HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-5-24, Page 3A tale of two Sharons
While those delivering the food at the Blyth United Church's semi-annual drive-thru dinners are
the face of the operation, the meals require a lot of work, behind the scenes, to put together.
Above Sharon Bromley, left, and Sharon Dalton, right, were responsible for plating the take-
out meals at the drive-thru lunch and dinner on May 17. (Denny Scott photo)
Barn Dance set
to start Friday
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen
This weekend, the Blyth and
District Community Centre will host
the 21st annual Barn Dance
Jamboree and Campout. The event
will span four days and include a
bluegrass show, the Barn Dance
stage show, a Gospel show and
several jam sessions for those
camping in Blyth.
Over the past two decades, the
event has become a staple on the
Blyth calendar, bringing visitors
from both near and far to the village
for all of the weekend's events.
Set for May 24-27, the event
begins with a Campers' Jam on
both May 24, with the main stage
action set to begin on Friday
night with the bluegrass show, which
will feature special guests
Huron County changes meeting schedule
Huron County Council will be
changing the way it does business
later this year, modifying its council
meeting structure.
Currently, Huron County Council
Orchestra set to
perform June 3
The Blyth Festival Orchestra will
present its spring concert on
Sunday, June 3 at 3 p.m. at St.
George's Anglican Church in
Goderich. The program will include
Cimarosa's "Concerto in G Major
for Flute Duet" with flute soloists
Jan Searle and Hannah Blackburn,
and Brandenburg's ever -popular
"Concerto No. 5" with soloist Dr.
Tom Drake on violin.
Special guest pianist Desmond
Gaspar from Stratford will perform
Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata".
Gaspar will conduct Mendelsohn's
"Sinfonia No. 4 in C minor".
Tickets will be available at the
Blyth Festival box office or at the
door. Adult tickets are $15 each,
while students are $10 each and
children under 12 are free.
Next shoot set
for May 29
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Happy birthday to Niel Edgar,
Wingham who celebrates May 29.
Shoot results from Tuesday, May
15 are: first, Dorothy Carter;
second, Louise Hammond; third,
Brenda Brooks; most shoots, Mac
Brooks and share the wealth, Ethel
Walker and Joann MacDonald.
Shoot is played every other Tuesday
at the Blyth United Church
Auditorium. Doors open at 12:30
p.m. and cards begin at 1 p.m. The
next Shoot will be on Tuesday, May
29. Come out and enjoy a fun game
of cards.
Hope everyone had a safe and
wonderful May 2-4 weekend with
family and friends.
hosts a council meeting on the first
Wednesday of the month, followed
by two committee of the whole
meetings, respectively, on the
second and third Wednesdays of the
At council's May 16 committee of
the whole meeting, the decision was
made to scrap the committee of the
whole structure and hold two
council meetings per month. The
meetings will follow the same staff
reporting structure that's already in
place — planning and development,
cultural services and adminstration
will present at the first meeting,
while public works and social
services will present at the second
meeting — but without the formality
of committee of the whole meetings
and council meetings.
Under the current structure,
Michelle McNichol presented the Tom Schauber Memorial
Award for most improved Atom Local League player to
Simon Wernham, during the Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey
Association's annual awards banquet. (Photo submitted)
Draft Huron Natural Heritage Plan
Planning for Natural Environment Areas in Huron
COUNTY Drop-in Information Sessions
The County of Huron is inviting the public to learn about the draft Huron
Natural Heritage Plan and provide comments at one of three upcoming
information sessions:
Tuesday, May 29th from 3-8pm, Clinton Public Library
(27 Albert Street, Clinton)
Wednesday, June 6th, 3-8pm, Alice Munro Library
(281 Edward Street, Wingham)
Thursday, June 14th, 3-8pm, Exeter Public Library
(330 Main Street South, Exeter)
The draft Huron Natural Heritage Plan (HNHP) summarizes Huron's current
approach to natural environment planning and contains recommendations for
updates. The mapping has been updated to reflect the 2015 aerial photography.
Drop-in information sessions provide an opportunity for members of the
public to view the updated mapping and provide comments on the draft HNHP.
The draft HNHP is also available online by visiting: www.huroncounty.ca/
plandev/huron-natural-heritage-plan/. Questions? Contact the Planning
Department toll-free at 1-888-524-8394 ext. 3, or by emailing planning@?
council accepts reports and
presentations from staff and the
public during its committee of the
whole meetings and makes a
decision which is then ratified at the
next council meeting. This new
format would scrap that structure,
but would give council time to
consider presentations and decisions
that could always be brought back
and reconsidered.
While staff had recommended
retaining the committee of the whole
structure, council opted to
streamline the process.
Staff had recommended two
committee of the whole meetings,
followed by two council meetings,
on two days per month. That would
add a meeting to the schedule, but
the four meetings would take place
on two days, as opposed to the
current schedule of three.
Council approved the two -
meeting format. Clerk Susan Cronin
said it will take a few months to
implement the new schedule, which
she hopes to have in place later this
year, before the municipal election
in October.
Farringdon Hill from Port Dover.
On Saturday night, the curtain
goes up on the Barn Dance stage
show. Jim Swan will serve as the
master of ceremonies for a show that
will feature Kiley Joe Masson,
Small Town Girls, Dixon, Bryce
Butcher, John Ham, Michael T. Wall
and Doreen Brown. The main stage
acts will be supported by the Barn
Dance Show Band, which features
Fred Lewis on guitar, Doug Dietrich
on steel guitar, Al Alderson on bass,
Bill Norris on fiddle and Grant
Heywood on drums.
On Sunday morning, Betty Beer
will host the event's annual Gospel
Throughout the weekend, there
will be a musical flea market and
silent auction, as well as a Saturday
night dinner and Sunday morning
breakfast hosted by the Blyth Lions
For more information on the
weekend, visit thebarndance.ca.
Broken Washer?
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
My child, which will you have?
(Archibald Brown, "Christ's Own Joy, is Our Joy!")
Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the
land of uprightness. Psalm 143:10
0, beloved, I wish that we knew more of the joy of perfect and complete surrender
to God. It is our will clashing with our Father's will, which makes us fretful. If
only our will were one with His --it would be utterly impossible for us to ever be
anything else than serene, calm and happy. Within our soul would dwell a depth
of calm contentedness. Having no choice of our own, the soul would find equal joy
in all. The "Nevertheless, not My will -but may Your will be done!" would prove
perpetual music in the heart.
A soul thus surrendered, could make no choice if it were offered. If the Lord were
to say, "My child, which will you have: health or sickness; a long life --or one
snapped in two like a broken column; wealth --or poverty?" The soul would
answer, "Father, I cannot say, because I do not know Your will. Tell me Your will,
and I will tell You my choice, for my soul is Yours, as well as all else. I refer the
case back again to You, my Father, and cry:
I dare not choose my lot,
I would not, if I might!
But You choose for me, 0 my God,
So shall I walk aright.
I know that this is a high standard to attain and as I speak, I feel I am condemning
myself in every other word. But shall we ignore a thing because it is above us? No,
let us aim high, even if we do not reach the mark: for though our arrow falls short
of the target, it will fly higher than if aimed at a lower object.
A Grace Gem
Submitted by• Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956