HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-10, Page 3THE Wl (N ' TIES, SE1 TEb , t'rR.L 10, 100, THE SPOT! THAT S back. Right in the small of the iti a 1!)o you ever get a pain there? 111 so. do you know what it means? it is $e,ckache. - ,&sure sign of Kidney Trouble. Pont'neglect it, Stop it in time. If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles are sure to follow. DOWN'S KIDNEY PILLS T�s INSIIRRFTtOL Macedonian Leedom Have. Mad. e Formal Announcement. MOR1 TURKISII M.ASSACRRS. Turks Hare Cut Oft Entire reputation of Osi— e and Y1- ee A _ the Villages of Armee laspeptor-General Eat:elven Warn- Ing of Retaliation- i)lalkoternoru in a Stara: of Anaroh7—Turks' Vnspemkablu Atrocities. ire Backache, ll Lame Back, And nDB Bladder Dropsy Troubles. Price 50o. a box or 3 for $1.25.41 dealers. DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO.. Toronto. Ont. AMERICAN 00ACHERS. . ILS MAIL'S OUTLINE. n Cfa)dib10,00t *Qom rut a luaty sex two, L1i0'Bre it which and, ea h eerbra4 f3hll1IA4s ea I vie4t mud Landon, Aug. 29* Mall yahe c On this lido of the line. er t need has obtained what purports to be an to confluents of the lighter of a emelt 'aline of Colonial kieeretery C11am amu journals• aver ilia. ()bevel 'Med o American ftshiu; +Lli; being, Uerlain fiscal proposals. filed upon by the Careedian patrol They are said to be as follows: boat 1'etrcl. tit Svould. vela thtt the A duty of two to three shillings on nervy Capt. Shaw, of the ailvefor some wheat and a heavier duty on flour; lois been practlsino h g „ xau riot small duties on meat and eggs and time and relying upon th.. - lk dairy products, and equivalent ro- sailing qualities of his vessel for es - what eiew however that he Les got aiesitwo scales. on manufactured ed Pro c Ixe awith a o in h i�t. 'aim •Can what wits taming to hducts, 10 and 20 per , grave huff aver dhe rotor /needling o view to the security of a reciprocity make a aui received and threatens to make ,saree Vance of U. Severn treaty yof with nations, the be devoted bro- etter la are advanced, rand ging fromto a relief of arbitr lake .and e n annexation. ionIt thor relnissionslof the duties on tea, arbitrating and even is plaa�sing however to note ttt.tit the sugar and tobacco. eerier people and netit^spapsrs realize Australian Approval. tha of their citizens take the risk of trespassing on foreign •waters•, they must abide by the consequences. •Tito reading public wee reeentl;' startled lay the announcement that Joseph Pulitzer, of the New York World, had given the Columbian Uni- vereity $2,000,000 to establish a school for the teaching of journalism• Whe- ther the eaperimcnt will Trove ;suc- cessful or not remains to be aeon. Thus far the idea of teaching a prefers - elan to which it is generally conceded a man must be born hag Oever seemed feasible, and has been regarded 'in about thio same light as a school to teach men to become poets, t>Uowever, it will no doubt include among its stu- dents some young men with the net - weal ability for ,:ournalism, and if it succeeds In creating within their minds right' impressions of what, the twentieth century 'newspaper will re - tit itt amusing to Canadians woho oodso near . ',neat the otcten' to WL1C1 Atnetkaan poach.