HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-11-27, Page 14i A14 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 27, 1985 -CLASSIFIED TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1.COMING EVENTS SNOW MOBILE POKER RALLY, Saturday, I,muary I L 1986. Registration starts at 9 •, in Hundreds of prizes. Sponsored by 13rndhagcn Chamber of commerce. if wea- ther date is necessary. announcement will t clhn 1150 plan to attend our New Years Eve Dance, $10 00 per couple. ladies please print potluck tnrlunch_ 1.48_6 St ND.1Y, DECEMBER 1, Cavan United 'hunch, Winthrop Service of Confirmation .,tnd. commit!) ion at 4..111a.rn. 1.48x1 ItLVI'II FESTIVAL general meeting, 1l ednesday, December 4, 1985, 7 p.m. rvreption , 7:30 p.m. meeting at the Little Inn ,+1 Jia}'trend i(l:imes Room). All members (velcntm 1 48-1 PIAN to altenrl the 6th 'Annual Christmas tuft Festival, December 5, 6, 7 and 8, Thursday. Friday and Saturday 12 to 10 p.m. Sunday 12 to 6 p.m. Progress Building, Fairgrounds, London London's largest show with or or lou craft people. Admission only $1.511 (5191679-1810 1.48-01 BEE(' lI W O()1) POTTERY: 10th Anniversary Christmas Show & Sale. New work in porcelain and stoneware by Robert Tetu, Saturday. Nov'ember:10 and Sunday, Deceit} her 1 noon to 6 p.m.. 212 miles north of St. I'ulOmhan on McKillop Sideroad 10. Wine and cheese 345-2184- - 1.48 1 I (ANC'E: Crystal Palace, November 30 ''The Footnotes" $4 00 per person. Sponsored by Mitchell Agricultural Society. ENJriYtheS D H S Penny('arnival.lrrday, I)ecemhe'r 6, 2.4 and 6,3o 11 p.m Celebrity ,ruction, bake sale rummage sale, fish pond end much enuch mom. -_1.48-2 UDDFEILt)WS and Hehekahs Euchre, No - ember 27 at 8 p m. Oddfellows Hall. Lunch ;molded 1 47.2 S'I' AMBROSE C Christmas Bazaar, Brussels library, Fl -clay, December 6, 1.4 i in in our Penny Auction Saturday, December 7, 1.3 p m Christmas baking, I'hnstma.s randy, small wafts. childrens grab tux. draws on {ninny auction. coffee, pop, and donuts availabletome out and join in Ihrhin-. 147_3 • CII RISTM AS IN SONG A concert of sacred Chnsimas music presented by the Blyth (Festival singers at 3 p m and 8 p.m on Sunday. December 1 at Blyth Memorial Hall Tickets $5 00 and SI 50 are available from choir members or by phoning 523-4331 or '. 2 t 911)0 Refreshments fo follow 1 47.2 It IN( Vaiiastra Rec Centre, Tuesdays 8 First, Regular Card SI 00, 15 regular 4:n m n0 carnes ihre.r' Sh ere•the Wealth Jack- ie $200 mast kit lucky ball $160 0n of not cion i,trc•tq ball increases S20 00 per week 1,imissieen restncted to 16 years and over 1.14•(1 sF.\Fl)l'T1I optimist Super Dabber Ringo. over SI 000 m pnic Hamel including Jackpot of S 100 Weida,. December 2, Seaforth and Dist tN Community Centres Flash and early tint star .11 7 p m Doors open at 6 p m All prizes hi gee Ikeik of ( anis S4 $6. S8. $10 prizes liar at ailahl' 147 1 lilt- lit Roti tot Nrt. IIF:II.TI4 ('NIT invites rico in attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE held at the health Unit Office M edical Building, Brussels. on Ve F3)NF:3D 11', DEA E7'IAI:Fi 1. 1985 from t :10 . 