HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2018-08-29, Page 16/11/2019
Week 35 Issue 477
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0 SHARE ®v®... Aug. 29, 2018 Vol. 10 Week 35 Issue 477
Phyllis McTaggart wanted The Spa in Bayfield and the house it resided in, 13 The Square, to be a happy place.
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This Friday organizers welcome Master Sharpener
Suzy Lankin back to the Bayfield Farmers' Market.
"Bring your dull blades and utensils down to Clan
Gregor Square, and be prepared to wait. Customers
kept Suzy and her husband very busy during her last
visit!" said Mary Brown, Market coordinator.
Brown sends best wishes to Judy Roth as she will
close the doors on JMR Collections this weekend.
"The Bayfield community is sad to say goodbye to
this lovely store but the good news is that Judy will
be rejoining us at the market beginning Sept. 7,"
Brown said.
She added, "if you've yet to visit Corrine Everson
Papercrafts' stall, you're missing out! Corrine offers
an incredible variety of unique handmade greeting
cards that can be personalized on the spot. Corrine
is taking a well-deserved break this Friday, but she'll
back at the Market on Sept. 7."
6/11/2019 Week 35 Issue 477
How many among us take notice of certain symbols
She painted it in the colors of Provence - blues, greens, yellows and terra cottas. The home that welcomed spa
The Market Coordinator would also like to offer a
guests for nearly 20 years is now for sale.
reminder to boaters that they are very welcome at
The stately residence that stands at 13 The Square in Bayfield and current owner Phyllis
the market. There is a great little wagon available
McTaggart have had a twenty-year friendship. She remembers fondly when they were first
that can be borrowed to transport purchases back to
really introduced.
the marina.
"it was August 1998 and I was walking past the house with a friend on our way to the town hall
Aug. 31 will feature the usual lineup of outstanding
for my daughter's wedding reception. It was for sale. My friend said that house needs to be
vendors, offering the best of locally produced
made happy again and she suggested that I was just the person to do it," recalled McTaggart.
veggies, fruit, meat, bread, granola, wine, cider,
family purchased it. Finally, Norman and Pat Cooper, of Mount Clement, MI, purchased the
artisan crafts and so much more.
At that time McTaggart had just finished a renovation on the King's Bakery building on Main
Street (home to The Village Bookshop today) so the timing seemed right to start another
The Bayfield Farmers' Market is held every Friday
until Thanksgiving, 3-7 p.m. in Clan Gregor Square.
"I remember spending lots of late nights here, painting at 3 a.m. the "ghosts" were happy, they
were alright, and well so was I," she said.
McTaggart noted that the property the house is on was purchased by Dr. Richard Stanbury
How many among us take notice of certain symbols
around 1864 and she believes that at one time he owned all the way back to the lake. Village
that remind us of someone special who no longer
histories state that the house was built in 1880. The cottage next to it at 12 The Square was
walks the earth? Hearing the striking lilt of a birdcall,
also built by the doctor and records indicate it was constructed in 1878.
sighting a butterfly flitting by or spotting a feather on
Stanbury was a practicing physician and also served as reeve of the village. According to the
the ground are all fine examples of these signs.
"Village of Bayfield — Huron Historical Notes" published in 2009, "The Stanbury family lived in
In recognition of these the Huron Residential Hospice
the home until the early 1900s. Archie Galbraith was the next owner living alone for some
is holding an event in Pioneer Park on Sept. 9 that
years until he sold it to a Mr. and Mrs. William Stinson. In the 1950s the home was converted
will allow community members to honor the memory
into a nursing home by a Mrs. Kelly. It was returned to a private dwelling when the Maloney
of loved ones or beloved pets in a symbolic way at a
family purchased it. Finally, Norman and Pat Cooper, of Mount Clement, MI, purchased the
Butterfly Release.
property." It was Pat Cooper that sold the house to McTaggart.
