Dec, 19 'til closing Dec. 24 Fe,,tive 8" Mincemeat PIES 2.49 Fancy Pkg of 12 Shortbread , COOKIES 1.49 CHEESES FRESH OFF THE BLOCK! MARBLE 3.49 lb Meditim ('an,i Iu,ui Fnrirhed Shed White- BREAD h terBREAD .79 loaf CHEDDAR SWISS • 3.29 11, 3.99 I OUR SPECIALTY! • CHEESE GIFT BASKETS CHEESE TRAYS MADE TO ORDER A GREAT GIFT IDEA! SERVE OUR FRESH DAILY! son .89 ilt„ DINNER ROLLS • OPEN y;+9 t hundaV 0•8 1 nday `S-fS Saturday 4 4, Mon d,tV V !{ T ue+ddV 'I G OVER 40 VARIETIES OF DONUTS AND FRESH HOT COFFEE' asty u Bakery d Cheese House 14 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1803 ,ese John Hart Dennis McCauley Service Manager John Hart Says: "Confidence in my people is why I can fix cars for keeps: Brian MacDonald Gary Morrison Dave Garrick With,mv free Lifetime Service (>;narantee. It takes (0ttitldCticc to guarantee ('Jr repairs for ,tti long as <<ltl ON\ 11 our c.tr ( ()ntidunce in n)N ser\ ice 1ic(iple (:Ontidencc in nn\ Lifetime sun. cc' Gtlardntec. 1 i're's him i,(.all hat's oft for you If tout c'tor need to hate y()ur Ford -built car. or light truck fiNed. t4)11 ha} once. and III guarantee that. if the covered part ever has to he fixed again, we'll fix it free. Free harts. Free labour. For as long as von corn t'Otlr vehicle. No matter when or where von bought it. "i-liat's confidence! \1N I,if011111' Service Guarantee. I tip cars fOr keeps. And 1 lilt it in writing. (:onte in n(\\ for details. 11u� lnnnccl vi.irr,nity t ince" cchx Its tit in.rni.rl umc and rpt h,uk's intim(' 111.11111( flank parts ht Ii' bu'.c'- '.hcct ;midi .Intl uhhnlsicn We fix cars for keeps. HOLIDAY SEASON HOURS CLOSED TUESDAY, DEC. 24 AT 2 P.M. OPEN 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. DEC. 30 CLOSED TUESDAY, DEC. 31 AT 2 P.M. OPEN 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. JAN. 2 operating as FORE)::