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Bayfield Breeze, 2018-04-30, Page 1
6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 BAYFIELDBREEZE FAAPJA SAN MATTHEW CA s s ass sass ! %� PHARMASAVE iff ��a� —�� �IIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII _ s ROYAL LERAGE f �` HiNDA 1 - �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIII yBAWIELD BREEZE rhg vfflugv's own gntone news sQvrcg SHARE ©v®... Apr. 30, 2018 Vol. 9 Week 18 Issue 460 RESIDENTS ASKED TO KEEP "SAVE OUR ICE SIGNS" IN PLACE BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER RUMMAGE SALE Without fail for over seven decades there has been a Rummage Sale in support of Pioneer Park and this year is without exception with the date of the 71 st event falling on Friday, July 13. Bargain hunters are sure to be lucky finding treasures starting at 7 p.m. in the Bayfield Arena and outside on the concrete pad beginning at 6:30 p.m. Donations will be gratefully accepted starting in June through to July 12. Be sure to watch the Bayfield Breeze for more details to come! OX 111 V INITY STUDENT El cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week181ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 1/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 SAVE OUR ICE We Support BAYFIELD lla fit OP'r�iM/IST ,...,,, . ...,..� %+ Two hundred and forty-six days after Bluewater Council voted to permanently remove ice from the Bayfield Arena a majority of councilors finally agreed to rescind the motion giving the area and village residents a local place to skate for the 2018-19 season. "The motion passed in August of 2017 to remove the ice was rescinded, thanks to Councilor Hill. She has become a great supporter for Bayfield," explained Sandy Scotchmer, a spokesperson for the Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association (BACPA) and the Bayfield Facilities Initiative Team (BFIT). Councilor Marnie Hill, is the representative for the Hensall Ward. Council then passed a motion to install ice for the coming season with a financial contribution of $20,000 from BACPA/BFIT prior to installation. BACPA and BFIT have joined forces to become one entity in their efforts for the community arena to alleviate public confusion. BACPA/BFIT prepared and submitted to council on Apr. 10 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enter into negotiations with the Municipality on a public-private partnership to operate the arena. At the council meeting staff were directed to review this MOU and report back. "Council also passed a motion to begin a Feasibility Study of recreation needs in Bayfield and catchment areas that will conclude with a report to Council scheduled for October 2018. Included in the terms of reference for the outside consultant to review, is the public-private partnership that BACPA/BFIT wants to enter into with the Municipality," said Scotchmer. Monteith Brown Planning Consultants has been retained by the Municipality to complete the Bayfield Complex Feasibility Study at a cost of $56,500 inclusive of tax. "It was suggested at the Council meeting that the Feasibility Study not be completed at all - save the money and put it towards the ice, or public-private partnership, but Council wants to proceed with the study," said Scotchmer. "A $30,000 grant was applied for by Bluewater which has now been approved." Scotchmer noted that area residents are now asking what should be done with their "Save Our Ice" lawn signs? Scotchmer expressed a strong need to keep the 600 that were distributed in place. "Just because we have the ice back for a year, we can't become complacent - we still have much work ahead of us through the summer as the consulting firm Monteith and Brown begins its study of the recreation needs of the village and the public-private partnership preferred by BACPA/BFIT," she said. "We need to keep the village engaged, especially our summer residents." According to Scotchmer, Deputy Mayor Jim Fergusson suggested he would like to hear the views of summer residents with regards to the ice and the arena throughout the study. So to recap, the answer to the question — what to do with those "Save Our Ice" signs? Emily Webb The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield is pleased to welcome Emily Webb as their summer Divinity Student. She will arrive in early May and be living in the village where she will be welcomed into both the church family and it is hoped the community at large. Webb is between her second and third year of studies at Knox College in the Master of Divinity program. She is from Sundridge, ON, which is a small village just north of Muskoka. Before following God's call into ministry, Webb worked as an archaeological scientist at The University of Western Ontario and at the University of Bristol in the UK. She is passionate about worship: what we do in church on Sundays and how we can live missional, worship -shaped lives that share Christ's love with the world. She feels called to ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Canada and is looking forward to worshipping, working and growing this summer with the congregation at Bayfield. Trilliums and