HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-11, Page 7HENSALL AND AREA Worship is church meeting theme Hensall Correspondent VELMA ROBLNSON 262-3205 Let us worship God was .the theme of the December meeting of Unit 3 of the Hensall United Church. President Dorothy Parker presided over the meeting and the worship was conducted by Dorothy Brintnell. Christmas carols were sung and Sarah Dick read the new program for 1986. Mary ' Brintnell reported on the Friendship Card and Marg Cole on the bazaar. Rev. McDonald spoke on "Some of the Things we Miss at Christmas Time" for the study. Helen Roberts gave a reading, Dorothy Parker thanked everyone for taking part and helping out through the past year. Rev. McDonald closed the meeting with prayer. After a lunch, The Secret Pals exchanged Christmas gifts. Hostesses were Marg Cole, Mary Brintnell and Mary Kinsman. REBEKAIIS E.NJOY,SUPPER Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 349 met last Wednesday and enjoyed a turkey supper prior to their meeting. Vice Grand Sister l.i>is Jones presided for the meeting assisted by Vice Grand Sister Bonnie Upshall. Fast D.D.P. Sister Ruby Bell installed Sister Sharon Love as chaplain, It was decided to dispense with the first meeting in January as it would fall on New Year's Day. Canadians Girls In Training (CGIT) leader Linda Traquair thanked,the lodge for their donation and invited eveyone to attend their Candlelight Service on December22 at7 p.m. in Hensall United Church. Happy Birthday was sung to several sisters who had birthdays during the past month. Following the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. UNIT 4 Unit 4 of the Hensall United Church Women opened their Christmas meeting with carol singing. Nan Britton read a Christmas poem, Hazel Luther led the Devotion. Mary Roobol reported on the number of cards sent during the year. Myrtle Sherritt, the treasurer, reported a successful year. Offering was received by Hilda Payne and dedicated by Nan Britton. Business: Eileen Rannie, Evelyn Flynn, Hilda Payne, Mabel Park and Mabel Shirray volunteered to work at dinner preparations for the Co-op dinner on December 13. Shirley Luther. Mabel Park and Sadie Hoy to make pies. Nan Britton thanked Myrtle Sherritt for 25 years of service as treasurer for Unit 4. Elva Forrest presented Myrtle with a gift. Shirley Luther told the Christmas story from the perspective of the angels in heaven. Shirley Luther and Nan Britton in keeping with Shirley's meditation sang a duet. Mary Roobal requested members to bring new Christmas cards to the January meeting. Nan Britton closed with pprayer. Evelyn Flynn. Mabel Park served tea with Christmas cake and cookies The slate of officers for 1986 is: leaders, Nan Britton and Elva Forrest; secretaries, Sadie Hoy and Rena Caldwell; treasurer, Elva Forrest and Nellie Riley; pianist, Dorothy Mickle and Mabel Shirray; social functions, Mabel Park and Evelyn Flynn and card convenor, Mary Roobal. GENERAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the Hensall United Church Women was held December 3. President Belva Fuss opened the meeting with a poem. Helen Drysdale took "Hope" as her theme for the Devotional. The loose offering for the evening for Mexican relief was to be made up to $200. A picture of the church, in memory of former U.C.W . members was presented and hung in the Fellowship Hall. Hilda Payne presented the financial statement and the budget for 1986. It was decided to give to over and above for Missions; to carpet the entrance and steps in the church; proceeds from the bazaar to be donated to organ fund, Donations were made to: Resource Centre, Alma College, Five Oaks, Camp Menesetung, World Outreach, Messengers, Explorers. C.G.I. T. Scouts, Beavers, Venturers, Family and Children's Services, Town and Country Homemakers, Mission Services London, Huron Day Centre for the Homebound, Alcohol and Drug Concerns. It was reported a bale was packed for Mission Services; a donation to the Blind Mission; an adopted child; Friendship House; cookies and candy brought in for shut-in boxes. The slate of officers presented by Dianne Gerstenkorn and elected are: Past President, Joyce Pepper; President, Belva Fuss; Secre- tary, Grace Drummond; Treasurer, Hilda Payne; Stewardship and Finance, Dianne Gerstenkorn; Communications, Dorothy Brintnell; World Outreach, Kay Mock; Christian and Leadership Development, Shirley