HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-02, Page 12Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR angel Mister Satellite Reception Equipment SPECIALISTS •DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • SALES B&T ANTENNA SALES Verne. Ont. 482.7129 Brian McAsh ROSS RIBEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR WHAT ABOUT EMBALMING? There are varntog law, and regulation, about embalming throughout our coon try They tiller ht cu,torti, rehgiuu, beliefs, usage and r on,umer demand,, Fmhalming is not usually required by law except under certain conditions It is usually written into law it death was due, to a common,, able disease or It final disposition has to be delayed too long or if the body is to be tarried from one province to another The needs for such requirement, are obvious The advantages of embalming are three fold, 1) It allows survivors time to make proper and unhurried funeral arrangements, 2) It permits relatives to come from afar for the funeral, and 1) Embalming preserve, the body in a favorable appearance for the final visitation In the e ase' ui a devastating illness or violent death, this third point become, all the more important While - ont can sometimes eliminate the em- balming costs, the alte'rnativd.,alutions usually end up as more dxpensive and more harrowing If you have questions on this subject of embalming, please feel free to call us for further explanation WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME OCTOBER 2, 1985-- Fair 985, - F ir attendance better Erin Jamieson, Michael Huglll; Gr. 5 & 6, 5 peanut butter cookies, Jonathan' Huglll, John McKercher, Stephen Pletch, Mark McDonald; Gr. 5 & 6, banana muffins, Jonathan Huglll, Jill Wood, Brad Ribey, Mark MacDon- ald; Gr. 5 & 8, nutritious snack, Kim, Rau, Shelly Nigh, Janice Rodney; Gr. 7 & 8, attractive relish plate, Andrea Ribey, Barbara Fotheringham; Gr. 7 & 8, 5 oatmeal cookies, Diane Campbell, Libby Smith, Doug Hugill, Heather McKercher; Gr. 7 & 8, 5 apple muffins, Barbara Fotheringham, Cheryl Ann Storey, Andrea Rlbey, Diane Campbell; Dorothy Williams prizes for moat points In Section C: Jonathan Huglll, Barb Fotheringham, Andrea Rlbey. Posters: Gr. 1-5, Robbie Beuerman, Mary Lou Stewart, Peter McKay. Sharon Kelly, Nada Fares]: Gr. 6-8, Heather McKercher, Paul McLlwain, Nancy Godkln, Barbara Glanville, Terry Kelly; Danny Glanville, Tracy Taylor, Cheryl Ann Storey, Angela Stoll, Karsten Carroll. • Projects; Primary K-3, Terry Pritchard, Stacy Linton, Lorianne Mcclure, Carla Dalton; Jr. 4-6, Sharon Kelly; Junior Music, homemade instrument, David Kennedy, Paul Glanville; Jr. French, collection of bilingual labels, 3-6, Terry Kelly, Sharon Kelly, Rob Vanden Henget; int. 7-8, French, collection of bilingual labels on particular theme, Dave Kelly, Sharon Kelly, Andrea Rlbey; int. 7-8, a Science or Geography model project relevant, to course, T* --n Kelly, Dave Kelly, Jason Dietz, Wayne Regele. LIONS PET SHOW Best looking cat, Michael Hamon, Laura Pletsch, Tammy Kennedy, Sherri Maloney, Cindy Maloney. Most unusual cat, Kenny Hildebrand, Stephen Pletsch, Tammy Kennedy, Derrick Maloney. Most appealing kltten,'Noelle Thompson. Beat looking rabbit, Sherri Maloney, Tommy Hunt. Most unusual rabbit, Derek Hunt, Best looking dog, Brian Racho. Best dog least