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Bayfield Breeze, 2018-05-30, Page 1
6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 BAYFIELDBREEZE RAVE !AN MATTHEW CA 513-56S-5336 i1mw �IIIIGII Illllll II IIIILIIIIIIIIIII ROYAL LEPAGE n� Mown. �tlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllll �,�;:�� .�',..�-...._�.. BAWIELD BREEZE rhg vrilugv'5 own gntonenews spvj SHARE ®�+®... May 30, 2018 Vol. 9 Week 22 Issue 464 MITCHELL STUDENTS DESCEND ON MAIN BEACH AND CLEAN IT UP y '! w Forty students and three adults from Mitchell District High School (MDHS) descended onto the Bayfield Beach on May 25. Armed with shovels and youthful enthusiasm, they were welcomed by Blue Bayfield to participate in a beach clean up. (Submitted photos) From the Bayfield River and south for 2 KMs, the beach is experiencing the consequences of two natural phenomena: extremely high water levels and a harsh winter. Forty students and VILLAGE YARD SALES Attention treasure seekers! The fourth annual Town Wide Yard Sale and Village Side Walk Sale is this coming Saturday, June 2. The Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) are promoting the big day. Recently, the Bayfield Breeze invited folks to share their sales with us and we are pleased to report we've compiled a pretty impressive list! Scroll down to our "Pixilated" section to view the compiled listing — commit it to memory, print it off or save it to your phone and take it with you on your hunt for bargains — you won't want to miss a single, solitary sale. BACPA GOLF TOURNEY This Saturday, June 2 is the date for the annual Bayfield Arena Community Partners Fun Golf El cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 1/15 6/11/2019 The students focused their attention on man-made litter, cigarette butts, tires, plastic debris, coffee cups etc. Restricted to the Main Beach due to high water levels, they still managed to collect three bags of waste and three bags of recyclable products as well as three massive tires. week 22 Issue 464 three adults from Mitchell District High School (MDHS) saw this first hand on Friday, May 25. The students were the comprised of three different groups that run out of Mitchell: the Eco Squad the Environthon Team and the Eco Team. Armed with shovels and youthful enthusiasm, they were welcomed by Blue Bayfield. The local organization explained that the village is committed to reducing non-essential single use plastic: water bottles, bags, straws, polystyrene containers etc., in the interest of protecting rivers and lakes. It was noted that while the oceans are awash in plastic garbage (220,000 pieces per square kilometre) the Great Lakes contain 450,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometre. Before embarking on the cleanup, Coastal Technologist, Tineasha Brenot, of the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, talked to the students about the differences between this beach and those of the vacation islands. While our first instinct is to gather up branches, pull plants, etc., this is contrary to the principles of beach maintenance along the Great Lakes coastline. Natural debris, such as driftwood, algae and plant matter will land on the shores of Lake Huron after being carried by the wind and waves. This material will decompose and return nutrients back to the sand, nourishing many coastal plants such as Marram Grass, Wormwood and a number of Willow species. The debris also creates an ideal habitat for a number of insects, making the strandlines on a beach a buffet of opportunities for hungry foraging birds and mammals. Equipped with this knowledge, the students focused their attention on man-made litter, cigarette butts, tires, plastic debris, coffee cups etc. Restricted to the Main Beach due to high water levels, they still managed to collect three bags of waste and three bags of recyclable products as well as three massive tires. Blue Bayfield expresses its gratitude to the team from MDHS for their commitment to this task and to recognizing the potential threat this waste has to the quality of lake water, water people drink, play in and depend on for economic sustainability. Students from MDHS will return to Bayfield at the end of this week for a theatrical event. MDHS teacher Cam Oates is hosting another event in Bayfield, at Pioneer Park this Friday, June 1st. This time, a variety of schools from across the board will be meeting to take part in workshops by professional artists and performances that are "All Things Shakespeare'. It is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Bayfield Ukulele Society will also be performing. BAYDELD OPEN CROQUET TOURNEY WELCOMES SPECTATORS Some of the world's best croquet players will be gathering in Bayfield in early June for the Bayfield Open Croquet Tournament. And the Bayfield International Croquet Club invites residents in both Bayfield and Seaforth to come out and watch the games. The Bayfield Open will run from June 7-10. It is considered to be the premier croquet event in Canada and, over the past few years, it has secured a reputation on the global circuit of international tournaments. The tourney will have 20 competitors playing in two tiers over four days on four courts (two in Bayfield and two in Seaforth). There are cash prizes for first place in both tiers. The event is Tournament at the Bluewater Golf Course. Anyone wishing to sign up individually or put a team in is invited to call Bill Whetstone at 519 955-0682. This nine -hole best ball game will have a shot gun start at 11 a.m. and lunch is included for the cost of $50 per person. t the All proceeds go to new programs for youth, families and seniors at the Bayfield Arena. WALK FOR DOG GUIDES The Bayfield Lions' Club's Walk for Dog Guides is set for this Sunday starting in Clan Gregor Square. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the walk to follow at 10 a.m. Anyone unable to attend on June 3 can still learn more about the program, give pledges or make a donation toward this very important project by dropping by the booth set up at the Bayfield Farmer's Market on June 1 at 3 p.m. or in front of the Bayfield Public Library on June 2 at 2 p.m. "Our post -walk dog event on Sunday will start at 11 a.m. from the Lions' portable stage in the middle of Clan Gregor Square. Even if you cannot make the walk, join us for this informative program for dog lovers. Elizabeth Jaremko and her Hearing Ear Dog, Heart, will be in attendance again. Jaremko was a big hit last year. Her experience with her life partner and best friend is clearly what this program is all about," said Jack Pal, event organizing chair. Also in attendance at the post -walk event will be 2016s locally adored, former Dog Guide Pup in Training, Essex, now fully grown, who will be back in town for a visit with his owner Sylvie Tafts. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 2/15 6/11/2019 sponsored by Steam Whistle Brewery, The Virtual High School, and Deb Penhale from Lake Huron Real Estate. David Wise, one of Australia's top croquet players, also an opera singer and competitive sailor, is returning this year. Last year he was quoted as saying, "Of the hundreds of tournaments I have played in worldwide over the years, Bayfield is by far and away the best." week 22 Issue 464 Rich Lamm, a top US player has also confirmed/ a spot in the Open, "I've heard so much about \� this charming, hospitable little village and its internationally recognized tournament, that I have to come and see for myself." Brian Cumming, Canada's top ranked player from Elora, ON, is also returning after spending the year on the global circuit. "I'd never miss Bayfield - top caliber play and fun social events," he said. Cumming was the skip for Team Canada last July in Brighton, England, where Canada and Sweden tied for first. The other three players on Team Canada, Bill Rowat, of Bayfield; Nick Mitchell, of Salem, ON; and Jim Wright, of Toronto, ON, have also entered the Bayfield tournament. INFLUENTIAL NORTH AMERICAN FOLK ARTIST TO PERFORM Garnet Rogers (Photo by Bruce Dienes) The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society is delighted to have renowned performer, Garnet Rogers grace the stage on Friday, June 15. When he was barely out of high school, Rogers was on the road as a full-time working musician with his older brother, Stan. Together they formed what has come to be accepted as one of the most influential acts in North American folk music. Since then, Rogers has established himself as a major talent, hailed by the Boston Globe as a "charismatic performer and singer". He is also a man with a powerful physical presence, close to six and a half feet tall with a voice to match. The Washington Post refers to him as a "smooth, dark baritone" with incredible range, and thoughtful, dramatic phrasing. Rogers is widely considered by fans and critics alike to be one of the finest singers anywhere. His music, like the man himself, is literate, passionate, highly sensitive, and deeply purposeful Cinematic in detail, his songs according to the Kitchener Waterloo Record, "give expression to the unspoken vocabulary of the heart". An optimist, he sings extraordinary songs about people who are not obvious heroes and of the small victories of the everyday. As memorable as his songs, his over -the -top humor and lightning -quick wit can move his audience from tears to laughter and back again. In 2016, Rogers released his book, "Night Drive — Travels with My Brother". Newly added, Amber Kunz will be bringing two of her gorgeous, Kuvasz dogs and will explain their role as working dogs. In addition, there will be numerous activities and presentations all to do with dogs including: presentations on Therapy Dogs, Police Dogs, dog health, training and grooming. For the family, Melissa Brighton will also be back with her fun quiz about dog health with prizes donated by PetValu. And to top it off there will be a Dog Agility demonstration presented by Bonnie Hirst, of Greenacre Dog Agility and Training. It is hoped that dog portraits will be a big hit this year. The Photography Club of Bayfield is providing portrait sittings for the family dog with or without family members. For just $20, all of which goes to the Lions Foundation, participants will receive three high definition photos via email. Plus no event dedicated to dogs would be complete without hot dogs. "All, in all, this will be