HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-12-04, Page 14HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL ATLAS lit1 pages 11 , 1f1 other with 1001 mows, in pages of maga and fratunng the stone, of faM tam,hes organ,/atinns (hue, hes and h,i.ine..ra a. net! as of 21. munripaIies FOR CHRISTMAS 59,50 GIVING 7 4s a,lahle at the COURT HOUSE, Goderich, Ontario m lrnm a numher of retail mitten ,n the (north asowasik A14 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 4, 1985 CLASSIFIED TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240 ad<n � 1.COMING EVENTS SNOW MOBILE POKER RALLY, Saturday, January 11, 1986. Registration starts at 9 a.m. Hundreds of prizes. Sponsored by Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce. If wea- ther date is necessary, announcement will follow. Also plan to attend our New Years Eve Dance, $10.00 per couple. Ladies please bring potluck for)unch 1-48-6 BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00, 15 regular $20.00 eames f hrve Share -the -W ealth,.lack- pot $200 must go. Dicky ball $160.00 (if not won), Lucky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. • 1-14-tf ENJOY the S.D. H.S. Penny Carnival, Friday, December 6, 2-4 and 6:30-9 p.m. Celebrity auction, bake sale, rummage sale, fish l o d and much much mor -2e • ST. AMBROSE C.W.L Christmas Bazaar, Brussels Library, Friday, December 6, 1-4 p.m. in our Penny Auction Saturday, December 7, 1-3 p.m. Christmas baking, Christmas candy, small crafts, childrens grab box, draws on penny auction, coffee, pop, and donuts available. Come out and join the fun. • 'I'llE Christmas Party for the Seaforth Happy Citizens will be held in the Legion•Hall on December 5 with supper at 6:30. Be sure and let Rachel Riehl know early if you plan 9xto 1 attend. 1_ PLAN to attend the 6th annual Christmas Craft Festival, Dec. 5,.6, 7, 8 Thurs., Friday and Saturday 12 to 10 p.m. Sunday 12 to 6 p.m. Progress Building, Fairgrounds, Lon- don. London's largest show with over 100 craftpeople. Admission only $1.50. (519) 679-1810. 1-49-01 DUBLIN and District Lions Club New Year's Eve Dance, Dublin Community Centre, Tuesday, December31, 1985. 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. Lunch provided. $8.00. Under authority of a special occasion permit. 1-49-2 HURON-MIDDLE1 EX Provincial Liberal As- sociation meeting at South Huron District High School, Exeter on Wednesday, Dec. I1 at 7:3(1 p.m. Male, female and youth delegates will be selected to attend the Ontario liberal party policy conference in W indsor, January 24 to 26, 1986. The Honourable Jack Riddell, MPP will be in attendance. Everyone welcome. 1.49.1 TIIEHURONCOUNTY HEALTH UNiT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office, Seaforth Hospital on: TH L'FLSDA Y, DECEM BER 12, 1985 from 9:30 - 1 1 :30 a.m. for: 1 Health Surveillance 2 Anaemia Screening '1 Immunization 4 Fluoride ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO RE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC. TIIE:HL'RO)N COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office, Medical Building, Brussels on Tt'ESDA't', DF.('EMI0, 1985 from 9 :30 - 11:30 a. m. for: Health Surveillance 2 Anaemia Screening :3 Immunization 4 Fluoride I)L'I,T IM M UNIZATION W ILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC 4. FOUND R!A('K female dog found south of Dublin. :1irproximatelv9 months old. Phone 345-2204 4.49xl Ft)t'ND F'art Persian young black and greyish brown cat W ill give away to a good home if not claimed Phone 527-0835. 4-49-2 5. HELP WANTED i "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placem:nt information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London. 1-800- 265-1260 5-41-tf CANADIAN TIRE. SE.. FORTH requires a CLASS 'A' MECHANIC able to do general car repairs -able to operate a scope and front end alignment rack twilling to train) commission system with a guarantee -good benefit package employee discount • training and updating program 1 PP1X IN PIRISO N CANADIAN TIRE 126 Main St. Seaforth 527-1350 5. HELP WANTED TRAIN for a job with a future....with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519)756-0223. 