HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-30, Page 12Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 30, 1985 CLASSIFIED / TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED.527-0240 1.COMING EVENTS SMORGASBORD SUPPER, St, Andrew's United Church, Kippen at Brucefield United Church, Wednesday, Novemberl3, 5-8 p.m. Adults $7.00, 12 and under$3.00. Preschool- ers free. Advance tickets only. 1-42-3 BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00, 15 regular $20,00 games, three Share -the -W ealth. Jack- pot $200 must go, Lucky ball $120.00 (if not won). Lucky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1.14-tf MORNING MARKET, Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton, Saturday, November 2 1985, 10 a.m. to 1 m. Various baking and craft booths and Christmas arrangements. 1-43-1 BRUCEFIEID United Church will hold its anniversary service on Sunday, November 3 at 11 a.m. Rev. Larne Keays is special speaker and Varna singers will provide 'special music. Everybody welcome, 1-43-2 VARIETY CONCERT, with talent from Walton, Bluevale and Belgrave, will be held in Knox United Church, Belgrave on Sunday, November 3, at 8 p.m. Admission $3 for adults, $1.50 for public schoolers, preschoolers free. Tickets available from members of the Board of Stewards or at the door. 1-43x2. OPEN HOUSE: 73 Centre St. for Anna L Hoegy on the occasion of her 85th birthday, Saturday, November2, 2-4 p.m. 1-44-1 HIBBERT UNITED CHURCH Ham and Egg Supper Wed. Nov. 20, 5-8 p.m. Adults $5.00. Children under 12, $1.50. 1-44-1 DANCE, Crystal Palace, Nov. 2, Hooterville Junction Gang' $4.00 per person, Sponsored by the Mitchell Agriculture Society. 1-44-1 BRODHAGEN Chamber of Commerce an- nual Turkey Bingo Night, Wed. Nov. 13, 1985 at Brodhagen Community Centre. Bingo time, 8 p.m. Draw for 50 birds and cash bingo prizes. Draw tickets available from any members, 1-44-1 ROARING 20's W EEKEND, Blyth Memorial Hall, Nov. 8 & 9. "Vintage Family Movies" Nov. 8th, 7:30 p.m. Roaring 20's Evening, Sat., Nov. 9th. Dinner (Blyth Inn) 6:30 p.m. "Speakeasy and Casino" 8:00 p.m. Danc- ing, anaing, refreshments, Charleston and costume contests and more! Weekend ticket package 545 per couple or ask about single events. Call 523-9300. Proceeds to Capital Projects. 1-44-2 FOOD PROCESSOR Demonstration of "Holly Sweets and Savouries" on Thursday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Huronview Auditorium Clinton. Pre -registration is necessary. Cost 53.00. Call Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 982.3428 or 1-800-265-5171. 1.44.2 MICROWAVE DEMONSTRATION will be held on Thursday, November 28 at 1:30 o.m. and repeated at 7:30 p. m. at Seaforth Legion Hall. Pn registration is necessary. Cost 53.00. Call Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5171. 1.44.2 BAKE SALE. Saturday, November 2, 10 a -m. in former "Just Hair" store. Sponsored by Egmondville and Walton 4-H Clubs. 1-44x1 TURKEY BINGO in St, Columban Church Hall on Sunday, November 10 at 8 p.m. Come and support St. Columban P.T.A. 1-44-1 ANNUAL Turkey Smorgasbord, Nov. 6, 3:30 - 7 p.m. at Duff's United Church, Walton. Fbr more information call 527-1877 or 887.9381. 1-44 -1 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE AVON LIQUIDATION plus indoor Yard Sale. Od. 30 throughNov, 2, 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. 31-z miles north and 2 miles west of Seaforth, Carolyn Thompson 527-1983, 2-44x1 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, November 2, 9 a.m. - ? Heritage Estates. Many misc items. 2-44x1 3. LOST, STRAYED LOST: Gold initial bracelet. if found please call 345-2738. 3.44x1 5. HELP WANTED TRAIN for a job with a future _with Tri -County Truck Driving. Job search assistance available, Kitchener, 720 King E, (519) 743-5011, Brantford, 300 Colborne E (519)756-0223. 5-44-01 URGENTLY NEEDED, Dealers for Stanley Home Products. Please contact Erma Ws 1-519-656-2979.'144 David St.. Wellesley). 5-42x3 5. HELP WANTED $$$$ I need 10 overweight people to lose. weight and earn extra money. Call Martin between 3-7 p.m. 1-227-1748. 5-42-tf EXPERIENCED drummer looking to pin an established top 40 or country and western band. Have own equipment and transporta- tion. Phone 529-7974 after, 6 p.m. 5-39xtf ' A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, Landon. 1-800- 265-1260. 5-41-tf FULL time position on farrow to finish and cash crop operation, also part time job for driving tractor during corn harvest. 