HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-6-21, Page 14-111 PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2018. Local pianist named provincial finalist in . . PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 Joan and Neil Vincent greeted and handed out the bulletins at Knox United Church on Sunday, June 17. Minister Brian Hymers welcomed the congregation on Father's Day. Brian lit the Christ candle. The welcoming hymn was, "Lord, Speak to Me". All the hymns were accompanied by Mackenzie Wightman at the piano and Lila Procter with the guitar. The flowers at the front of the sanctuary were placed by Dorothy Coultes and family in loving memory of Glenn Coultes. The call to worship was followed by the service of baptism. Evelyn Mae Davenport, daughter of Karrin and Shane Davenport (sister of Madison and Jackson) was welcomed to the family of God. The scripture passage was taken from Genesis 1:1-10. On behalf of the congregation of Knox United Church, Lila Procter, member of session presented Evelyn Mae for initiation into the body of Christ through baptism. The profession of faith and promises followed with the parents, Shane and Karrin and the congregational commitment and the prayer of Thanksgiving. Jackson helped Brian pour the water into the font for baptism. Evelyn Mae was baptized and the blessing followed. Evelyn was marked with the sign of the cross and from this day forward she will bear the sign of Jesus Christ. Brian lit a candle and presented it to the parents. The candle is to be lit at special times in Evelyn's life to remind them of her baptism. Lila Procter presented gifts from the church and a certificate of baptism. Brian presented Evelyn to the congregation and then he baptized her sister Madison's doll and Abby presented her to the congregation as well. This was the ninth baptism that Brian has performed. After the youth connection hymn, which was "In the Bulb There is a Flower", Muriel Coultes read scripture from John 1: 1-18. Brian reflected on Father's Day. The special hymn was, "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry." Nancy Jardin reported on the Minute for Missions focusing on how our gift supports brothers and sisters in other countries. We are all connected to each other and one creation. Doug Walker and Don Shiell took up the offering which was dedicated and the offertory response was the singing of, "The Church is Wherever God's People Are Praising", verse two. The Lord's Prayer was repeated and the parting hymm, "Faith of Our Fathers", benediction and blessing and "Go Now in Peace" concluded the worship service. Lila Procter thanked everyone who helped in any way with the chicken barbecue which followed after the service and the singing of "Johnny Appleseed". Mackenzie Wightman also was thanked for her first time playing the piano for the entire service and a job well done. Everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship and the barbecued chicken which has been enjoyed every Father's Day since 1975. Andrea Shiell was married on June 2 to Michammod Zeeshania in Waterloo with a reception following in Goderich. The community congratulates them and extends best wishes. On May 30, Lindsay Shiell graduated in the Paramedic Program at Cambrian College in Sudbury. The community congratulates Lindsay on her achievement and wishes her all the best in her career. Andrea Shiell (Zeeshania) graduated at the University of Guelph with her Bachelor of Commerce degree. She has accepted a position with the Canada revenue Agency in Mississauga. Mary and Jim Hunter enjoyed a road trek at Miller Lake with over 70 camping friends and excellent weather. Each year they look forward to seeing their friends and have been connecting with each other for eight years. Tidying up For World No Tobacco Day, Grade 7 students at F.E. Madill School in Wingham set out into the community to clean up cigarette butts throughout the town as a means of making their own statement. Charlotte Campbell, left, and Regan McMichael were among the students working to make Wingham beautiful again. (Denny Scott photo) Hamilton Sincere sympathy is extended to Dorothy Coultes in the loss of her husband Glenn and to Paul (Kim), Steven (Nicole), Mark (Lori) and Tim (Mel) in the loss of their father Glenn and to all his grandchildren. John and Linda Campbell visited with Jeremy and Stacy Campbell, Justin Campbell and Jenn in Toronto and met their first grandchild, baby Jackson, and celebrated Father's Day on June 16. Mackenzie Wightman was invited to take part in the Grade 7 piano provincial championships held in Hamilton on Saturday, June 16. Accompanied by her parents, Alison and Brian, her grandmother Florence and music teacher Laura, she was one of 40 young artists taking part. The group was divided into two divisions, and only two from each division were picked to go on to the finals. Mackenzie was presented with a certificate which stated that she was a provincial finalist They returned home so Mackenzie could play the organ and piano for the Knox United Church service Sunday morning. FROM BELGRAVE NT EXTEND YOUR REACH -ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information visit www.ocna.org/network-advertising-program MORTGAGES j. $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ TAP INTO HOME EQUITY! With home values skyrocketing, take advantage and pay down other high interest debt. HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. Creative Mortgage Specialists! No proof of income 1st, 2nd, and 3rd's Up to 85% Borrow: Pay Monthly: $50,000 $268 $100,000 $537 LARGER AMOUNTS AND COMMERCIAL FUNDS AVAILABLE !!Decrease monthly payments UP to 75%!! Based on 5% APR. 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