HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-11-13, Page 1523. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATELTD. BROKER 82 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario Bus. 482-9371 or Res. 523-9338 •5 ACRES: Hullett Township, good home, barns for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves, all offers presented, vendor has other interests, BLYTH: DrumsSOLD et, large brick home and heat, 10 ACRES: Kinburn, good brick home and small barn, well landscaped. VANASTRA: 1 floor home, finished basement, electric heat, 27 Regina Road. CLINTON: Jam 2 bedroom home, 1 floor, e. S O L D ;t, 21/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom, brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE GODERICH ST. W . Seaforth: .$33,000 buys this re -furbished 3 bedroom carpeted home. Features include 4 piece and 2 piece baths, natural gas heating supplemented by wood stove. New roof and storm windows last year. House is insulated. Immedate vacant posses- sion this week, call today, John L Duddy Real Estate Ltd, MLS Realtor, office 482-3766. 24-46-1 THLNKING of selling" Private investor will pay cash for equity. 527.0219. 24-39-tf 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT UPPER DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms, parking, available Dec. 1 References, Phone 527-1833 25.46-3 3 BEDROOM home. 2 blocks from Main Street Wood and gas heat $300 per month plus utilities 527.1312 25.46_tf CLEAN respectable 3 bedroom farm home. Phone 527 -0807 25-45-2 THREE bedroom apartment ready to move into: one bedroom apartment. $250 per month In Seaforth, two bedroom house in Clinton Phone 527.1577 25-46-1 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO bedroom apartment in a seniors building 527.182:1 28.29 if NEW LY detxirited one bedroom apartment. fridge and sloe No pets Suitable for one adult Phone 482 390t or 527.1720 26.46.1 ONE bedroom apartment for rent Close to downtown Everything included 527-1041 26.46-1 TWO bedninni apartment with stove and (ridge AvailahleDec 1 527 1637 26-46-2 31. NOTICE 11d;ST 10 lbs in one v. eek and never felt belle,. in my life So it you're serious about losing weight or Just plain good health, call us now Peter or Trio Hamming 5270179 31-45-4 LOSE 11' EP 1(T \(1W naturally suppresses appetite. give, ynu extra energy, no calorie counting. makes losing weight easy 100 per cent money hack guarantee Call Martin 1 227-1748 between 3 and 7 p m 31-46-tf REWARD Anyone hating any information, know- ledge or belief surrounding the circum- stances to the death of MICHAEL MclAt GtI IJN ‘k ho died on the 19th day of Marsh l985 are requested to contact the law offices of N4 t\\ & FlA!IBARD, 6 1 t Coronation Blvd., (' 5NIBRIDGE, Ontario NI ft :tF7i ,19 •623 070-0 32. VACATIONS ('ALIMHt\l:1 Portugal. Argentina. Chile. Australia, Nett Zealand, Hawaii, Bermuda, Texas. Mexico These exciting agricultural tours await you with Clare Burt Travel l4161 4:,1 4944 collect 33. EDUCATIONAL FREE ('areer Guide describes 200 learn -at• home correspondence diploma courses Ac- counting. Art. Bookkeeping. Business Man- agement. Clerk Typist, Secretary. Journal- ism. Television Servicing, Travel Granton ,5A ) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268- 1121 33-46-01 REAL ESTATE . every week in tHuron Axpositor 527 0240 34 AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., NOV. 16 at 10 a.m. Household Auction at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Les Jervis. SAT. NOV.. 23, 10 a.m. Household furniture, electric organ, piano, tools, welder, at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Lloyd Walker plus additions. DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS. NOV. l4 at 6 p.m. Auction sale of appliances, antiques and misc. items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell. Ross H. Kemp, prop. with additions from a Stratford estate. SAT. NOV. 16 at 12:30 p.m. Estate auction of 11/2 storey home, car, tractor, gas engines, and tools to be held at 49 Huron Rd. in Mitchell for the estate of the late Roy Aikens. SAT. NOV. 23 at 11:00 a.m. Auction sale of antiques, appliances and house- hold effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Mrs. Olive Walkom proprie- tress and the estate of the late Roy Aikens, prop. ESTATE AUCTION Of 1'/ storey home; car; tractor and tools to be held at 49 Huron Road In Mitchell, on SATURDAY, NOV. 16 AT 12:30 P.M. PROPERTY: This 1'/ storey frame home Is situated on a corner lot with ap- proximately 100 ft, frontage and 105 ft. depth. Also situated on the property are two frame garages. The four bedroom house has a two-year-old gas furnace and a partial basement. To view this proporty phone 348-9371. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10 % down day of sale. Balance In 30 days. sorting subject to reasonable reserve bid, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Skil angle grinder; now Black and Docker Skil sow; now Block and Decker sabre saw: sot of micrometers; body files; '/, inch bench vise; blow torches: heavy duty battery charger, homomodo air compressor; point spray guns; Marquette floor lack: Homollto chain sow; carpenters tools: old car ports; drill bits; many hand tools used by a mechanic; sawdust burner; wheelbarrow; mounted 3'/o h.p. roto - tiller; gas lawn mower; logging chains; pipe vise; McClary Bello Oak wood stove; small Gurney cookstovo; and many miscellaneous Items. GAS ENGINES & TRACTOR: Ferguson tractor with blade and chains; Ferguson 2 furrow plow; McCormick Dearing 3 h.p. kerosene engine (running): Fair. banks -Morse 2 h.p. style 0 self -oiling angina: Associated 4 h.p. gas engine (made In Iowa); international gas onglno: quantity of magazines on old gas onglnos. CARS: 1973 Dodge Polara, 4 door. Being sold as Is. NOTE: House contents and guns will be sold Nov. 23 at Jacob Auction Centre. Estate of the Lafo Roy Aikens: Proprietor AUCTIONEER DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 Auction Sale Antiques, furniture, appliances. etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. Ont. for the Estate of Les Jervis plus several additions. Sat., Nov. 16 at 10 a.m. Stuffed peacock and golden pheasant birds, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner with power carpet sweeper. Sanyo spin dry washer, Simplicity spin dry washer, apt. size clothes dryer. 2 1'rrge antique chests of drawers, antique sideboard with mirror, old china cabinet with glass door and sides. cherry drop leaf table, antique dresser with oval mirror, fancy old dining table with pressed pattern and 3 leaves, 5 matching pressback chairs, 2 treadle sewing machine, washstand. pressback nursing rocker. pressback arm chair, cedar blanket box. matching coffee table, end table with drawers and 2 drum tables, organ stool, piano stool, 2 chairs that fold down into bed, wicker arm chair, library table, drop front desk, chesterfield with pull out bed, chrome table with 2 leaves and 6 matching tub style chairs. floor lamps. bedroom suite with curved foot board bed and double mattress. poster type bed %kith mattress, dresser top swing mirror, round wicker fern stand, wicker baby basket, wicker baby cart, wooden butter churn, 2 ice cream chairs, 3 drawer chest, hand hooked rugs. quilts, bedding, Benmiller blanket, 20 gal crock plus small crocks. 11 round phonograph cylinder iecurds, round wooden butter print. butter ladel, straight razors, horse collar. Fathers of Confederation picture. coffee grinder, apple peeler, oil lamp, Aladdin lamp. antique kitchen shelf dock, mantle dock, Bennington spitoon and bowl Nippon jardmere, small tables. Meisen- haur guitar Zither, small iron kettle, several pipes, dishes and glassware including antique pieces, small appli- ances, pots and pans, Master Craft lawnmower. down hill skis and poles, water skis plus many other items TERMS CASH A UCTiO NEER - RICH •A R.D LOBB BB 482.7898 35. TENDERS WANTED TENDER1973 Rolls Royce Corniche convert- ible. Tenders received by Nov. 22, 1985. For terms and viewing, call Bryan Pacello. Bailiff at (705)726.8350. Barrie. Ont 35-46-01 LASSIFIED 35. TENDERS WANTED THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 13, 1985 - A15 35. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS TOWNSHIP of McKILLOP SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the Road Superintendent or Clerk -Treasurer at the Municipal Offices, RR 1, Seaforth, Ontario, until 12:00 o'clock noon. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1985 for One New 1986 1/2 Ton Pick-up Truck' TENDERS must be submitted on Township Tender Forms available at the Municipal Offices. ., All tenders subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W AYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO 519-5274916 FUEL TENDERS WANTED Township of Morris Fuel tenders, sealed and clearly marked "Tender" will be received until 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985 at the Township of Morris Municipal Office, R.R. 4, Brussels, for the supply of fuel in the Township tanks at the Municipal Shed on a per litre basis. Tenders to be a two year contract from December 1st, 1985 to November 30, 1987. Annual requirement has been approximately 36,000 litres clear diesel and 7,000 litres leaded gasoline. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LLOYD MICHIE Township of Morris Road Superintendent 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345.2235 DAON DEVELOPMENTS Sunclockt, Soffits, Rooting. Sidewalks, Renovations, Orywalling, Plumbing, Electrical, Trot Removal. Eaveslraughing• Fencing, Siding 10% Discount for Seniors No lob is loo Weer ice Small 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE 345-2399 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every T4i ursday at 12:30 p. m All classes of livestock W E INVITE YOUR CONSIGNM ENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482.7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensel) Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-6205 Kirkton PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ---.� lb Home. 11 Hardware SILLS HOME HARDW ARE Seaforth 527.1620 VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwvy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPE( -IA LTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. 