3'30 p m for' 1 Health Surveillance 2 Font ('are 1 lnaemla Screening 4 Urine Testing - 1 Blood Pressure 4. FOUND s111IJ. hLeck dent found 1 ''c' dart (' len t; miles east ot 4 48 1 5. HELP WANTED IEII' 11 ANTED at Jervis Moto Inc . Inion :\pphmper-onorwriting 3481 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN Blyth Festival A one-year term position Is ovanabte with the Blyth Festival, a professional theatre company with year-round as. Orifice, with duties and training In the following areas: *personnel management *financial management and accounting *box office and front of house management *marketing and publicity *tour management *volunteer management The successful candidate will hove management experience, preferably arts -related, and be willing to reside In Blyth or area. TERM: January - December 1446 Plisses. submit a resume. Including a phone number. by Dec. 14 1045 to: Brenda Donor. General Monger Blyth Festival P.O. Bow 10 eLYTH, Ontario MOM 1140 5. HELP WANTED TRAIN for a, job with a future...with 'Fri -County Truck Driver Training. ,lob search assistance available. Kitchener '720 King E., (5191 743.5011. Brantford 300 Colborne E. (519)756-0223. . ' '5-48-01 "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport 'Driver Training. London. 1-800- 265.1260. 5-41-tf EXPERIENCED drummer looking to pin an established top 40 or country and western band. Have own equipment and transporta- tion. Phone 529-7974 after 6 p.m. 5-39xtf CANADIAN TIRE, SE AFORTFI requires a • CLASS' 'A' MECHANIC -able to do general car repairs -able to operate a scope and front end alignment rack I willing to train) •commission system with a guarantee -good benefit package employee discount training and updating program APPLY iN PERSON CANADIAN TIRE 128 Main St. Seaforth 527-1351) 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DLSSATLSF'IED" 'No and a half years ago 1 was broke and dissatisfied I now earn over $15.000 per month commission. If you have the desire to earn this type of income act now. Coot act bet ween 9-5 (4161663 (1109_ 6.48-01 TIRKI) of the same rate of pay. no matter how hard you cork" If you wish the fruits of your labour le, be reflected in the amount of money you earn, then this may be the opportunity you require An expanding bathtub refinish- ing company wishes to establish dealers in your area Some business and marketing ability required This is one of the highest profit return service industries available in Canada today A cash investment of 514.950 is required For further information please write Old Qualker Coatings limited, 5A Caesar Ave Nepean. Ont K2G 0A9 (613 e 226-4024 8-48-01 7. SITUATIONS WANTED CHIMNEY sweeping Phone Paul Gridzak 182 9916 after3 :40 p m 7.46.4 11'111. habvsit in my' home References available Phone 527' 1(141 7.48.2 WORK WANTFIY Student looking for odd jobs Example housecleaning inside or out, running errands. babysitting References available Has access to family ear Contact Christine 527.1224 7.48x1 8. CUSTOM WORK ('USTIrM combmme with.4 wheel drive and custom trucking .+vailable Heyink 262837 8 01 ('t STt)M snowhlowmg Brian Moore 527- 1411afters p rn 6.48-4 9 FARM STOCK TAR11) polled Hereford Club Sale. I p m },e'urdac Pei -ember I A. 1985 Markham Fairgrounds Note new location Contact Craig l.ymhurner, R it 1. ('aistnr ('entre. rtill Dolt 1fOi .416.1;7 tee.; 9 48-0) YORK X IANDRA('E tired gilts. available for December and Jarman farrowing, bred to coloured boars. as well as our usual selection of York. Hamp. Duroc. Hamp X Duroc Boars. priced reasonahlr and guaranteed Rob Robinson. R R 4. Walton. 345.2317 9.47.4 GOO( weaner pigs for sale York X. landrace X. Hamp X Dome Good weekly quantities available Call 345.2550 or 343453 2.303 12. USED CARS 1975 Ford I. 'f D 65,000 original miles Fully loaded is oh all the toys Body and drive train all in gored rnnfition 1l ould take little to certify Asking $648 or best offer 527 1379 I an l line 13, USED TRUCKS 1981 Ford pickup, year end model purchased in October 1981 A one owner vehicle Explorer package. VR p s 'p b . sport wheel cover. clean truck. all season radials, regularl\ maintained. colour - light metallic brown Propane powered No sales tax, good fuel economy. Call anytime 887.6974 13-47-3 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE FRET pick up of unwanted appliances. Call 887 9173 14 36 -If 19 colour portable Electrohome T V $100; 19" colour portable Sylvania T V $150; 75,000 B T l oil furnace for mobile home. $75 00 40,000 B T 1 propane space heater $50 Phone 527 1382. 