HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-02, Page 11NEIL DEKROON CARPENTRY • Aluminum siting • Form Buildings • Homes • Reno%Ltions • Custom yp Made Furniture • on sale model WASHERS • DRYERS • DISHWASHERS Come in now to get your hands on Maytag's Bucketful of Savings. • ltao f•� LO MAn'AG off MODEL A212 PLUS receive absolutely FREE a bucket filled with enough ALL detergent for 50 washloads! ® -= o I • 014) LIMAY IA(. PLUS a FREE, lar• ,-% Mny tu;j No 1 Preferred Beach Towel. J neo 0 off MJUE� WU2Q PLUS recely( n FREE 6 -month supply of ALL detergent (12.600 GM BOXES) \IPIFIELANS IPLAC'* APPLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS Sebringville IM ft1x, �f Cx1161 _r�+F Seaforth 393.6181 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SETTER! 527-1213 • Afier 6 u.n,. 348-8595 K.R. #5 Mitchell NOK INO [, E, n E, CT CT E, Et C, " er E, f, n rl TT " n If n 1t 'i ii TT Yit1 '1t CT If. II If IT e" e -n li n 0 ;I.1f?>s' E.T. Travel Talk (:(I CANADA WF'IT With Expo lin, The West Edmonton Mall, and the 1988 Winter Olympics coming to 'Canada's West, it is expected that this will be a popular destination over the next few years, I have just returned from a tour of western ( a nada where !enjoyed a special tour of the Expo Site and the West Edmonton Mall Both areas are an absolute must for visitors in western Canada next year. Expo will teature some 80 pavilions from 48 countries throughout the world including Russia, l'hina •aid the United States A vent to Expo need not be an expensive huh day. Many homes iii the Vancouver area areofferin lied and Breakfast for as low as $15 per night per person three day passes are available us low as $211.95 (available at Ellison Travel) until October 15th. As well, special seat sales witli Air Cu'liiida and Cl' Air of fer i en attractive r ales to Vancouver next year. For best price and sob., no, in forested persons should be booking nos. The West. Edmonton Mull is conside ed the lith Wonder of the World, With over stores covering some tkl football fields, i5 i; a unique structure, In addition, the Mall has a hockey arena, a 4'a acre lake, Sea World Fantasy Land with many rides, and a zoo displayed throughout the Mall with as many species of animals you would find in the San Diego Zoo There are over 50 restaurants in- cluding meluding 3 McDonalds us well as an 18 hole miniature Pebble Beach Golf Course. You have to see this Mall to believe it, Ellison Travel has many Expo tours available as well. We have two special tours; one in June which will include Expo, Vic- toria, the Rockies and the West Edmonton Mall and the other in July which will include Expo the Rockies, the Calgary Stampede and the West Edmonton Malt. Planning to visit Canad,''s West in 191(0, con- tact us oday. SCNTAN'NING ROOM We are pleased to announce that our suntan, rung room is now open for business in the Winghanr oft Nth , aur reservation nom for In snutwniil,g "reccurs for nnh• $411 11.01(1I).1 7'111 It We are pleased to have Bruin I',iurnik., t'KNN Morning Man Isi ting IMF spevial lour to Florida this winter This In day tour in eludes Disney %orld. Kiunedy Space Centre, as well as rattle, i to ur- and vegetable farm visits Plan to stay cut extra 5 days and en Joy a special ('urn i,it Cruise Iii N'assati and I.!Tenor( Hook film . • • NEW'/.t•:A1.1Nu I'RESI.:NT -nos; dust a renundet that Ellison Travel will he holding a special presentation on Nev Zerr'ind on V cdnesday October 9th ('all our oft '• !Mal Io regi- er Vie .trc nlltiring a spc,'i,il $llansaving on a 2,1 rias nn, ,it Xea '/w, .1 Ili , v nl•'' IIKTRolT LIONS — NF1. F110111N1 I We have bus tours to the Silver Donie on crc lnher 27th In see Miami and Detroit and Not ember 28th to see New 1'nrk Jets and I t -trout Lower level tickets and transporla- i m be air conditoi"d motor coach Pickups in Winghanr. Chinon. Exeter end I:iand ),end 1.. 