HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-11, Page 9DUBLIN AND AREA- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 11, 1985 ® AD Sherry Beuermann cops top honors at 4®H achievement night Old values are submerged It has been said: "Do not be afraid to think big, so long as you do not think other people small." Children today go along with their generation. The values that were taught and upheld in earlier generations are submerged, go unheeded. They accept life as they see it on television, hear about it from their peers and what they see going on around them. They, it seems, dream not of romance but of sex, W e have been told that we are controlled by those of wealth and power. W hen we think about it that may very well be true. Most of those who hold positions of importance in government, world affairs and big business are wealthy. It gives them the means to influence and control others. While most tabor people seldom have neither wealth or power, their union leaders are power hungry. They force their members, by one means or another, to stir up resentment that cause labor problems. More, we suspect, to increase their own power, and their own wealth from union dues, than for the benefit of working people. • Wealth, power and greed, If they do not control, they certainly affect all of us. The weather this last while, at least to time of writing, has been acceptable. But, when SHORT SHOTS by Evelyn Kennedy the gusty winds of winter whistle setting the bare limbs scratching at the window panes we might wish we could do what the bears do, burrow into a cozy nook until the warmth of spring awakens us. 'think what we would escape from. No fuel, PUC, or food bills. No gas to keep our cars struggling through snow covered streets, no slippery walks to break our bones on or snow to shovel. Alas! None of that is for us. The only thing one can do is flee to warmer climates if our finances permit, or huddle in our homes, pay our bills, shovel the snow, venture out on pleasant days and wait for spring. In spite of all the above the Canadian winter is beautiful. There is no desire to live where there is not winter, where the changing seasons go by almost unnoticed. It would, I am sure, be monotonous. Some reporters of the daily news media these days lack much to be desired. Their reports are not always accurate. They express their opinions not the facts. Often they are biased and not always in good taste. Clarity is frequently lacking. Construction is involved and use of words that are unnecessary, sometimes of their own invention. are used. Words can now be heard "W hat right have you, a mere scribbler of this column, to criticize professional 'reporters?" Gillis Purcell who was made general manager of Canadian Press in 1945 and ruled CP for a quarter century,, treated the news and his dedicated staff in ruthless candor in the pursuit of accuracy, fairness, and speed. He set high standards demanding that others followed them, followed them himself. He was the conscience of Canadian newsgather- ing. As Purcell laid it down long ago CP's purpose is "unbiased, fearless recording of demonstrable fact, Accuracy is fundamental. Good taste is a dominate factor. Being reliable is more important than being fast. Straight -forward writing, with well-known words in simple construction, assures clarity. Much of what Purcell said was necessary seems to be forgotten or simply disregarded. What a shame. The 'father of a 16 -year-old daughter was regretting that her generation completely lacked modesty. "When I was your age" he said "girls knew bow to blush." "Dad," asked his daughter, "whatever did you say to them?" Brodhagen Correspondent BARB SCHERBARTH 345-2298 Sherry Beuermann received her County Honors at the 4-H Achievement Night held at U.T.E.S. on Wednesday night. The Brodhagen 4 -El Club will be selling Christmas cakes with proceeds going to the club as they are a self supporting club. If you wish to purchase a 2 lb. for $5.50 contact any of the 4-H members or Steffler's General Store. COE'FAZ HOUR Coffee Hour at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen will be held December 10 at 10 a.m. The ladies will be making Christmas stars and are asked to