- Searles, One on Ftoyr." eras have tieaalraseed on the fishing pre. —T1tl ]r. • Sofia. Sept. 2. --The Macedonian revolutionaries awaited the anniver- sary of the Sultan's accession to ener- proclaim the longeentacipated gener- al insurrection in Northern Macedon- ia, the proclamation of which wan issued yesterday, signed by all he members of the insurger}t general stall. The now outbreak is headed by the famous Macedonian leaders, Gen. Sontchieff, president dofCoe Iia ken,. Macedon - hue committee, who was wounded in tho arising of 1902, The new territory covers the dis- trict in the Valley of the Struttta, at the base of the Rhodope alouittain ver carder n cos Jankoff Is diirethe north of ctinghe itho movements of the banes in the southern part. News of Severe Fighting. News of severe fighting is still coming in. At the village of Ar- mens', after a day's fighting, the 'Turkish troops in the night mos- squire to bo.he t reading public may be old sacred the entire' population of 180 vain ' e for the average tbl r responsible directly Turks dt Y po Tu Tho .; Mon and as women. also have massacred the inhabitants clanslrtlobliu demand it the average cedelong s of tho village of Voles Hilmi Pasha, tors will continue to rake in all so�rbt 1 It is reported that of rubbish that oan be found and 1 the inspector general for Macedonia, if with .stLrlTing headlines and then fears to leave his headquarters in lest sathsfied that lie hies' met thep•op the IConak at Monastir. The insure alar demand. •i'on's time luso a eor- gent leader, Grueff, in a letter to tain production 'which was perhaps Hilmi Pashh, demanded that he pre- the poorest excuse for a oily vent the barbarous acts of the Turk- paper published in Canada1tva;s tran.N- ish soldiers and bashibazouks, other- paperl to the nrauageof a mast, wise the revolutionaries would oras- feires ful and able journalist. Tmmr.- sacro all the Turkish inhabitants, dietely its circulation began to ;shrink The insurgents have occupied the and continued to do so for a time un - mountain pass of Gergeloon, Lhc til a more intelligent reading public main lino from Salonica to Uskub' Itabe ecus so �a tasted with lied lle idene. el and Turkish troops have been sent y + to dislodge them. Tho town of found therein that they were wholly Malketer Novo is reported to be he unprepared for something requiring a state of anarchy, the Turks plund- the exercise of a little thought. The °ring the houses and committing un- I newspap'a of the future will doubtless speakable atrocities on the women. Dairy Instruction Work in Western Ontario 'Mir. Geo, IL Barr, Supt. of Dairy In - has taan nte'Supt. of the Strathroy been appointed alairy School, as euceeseor to attn. Arch Smith, resigned. (the Dec.schoolcwill op, Aon for ,etu(lents on to . ins Utes• t rr',s intention visiting ante cheese .iytxnstoi°s engaged; n stam- mer s se's during en. •orb. e f act t r andbut a sorer as instructora in tbe dairy Schee ,during the winter. + iMr. Barr reports !syndicate instruc- tiont work in Western r Theio patrons pregressine favorably. with pa work s sae quite in sympathy and are doing all they can to help it .along• !Already. there es a marked im- aerovement noticeable in the appear- ance of the 'syndicate factories and hens aloe of the eheesa made in them, which will have' a good effect on 'ztext, year's work. ,Tiny leue been a ,difficult month in which to make cheese, owing to bad have thereflavors. ore e ,^syndieate instructors tbad 1 eye good do under adver eatcondi- tions. There are four ,syndicates, with -home instructor over each one, andne .cheo.se and two butter instructors in addition. .Western Ontario is there- fore better supplied with instruction than at any previous, 'season. This work should have a good effect in ime re- proving the 'quality. of our dairy p ;ducts and making them more uniform. l+ • liti . foolitzWielg is a a)ynopsls or mai BARBARL, � LIMIT. :,ddres% by Alati. lda, I. rTilson, of . West Sake % Wis•, Wll:a has ween. eon- -.•- n ^^ (tuettn;g a t`eries .of poultry leet.tute Iiit'sltint;a in Mont cotta:.