HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-09, Page 14A14 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR. OCTOBER 9, 1985 CLASSIFIED TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone 2'7-0240 CLASSIFIED Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1.COMING EVENTS ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brumfield United Church, Wednesday, October 16, 1985, 5-8 p.m. Adults $6.50, Children 6-12 $3.50. Preschoolers free. Advance tickets only. 1-39-3 BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1,00, 15 regular $20.00 eames. three Share -theme -Wealth. Jack, pot $200 must go. Lucky b $160.00 (if not won). I.ncky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-14-tf PAY less income tax. Free seminar on investment and tax planning. Guest speaker, Brian Costello, Friday, October 11, 1985, 7:30 p.m., Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princess St. E., Clinton. Sponsored by ABC Investments, Goderich. 1-40-2 FOWL SUPPER at Egmondville United p.m. 1985. 5-7 pAdults $6.00, yyCildren undectober r 128$3.00 Pre-schoolers Free. Take-outs available. For tickets call 527-1607. EVERYONE WELCOME to appreciation night for Allan Nicholson at the Seaforth Canadian Legion, October 11. Dance to the music of Ken Scott from 9-1. Ladies please bring lunch. Short program at 9:4$. 1-40-2 LEARN CPR and receive your B.C.L. S. certificate from the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. Next course Saturday, October 19 at Seaforth Hospital, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. To register call Seaforth 527-1650 and leave your name and phone number. 1-40-3 COUNTRY and Western Jamboree at Van- astra Recreation Centre, Sunday, October 20. See Oct. 15 issue of Focus for further details. THANKSGIVING Bake Sale in the former Just Hair. October 10, 9:30 a.m., Presbyter- ian Ladies. 1-40x2 A DANCE "Puttin' on the Ritz", October26, Legion Hall, Seaforth. Band, Solid Ivory. 9 p. m. - 1 a.m. Sponsored by Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary. Lunch, door prizes, spot dance. Come out and support your hospital. Tickets available at hospital. 1-41-1 SEA FORTH & District Minor Hockey Bottle Drive, Saturday, October 19, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. For information call 527-0105. 1-41-2 PUMPKINFEST, tea and bazaar, Northside United Church, Sat. Oct. 26, 2 p.m. Something for everyone. 1-41-3 BUS TRIP to Orangeville Raceway, Sunday October 27. $10.00 includes program and admission. For more information call Bruce Scott, 527-1787. 1-41-3 SLUE WATER ANGUS Sale. Walton Sale Arena Durham. Saturday October 191 1 p.m. Consisting of 48 lots of cow -calve pairs, bred yearlings. For information phone (519) 856-9249. 1-41-01 COMMUNITY Shower for Sherrill Craig. Friday evening. October 11 at 8 p.m. at Duff's United Chur, Walton. Everyone welcome. 1-41-1 A NNUALTurkey Smorgasbord, November6, 3:30 - 7 p.m. at Duff's United Church, Walton. For more information call 527-1877 or887.938l. 1-41-1 SINGLES DANCE, Saturday, October 12, Stratford Fairgrounds, dancing 9-1. Music by Country Connections, (Western Night). 1-41.1 BRUSSFJS Majestic Women's Institute will hold their Bazaar and Bake Sale in the library on Friday, October 11 at 2:30. 1-41-1 S. HELP W NTED 1;� SIDE EFFECTS, a play about women and pharmaceuticals, is back at Blyth Memorial Hall on Oct. 19 at 8:30 p.m. through the sponsorship of W omen Today and the • Ontario Arts Council, Tickets are available for $6.00 at Triangle Discount in Seaforth, the Birch Tree in Hensall and Clarkson Variety Store, in Brussels. 1-41-2 WOMEN BEING W F21 Would You like to establish a self-help group? This is your opportunity to receive training and support to get a group of your choosing started. All expenses are covered by the sponsor, W omen Today. For more information call or write W omen Today, Box 1405, Clinton, 482-9706. 1.41-1 PLANNING FOR Health in Huron County. An opportunity to discuss the planning and co-ordination of health services in Huron County. Sponsored by the Huron County Community Services Council, Wednesday, October 23, 8 p.m., Clinton Town Hall Everyone welcome. 1-41-3 THANKSGIVING Pie Sale at Seaforth Superior Store on Saturday, October 12 at 10 a. m. Sponsored by the Seaforth Lioness Club. 1-41.1 PERSON to supervise pre-school children whose mothers are curling at Seaforth Curling Club, Tuesdays 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., November 19, ' 1985 through March 1986. Contact Marie McGavin 527-0936, ladies President. 