resembling any breed, Kevin Murphy. Best behaved dog, Kevin Barry. Any breed pigeon, Kendra Shorireed, Bryan White, Becky Camp- bell. Fancy fowl, Becky Campbell, Derrick McClure, Rob Finch. Moat unusual pet, Tanya Eckert, Michelle Cooper. Consolation prize, Kevin Murphy, Janet Murphy, Rob Finch. ELEMENTARY FLOWERS Pansies, Shannon Craig, Becky Gray, Darrell De Jong, Tina Bosman. Sweet peas, Kelly Rau, Kim Rau, Shannon Craig. Gladioli, Cindy Maloney, Becky Gray, Derek Maloney, Cheryl Ann Storey. Asters, Cheryl Ann Storey, Janet Vanden Hoven, Tina Bosman, Lisa Gingerlch. Asters, powder puff, Janet Vanden Hoven, Robbie Vanden Hoven. Marigolp s, large, JIII Wood, Krls Gemmell, Scott Wood, Shannon Craig. Marigold, small, Sharon Kelly, Scott Wood, Kris Gemmell, Jason Gemmell, Zinnias, porn porn, Shannon Craig, Becky Gray, Kris Gemmell, Boa Alkemade. Zinnias, large, Shannon Craig, Scott Wood, Julie Agar, Darrell De Jong. Dahlia, large, Becky Gray. Dahlia, cactus, Krls Gemmell, Becky Gray. Cosmos, Kris Gammen, Jaw Gemmell, Scott Wood, Becky Gray. A cheery arrangement in a coffee mug, Kris Gemmell, Cheryl Ann Storey, Sharon Kelly, Kelly Rau. Petunias, double, Mark McDonald, Becky Gray, Darrell De Jong. Petunias, single, Jeft Gemmell, Cheryl Ann Storey, Kevin McDonald, Becky Gray. Garden mums, Kris Gemmell, Karen Price, Cheryl McLiwain, Kelly Rau. Dining table centre, Kris Gemmell, Tina Beaman. Floral mat, Scott Wood, Jill Wood, Klm Rau, Sharon Kelly, Red and white arrangement, Kris Gemmell, Barbara Fotheringham, Roses, Donny •Sills, Debbie Vanden Henget, Kim Rau, Mary Ann Vanden Hemel. A than ever Attendance at the 140th Annual Seaforth Gemmell, Erin Carnochan; 5 ripe, red tomatoes, Michael Fall Fair was "better than expected" S1o5, Tara McClure, Cheryl McLiwain, Darrell De Jong; 10 potatoes, girl exhibitor, Kris Gemmell, Tammy according to organizers of the event. Kennedy, Barbara Fotheringham, Cheryl Ann Storey; 2 Sharon Flanagan, secretary -treasurer of green cabbages, J. Van Loon, Erin Carnochan, Jeff the Fall Fair Committee said attendance on Gemmell, Barbara Fotheringhar ; 2 pepper squash, Kris • the Thursday evening was the surprise. It Gemmell, Jason Gemmell, Jeff Gemmell, Wayne hovered near the 600 mark. According to the Rumford; 10 potatoes, boy 'exhibitor, Jason Gemmell, money taken at the • gates close to 800 ' Darrell De Jong, Stephen Hicknell, Jeff Gemmell; 2 pie attended Friday while Mrs. Flanagan esti- pumewart,pkins,Leanne Susan StewartVogels;, Douglargest Campbellpumpk,in, MaryGabriel) Lou , St mates some 500 to 600 students got in free. Lawton, Jeff Gemmell, Adam Lawton, Wayne Rumford; 3 ' "We thought attendance would be down ears popping corn, Melanie Cronin, Barbara Fothering- because of the good weather and because the ham; largest squash, Tommy Thomson; 3 ears sweet table plowing match was the same time. But it corn, Nancy Godkln, Sharon Godkin, Sharon Kelly, Greg didn't seem to affect us that much," she said. Fritz; 2 sunflower heads, Michael Stoll, Susan Stewart; 3 Entries in the canned fruit and baking were specimen of gouda, Larry Kelly, Sharon Kelly, Dave Kelly, up while the arts and•crafts were down. Jeremy Beuerman; avegetable man, Gr.. K-3, Kelly Rau, This year the Fair Committee went to a Sherry Lynn Huglll, Chrlsta Bennett, Sharon Godkln; a toy made