-- Seems tQ Have Been Reached in ".We Away build a dry, sun y. Warn'' Tiirke> s Repressive ltlleaslires. hen house, Teed �rwll-ttilaziee+i yao—^^--'^—• and j kind, faithful masters, yet 4.4. - teat ourselves in paulery culture by I w;n r everything to pour through ,'116 MASS 1 TIN( IN SQ 1 C lef a parasites arotton Len"n;fowls em. hoists P ,.------- ire .---••---••- tlnrm eUrge lira resit' `cl I and lU an � a R 1e g•rew tsccla minor pests ihexe 7d.esdoulan,t''retest two }great classes of The paras - elan, anti. mites. The latter have tt erste Bestrode the Turks 3'rora'Farthor wo .lite n head and i Decimating Their Ceuntrl-•A.w•fa1 11'a it'}loraX, 9U0: y a• �° r" e are- $errors of outrages Toa :n• • m r t .I nearly b .I to y i" ar d t 'drkindan Poultry Parasites 1 prebo$ots, U Wo. •i to h below,. TCL Y 1 h And mem Melbourne, Victoria, Aug. 29. --The 1 prl'bescts may sem it is 11ure are about nine kinds of lice, and, jt 1populatronlrP Within the ase Inter -State Cons, un r Protection-rs'- , 1st Associations, under the press- four kinds of mites, infesting poultry.!Bulgarian ation of the no Aiini steer Tile ye esus vary in size, calor and shape• i few days, says The Times, twelve genes of Sir William LY ll p h Australian Ievrntive and remedial meas.- more Christian villages have been handed over to fire and sw ue , aged the women, children and •s -I ist- AC 321 ill Children fl_ c c I ilida s ox SFt e of tbe lice, ill 'biped. ckers. grey are ea Create„ A eonpAttoa, 'Lewitt s melte hinge 8 ' 'Y areLondon, Aug. ,7, --According to a £iltbL huskers, but most of them lice! Sofia ion, ug tela 7'he Times, the filth' feeders. The b:trvd sttdie l when. vented by gal, •usually die sivtvty �'lurlcish repressive measures in ,Iaeg� and roll up enereeelves and proboscis gonia have reached the utmost Rear!? 'filled ort av quickly' in a•s be „ sten of barbarism, and it is evident that slimes be !iI intention to accomplish by ' tele Gowns for Homo Affairs of t e • brae do not stiffer much. ' Federal Government, has cabled to differ brace' in f+lth, others lonkal Secretary a apo n- Wh,lt• some lice the birdie. If 'pcs- Showing !natio Vents* In einlitirn to the roller* t ail - or Irish lone, the tLnli nO ;pees unit inrritetaib 'ems. Tial' terns of tritninlae IS iatrotu 'N ,.i,tz,W'a `cf• It'y(1r tnS se blue Ya�ile, playing the p.pular nett ti n h ti Incrusiaticns .(.f *Idle V+'ul fiord 2atte;lal acid richlls'3s', bt'autY to both eleirt and iodise. sril ebiler a,+ th, hat of Tire( ,ishien vary the ei L vt: ant uta ten + with Cc.rt l oil's $stitthif:; Ttx rOUndtng neck 1 a featizete designe ter warm days. , til r n t �' net Ia y 'll •� • .ha We �i \ ll Co Chamberlain, a Convow bouncing that the conference is in l.iy nits or cansto Monastir e ca scraped. The- prisoners despan tched chedtheir escorts. favor of preferential trade on the 1 Bible :the, manure hrche scraply be re- `have been murdeaed by basis of ghe with colo tariff, without 1 n nee d, and 1a nplaces! ; have interfering with colonial protection, plat, only n. pa away breeding, fon crrtain parasites bat „ivies 1 ens', A private letter from 11lonas r says L a better air, and gets this Yert l ale 1 and meditate aseven tin local sassination, anon disgusted e (TREAT LIBERAL VICTORY. its tis hand or in a oomlplob its valuable ammonia has escaped, ha G` Consuls. intervntioner to provoke Euro - ate last Particular fully f 'sig sw said of dirt as city According to v•anes of the to soldiers Chamberlain's Candidate Overwhelmed by Big Majority in Argyllshire. Aug. 29,—The Liberals onaon, of earth yesterday gained a notable victory in f h yp t Argyllshire, where on Wednesday last was held the first Parliamentary bye- 1serd 1 almctstc rade, bervia, m Y matter in tbe wrong plat°. g �f a .Mellow dust: box 1S provided, I belonging to the reserves, called out fish spaded1 by `Turkey aro refusing to join the or electionaisedfoColon al the Sea etary scal question raised by Cham- berlain. Liberal can- 1 cted by the gree nta Ca r'e"� •' ' f} Iwls will clean au(l• exeraiYet theta• I colors, as the troops in the e selves rather than exereiseiltarlmaael Months. Sofia, received any pay for ill discolorp ut Mass. Meeting at Sofia. Sofia, Aug. 27,—An immense mass 'lace e 1'cii .1 hes 'af a we I. max. ':." 