14-47-2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE NATURAL Gas furnace for' sale, 120,000 B.T.U., suspension, approx. 5 years old. Asking $450. Phone 527.0557. 14-47-2 APPLES, CIDER, potatoes, apple butter, onions, honey and cookies, cooking spys and McIntosh. $5.00 bushel at Art Bell s Elvtt Farm, 524-8037. 14.47 -tf FOR 'SALE: REASONABLE: 2 portable insulated metal buildings. One is semi -finish- ed as a cottage with bath and kitchen, etc. Second, large room with hydro, window, etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36' x .24'. Phone 482-7508. 14-47.3 10" radial arm saw with stand. 36 wood lathe, stand and motor, Floor press and motor. 10" band saw, stand and motor. 7 foot Scotch pine Christmas tree. 887-6997. 14.48x1 THE FANTASTIC WOOD Electric Furnace. Call or write us about. the Celsius Wood Electric Furnace. We are 5 years on the market and expanding. We have 1,800 customers •who say we have the best performing furnace in Canada. Easy on wood and.you can control the temperature'in the house within 2 tq 3 degrees. We are selling direct from our factory to you, the customer, Ladies, are you afraid of wood fired furnaces" Ask about our Fantastic Wood Pellet Furnace. Fi11 it up twice a week. Also controls temperatures within 2 degrees. Bonnechere Metal Products Ltd., RR 2, Eganville, Ont KOJ ITO. (613)628-2839. 14-48-01 GREAT GIFT. A subscription to the FUn Factory Children's Magazine. Jokes, fun activities, puzzles, riddles. Send $15 for 12 issues: The Fun Factory, Box 1268, Station T., Toronto. M6B4A4__- 14.48.01 24" white enamel gas stove. 4 burners, oven door window, good condition $85.00. Phone 527-1207. 14.48x1 XMAS TREES: 'No, I Scotch Pine 3' 7 Open all weekend Nov. :30, Dec I or evenings. 3 miles west of Seaforth John Gibson 482.3229. 14 48 1 1984 A.T.C. 200 in, Front and hark racks and trailer hitch. New in April 1985 Phone 527.0672 after 6:00 p m 14 48 2 HENRY'S Used Appliances. Walton. Good clean used appliances at reasonable prices 887.9608. 14.48x3 "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark Patented Wrap pennies, nickels. dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all Uses free bank wrappers Only,58 95 postpaid Please add 83 cents taxi. ChEtrtmas special -2 for $'3.6 Please add S 1.12 tag i. Send cheque or M t to Penny -Roller Products, P t) Box 405, Fort Die. Ontario l.2ASN2 14 48 01 DRY seasoned hard wood Stored inside 462 72100045-2564 14 48 2 GARRE"TT Metal Detectors (Contact us for nearest dealer Ask about Christina:: spc vials, eagerly looking for new dealers in Ontario Contact Canadian Metal lliralor's. RR 5. Waterford. Ont N0 F. I Yo 119' 443-5193 __ -- - 1448-d1 SBUILDiNG CLEARANCES Final clearance of straight wall buildings For example 20x:3(1 with 12 high sidewall for $4995. 28x30x12 for $5975; 30x40x14 for $6995 Other sizes available Serious only call '4161 22t 7.15.1 14 46.01 ONE STOP Building Shopping Centre All steel straight -slant. qunnsets cladding Free brochures on request For action value and answers call Wally 1416' 6261794 heave message or collect evenings and week end:, :, end 48 01 STEEL BUILDINGS -Buy direct and save Building factory direct discount 20 to .t0 to 40 per cent Must clear inventory No reason able offer refused. Order now. take spring delivery. No storage charges ('all 1800 167- 8130or+4161828.6262 14 t6 n1 FREE METALHahide1000W grow hail' with every 21st Century Garden Limited time special ('all or write for details 11 velem Water Farms, 1244 Seymour Street Vamou ver. B (' V6133N9 ,6(141662 6836 14 48 n1 POTATOES for sale, while they last €4 no bag Bring your own container 150 Market Street. 