from vegetables, Gr. 4-6, Kim Rau, Kim Maloney, two-day fair program and Mrs. Flanagan said Trevor Ward, Carla Dalton; table centrepiece made from they're pleased with the results. vegetables, Gr. 7 & 8, Terry Kelly, Sharon Kelly, Dwayne "The way the weather went the farmers Forrest; most points, .Seaforth IOOF, Topnotch Feeds, had beans to pull so they must've pulled them Seaforth Co -Op, Darrell De Jong, Kris Gemmell, Jason in the morning and combined them later in Gemmell, Elementaryrafts;C aGefts; Showman Special, Sharon Kelly. the afternoon. That way they had some time Seaforth Sewing Centre Special, tie, Barb Fotheringham " to come in to the fair,She said. and Jason Dietz. Another success of .the fair' was the A weed collection, Gr. 3-6, Sharon Kelly, Janet Vanden midway. This year the committee went with Hoven, Barbara Fotheringham, Diane Campbell; a leaf Fairmont Amusements and said the public Leanne noesis -a ,Shhd Sharon ncolllKKe1ion J111 Wood, Scott Wood, response was good. Wayne Regale, Chris Vogels, Libby Smith; a project "The selection of rides for the younger kids turned on lathe, Gr. 7 & 8, Wayne Regale, Jeremy Lane, whole two-day fair was better. Things were was good. W e hadn't had that before. The Doug Hugill, Mary Lou Stewart; a project made from wood, Gr. 7 & 8, Jason Wheatley, Jeremy Lane, Jason not as spread out so things were a little Dietz, Danny Glanville; a project made from plastic, Gr. 7 busier. There was a little more activity in the & 8, Jason Dietz, Wayne Regele, Barb Fotheringham, arena then in previous years," Dwayne Forrest; an article of sewing with a zipper, Gr. 7& Mrs, Flanagan added the general exhibits 8, article sewing without zipper, b Fotheringham, Jason et , &ray Ben Godkln, ennett; an stayed about the same as last year. The Stan JasonlDietz, Barb Fotheringham; zipper, a knitted, Nancy Godkin, n, Jackson Hereford show was a success, there JoDietz, Bar Fothey O'Brien, Bnrb Fo, cro , crocheted nr was a strong jersey show and a "'tremen- swirklia, Susan Stewart: a pet rock paper weight, OKrat 4-8, dous" sheep show. There was also, .she said, Sharon Kelly, Tina Bosman, Terry Kelly, Paul Glanville; a good participation by senior citizens and by pencil holder made from Iln can, Gr. 3-4, Steve Van Den the secondary school and 4-H clubs. Henget, Jennifer Siemon, Shlrlee Bachert, Jill Wood; a One area that seemed lacking this year was collage using pictures of nutritious foods, Gr, 1-4, Jason the grain and field crops competition. She Murray, Leanne Vogels, Erin Jamieson, Janet Vanden attributes that to the weather and the fact that Hoven; a person made from pipe cleaners, Sharon Godkln, Jennifer Siemon, Amy Siernan, Sharon Kelly; a picture most farmers probably didn't have the time to painted of my favorite sport (K-2), Julie Agar, Amy Oliver, bring their stuff in. Jason Beuerman, Julie Vogels; picture of my best friend Fair winners were: (Gr. 3.5). Morgan Murray, Cynthia McCallum, Jenny Elementary Vegetables: 4 garden carrots, short, Darrell Sangster, Michelle Murray; an article made from paper Oe Jong, Boa Alkemade, Andrea Gingerlch, Jason plates (K-2), Arny Siemon, Kara Murray, Jill Wood, Jill Gemmell; 3 slicing cucumbers, Darrell De Jong, Greg Dolmage; a lunch bag hand puppets, (Gr. 1-2); Scott Fritz, Sieve Fritz, Barb Fotheringham; 