'III% yea cf thiel to J. S. Ainsworth, the h meeting yof 'Macedonians afternoon. They ook Fwere I b •ttv'en Cluny, Male.. c ;teal "f e tees. who represented free trade, kind, f ashes thr„winsg eharv° here yesterday tu•li omen ten; eq. Fr,"<LL}:u ? } Halt}.• dada of the bldd.cs t most enthusiastic, It resolved that ; -• majority to , hese• re i.:ff el is enteloyed grinch fc t lpresented it. cut i fbec n: of see I thshould wa aand b a •• r r'S i halt •* iv. h.. to, t en • •d nn. '= - Itt 1 L L ] • r� . :Union- • ut a n •>s U • a- •, Stewart,t rest w , r •1aq alt from O t tb r great , ,.,.eta , haf l 1,o8i}, over (I uized when free,• ist, t the representatives of the p ,t• d uses s is as a bridal vel At 1st n (r. ;WVoad as, .. const gut n and legs—a matter of only to exhibitors. (With a icoarbe sive from the fanning mill, I e.:ft any -s a at c . oe , otinkcrs one side, orfduet SC, FEY. Carter Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See Fae-Sltrio Wrapper Below. 'Very small and as 06 :57 to take as sugar. CATER FOR D�� CESS. F®1l 31L1i1US11ESs., FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION Q•�sr pguren�1 MUST NAVR KW PI R. ' Priced {•parcily Vegetable. TWO MEN MEET DEATH. Traction Engine Went Through Bridge in Mosa Township. Alvinstan, Sept. 2: Neil Munroe and Alexander McKenzie were killed yesterday while crossing the bridge opposite B. Leitch's, in the '.l'uwtt- 0 engine. . g traction with a Mo Mosa, of + Town- ship ane Pn the g nd Tho bridge gave way a fell backwards over tho mon. e lever was killed instantly by penetrating his breast. McKenzie in the ane the en under g d un pinned was F d Munroe, aged e d. b lune g creek and, droMi a about 40, loaves a widow and four children; and throeichildr n.. ed 40, leaves a S ITTLC IVER PILLS . .0.141 I 1.100K CURE SICK HEADACHE. who stood for protection. Li Ili+ rc patio oar, sae election the Union- chunks; keep it in a L4unny 1'1 ltnr to ars at Soda urging their Govern- ltt•`Cva2 ineerrt, bat net a3 yet here. the previous , c,ftele. A litLlc ;,n Pto iajority was (00. and :rcae.. w - .,rh to cause Sore eyes, I mems recent It a isit of the Russian 14 a material that 1:nd5 itself ,te lime, otos meas vis aro vary in -1 The b>u}ll•eun s and inf a t;tnau $rue add. ,if d clean: e51 squadron to Turkish waters was de- . VICTIMS OF GRIM REAPER. ftccluei.tly `` ;sign,,. 7 in Mentis best with c,d I have iauald 1 can uta xi scribed as "a monument of sunshine, il I f. b is -ening( wear and to sol_. fall Seven Men Fat t1�L Drowning ; `Sant s 'ie. 10 nenaxee, by a p ' � • •siae:it a111 ors. d r lrttly b-alewe of 1.i.1 insect Horrors. I.r tPile1, j pure - do not het personally, rtC- der to top of v ctuainted with each end vidual p.1 Bremen, Aug. 29•—The North Ger- l „ The speak' itnpass ono c Y t' a i Juaeine from the letters o peop1 N t which quickly passed. (.r� tvi:era. t 1 appealed for iminedi- t to intervention. ce nil,"•t. for the A.r;••it, Resolutions were also adopted 1 f man Lloyd steamer lieckor, bound site, but apply 1. ie pot while off Tersch ! jdeg the cause of the Macedonians, { i t years there is no met -Twine H hie, altin ore, Northd., wh ''fast, under balk, wings and vent. thanking the publicists who ave :promptly rtheta of a+ he3 and poi for I3 elling. in the Sea, Thursday ! is a,¢ia in the en I se when f ret m supply apes, { ser when I ave a hen, and seg- regretting t e t Ice stens to tamel ori- 1 and insures regularity of ale liver,. er,. ni burst her main stn a pI y p draw-9y,n 4 and L rich scalded the third and fourth II vvral Canes duringher incubnt.ne. ofn. y. which ashes wt.). answer well. The ate the lot of the Christians in Tur- Liver Pills. 