This second annual event will be held from 1:30-4
In the Bayfield Heritage Conservation District Plan, the home has been described as a,
p.m. Those who attend should bring their own lawn
"flamboyantly designed residence with soaring tower, bay windows, verandahs, different
chair or blanket to sit on.
colored brick and roof trim."
Please go to www.eventbrite.ca to purchase your
At the time of purchase McTaggart had been volunteering with the Wellspring Centres for
butterfly. The deadline to purchase has been
cancer support in the Toronto area (and she still does today) and they suggested that she
extended to tomorrow, Aug. 30. Monarch butterflies
could open a similar place in this century old home. McTaggart found the thought daunting with
are $25 each.
the number of volunteers and supports that would be needed to make it work. However, a seed
was planted — perhaps the home would make the perfect setting for a spa?
"Of course, I knew nothing about running a spa and I've been learning for 20 years," she said.
The Spa in Bayfield opened in the summer of 1999. Over those two decades the services and
The Bayfield Mews residents are opening their doors
programs offered within the walls of the old Stanbury residence have continued to evolve. In
to welcome people to visit this 55+ Adult Lifestyle
addition to the usual items on a spa menu like facials, manicures, pedicures and massage,
Community on Sept. 2.
Reiki, Yoga and meditation have been provided. There have also been services offered by a
naturopath, a medium, a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and an art therapist just to name a few.
Now in its final phase of development, three
townhomes in the community will be open for people
"My goal was to make this a happy place. I learned a lot and met a lot of terrific people. I did
to tour. Phase one which includes 39 residences
not want this spa to be a bright, white, sterile environment. I wanted people to feel comfortable
have now been sold.
here and happy when they left. And we were so fortunate that in all the years we were here we
had very, very few people who made a negative comment about our services."
The Open House will held from 1-4 p.m. at the
community on Bayfield Mews lane, just south of the
But before the spa could open McTaggart, along with her husband, Gordon, worked tirelessly
village. All are welcome to tour and indulge in a hot
to create that happy place. They added on a sunroom just off the library where a door once
dog and beverage.
went to nowhere. They put in a fireplace and removed layer upon layer of linoleum off the
floors to expose the original floors where possible. They upgraded the electrical, did a stucco
treatment on all walls and painted them the colors of Provence, blues, yellows, greens and
terra cotta. They replaced some ceilings and refinished and repainted the woodwork. They put
a pond in the backyard and some years later added a Labyrinth.
People from all walks of life and across the world tell
how the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts has relieved
The couple reside in Port Credit, ON but Phyllis has been coming to Bayfield since she was 14
stress, provided deep relaxation, given their bodies
years -old, first with her future husband's family as Gordon's grandparents lived in Clinton. Then
balance and strength, helped with pain, lifted spirits
in 1985 the pair purchased property in Bayfield Highlands.
and even changed their outlook on life.
Continuing Classes are being offered in the village at
the Bayfield Town Hall on Tuesday mornings from
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Week 35 Issue 477
The next chapter for 13 The Square is yet to be written as the home to The Spa in Bayfield for the past 20
years is now for sale and an "auction" of contents will be held on Sept. 1.
People driving and walking by The Spa in Bayfield will have noticed that a "For Sale" sign is on
the lawn. The business is now closed. McTaggart is selling off the contents of the house and all
of the items that made it a functioning spa. She has enlisted, "Sell My Stuff' based out of
London to help. They will be holding an "auction" on the property starting at 9 a.m. on Sept. 1.
It will be a bitter sweet day both for the owner of the spa and the woman running the sale.
"She has been coming to the spa every October for the last 15 years with her girlfriends and
when I contacted her to see if she'd run the event she said, 'Oh no, where are we going to go
All who attend the sale will be given a number and they will be allowed into the house 20 at a
time to browse. All items will be priced and people will have to purchase what they want on the
spot — a sold sticker will then be placed on the item.
Once all the dust settles, perhaps someone walking by will, like McTaggart did all those years
ago, think that they too can make the space happy again and then the next chapter in the tale
of 13 The Square will be written.
