HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-09, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 9, 1985 BENJAMIN tXMDEVELOP/NG SECOND SET SPECIAL AM$1.99 FROM 36 EXPOSURE FILM • Applies to 110, 126, DISC and 135 full frame colour print films • Regular prices apply on first set • Service time is 2 days • No other specials available with this offer • Not available with ,sconomy service • Offer ends Saturday, November 2, 1985. AVAILABLE AT: KEATING'S PHARMACY 67 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1990 Fresh Pork SPARERIBS 1.59 lb Ready to Eat DINNER HAMS 1.99 lb. Cut to your requirement Smoked Ready to Eat FOOTBALL HAMS 1/2's or Whole 2.49 lb, Store Sliced COOKED HAM 1 .99 lb. NOMINATIONS Notice to Municipal Electors TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TAKE NOTICE that persons may be nominated as candidates in an election between 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of nomination day, Monday, October 21st, 1985, but nothing In section 35 of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 308 prevents a person filing a nomination paper with the Clerk during his normal office hours during the four days immediately preceding nomination day. Offices for which persons may be nominated: A. Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, and three Councillors for the Township of Tuckersmith. B. One member td the Huron County Board of Education for the Township of Tuckersmith and the Town of Clinton. C. One member to the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the Townships of Tuckorsmith and Stanley, and the Town of Seaforth. Each of the members so nominated, if elected, are to serve a three- year term, commencing December 1st, 1985 and for 1986, 1987 and 1988. Where the number of candidates for an office is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday following nomination day, October 23, 1985, the Clerk may between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an insufficient number of candidates. For further information regarding the procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk.Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith, GMB 117, R.R. No. S. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 110 DUBLIN AND AREA KNIGHTS OF. COLUMBUS officers Installed for the 1985-'86 fraternal year are from left to right, back row: Rene Brochu, District Deputy; Leon Maloney, Advocate; Claude Gelinas, Inside guard; John Van Bakel, Acting Trustee; Dave Groot, Lecturer; Roy Swart, Trustee. Front row: Frank Pontes, District Warden; Leo Hagan, Recorder; Gary Bannon, Warden; Mozart Gellnas, Grand Knight; Rev. Fr. Caruana, Chaplain; Richard McKay, Deputy Grand Knight; Wayne Ralph, Outside Guard; Frank Crowley, Chancellor; James Deve-peaux, Treasurer and Ewart Wilson, Trustee. Flower baskets adorn church Brodhagen Correspondent BARB SCHERBARTH 345-2298 Lovely baskets of flowers were placed at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen on Sunday morning Nom the funeral. of Hilda French. Hilda passed away at her residence in Michell on Tuesday and her funeral was Friday afternoon at Brodhagen. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to her family. An arrangement of Sed roses on the pillars at St. Peter's were placed by Irene Kistner in memory of her husband, Fred W. Kistner who passed away one year ago• David Badley from Clinton took part in the service on Sunday morning at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mr. Badley is a student pastor and will be observing and taking part at the church for the next year. August Scherbarth and Edwin Bach are progressing nicely at the Stratford General Hospital. Local men attended the stag party for Mark Phillips at the Monkton Community Centre on Saturday night, Mr. Phillips 'will be married to Tracey Beuermann, at Brodhagen on October 12. Allan and Geraldine Siemon were plea- santly surprised on Sunday afternoon when friends gathered at their shed to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. A potluck supper was enjoyed and Allan and Geraldine thanked everyone for coming and for the gifts. The afternoon was planned by Roy and LIST OF ELECTORS FOR v TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH 1985 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Preliminary List. Preliminary List, 1985 of the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron. Notice Is Hereby Given that In accordance with Section 25 of The Municipal Elections Act, on October 15th, 1985 we will be posting, in our offices and such other places os set out below, a list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipalities at the November 12th, 1985 Municipal Election. And Whereby Call upon all persons who are eligible voters to check the list for any er- rors or omissions and any person whose name has not been included in the preliminary list for o polling subdivision may file an application with the Clerk to hove such error or omission corrected. The Lust Day For filing Any Such Application Is Wednesday, October 23rd,• 1985. And Further Take Notice that the Revision of the List will commence In the Office of Clerks at the Municipal Offices set out below on Tuesday, October 15th, 1985, at 9:00 AM and continues until all applications have been disposed of. LOCATION OF LIST OF ELECTORS Municipal Office, GMB 117, R.R. No. S. Clinton, Ontario, Telephone No. 482.9523 Dated: This 9th day of October, 1985. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith lBRODHAGEN Joan 4euermann, who were in their wedding party and Tom and Mary Turner. Debby Bennewies entertained the ladies from the Brodhagen Slowpitch team at her home on Thursday evening, Ivan and Marl were pleasantly surprised by a visit by Marj's sister and brother-in-law, Lois and Vern Spieran from Monkton, New Brunswick over the weekend. Cord and Marj Mogk and Charlie and Barb Scherbarth joined them for supper at the Bennewies home on Monday. BRODH A ' N 4 -It NEWS UE By NI arci Scherbarth Election of officers was performed at the first meeting of the Brodhagen 4-H flub, Basically Baking, which was held at the Brodhagen Community Centre on Monday evening. The club is led by Barb Scherbarth and Jean Ahrens. Officers are: President, tori Scherbarth, Treasurer, Colleen Gilbert, Press Reporter, Marci Scherbarth; and Anne Marie Beuer- man and Andrea Siemon are phone girls. Biscuits were made under the direction of Jean Ahrens, The group learned how to test baking soda to see if it is still effective by placing it in hot water, if it fizzles it is still good: A second experiment showed the increased volume of sifted flour over unsifted flour.' Members then. enjoyed the biscuits, which turned out well. The next meeting will be Monday night at �- 7: 0 at Brodhagen Hall. Any girls, I., year~ 3 , g• old and up are invited to join the club, by contacting leaders and joining the group at the hall, Karen Cronin returns home St. Columban Correspondent MRSS. ('ECIIIA RYAN :145-2028 Karen Cronin has returned home from a trip to Calgary with her parents, sister, brother and in-laws. While there they visited Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper and Edmonton. On Saturday they attended the wedding of Karen's brother Steve Pletch to Barb Pewin. MAPL1WOO1! MAO1. r PREOPENING SPECIAL OFFER! -1 Prospective residents may save 521111 on on their first month's tenancy by regif.tering before our (rand Opening For further intnrrn,rtlon detach this advertisement ami send to Maplewood Manor, P 0 Box 4118 Seaforth. Ontario NAME ADi)121- ('I iONf Offer expires Novr'mhr'r 1 1985 1 For everyone who waited for an elegant watch with an alarm. Your chime has come. The Pulsar Quartz ONE-STEP ALARM <1 Now you c.an hove a traditional dress or sports v,atch with the convenience of a really easy alarm. Everything; the time, the alarm, the date and the day are each set in one step using only the crown. And since the One Step is from Pulsar, you know it's affordable Seaforth Jewellers 47 M.:..in St., Se forth 527-0270 Mrs. Pat Subject and children of Kitchener visited on the weekend with Mr. and MN Clarence Ryan and on Saturday evening Les, Laura and Shannon Ward visited with the Ryans. Sympathy of the community is extended to the members of the Nolan families on the passing of their brother Dennis Nolan on Friday night in Clinton BACHERT MEATS Call us In, you, r uOlnit,'.I.Io thll•„nlr „1••11•. SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'f n, you, Nee/. c.d.., •,i 1i,+4 1"'i 1.,,,1 n, Veal We sperlal,Ji' 1' , li„ n, (,SShlnnell ,.,1,1„ 1,, SI,.,• te„, ..,.,s,1,i+• •„ 111r•,y aided All n,eyl Gnu I Innpw "'n dmilWal I eton:51 887.9328 Township of Tuckersmith RATEPAYER'S MEETING will be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 at the HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL BRUCEFIELD Commencing at 8:00 p.m. All Ratepayers Welcome J.R. McLACHLAN Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith Hearing Loss Is Not A Sign Of Old Age. Folonht \i.l'il.'' I, '1'''ll• Cst lit thr,sc ii l'l„ I.. 1' I' .i 11.. 11.11 understand ii,'111• I'.,• I' nnunsLil hs Iii Ilan, \ I,. ,•I .lir• r•li Ing rnndcl i'I Illi -11.,111. •i 4,, .11'1 -' Behone h,i" ricr ilrii'l„i,i',l .s ill !Iv gIsen ;lhsiilutrli '0.11 iii r'hlr;,ltnal nrcnsi ii',rmon, it WI, •Iin:' iI It's ii,urs Illi Ilit i i m s" .,'nil t nr it rim... II I• '., i 1 I in .lin hut ll ii l II shoii i,, I li ni 10:11111: help can hi: I It .ai,l.l' 1111 Icssthan,,nrl ' i. !.11,1,,::1„ .in'111 titscomplcicli iu'•'Ih,'s 11 „11;,.1 We suggc,i'i•,i 'anti 1''1 in111, nos', \\gilln. iii ttln nl Iln-it' a il'1 Crest, and It's .ci1,'lni, 'A1110110 1,i,11 gallon 1 hr'us•1r•Js lisle .Ili, do been mailed. v,',i • li, '' I,1i i1, l kpt 65054 . Ht' t„i c I li n t''ii s Canada. 1.111 . l : 1 (1„ '.i, (r•. ,int. 4A.('nnciird,(fi,t,lru'I •11‘ II