7avelc when hal calm ilea engineers and seven stokers. The two w.tited Gaal s and, key,demanding the appointment of a have failed old people can torn to tl. engineers and lino out of the seven 11,;.clan insect p4,w,icr is vc lat:le, mat medicine with full as.urauceof kers scalded died from their kn t sa,,�ulde be kept tightly covered when' powerful Christian Governor, who stokers ct ro awe in nee:- I would ensure security for the coup- lief and culN. B 1 arian$ to for one thing tend to less quantity and juries• i n t v.:cd, and is_—__— _----- better quality of reacting matter. Pittsburg, Aug. 20.—While a Party n,xe:�, :. ass mined and ]told with c,tl. try, and inviting al u ! and ml be that sensational pee n people were driving home limey, we rmtvuod. and elder leaves,1 aid in securing the triumph of the '• Thera of young p P end vnk,n sk.us are t;a u work already commenced. tOonacia:t Shorthorn ou tows Wanes pens sivelt that is now word Committee las 's- and offensive, will be omitted. pubUe taste, will b educated to1lthes htdi rn 1 quire a more torrent and viva , (xlrty s Run, and three young the velavet of d • o u,t2atrari a .style of wrIling exhibiting something were drowned. taxa, by day, cvm nr {orth, to have the kn.dividuaeap it writersl,vh6in^' ht, hthem nce o our directed e the ca acities of the wliog- Gibraltar, Aug. 29.—Eleven loven Span- hi lblcod at y, ht, hence... menMure i have langn d P of the Spanish steamer t,i the house itself. These creatures li.slt language. at will be. supported lards+ engaged in salvage work on for destroying own worth as interests o and the wreckSpain, were are juat visible to have had a for its o nnear Tarifa, when they ha k- atv ra Bd � rurad Ir Y themore. of , are a is 'atteresn ddL.feasting. 'sin isudden vert gduringa he adt t b ttet. no•daof e1•r Ylt stea e yd • wncdan p from th land acs tool a iotis anh dao YI gland mcel, from the tisndiSm of l be ent any squall. 29.—In an A daytimerxamifirk p frequentlyd.s- elimi aced. anism will rt entirely Nodpt to Iowa,ueAug. cles.,i therm eliminated. It will in +short deal with attempt to rescue sis family of father, the, ,poets seemin ; to realize that tha th he of ? in its consisting •n� co g*o polities and religion according to li'am Sanborn,latter not � going th ck toll b. had who mother and four children, •cord- convictions and tell the truth ac.. •ts and walla. ing to it,s capacity, and when it makes taken refuge on their house -top, the I mistakes will perhaps even have the I raft overturned, drowning Mrs. San - grace to acllrnowledge them. Ile ,s from A social gathering near I.`ccr- ,',.gar sprl,s i The ,. yesterday, their vehicles , d;_•cs„ura ors u' nests. I also often use sued ea black-bordered(1l st of seventy I Stanton. ' ' bteen early 3 �• bete filliutr. Mr. H. B. Binds, �'ticllig, • xe over a' high embankment into I ,. - awd went ,erchas, walls and nests villages, which have been pillaged I who i selecting the ahorthorrnst lou gun *women s cost and destroyedin Mon- caw era n • •i • f� the deity • astir, to which are added instances i;et. Louie Exposition, is desirous of revolting outrages on women. The Letting in communication with publication has created a sensation. ; • owners of the best d•ury chorth No news has been received in offs- I cows in Can; da, and for that pure tial circles yesterday from the inter- tee tvrittee Mr. F. T� . Ilexison, L for :tett a 'C Ottawa, which or ht c ton , 1 afi a mus ng oan k C Macedonia.,.toe , 'or of 1n . • n 1 In t has lust occurred in the i�ischevo 1f,armltion regarding tits. x district the insurgents slaughtered a of achieving' bis obj::c... 1i, trite S: detachment of eighty soldiers. I atm exceedingly anxious to locate t;o Called to the Colors, j of the best specimens of cloth pure for Father O'ltetlly's Jubilee. Oakville, Sept. 2.