5-41-2 A 20 week full time carpentry course sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre will commence November 11, 1985. Contact Goderich 524-8342 or 1-800-265- 5185. 1.41.1 PART TIME help wanted for Seaforth office consisting of all day Thursday and Friday and Saturday mornings. Apply in writing, com- plete with resume to Box 3800, c -o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1WO, 5-41-1 MATURE, reliable person to babysit in my home, approx. 2 days per week. Phone 887-9409. 5-41-2 PERSON to house clean in Seaforth, 3-4 hours per week. Apply Box 1007, Seaforth, Ont. 5-41x1 FOR a job with a future'....Trainwith Td -County Truck Driver Training. Job placement assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E. (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519 ) 756-0223. 5-41-01 HURON COUNTY Health Unit will opera Practical Stress Control Workshop, Thurs- day, November 28, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., MacKay Centre for Seniors, North St., Goderich. Speaker: Dr. Richard Earle. President, Canadian Stress Institute Toronto. $25.00 includes coffee, lunch and hand-out mater- ials. Pre -registration is required. Please forward a completed registration form with payment before Friday, November 8. 1-41-2 GENERAL full time farm help. D or A license an asset, Arthur Hinz 347-2636. 5-41-2 "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London. 1-800- 265-1260. 5-41-tf EDITOR -ADVERTISING MANAGER We have an opening in a well established Nova Scotia community newspaper: Training will be provided for right person with potential to take over as publisher. Write with resume: Advocate, P.O. Box 1000, Pictou N.S. BOK 1 HO. 5-41-01 DANCE: Crystal Palace, October 12, 'The Blenders', $4.00 per person, sponsored by Mitchell Agricultural Society. 1.41.1 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, yard sale, corner of Ann and Goderich Streets, 10-3. Rain date Monday, October 14. 2-4'13(1 IMMEDIATE opening for experienced radi- ator repairman with well established automo- tive company. Applicant must have several years experience on repairing and recoring passenger car through to heavy duty industrial radiators. Offering excellent pen- sion and full benefit package, must be willing to relocate. Send complete resume to Lucknow Sentinel, Classified Box 25, Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. 5-41-01 EXPERIENCED drummer looking to join an established top 40 or country and western band. Have own equipment and transporta- tion. Phone 529-7974 after6 p.m. 5-39xtf S. HELP WANTED PERSON to dean hotel, 7 days a week. Apply to Box3801 c-aThhe Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ont. NOK I W O. 5-41-1 9. FARM STOCK SERVICEABLE AGE BOARS: Hamp, Duroc, York, also Hemp x Duroc and York x Hamp, with all test information, reasonably priced, fully guaranteed. Call Bob Robinson, Walton 345-2317. 9-38-4 11. HAY 8 STRAW Enthusiastic person needed to perform general duties In our SERVICE DEPARTMENT Apply in person to: DENNIS McCAULEY HART ' FORD MERCURY 220 Main St. 527-1010 Seaforth 3rd cut alfalfa for sale. Phone 345-2209. 11-40-1 12. USED CARS i TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT HELP WANTED Part time Grader Operator and Snow Plough Operator Applications will be received by the undersigned until: Noon, Oct. 16th 1985 For position of Part Time Grader and Snow Plough Operator. Salary $8.00 per hour. No standing time. Employment dur- ing snow ploughing season. Please state experience. GARY KEMP, Road Superintendent R.R. 2, Staffa NOK 1Y0 Telephone: 345-2045 Garage 345-2293 Residence 7. SITUATIONS WANTED 1971 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 door, best offer. 527-1968. PARTS for a 1975 or '76 Volkswagon Rabbit, motor, transmission, starter, alternator, radiator, etc Phone 345-2912. 12-41-1 1977 Colony Park Wagon, air, p.w., a.m., f.m., stereo, 4 speakers, $2,895.00 or best offer. Phone 482-7772. 12-41-1 1979 Dodge Omni, auto. $1500 as 12-39-3 is. 345-2965. 1978 Ford, air, power windows, certified in July, $2,795. Phone Keith MacLean 527- 0225. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 20" color T.V. Electrohome. 20" black and white Philco, both good condition. Phone 527-1968, 14-41x1 CHIMNEY SWEEPING. Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 after 3:30 p.m. • 7-40-5 8. CUSTOM WORK i CUSTOM combining of corn, low rates. Phone 482-3194 before 8 a.m. 8-39-2 ONE used 10 ton feed bin. 527-0847. 