Mrs. Melanbacher prepared the chicken for the 2017 Sunset on Summer Family Picnic. This year the event will
be held on Saturday, Sept. 1 at the Bayfield Town Hall. (Photo by Jack Pal)
9:30-11:30 a.m. starting in September. All are
welcome to attend these classes taught by an
accredited, volunteer instructor.
An Open House and free class will be held on
Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 9:30-11 a.m. at the town hall.
For more information call Doug Brown at 519 565-
The Lake House of Bayfield will be hosting gentle
yoga sessions on Thursdays this fall.
Starting on Sept. 13, Chair Yoga will be held at 10
a.m. followed by Restorative Mat Yoga at 5:15 p.m.
Participants are invited to just drop in. The cost is $5
a class.
The Bayfield Lions' Club members would like to let
the public know that tickets for the Joe Brandon
Memorial Trout Derby are now available at the
following places: Nip & Tuck and Brandons Hardware
in Bayfield, Goderich Bait & Tackle and Angling
Sports in London. The Derby will run from Oct 12
The FOBL will host their Annual General Meeting on
Sept. 22 at 11 a.m. at the Bayfield Public Library. The
program committee will share their reports for the
year at this event.
Bayfield Guiding is organizing a community First Aid
A Standard First Aid with CPR C and AED Course
will be held at Trinity Anglican Church in Bayfield on
Sept. 22-23.
Saturday will begin at 9 a.m. while Sunday will
commence at 11 a.m. Cost is $129 plus HST
The cost of the course will decrease as attendance
increases so please invite others to join. The course
is open to people 12 years of age and up.
Please contact Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519
525-3830 or melody.pounder@gmail.com to reserve
a spot.
This is an invitation to attend the opening rehearsal
of the Glee Sisters, on Friday, Sept. 7 from 2 to 3:30
p.m. at St. Andrews United Church in Bayfield.
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6/11/2019 Week 35 Issue 477
The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) is hosting its fifth annual "Sunset on Rehearsals are held at this time and location weekly
Summer" family picnic on Saturday, Sept. 1 on the grounds of the Bayfield Town Hall (and in until mid-May. There is a break in December for the
case of rain at the Bayfield Arena). holiday season.
Music runs from 4-7 p.m. and food will be served from 4:30-7:30 p.m. This year roasted
This non -auditioned women's choir has been
potatoes will be included with the traditional BBQ chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, a roll and
performing throughout the community and in
surrounding areas since 2006. The Glee Sisters will
be carrying on the joy of singing established by our
Bring your guests or you can enjoy take-out. Entertainment will be provided by "The Cosmic
recently retired and talented founder, Leslie Bella,
Cowboys", from London, ON, 2017 Jack Richardson Music Awards nominee in the Folk/Roots
under the leadership of co -directors Lisa Stewart and
category. Activities include a Kiddy Korner (with help from The Purple Peony) for the children.
Blanche Savage and accompanist Mary McGoldrick.
As always, there will be a cash bar for adults.
For further information please consult the Glee
Once again, the event will include a silent auction with a variety of fun items. Also, the Bayfield
Sisters Facebook page or contact our Manager,
Lions' Club will be selling prints of the photos chosen for the 2019 Bayfield calendar. The sale
Christy Lomax at lomaxchristy@gmail.com.
will take place from 4:30-7 p.m. with net proceeds being shared between the Town Hall and the
Bayfield Lions' Club.
The adult ticket price is $20 and children 12 years and younger are $10. The proceeds from
this event will go towards replenishing the reserve funds necessary to maintain and preserve
All are welcome to explore the world of mushrooms
the 135 -year-old Bayfield Town Hall.
on a walk at Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park on
The organizers are hoping that people will purchase their tickets early to ensure that sufficient
Sept. 23 along with members of the Bayfield River
quantities of food are ordered. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Town Hall at 519 565-
Valley Trail Association (BRVTA).