4 pickling beets, Wood, Craig Harris, Kevin MacDonald, Lisa Gingerlch; Kris Gemmell, Jason Gemmell, Melanie Cronin, Barbara open choice, any other craft, Gr. 4-6, Andy Litt, Sharon Fotheringham; 4 spanish onions, Darrell De Jong, Tina Kelly, Tins Beaman, Robbie Vanden Henget; Open Bosman, Tommy Thomson, Barbara Fotheringham; 4 choice, any other craft. Gr 7 & 8, Bar.. Fothennghan', garden carrots, long, Shannon Craig, Micheal Hugill Tammy Vander Veen. Jett Kennedy, Jason Dietz, Barbara Fotheringham, Tammy Kennedy; 5 pickling Elementary Baking: K-5. very srmpie unbaked cookies, cucumbers, Andrew Kennedy, Shawn Godkln, Nancy Darrell De Jong, Scott Wood, Sherry Lynn Hugili. Brent Gadk)n. Shannon Craig; 4 lab's beets, Jeff Gemmeu Ribey, nutritious lunch boa, Jason Murray, Nancy Jason Gemmell., Erin Carnochan, Melanie Cronin; 4 Stewart, Sarah Powell, Janet Hoven; Gr. 2-4, 5 nutritious cooking onions, Jeff Gemmell, Kris Gemmell, Jason unbaked squares, Laura McKercher, Michael Mr len, rase hosting in suitable container, Tim Sills, Tina Bosman, Karen Price, John McKercher. Bachelor buttons or Cornflower, Shannon Craig, Karen Price, Larry Kelly, Kim Maloney. Flower arrangement using a small pumpkin or squash as container, Jason Gemmell, Kris Gemmell, Kelly Rau, Kim Rau. , Seaforth Jewellers otfera prize to winner most points, Kris Gemmell. Seaforth Horticultural Society offers prize for winners in class 20. Scott Wood, Jill Wood, Kim Rau. PUC K-3. Brian Racho, Steve Vanden Henget, Debbie Vanden Henget, Julie Agar. 4-8, Sharon Kelly, Janice Rodney, David McNairn, Mike Cronin. Gr. 7-10, Dave Kelly, Terry Kelly, Michael Racho, Tracy Bennett. SECONDARY SCHOOL Gr. 9, any article of clothing, Sandra O'Reilly, Yvette Predhomme, Krista Snell, Gr. 10, any article of clothing, Janice Carter, Kathy Soontlene, Lorl Henderson. Seaforth Sewing Centres offers $5 voucher to most . points In class 112, Janice Carter. Art: 1st year, acrylic color, Tammy Taylor, Janice Mero, Jon Knights. Art, 1st year, pencil sketch, Tammy Taylor, Rob Charters, Sonia Fehr, Jon Knights. 2 yr. water color, Lysa Barry, Maureen Barry, 2 yr. pencil sketch, Maureen Price. 3rd year water color, Janice Murray, Lyse Barry, Andrea Pinder. 3rd year • pencil sketch, Lysa Barry, Andrea Pinder, Janice Murray. T-shirt, knit, Barbara Fotheringhiun, Theresa Van Dore. . Jogging suit, 2 pc., Barbara Fotheringham, Paulette Predhomme, Yvette Predhomme. Knit article with zipper, Barbara Fotheringham. Any other article using knit fabric, Barbara Fotheringham, Maureen Price, Karen' and • Colleen De Jong. 'Seaforth Sewing Centre $5 voucher for most points 13-16, Barbara Fotheringham. Banana muffins, Barbara Fotheringham, Maureen Price. 6 baked chocolate chip cookies, Maureen Price, Barbara Fotheringham. Cupcakes, decorated, Maureen Price, Candy, chocolate fudge, Maureen Price, Barbara Fotheringham. Plain yeast rolls, Barbara Fotheringham. Small homemade pizza, -Barbara Fotheringham. Pizza Train donates med. pizza to winner with most, points 17-22, Barbara Fotheringham, Maureen Price. CANNED FRUIT & VEGETABLES Strawberries, Marlon Godkln, Anne Melady, Betty Glanville, Peaches, Mary Finlayson, Marion Godkln, Laurene Regele. Pears, Marion Godkln, Mary Finlayson, Laurens Regele, Plums, Emeiy O'Reilly, Mary Fintayaon, Betty Glanville. Red