10-41-1 CUSTOM combining corn, $25 per acre. Gleaner C-2. 430 corn head. Phone 881-0227 417 and ask for Ken. BLUE couch and chair, best offer. Old couch and chair, good condition, best offer. Kitchen table and 4 chairs, $20.00. 2 odd living room chairs to give away. 2 old steel double beds and mattress, best offer. 3 antique dressers with mirrors. $250.00 each. Phone 527-1379. 14-41x1 WESTERN saddle, 2 bridles, (one with silver) reins, new black chaps. Phone 482-7772. 14-41.1 POTATOES: red or white, pumpkins, leeks, and cabbage. Phone 527-1405 or apply 150 Market St. 14-41x1 CUSTOM Soil Saving and Moldboard Plow- ing. For further information phone 482-9196. 8-41-2 17 cu, ft. frost free refrigerator, brown, in good condition. $125.00. Phone 523-9234. 14-41-1 FRESH oven ready chickens 7 to 10 lbs. Phone 345-2088 after 6 p.m. 14-40-2 AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, frig and stove. Call 887.9175. 14-40-tf USED piano - tuned and in good condition. $400 or best offer. 345-2178 after 6 p.m. 14.39-3 2 baby snowsuits, size 12 months and 26 lbs., other baby articles. Phone 527-0709. 14-41-1 HOCKEY equipment, boys age 13-14, excellent condition. Phone 482-7772. 14-41-1 APPLES: Delicious and Ida Reds. Andreassi 527-0622. 14-41x1 TRUCK LOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill. RJ. Dungey & Sons, lit hell, 348-8477. TOP of the line Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth $675.00 new. Will sell for $475.00. Also a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. Asking $200.00. Phone 529-7974 after6 p.m. 14-39xtf LARGE acre rentals. Combine and corn head, 4 wheel tractor and plow. Vincent Farm Equipment, 527-0120. 8-41-1 CEILING FANS, Georgia 5, 5 blades, 42 in. 10 year warranty, regular with light, $304.98 on sale for $280.00. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-0225 Keith MacLean. 14-39-3 TWIN TUB spin washer. 887-9175. 14 -40- tf FREE pick up of unwanted appliances. Call 887-9175. 14-36-tf Huron County Historical Atlas AVAILABLE OCTOBER 23, 1985 Patron and prepublication purchases may be picked up from 9 a.m. October 23, 1985 and during business hours (including Saturday morning 9 to 1) until November 5 on presentation of receipt or certificate at temporary Atlas office in Laidlaw Transport van located adjacent to Huron County Court House, Goder- ich. Pictures loaned also may be picked up at the office. Atlas prepublication purchase certifi- cates continue on sale at the Atlas office or by mail at prepublication price of $45.00 until October 22. Following publication the Atlas price is $59.50. After November 5 obtain prepaid Atlas copies at Clerk's Office, Court House, Goderich or by delivery on remittance of $0.00 per may to cover shipping and handling. Additional copies on sale at Court House and from certain retail outlets. YOU ARE INVITED A short ceremony will be held at the Court House, Goderich at 4 p.m. Wednesday, October 23 to mark the release of the Atlas. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE APPLES: Macs, Empire, Kings, Snows, Wolfe River, Delicious, Spy, cider apples, cider weekends. McClymont Orchards, Varna, 482-3214. 14-41-1 55 hard maple tops. Phone Jack Bryans 887-6490. 14-41-1 ONE new large down draft wood stove for sale. $400.00 or best offer. 527-1379. APPLES: Courtland, Macintosh, Mutsa, and Spies at sale price $6.00 per bushel, also cider and cider pressing on request. Martene Orchards, 3/4 mile west of Egmondville, 527-1507. 14-41-tf REPAIRS TO T.V.'s radios, small appli- ances, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T.V. convertors. Call after 4 p.m. Larry's Radio& T.V., Blyth 523-4559. 14-37-tf W IiLspecial order the super large bale bags, so many requested. If I get enough orders this fall, they should run about $2.25 in rolls of 60. Phone 527-1856: 14-40-2 8 ft. Curtis G.M. topper, Universal tractor. cab 10 ft. 3 section chain harrows, 1973 Dodge pick-up, 360 engine, as is. 527-0648. MR CONDITIONER, refrigerator, stove, fluorescent lights, captain bed, freezer, dining room suite, kitchen tables and chairs, vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer, dressers, chest of drawers, couch, bunk beds, bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, coffee and end tables. Phone 348-8244. No Sunday calls.o1tP For Television from Around The World Call: LARRY FISHER 524-9595 8000 SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 10' Nbarglat, dlth (i yr. warranty) Polar Mount Unld.n 1000 W.r.lvar $ 99 100 Dogma I.N.A.. Palarotar 5. SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 0' P.rforat.d 0lfh Rainbow 7000 Rac.lv.r 59th and more CoplHn .ly Itallod • • Monthly Leasing Available • Home Demonstrations Value for your money - Backed by Service TV 8 STEREO SYSTEMS• SALES 8. SERVICE L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Coil Day or N,c3hl 524-9595 19. PETS TWO FEMALE Siamese kittens, seven weeks old. Half Arabian Stud Colt. Phone 529.7382, 19-41xtf 21. WANTED TO BUY YOUNG couple wishing to purchase 3 or 4 bedroom house in Seaforth or immediate area. Call 887-6828 or 345-2937 after 6 p.m. 21-41-3 1 buy used pianos, when callingive make, height, and general description. Call collect 669-1207. 