5788 as well as through Ticketscene.ca. If you call the Town Hall, just leave a message and
The mushroom walk is a level one hike and will start
someone will get back to you. The Town Hall Box Office will be open from 1:30-3 p.m. on
at the Windmill Lake parking lot on Bayfield River
Thursdays to buy or pick up your tickets. Tickets will also be available at the Bayfield Farmers'
Road at 2 p.m. Parking is available. The trail is
Market during market hours on Friday, Aug. 31, and at Fitness Classes in the Bayfield Arena.
mostly on level ground but there may be some wet
As was done last year, the Town Hall, as an active member of Bayfield's Blue Community
and muddy areas.
initiative, has purchased non-toxic, biodegradable, cups, plates, bowls, and cutlery. Sunset on
The hike will be led by mycologist Dr. Jen McDonald,
Summer will leave a smaller footprint on our environment.
who led the excellent Lambton Shores mushroom
This is a community event and the committee is looking for volunteers to help with serving
walk last year. The event will last approximately 1.5
food, set up, clean up, handling tickets sales for the beer/wine tent and clearing tables. Anyone
hours. Hikers will likely see many common
interested is asked to please email Diane at diane@dianesnell.ca.
mushrooms and the focus will be on identification.
George Ebers, 519 482-7512; and Peter Jeffers will
be the hike leaders.
The Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) Book Sale was a huge success due to the
generosity of members and the community.
The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA)
What does FOBL do with the money raised from the Book Sale and the new Book Bag? Here
will be holding their annual Fall Harvest Dinner and
are some of projects they have contributed to, or organized in the past few years:
Dance on Saturday, Oct. 13 at Renegades Diner in
• Coffee and conversation: Weekly coffee and treats accompanied by friendly, casual
conversation (October thru April)
Tickets are $40 and the evening starts with a
reception and Silent Auction at 6 p.m. with dinner to
• Children's programs: Bi -Annual fun things for children including the popular Gingerbread
follow at 7 p.m. After dinner, dance to the live music
Cookie Decorating during "Christmas in Bayfield"
of "The Cheap Shirts".
• Saturdays at the Library: Monthly Speakers Series (January thru May) on a wide variety of
All are welcome to come out for a wonderful evening
interesting subjects from art, travel, music and health.
and support the Bayfield trails. Tickets are available
• Read to Baby Bundle: Contribution to this literary program for babies
now for $40. Tables of eight or 12 can be reserved.
• Bayfield Library fifth birthday party: A celebration for the Bayfield Public Library including
Tickets can be purchased by emailing
cake, lemonade, signing a memory quilt, and souvenir pics with "Bob the Book" for the kids.
info@bayfieldtrails.com or by calling Roger
Lewington at 519 565-2202 or Scott Robeson at 519
• Purchased: blinds for the library's community room, tables for Home4Good, honorarium for
Speakers Series, Selphy printer for printing kids' photos with Santa, advertisement materials,
various supplies for children's programs.
The BRVTA would like to thank the event sponsors:
Virtual High School, TCC and Edward Fuels.
For more information on FOBL and what they do, please visit their website at www.fobl.ca.
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Porter'/ 11111
Wild Bird Seed co.
Week 35 Issue 477
Janneke Vorsteveld (centre) and the youth who took part in her summer program this August took to the
shade in Clan Gregor Square.
Janneke Vorsteveld, the educator behind "Seeds Rooted in Youth" held a summer program
from Aug. 13-18 using Bayfield as home base.
The 10 youngsters, aged eight to 12, enrolled in the program got a taste of hiking and
orienteering. They also developed their outdoor skills ending the week with an overnight
wilderness camp on the River Road Brewing property off Bayfield River Road.
Vorsteveld tapped into the talents of local businesses to enhance the youth experiences. They
visited Firmly Rooted Farm and Red Cart Farm to learn where their food comes from. They
visited Ferguson Apiaries to learn about bees and how honey is produced as well as making
bee homes and honey butter. They learned how to fish with members of the Bayfield Anglers
Association. They also took part in a drumming circle with Bayfield resident, Maggie Brennan
and met with a monarch butterfly expert to learn how they can help this troubled species.