887-6181 5-43-2 FARM MANAGER wanted. Our 6 -genera- tion farm is expanding. Therefore required is a take -charge, highly experienced farmer who has perhaps operated his own farm. This person will plan cropping, machinery maintenance, cattle feeding and daily direction to other men. This is a first class position only for a top man with a minimum of 10 years experience, Please send full resume to WAT-CHA Farms Ltd,, Hwy. 6, Mount Forest, Ontario NOG 2LO. 5-44-01 "SEASONS" Canada's first name in Colour Analysis and Glamour. Earn $100-5300 per day! (Chatelaine) Academy Certification, 212 products, cosmetics, skin care, silks, Replica Perfumes 1-800-387-7875. 6-44-01 DISSATISFIED? Multi-million dollar inter- national corporation with over 600 distribu- tors earning up to $100,000 per year expanding massively in Canada. Investment under $400. Call today (416) 827-8984, 6-44-01 GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY. Rapidly expanding new company in Air and Water Sterilization seek aggressive entrenreneur as potential dealer for dynamic product line. Protected territories available. Small invest- ment. Please call (613) 283-8621 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or send resume to: Zontec Treatment Systems Ltd., 2 Gladstone Ave., Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A 1R.3, 6-44-01 SATELLiTE Dish installer, experienced or will train to install and service, in local 3 counties area. Call 416-873-1641. 5-44-1 FULL-TIME and PART-TIME to work in busy restaurant mainly afternoons, 5 - midnight or weekends Fri„ Sat. & Sun. nights. Mall resume with references to: P.O. Box 712, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO Enthusiastic working person to work in Radiator Repair Shop Experience an asset but not necessary, We will train. Apply in person or in writing to: SEA FORTH AUTOMOTIVE 58 Main St. S. 527-0880 Owned & Operated by BRUCE W II.BEE & FA M I1,Y TOWNSHIP OF GREY Applications are required for one SNOWPLOW OPERATOR For the1985-86 season Applications must have required licence to operate a truck. Sealed, clearly marked applica- tions will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1985 Roy Williamson, Road Superintendent, R.R. 3 , Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Municipal Election HELP WANTED if you are interested in working as a Deputy Returning Officer or Poll Clerk in the Municipal Election to be held Tuesday, November 12, 1985, please contact the Seaforth Municipal Office on or before Monday, November 4, 1985. JAMESCROCKER, Clerk 1 7. SITUATIONS WANTED CHIMNEY SWEEPING. Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 after 3 :30 p.m. 7-40-5 ODD JOBS. Roofing, chimney repairs, cleaning, rebuilding, small dump service, garage and basement cleaning, etc. 523-4801 after 6:30 p.m. or before? 130 a.m. 7-42-4 CUSTOM sewing and alterations. 527-0645. -44x2 9. FARM STOCK BOARS Hemp x Duroc, low back fat, 8 min, reasonably pnced. 345-2170. 9-43-2 10. FARM MACHINERY MF 550 combine for sale, excellent condition, heads. optional. Phone 345-2689. 10-44-1 12. USED CARS 1972 Olds Delta 88, 455 engine. Power steering, power brakes, snow tires. Asking $600. 482-9931 anytime. 12-44-2 1983 Firebird, black, 5 -speed, V6 motor, spoiler, 36 miles per gal., stereo and cassette, T -roof, showroom shape. Phone 345-2683. 12-44-1 1984 Dodge Aries station wagon, 59,000 kilometres. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, plus many options'. Excellent condition, Jack Bryans, Brussels, 887-6490. 12-44-1 1978 Ford, air conditioning, new rad, electric windows, good running order. Make an offer, need the driveway. Phone 527-0225. 12-44-1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Business, Truck and Machinery, used in the field of spraying, poly -urethane and coating for agricultural, industrial, residential and roof market. This company has established a good annual sales volume. Fbr more information call 357-1069 after 6:00 p.m. 14-44-1 2 Michelin Radial snow tires. 215-15. Run 30 miles. 527-0225. 14-44-1 BOYS SKA PES, size 5, tacks, Bauer size 6, good as new. Phone 527-0225. 14-44-1 LADIES size 18 2 piece black "Ski Doo" snow suit, worn only once. 527-1455. 14-44 xl HURON County Historical Atlas now available 350 pages, 13x18 inches, 65 maps of townships, towns, hamlets; 1,000 pie. tures. stones of 800 families, churches, businesses, municipallties, Ideal Christmas gift, 559.50 each plus $6.00 shipping. Order with remittance to Huron County Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2, Delivery 4 to 6 weeks, 14-44-01 KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60 per cent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors, drawer fronts handles hinges, backing, laminate valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1995 clear- ing learing at $995. (519) 653-0176 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 14-44-01 WE buy Pianos. Special from Village Piano Shop (behind Kentucky Fried Chicken), Elmira. Pianos, only 5495. We restore, refinish, repair and tune pianos. (519) 669-2280,669-2311. 