other wildflowers should be plentiful on the Family Hike at the Bannockburn Conservation Area hosted by the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) on May 12. Those who participate in this hike that will begin at 2 p.m. are encouraged to bring their wildflower books, if they have any, to help increase their knowledge and to share with other hikers. Cameras are also encouraged. Bannockburn is home to six different natural communities: wet meadow, white cedar, deciduous forest, marsh, old field and aquatic. The trail is 2 KMs long, difficulty is level 3 and the hike will be medium pace, so should take approximately one hour. The trail is also partially wheelchair accessible. The conservation area is located at 76249 Bannockburn Line, the first road east of Varna. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 2/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 "Don't remove them as we want the Consultant to see the support throughout the village," Scotchmer concluded. "Definitely keep them up!" SPRING IS FINALLY HERE AND SO IS John Siertsema, of Bayfield, oversaw the draw table at the most recent meeting of the Bayfield Garden Club. Some of the prizes at the table were butterfly houses that Siertsema made and donated. (Submitted photos) Kerry Jarvis presented his slides on Monarchs at the April meeting of the Bayfield Garden Club. Despite power outages in our neighborhoods and snow squalls in the area, the Bayfield Garden Club (BGC) recently had a great turnout for Kerry Jarvis' talk on Monarch butterflies and the creation of the Butterfly Gardens of Saugeen Shores butterfly friendly habitats in the Southampton area. And now the club is looking forward to their annual Plant Sale, coming up on Saturday, May 12, the BGC are once again holding this fundraising event in Clan Gregor Square, across from the Bayfield Town Hall, from 9-10:30 a.m. or until sold out — whatever happens first! Native plants will be offered with their best growing condition info provided. The selection includes: Wild Columbine, Blue Flag Iris, Butterfly Weed, Foxglove, Beard - Tongue and Cardinal Flower. There are options for Rain Gardens, woodland areas or naturalizing. The BCG also have a large choice of annuals, perennials, veggie plants, bulbs, herbs, shrubs, trees, house plants, garden tools and artefacts. This fundraiser relies on plant and garden donations. They may be taken to the Kales home at The hike leaders will be: Roger Lewington, 519 565- 2202; Gary Mayel, 519 565-5662; and Adriaan Schreuder, 519 565-2382. BLUEWATER NEWS The office of the Municipality of Bluewater Council has submitted the following to the Bayfield Breeze as highlights of their regular meeting of council held on Apr. 23. • Passed a by-law adopting the current year budget, with a levy increase in the amount of $100,279 that resulted in a net decrease to the municipal residential tax rate of -3.85 per cent • Directed staff to review the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the operation of the Bayfield Arena dated Apr. 10, as submitted by the Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association and the Bayfield Facility Initiative Team and bring a report back to Council • Retained the firm of Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to complete the Bayfield Complex Feasibility Study, and authorized Staff to provide any documents necessary for Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to compete the works detailed within their proposal, dated Apr. 9 at a cost of $56,500, inclusive of tax • Authorized the Lifesaving Society to conduct an Aquatic Safety Audit at Bayfield Main Beach to inform the Beach Management Plan • Approved the installation of one Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Bluewater at the Bayfield Library • Passed a by-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) for the transfer of Main Street Revitalization Initiative funds in the amount of $43,958.41 • Adopted a Policy entitled, "Use of Corporate Resources During an Election" TOWN HALL CONCERTS The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) is launching its new concert season with a duo of May concerts that recognize the diverse musical tastes in the community. To kick things off, on Friday, May 18, the BTHHS welcome North America's premier Bruce Springsteen tribute band, Tommy Youngsteen and the Queen Street Band. Twenty -time Grammy winner and member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with over 120 million records sold worldwide, Bruce Springsteen is still one of the most electrifying performers in Rock 'n Roll today. Youngsteen is the premier North American Bruce Springsteen Tribute with an all -Canadian cast. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 3/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 55 Victoria Street, on Friday, May 11 between 6:30-8 p.m. Please pot and label all plant donations. RAIN GARDEN GRANTS AVAILABLE Bayfield homeowners interested in receiving funding to create a rain garden on their property should contact a local landscape professional who has received a Landscape Ontario endorsed rain garden certificate. (Submitted photo) Bayfield residents have a chance to protect their lake, make their properties even more beautiful, and get grants to do it by planting rain gardens. "Local people suggested rain gardens as a management solution for dealing with urban runoff in the community-based Main Bayfield Watershed Plan," said Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds technician with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). "Now homeowners have this great opportunity to install a rain garden and help protect Lake Huron." Rain gardens are shallow, sunken gardens. They collect, absorb and filter runoff and help prevent polluted runoff from reaching storm sewers and, ultimately, the lake. Rain gardens are low -maintenance gardens that can be designed to match existing landscaping, formal gardens or natural gardens. Homeowners can choose plants specifically to attract birds, butterflies and other pollinators. There has been considerable interest in rain gardens since the demonstration gardens went in at Pioneer Park in Bayfield in 2016, said Brock. "With this funding, we are trying to make it easier for homeowners to bring some of that beauty to their own yard," she said. "By capturing storm water in rain gardens, homeowners can help with localized flooding as rain gardens actually absorb more water than a grassed lawn." Bayfield homeowners interested in receiving funding to create a rain garden on their property should contact a local landscape professional who has received a Landscape Ontario endorsed rain garden certificate. (To find a list, visit the ABCA rain gardens page at abca.ca at this link: https://www.abca.ca/page.php?page=rain-gardens). Once the contractor has provided a plan and a quote for the garden, the homeowner will need to contact ABCA staff for a site visit to complete the application, which is available online at abca.ca. Grants, subject to approval, are paid out upon satisfactory completion of the rain garden. Homeowners can apply for funding without a contractor but preference is given to the applications that use a certified contractor. A single downspout rain garden typically costs between $1,000 and $3,000 but will vary on the size of the garden. Bayfield homeowners can receive up to 50 per cent of the cash costs to a maximum of $500. The Huron County Clean Water Project and the Municipality of Bluewater, through its Blue Flag initiative, have provided funding. JESSIE PAYNE JOINS GATEWAY TO PURSUE RESEARCH PROJECT He captures the spirit and intensity of Springsteen's live performance, spanning his entire catalogue. The Queen Street Band is composed of an all-star, Juno winning, super group made up of members and alumni from The Sam Roberts Band, Stars, The Stills, Sloan, The Trews, The Arkells, Zeus, Serena Ryder Band and The Grapes of Wrath. Tickets are $30 and are going fast. If available tickets at the door will be $35. For tickets call Sue Howell, 519 565-2551, Pat Pal, 519 565-5340, or Nick Thomson, 519 565-2556. They can also be purchased online at www.ticketscene.ca. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the concert starts at 7:30 p.m. The BTHHS Board would like to thank Deb Penhale for her donation in support of this concert. For those with an interest in classical music, the BTHHS will also host an "Evening with Beethoven", performed by members of the London Symphonia on Thursday, May 24. At its core, the London Symphonia is a professional symphony committed to performing vibrant and bold musical experiences for London and the region. It was officially named in January 2017, replacing the #WePlayOn identity, chosen on a temporary basis, months after the old Orchestra London collapsed. It is now London's foremost orchestra, celebrated as one of the best in Canada. Performers will include: Christine Newland, Cello; Joseph Lanza, Concertmaster; Andrew Chung, Violinist; and Jennifer Short, Second Oboe/English Horn. For tickets please contact Mike van Baardwyk, 519 565-5489, Pat Baker, 519 955-1456, or Shelagh Sully, 519 565-2572, or purchase online at www.ticketscene.ca. Doors will open at 7 p.m. and the concert will start at 7:30 p.m. 1 L` I BAl 1ULD May 6th is the date set for the annual Huron Hospice Hike. On previous hikes, several Bayfield residents have individually participated in this special annual fundraiser. This year, Penny Overboe and myself would like to form a "Team Bayfield"," said Lynda Steenstra, a Bayfield resident. "Let's hike as an united team!" "We also encourage anyone who would not be able to hike, to make a donation under "Team Bayfield", on the Huron Hospice Hike home page (ch pca.convio.net)," she added. Hikers are also able to obtain their donor record sheet at that same web address. Anyone wanting to join "Team Bayfield" are asked to contact either Penny at lionsdavepenny@gmail.com cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week181ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 4/19 6/11/2019 Jessie Payne (Submitted photo) Week 18 Issue 460 Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health (GCERH) in Goderich is pleased to announce the arrival of their first research student of the summer, Jessie Payne. Payne is pursuing her