She credits many businesses and individuals in the community for helping make the summer
programming a success including the Optimist Club of Bayfield. She also noted that Highway
Robbery Deli and Sandwich Shop was kind enough to donate sandwiches to any of the youth
that needed a lunch throughout the week.
Due to the success of the summer programming, Vorsteveld is looking forward to offering day
programs on PA Days as well as an overnight experience during March Break in 2019.
For more information visit www.seedsrooted.org or email Voresteveld at
Bayffelld Mews
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Voters will have a chance to speak with Bluewater
Mayoral Candidate Paul Klopp at the Bayfield
Community Centre on Aug. 30.
The "Meet and Greet' will run from 7-9 p.m.
An upcoming Bone Health Workshop could help
people make the necessary changes to live well with
Osteoporosis. This four-week program is for those
recently diagnosed with Osteopenia/Osteoporosis or
those wanting preventative information.
Each week participants will hear from various health
professionals to learn about Osteoporosis and the
nutrition, exercise and medication that helps to
prevent or slow it down.
The workshop will run on Tuesdays starting Sept. 11
until Oct. 2 from 1-3 p.m. in the Bluewater Area
Family Health Team (BAFHT) Community Room. A
nutritious snack is provided.
Participants do not have to be a patient with BAFHT
to attend. Interested people must register before
attending by calling 519 236-4373 Ext 632.
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Week 35 Issue 477
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In the spring, the youth can plant these wildflower seed bombs in their gardens to remember the fun they had
this summer.
Janneke Vorsteveld, the educator behind "Seeds Rooted in Youth", gives out instructions as to how to make
seed bombs during a summer program offered to youth ages 8-12 earlier this month.
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A sampling of spoons! (Photo by Bonnie Sitter)
Art Around Town is hosting a fundraiser for the Huron
County Food Distribution Centre (HCFDC) on Sept.
6. Entitled, "Empty Spoons" it is a new twist on the
former "Empty Bowls" event. Participants can partake
of soup using a handmade pottery spoon created by
local volunteers. And the added bonus is they get to
take their spoon home!
The cost to partake is $10 and attendees will also be
entertained by the Bayfield Ukulele Society (BUS)
plus have a chance to purchase at the Art Show and
Sale as well as the Celebrity Silent Auction.
Soup will be served at 6 p.m. with the Art Show and
Sale commencing at 4 p.m. The event will be held at
the Christian Reformed Church in Exeter, 330 Huron
Street West.
Email artaroundtownx@gmail.com for more
There are acronyms for everything nowadays, especially in the medical field. I have already
talked about NPs (Nurse Practitioners) and MOAs (Medical Office Assistants) at the BAFHT
and now I'll explain the role of the RPNs — the Registered Practical Nurses.
RPNs at the BAFHT are an integral part of the team setting and are delegated tasks and
responsibilities by the Executive Director. They are required to possess a foundational
knowledge that combines nursing skills with sound judgement within the context of traditional
nursing and patient care.
The BAFHT incorporates Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, a Social
Worker, Counsellors and Medical Office Assistants who provide primary health care for
patients. The RPNs weigh in with clinical nursing, emergency care, health education and
promotion, counseling, and crisis intervention and they are accountable to the Lead Physician
Positive mosquitoes have also been found this year
in neighboring health unit areas.
West Nile virus can spread to humans through the
bite of an infected mosquito.
"The easiest way to prevent infection is to prevent
mosquito bites, especially during dawn and dusk
when many mosquito species are most active," said
Public Health Inspector Keshia Hackett.
Here are some simple precautions to help protect
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West Nile Virus has been found in mosquitoes in
Editor's Note: Ron Davis is a retired journalist, and a patient with the Bluewater Area Family
Huron County. The Huron County Health Unit traps
Health Team (BAFHT), who decided to take a closer look at the various departments at the
mosquitoes weekly and has them identified and
medical clinic in Zurich and explain the different roles the staff play in making the centre tick on
tested. One sample, collected on Aug. 22, tested
a daily basis. In this fourth article he examines the role of Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs).
positive for West Nile Virus.