—In this town a unique event occurred yesterday. Though there has been a lic church here for considerably more than halt a century, this was the first time au Oakville priest celebrated an ecclesiastical jubilee. The jubilari- an was' Rev. Frank O'Reilly, the highly esteemed pastor of St. An- drew's Church, who commands the re- spect of all his fellow -townsmen without distinction of creed. The celebration, though informal, was of the happiest character. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? it's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys. -pepsic, biliousness. 25c. All druggists. want your moustaebo or beard a beautiful brown er rich black? Then too BUCKINGHAM'S m.T.DYEwhlskNrs OT.. OV DAUO. OM a. P. HALL A CO•, NMNu., nc •15tC r( , eti A t to �.• tots horn n c Gov ho ttl o iAug.27.—The le A •r in enter very :;i nt o g o (. t when Y C• r a P , *tt xt 3 w o the. liter t 1 it e !securing ff.o e g se of r purpose fi,;umdl between nes colorseminent has decided to call to the e l i2 p to There is an impotent differen° c1 Ins i colors all the remaining European re- :the • air l.ou 0` ailtl;°nPile rqs Li Icing Edward in Vienna. Vienna, Sept. 2.—King lildward yes- terday visited the Capuchin Church and its sarcgophagi enclosing tho re- mains of the members of the Russian royal family. Later ho was enter- tained at a luncheon at tho British I]mbassy, at which Emperor Francis Joseph and a number of notable personages were present. A family dinner was given last evening by the Archduchess Maria Joseph, the Em- peror and King Edward being pre- sent. NICE Woiietl lEEETC1:11: Mrs. Wm. Graham, Sbeppardton, Ont, writes: "I have given my boy Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, and find it an excellent worm medicine. It is niee to take, and does not make the child sick." Price 25e. born and two children.�g29.—Mrs. Alex- t ttw en lice and nitcs. 1 .have! 1 serves beionging to the second and c an I ern aware nett our Can Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 i ccatsiderably work with the micrascsupe. i third aria;+ corps and a number of friends have many Specinttus of i ander Winton, wife of the president and am clenviuced that len lice do gat other resetves, which will bring the of shorthorns and :;m hoping of the Winton Automobile Company, ,bse.rd cn leo' urs and clattle. The tat- total of the Turkish soldiers in Mace- 1 type expecting to receive very valuable committedsuicide early yesterday by t+s h:aao their Wwu kinds independ-I dnnia u to 350 battalions, or al- r cross tntly d3 n lac:'-.1i TheyDetails Sept. throughoutthecity. ne IN run o end .ctttat, causing great annoyance, bat ;tiro nut lay nkte upon. them; while Will mitea are casnecpotitan. They bite ,all Ali t thy man ier- vitot, and ars cr baby within. twoben lab • c to ro Z known houses Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. actually 7;•111 -in was thought Edith white, former wife of John named when; cleaning A. 'White, general agent for the Deer- !papacies. But from two seises with ing division of the International th sm I kgs tv ih y newly Harvester Company, died of starva- tion in the Klondike country, and her body probably has been .devoured by wild beasts. Mrs. \White was a graduate of the Dental School of the 1 used. The morn the aiegre{5,tre, of University, and was practising Haien successfully 1. r ev turned over to him for extradition s the verloncr+•ails State s L repeat the pp l d to answer a cha g sheaving. that th operation and assistance in seen Murray Gots Ills Man. a few Cows for this demonetize the Dominion. 