14-44-01 ONE Winchester 12 gauge semi automatic shotgun for sale, One 200 amp fuse service. 527-0151. 14-44-1 APPLE SALE: Macintosh double red and yellow Delicious, Empire, Ida Red, Northern $e1.50 per galal. plusssets, $6 ocnnttainer, appleprcider andwh to potatoes 54 for 50 lbs., apple butter, honey, bulk cookies and onions at Art Bell's Fruit Fenn, 524-8037. 14-44-2 UTILITY trailer for sale, 5150.00. Call 527-1334 after 6 p.m. 14-44-1 WINTER Express snow tires, size 13, good condition, 550 pair. Phone 527-1326 after six. 14-44x1 PONY cart for sale. 527-1433. 14-44x1 BEEF: Ready for your freezer, cut to your requirements, split halves or a half. Phone 527-1518. Ross Gordon. 14-44x1 WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in Focus. Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. 4, north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. 14-44-1 LARGE quantity of firewood, split and non -split. Phone 527-0676. 14-43-2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE APPLES: Courtland, Macintosh, Mutsa and. Spies at sale price $7.00 per bushel, also cider and cider pressing on request. Martene Orchards, 3/4 mile west of Egmondville. 527-1507. :4.41-2 FREE pick up of unwanted appliances. Call 887-9175. 14-36-tf APPLES: Empire, kings, snows, Wolfe river, delicious, spy, cider apples, cider weekends. McClymont Orchards, Varna, 482-3214, 14-44-1 RECONDITIONED fridges, freezers, wash- ers, dryers, and stoves, All are newer model trade-ins from local stores. 887-9608.14-43x4 A 30" gas range (Hardwick), 2/ years old. ' Excellent condition. 345-2877. 14-43x2 9x7 used overhead garage door with hardware, $75.00; Lange boys hockey skates, size 3, excellent condition. $30.00. Phone 887-9190. 14-43-2 ALIT. CONDITIONER, refrigerator, . stove, fluorescent lights, captain bed, freezer, dining room suite, kitchen tables and chairs, vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer, dressers, chest of drawers couch, bunk beds, bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, coffee and end tables. Phone 348-8244. No Sunday calls. 14-33-tf REPAIRS TO T. V's, radios, small appl- ances, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T.V. convertors for sale. Larry's Radio & T.V. , Blyth, 523-4559, 14-37-tf PIONEER -partner and poulan chain saws, two high quality chain saws at competitive prices. Backed by complete parts and service. Come and compare. Robert Glen Saws, Clinton. Phone482-9292, 14-42-4 TW IN TUB spin washer. 887-9175, 14-40-tf HANK'S Small Engines, Hwy. 4, Londesboro 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Garden equipment and snowblow- ers, weed eater trimmers, Poulan chain saws, Badger farm equipment, service to all small engines. 14-15-tf TRUCK LOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill, RJ. Dungey & Sons, Mitchell, 348-8477. 14-36-tf AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, frig and stove, Call 887-9175. 14-40-tf TOP of the line Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth 5675.00 new, Will sell for 5475.00. Also a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. Asking $200.00. Phone 529-7974 after6 p.m. 14-39xtf BUILDINGS, storage, garages, barns, ware- houses, stores, airplane hanger, you name we've got it, Big special for October, 40 wide by 60 long as much as 55,000 off. Direct from factory. Phone now collect (416) 454-5600. Limited offer. 14-44-01 POULTRY Pigeon, Pheasant National monthly newspaper, only 512 per year. Includes free 40th anniversary magazine and Avian book catalogue when sent with this advertisement to: Feather Fancier, 5 Lake Road, Forest, Ontario NOM 1Jo. 14-44-01 „FENNY ROIIFR" Trademark. Patented, Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all, Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid (Please add 63 cents tax). Christmas Special - 2 for 516. (Please add 51.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Elie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 14-44-01 RURAL DELIVERY magazine reminds peo- ple of the old Family Herald. Write for free introductory copy. Rural Delivery, a country ,journal, Box 1509, Liverpool, N.S. BOT 1 KO. 14-44.01 WA feat PROBLEMS? New technology - eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, soliform bacteria staining, iron, manga- nese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic, tested and proven in over 12 000 rural installations, no messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 month trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want Better Water for Better Country Living call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ont. LAW 4B6. The "lowest" cost system that "really works." 