an entertaining, educational and fun event for everyone!" said Pal. The mission of the Lions Foundation of Canada is to provide Dog Guides, at no cost, to Canadians with a medical and/or physical disability. The annual Walk for Dog Guides is its single largest annual fundraising event that collects funds to help breed, train and match Dog Guides with Canadians with disabilities, at no cost to them. It can cost upwards of $25K to raise and train a single dog. "Thanks to sponsors like the generous donors in Bayfield, 100 per cent of all funds raised go directly toward raising, training and providing Dog Guides. More than 200 walks take place each year across Canada raising more than $1 million annually," explained Pal. The Foundation trains six distinct types of Dog Guides: • Canine Vision Dog Guides for people who are blind or visually impaired • Hearing Ear Dog Guides for people who are deaf or hard of hearing • Service Dog Guides for people with physical disabilities • Seizure Response Dog Guides for people with epilepsy • Autism Assistance Dog Guides for children three to 12 years of age with autism spectrum disorder • Diabetic Alert Dog Guides for individuals with Type 1 Diabetes with hypoglycemic unawareness "Mark June 3 on your calendar, come to the Square and be sure to donate generously to this worthy cause. Bayfield has been there from the inception of the Walk 32 years ago and its fundraising on a per capita basis ranks near the top in Canada. Let's keep with that tradition!" concluded Pal. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 3/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 According to Rogers, the work contains "stories about how Stan and I grew up together, discovered music together, and learned to play in a band and travel together. How the songs got written and recorded. What life was like on the road before there was an independent music scene. And nearly every stupid, inexplicable and bizarre thing that could happen to a pair of young idiots who were naive enough to think they could play folk music for a living back in the mid-70s and early 80s." Resolutely independent, Rogers has turned down offers from major labels to do his music his own way. The Bayfield Town Hall doors will open at 7 p.m. with the concert starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 in advance or $35 at the door. There will be a cash bar. For tickets call Mike at 519 565-5489 or Sandy at 519 565-2830 or purchase them online at www.ticketscene.ca. Note also that Rogers encourages that when possible, audience members bring non- perishable donations of food, and items of personal care such as, shampoo, toothpaste or soap to help the less fortunate in the community. The BTHHS Board will ensure that all donations go directly to the Bayfield Foodbank (Feed My Sheep). LIST FOR DELIVERY DEVELOPED `I Bayfield without ,1 Wheels, lin ving fvithat a (a r- - P__ _Tlq�q Transpartatinn Committee Vol. 2 - 2f IS Home4Good launched the 2018 issue of their "Bayfield without Wheels" brochure at the end of April The brochure is intended to help those who live in the area but are unable to drive, or whose driving is limited for any reason. Home4Good introduced a number of new options in this issue. For those who want help shopping for groceries, a grocery delivery service has been started by the Nip 'N Tuck. People can phone in orders Monday to Thursday at 519 565-2655, for delivery between 3-5 p.m. on Fridays, for a fixed delivery fee of $5 within Bayfield. By popular request the Nip 'N Tuck has worked with Home4Good to list some of the products available. In addition to dairy, bread and canned food, the variety store's list also includes products from Metzger's Meat Products, of Hensall and Jerry Rader's Homestyle Catering & Market, of Zurich. The list is also available on Home4Good's Facebook page, Home4GoodinBayfield. Pledge forms are available from many merchants and restaurants in Bayfield and any Lion. Anyone can also make a local Bayfield donation online as an individual or as a team by going to: www.waIkfordogguides.com or call Pal at 519 565- 5340 for more information. Tax receipts are issued for all donations of $20 or more. OPT MUST EVENTS Optimists and friends will take to the links at the Bayview Golf Club in St. Joseph for their 13th annual Bayfield Optimist Club Golf Tournament on June 9. Tickets are available now for $90 for 18 -holes of golf, cart and BBQ chicken dinner with all the trimmings and dessert. There will be prizes and contests including, for a Hole -In -One, plus Hot Dogs at the turn The format is a four -person scramble with a shotgun start tee -off at 11 a.m. Registration opens at 10 a.m. All proceeds go to support children and youth in the community. Want to play? Call Wayne McKaig, 519 440-7120 or Mike Dixon, 519 955-5254. Organizers are now seeking prizes and silent auction items if anyone would like to make a donation please call Jay Fisher at 519 524-3511. And then on Saturday, July 14, the Bayfield Optimist's invite people to "get their cowboy boots on" for an evening with The River Junction Band at the Bayfield Arena. The event will run from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. and