There are acronyms for everything nowadays, especially in the medical field. I have already
talked about NPs (Nurse Practitioners) and MOAs (Medical Office Assistants) at the BAFHT
and now I'll explain the role of the RPNs — the Registered Practical Nurses.
RPNs at the BAFHT are an integral part of the team setting and are delegated tasks and
responsibilities by the Executive Director. They are required to possess a foundational
knowledge that combines nursing skills with sound judgement within the context of traditional
nursing and patient care.
The BAFHT incorporates Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, a Social
Worker, Counsellors and Medical Office Assistants who provide primary health care for
patients. The RPNs weigh in with clinical nursing, emergency care, health education and
promotion, counseling, and crisis intervention and they are accountable to the Lead Physician
Positive mosquitoes have also been found this year
in neighboring health unit areas.
West Nile virus can spread to humans through the
bite of an infected mosquito.
"The easiest way to prevent infection is to prevent
mosquito bites, especially during dawn and dusk
when many mosquito species are most active," said
Public Health Inspector Keshia Hackett.
Here are some simple precautions to help protect
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Week 35 Issue 477
or the Executive Director.
Theresa LaPorte
Theresa LaPorte and Tania Edginton are the
RPNs at the BAFHT.
The RPN assesses each patient's state of
Tania Edginton pnysical or menial neaim, proviaes
recommendations pursuant to the assessment
and accurately documents information in a comprehensive, subjective manner reflecting
observations, management plan and interventions.
Through basic education and continuing learning, the RPN possesses knowledge relevant to
his or her practice. They have a basic understanding of clinical practice, decision making,
critical thinking research and leadership. And being aware of the confidentiality standards of
nursing practice and an ability to apply College of Nurses standards to all situations is
essential. too.
In summary, RPNs play a major role in the clinic. Not only do they have to have the specific
skills and abilities to be able to perform their jobs, but also have to exercise a professional and
compassionate approach to patients and their work.
They have to follow the care plan devised by supervising staff members and must be able to
work in a team environment. Being able to prioritize required tasks, have proficient computer
skills and exercise critical thinking are also important abilities on the RPNs resume.
Cowbell Brewing Co. recently welcomed Carey
Oakes, of London, ON, the 150,000th guest at
their destination craft brewery and restaurant in
Cowbell opened on Aug. 7, 2017, and in the
past 12 months has been welcoming guests
from across Huron County and Southwestern
Ontario, as well as from across Canada, the
United States and over 30 countries.
Wayne Newton, Brews News and London Free
Press journalist, describes Cowbell as, "The
No.1 craft brewery in Canada to visit."
"We are humbled by the enthusiasm and the
response to the beer, the stories and this farm
destination," said Grant Sparling, Chief
Development officer. "We are thrilled to have
Grant Sparling, Chief Development officer, at welcomed over 1 b0,000 guests in our first year,
Cowbell Brewery (left), congratulates, Carey Oakes to our village of 1,005 people. Prior to opening,
yourself from bites:
• Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts, long pants
and closed -toe shoes
• Use an insect repellant that has been approved by
Health Canada and always read and follow the
manufacturer's instructions
• Check the screens in doors and windows to ensure
there are no tears or holes
• Disturb or eliminate any mosquito breeding grounds
on your property.
• Dump any standing water in places such as bird
baths, buckets, old tires, pet water dishes and
For most people, the risk of getting infected with
West Nile virus is low. However, people can be at
greater risk of serious health effects if they are over
the age of 50, have a chronic disease such as cancer
or diabetes, or have weakened immune systems.
Most people infected with West Nile Virus experience
no symptoms or have flu-like symptoms such as
fever, headache, stiff neck, weak muscles, mild rash,
or swollen glands.