raspberries, Betty Glanville, Drusilla Leitch. Fruit cocktail, Mary Finlayson, Gail Huglll, Betty Glanville. Whole tomatoes, Betty Glanville, Emely O'Reilly, Dorothy Hays. Tomato juice, Marion Godkln, Lorraine Rumford, Emely O'Reilly. Chili sauce, Grace Broadfoot, Edith Dunlop, Emely O'Reilly. Bread and butter pickles, Emely O'Reilly, Mary Fotheringham, Drusllla Leitch. Icicle pickles, Grace Broadfoot, Mary Fotheringham, Emely O'Reilly. A pickle or relish made from zucchini, Susan Halfpenny, Emely O'Reilly, Anne Malady. Pickled corn cobs, Emely O'Reilly, Dorothy Hays, Grace Broadfoot. Hot dog relish, Nancy Kale, Emery O'Reilly, Marlon Godkln, Susan Halfpenny. DIII pickles, sweet, Marlon Godkln, Emily O'Reilly, Pickled beets, Emely O'Reilly, Marion Godkln, Dorothy Hays. Can yin special most points 9.15, Susan Halfpenny. 3 fruit marmalade, Emely O'Reilly, Mary McLeod, Betty Glanville. Peach jam, Drusllla Leitch, Teresa Wynja, Emely O'Reilly. Strawberry lam, Susan Halfpenny, Emely O'Reilly, Teresa Wynja. Raspberry lam, Nancy Kale. Betty Glanville, Blll Wallace.'Applejelly, Mary Finlayson, Emely O'Reilly, Betty Glanville. Grape telly, Mary Finlayson, Marion Godkln, Susan Halfpenny Any other variety lam or jelly, Drusilla Leitch, Anne Malady, Emely O'Reilly. Collection canned fruit, Betty Glanville. Emery O'Reilly, Drusilla Leitch. Decorated gift containing 3 tars of jam and jelly, Brenda Empey, Dorothy Hays, Betty Glanville. Doug and Gag Schroeder (Winthrop Store) donate $10 to a new exhibitor scoring the most points In classes 1.24, Emely O'Reilly. Can Vin Products special Ernely O'Reilly, Marion Godkln, Dorothy Hays. BAKING/, Angel cake, united, Lois Moore. M MacLeod Chocolate layer cake , Helen Toornstra, Don Corbett. Mrs M. McLeod. Crispy Flake Special, winner class 2. Helen Toornsua Banana cake, Mary Fotheringham, Irene Kelly. Helen Toornstra. Carrot cake, Edith Dunlop. Mra M MacLeod Helen Toornstra. Arva Flour Mills, 24 lbs. hour, winner class 3 Mary Fotheringham, Seaforth Creamery, 5 lbs. butter. class 2 winner, Mary Fotheringham Light fruit cake, Mary Fotheringham. Os.' Hugo' 'r date and nut lost, Mary Fotheringham. Garr Hugel Mrs M MacLeod. 'h apple sauce loaf. Maureen Pace Irene Kelly. Gall Huglll tS lemon loaf, Mrs M MacLeeo Mary Fotheringham, Gail Hugill Vi zuochlnr loef, Jane Vincent Mrs. M MacLeod, Susan Halfpenny 3 vanehes of trill bread, Mrs. M MacLeod. Mary Fotheringham Peg Perkins. Seaforth Creamery 5 lbs butter winner class 10. Mrs M. MacLeod 5 chocolate brownies, Chrrstme Trainee, Peg Perkins, Jane Vincent 5 oatmeal drop mnk'es Irene Kelly, Mary Fotheringham, Mrs Frances Merady 5 ginger cookies. Edith Dunlop, Irene Kelly Mrs M MacLeod 5 oatmeal date squares. Audrey McLean Grace Broadfoot, MaryFotheringham Seaforth C eamerynpeolal Winner class 14 Audrey McLean 5 shortbread, Irene Kelly. Peg Perkins. Owl Hugel piece of cherry pie. Mrs Frances Malady. Irene Kelly Helen Toornsira, Weston Bakeries most points I -t5. voucher Mary Fotheringham Arva Flour special most points t l I5, Irene Kelly 'A" piece raisin pie. Audrey McLiwarn. Audrey McLean, Mrs, Frances Metady 'r. piece apple pre. Mary Fotheringham, Audrey McLlwa'n. Chreshne Tremeer Crispy Flake Special, winner class 18. Mary Fother'ng ham 5 butter tarts, Gall Huglll, Dorothy Hays. Mary Fotheringham 5 coconut tarts, Mary