5* CI •I' x5 • MON TR E 11 • I'tan to join our \'a Bail Grey t up package In Montreal depart,.'g Saturday November 23rd for a 2 night stay in Monlren, .tnd return V.a Na ' i. A, I plus your ticket I,. the game ( ist Snl Ali pt pperson based on quad or cupaney Book today tlfl\ \IESSER'S JUBILEE Vie base a 1 day lour to Don Messer's Jubilee in Chatham on November 25th Enjoy a special tour to the Chatham area including Monet at tt'hee,s Moto; Inn and the Don Messer Jubilee program WSW 1764I6ve12TfAer 'a+lo III 10 f 3o Se.er•by 4.30 4 JO St ri 37] 'So.', S'r..r I.a.' On'ono in yen 33!4000 600.363.3033 150 io+.pp.n. 5'.eq, ,• gram Or • w S iO.317.3330 ti 11 11,0, it It +t wt 1, t+ I+VI ,I f, EY n CT ET CI n FY IT O El Fl F. [i El El tl eT " 0 'n it u R r, n 'It ,tt ,.l air e lu ;111 .ir ;tr t. 'i+ ii iv 1 s7 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 2, 1985 -- All RECREATION Registration to close soon BY MARTY BEDARD RECREATION DIRECTOR, 527-0882 Registrations for all Fall and Winter programs will still be taken.' Forms are available at the Recreation Office or you may register on the first day of the program. A nine week Ballroom Dancing program will be starting on Monday, October 21 from 7:30 .to 9 p.m, at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. Lou Marella will be the instructor again this year, .Registration fee is $20 per person and you -may register at the Recreation Office. Seaforth Centenaires begin their 1985-86 regular season at home on Sunday, October 6, Game time is 2 p.m. against Howick. Come out and support the defending league champions. Citizenship awards will be awarded again this year in each of the following three categories a) Service to Spirts b) for Civic Service c) for Humanitarian Service. The public is invited to submit Written nomina- tions no later than Friday, October 1 t . These awards are meant to recognize individuals who contribute to community life as volunteers. Nominations can be submitted to the Clerk's Office or the Recreation Office or mailed to Seaforth Recreation committee, P.O. Box 885, Seaforth, These awards will be presented at the Community Recreation Conference on Saturday, November 2. Don't forget - Hockey School starts Monday, October 7, 5 to 8 p m Power Skating starts Saturday, October 12, 3 to 5 p.m. ON THE GREENS by Carolanne Doig Fall golfing can be fun October has arrived bringing on thoughts of the world series and upcoming winter sports, not to mention Christmas shopping! As the calendar pages are flipped over the golf season will soon be left far behind. For many golfers who didn't get out as much as they'd hoped land who ever does) they,are promising themselves "next year I'm de- finitely going to get more golf in." There is still time to chase that little ball around. Fall golf is fun. It is even more fun if you can adapt 'to the weather and not let cool temperatures and wet forecasts dampen your game, Certain changes in your technique and strategy for play must be made in cool or wet weather. If you are out on the course in wet conditions a few helpful hints can, improve your score and your spirits. Wet grass and turf can do some weird things to a golf shot,.. land all this time you thought it was you. I Moist grass reduces the backspin the club.puts nn the ball. The result is the ball will fly much farther than you planned. However, soil wet turf allows the clubhead to penetrate the ground too deeply. This causes the clubhead to lose speed and therefore the ball won't go as far. Everything becomes unpredirtahle and frustrating tine time you hit the ball a country mile past the flag and the next time you're 25 yards short of the green. Whynot choke down on your club about an inch? What happens then is you reduce the . length of the club lessening the chances of it digging into the ground. You will pick the ball cleanly off the grass The shortened arc will cause the ball to fly a shinier distance even without the backspin, This compact swing will also help you keep your balance and control even though you're on slippery • ground. Another hint might be to use a dub with more loft than you might normal! \ consider. 