527 1405 _ 14 411x) ANTIQUE bedroom suite. desk. chem lamp table and high chair New closet organizer and 712 1) "Tractor" boots Muskrat racket settee and 2 chairs. lamps. rugs law n sweeper, natural gas space heater electric sewing machine. baseboard heater steel bed. wood plant stands. motif' camera cassette and 8 track recorder. immure ii aures etc 527-0964 or527 1365 t 4 411t1 BULLETIN After 35 years at thy san)r location Sophie's Gown Shoppe is moving next month All mstock Bridal. Rndesniaids mothers, veils and hats are reduced up to ;ti per cent Shop now and make great savings Still at 160 York St . at Rcchmond London 14 4R 111 L 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE I )t''l3ST snowblower, single auger. Several maple' trees for firewood, some already cut. F9)one'527 01197 _• 14_48.2 ONE set of tra,tor chains to fit 15.8 38 tires. Phone 527 11411-- _ - 14-48-1 SPECIAL PRICES on Amber Honey in 1 kg. 21 l lh. I pails. Call 527-1023. Kelly s Apiaries,Seaforth 14.48x1 1973 Mato Ski Capri snowmobile, single car, 1973 I Londa 750 4 cvl. motorcycle, one truck top tarpaulin (medium size). Call 527-0765. _ . .- - -- 14 48-1 WOODEN rocking chair in like new condi- tion. 527.1429. 14-48x1 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. ('e•ucranteed 60 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-48-tf USED appliances. 90 -day warranty. 887-9175 14-45-tf I31 E'1 for sale, 62 x 17, solid wood cabinet, a in f.m stereo and record player, '4 speakers Phone:345.2021. 14-47-2 REPAIRS TO TV's, radios, small appli- ances, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T V convertors for sale. Larry's Radio & 'l' V Rlyth. 523 4559 14-37-tf TOP of the line Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth $675 00 new. Will sell for $475 00. Also a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition Asking $200 00 Phone 529.7974 after 6 p rn 14-39xtf T'RI'CK LOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill R ,1 Dungey & Sons, Mitchell, 3.8-8477 14.36 of APPLES Courtland and Mutsa at sale price $ts on per bushel. while supply lasts. Also cider and cider pressing on request Martene c Irc•hards. i mule west of Egmondville. 527 11107 14.47-tf AIR CONDITIONER, refrigerator, stove, fluorescent lights, captain bed, freezer, dining morn suite, kitchen tables and chairs. vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer, dressers. chest of drawers, couch, hunk beds, bedroom suite. chesterfield and chair. coffee and end tables. Phone 348-8244 No Sunday c�galls3 tf Il ANK'Ssmall Engines. Hwy. 4. Londeshoro ;2 t.9202 Dealer for ('anadiana and Bolens loon and Garden equipment and snowblow erg, cared eater trimmers. Poulan chain saws, 13,idger farm( equipment, service to all small rugines 14.15 If F't iLVlSlIEJ) .18 ‚.1311 trailer with an added room to ‘22 in Pasadena trailer park in St I1•ter.huri! Honda Robert Dalton. 1 813 145 6796 1446 3 Christmas Toys have arrived at Vincent's VilSEAFORTH 521.0120ofttitruNtume oak For Television from Around The World Call LARRY FISHER 524-9595 n SATELLITE SYSTEM SOEC AL 10' Fiberglass dish (5 yr. warranty) Polo. Mount 1n*ten*d Un)den 1000 Ret -0l1,0/ $1905 65 Degree L.M.A. 7• ' Potarotor en ttS p*, mooch SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 6' Perforated Dish ft 1799. 