HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-09, Page 1523. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. MIS RFA1;t'OR It f1$8ERT TW P.: 100 acmes suitable for cash crop. TUCK ERSM ITU TOWNSHIP: 99 acres, suitable for cash crop. $180,000. IIIBBERT' TOW NSHIP: Staffa area, 100 acres on paved road, 1'.'g storey, 4 bedroom home, barn set up for hogs. $210,000. DUBLIN:John Street, 21/2 storey, white vinyl sided, 4 bedroom home. $49,500. M ILL STREET: 1' storey, 3 bedroom home. Small barn, suitable for work- shop. Lot 71' x 264'. $40,000. Contact ,IOEO'REILLY:145.2465 ('HARLFIS W AIJ(OM 348-5197 1AURIC EREIDY347-2358 'IoM REIDY:147-2:158 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 CHECK THESE EXCEFTiONALAREA FARM BUYS McKILLOP TWP.: 150 ac., 140 ac. systematically tiled, 8 ac. hardwood bush. Excellent 3 bedroom home. 60' x 80' pole shed, 50' x 26' pole shed, 33' x 23' heated workshop. $75,000.00 at 8 per cent available. Fall price $225,000.00 McKH.IAP TW P.: 50 ac. 45 tiled ac., no buildings, excellent crop land: Fall price $55,000.00. McKILLOP TWP.:69 ac., 33 workable, no buildings, 33 ac, mixed bush. Fall price $50,000.00. l%t'IJE T TW P.: 200 sow farrow -finish operation, 100 ac. systematically tiled, excellent 3 bedroom home, 4 barns all modern, liquid manure, 2 silos, lots of feed storage, 40' x 110' pole shed. $200,000.00 financing in place. A very nice set-up. Fall price $295,000.00. HULLETT TWP.: 100 ac. tiled, older house and barn, excellent crop land. Fall price $120,000.00, or offers. McKILLOP TWP.: 115 ac., 109 ac. workable, no buildings, 6 ac. mixed hush. Fall price $150,000.00. WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW LISTiNG:3 bedroom home, large modern kitchen, family room, 24' x 40' workshop. Close to uptown. $45,000.00. Mc•KiLIA)P TWP.: 2 acres, 3 bedroom home, workshop. drilled well etc $27,000 00, .JAMi':S ST.: 1 floor frame cottage, 2 bedroom, nice lot $32,000. 5000 SQ. ET.: shop and office building. Excellent highway location. Large fenced lot W . W Ili IA tt ST.:3 bedroom 1'2 storey frame home on large lot. Nice location, 535.000 00 REDt'('E7)$12.000.00:McKillopTwp 1 floor cottage on 1 acre lot. REDUCED 820.000.00: McKillop Twp Modular home 3 bedroom. large lot, nice setting N. MAIN ST. 4 bedroom, 1'2 storey, remodelled, large treed lot, $40,000, Offers N. MAIN ST. SOLDi a double lot, well rented $ e7 EGMONDVILLE 6 acres, 3 bedroom home, horse barn, nice setting, $100,000 STAFFA 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom, excel- lent condition. large lot. $38,500. W ALTON 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home, good condition. $29,900. fYIARKET ST SOLD 'itoo acres ofland n. $45,000. MARKET ST. 4 acres market garden, 4 bedroom h„me, remodelled. $89,000 824,000.00 For 2 acres on the highway with a 3 bedroom house. EXCEPTIONAL VA WE is yours in this modem 2 bedroom bungalow A full finished basement, attached garage and large kitchen are some of the many features of this home. $62,000.00. FCUT'TVE RANCH in Egmondvtlle, brick. 3 bedroom. double garage and all the extras. Call for details I:t00 Sq. F' ®LD t. commercial building $25 2 STORE\' 4 bedroom home. 30' x 30' family room, spiral stairs. garage. etc Tbo much to list here Must be seen $69.500 00 EGMONDVILLE: 't bedroom. 4 level split, an executive style home with all the amenities for a luxurious lifestyle COUNTRY BUILDING lATS at Alma Corners Large nine -tenths ac lots for only $12,000 00. 1800 SQ. FT'.: Split level on t ac lot. large workshop. close to Seaforth HEMITAGE HOME: 5 bedroom solid brick home. 2 fireplaces. garage. double lot, excellent condition Call for appoint • men t BUIIDIN(. LISTS. We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area ('all for your choice 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SAIF: 3-4 bedroom 1, 2 storey brick house on 4 acre lot (Brussels 1. garage, deck, large family room. recently renovated. close to school and downtown, Call after 6 p m 887-6878 or 291 -3854. 2440-:3 67 Ord St., Seaforth. 112 lots. 48 acres with 58 9 frontage Buy now for Spring construc- tion. Asking $12,000 or best offer Phone 235-2369, 24-40.2 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE THINKING of selling? Private investor will pay cash for equity. 527-0219. 24-39-tf 4 bedroom brick house located on paved road west of Cranbrook on 2 acre lot. Needs repairs. Private sale. Phone 887-9270. 24-39-3 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT 3 bedroom country home located on Hwy. 8 3 miles west of Seaforth: John Segeren, 482-9217. 25-90-2 3 bedroom house, $350 monthly, 2 storey barn, $100 monthly. Utilities extra. Refer- ences required. Option to buy available. Highway 8, near Seaforth. 482-5039. 