In more rare and severe cases, symptoms may
include severe headache, stiff neck, high fever,
difficulty swallowing, vomiting, loss of consciousness,
loss of coordination, nausea and muscle weakness
and paralysis.
Mosquito activity decreases with cooler
temperatures, but mosquitoes remain active until a
significant frost event occurs.
The members of the Photography Club of Bayfield
are pleased to pass on an invitation for people to
attend the 2018 Bayfield Fall Foto Fest (FFF) to be
held on Sept. 29-30.
There will be a new series of workshops including the
Lambton College show, "In the Photographer's
Studio" highlighting the photo talents of photographer
Richard Beland. His 25 -year career in photography
has seen him photograph music artists and groups
all over the world including traveling several times
with the "Tragically Hip" and again on their farewell
Saturday night's keynote presentation will be
"Conversations with Brad Turner". Photography is his
passion and the root of his creative eye. Turner is a
Bayfield native whose career as a Hollywood
director, producer and photographer will make for an
inspiring evening. This presentation is no charge and
is open to the first 100 guests registered for FFF. A
limited number of seats are available for non -
registrants by contacting bayfieldfff@gmail.com.
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Week 35 Issue 477
of London, ON, as the destination craft brewery and our stated goal was 100,000 guests, something
The two-hour workshop classes include: The Art of
restaurant's 150,000th guest. (Submitted photo) many observers thought was unrealistic. But
Flash Photography, Creating Photo Books, an
this is no ordinary place - and this is no ordinary team. It is a very ambitious bunch and we look
Outdoor Photo Trek of Bayfield, Sunday Morning
forward to building on the Cowbell experience in the years ahead, on the Farm and beyond.
Photo Walk, Digital Printing, Wildlife Photography,
We appreciate the tremendous support from our friends of Cowbell."
Raptors Birds of Prey and Photography 101.
Cowbell Brewing Co. is a unique Canadian destination craft brewery that features authentic,
rural grand old barn architecture, a local farm -to -table restaurant, wood -fired pizza oven, and a
unique bar venue serving fresh Cowbell beer. Self -guided and VIP Guided tours available.
Reservations are recommended.
Call 1-844-523-4724 or email cowbellkitchen@cowbellbrewing.com to reserve a tour or table.
Volume 10
Zudeh, ast.
519 236 7373 J 519 565 7173
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr.
Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the
photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain
pictures they can use the code to make the process easier.
This week, another summer time activity in the village, sailing! According to records this is
Dressers Boat circa 1900. Does anyone have remembrances of this family? (Archives Code:
PB10003 PC)
Organizers are also pleased to offer three — three-
hour master classes: Adobe Photoshop the Art of
Design with Stephen Slack, Macro Photography with
Alayne Brisson, and Video Creations with Brad
Participants can also attend the FFF Dinner at
Renegades Diner on Saturday night. The cost of the
dinner is $25 including taxes and tip. Reservations
for this dinner are available when registering for FFF.
Complete FFF details, information about the annual
Photo Contest and registration is available by
following this link:
http://ph ototou rtrekke rs. co m/tours/bayfi el d -fa I I -foto -
fest -2018/
In Issue 475, records indicate that this image was
taken in the 1930s and that Jack Walters is seated
on one of the horses. Does anyone remember him
or recognize the other young lad? (Archives Code:
PB10109 PC)
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Week 35 Issue 477
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flickr.
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Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park was one of the stops on the tour of The Horseless Carriage Club of America as
part of their West Coast tour of Southern Ontario.
In Issue 476, William Metcalf in a photo dated 1908
prepares to do some chores. Fall harvesting
maybe? (Archives Code: PB10066 PC)
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The Horseless Carriage Club of America came to
the village on Saturday, Aug. 25, as part of their
West Coast tour of Southern Ontario. Members of
the Bayfield Lions' Club were pleased to be asked
to provide their lunch in Clan Gregor Square, and
looked forward to seeing 26 cars that were all
over 100 years old.
