The Huron Expositor, 1985-07-17, Page 9SECOND
F .xpositor
EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE including the youngsters of Dublin. Trey decorated their
bikes and paraded down their Main Street Saturday as an Informal Introduction to the 1985
COMING YOUR WAY—These youngsters
had plenty of energy left as activities
rounded off for this year's Dublin Fest.
Carrie Phillips of Stratford, Jason Fleming of
Dublin, Kyle and Kelly Bennewles, both of
Dublin Fest, sponsored by the Dublin and District Lions Club. Other events taking place Dublin and Jarod Phillips of Stratford, had a
included a pancake breakfast, pork barbecue, baseball tournament, and dance. All proceeds great time playing on the equipment in
from the 'Fes(' went to community development. (Mcllwralth photo) Dublin Park, (Mcltwraith photo)
Dublin celebrates
PORK ON YOUR FORK—Mery Shewan serves up a platter of pork chops to Jim Paratchek
Saturday in preparation for the Pork Barbecue held at the Dublin Community Centre. The
barbecue was fust one of a number of events held in Dublin Saturday as it celebrated Dublin
Fest (Mcltwraith photo)
IT S MINE—One of the attractions during
this year's Dublin Fest was a PeeWee
fastball tournament In this picture a
Monkton player catches a fly ball hit by
Brodhagen (Mcliwraith photo)
BIDING TIME ON THE BENCH—Members of ,he Monkton PeeWee tastbat! team wait
patiently between innings during a matchup with Brndhagen T`e Munkton team was the
winner of the B side of a tournament h-,s'ed Dublin Saturday as part of Dublin Fest
(Mcltwraith photo)
BIKING'S THE LIFE FOR ME—Julie Glauser,j7, may be a little young for the thrill of the ON THE SIDELINES cheering on PeeWee fastball teams
open road. but she seems to know how to enjoy her bike even so. This picture caught her participating in a tournament held in Dublin In conjunction with Its
decorating t (Till photo)
Dublin Fest are Larry. Mary and Becky Hudson and Hank Zehr, all
of Mitchell fMcilwrailh photo)