5r49-01 EXPERIENCED drummer looking to pin an established top 40 or country and western band. Have own equipment and transporta- tion. Phone 529-7974 after 6 p.m. 5-39xtf ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN Blyth Festival A ono -year term position is available with the Blyth Festival, a professional theatre company with year-round ac- tivities. with duties and training In the following areas: *personnel management •financial management and accounting *box office and front of house management *marketing and publicity •tour management *volunteer management The successful candidate will have management experience, preferably arts -related, and be willing to reside In Blyth or area. TERM: January - December 11116 Please submit a resume, including a phone number. by Dec. 14, ME to: B renda Donor, Deneral Manager B lyth Festival P.O. Box 10 BLYTH, Ontario HSM 1H0 The Huron County Board of Education invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services in respect of exceptional pupils of the board. Volunteers must be nominated by a local, incorporated association and ap- pointed by the Huron County Board of Education. THE SUPERVISED ALTERNATIVE LEARNING FOR EXCUSED PUPILS COMMITTEE This Committee reviews applications from parents of 14-15 year old pupils requesting alternative learning pro- grams. The Committee devises recom- mendations which permit such pupils to be excused from full-time attendance at school to participate in alternate pro- grams Any qualified, interested elector is invited to apply. Applications should be forwarded to: R.B. ALAN Director of Education Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 7. SITUATIONS WANTED W ILL babysit in my home. References available. Phone 527-1041 7-48-2 CHIMNEY sweeping. Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 after 3:30 p. m. 7-46-4 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM snowblowing. Brian Moore. 527- 1413 after 6 p.m. 8-48-4 SNOWBLOWING Phone 527-0352 between 9 - 5 after hours 482-7211 Reasonable Rates HERB OAKES R.R. 2 Clinton 9. FARM STOCK ONTARIO Polled Hereford Club Sale, 1 p.m. Saturday, December 14, 1985. Markham Fairgrounds. Note new location. Contact Craig Lymburner, R.R. 1, Caistor Centre, Ont. LOR 1 E0. (416 ) 957-3695. 9-49-01 YORK X Landrace bred gilts, due 2nd week of December. Contact Fergus Kelly, RR 2, Dublin. 345.2197. 9-49-2 YORK XLANDRACE bred gilts, available for December and January farrowing, bred to coloured boars, as well as our usual selection of York, Hamp, Duroc, Hamp X, Duroc Boars, priced reasonably and guaranteed. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton, 345-2317. 9-47.4 12. USED CARS '76 lincoln Town Coupe. If you have time for part-time work and $1,500.00, all you need is tinted glass, minor touch ups and a chauffeur. Call 482-3186 or 482-7066. 12-49.1 1976 Ford Van, good shape, new rubber, custom interior, certified. Phone 527-0219. 12-49-1 13. USED TRUCKS 1983 Ford Explorer F150, 4x4 pick up 6 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering and brakes, radio, handling package. 482-3855. 13-49-1 1981 Ford pickup, yearend model purchased in October 1981. A one owner vehicle. Explorer package, VB, p.s., p. b., sport wheel cover, clean truck, all season radials, regularly maintained, colour - light metallic brown. Propane powered. No sales tax, good fuel economy. Call anytime887-6974. 13-47-3 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1984 A.T.C. 200 m. Front and back racks and trailer hitch. New in April 1985. Phone 527-0672 after6:00 p m. 14-48.2 HENRY'S Used Appliances. Walton. Good clean used appliances at reasonable prices. 887.9608. 14.4ltx3 FOR SALE: REASONABLE: 2 portable insulated metal buildings. One is semi -finish- ed as a cottage with bath and kitchen, etc. Second, large room with hydro, window, etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36' x 24'. Phone 482-7508 14-47-3 DRY seasoned hard wood. Stored inside. 