25-39-tf 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO bedroom apartment in a seniors building. Available August 1st, 527-1823. 26-29-tf "NORTHCREST" 1 bedroom adult apart- ment. Available November 1. All utilities and laundry facilities included. Contact Eileen Ronnie 262-2005. Assisted rental available if required. Hensall Senior Citizen's Home's Inc. 26-41-1 28. WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM house in Seaforth for a responsible family by November or Decem- ber. Phone 345_2178after6 p.m. 28-39-3 GOOD cash crap land for 1986 crop year. Phone with details at mealtime or evenings 527-1375 or 527-0197, 28-40-2 31. NOTICE NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School Supporters for Representation of the HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the under- signed at the McKillop Town- ship Office, Winthrop commenc- ing on: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 and until 5 p.m. on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1985 Nominees must be a Separate School Supporter and may be from any of the following municipalities: Ashfield, Colborne, Grey, How - ick, Hullett, McKillop, Morris, Turnberry, East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, Blyth, Brus- sels, Seaforth, Wingham and Town of Goderich. One representative to be elected Required nomination forms may be obtained from any Municipal Clerk's Office. MARION McCLURE Clerk Township of McKillop LASSIFIED- 29. FOR RENT 3400 bushel steel granary with aeration. Phone527-1635. 29-41-1 31. NOTICE ROOMS W ANTED: Private bedroom, use of kitchen. bath etc. Nearly new home. Come and make this your home. Write to Box 1141, Seaforth, Ont. 30-41x1 FAT AND FED UP? Don't wait, lose weight naturally. Guaranteed safe and effective. Call me now. 227-1748. WATER PROBLEMS ? New Technology - eliminates rusty - smelly - bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hard- ness, chemical contamination and more - fully automatic - tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations - no messy chemicals - no taste or smell of chlorine - FREE6 MONTH TRIAL OFFER - See the results for yourself - If you want BEx t'E t WATER FOR BETTER COUNTRY LIV- ING CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. LAW 4B6. The "Lowest" Cost System That "Really" Works. NOMINATIONS NOTICE TO PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF LOGAN TOWNSHIP OF FULLARTON TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT TOWN OF MITCHELL Nominations will be received at the Clerk's office by the clerk of the Township of Logan during the period commencing October 17, 1985 and concluding October 21, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. for the position of: Two [2] representatives to the Perth County Board of Education Each of the members so nomi- nated, if elected, is to serve a three year term commencing December 1, 1985. Where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomination day is. not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies, the clerk may receive additional nominations on October 22nd, 1985, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The required nomination forms may be obtained at the clerk's office and must be completed and filed with the clerk by the above deadlines. MARGARET SCHERBARTH Clerk, Township of Logan NOMINATIONS NOTICE TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Morris In the County of Huron, that Nomination Papers may be filed In the office of the undersigned comnfencing Thursday, October 17, 1985 until 4 p.m. (E.S.T.) on Monday, October 21, 1985. for the -purposes of nominating persons for the following offices: 1/ Reeve Deputy•Reeve Three Councillors for the Township of Morris 2/ One representative for the Huron County Board of Education for the electoral districts of Township of Morris, Township of East Wowanosh and the Village of Blyth. Each member to nominated, if elected, is to serve a three year term commencing December 1, 1984, 1986, 1987 and 1988. ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner In which the sold nominations shall be filed is set forth in the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the office are nominated and make 'the required declarations, notice of the time for the hotding of the poll, Including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by prosy is shown below, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE: 1/ A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00 p.m. In the afternoon of Tuesday, October 22, 1985 2/ Nominations must be signed by at least ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualifications. 