'COM intied on Page A 18 I SWEAT SOCKS by Heather Mcllw raith Duck hunters a wacky lot It was with some interest I react an article ill an issue of last week's inndon Free Press moiled "Men with guns no threat to bank • just ducks." You see the article appeared just when I was feeling a bit sorry tor myself tw"ausr I'd missed an opportunity to go ot, .1 me I' nuof II that's what they are indeed called Yet had I been able In p' 'Ii, it.'' hunt I hardly expect it would hove tunued out to be near as eventful as the editorialized hunt was although you never knoll In 11w article a resident of Bothwell saw a car pull up to the curb of the town's Main Street, just down from the Bank of Montreal The •ram+' resident say. three tarn wort' inside, along with several sh 'tgans. She soli them transfer the guns to another car. Somewhat suspicious the resident inform- ed the manager of a nearby retail store and he contacted the hank. Wht. 'hen called the police W ithrn minutes pnlit'r rTmv'erged on tbr• bank and the "suspects,'' who it Wa.. revealed, were not villainous hank mhhers but instead duck hunters returning from an opening day hunt The whole stmt sounded to me a hit like stmt thing off of 44 alt I hsney or tht F'mretones, nr some other I)'pe show where the most unlikely incident is likely to happen. I could just imagine the incredulity of the hunters and the stones that must've been told after they were found innocent and allowed to go horny Nu doubt the talk would not center on how many ducks were bagged or who fell in the marsh or tin'.i man' hullets were expelled in the idiom Lather talk probahl' centerc•'t'lit Lhi s'r'',gt imaginings of some woman' tt.aI resat' ed in them being mobbed by polite it was rel. 'i'ly a highlight of their lives to daft ac'I ,urn• '1' or likely. a story they'll use to ent"''ail grandchildren for some time to come But regardless of the „i','s'of Bothwell last week it has in e • .0• 'r ',' n'n that hunters everywhere are ' • iz1 lot Duck hunting in lits are ,pened efticrally last Wednesaay arid it is amazing the extremes hunters •erii to to ensure them- selves of a hunting spot u the I I''""f l Swamp According to a reuahr.' - ,',T"nunters were lined up as early 'ts t ,, ru 'n the 'llnnday morning, when hunting 'lion t begin until Wednesday it striker. n,+ ,i. limos, Os ridiculous as teenage! • :•nd caring adults camping nut in ord''. i, i" 'u•kets to a concert, or whatever What is even more nthrnt"u. ,. the w ay tire duck hunter attires himself hyhor atone mit tin the marshes , th,•inus % he : pin ung a • game of Camouflage with It o inge i prey, but a duck would have I„ hr • 'miackers' not to realize what's going in Sure i missed my first 'ppp"+•unity to go duck hunting, hut no dovbl i 11 be given another chance, although after this column gets read, Cin not too sure But I'm beginning to wonder about these duck hurci'1g week ends To date nc,bndy i kni n ,. ,.ding too much about what went on at the List one, and i've yet to set my eyes on anything that in the I('nnhnuo,i on (rage AIS' J 5 -PIECE PLACE SETTING N LY . B00WITH $25.00 iN PURCHASES °15 Wien Aft Five Feature Items Are Purchased Together We Reserve the Right to Limit to Normal Family Requirements 5°/0 OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ALL DAY WEDNESDAY THE STORE FOR SAVINGS JR. SUPREME from '64,00 Designed for the Hockey Star. Excellent fit with half sixes. Nylon uppers with leather trim. Sizes from youths 11. See Smyth Shoes for the newest styles in Bauer Shotes for mon, women & children. *COMPETITIVELY PRICEr' a :,d r QUALITY *PROPERi Y FIT' ED *TRADE-INS FAkFN TO T TQ SERVE THE AREA BETTER Main Street. Mitchr'!, MIMI Ph.348-9951 uppomi SHOE STORt ►iNfltio