lunch will be provided. Tickets are selling for $30 and are available now at Brandon Hardware or any Optimist member For more information contact Kevin Burton at 519 871- 4855. ONE CARE FITNESS There are two new opportunities for people to exercise in Bayfield. An introduction to Nordic Pole Walking is currently taking place. Interested individuals are asked to meet at the Hive of Bayfield (next to Shop Bike Coffee) at 10:15 a.m. A short period of instruction will be followed by a 10 to 20 -minute walk. The final session wil be held on May 31. An "Introduction to Yoga" will be offered on Tuesdays in June. Classes will be held at The Lake House of Bayfield (formerly The Red Pump). Chair Yoga will start at 10 a.m. and Restorative Yoga will start at 5 p.m. The four classes will be available for the low price of $20 all inclusive. The dates are June 5, 12, 19 and 26. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 4/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 HAPPY BIRTHDAY iccf°k� >Dcliv a- t 9 JERRY RADER NII* and '1 VCK HOMESTYLE Fhvor in urden Monday to Beef Lasagna Mblium & S nWL Thlersday rA 519 565 26114- Turkey Lwap m. Smell r)ellvery Fridays 3.04 — Chicken Da Dir S.Wpen. Fixed diii• er} fix Mac & chmm SSAO w hltl Rmyrmld. Beef Chill Garlic Jalapenn Cbaldar Sausage Turkey Chill DAIRY "ll ShSDherd°d Fir Vllieuers 10 per Prick Pepperoni, mimi.HoL,Mild, Kcwy Y tl=r. Cticim and `rw t y Pkx 4 yeller Milk (bags) 3.25% 296 1 % .lust ask us, 2 Lfhro Milk (Box) 325% 2% 1% Rmaw. Mmamni & Bean %W, — i'hacalarc (5umrtw.r only) C 3�^S56 a BREAD CEREAL, Chucolatr molwxaxP M dd 2%. Cl.,—Ltite JAM 250 m7 2%, Chm Dlatc Tasly N.. 13 -id a.ni boru, t 1okk., Butler 1 LB eons, dncuu Ceram LQ% EWA Al Bran rxecal, horsy, rush k ftM WeekB6mvndd60grCheem etc(l►'e-Ugnwh®tisondvrnzz ) .fldrCE olengc TKA,COFYEi: Straw am, a ooL +ril Pn j� METZGER'S MEAT CANNED FOOD Nwwn i lb Vafkry or Banned food speghad & Grsund beef l lb meathails. corn. brans, ham, Perk Chgrs srnnkrd and cvalcrtd mddlsroaress (We Nall also expand bo- whet is $Am-gc 11b • Famwp. i{aney ncedcd) Garlic Jalapenn Cbaldar Sausage Jib BrcfPailiesl0 %maa4perlpk OtherYaactYerP%P chxvintc Vllieuers 10 per Prick Pepperoni, mimi.HoL,Mild, Kcwy ban, gutm_eamdy,chips. C'carlic .lust ask us, GARDENING ON THE SLY Stealthy volunteer gardeners were caught on camera in the early morning hours of May 23 cleaning up the entrance to the Mara Street footpath. Next stop for John and Elaine Arthur and Roma Harris was the Friends of the Bayfield Library Reading Garden. (Submitted photo) SHEAR TALENT` T a& HAY -MUTUAL u�a vt Illi d IT11lP 11_ 519-236-4381 Merve. optometric cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx Believe it or not the new Bayfield Public Library building will celebrate its fifth anniversary on June 23. To mark the occasion cake will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. plus visitors will have an opportunity to have their picture taken with "Bob the Book" and receive a keepsake photo. A "We Love Books" memory quilt is also being made and people will have a chance to add their signature to it. GARDEN TOUR FOR HOSPICE Six of Bayfield's most outstanding gardens are being opened to tour on Saturday, July 7 in support of the Huron Residential Hospice. Visitors can take in the gardens while enjoying local music and art displays. A wide variety of garden styles and plant products are featured on this garden tour, which also includes two bonus projects, as well as refreshments. The tour will run rain or shine from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets and maps will be available at St. Andrews United Church on Hwy 21, across from Clan Gregor Square on the day of the tour. The cost will be $15 per person. Everyone is welcome, so bring the whole family! 5/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 NURSE PRACTITIONERS OFFER FIRST Editor's Note: Ron Davis is a retired journalist, and a patient with the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT), who decided to take a closer look at the various departments at the medical clinic in Zurich and explain the different roles the staff play in making the centre tick on a daily basis. In this first article he asks, "What is a Nurse Practitioner?" BY RON DAVIS A cynical senior gives a shout -out to those filling the Nurse Practioner (NP) role at the BAFHT Clinic. I am 73 years old, set in my ways and hate change, any kind of change — it's as simple as that. Any disruption to my life's routines will be met with heavy resistance — no - rebellion - and a negative commentary that will willingly be shared with anyone who'll listen. And so, it is with health care today. Throughout my lifetime, I have had a family doctor who I visited on the very rare occasions I was ill. He would examine me thoroughly and I would leave his clinic armed with a prescription which would be filled by the local pharmacy. It was a simple process - almost a social occasion at that. Things are very different today. I make an appointment, but the likelihood of seeing a doctor is something of a rarity. As a diabetic, I do see a doctor on my quarterly Diabetic Day examinations, but other than that I end up meeting with a