HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-09-11, Page 9WALTON AND AREA THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 -- 03
McKiIIop residents oppose s
A delegation of McKillop Township•
residents registered their opposition to the
proposed construction of street lights in St.
Columban, at the September 3 meeting of
McKillop Township Council. The delegation
included: Joseph and Helen Nolan, Heather
Cronin, Gordon Cronin and Rhonda Cronin.
• Joseph Nolan advised council he is
opposed to financing street lights for the
hamlet as the majority of McKillop residents
did not sign the petition requesting construc-
tion of the lights. Therefore, said Mr. Nolan,
council should not involve McKillop land-
owners with the associated costs.
Five of the eight landowners on the
McKillop side of Highway 8, objected to the
proposed street lights, while the majority of
residents on the Hibbert Township side were
in favor of the proposal.
The delegation also objected to the location
of lights on the MWienlop side of the highway.
Objections included tree trimming and the
location of poles in front of property.
Heather Cronin requested the light pro-
posed for the east end of the hamlet be
omitted, as Hibbert landowner Alphonse
Cronin did not sign the petition.
Following discussion and consultation with
Hibbert Township Council, McKillop council
made the following recommendations:
a) A public meeting be held fallowing the
opening of tenders and landowners be
presented with the actual street light
installation costs.
b) one light be omitted from plans for the
east end of the hamlet.
c) separate quotes be obtained for locating
lights either the McKillop or Hibbert side of
the highway.
In other matters, council:
-authorized the road superintendent,
Wayne Dolmage to advertise for a grader to
remove snow for the 1985-86 season.
-presented Mr. Dolmage with a certificate
recognizing his completion of the equipment
maintenance course,
-hired Dave McKay on a part-time basis for
snow removal.
-discussed an application from Dan and
Rhonda Nolan for a certificate of compliance
for construction of a pig barn and manure
-authorized clerk -treasurer Marion Mc-
Clure to apply for a capital grant on
Workman's win $100
in WI's monthly draw
Walton Correspondent
The general UCW meeting ,was opened
Wednesday by Viola Kirkby. Marion Godkin
was pianist and Marjory Fraser read the
scripture. Mrs. Kirkby gave the meditation
on the history of the people of Lsrael and Betty
McCall led rn prayer. Edith Wey of the
archives gave the background of our present
UCW and of our church. She also had
pictures. Marilyn McDonald assisted.
The business was conducted by Mrs.
Godkin, (vice-president). Marilyn McDonald
read minutes and Leona McDonald gave the
treasurer's report.
No change will be made in the menu for the
annual Turkey Supper of November 6. The
price is the same as last year. It was moved to
send a fall bale again, good articles to be left
at the back of the Sunday School rooms by
Sunday, October 27.
If there are any resignations you are
requested to have them into Viola Kirkby in
writing as soon as possible or by the next
executive meeting, October 2. There will not
be another general meeting until December
when it will begin with a potluck supper. The
executive meeting is in October.
The Regional Rally of the UCW will be held
at Egmondville Church, Monday, October 7
starting at 7 p.m. with a dessert prior to the
Edith Wey gave an outline of her day at the
Alma College.
Bonnie Lamble closed the meeting.
There will be a Family and. Consumer
Affairs meeting of the Walton Women's
Institute nn Wednesday. September 18.
Members are reminded to bring an article for
Children's Family Services as the roll call.
There will be a guest speaker from the social
W inners of the W alton Area Monthly Draw
for the month of September for 5100 were
Amv and Kelly Workman. RR 2. Brussels;
$25. Karen Warwick, Olds. Alberta.
Allan and Alice Searle greeted worship-
pers Sunday morning at Duff's United
The organist was Elva W ilbee and the
offering was received by Doug Fraser,
Emerson Mitchell and Jeff McGavin, Bonnie
',amble took as her sermon, "Hard of
Hearing, Hard of Heart."
Seaforth Harmony Kings and Lane Hazle-
wood will supply music next Sunday for the
120th anniversary at Duff's United Church at
11 a.m. Note the change of time. There will be
no church at Bluevale the following Sunday as
it will be their anniversary.