undergraduate degree in a Bachelor of Science Honors in Biotechnology with a specialization in Neuroscience at Queen's University as a Schulich Leader Scholar. She hopes to pursue future studies in medicine and research through a Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering. Growing up in Bayfield, Payne joins GCERH with an understanding of rural life as well as the challenges and beneficial aspects that are part of it. She hopes to apply this knowledge to the research project, "Lonely No More" under the supervision of Dr. Feng Chang, GCERH board chair and research chair, and management of GCERH Board Member Sheila Schuehlein. She aims to enhance our knowledge of seniors in rural areas experiencing isolation and loneliness; with the ultimate goal of supporting these seniors through resources currently available to them and by offering training to their caregivers. This will hopefully provide a sustainably enhanced quality of life for all parties involved. Payne is focussed on improving rural healthcare in other aspects of her life, in addition to her contribution to "Lonely No More". After being named the Queen's University's Schulich Leader Scholar for 2016, she began to act on the opportunities put forth by the prestigious foundation. While attending a Schulich Leader conference this past fall, Payne saw a presentation given by Dr. Julielynn Wong centered around using 3D printing technology to feasibly innovate healthcare in rural and isolated areas. She signed up to join Dr. Wong's team as a Medical Maker and has since founded an official Kingston Medical Maker chapter at Queen's. The Kingston Medical Makers, through her leadership are dedicated to innovative healthcare, research, and bringing the modern calibre of medicine from developed countries to developing countries and rural, isolated areas around the globe through 3D printing. She will head to the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah in the Spring of 2019 to continue testing the technology, put her designed and printed prototypes to use in the field, as well as explore the efficacy of using drones to restock the 3D printer materials in remote locations. In addition to exploring the vision of bringing cost effective and innovative medicine to rural areas as a Medical Maker, Payne is pursuing research at GCERH, which is also devoted to the improvement of rural health and healthcare delivery. While working on the "Lonely No More" project, she hopes to improve the quality of life of socially isolated seniors and in turn reduce the loneliness they may feel. This innovative, peer -based model aims to connect seniors with their peers and address the social isolation experienced by seniors of rural Perth, Huron, Grey, and Bruce Counties through education events and coaching sessions. This project will foster community volunteerism and involvement and it will also create sustainable support networks for at -risk seniors by educating them and volunteers on available resources and self-care tactics. GCERH is excited to see this project unfold and see the beneficial impact it imparts onto the community. HURON HOSPICE GRAND OPENING AND HHS FUNDRAISER ON SUNDAY or Lynda at lynda.steenstra@gmail.com for further details. The hike location will be at the Huron Hospice Residential Home, outside of Clinton. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by the hike at 12:30 a.m. EVENING FITNESS Are you unable to make daytime fitness classes? Are you too tired to travel to Clinton or Goderich after work to work out, even though you know a fitness class will help alleviate stress and optimize health? There is an answer, come out to fitness classes at the Bayfield Arena Community Complex. Sandy Scotchmer, of Bayfield, is starting fitness classes that will be held on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9:15 a.m. Classes will begin on Tuesday, May 1 and Saturday, May 5, respectively. Classes are designed to achieve better overall body fitness, including cardio training and muscle strengthening of arms, legs, abs and back, as well as balance; all while accompanied by fantastic music to help inspire and keep things fun! Scotchmer has 40 years fitness training experience and currently teaches fitness programs available during the day and would like to offer fitness classes to working gals and guys and to those not able to attend classes through the day for many reasons. The classes are designed to improve your fitness levels, and to get you into better physical shape to enhance good health and less day-to-day stress. All weight training equipment will be provided, along with mats for floor work. Please wear appropriate footwear, plus bring a refillable Eco bottle - there is a water refilling station on the same floor as the classes. These classes will end on July 7. There will be a break for a few weeks and classes will then resume. Attend one class for ten weeks - $90. Attend Tuesday and Saturday classes for ten weeks - $170. Individuals are encouraged to sign up for two sessions per week for maximum results. Summer drop-in rate will be $10 per class. For more information about the classes please call Scotchmer at 519 565-2830. CO