NP. For the longest time, I personally felt I was being relegated in the health care system, I wasn't important anymore. I was being fluffed off to someone who was just starting out in the medical field. How wrong could I have been? A NP provides primary health care services to patients, their families and the community with a strong emphasis on disease prevention, health promotion, patient education and community development. There are four NPs at the BAFHT Clinic — Sherri Hayter Sherri Hayter, Ruth Guy, Michelle Wylie and Omabola (known as Bola to her friends) Oluwafemi. These highly trained individuals are responsible for planning, coordinating and delivering services to BAFHT patients. They work in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team and share expertise and knowledge of disease prevention and healthy living with patients and their families, in addition to other health care professionals. People don't just become an NP. They have to work hard and earn the title. It takes time to be a fully -qualified health-care professional and the role they play in a clinic and the responsibilities they undertake on a daily basis are enormous. Here's a sample: • Work within a well-defined brief and perform a comprehensive health or symptom directed assessment and synthesize date from multiple sources to make a diagnosis when required. BLi H L' STIVA , ORCHESTRA The Blyth Festival Orchestra will present their spring concert on Sunday, June 3, at St. George's Anglican Church in Goderich. Their program will include Cimarosa's Concerto in G Major for Flute Duet, with flute soloists Jan Searle and Hannah Blackburn, and Brandenburg's ever - popular Concerto No. 5, with soloist Dr. Tom Drake on violin. Special guest pianist Desmond Gaspar from Stratford will perform Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Gaspar will also conduct the orchestra for Mendelsohn's Sinfonia No. 4 in C minor. This concert will begin at 3 p.m. and should be a great start to the summer music season! Tickets are available at the Blyth Festival Box Office or at the door. The cost is $15, adult; $10, student; free for children 12 and under. RIDE TO END HUNGER On Saturday, June 16, the Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre (HCFBDC) is hosting the third Annual "Better Together" Ride to End Hunger. There will be three routes of 10 KMs, 50 KMs and 100 KMs leaving from and returning to the HCFBDC at 39978 Crediton Road followed by a BBQ lunch. New this year is the "Slow Roll" Ride (approximately 4 KMs) which will be on the streets of Huron Park. Registration and pledge forms, the schedule and additional information are available at www.huroncountyfoodbank.org/2018-bike-ride.html Bicycle Enthusiasts from Huron County and area can register at 7:30 a.m. on the day of the race. Departure times for rides will be between 8:30-10 a.m. The BBQ lunch will be served between 11 a.m. to 1 P.M. Participants who register prior to June 1 st will receive a discounted fee. Early individual registration is $25.00 ($35.00 after June 1 st); Family Registration $50.00 ($60 after June 1st) Those who collect additional pledges of $25.00 will receives a T -Shirt. HENSALL HALL cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 6/15 6/11/2019 mdW-` ' A Omabola (Bola) Oluwafemi week 22 Issue 464 • Spend time with the patient to determine the presence of existing and potential problems which may influence the patient's health status. This may include direct referral to social workers dietitians, home -care providers, family physicians, specialist and alternate allied health providers. • Encourage families to share responsibility in their own health care by involving them in risk factor and health problem identification, goal setting and prevention/treatment choices. Work closely with BAFHT physicians and specialists. • Use case management and a care path model for chronic illness management. • Order appropriate investigations and interpret the results of screening and diagnostic laboratory tests. • Determine the need for and order and interpret reports of diagnostic imaging. • Keep complete, accurate legible and timely records of patient visits to provide information for other practitioners in continuing patient care. That's just for starters. Now for treatment, management and planning: • Provide advanced nursing care and treatment including pharmacological and complementary therapies and/or counseling interventions for health problems. • Monitor the on-going therapy of patients with chronic stable illness by providing effective pharmacologist, complementary or counseling interventions. • Prescribe drugs included in the "Schedules of the Regulations" to treat diseases or disorders. Michelle Wylie • Work with physicians independently and with other allied health professionals to develop and discuss appropriate individualized care plans with the patient or family caregiver based on best practices. • Documents patient health records and referrals and arranges follow-up. • Implements strategies to promote health and prevent disease with patients, families and groups. • Targets strategies to foster independent and healthy lifestyles with the chronically ill medical