14-44-01 BUILDINGS priced below wholesale. Final inventory clearance. Various sizes available. All steel. 10-20 year warranty. Limited stock available. Ad now and save. No reserves held. Call 1-800-387-8130 or 1 (416) 828-6262. 14-44-01 ONE STOP Building Shopping Centre. All steel straight -slant, quonsets, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and adswers call Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends. 14-44-01 1974 24 ft. Wilderness House trailer, fully equipped. Stored in St. Petersburg Florida. Asking $2300. 527-0145. 14-44-1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P. M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS 15 MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week, $4.20; Iwo weeks, $3.70; three weeks, $3.20. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS-- Flat rate of $6, with picture $12 prepaid, MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding, After this time, photo and outline only, $15. Complete write-up 525. IN MEMORIAMS - $4.20 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, 84.20. Each additional word .06 cents. 50 CENTS DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 53.00, each additional' week - 51.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming events 2 Yard, Garage sale 3 Lost, strayed 4 Found 5 Help wanted 6 Business opportunity 7 Situations wanted 8 Custom work 9 Farm stock 10 Farm machinery 11 Hay & straw 12 Used cars 13 Used trucks 14 Articled for sale 15 R.V. ri for sale 16 Mobile homes 17. VCR's for sale 18 Computer corner 19 Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted 23 Real estate 24 Property for sale 25 Property for rent 26 Apartments for rent 27 For sale or rent 28 Wanted to rent 29 For rent 30 Room & Board 31 Notice 32 Vacations 33 Educational 34 Auction sales 35 Tenders wanted' 36 Legal notice 37 Notice to creditors 38 Service directory 39 Card of thanks 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagements 43 Marriages PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 10 year old Texaco oil furnace and oil tank. $300, excellent condition. Can be removed in one piece. Converting to gas. Call 527-0162 evenings. 14-44-1 POSTUREPEDIC bed. Half price $300.00; 2 solid wood end tables, 525.00 each and 1 coffee table, 520.00; desk $30.00; one bike, half pricc $70.00. Phone 527-0475, mornings. 14-44x3 WATER PROBLEMS ? New Technology - eliminates rusty - smelly - bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hard- ness, chemical contamination and more - fully automatic - tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations - no messy chemicals - no taste or smell of chlorine' - FREE 6 MONTH TRIAL OFFER- See the results for yourself - If you want BE1"1'ER WA I'k:tt FOR Br:1'1't;R COUNTRY LIV- ING CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. LAW 486. The "Lowest:' Cost System That "Really" Works. The distribution of the HURON COUNTY ATLAS which has been curtailed to other than patrons, as a result of a delay in completion of binding, will resume at the Court House, Goderich on Friday, November 1 when a limited quantity will be available for distribution, By November 16, delivery from the bindery is expected to be in sufficient quantities and at regular intervals to meet all future demands. in the meantime copies of the Atlas, ordered by Patrons, now are on hand and may be picked up at the Court House. We regret the inconvenience which may have resulted for some Atlas purchasers. Cash & Carry Classified Corner BOYS Bauer Skates, size 13, 525.00, like new. Phone 527-1183. GLRLS Delta Pro size 7 used skates. 510.00. Phone 527-1183. NAVY BLUE boys blazer, size 8 and grey flannel' pants, size 7. Both in excellent condition. Makes a good Xmas present. 520.00 complete. 482-9800. Cash In On FEXpositor Cash & Carry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $1 • Use as many words as you like • Item must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad • Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The Expositor coupon • One item per ad • Only for private individuals, selling persona] possessions MY AD My name te- Bring or mail to: The Huron Expositor 12 Main St., Box 69, SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK iWO 51 enclosed /' 00.