HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-11, Page 16A16 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 11, 1985 1985 11,1 11p t 1f1( .1 Advance) payment deadline for corn December 31 is the deadline for receipt of applications for the Advance Payment Program of the Ontario Corn Producers' :Association. Application forms for the Advance Payment Program for corn for 1985 86 were made available in the Septem- ber issue of the Ontario Corn Producer magazine. Application forms and other details are also available from the association office at 292 Speedvale Ave., W., Unit 15, Guelph, OntarioN1H 1C4 (519-837-1660). All ( )CPA members are eligible for the 1985-86 program which covers shelled corn, high moisture corn or crib corn stored for sale, either op the farm or in 'licensed storage facilities off the farm. According to OCPA President, Ed Kalita of West Lorne, Ontario, the Advance Payment Program involves interest-free money made available to corn producers by Agriculture ( <tnada through the association, which enables growers to store. corn for sale after harvest while receiving part payment in advance. Payment is advanced at the rate of $00 per tonne of dry grain corn or its eyuival'ent. Applications must be received in the Guelph office on or before December31, I. 185. Maximum amounts of money available ire 4:30,000 .for an individual producer, 4un,u00 fora partnership or corporation with (we producers, and 90,000 with three or more producers. SIGN OF THE TIMES — With active male and female barbershop singing groups In town, Seaforth has really become a haven for fans of the harmonious singing style. Here, Jim Collins, left, of the Seaforth Harmony Kings and Ross Kahle, of Mitchell, president of the organization, display the Insignia of the Society for Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet singing in America, which has been placed at the entrance to Seaforth. Raffia photo Alcohol (Continued from page Al ) main intersection and into a passing car belonging to Conrad Van Dyk of Shake- speare. Mr. Van Dyk's 1978 Dodge Aspen received approximately $800 damage.' A similar accident occurred Sunday night at the corner of Goderich Street West and West William Street when two cars collided. A 1981 Honda driven by Wendy Hoelscher Church decorated continued from page A6) 11, Karen Hoegy. Nominations, Helen Craig, :1/21 argery Ritchie, Maxine Marks, Margaret Craig, Vera McDonald, Phyllis Mitchell, :Marilyn McDonald; communications co-or- dinator. Edith Wey and Marjory Fraser; Stewardship and Finance, Olene Dennis, Doreen Hackwell and Leona McDonald. I.adership and Development, Marie McGav- in. 2 unit leaders. Church in Society, Maxine NIarlcs, Marie Coutts and Audrey Hackwell; Christian Development and World Outreach, Melva Fraser, Dianne McCallum, Betty McCall and Mary Humphries. Archives, l'Mith Wey and Marilyn McDonald, recording secretary IN CHURCH SERVICES Social Functions: Karen Hoegy., Alice Searle: Music • Marie McGavin, Edith Wey and Marjory Humphries; Auditors, Doreen Ilackwell and Dorothy Sholdice; U.C.W. NI arise Committee, Leona McDonald, Marie ttcGavin, Doreen Hackwell and Pearl McCal- lum, U.C.W. Representative to Official !Ward, Marion Godkin, Communion Prepara- 1 ions, Viola Traviss and Mary Humphries. CELEBRATES COMMUNION The Rev, Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa t Egmondville United Church took the second Sunday in Advent service at Duff's United Church while Bonnie Lamble was in the pulpit at Egmondville. Greeters were Graeme and Helen Craig and ushers were Keith Wilbee, John Huether and Barry Hoegy. Elva Wilbee was organist. Serving the bread and wine for the communion were: Bruce Clark, Edith Wey, Margaret Craig, Ray Huether, Emmerson Machell. Graeme Craig, Barry Hoegy and Rev Williamson. The second candle for Advent was lit by ALrnon Godkin. She and her daughter Donna said the prayer. ('HRLSTMAS CONCERT . Master of Ceremony Bonnie [amble aeleomed the large crowd of children, parents, grandparents and friends to the annual Sunday School Christmas Concert held in the basement of Duff's United of Seaforth received slight damage to its front bumper while a 1976 Plymouth Fury driven by Tracy Schoonderwoerd of RR 5, Clinton received damage to its right rear fender well. There were no injuries. LOST PURSE Helma Wright has reported the loss of a brown leather purse containing personal papers and credit cards. Anyone finding the purse is asked to contact the Seaforth Police Department. Church. Bonnie announced the following program put on by the Sunday School children; nursery recitations by Chad McCallum, Janice McCallum, Marlene Johnson, Jillian Houston, Sarah McLellan, Amanda Gamble, closing with a Christmas wish. Teachers: Maxine Marks, assistant, Max- ine Houston. Piano solo, Michael Craig, Away in a Manger; Piano Solo, Tonia McClure, The First Noel. Nursery and Primary classes entitled "A Very Special Night." Head Angel, Lisa Gingerich, Angels, Marlene Johnson, Janice McCallum, Kerrie McClure, Lee Ann McDonald, Sarah McLel- lan; Joseph, Chad McCallum; Mary - Stacy Linton; Three Wise Men - Neil Saur, Tara McLellan, Trish Clark; Shepherds - Kandy linton, Sarah Lamble, Craig Gillis; donkey - Shannon Davies; cow - Amanda Gamble. The children sang first verses of Silent Night and Away in a Manger with the audience joining