200000 Un)Untden Receiver and more Completely Installed er 144 pe. (nervi. • Monthly Leasing Available *Home Demonstrations Value for your money - Backed by Service TV d STEREO SYSTEMS• SALES & SERVICE CHOICE OF COLOUR L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE ' „I no, N'oh' 524-9595 DEADLINE FORCLASSIFIED ADS IS 4;30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADSFOROUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week. $4 20.1w, week, $3 ,^ ee weeks, $3.20 Additional woos '-n , F •7 • BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS-Flat'Sc''15f; n - 512 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free fug 8 ween, otic( •It'" ut wedding Atter this lime Pr, •" a $15. Complete write-up $25 IN MEMORIAMS - $4 20 plus I'+ 'P s Pe, " of verse CARD OF THANKS - ?5 wit,.,.. 54 to •�r, additional word 06 cents 50 CENTS DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - addll+Onal.week - $1 00 CLASSIFICATIONS I Coming events 2 Yard, Garage sale 3 Lost. strayed 4 Found 5 Help wanted 6 Business opportunely 7 Situations wanted 8 Custom work 9 Farm stock 10 Farm machinery 11 Hay & straw 12 Used cars 13 Used trucks 14 Articles for sale 15 R.V.'s for sale 16 Mobile homes 17 VCR s for sale 18 Computer come' i9 Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted 23 Real este r 24 P, npe+i ' ., '•ale . 25 P, .petty ' east 76 Aparimai 'S i•' -a -a is 27 Fur gale,' '•n+ 28 Wanted'.. 29 P.,, rent 30 Ruun, & Bbo'ii 11 Notice 32 Varanons 33 Educr'mnai 34 Auction sales 35 Tenders waned 36 Legal notice 37 Notice to credito's 16 iP,v -a ' -" • )4 i ., • '' 41 ♦.o v.• 4 42 Engage^u• 43 Ma PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY •8•30a m. to 5p m 18. COMPUTER CORNER :1TAIticomputergamt• plus Joy Irk Si oil Also.; colour printer extra $80 no x•111.' ilul' low scanner. 590 0(I 527.11257 1 I lit I Vi(' 20 computer. like nes Suit ;1(11.4`,....i, .1'. and tte'e"c' ,,,s- and six games $173 nu F1Pntr' 19. PETS FrmSA1E One purebr„d f)one' :.u• I'i.eh I' • yeas old Fars and +,e:l I I oto..! !.e iK , 21. WANTED TO BUY e buy used pianos. when (.el1,110 i• took( height. and general des, ripnnn ' .•n int), .' 669 1207 t 23. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. NILS REALTOR H113811iTT11'P,: 10n acres sult,thlr erre cash crop TL'('KERLS:tMIT11 TO11 NS/Ill' 'l'I .n i,•. suitable for cash crop Statrium 113i48FEETTO\1 NSIITP: Staff: acres on paved ro.id. 1 ••••• bedroom home, barn set 1q' ' ., 5210.000 111.'R1I\:,John Street. 2': stoI" y ono.. vinyl sided, 4 bedroom home $411.9"" t111J, STREET: i': storey. 1 hr,ti,,.'t, home Small barn, suitable for s'nk shop Lot 7 1 ' x 264 $411 0uu Contact Jt1F;(1'RI'll3 c i.. ' le ('HARIF.i 11 11 Ji(►\l os 4l' ' \1.11'Itl('F:RFII)S i17 2 TOM RETIES' 317.2.15 x I' Cash & Carry Classified Corner Size 10 Boys Italie: sk'1', '•'i condition $25 327 0672 Size 10 Guide uniform. Si.' condition. worn one year •1:7 f , (Inc pair snow tun's 14 , for the pair, nm Itis rmlc- Exercise bicycle. gravid umdtt tot 4:1 ' " ,. Phone 527 1207 Six foot green spoon r ! I original carton, with 1717 s' ' price $22 11 Mot', _ Cash In On -Expositor Cash & Carry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $1 • Use as many words as you like • Item must be priced at under 540 and price must he in the ad • Payment must he enclosed with ad written on The Eacpnsltor coupon MV Al) My nam( • One item per ad • Only for private individual, s, personal possessions Bring or mail to: Rtr Huron Expositor 12 Slain SI Be) 69. sF.1F'ORTit ientario \OK (110 $) r.t, L•sp l