1 think the c e can b- :ccnqu e ' O densburg, N.Y.,Aug., .—Pro- ' 11 itt Start r r. 2^ ` • .sh ;the lime new g (niittee of the G tna dian Het, vtnckal 1)etectiv,: Murray of Toronto ;Herd Book Association is already slaked with hot water), orPCSene emu}- yesterday made an application to ! my in this matter. Of course eat skin, turpentine (singly in and, t1 we .secure come cows from Utm:•da vocal.), (brine, hot tar paints and even the military authorities at Platts- 1 „ t: water, have all to my knowledge! burg barracks to have George II. I I think no doubt the will, ileo re h Stewart. alias Curtis, alias t udloy, of their performance would 1<o. dentistry in Dawson City' two ye ago. Letters and a dairy found tend to show that Mrs. White perished from cold and hunger, while trying Mr. Binds, .end to make her way unaccompanied to ! than are the adult. treasures. Oclea 1 y and turning him over to the ' ttkllkng to allow their animals t an interior camp in the Copper Rive farm,. ws f4oud it nee: w.*a'1'Y! to clean ` New England, finally arresting tum , descriueci by - er country. acme! of the carriers, or cats and dogs. I i United Statesdening authorities as I to St. Louis, ,houtd at ante is t, I' Kingston, Aug. 2g.—A sseyear-old with. wiphll 17..• etc. V 1I. J. Kennedy, messenger of r ;will be seen that, a necessity to) a deserter from the Ninth Infantry. `re pendenee given ith tint !gent emu' son of tiv,rough cleaning' is moveable fur- Empress of 3nalA's Cost. the Kingston Penitentiary, aepttele t was nit.ure in the poultry house, or moce- • tnrown violently e struck electric ear able nests and perches. Soap or Bruck- Hong Kong, Aug. 27.—The cost of Tho Ccermau army has a.swim inPortsmouth. Ile strs y on his ("ti bales halm; to the( wall by stout the. repairs to the Canadian Pacific � s3hool for troops, where every on head. He is unconscious yet. naris driven part in and tipped up like' Iteilroad's steamer Empress of le- The Sided by a Train,thnough ; learn to swim. tote best switllutt3t picture nails, then passing div (From Vancouver, 13.C., July 27, Iseveral hu Blenheim, Aug. 29. -- About 5 (yerne;p ndilt� holes in those boxes,. and Yokohama, Aug. 10, for Hong ,y to cross a stream of make elects eusoly taken dx.tvnC` tion t Kong, which was in collision with, I yards width, even when car:yiiig o'clock yesterday afternoon while i clOthhue• rifle auil anlmn ntto% renting to town E. White of Charing cleaning, and visa adjustable to any' near this port Aug. 1R, and sank Cross was struck and killed by `sizct or height of fotvis,''siniYe active the Chinese cruiser Iaunn• -Tai, is es- r southbound train on Lake Erie and • greeds would have better nests out off omitted at $20,0()0• This is exclu- 1 roach of their prying mischief, sten of the damage to her propeller Detroit River Railway. , The body �,• blades. It is said that the Chineseopener i fr q1,c 5•a tj was horribly mangled and rig de- 1p,mp birds cannot, without injury, 1 blathorkties will take legal proceed- ' stroyed, but the horse escaped in- I juanp.dpotv22 from or fly high nC1b11L1 damages cs for the loss jury. things i aa teat: n - r e o 5 g e I1omm cry dray f or aboutto a, week, inihe gswindlio Canada, * immigrants just arriving ; doubtedly make in the live seek nevi l every susceptible because tette, eggs hibition at St. .':souls next sear. arrci less suseeptieble to applicaticnr . wartaS country. hundred omiles ndthrough /Sreeders who have cows of , he who + • 'lien must not be teeter -like, ings to -recover alt ag whether( they pullout e ranches rc fc grooves or of the warship. from, under• leather straps, we11 answer Leave Quebec To•i)ay. ,. prevent I svgs Lost at SCA. Aug.29.