in. Teachers: Gloria Love; assistant Nita McClure. Piano solo - Christmas Chopsticks by Susan Carter. Piano solo - Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Nancy Godkin. Junior Class 1 presented The Safety First Christmas. Sir Safety - Andrea Gingerich; Roller Skate Elf, Lori McClure; Ice Skate Elf, Shannon Craig; Sled Elf, Sharon Godkin; Wagon Elf, Barbara [amble, Heather Eckel; Stove Elf, Chris Saur; Toy Elf, Cindy McCallum; Pick up Elf, Chris Davies. Their teacher is Dianne McCallum. Trio - Trish Clark, Lisa Gingerich and Tara McLellan sang Jingle Bells. Piano solo, The Silver Skates by Sarah [amble. Junior Class II put on a skit entitled Outwitting a will, playing were Samuel Clark by Greg Fritz; Mrs. Clark, Susan Carter; Bert • Chris Eckel; Chub, Danny Taylor; Slim - Greg Clark; Smith - Randy McClure; Mrs. White - Elizabeth [amble. Teacher is Helen Craig. Piano solo, Twinkle, Twinkle little Star, by Lee Ann McDonald. Piano solo - Good King Wenceslas by Stacey Tinton. Piano solo, Joy to the World and Away in a Manger by Andrea Gingerich. Junior Belles win two games The Seaforth Junior Belles Ringette team traceiled to Huron Park November 29 and -I•turned home with a 7-2 win. �lwll (l'Bnen was in net and worked milk hard Goal scorers were Lisa Henderson and 't'raecy Fortune with two. Sheri Kling. Tawnya Taylor. and Heather McKercher each with one Seaforth played their next game in Forest on Sunday. December I They defeated the opposing team 5-4. it was a good dose game. Shelly O'Brien was also in net, for this game. Goal scorers for this game were Heather McKercher with two. Shelly Nigh with two, and Andrea Ribey with one. 4.4 Give the gift that's new every week! The 52 Weeks of Christmas! A year's subscription to The Huron Expositor is a gift that everyone enjoys receiving. So, if you're looking for the perfect gift for just about anyone on your list give THE HURON EXPOSITOR IT'S A NEW GIFT EVERY WEEK — 52 WEEKS A YEAR (I IP AND MAIL ALONG WITH CHEQUE TO THE HURON EXPOSITOR BOX 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO SEND CARD & GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO 1 year1 SENIOR I L $20.00 $17.00 SUBSCRIPTION FROM Order now & we'll send a gift card Senior Class put on a play entitled The. Carolers. Mr. Winters played by Manny Taylor, Mrs. Winters by Nancy Godkin. First Caroler - Steve Fritz, second carolers, Brian Love, Third Caroler - Tonia McClure; Fourth Carole[ - Ron Stevenson. Teacher is Marie McGavin. Trio: Elizabeth, Barbara and Sarah [amble sang Every Star Shall Sing a Carol. Piano solo - Silent Night by Shannon Craig. The Senior Class put on a comical skit entitled - Preparing for the Day. Piano Solo - The Holly and the Ivy and Up on the House Top by Sharon Godkin. Piano solo, Waltz of the Christmas Toys by Barbara [amble. Bonnie [amble expressed her thanks to the teachers for their work in preparing for the concert, the audience showed their apprecia- tion in the usual way. As Glenda Carter played Jingle Bells Santa arrived. The children were treated to a bag of candy. New Year's Eve _r'C_ Part at The Country Steakhouse & Tavern with BOB BURCIIILL & TED SCHINBEIN (Special Anniversary get-together - 20 years ago they played the Coq D'or Tavern In Cannes, France, New Year's Eve 1965). •Advance Tickets: ° I500 couple or 8800 single Includes - Party Favours • buffet lunch at midnight, mulles, No, need to drlyetanywhera this year - For tickets , call" 348-8321 (limited tickets). MAIN STREET, MITCHELL Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE DECEMBER 31st - 9-?. Seaforth and District Community Centres LUNCH SERVED DISC JOCKEY TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: Team Members or Bob & Betty's Variety PROCEEDS TO MINOR HOCKEY TICKETS $15.00 per couple HOW DO YOU STUFF A PIZZA IN A STOCKING? PIZZA TRAIN GiFT CERTIFICATE 0.°II'pg'M SEA FORTH 527-0180 HOURS: SUN. & MON. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. EAT IN TUES. - THURS. 11 a.m. - Midnight OR FRI. & SAT. 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. TAKEOUT ENDS THURS. DEC. 12/85 SNOWS NIGHTLY at 7:30 I STARTS FRIDAY DEC. 20 FOR THE • HOLIDAYS • &r,w.sa•aaa 141.1:13••••••••••C a J0 nn Mark Kendall just found out that his o night stand has been around for centuri ONCE J��TTEN COGOLDWYN XISEILASI iea•LSl SEEING IS BELIEVING The legend comes to life DUDLEY MOORE JOHN LITHGOW The Movie STARTS FRI. DEC. 131 FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. 7:30 SPECIAL Extra Showing , iia°. a Sun. Dec. 14 i 1$ 2:00 p.m. ('tl rAMILY • Tuesday is still $2.00 SYLVESTER STALLONE T ROCKY IV SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS to your FRIENDS & RELATIVES! N EXPOSITOR tlAY GREETINGS' ad! Your greeting will appear in the December 23 issue of The Huron Expositor for only 350 for 22 words $4.00 if we bill DEADLINE - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 4:30 EXAMPLES: Bill and Wilma Jones and family extend Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and the New Year. CLIP and MAiL or bring in person to THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 10 Main St. SEAFORTH 527-0240 Among the many sincere good wishes sent to you for a Merry Christmas please in- clude ours! — Mary and Bill Jones. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY YOUR NAME ADDRESS PHONE POSTAL CODE