HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-02, Page 17i SILLS HOME HA RDW ARE Seaforth 527-16204 19. PETS FEMALE Miniature Schnauzer, 8 weeks old. 527-0916 after 4 p.m. 19-40-1 21. WANTED TO BUY I buy used pianos, when calling give make, height, and general description. Call collect 669.1207. 21 -36 -If 23. REAL ESTATE WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 AREA FARMS 8: COUNTRY PROPERTIES M cK I11,OP TW P. 2 BEDROOM cottage on 1 ac. lot, $12;000.00. 12,2 AC. of hardwood bush. $30,000.00. 50 ACRES: Systematically tiled, excel- lent 2 bedroom home and buildings, 8 per cent financing, $240,000.00. 50 ACRES: Systematically tiled, no buildings. $65,000.00. 75 .A('R°SO Dwery 4 rod, no buildings, 115 ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings. $165,000.00. 112 ACRES: Partially tiled, 4 bedroom home, 60 sow farrow -finish barn, much more, $225,000.00. 20 ACRES: Fine stone & brick home, 5 acres bush, river frontage, $105,000.00. 2 ACRES: 3 bedroom home and workshop. Financing • available, $27;000 00. 10 ACRFS:2 storey brick home, 30' x 60' steel barn, paved road, $68,000.00. Offers. 75 ACRES: No buildings, $120,000.00 69 ACRES: No buildings, $55,000.00. 31 ACRES: No buildings, $85,000.00. ISO AURES: 2 storey brick home, financing in place, could be split. $250.000 00 OLD SCHOOLSOLD m a large lot close to paved 50 ACRES: Tiled, newer ranch style home, $145,000.00. GOD ERIC H TW P. DAIRV: 136 ac. 195 L No. 1 quota and 80,667 L No 2 3 bedroom home. 5500,000 00 DAIRY: 160 acres. 56 cows, 361 litres No. 1, 206.627 litres No. 2:2 storey brick home. $550,000.00. so ACRES: Near Bayfield, nice bush with spring creek, $75,000.00 TUCK ESISMITH TW P. l.1YERS: Quota for 5,925 birds, 106 acres. 2 storey brick home, 5525.000 00 20 ACRES: Near Brucefield, no build- ings. $39.000 00 78 ACRES: Tiled, no buildings, $100,000.00, HULLEll TW P. 200 SOW.farrow to finish, 100 ac. tiled 3 bedroom home Good financing $29;,.011(1 Ou 2 ACRES: Highway location. 3 bedroom home $24,500 00 100 ACRES: Tiled. older buildings, Offers (:REV TW P. 100 ACRES: 85 tiled workable acres, I floor brick home. 40' x 60' ham. 5108,0(10 00 31 ACRES: Newer ranch style home, 2 stocked trout ponds. 5120.000 00 AiSO 1\'e have many more area farms and country homes available Call for your choice of a good selection. • 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE: 3-4 bedroom 11/2 storey brick house on Va acre lot (Brussels), garage, deck, large family room, recently renovated, close to school and downtown. Call after 6 p.m. 887-6878 or291-3854. ' 24-40-3 67 Ord St., Seaforth, 11/2 lots, .48 acres with 58.9 frontage. Buy now for Spring construc- tion. Asking $12,000 or best offer. Phone 235-2369. 24-40-2 THINKING of selling? Private investor will pay cash for equity. 527-0219, 24-39.tf 4 bedroom brick house located on paved road west of Cranbrook on 1/2 acre lot, Needs repairs. Private sale. Phone 887-9270. 24-39-3 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house, 5 miles from Seaforth. 345-2948. 25-40x1 4 bedroom house for rent in Seaforth. Phone 527-1822 alter& p.m. 25-40x1 3 bedroom country home located on Hwy. 8 3 miles west of Seaforth. John Segeren, 482-9217.. 25-40-2 FOUR bedroom farm house, 11/4 miles northwest of Seaforth. $300 per month, hydro included. References required. Apply to Scott Poultry Farms Limited, Box 160, Seaforth, NOK IWO. 25-39-2 3 bedroom house, $350 monthly, 2 storey barn, $100 monthly. Utilities extra. Refer- ences required. Option to buy available. Highway 8, near Seaforth. 482-5039. 25-39-tf SMALL 2 bedroom apt, in Clinton$250.00 per month. 3 ' Street. $400.00bedroom per month. 2 bedroom house. $325.00. Phone 527-1577. 29-39-1 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I TW 0 bedroom apartment in a seniors building. Available August 1st, 527-1823. 26-29-tf 28. WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM house in Seaforth for a responsible family by November or Decem- ber. Phone 345-2178 after6 p.m. 28-39-3 THREE bedroom house or apartment in Seaforth or vicinity. 527-0072 or 5271272. Ask for Graham Nesbitt. 28-40x1 GOOD cash crop land for 1986 crop year. Phone with details at mealtime or evenings 527-1375 or527.0197. 28-40-2 31. NOTICE FAT AND E'ED UP? Don't wait, lose weight naturally. Guaranteed safe and effective Call me now. 227-1748. 31.39 • tf 23. REAL ESTATE I Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. 