—Their P:xeellen- if moveable. Wide perches p Quebec, g• roast bones are generally' : •' +ties Seven t .y•f a I crooked. roo selected d. by modern lusavy fowls given `south Norwalk, Co t at ea. FOR cies and party who are now at the cropk dbThe two -master coasting schooner fur Ottawa. Tipi'y will leave t e • e Capital Pe on Wednesday morning for As a pioneer traces his snips at I could Light, '.erns Ialand I iftc coast. Thr clistynguishrd 'blaze<}, trot li so'�v,yeadnthslttc`n hcoould was caps}zed sae stotintsof t to the Pec mina by a n` gut ing th C}tadol ititCnd to }eavr, town to -c h chsaic b th i Willie L Rowton of Bangor, Me•, I COLIC, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACH. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. ITS EFFECTS ARE MARVELLOUS. IT AOT$ LIKE A CHARM. US, liEO 11tL1ER ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS, Pleasant, Rapid, Betiable, Effectual, EV[RY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE IT. MIR Venn Oatie6tai ion t7`. 'TAKE NO IONse. PRICE, 350, In - � Tuesday party will consist of flys luby sacs witbl 'traceable furniture.1 Is apurely vegetable and the Countess, Lady Ruby and night. It is believed that the entire ---•-+�-f a S number ing probably seven men,a Capt. Bell. From Vancouver Hon I Excellency and party sail for Japan Excellency and party sail for Japan the week after next. Ii it } jSound, j crew, Tho Ytonewal of a strain. were drowned. Renovator, Blood l?Uti`li Vacation is over. Again the school o,tt�„tt anis atio,000,000, ,rdniC• bell rings at morning and at noon, again V,Ltteouver, Aug, ?.7.—Special de- with tens of thousands the hardest icing j spatches front Clawson state that a n”- A medicine that acts dir h be nn the renewal of which f 11 tele Green's Reef Must Appear Sept. 10. Montreal, Aug. 29.—The indictment Levittst vy,lVilli(ttnlBlaikl y,is liTo onto mer- chants. era chants, charged with conspiracy to defraud the Creditors of George 'Mfar- golius, is the first case to be heard at the September term of the Court of Ding's Bench, which opens on Sept. 10 SaVes Anetb,lr Life. Windsor, Aug. 29.—Leslie Spraek- lin "Thursday saved Edward Ruggles front drowning at ATniterstbur�t. Spracklin holds a record for life -sac- hag. 0 • of `work as g , isa mental end physical strain to all ex- 1 ing to the lightness of rainfall ee tills most rugged. The halo till. 1 clean-up for the season is very dis- I that a few days ago had roses in her , appointing. Instead of lg,ot70,U00 cheeks. and the little boy' whoa ins's " or $20,000,000, as it was last year, were then s0 red you would have 1 the Klondike output this year will ted that they had been "kissed by straw• j be lose than $10,000,000. berries," have already lost something of the e earance of health. Clow is a pp should be children time when many given a tonic, which may avert glitch serious trouble, and we know of no other so highly to be recommended iasllo l 0 Stirsaparllla, whitstrengthens nerves, perfects digestion end esssinlila' lgtdevelopment by bud up he whoa system. lty ,into to North fele. Ottawa, Aug. 27..—Capt. Bernier has just returned from New fork and reports that former explorers bare all approt rd his pians. The eaptain has ilev•ided to take four -au- t'•nio''il.es it halt him f tori epheee dog slt•.glis by guy the same time on the St Liver, Bowels and I3lood. It cures Dyspepsia, Bili° ils c'11 ....les ) Constipation, Pimples, ache, Salt Rheum, 'running indigestion, Erysipelas, Shingles, Ringworm or any arising from an itnpoverii impure contrition of the 'hltxr For Salo by sit cregglei