Fotheringham Audrey McLiwaln, Audrey McLean Arva Flour Special, most points class 16-20 Audrey McLwain and Mary Fotheringham l'ed Crispy Flake winner class 19. Gall Hugel 5 scones. Susan Halfpenny. Mary F'nlayson Mary Fotheringham 5 bran muffins won trial Maureen P•,ce Betty Glanville, Frances Malady 4 ways of serving apples Christine Trainee,. Belly Glanville Mrs M McLeod Cake suitable for teenage party Irene Keay Maureen Price Most points from Sectron N voucher from Sons Hardware, Mary Fotheringham. Irene Kelly Heritage cooking. Anna Dolmage, Susan Hattpenny Mary Fotheringham Baked beans. Laurette Reigate Dorothy Hays, Christine Trerneer HOME DEPARTMENT Guilt, cotton pieced, Dora Van Herk, Chv'sime Hosie Guilt, handstitched applique, Mildred Cronin. Pear, Ruston Quilt, reversible suitable for bedspread. Dora Van Hark Quilt, cotton embroidery, Mary Forhermgram MaryVan Velkengoed, Jane Vincent donates to Grand Champion carat, Mary Fotheringham, Dora Van Hark. Mildred Cronin Qum crib, any design, Margaret McCowan. Mary Van Jatkengoed. Dora Van Herk M. Folheringhsm donates $5 for most points 5-10 Margaret McCowan Mat. latch hooked, Helen Connell. Jane Vincent Maureen Price Wall hanging, latch hooked. Frances Wynja, Miargaret McCowan. Dora Van Herk War, hanging. crewel work. Jeanette Wynja. Dora Van Herk Frances Wynla Cushion, candlewick, Mary Pothering ham, Peg Perkins Cusrnon, suitable for bedrnern Dora Van Hark. Mary McClure. M MacLeod Cuih,O,' patchwork. Dora Van Hark Cushion, crochet. Anna Dolmage. Afghan, crochet. Dora Van Hark Anna Dolmage, Colleen Cronin, Mildred Cronin Afghan, kmn Mary Kinsman Tablecloth cross stitch work, Christine Hosie. Mary Kinsman. Tablecloth, crochet. Mary Van Valkengoed. Ptacemats, crochet. Margaret McCowan Anna Dolmage, Ernely O'Reilly Kitchen finger towel Betty Glanville, Mary Fotheringham, Dorothy Hays Oven mitts or pot holders, Dorothy Hays, Mary McClure, Anna D6lmage. Decorative pillowcase for child's room, Jean Drager. Pillowcase, your choice, Jean Drager Dresser scraf, Mary Van Velkengoed, Helen Toornstra Chaired wall hanging. Dora Van Herk Mary Fotheringham donates $5 for most polars class 11-28. Dora Van Herk Baby bonnet and sweater, knitted, Margaret McCowan Ruth Beano, Mary Kinsman Baby bonnet and sweater crochet, Colleen Cronin, Helen Toonstra Baby shawl knitted, Ruth Beane. Dorothy Hays, Mary K'nsman. Baby shawl, crocheted, Colleen Cronin, Mildred CrOnm. Evelyn Malcolm, Ladies hal, knitted. Dorothy Hays Girls or ladies sleeveless vast. Helen Toornstra, Betty Brand, Frances Wynja. Child's knitted toque or helmet and mitts, Helen Toornstra. Betty Brand, Mary Kinsman Child's hooded cardigan, knitted, Mary Kinsman, Belly Brand Child's knitted acral, Helen Toornstra, Teresa Wynia. Betty Brand. Ladles knitted tuck In dickie, Dorothy Hays, Helen Toornstra. Adult's slippers, knitted. Anna (Continued to Page A131 L -R - Doug Rowcliffe, Laurie Kruse, Floyd Johnston, Dave Tilley, and Ken Wright - GRAND OPENING Friday, October 4 ANTI- FREEZE ANTI- FREEZE AIR FILTERS EVERYONE WELCOME COME ON IN AND JOIN THE PARTY FREE COFFEE and DONUTS POP FOR THE KIDS AUTOLITE THE TUNER & AC SPARK PLUGS 44 SPECIAL Each 527-1670 Ask For Ken or Doug ROWCLIFFE MOTORS GAS LINE ANTi-FREEZE 150 ML. Each 16' TAPE MEASURE SPECIAL e Each 527-0514 FISHER AUTO SUPPLY