LUNCH All are invited by the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) Board of Directors for their Sixth Annual Community Luncheon on Monday, May 28. The luncheon is a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and hear about the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 5/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 The official Grand Opening of the new four -bed Huron Residential Hospice will be on May 6. (Submitted photo) Huron Residential Hospice (HRH), located on Hwy 8, between Holmesville and Clinton, will host this year's annual "Hike for Hospice" fundraiser on Sunday, May 6 to support the expansion of hospice palliative care programs that will add residential hospice beds in the community this spring. The event will also include the official Grand Opening of the new four -bed Hospice and the event will provide the public with an opportunity to visit the home before residents are admitted HRH will provide daily, around-the-clock care and support through highly skilled registered nursing staff who have specialized training in hospice palliative care as well as dedicated trained volunteers who also have expertise in hospice palliative care. The "Hike for Hospice" is part of an ongoing $2.5 million capital funding campaign which includes the purchase of the 12 -acre property that is home to the Hospice, renovations to the existing home, and financial resources to support the first year of operations. According to census data, between 500 and 600 Huron County residents pass away each year. The four bed HRH will be able to build upon the wonderful hospice palliative care services that currently exist in Huron and Perth by providing another option where people facing end of life may seek care and support. Support for grieving family members and friends is also a critical component of a comprehensive hospice palliative care program. It is likely that almost every resident of Huron County will someday be touched by the sensitive supports and hospice palliative programs offered at or associated with HRH. The Hike for Hospice will be held at the Hospice site and will also include the new "Tranquility Trail" which is located on the property. The trail offers an opportunity for people to experience nature in a quiet setting — a place to reflect, for emotional release and restoration. It is with this intent that members of the Bayfield River Valley and Maitland Trail Associations, with the assistance of Woodland Links Golf Course, have undertaken the effort to create the gift of a walking path, through the tall grasses and natural pasture located behind the home. Everyone is invited to attend and participate at "The Hike for Hospice and Grand Opening" The event will also feature games for children, music and lots of entertainment for everyone. Registration for the hike will be held at 12:30 p.m., with the grand opening and ribbon cutting scheduled for 1:15 p.m. followed by the hike at 1:30 p.m. There will be organized tours of the home and the public is invited to come and see the home and stay to enjoy a pig roast at 3 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $20, and children under 10 eat free. Hikers that gather more than $100 in pledges will also eat free! Town Hall accomplishments in 2017, as well as find out about all the great events and projects planned for 2018. The event will begin at 11:30 a.m. Attendees will enjoy delicious lasagna and salad followed by coffee and dessert. Space is limited so people shouldn't wait to get their tickets. Tickets are $10 and are available by calling Sandy Scotchmer at 519 565-2830 or Patricia Baker at 519 955-1456. VENDORS WANTED Calling all vendors and organizations! The Bayfield Community Fair may be the perfect event at which to sell food, crafts or fundraising tickets or promote your business. The fair will be held Aug. 17-19 and both indoor and outdoor space is available. A 8'X10' foot space rents for $40 with an extra $1 per square foot plus $10 a day for hydro if needed. To learn more or to rent a space call Anna Needles at 519 524-7455 or email amneedles@gmail.com or Joyce Mcllwain at 519 482-3376 or email joycemcilwain@gmail.com. GIRL GUIDE COOKIES 2018 marks the 91 st year for the Girl Guide Cookie. The first generation of these treats took the form of a sugar cookie. These evolved into the now classic chocolate and vanilla creme sandwich cookies that members of Bayfield Guiding are currently selling for $5 a box. They will also be going door to door in parts of the village tonight (May 2) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Profits from sales help with program activities and field trips. Anyone wishing cookies should contact Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 525-3830, ONE CARE FITNESS There are two new opportunities for people to exercise in Bayfield. On two Tuesdays and two Thursdays in May an introduction to Nordic Pole Walking will take place. Interested individuals are asked to meet at the Hive of Bayfield (next to Shop Bike Coffee) at 10:15 a.m. A short period of instruction will be followed by a 10 to 20 -minute walk. The dates are May 22, 24, 29 and 31. An "Introduction