11IS REA13OR TUCK ERN MMI TOW NSHIP: 99 acres. suitable for cash crop. $180,000. ifiBBERTTOW NSIiiP:Staffaarea, 100 acres on paved road, 112 storey, 4 bedroom home, barn set up for hogs. $210,000 til'BL N: John Street, 212 storey. white vinyl sided, 4 bedroom home $49,500. M1t1, STREET: 112 storey, 3 bedroom home Small barn, suitable for work shop Lot 71' x 264' $40.000 Contact JOE O'REi1LY 345-2465 CHARLES 1'4 AI.KOM 348-8197 M A URI('F, REIDY 347-2358 TOM REIDY347.2358 CLASSIFIED - 31. NOTICE ARE you living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 31-40-1 Township of McKillop RATEPAYERS Final Tax Instalment Due WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1985 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT WIRE DRIVE Old fence wire, rolled, without wooden posts, will be received at Hibbert Landfill Site, Lot No. 22. Con. No. 9 October 8th, 9th & 10th 9a.m.to4p.m. HIBBERT RATEPAYERS' ONLY CHARLES FRIEND, AMCT Clerk Township of Hibbert 33. EDUCATIONAL Culligan Rf At E STATE LTD M AUREEN W ILDFONG 482.3224 HEATHE�t BENNEW GES 345.2862 NEW iISTING- NEW HOME PIANS? Brick bungalow style home to be built on this wooded lot in private area. Your choice of coloring throughout. Call for details. REDUCED: 112 storey home in Harpurhey DUPLEX: Showing good returns, fully rented. JAMES ST.: Excellent location. 3 bedrooms, completely renovated. MORLLF: HOME: Excellent condition Sacrifice price $16,000.00. FX.11ONDVtl IF,: Brick bungalow well maintained GEORGE ST.: 112 storey 3 bedroom on 3 lots. $30s, 7 ACRES: 11: store] 3 bedroom home plus hobby barn. $6,100.00: Mobile home Open for offers. FX.)MONDVLILE: Custom built 3 bedroom, many features. JARVLS ST.: 11 z storey. 3 bl SOLD main floor laundry, garage. JOHN ST.: Excellent family sized home with att'd garage F7GMONIV11J.E: 112 storey 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, gas heat. STONE HOME: Outskirts of Seaforth, 2 acres, Open for offers. (.ODERICH ST.: 2 storey brick home, original woodworking, $60s. Ur ACRES: Solid 112 storey stone home, 4 bedrooms, many features. COUNTRY HOME: 2 storey SOLDrme near Blyth. CINDERRE11A STYLE HOME: Duly 1,2 block from uptown. i ACRE,: Brick home with modern addition. A must to see. CLINTON: Bungalow style 2 bedrooms, only 112 blocks from uptown NEW LISTING: Raised ranch style home, ready to move into, VACANT: Must sell, 2 bedroom, family room. $32,900 JOHN ST.: Brick 2 storey, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, garage, $50s. $19.000.00: Railway Street, cozy 3 bedroom home. Open for offers McKflJ.OP: Executive style split level home on 2 acres. G4)DF:RICH ST.. Completely finished 2 storey newer home Nice area. RAHWAY ST.: 112 storey 4 b SOLD home, large lot. Ri.YrII: 2 storey brick home. Must sell, $31,500.00. 56.000: Mobile home in Heritage Estates. FX.MONHVR.LE: Brick home. well maintained, 4 bedrooms. Il.1NOV11AN'S SPE.CIAL.: 4 bedroom brick home. $20's, WAETON : Very well maintained home on spacious lot. $205 GODFR.ICH ST.: 4 bedroom home with att'd garage. $30s. GODERI('ll ST.: Vacant. 2 storey aluminum sided, double garage. MARKET ST : Cozy 5 yr brick home, 3 bedrooms. Open for offers. VICTORIA ST.: Executive style split level home, many features OPEN FOR 01.1, ERS 3 bedrooms, renovated inside. $30s. CHALK ST.: One floor maintenance free home. Vacant. EAST W [113:111: Double lot plus a 2 storey home, 112 baths. $34,900. WEST WILLIAM: One floor 2 bedroom home only minutes from uptown MORRIS T11 P.: 146 acres, no bSOLD List price $125,000. HOW to play popular piano. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed, For free information, write: Popular Music Systems, Studio 16, 3284 Boucherie Rd., Kelowna, B.C. V1 Z 2H2, 33-40-01 FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn -at- home correspondence diploma courses: Ac- counting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Man- agement, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journal- ism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A)263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268- 1121. 33-40-01 BECOME an Auctioneer. 85 hours instruc- tion. Next class Nov. 16-23. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Box 145, lnnerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO. (519) 469-3936, 537-2115. 