3/ Where the number of candidates for an office Is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday following nomination day, October 23, 1983, the clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an Insufficient number of candidates. SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED, THE ELECTION WiLL BE HELD ON Tuesday, November 12, 1983 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Advance Poll en Saturday, November 2, 1985 between the hours of 9 a.m. and $ p.m. at the Township of Morris Municipal Office. Deadline for obtaining certificates to vote by proxy is November 12, 1983 at 5:00 p.m. Nancy Michle clerk -Treasurer Township of Morris THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 9,_1985 — A15 31. NOTICE Notice of Nominations for the TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Nominations will be received at the clerk's office by the clerk of the Township of McKillop in the period commencing October 17, 1985 and concluding on October 21, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. for the positions of: 1) REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and THREE COUNCILLORS 2) ONE MEMBER TO THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD to represent the Township of McKillop Each of the members so nomi- nated, if elected are to serve a three year term. Where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomination day is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies, the clerk may receive additional nominations on October 23rd, 1985, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The required nomination forms may be obtained from the clerk's office and must be completed and filed with the clerk by the above deadline. For further information regard- ing the procedure under the election act, contact: MARION McCLURE Clerk, Township of McKillop 31. NOTICE Township of Hibbert Notice of Nominations for the Township of Hibbert Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town- ship of Hibbert in the County of Perth, that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the Office of the Clerk for the purpose of Municipal Elec- tion will commence on: October 17th, 1985 at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m. and close on October 21st, 1985 at the hour of 5 o'clock p.m. during normal office hours, for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of Reeve Deputy Reeve Three Councillors and Three Trustees for the Police Village of Dublin for a 3 year term to commence Dec. 1st, 1985 to November 30th, 1988. Required nomination forms may be obtained from Municipal Office. CHARLES FRIEND, A.M.C.T. Returning Officer, Township of Hibbert PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS TOWN OF SEAFORTH TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Take notice that the Preliminary. List of electors entitled to vote in the Municipal Elections in the above municipalities was posted In the office of the respective clerks on the 7th DAY OF OCTOBER 1985 The list may be inspected in the office of the Clerk and applications filed for revision of the list for the purpose of including names of electors who have not been included or for making additions or corrections to or deletions from the list. Take Notice further that the last day for making application for revision of the list will be the 23rd day of October, 1985. The Clerk will commence revision on the list at the office of the Clerk at 10 o'clock in the morning of the 15th day of October, 1985. J. CROCKER, CLERK Town of Seaforth MRS. MARION McCLURE, CLERK Township of McKillop CHARLES FRIEND, CLERK Township of Hibbert HARRY LEAR, CLERK Township of Hullett NOTICE Regarding Municipal Elections TOWN OF SEAFORTH OFFICES TO BE FILLED MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY -REEVE COUNCILLORS PUC COMMISSIONERS Nominations for Office NOMINATION DAY IS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 1. Nominations may be filed in the office of the Clerk during the period commencing at 9:00 in the morning Thursday, October 17, 1985 and ending at 5:00 in the afternoon, Monday, October 21, 1985. 2. A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00 in the afternoon of Tuesday, October 22, 1985. 3. Nominations must be signed by at least ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualifications. 4. Nomination papers may be obtained at the Clerk's office. ADVANCE POLLS 1. Will beheld in the Clerk's Office at the Town Hall from 9:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening on Saturday, November 2, 1985. 2. Any elector who expects to be unable to vote on polling day in the polling subdivisions for which their names appear on the polling lists or who are entitled to vote either under a certificate issued by the clerk under Section 33 or who become entitled to vote under Section 56. JAMES CROCKER Clerk, Town of Seaforth