21.36-tf BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 82 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario Bus. 482-9371 or Res. 523-9338 KINBURN: 10 acres, good brick home and small barn, well landscaped, FOR SALE or RENT. VANASTRA:.I floor home, finished basement, electric heat, 27 Regina Road. 4 ACRES:2 bE SOLD .e, small barn, Stanley Towns...i , FAST FOOD AND GAS PUMPS: Village of Blyth, high volume. KINBURN: 5 acres, good 112 floor home, barns for 600 hogs and 100 veal cal 95 ACves,RES: 55 acres workable, on south Maitland River, 5 miles from Clinton, no buildings. P'2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. VANASTRA: SOLDhome, fenced yard, very gc n, 74 Victoria Blvd. LONDFSBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive, double garage, excellent condition. BRUSSELS: 3 bedroom home, corner of Turnberry and Queen, take a drive by. Asking under $30,000.00. t.8 ACRES: Goderich Township, 5 bedroom home, well landscaped, large workshop. - Cash & Carry Classified Corner A LADY'S brown full-length winter coat. Fabric is 80 per cent wool, 10 per cent mohair, and 10 per cent nylon. Size is 38-40. In excellent condition. Price S20. Phone 887- 6713. ulligan RFAL ESTATE LTD MAUREEN W iIDFONG 482-3224 HEATHF2t BENNE%V IES 345.2862 MOBILE HOME: To be moved - 2 or 3 bedrooms, 14' x 70', approximately 8 years old. List Price $16,000.00. NEW LISTING: Duplex, self contained. $30s. NEW L.ISTING:1 acre plus lit storey home, barn & shed $59.900 00 NEW LISTING: NEW HOME PiANS? Brick bungalow style home to be built on this wooded lot in private area. Your choice of coloring throughout Call for details. REDUCED: 11/2 storey home in Harpurhey. DUPLEX: Showing good returns, fully rented. JAMES ST.: Excellent location, 3 bedrooms, completely renovated MOBILE .HOME: Excellent condition. Sacrifice price $16.000.00 EGMONDVIIIE: Brick bungalow, well maintained. GE(1RGE ST.: 11 z storey 3 bedroom on 3 lots. $30s. 7 ACRES: 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home plus hobby barn. $6,500.00: Mobile home. Open for offers. EX:MONDVILLE: Custom built 3 bedroom, many features. JOHN ST.: Excellent family sized home with att'd garage. EGMONDVILfE: 11/2 storey 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, gas heat. STONE HOME: Outskirts of Seaforth, 2 acres. Open for offers. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey brick home, original woodworking, $60s 10 ACRES: Solid 11/2 storey stone home, 4 bedrooms, many features. COUNTRY HOME: 2 storey 'SOLDIme near Blyth. CINDERELLA STYLE HOME: Only 1t block from uptown. I ACRE: Brick home with modern addition. A must to see. CLINTON: Bungalow style 2 bedrooms, only I1/2 blocks from uptown. NEW LISTING: Raised ranch style home, ready to move into VACANT: Must sell, 2 bedroom, family room, $32,900. JOHN ST.: Brick 2 storey, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, garage, $50s. $19,000.00: Railway Street, cozy 3 bedroom home. Open for offers. MCKILLOP: Executive style split level home on 2 acres. GODERiCH ST.: Completely finished 2 storey newer home Nice area. BLYTH: 2 storey brick home. Must sell, $31,500.00. $6,000: Mobile home in Heritage Estates. FGMONDVIIIF: Brick home, well maintained, 4 bedrooms HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL: 4 bedroom brick home. $20's. WALTON: Very well maintained home on spacious lot. $20s. GODERICH ST.: 4 bedroom home with att'd garage. $30s. GODERICH ST.: Vacant. 2 storey aluminum sided, double garage. MARKET ST.: Cozy 5 yr. brick home, 3 bedrooms. Open for offers. VICTORIA ST.: Executive style split level home, many features. OPEN FOR OFFERS: 3 bedrooms, renovated inside. $30s. CHALK ST.: One floor maintenance free home. Vacant. EAST WILLIAM: Double lot plus a 2 storey home, 11/2 baths. $34,900. WEST WILLIAM: One floor 2 bedroom home only minutes from uptown.