HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-10-02, Page 5Kids on block are back The Kids on the Block are back in Huron County and bringing with thein conversations between handicapped and "regular" child- ren. The "kids" are arm -manipulated puppets in groups of two. Handled by teachers, scripts are provided which have regular conversations between the two puppets. "The object is for children to feel comfortable with these special children," says Arnold Mathers, superintendent of program with the Huron County board of education. Last week, a workshop for about 45 teachers was held at the school board office. There, the teachers learned how to handle the puppets and were shown scripts that accompany each .pair of dolls. One pair of puppets is Mark and Melody. Mark has cerebral palsy. Outfitted with. a helmet to protect his head and sitting in a wheelchair he explains to Melody that he can do many things that other children do. Then there is Valerie and Joanne. Both are trying out for positions on the cheerleading squad, only Valerie in crutches and leg braces, has spina bifida. She shows Joanne that she does have cheers of her own. Ellen Jane and Brenda make up another combo. Ellen Jane is mentally retarded but that doesn't mean she can't function in 'society. "Lag June; there were 98 children in our schools who in legal terms are defined as handicapped," says Paul Carroll, superin- tendent of special education. He said the numbers have increased since the first day of school and justify the Kids on the Block puppet program. The idea is to work on the attitudes of the regular children. The program was originally conceived in the United States about seven years ago. A recently published survey, says Mr. Carroll, indicates that at the end of five years of using the program, children felt more comfortable in their dealings with handicapped children. The school. board has purchased outright eight puppets in conjunction'with the South TEACHING AID—Valerie (left) and Joanne are both trying out for the cheerleading squad. Valerie has spina bifada. Here, Valerie is operated by Mau/reen Penn, a resource teacher and Joanne is handled by Sheila Clarke of Brookside Public Sohdol. (Levesque photo) Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped, The puppets run at $600 to $800 each says Mr. Mathers, Former student services co-ordinator Sheila Clarke, also said the puppets are correct in detail. Shoes and clothing, although of a size to fit the puppets, are what children wear. Mark's wheelchair is a miniature form of a regular sized wheelchair and a blind puppet has a brail watch. The puppets were borrowed by the school board in the past and made enough of an impart to itistifv enine nut and buying them. Mr. Mathers said as many teachers as possible will learn how to use the puppets. Now, over 60 know how to use them. The puppets, accompanied by scripts will be sent out to the schools from the board office via the courier service. There is room for the public to learn more about the handicapped children, says Mr. Mathers. "We'd be pleased if service clubs, women's institutes or church groups want us to come out with the puppets," he says. MVCA hires new General Manager Members of the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion onser a - tion Authority's Executive Committee set out to select a new General Manager on Monday September 23, 1985. Bryan Howard, past General Manager assumed a position with the Ontario Heritage Foundation in August as their natural heritage co-ordinator. Four candidates were interviewed by the Committee and after a lengthy discussion period, las Tervit was contacted and accepted the position offered to him by Authority Chairman, Vince Judge. Mr. Tervit is a graduate of Wingham District Secondary School and Sir Sanford Fleming College. Lindsay, Ontario. He continued his education at the University of Waterloo and the University of Guelph with emphasis on environmental and soil conser- vation studies Mr Tervit's first Authority position dates back to the early 1970s when he was employed as a summer student with the MVCA, A f ter graduating from Sir Sanford, l.es-was employed with the Saugeen Valley Conserva- tion Authority as a Resource Technician for a period of four years Since that time Les has wbrked as the Middlesex District Superintendent and the Extension Services Coordinator with the BACHERT MEATS SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY ,„ c .oc Rr•n A .. L a^ t ..r fir,,,.. 4. ; .. r..r • care ar-1 •a;• .d.r; . t , , •• ta,A-1170 " F•S A, ...a. Ir , ' -i, ;,•.,.• a887-9328 .; pp YlattonSl C7 SA f ',ggJ6Y . Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Duni Jim 527.1737 527.0828 527.0775 Upper Thames River Conservation Author- ity. He has been employed with the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority since 1981 in the position of General Manager. Mr. Tervit has been extremely active with the Association of Conservation Authorities • of Ontario and has served as Chairman of both the Subcommittee of Conservation Regulations and the Subcommittee on Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation. When asked Why he applied for the position, Mr. Tervit responded, "The Mait land is a somewhat larger Authority with a strong rural focus to its programs. The area is one I'm confident I will enjoy working in. Years ago it was my home turf." Les, his wife Kate and their six month old son Jordan will be relocating to the area in the next four weeks. Mr. Tervit should be familiar to some area residents. He is the son of George and Barb Tervit of RR 4, W ingham. Sports deadline is Monday noon unimmoN. -was JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm • Residential • Cortaderciat WIRING and PLUMBING 24 Hour Emergency Service R.R. 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