39. CARD OF THANKS ROE I wish to thank Dr. Rodney, Dr. Underwood. nurses and staff for their care. Also to relatives and friends who sent cards and visited me while I was in the hospital. We both thank those who sent us lovely birthday cards It was all appreciated. S. May and Wesley Roe 39- 46 xl ROGERSON Sincere thanks to my family. neighbors and friends who remembered me with their best wishes while I was a patient in University Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Stan McDonald for his many visits and all who were so kind to Isabel while I was away With deepest appreciation. Bill Rogerson 39.46x1 -----^-- ______JACOBi With sincere appreciation the family of Harvey Jacobi wish to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for all the kindness, love and support during the illness and loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Our thanks to Dr. Wallace and Mrs. Visscher and Dr. Englert and the doctors and staff of both Exeter and University Hospitals for their special care. Thanks to Michael O'Connor Funeral Home and the Hensall United Church Ladies for the lovely lunch after the service. Thanks for all the beautiful flowers and donations and cards of sympathy. Also for the food brought to our home. A very special thanks to Rev. Stan McDonald. Your expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. The Jacobi Family 39-46-1 ----------------- 39. CARD OF THANKS ECKERT I would like to say thanks to Sandra and to my mother and also to B. & L Auto Repair in Egmondville for their help, while being in distress in the town of Clinton, Ont, It was greatly appreciated. Norah Eckert 39-46x1 McGRATH 1 wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, visits and gifts I received during my brief stay in Stratford Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and Dr. Ward for their care. Thanks also to Marie Rau, Josie Nigh and Deb Janrnaat for their help. Dura McGrath 39-46-1 COX My sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends for visits. cards flowers and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Thanks to Rev. Cheryl -Ann Sampa for her visits. Also doctors Malkus and Underwood, nurses and staff for their excellent care. Eva Cox 39.46x1 i would like to thank St. Jude for favour received. M. R. 39.46x1 DALE Pearl and W alter Dale would like to take this opportunity to thank their family, friends and relatives for the wand erful time given to them on their50th wedding anniversary and for the flowers and gifts we received. Also a special thanks to Joyce and Ross and Sharon and Bruce. It is a day we will always remember 39.46x1 40. IN MEMORIAM McCLUSKIE: In loving memory of Lloyd McCluslde who passed away November 17, 1984. Beautiful memories of one so dear, Treasured still with a love sincere, in our hearts he is living yet, W loved him too dearly to ever forget. er remembered by his wife, Dorothy, Paul and Heather, Kim, Tricia and John. 40-46x1 McCOWAN: In loving memory of a wife, mother, grandmother and'great grandmother Isabel McCowan, who passed away three years ago, Nov. 19, 1982. Our mother is sleeping so free from all pain, Oh wake her not, sweet spirit, to suffer again, She slumbers so soundly, oh let her sleep on, Her sickness is ended, her troubles are gone, Just think how she suffered and moaned with pain, In the long night hours we soothed her in vain, Till God in His mercy sent down from above An angel that whispered a message of love. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Peter McCowan and family. 40-46x1 SOUR.BUTI'S: In loving memory of a dear wife Elizabeth who slipped away from us on Nov. 16, 1982. God knows how much I miss her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander, To the spot where she is laid. Lovingly remembered by husband and family. 40-46x1 CLINGER: In loving memory of a dear sister Helen M. Clinger who passed away in London two years ago, Nov. 13, 1983. Somewhere beyond the sunset, Where happiness never dies, Helen dwells in God's beautiful garden Amidst the blue of the skies, And to us who will always love her And her passing brought us pain, We will cherish her memories always Until we meet Helen again. 'Some day we'll understand" "And there shall be no night there." Lovingly remembered by her sister Gladys, brother-in-law Art Wright (John St. ),, Sea - forth, Ont. , 40-46-1 PRAISER: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jack Praiser, who passed away,November 13, 1977. He suffered atiently and long, His hope was bright, his faith was strong, The. peace of Jesus filled his breast, And in His arms he sank to rest, Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Gerry, Wayne, Jon and Colleen. 40.46.1 DALE: In loving memory of a dear wee granddaughter, Tracy Lee Dale who passed away November 12, 1983. Gone from the earth so swiftly, Just like a flower in bloom, So young, so fair, so loving, Yet called away so soon. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Grandma and Poppy Dale. 40.46x1 41. PERSONAL DA 18.' i GALORE: For all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1.800.263.9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. 41-46-01 IN LOTTO 649 Unique number selection ethod correctly picked all 6 winning numbers on August 10 and June 22nd draws. To obtain method, send S,A.S.E. for free information to P.O. Box 76825. Station "S", Vancouver, B C VSR5S7 41.46.01 Classified deadline is Monday 4:30 p.m. HOT COFFEE HOT NEWS. • Jj// j////// /2' //// • Enjoy your coffee and your favorite newspaper with a convenient hassle -free subscription. Save money and be first on your block to know the latest happenings in your community. Call today. All ositor :f 527-0240