482.7210 01'345.2564 14-48-2 lth- 2'A UIS TO T.V's. pp radios, small l e lancas, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T.V. convertors for sale. Larry's Radio & T.V., Blyth. 5234559 14.37 -If USED appliances. 90 -day warranty. 887. 5 9 1-tf7 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 60 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527.1213 14.484f AIR CONDITIONER, refrigerator, stove, fluorescent lights, captain b'ed, freezer, dining room suite, kitchen tables and chairs. vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer, dressers, chest of drawers couch, bunk beds, bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, coffee and end tables. Phone 348-8244. No Sunday calls. 14-33-tf TRUCK LOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill. RJ. Dungey & Sons, Mitchell, 348-8477. 14-36-tf TOP of the line Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth 5675.00 new. Will sell for $475.00. Also a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. Asking $200.00. Phone 5' 4.79774 afters p.m. HANK'S Small Engines, Hwy. 4. Londesboro 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Garden equipment and snowblow- ers, weed eater trimmers. Poulan chain saws, Badger farm equipment. service to all small engines 14-15 • tf STEEL BUILDINGS limited quantity of steel available Beat the price increase, order now for immediate or spring delivery For savings and for quality call Miracle Span 1.800-387.4910 (Note Quebec 1-800-387- 4932) 14.49.01 CE- DAR roping special. 75 feet for $12.95. The Country Spire, 229-6341 14-49.3 V type snowblower, for sale 345.2308. 14.49-1 Pi- NE. SPRUCE and Balsam Christmas trees, 5-10' Contact Neil Edgar. Highway 86. east of Whitechurch. 357-2440. 14.49.3 W- EEKLY SPECIALS' See our ad in Focus. Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy 4 north of Clinton, 114 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign Call collect 5239508 14-49.1 L 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC Organ, Lowrey Teenie Genie, single keyboard, automatic chords. Cross country skis, size 9 boots. Air hockey game (48" x 32"). Gemini video game system, Coleco, 4 cartridges. AFXBlazin brakes race set with extra parts.. All items in excellent condition. 345-2847 after 5:30 p.m. 14-49-1 APPROXIMATELY 300 bags of wood shav- ings, kiln dried, $3.00 per bag. 345-2806. 14.49.3 TOP quality Xmas trees. Between Seaforth and Clinton on Highway 8. John Gibson. 14-49-1 APPLES: $5. per bushel. Red and yellow Delicious, Spys, Ida Red, Macintosh, Empire when available fresh cider $1.50 a gal. plus container: .potatoes: red and white, 50 pounds, $4; onions, apple butter, cookies at Art Bell's Fruit Farms. 524-8037. 14-49-tf BRAND new ceiling fans, six kinds to choose from, Fans - full warranty, no warranty on lights, selling at cost price to clear. Phone 527-0225. Remaining stock MacLean Flow- ers, 12 Jarvis St. 14-49-1 WATER PROBLEMS? New technology - eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic, tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemi- cals, no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 month trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want Better Water for Better Country living Call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. LAW 4136. The "Lowest" Cost System that "Really" Works. 14.49-01 FREE METAL HALIDE 1000W grow light with every21st Century Garden. Limited time special, Call or write for details. W esters W ater Farms, 124.4 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604) 682-6636. _._ __ _ _�- ___----144901 STEEL BUILDINGS. Buy direct and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 to 40 per cent. Must clear inventory. No reason- able offer refused. Order now, take Spring delivery No storage charges. Call 1.800-387- 8130 or (416)82843262 14-49-01 14 Oldtime Dances with instructions Include ing: Valita Waltz, Lambeth Walk, Barn Dance, Heel Toe, Seven Step Send $10.50 Just -Two, Box 1926, Melfort, Sask. SOE IAO. 14-49-01 • "PENNY ROLLER" Trademark Patented. Wrappennies. nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.96 postpaid (Please add 63c tax) Christmas Special: 2 for $16 (Please add S 1 12 tax) Send cheque or M.0 to Penny -Roller Products. P 0 Box 405. Fort Erie, Ontario 1.2A 5N2 14.49.01 PIANOS Apt -size with bench. $995. up- rights. 