33-40-01 FAMILY Tax Planning. Learn by correspond- ence loopholes to decrease taxes. For free brochure, no obligation write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembine Hwy. Winnipeg, Man. R3T2B6 33.40-u! EXCElIENT Career Opportunities avail- able. Enroll in the Hardwood lumber Inspection 16 -week course sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre at Sir Sandford Fleming College's Haliburton Campus. Course starts October 7. For information call Barb Bolin (705)457-1680. , 33-40-01 34. AUCTION SALES ONTARIO Thanksgiving Weekend. DJ-Kil- morlie Simmentals Fall Production Sale, October 12, 1985, 12 noon at Kilmorlie Farms. Bradford, Ont. (705) 458-4333. Expect another super offering from DJ -K. With the number of females they have to choose from, you know there will be some great ones. Kingfield Simmental Production Sale. Oct 12, 19855 p.m. at Kingfield Farms, King City, Ont. (4161 773-4472. Kingfield Farms is one of the oldest Simmental breeding establishments in North America. National Capital Joint Production Sale, October 13, 1985 12 noon at Hobb's Sale Arena, Ashton, Ont. Lok for another excellent offering from these Eastern Ontario and Quebec breeders. For catalogues and information contact: Transcon Livestock inc., 140. 1935 32nd Ave. N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T21,17('8 (403)250-2990. 34-40-01 ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery consign- ment sale, Norwich, Ont. Friday, October 11, 1985 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (5191 424-9998 or (519)424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. 34-40-01 AUCTION SALE: 75 late models used and rebuildable cars and trucks Saturday, October 5, 1985. 10:30 a.m Schneiders Auto Wrecking, Rostock, Ont. 'near Stratford). (519 ) 393-6169 or 595-8365. 34-40-01 Large Auction Sale Car, antiques, furniture, appliances, glassware, bedding, piano etc. to be held at Richard iobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario for Howard Currie. Helen Wells and other consignors. Sat., Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. 1973 9 i 3 Plymouth 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, as is; Westinghouse fridge and 30" electric stove, matching Westinghouse automatic washer and dryer, Zenith 23 chest freezer, Frigidaire washer, Roy dryer, wringer washer, nine piece dining room suite, Heintzman upright piano, piano stool and bench, large antique chest of drawers, antique jam style cupboard with flat to wall top, 5 piece bedroom suite, washstand, wood- en extension table with 3 leaves, open washstand, 3 wooden rockers, wicker rocker, Victorian platform rocker and side chair, child's pressback rocker, pressback high chair, French Provincial chesterfield and chair. Kroehler chester- field and chair, davenport couch, floor model stereo, parlour table, antique blanket box, cedar blanket box, trunks, 2 steel baby cribs, cedar chest, large French Provincial coffee table, odd chairs, floor lamp, carpet, large offering of old hooked rugs. electric sewing machine in stand, rollaway bed, odd chests of drawers, electric heaters, 2 oil lamps, several crocks. dishes and glassware including antique pieces, pots and pans, small appliances. picnic table, pictures, table lamps, Canadiana lawn mowers 6 months old: Lawn Boy lawn mower, small wheel barrow, old ice box, lawn chairs, garden tools, bedding and towels, plus our usual large offering. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER— RICH ARD LO 482-7898 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 2, 1985 — All 34. AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, Oct, 19, 10 a.m. McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay, Consignments of farm machinery, vehicles, Ski Doos, tractors, construction equipment, tools, consign by October 3. Phone (705) 324-2783 or bring to barn. Equipment dealers welcome. 39-40-01 RICHARD LOBE Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. OCT. 5 at 10 a.m. Household auction at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. SAT. OCT. 12 at 10 a.m. Antiques, furniture, appliances, glassware etc. for Mr. Earl Mclllwain at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS. OCT. 3 at 6 p.m.: Auction sale of furniture and hardware items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. A few larger consignments welcome. SAT. OCT. 5 at 10:30 a.m. Clearing Auction of car, antiques, and household effects to be held at Lot 19, Con. 11 of Downie Twp. William B. Hotson, props' 35. TENDERS WANTED Tenders Invited SEA FORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Snowplowing Sealed, dearly marked tenders will be received until 12 NOON, Friday, Oct. 4, 1985 For the necessary snowplowing, snow removal, and sanding as may be required in order to keep the roads and parking lots of Seaforth Community Hospital clear of snow. Tenders should state make and size of equipment used and price per hour as well as a statement of liability insurance coverage. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY SCI[ W A R7. Director of Maintenance Seaforth Community Hospital, P.O. Box 99. SEA FORTH Ontario NOKIWO 35. TENDERS WANTED uJ TENDER Township of Tuckersmith FOR ONE 50.000 GVW TANDEM TRUCK with Box, Hoist & Snowplow will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a,m. October 7th, 1005. Tenders must be submitted on tender documents available at the municipal office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J.R. McLACHLAN, Clerk -Treasurer. Township of Tuckersmith GMB 117, R.R. 5. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 11.0 519-482-9523 Tenders Invited SFAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Garbage Disposal Sealed, clearly marked tenders will be received until 12 NOON, Friday, Oct. 4, 1985 For the removal and disposal of accumulated and dry garbage at inter- vals of not more than 24 hours. Tenders should state equipment to he used and cost per month as well as a statement of liability insurance cover- age. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY SCHW ARZ Director of M ain tenance Seaforth Community Hospital, P.O, Box 99, SEA FORTH, Ontario NOK I W O ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Standing Fuelwood for Sale To improve growing conditions for valuable trees in Mullett Township, the Ministry of Natural Resources is selling marked standing trees, tops and cut wood to a reputable fuelwood contractor. Fuelwood Volume: approximately 94 standard cords, 36 tops and cut wood, Location: Clinton area. The two fuelwood areas will be sold as one lump sum to one contractor • no partial sales. Tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m. October 25, 1985, with a public opening at 9:00 a.m., October 28, 1985 at the W Ingham District Office, Hwy. 4, South, W ingham. For further information or to obtain the tender package contact Murray Hall or Harry Wilson at 357-3131 or 1-800-265- 3003 (if calling long distance from within the 519 area code). Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Hon V,nCent G Kerrio M r,ste' Mary Mogford Deputy M,n,ster 36. LEGAL NOTICE I, Elvin James McWhirter of Stretton St., Brussels, Ont. will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Gloria McW hirter effective September 16, 1985. 36-38x3 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY PIANOS: Tuning, rebuilding, refinishing, free estimates. All work guaranteed. Recon- ditioned pianos for sale. A Touch of Ivory - your piano specialists, Mitchell. 1-34 8 39x2 PAVING: Power sealing driveways, parking lots. Phone Robert Symes Construction, Luclmow. 528-3047. 38-36-tf Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Home. Hardware HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12 :30 p.m All classes of livestock W E INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229.6205 Kirkton VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market • Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECiA LTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. DAON DEVELOPMENTS Seeded's. Solids. Rooting. Sidewalks. Renovalwns, Drywalhng Plumb,ng, Electrroal. Tree Removal. Eavestroughmg Fencing Seding 10% Discount for Seniors No lob ,s CoIbeg of too small 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE 345-2399 39. CARD OF THANKS COYNE I would like to thank the Ladies Seaforth- Swinger slo-pitch team for the lovely basket of fruit I received after getting home from the hospital. /It was greatly appreciated. Nancy Coyne 39-40x1 VEITCH To say thank you seems inadequate; to name names would be impossible. We would just like to say how much we appreciated all who helped the night of the fire. The Grey and Elma Township Fire Departments demon- strated how effective a volunteer brigade can be, It was heart-warming as friends and neighbors joined together to complete the harvest. Gerrit Van Veen provided Five Star accommodation for the cows during the first few weeks. To people who sent food, to those who sat vigil by the fire the first few nights, to D and G Foods, Uoyd Hurst Transport and Dave Carson, your efforts were gratefully accepted. Thank you to those who planned a Benefit Dance on our behalf and to all who attended. Ross, Ruth, Rob and Rich Veitch 39'-40-1 W I SON The family of the late W.D. Wilson wish to extend sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their messages of sym- pathy, food brought to oirr homes, memorial donations and floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Keays for his comforting words, the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home, and the UCW group for the lovely lunch. A very special thanks to Rick and Gerard, Dr. Salsbury and nurses at Clinton Hospital. It was all very much appreciated. Doris, Linda and Brian 39-40x1