population. • Synthesize information from individual patients to identify broader implications within the family. • Assess and manage the care of families, in collaboration with team members. • Synthesize information from individual patients to identify broader implications for health within the community. • Use community assessment data to identify community needs and resources and develop, implement and evaluate appropriate programming. And there's even more: education and advisory services, referrals, reporting, organizational duties and also recognizing the importance of freedom of information and the protection of James Alan (Submitted photo) James Alan, popular magician and sleight of hand artist, will be the next performer to grace the Hensall Heritage Hall stage in celebration of the building's anniversary. June 26 is the date for Alan's appearance. He is well- known for creating unforgettable events that are thought-provoking, funny, astonishing and thoroughly entertaining. Alan's one man shows have been featured at the Summerworks Performance Festival in Toronto, The Hamilton Fringe Festival, and The Lychwood Theatre. He is also a popular guest on CP24. The show will begin at 7 p.m. This event is licensed and light refreshments will be offered. Tickets are $25 and are available from www.ticketscene.com, D&D Variety in Hensall or by contacting Kay at 519 262-2050. NATURAL HERITAGE PLAN The Huron Natural Heritage Plan (NHP) has been updated and public information sessions are being held at local libraries during late May and early June. The Huron NHP is a summary of the county's current approach to natural environment planning and contains recommendations for updates. A supporting document, known as the Technical Document, defines what is considered significant ecologically and maps these areas. The first round of public consultations on the Huron Natural Heritage Plan generated valuable feedback from constituents. The questions and comments received have helped to inform changes made to the documents and the design of upcoming public consultation. These changes include the mapping in the Technical Document has been updated to reflect the 2015 aerial photography (previously based on the 2006 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 7/15 6/11/2019 Ruth Guy week 22 Issue 464 privacy — all of this while exercising care with caution in protecting confidential and sensitive information. Take it from me, this cynical senior who clearly doesn't know it all, and admits it, has developed a new-found admiration and appreciation of the NPs and the job they do. They absorb so much of the work pressure surrounding physicians who are already coping with extremely tight schedules. As patients, we have so much for which to be truly thankful. AMBLERS LOOKING FOR SPONSORS FOR ONE CARE FUNDRAISING WALK June is Seniors Month and One Care Home and Community Support Services is kicking off the month with a fundraising and awareness walk in Stratford on Saturday, June 2. One Care is a local, charitable, non-profit organization delivering home and community support services to 6,000 seniors and people with disabilities in Huron and Perth. Programs include Home Care, Meals on Wheels, Dining for Seniors, Transportation and Exercise and Wellness. These and other programs help people to live in their own homes and be involved in their communities. 16; LTJHJEA PARADE aerial imagery). And the names of the documents have been adjusted to better reflect the contents of each document. The Technical Document has had the following subtitle added: 'Background Research for Natural Environment Planning'. The 'Huron Natural Heritage Plan Implementation Strategy' has been renamed the 'Huron Natural Heritage Plan: Current Approach to Natural Environment Planning and Recommended Updates'. It is important to note that the draft Huron NHP is a background document that will be relied on during future updates to local Official Plans; no changes under the Planning Act will occur until further review and additional public consultation is completed at the local municipal level. Drop-in information sessions for the public are scheduled as follows: May 29 at the Clinton Public Library; June 6 at the Alice Munro Library in Wingham; and June 14, at the Exeter Public Library. All sessions will be held from 3-8 p.m. Drop-in information sessions provide an opportunity for members of the public to view the updated mapping and provide comments on the NHP. The draft plan is also available online at www.huroncounty.ca FOOD INSECURITY With less than two weeks to go before the election, the Huron County Health Unit (HCHU) and Ontario Dietitians in Public Health (ODPH) are urging individuals and organizations to contact provincial party leaders about the need for immediate action on food insecurity - a serious public health problem. An easy to submit e -letter to party leaders is available at odph.ca/ind ividual-what-can-i-do. One in eight Ontario households does not have enough money for food. That includes almost half a million children. "In a county as agriculturally productive as Huron, it is unacceptable that so many families and individuals The Grand Parade is about local people