to Yoga" will be offered on Tuesdays in June. Classes will be held at The Lake House of cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 6/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 The Bayfield Public Library will host the group from More details about the event, including online registration for the hike, are available at Bayfield (formerly The Red Pump). Chair Yoga will www.HuronResidentialHospice.com or call 519 482-3440 Ex. 6301. start at 10 a.m. and Restorative Yoga will start at 5 along shorelines, according to ABCA. Rain, storm melt, and runoff are among contributors to p.m. The four classes will be available for the low HIGH LAIC LEVELS CAN LEAD TO price of $20 all inclusive. The dates are June 5, 12, show that rainfall over the past 12 months has been approximately 20 per cent higher than 19 and 26. BLUFF EROSION www.thekindnessrockproject.com by creating the normal expected amounts for this time of year. FARMERS' MARKT Lake levels are the highest they have been in years. These higher -than -average lake levels, will be provided, however, personal permanent combined with rain, high winds and wave action lead to erosion at the base of the bluffs and an The Bayfield Farmers' Market is gearing up for its increase in gully erosion in some areas. This in turn can lead to risk of slope failures along the fifth season! lakeshore. future kindness projects. thousands of years and continue to be subject to wave action at their toe or base. This leads to Opening Day is set for Friday, May 18. The season "Property owners should remain aware of natural hazards and risks along the shoreline and will run until Thanksgiving weekend, with markets monitor their property regularly for any sign of potential slope failure or bluff collapse," said every Friday afternoon from 3-7 p.m. in Clan Gregor Geoff Cade, Water and Planning manager with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Square. (ABCA). "it is very difficult to predict when bluff failures might happen or how big those failures life. Be the Change. Let's put Bayfield on the map for could be." Vendors interested in joining the market may contact rainfall and freeze -thaw cycles, over the winter and spring, increase the potential for erosion Market Coordinator Mary Brown at Property owners should regularly check the condition of their bluff and property and if they bayfieldfarmersmarket@gmail.com for information have any concerns, to seek advice from appropriately qualified engineering and technical and an application form. professionals. In the event of a significant bluff or slope failure that impacts residential reeka.spence@hotmail.com structures, property owners should notify their municipality and the ABCA immediately. HEARTS OPEN ARTTIS OF One resource for shoreline property owners is a fact sheet about Shoreline Slope Stability BAYFIELD r'LL Risks and Hazards. ABCA contracted Terraprobe Inc. to create this fact sheet. It is available online at abca.ca. Individuals may download a free PDF copy of this fact sheet now at this link: Anyone who would like to connect with the human http://www.abca.ca/downloadfile.php?Item=508. The fact sheet includes indicators of potential spirit; be inspired or inspire others through kindness, bluff instability and associated risks; best management practices (BMPs) for bluff stability and are invited to join "Open Hearts of Bayfield". The shoreline areas; and sources of additional information. The fact sheet includes typical signs of group's first two meetings will be held on Saturdays slope instability; recommended management practices (Dos and Don'ts along the shoreline); in June. definitions of cohesive shorelines and shoreline recession; as well as additional shoreline information. The Bayfield Public Library will host the group from rebounded from the period of lower -than -average levels that took place between late 1999 and 12:30-3 p.m. on June 9 and 16. Age is no limit; Higher water levels and wet weather add to the inherent natural hazards and risks that exist however, organizers ask that children under the age along shorelines, according to ABCA. Rain, storm melt, and runoff are among contributors to of 12 are accompanied by an adult. erosion and potential bluff failure. Precipitation totals, calculated from automated rain gages, 4 p.m. at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. No show that rainfall over the past 12 months has been approximately 20 per cent higher than The group will be joining normal for shoreline areas. So far, in 2018, as of late April, rainfall in the same area is double www.thekindnessrockproject.com by creating the normal expected amounts for this time of year. inspirational messages painted on rocks! Supplies since they were formed more than 10,000 years ago. This erosion process is necessary to the will be provided, however, personal permanent Much of the Lake Huron shoreline is bluff which is made of silt, clay, sand and small rock and acrylic craft pa , esi s, paints and brushes are was first deposited by glaciers. This is known as a cohesive shoreline. Erosion of this material welcomed. Please bring n apron and ideas for by Lake Huron has created