bring along ideas for Christmas crafts. All ladies are welcome and babysitting is available. , PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Don Buck of Owen Sound and formerly 'of Brodhagen are the proud parents of twin sons born on November 27. Happy grandparents are Andy and Martha Buck, former owners of the General Store in Brodhagen. Mark and Wanda Swanson from Willow - dale spent the weekend at the home of Wanda's parents Carl and Betty Vock. On Sunday they attended Kimberley Faust's birthday at Ken and June Faust's in Mitchell. Morris council (Continued from page A4) term of council. One regular meeting will be held the first week of the month and one special meeting will be held the third week of the month. The regular meeting will be at l p.m. for December, January, February and March and after March will be held in the evening. The special meeting will be held at 7:30 in the evening. The council discussed the Re -Assessment under Section 63 of the Assessment Act. This topic would be discussed later in the evening at a previously called special meeting with the representatives from the Assessment 1 litre DILL WITH GARLIC NO GARLIC POLSKSE OGORKI SWEET MIXED, YUM YUM, OR BABY DILL BICKS PICKLES 1.59 FIVERROSES FLOUR 3.iih it NESCAFERICH BLEND1 litre carton INSTANT COFFEE 4. �, _ CANADA DRY norm_ bottlas N SAVARIN DINNERS 1.41 PRESIDENT'S CHOICE EGG NOG CLOVER LEAF SOLID IM OIL OR IM WATER WHITE TUNA.... 1.13 9IC plus 30$ dap, TOSTITOS, 0081T0$ OR FRITOS ASSORTED VARIETIES CORN CHIPS 125 g pkg. ASSORTED VARIETIES SOFT DRINKS BEET TURKEY,CHICKEN, SALISBURY STEAK it az. OR CHICKEN BREAST SPEARE OLD SOUTH 3'S ORANGE OR APPLE JUICE 750.L. ASS113. VARIETIES PASTAS CHEF BOY AR DEE CARAMEL =ow OR COCONUT WESTONS CEYLONS 300 9 P><g t0* 99C 1.59 THE WORLD'S LARGEST 8 FT. CHRISTMAS STOCKING DRAW TO BE MADE SAT. DEC. 21, 1985 YOU COULD WIN IT FOR CHRISTMAS' LAURA SECORD PUDDING a , REGULAR OR LIMO TOUCH ASST D VARIETIES SEA g P59 1.99 FRUIT LOOS OR wail FROSTED FLARES KELLOGGS CEREAL 42559//525 9 ZEHRS MANDARIN ORANGES COOL KIWIS, BOLDED IUDS,MACAROOMS. SLOW POSES OR WILLOW CRISP WILL-O-PAK 200 9 p5 g 10 oz tins 69c 1.59 KELLOGGS CEREAL SPECIAL K 2.29 UNCLE SEMS SAM COUNTRY 0R SOUTHERN STUFF N SUCH BLOEBEINM OR MARY E.O. SMITN PIE FILLING 475 g pkg 2.59 19 07 tins 170 g pkg AWAKE ORANGE DRINK 1.19 341 ml 99' NESTONS ANGEL CAKE 300 9 1.65 FRICO BABY GOUDA CHEESE 283 9 2.79 PASQUAUI BROTHERS VEGETABLE 3 Are 2,29 3.99 HARBOUR MOUSE • FROIEM CRAB KAMABOKS 227 9 pkg 2849 WESTONS BREAD STUFFING 3,2 g INH) 1.59 CHECK THESE VALUES! 400 g carton SMILES MILK CHOCOLATE TURTLES 311 CHECK THESE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT ZEHRS SMILES NUTCHOS NUT CLUSTER SMILES ELEGANTE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES E0. SMRs APPLE PIE FILLING E0. SEWN PUMPKIN PIE FILLING CARMATtQI COFFEEMATE 19 02 tin 1.69 19 oz. lin 1.39 500 9 2.99 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY LAURA SECORD JAM 500 mL 2.49 CRAVEN. $0155955 OR NUMBER 7 ASST'S. VAR. 8.49FINE CUT TOBACCO 200 9 ZEHRS INSIDER'S REPORT #2 Boo g 4.69 600 9 3.99 OFFERS AN EXCELLENT SELECTION FOR GIFT GIVING. COPIES AVAILABLE AT EACH STORE. CHECK THE VALUES, CAUFvR,NA STYLE REM MOB0$ DI HIP I4NLAAELPIRA FWD 0R LIVET CREAM CHEESE 250 9 1.69 GAY LEA SOUR CREAM 500 rnl 227 g 99' 1 e59 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH WHOLE WHEAT FRESH CHUNKY SS CHEESE BREAD '61 PLAIN OR SEEDED � 20 SCONE'dol ROLLS FRESH BAKESHOP CRUMPETS pkg. of 6 7�� DARK OR MILK CHOC. POT OF GOLD CHOCOLATES 450 9 5,99 LOWNEY MARASCHINO CHERRIES ROWNTREES BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES ROWHTREE AFTER EIGHT MINTS ALLANS CANDY CANES ANDES CREME DE MENTHE MINTS McCORMICKS ASSORTED CANDIES 300 9 3.29 1 lb. box 5.99 200 g 1.99 pkg of 1 70 9 1.99 500 9 1.99 ZEHRS COUPON EUI W Rrs WITH THIS COUPON SAVE ON L CORN FLAKES, FRUIT LOOPS OR SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES KELLOGGS CEREAL 350 9 . 