McAllister; In Church, Marg Cole; Church in Society, Audrey Christie; Unit Leaders, Unit 1, Audrey Christie; Unit 2, Mona Alderdice; Unit 3, Margaret Upshall; Unit 4, Nan Britton; Card Convenor, Mary Kinsman; Nominations, Joyce Pepper; Manse Reps., Belva Fuss and Mary Brint- nell, Audrey Christie and Audrey Joynt were in charge of the program. They showed a film. Belva led in singing carols. A social time followed in charge of Unit 2. YOUTH FORCHRIST • South Huron Youth for Christ held. their December rally Saturday night in Brucefield school. Director, Ron, Westlake was in charge, He opened the rally by singing several Christmas carols and led in opening prayer. Quizzing took place with five teams participating. Bayfield scored the highest with Clinton coming second, Zurich, Exeter and Lucan with lower scores. Next month they will quiz on Proverbs 3. Ron made the announcemehts for the coming events. January 4 there will be talent night with the area churches bringing the talent. There will be no indoor rally or quizzing in February. Instead there will be a skating party in the Hensall Recreation Centre followed by a film and refreshments.. Rev. Larry Marshall, United Church Minister of Shallow Lake brought several solos and led in singing several choruses. He then brought a very inspiring and heart searching message. • SHUFFLEBOARD PLAYED Quite a number participated in shuffle- board on December 5. The high scorers were Mary Buchanan 294, John Pepper, 273, Alf Ross 234, and tied was Margaret Consitt and Pearl Taylor with 230. PEOPLE Dorothy Munroe returned from Perth after visiting with her sister who recently lost her husband, (Continued on Page A8 ) Child baptized at St. Andrews Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 The service at St. Andrew's United Church Sunday celebrated the Sacrament of Bap- tism. The Ministry of Music was provided by the choir. Barbara Cooper accompanied at the organ. Christine Cooper lit the advent candle of preparation. Kim and Gary Love presented their daughter Lindsay Amanda Love for baptism. Next Sunday at Kippen is White Gift service, a combined Sunday School and Church service. From 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Sunday, December 15 is the Sunday School Skating Party in the Hensall Community Centre, after which all will return to Kippen Church for refreshments and a visit from Santa Claus. The Christmas Eve service this Triangle's ositI:o o° ,i1.`;:oke PQE- ° �0• C o - A 'I> /^ riftt o�l\tir1l r� �«�tt v'�I, \ O . oa• 1� 1 ° s 0 o ° ao • a a h y' r *�7AVA4o A • 1 , Y>a Al �., n .1, o ° o ; ref, y• •fr T' ' S 0 . e M dal . ' - - - - - ' aJs i'.° �{ special Dec. 9 to Dec. 24 10 Roll 26 x 300 CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP onlYAI • Large Assortment of BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS. 25% off 450 79 t3AMO1NG GA NI CHOCOLATES only 5 • DELECTO Javan MUSK OIL Cologne Spray 65 MI. only, 9 9 only OLD SPICE AFTERSHAVE 125 MI. 4!9 BUXTON MEN'S WALLETS only 14? CHARLESCRAFT CURLING IRON only 69 200 G. HUMPTY DUMPTY only 99' POTATO CHIPS COVER GIRL LIPSTICK or PROFESSIONAL MASCARA only • LCD WATCHES only 399 DOMINION TAPE 92mrnx25rem: only 694 79 only • § , ES & CHUCKLES TURTLESS • 300ML. 999 RESDAN DANDRUFF TREATMENT only An • 500'S SILVER ICICLES only39' 23 IN A BAG BOWS only 99' TRI�N[ LE _111 ® DISCOUNTT.,,,i 171 The Square Goderich/Math Corner Clinton/Main Corner Seaforth year will be held in the Brucefield Church at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. PERSONALS The Energetic Eight gathered at the home of Al and Margaret Hoggarth on Friday to help celebrate Frances Kinsman's birthday. A game of euchre was enjoyed by all with Phyllis Parsons winning the ladies high and Frances Kinsman ladies low. Bev Hamilton was the highest scorer for the men with Bob Kinsman scoring low. The lucky plate was won by Bob Kinsman. Also present were Doris Hamilton and Harold Parsons. KIPPEN EAST WOM EN'S INSTITUTE NEW S Kippen East Women's Institute will hold their Family Night Supper on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hensall United Church. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. DECEMBER 11- i9R5 — 47 O WE DO IT RIGHT! 24 Hour Service Bathed with Integrity DECEMBER SPECIAL MEYERS 20,000 grain automatic WATER 95 SOFTENERS JOUplustax SEAFORTH PLUMBING and HEATING 527-0505 Bill Holman 90 Main St. S. Home and Business