walking to support local seniors and frail elderly and to cannot afford to put food on the table," said Amy celebrate older adults. For One Care it is an opportunity to raise awareness and funds to MacDonald, Registered dietitian and ODPH member. support people who use the services. "The Bayfield Amblers", comprising Gary Lloyd -Rees, a One Care Board member and his wife, Kate Lloyd -Rees are taking part in the walk. Gary Lloyd -Rees said, "Funds raised from this event will subsidize clients who cannot afford fees for services like Meals on Wheels, Transportation and Home Help as well as replacing aging accessible vans that are essential to give people transportation to enable them to be active in our community. One Care currently has almost 50 people on the wait list for services because they cannot afford fees." Lloyd -Rees added "I would like to thank all local residents and businesses who are supporting the walk by participating, sponsoring or donating. If you would like to support The Bayfield Amblers and One Care, with a message of support or with a donation you may do so at http://parade.w-ith.me/thebayfieldamblers." Further information may also be found at the Grand Parade website thegrandparade.org/home or at the ONE CARE website onecaresupport.ca. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx Food insecurity takes a tremendous toll on the physical, mental and social health for people of all ages and costs the healthcare system considerably. In Ontario, the people who are the most food insecure can have health care costs up to 121 per cent higher than people who are food secure. "Food insecurity is rooted in poverty. It is not a problem that can be solved with food," MacDonald stated. "We need policies that lead to more money for food. Basic income guarantee and social assistance rates need to be geared to the real cost of living. It's the only way to significantly improve the lives of people struggling with food insecurity." Almost 60 per cent of people experiencing food 8/15 6/11/2019 W REMEMBER ME? Volume 8 week 22 Issue 464 f tri -sem— �r MASSAGE THERAPY 519.565.4711 BAYFIELD There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. ISSUE 462 REVISITED insecurity are employed. Strategies that address living wage and adequate benefits have also been identified as effective. More information on ODPH's "No Money for Food is ... Cent$less" campaign is available at odph.ca/centsless. BAYFIELD 8 OVn MI ST Bayfield Mews hKWOue $5+ Community One Floor Townh•onies 519-555-4542 www_ hayl i e I d m ears a ca ISSUE 463 In Issue 463, a sure sign of spring happens when fishing enthusiasts return to the Bayfield River, here we feature an image of Jack and Evelyn Sturgeon showing off their catch in the 1970s. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB12 11a) ISSUE 464 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 9/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 In Issue 462, we feature a picture of Douglas Fraser. Does anyone remember him? (Archives Code: PB12 2b) Editor's Note: We recently received a lovely note from Carol Fraser. She did indeed remember Doug — as she was married to him. We are so pleased to share her recollections of her husband with our readers this issue. "I am Doug's wife and I live in Calgary. Douglas Thomson Fraser died Nov. 12, 2016 — nine days short of his 100th birthday. We made many trips to Bayfield which Doug considered his second home after Fort William being his first home. "Each year his mother would take him and his brother, Rae, to Bayfield to stay with Uncle Lewis Thomson in the Braemar home just off Old River Road. Doug had great stories of spending the summer with his Thomson cousins helping Uncle Lewis on the farm. The trips on the great ships that they sailed from Fort William to Sarnia, and then by train and buggy to get to the farm. Doug's mother taught her sons well including how to dance on board ship. There was a number of years that Doug was not able to go to Bayfield but shortly after we were married we went with Rae, and his wife, Erma (Lynn Poth's mother), in 1974 to the old farm which the four owned. Rae and Erma built a home on Sawmill Road and that led to us visiting the old farm almost every other year. We formed friendships with some of the village people. "The Thomson family, many of them living in the United States, have always come and visited the old farm. We are planning to meet again this year in Bayfield to walk the old property — now owned by Susan and David Bender sons, as we celebrate the life of Lynn's husband Ron who passed away earlier this year." Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks This week, we highlight an image recorded to be of Mr. Townsend, Dianne Bisson and Canon Paull taken in June 1960. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB12 14a) ISSUE 439 REVISITED In Issue 439, families often sit for portraits at this time of year and this image is reflective of that. Records indicate that Aunt Olive with Rae and Douglas posed for this photo circa 1900. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB10041 PC) Editor's Note: Carol Fraser also noted that Doug Fraser also appears in this picture as a boy. He appears with his mother, Olive Daisy Thomson Fraser and his brother Malcolm Rae Fraser (both mentioned under "Issue 462 Revisited". Carol believes that these images were probably given to the Bayfield Archives by their cousin, Cecil Thomson, thus the reference to Aunt Olive in the caption. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 10/15 6/11/2019 Ben boW KR 0 SHARE pv[r©".. PHOTO STORY THE �G7 j�Y1/T E 2018-19 SEASON week 22 Issue 464 BLUEWATER BABES LUNCHEON IN HONOR OF ROYAL NUPTIALS BENEFITS HURON WOMEN'S SHELTER Bob Clark, proprietor of Kildonan House, with ]an Cottle, guest speaker, at a special luncheon held by the Bluewater Babes to mark the occasion of the marriage of HRH Prince Harry to Meghan Markle. SUBMITTED PHOTOS Twenty-four Bluewater Babes and guests enjoyed a trip down memory lane with a Trousseau Tea luncheon at Kildonan House in Clinton on May 16 in celebration of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. Guest speaker was Jan Cottle from Etiquette London who spoke on Trousseau Teas and wedding traditions. A retro 1950s and 60s lunch was enjoyed. Prepared by Edie Allaster and Zib Jones the menu included a classic "party loaf'. "We were delighted to have our event in this historical home of Janice and Bob Clark. The property exhibits timeless elegance," said Allaster. "A fantastic time was had by all who attended, enabling us to make donations to the Huron Women's Shelter." Allaster noted that this was the Bluewater Babes' 137th luncheon since their inception in 2004. I - The menu for this retro 1950s and 60s lunch, prepared by Edie Allaster and Zib ]ones, included a classic "party loaf". cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 11/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 .. I . M �. fin. ♦l This special lunch was also a fundraiser with a donation being made to the Huron Women's Shelter. Elizabeth Stephenson ready to enjoy her retro lunch. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/week22issue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx The theme of the lunch was a "Trousseau Tea". 12/15 r �J ru t t May 1-11,1 ccc:c u.1 D—, "Ah luncheon since their inception in 2004. 12/15 6/11/2019 .r U1 ln�egfity , Everything! LAKE HUROfY I? AL E'STME LWY73E1? —0— L t H ETJE SWI R:R�L 4'4 5 CLU■ week 22 Issue 464 PIXILATED — IMAGE OF THE WEEK A Iisti ng of sales for the Town Aide Yard Sale as compiled by the Bayfield Breeze Most sales begin at 8 a.rn, and wrap up at 2 p.m, unless otherwise noted. Pard Sales to reduce Clutter,., 38 Cameron St - Fri. moon to S p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 47 7uyll St -ends at noon 4 & 6 Harbour Court- ends at 1 p.m. 57 Cameron St - four households participating 19 Mactatresh Cres 31 Christy St 17 Fry 5t 29 Stark St I 17 Euphemia St 9Victoria Place 10 Jowetts Grove Rd 33 Lidderdale St, A promotion by the Bayfield and area Chamber of Commence- Please note only sates that were submitted to the eayfield I$reezee are luted -there may be other sales - be vigilant when on the hunt for bargainsk Hope eyerpom ernW this fourth village event! Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued RAYFEELG BREEZE COpENHAGEha5 - _ Ir0VIEL Ak 03BBE E _ Zu"ch. dnr. DISI M9UILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 M 7873 1 519 565 7373 Attics ! Spray Foam &4YFIELD FINANCIAL cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week22issue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 13/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 SUBMISSIONS The fourth annual Village Yard Sale is this weekend and for the first time I am not hosting a fundraising sale for my pet projects. So, despite the fact I don't need another bauble, gizmo or gadget, I kind of want to go. Perhaps, I'll strap my camera around my neck and go "on assignment". Apparently, there are a few people in the area that also no longer need another bauble, gizmo or gadget in their lives and their eagerness to donate is proving problematic for the Pioneer Park Association (PPA). People are leaving their Rummage Sale donations at the Quonset Hut north of town just off Hwy. 21 before the PPA has Melody Falconer -Pounder secured permission to use the site for storage. The Rummage Sale organizers have asked me to help get the word out that although they appreciate the donations; people need to refrain from dropping at the property. It is very disruptive for the owners of the facility who are currently moving stored boats down to the harbor for launching. So please hold on to those baubles, gizmos and gadgets just a little while longer. Rummage Sale organizers will share the official where and when for donation drop off in an upcoming issue of the Bayfield Breeze! — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@yLggeofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. . _ BAWIELD BREEZE C3 SHARE MIf®„ J.. SIGN UP FOR ✓ 'BAYFIELD BREEZE 1� CLICK HERE Founding Members .............._............................- - -- - - -..._ _--------- --- --------- Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 14/15 6/11/2019 week 22 Issue 464 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week221ssue464/tabid/885/Default.aspx 15/15