525 g pkg$1 1100 WITH THE PURCHASE OP2SAVE ... ONE COUPON REQUIRED PER PURCHASE COUPON EXPIRES DEC 14/85 OFF I. ZEHRS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON SAVE ON CORK, YE6ETERCSKErdER, CAEHIR NEESE, ORION 05 NEW 0'S COUNTRY HARVEST CRACKERS 250 9 pkg. ONE COUPON REQUIRED PER PURCHASE COUPON EXPIRES DEC 14/85 25c 011 EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS OPEN 7 A.M. a 11 P.M. Thur;dRay, December 19 Friday, December 20 Monday, December 23 Office, Goderich, Ontario. In other business council decided: The resolution from the Village of Ome- mee; concerning requests for grants from the provincial government for CPR courses and equipment for local fire departments, be filed. That the registration be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for registration to the "New Councillor's Seminar" for Howie Morton and Doug Fraser and Bert Elliott and Clem McLellan - if a'one day registration is available. Registration being $60.00 per delegate. The resolution presented• to the council from the Huron Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board be endorsed. The resolution concerning skyrocketing renewal premiums for insurance contracts. The Township of Morris notify the Assessment Office that the township plans to continue as in past years with manual billing for 1986 taxation. That the resolution presented to council from the Township of Puslinch, concerning the need for an aggregate extraction levy on granular extraction to the municipality, be endorsed, and a copy be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Natural Resources, local MPP and the Association of Municipalities. in Ontario. A letter was presented to the council concerning the Belgrave streetlights and the need for replacement of the lights in the future. The council discussed 'the topic and agreed to ask a representative from Ontario Hydro to attend a future council meeting to discuss the subject further. The tax rebates under Section 496 of the Municipal Act, be approved for 1985 and the payment for the tax rebate be forwarded to the taxpayer after receipt of the 1985 taxes; and the rebate for taxation for 1984 taxes be approved for payment upon receipt of the 1984 taxes. That $25.00 be forwarded to the St. John's Ambulance as a grant for 1985. An agreement be entered into with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, W ingham, Ontario, for banking services and to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign necessary cheques and banking documents." The council have no objections to the severance application submitted to the Planning and Development committee of the County of Huron, of Ivan and Laurie Campbell, Lot 30, Concession 3, to sever 34,5 acres of farm land. The application conforms to the Huron County Official Plan, and the council feel that the parcel would be a more viable operation if added to the neighboring farmer's operation. The council have no objections to an application for severance submitted by Mary E. Baker, Concession 1, Lot 48, Township of Turnberry. The council was presented with resigna- tions from local boards as follows: Etoile Johnston, Bluevale Hall Board; Hugh Nichol, Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre Board: Alan Searle, Seaforth Hospital Board. The resignations were accepted with regret. The following appointments were made to local boards for the period December, 1985 to December, 1986: W Ingham and District Hospital Board, Shirley Garniss; Seaforth Hospital Board, Leona McDonald; Blyth and District Fire Board, Bob Grasby, Doug Fraser; W ingham Area Fire Board, Bert Elliott, Howie Morton; Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre, Clem McLellan, Neil Glowing, Henry Devlin; Blyth Commun- ity Centre Board, Carmen Craig, Bruce Bromley; Belgrave Community Centre Board, George Procter, Howie Morton; W Ingham Recreation Board, Donald Edgar; Bluevale Hall Board, Bill Elston, Ross Turvey and Bob Grasby, rimm g.. 1 I FREE! 1 1 Catalogue 1 of 115 helpful i housing booklets 1 I Send now for this useful listing of 1 more than 100 publications offered • Iby CMHC They cover mortgages, 1 renovations, house selection, burglar 1 proofing your home --and much morel For your free catalogue, simply mail the coupon 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 n Canada Mortgage and Hous,ng Corporation Societe canad,enne d'hypOtheques et de iogement INKIN - ! 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