HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-6-21, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2018. PAGE 15.
From the Minister's Study
Jesus is the cornerstone for our lives
By Pastor Gary van Leeuwen
Blyth Christian Reformed
On one of the sideroads near Blyth
there sits a house, built in the first
part of the last century that has an
interesting, and perhaps frustrating,
quirk. It is not square.
The story goes that after the
builders placed the stakes for the
foundation, sometime through the
night before the footings were
poured, someone moved one of the
corner stakes out about two feet. In
the morning no one remeasured the
distances, and the footings were
poured followed by the foundation.
It was only when the builders started
framing the house that they noticed
the problem: one outside wall is
significantly longer than its
opposite. You can't notice the
problem through casual observation,
but the present owners have a
hardwood floor, and that floor
reveals the problem. From one end
of the dining room to the other, only
half the width of the house, there is a
difference of nearly a foot. The floor
at one end of the dining room is at
least three boards wider than the
other end.
Today we use stakes to determine
the placement of a house, but in
ancient times they used a
cornerstone. The builders would
begin by placing a cornerstone on
the building site and every
measurement they made went back
to that stone. The placement and
layout of that building was
determined by that cornerstone.
In the Bible, in a number of places,
Jesus Christ is referred to as a
cornerstone. The New Testament
authors were using Old Testament
imagery found in Psalm 118:22
where we read that the stone that the
builders rejected has become the
chief cornerstone. That verse is
quoted a number of times in the New
Testament both by Jesus himself and
by the apostles. As we know, Jesus
was not very popular with many
people of His time, particularly the
ruling elite. Jesus was an itinerant
preacher, and everywhere He went,
while large crowds followed Him
most of the time, there were others
who rejected Him. The ruling elite,
who rejected Jesus, did so because
He was calling them to account,
challenging their authority and
privilege. Because Jesus was so
popular, at least for the first couple
of years of His ministry, they felt
their position was being threatened
and tried to discredit Jesus.
Quoting Psalm 118:22, the New
Testament authors had a very
different understanding of Jesus.
True, He might be rejected by the
ruling elite and, later, even by
popular vote, but that did not negate
Jesus' importance. He was sent by
God to become the cornerstone, the
one who would determine how life
should work, how we should live
and what will be the outcome of life
on this earth. The biblical authors
understood Jesus to be the final
authority on how life should be
lived, not only in theory but in
practice as well. Although people
might reject Jesus, much as builders
might reject a stone from their
building, they would soon discover
that the very one they rejected would
become the cornerstone.
When the apostle Paul adopts the
imagery of Jesus being the
cornerstone in Ephesians 2:19-20, he
wants us to know that God is
building a building for himself here
on this earth whose every part is
shaped by Jesus Christ. Paul is
talking about the church, a
community of people which is
comprised of those who believe that
Jesus was sent by God to die on the
cross for our sins and who have
committed themselves to serving
Him wherever He might lead. The
church ought to be shaped by the
life, teaching and sacrifice of Christ.
There are two lessons or
applications for us, as we think
about the Bible's teaching about
Jesus as the cornerstone. First, if
Jesus is indeed the cornerstone sent
from God to this earth to bring
salvation, then it follows that He will
ultimately determine the outcome of
history. In fact, He is shaping history
so that God's purposes are
accomplished. Whether we believe
this or not is somewhat irrelevant if
it is true. If it's true that Jesus is the
cornerstone, then no matter if we
reject Jesus or accept Him,
ultimately our lives will be shaped
by Him. Second, if we do believe
that Jesus was sent to this world as
United Church
Join us June 24 at 11:00 am
Worship leadership by pastors
from Huron/Perth
Note: July worship time is changing to 9:30 am
Everyone Welcome
The Regional Ministry of Hope
Everyone Welcome!
Trinity Anglican Church St. John's Anglican Church
C� 9:15 am 11:15am
Rev. JoAnn Todd, Rector
email: revjoann@hurontel.on.ca
The Regional Ministry of Hope
For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621
Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
You're Invited
to come worshp
with us
Sunday, June 24
at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
650 Alexander St. (former Brussels Public School)
Sunday School for children
4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m.
Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers
during the sermon.
Coffee & cookies after the morning service.
Coming Soon! Vacation Bible School
July 2-6 - Ages 5-12
This series consists of practical choices and meaningful decisions you can PLAN
make to impact your life today. Choosing these biblical truths from the
Apostle Paul will help you to better experience the quality of life God
intends for you to know and live. Join us as we begin this journey in making
these powerful life choices.
June 24th -"The Choice To Move Forward."
July 8th -"The Choice To Experience Peace"
July 22nd - "The Choice To See The Good."
July 1st - "The Choice To See Differently"
July 15th -"The Choice Needed To Take The Next Step."
July 29th - "The Choice To Discover The Joy."
EVERY SUNDAY IN AUBURN @ 10am huronchapel.com
the one from whom all of life ought
to be measured, if we do believe that
Jesus brings salvation to this world
through His sacrifice on the cross,
then it also makes sense that we are
obligated to allow ourselves to be
shaped by Him. For those who
believe in Jesus, we must make it our
commitment that our every attitude,
value, priority, goal, thought, and
action be in obedience to Him so that
we can honour Him.
If Jesus is the cornerstone, as
Scripture declares, any other
reference point for life is going to
skew our lives. Like the house which
had its corner stake moved, our lives
will be out of square. Or, to put it
positively, if we put our trust in Jesus
Christ, affirming that His sacrifice
on the cross brings salvation and His
life teaches us how to live so we can
live lives fitting to what God has
made us to be.
You're 97u iced 7o join ?/S X 11 7,Corsil�J
Morning Service 10:00 am
Evening Service 7:30 pm
Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen
Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743
We invite you to join our church family in:
Worship & Sunday School - 11 am
Coffee & Snacks following the service
Come out and meet our new minister, Rev. Charmila Ireland
Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm — Soup & More 2
- a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and
made possible by the Brussels churches working together.
Nursery care available
Blyth United Church
Est. 1875
Worship Service
at 9:30 am
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
blythunited @tcc.on.ca
Accessible ® Facebook: Blyth and Brussels United Churches
OFFICE: 519-523-4224
St. Ambrose
6:00 p.m.
17 Flora Street
Sacred Heart
9:00 a.m.
220 Carling Terrace
St. Joseph's
11:00 a.m.
1025 Wallace Avenue N.