Unfortunately, the weather refused to cooperate
and about two-thirds of the cars did not make the
trip. The rain became so heavy that the Lions
picked up the tents and barbecues and walked
them down the street to the Bayfield Lions'
Community Building. The very wet travelers in the
eight cars that arrived were more than happy to
get into a nice dry building and have a hot meal.
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Week 35 Issue 477
In addition to Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park, the horseless carriages were scheduled to make stops in
Bayfield at Clan Gregor Square, Cowbell Brewery in Blyth and the CNR School on Wheels in Clinton.
Heavy rains made for a wet ride for the owners of the horseless carriages that did arrive in Clan Gregor Square
on Saturday morning. (Photo by Adriaan Schreuder)
The Lions would like to thank the Bayfield and
Area Chamber of Commerce for their promotion
and support, Megan Blakes for her poster design
and her help serving, Nathan Hammond and
Huron Fireplaces for help with cooking, and Hill &
Hill Farms and Bill Dowson for providing the corn
for the lunch.
Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park was an early morning
stop on The Horseless Carriage Club of America tour on
Aug. 25.
Despite the rain every aspect of these early cars was
fascinating to look at.
The very wet travelers in the eight cars that arrived were
more than happy to get into a nice dry building and have
a hot meal. (Photo by Adriaan Schreuder)
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Week 35 Issue 477
The rain became so heavy that the Lions picked up the tents and barbecues and walked them down the street to
the Bayfield Lions' Community Building.
Twenty-six cars that were all over 100 years old were scheduled to visit Clan Gregor Square in Bayfield on
Saturday morning, however, only eight cars braved the heavy rains.
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Week 35 Issue 477
Enjoying the SunBy Gary Lloyd -Rees
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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So Labour Day is upon us. Perhaps summer goes by so quickly because we try to squeeze out every bit of enjoyment we can
get from it. Here are my summer top six moments:
1. Concerts & Plays — We are ever so fortunate to have talented musicians & actors delivered practically to our front door.
Three concerts at the Bayfield Town Hall and one production on the Huron Country Playhouse stage (with another family -
friendly production on the horizon for this weekend) made for some terrific entertainment.
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 35 Issue 477
2. Horse Racing — I have wanted to go to the Clinton Raceway on a Sunday afternoon for a long, long time. Finally, this
summer it happened. I hadn't been to a horse race since I was a kid and used to go with my grandmother and her best friend.
We used to bet pennies amongst the three of us. I'd pick the horses with the best names and lineage — my betting strategy
hasn't changed — although I increased my bet to a toonie. It was a super fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
3. Graham -cation — Having our grandson visit for a week is always a summer highlight. Mini -golf and ice cream cones are
staples of his time with us and this year we added Behind the Bars at the Huron County Gaol. I have never seen his eyes get
bigger as he talked to the characters & discovered what it would have been like to be in a jail cell. Priceless!
4. Family Gathering — Our niece's 40th birthday party was a great excuse for the whole family to gather in a backyard lakeside
oasis for one evening and hit the dance floor. Family from England and California joined the more local contingent and, yes, we
took a family photo — who knows when that will ever happen again?
5. Guiding adventures — Even in the summer I manage to sneak in some time with my ladies. The older girls enjoyed a three-day visit to Toronto where
they learned how to navigate the subway and soaked up the culture on a walking tour as well as exploring the ROM, AGO, BATA Shoe Museum and
Ripley's Aquarium. Then it was the Guides turn with a day trip to Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park to try their skill at wakeboarding and the new aqua
obstacle course. Too much fun!
6. Peaceful reflection — I could add several day trips, yard sales, flea markets and barbecues to my list of summer fun, however, drinking in that twilight
time before the wishing star appears may be my top moment of the season. Time spent sitting on our enclosed front porch, where a gentle breeze
generally blows through the open window, while watching the last vestiges of sunset color drift over the neighboring tree line with the only sound the roar
of the cicadas from their perches in the Spruce trees above will never be time wasted.
Happy Labour Day all! — Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
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Founding Members
........................................................................................ ..................
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Week 35 Issue 477
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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