52 -inch. $495 Pianos refinished from $995 We buy. restore, refinish pianos Village Piano Shop, 'behind Kentucky Fried Chicken i. Elmira (519'669.2280 14.49.01 SHARP MICROWAVE OVENS ON SALE._. at CAMPBELL'S CROWN ¢a HARDWARE Main Street Seaforth 527-1420 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words • one week, $4.20: two weeks. $3 /0.,three weeks, $3.20. Additional wads 18 cen's BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rale ul$6 with mute e$12 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding Atter this time, photu and cutl,ne only, $15. Complete wrile•op $25 IN MEMORIAMS - $4.20 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, $4 20 Each additional word .06 cents 50 CENTS DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1,00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming events 2 Yard, Garage sale 3 Lost. strayed 4 Found 5 Help wanted 6 Business opportunity. 7 Situations wanted 8 Custom work 9 Farm stock 10 Farm machinery 11 Hay, 8. straw 12 Used cars 13 Used trucks 14 Articles for sale 15 R V •S for sale 16 Mobile homes 17 VCR's for sale 18 Computer corner 19 Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted 23 Real estate 24 Property for sale 25 Property for rent 26 Apartments for rent 27 For sale or rent 28 Wanted to rent 29 For rent 30 Room R Board 31 Notice 32 Vacations 33 Educational 34 Auction sales 35 Tenders wanted 36 Legal notice 37 Notice to creditors 38 Service directory 39 Card of thanifs 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagnme^is 43 Marriages PHONE 527-0240 MONDAYTO FRIDAY -8:306.m. to 5p.m 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE PART-TIME f5C'4fAlE, R('A video camera. tuner, portable re•order and carrylitt' ('an pay for itself in less than one %i': l doing weddings. reuntons, commatilt1n'tx•rts W as $2.800 00 now $1.4011 10 ('all 48.2 :3186 or482-7066 14 49 I GUN SELL OFF! Berretta double i2 gauge 1700 00.:30.16 Remington Semi with -coin 1600 00: 12 gauge .1 (' lligglna ri•nil $200 00, 50 calibre C V A long vile and pistol - $350 00 Some pistols Other gulls Offers 482,3186 cm -482.706(i 14 49.1 For Television trom Around The World Call LARRY FISHER 524-9595 )4,00° 4`* 000 SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 10' Fiberglass dish (3 yr. warranty) Polar Mount Unldon 1000 Resolver 65 Degree Palarotor 9995. a•tliS pr. SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 6' Perforated Dish m.,,•rr.a 1009 Uniden Receiver $179 0 and more Completely Installed o,„e. • Monthly Leasing Available • Home Demonstrations Value for your money, Backed by Service TV S. STEREO SYSTEMS• SALES 6 SERVICE CHOICE OF COLOUR L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE (oil00v 14.114'it 524.9595 Cash & Carry Classified Corner RAI'Eli hmv Skate, •IR' C 120 00 ;27 022-, RACER men c nkatr' •'70 I.' 527.022:0 1r'+ `I n, TACK() I' (' Sl hm'sk,,•r• . f k, new $17, MM 327 022-, MAN'S nylon parka '`tyle 10' kit omit lined. nay!. size earn 027-0307 Cash In On Expositor Cash & Carry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $1 • Use as many words as you like • Item must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad e Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The Expositor coupon MY AD My name • One item per ad • Only for private individuals. selh-.g personal possessions .............................................. Bring or mail to: The Huron Expositor 12 Main St., Box 69. SFA FORTH, Ontario NOK 1R'O $1 enclosed f I