The Official Board meeting was held in the
church basement Sunday evening with
charge supervisor, the Rev. Cheryl -Ann
Stadelbauer-Sampa present.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig flew to
Vancouver last weekend to attend the
wedding of their daughter, Sherrill to Robert
Christian, formerly of Delaware, USA. The
wedding took place in Unity Church of
Vancouver, with a reception following in the
Annabelle Room of Four Seasons Hotel. The
bride and groom will be residing in the
Eastern States.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Seaforth and
Mary Elliott, Burnaby also attended.
Mary Humphries spent Wednesday with
her daughter Wenda Stroope and family of
Just a reminder this is Arthritis month,
please be generous when the canvasser calls
at your door in the village.
Blaine Marks received second on Saturday
for the 16 and under class at the'Fiddler's
contest at the Blyth Thresher's Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDougall and Kendra
Ann, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell,
Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall,
RR 3, Walton were supper guests of Bev
Stevenson, Ron and Chris on Friday evening,
September 6 on the occasion of Ken and
Heather's 10th wedding anniversary.
W alton Public School students are well into
their second week after the summer break.
There is an enrolment for 1985-86 of 76,
Mr. Jewitt is the principal with Rob Snell
vice rincipal, phys.-ed and music teacher.
Grade 1 -Barb Elston; Grade 2 -Della Bennett;
Grade 3 -Shirley Lyons. Beth Hagan. a new
teacher who will work at both Walton and
Seaforth schools. Kindergarten teacher is
Joan Vandendool.
The 18 new Kindergarten children starting
are: Jason Badley, Mark Beuermann. Kelly
Blake, Kelly Boven, David Brown, Carol Ann
Gamble. Brent Hazelgrove, David Hender-
son. Yoiande Horst, Christina Kuntz, Ste-
phanie MacDonald, Derek McClure, Trevor
Newman. Matthew Shortreed. Eric Siemon,
Craig Somerville, Chad Voogel and Jennifer
W at ts
Friends attend birthday party
McKillop Correspondent
MRS. flE12A RE(;E1.F.
Mr and Mrs Bryan McClure and Amy of
McKillop Township celebrated the birthday
of Mrs McClure's mother, Mrs Victor Ward
on Sunday. Guests present were Mr and
Mtrs Victor Ward. Mr and Mrs Bill Ward.
David. Billie Joe and Matthew of Rrndhagen.
Norman Hbhley and Melia Regele of
Mr and Mrs Harold McCallum of RR 1,
Walton have returned home after spending
the past two weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Glanville and family at Melford.
Mr and Mis Harold Mc('allum visited on
Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Glanville
Cranbrook Library hours change
Cranbrock Correspondent
MRS. M.a(' ENG F:1,
Leanne and Richard Minielly and Julie
E:zewski recently returned home from a two
week vacation from Baldwin Mr and Mrs.
Joel Chapelle visited Jim and Mrs Minielly
for a few days
Mfr and Mrs Garnet Starr. Waitacehurg,
their daughter Lori. Kitchener, and son
Stephen. Geralton, visiteryMr and Mrs Don
Susan McKone and Doris Williamson.
London, visited with ida Gordon
Mr and Mrs. Jim Minielly and Mr and
Mrs, Jim Bridge- Brussels, recently enjoyed
a two-day bus trip to Michigan While there
they attended the Kenny Rogers and Dolly
Parton Show and also saw Mac Davis and
Sawyer Brown
Area students going into high school
include Heather Petrie to Seaforth, Bill
Pelham, Stacey Miller. Eddie Saxon, Leanne
Minielly and Bert Pomeroy to Ustowel and
Holly Mitchell to Kindergarten at Grey
Jodi Miller is enrolled at Laurentian
University. Sudbury Her mother Mrs. Ken
Miller spent the week in Sudbury.
Neighbors and friends of Wm J. Petrie
and Mrs Donald Perrie had a bee on Tuesday
when 17 men, four combines and two balers
gathered at their fa; -m to help harvest the
The Cranbrook library has changed the
hours hack to Saturday 2 to 5 since school has
Belgrave UCW continues—
,Continued from Page B2
Eleanor Smith of Port Elgin spent sometime
on the weekend visiting with their cousins
Mr and Mrs. Leslie Vincent, Mrs Dorothy
Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent.
Dorothy Logan spent a few days last week
with Mr and Mrs Amancio Arruda. Marie
and Michelle of Toronto
Mr and Mrs. Elston Speiran of Brussels
visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs.
Bert Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea of Blyth
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Van Camp on
saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, William Geiger of Listowel
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Storer and Adam of
Kitchener spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna.
Anniversary service was held at Knox
Presbyterian Church, Belgrave on Sunday,.
September 11.
Rev. Victor Jamieson of Brussels was the
Margaret Shortreed of Brussels sang two
solos accompanied by Mrs. Lyle Brothers of
Don't forget to attend the Belgrave, Blyth
and Brussels School Fair on Wednesday
September 11 at the Belgrave Community
construction of a fence and reseeding of the -appointed W .E. Kelley and Associates McKillop's member for the Court of Revision
Walton Athletic Field. Ltd. to prepare a report on the repairs to the on the Wilfred Municipal Drain.
-approved tile drain loan applications in the Barron Municipal Drain, rescheduled the October council meeting
amount of $20,000. -appointed councillor Brian Campbell as from October 7 to October 1, at 1 p.m.
Ontario Hydro Transmission Study
Map of plan 7 with Recommended Routes and Sites
Georgian Bay
1Jj6 o
Bruce i/ H/.
kv , -cct / /�
NPDAi , ssa TS
/ sod
y / Milton TS
Lake Huron i?/r ' /' °%•
�/e° Vliddleport TS
"1/ iii
•. "' /
�� / / / :4.Nanticoke GS
� /
Plan 7 Lake Erre
I ] Study
Area ♦ GS Generating Station
Routes • TS Transformer Station
---- Acceptable Alternative Routes NPD Nuclear Power Development
Ontario Hydro is recommending The recommended routes and site are
the expansion of transmission documented in an Environmental
facilities in southwestern Ontario to Assessment which was submitted to
continue to provide a reliable and the Provincial Government on August 1,
economic supply of power to con- 1985, and will be the subject of public .
sume&.S throughout the province hearings which will begin later this year.
and to maintain adequate power By attending one of the public informa-
system flexibility. tion centres listed below, you can learn
The above map shows Hydro's more about the study and Hydro's rec-
recommended routes and site for the ommendations. Hydro staff will be on
proposed transmission lines and hand to answer questions. Maps and
transformer station. Acceptable other project related information will be
alternative routes ares also shown. available for your review.
Public Information Centres
Thursday, September 12 Thursday, September 12 Monday, September 16
Clinton U.A.W. Local 1520 Hall Elmwood
Town Hall Highway 401 and Highway 4 Community Centre
Clinton Tempo Elmwood
Monday, September 16 Tuesday, September 17 Tuesday, September 17
East Williams North Dufferin Caradoc i
Township Hall Community Centre Community Centre
Nairn Honeywood Mount Brydges
Wednesday, September 18 ' Wednesday, September 18 Thursday, September 19
Markdale Ekfrid 1.0.0 F
Complex Community Centre Hall
Markdale Appin Harrietsville
Thursday, September 19 Monday, September 23 Monday. September 23
Bruce Township Continental Tillsonburg Community Centre
Community Centre Inn Lion's Den. 45 Hardy Avenue
Underwood Barrie Tillsonburg
Tuesday, September 24 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday. September 25 '
Waterford United Church Hall •Ontario Hydro -Auditorium Jarvis Community Centre
Main Street Corner of College and Park Street (off Highway 3)
WaterfordUniversity Ave. Toronto . Jarvis
- 'Open from
11:00 am to 8:00 tem
Wednesday; September 25
Vienna Community
Please visit the centre of your convenience at any time between the hours of 2:30 pm
and 5:00 pm in the afternoon, and 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm in the evening (except
the Toronto centre).
Note: Since these are 'drop in' centres and there are no formal presentations members
of the public are welcome to visit at any time during the periods noted
If you are unable to attend one of these centres, but %it
would like more information, please write or phone: 41"
Ontario Hydro ®�
Community Relations Department, H8 -E6
700 University Avenue re.®
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X6
Phone (416) 592-7943 (collect)
between 1'.00 pm and 4:00 pm. Monday to Friday