the tall bluffs. These shoreline bluffs have been eroding for future kindness projects. thousands of years and continue to be subject to wave action at their toe or base. This leads to cycles of erosion and slope instability. This, in turn, results in recession or erosion at the top of It is hoped that these Huron Energy Rocks will the slope. The wave action undercuts and locally over -steepens the slope toe. inspire unsuspecting locals and visitors this summer. One message can make a difference in someone's Factors affecting bluff erosion include wave action, lake levels, groundwater flow and life. Be the Change. Let's put Bayfield on the map for saturation, wind, freeze -thaw cycles, bluff height, soil type, and the angle of the bluff. Heavy kindness! rainfall and freeze -thaw cycles, over the winter and spring, increase the potential for erosion along the Lake Huron shoreline. Saturated clay -till bluffs, combined with erosion from wind, For more information search Facebook for storm events, and higher lake levels, can lead to increased slope instability along the shoreline @OHBayfield or contact Reeka at and increased erosion of gullies. reeka.spence@hotmail.com Water levels in Lake Huron are above the long-term average and higher than this time last year. Lake water levels are, in fact, higher than they have been since 1998 and they have BRIDGE GROUP rebounded from the period of lower -than -average levels that took place between late 1999 and early 2014. Lake Huron has not experienced, in recent years, the record-setting water levels Come and join the Bayfield Bridge Group for a seen in other lakes of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Basin. Water levels are above average friendly afternoon of bridge every Wednesday from l- and above Chart Datum, however, even if they are not outside the standard range of variation 4 p.m. at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. No in the Huron -Michigan system. It is predicted that water levels in Lake Huron will remain above partner is required. The cost is $2. average through the summer even if weather conditions are fairly dry. Bluff erosion is a natural process that has been occurring along the Great Lakes shorelines r L� , ALICE MUNRO FESTIVAL since they were formed more than 10,000 years ago. This erosion process is necessary to the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 7/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 ecology of the shorelines as sand beaches would disappear without some erosion. However, The Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story is taking with higher lake levels, combined with rain and snow events, the erosion process is more some inspiration from its festival namesake, Huron visible. Property owners need to be aware of the increased erosion and slope failure potential County author Alice Munro, renowned for writing and watch for any sign of slope failure on their property. ABCA encourages property owners to about the lives of girls and women, to focus contact the conservation authority with any questions. exclusively on women authors at their 2018 event. BAYFIELD AESTHETICS GRAND OPENING � 11NO Bayfield Boutique Bed and Breakfast is happy to announce its opening May 4. Formerly known as "The Secret Garden" and "Clair on the Square", the new owners Mary Hughes (pictured above) and John Westerman have been busy giving the place a new look and design. The century plus residence now offers three urban chic rooms with king beds and private baths. Guests will enjoy the Nespresso coffee bar, free trade coffee and teas, fine amenities as well as yummy breakfast each morning! There is an in-house spa called Bayfield Aesthetics that is open to guests as well as the public. Signature facials and body treatments by Comfort Zone and full waxing treatments are amongst the specialties. Set upon a half acre of beautiful gardens in the heart of the village, it is a perfect setting for intimate weddings up to 50 people in the architecturally designed mini barn. Bayfield Aesthetics is offering an Open House Special from May 4-6, book one spa service, excluding eyelash extensions, and receive it for half price! To book online visit www.bayfieldaesthetics.com. For more information please visit: www.bayfieldbedandbreakfast.com or call 519 955-2121. The 2018 line-up of guest authors is anchored by three critically acclaimed and international best- selling authors: Madeleine Thien, Ami McKay and Emma Donoghue. Thien's novel, "Do Not Say We Have Nothing", won the Scotiabank Giller Prize, the Governor -General's Literary Award for Fiction, Edward Stanford Prize; and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction, and The Folio Prize. McKay is the author of three bestselling novels, listed above. Her debut novel, "The Birth House" was a number one bestseller in Canada, winner of three CBA Libris Awards and nominated for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. Donoghue is best known for her international bestseller "Room", a New York Times Best Book in 2010 and a finalist for the Man Booker Prize, the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book and the Orange Prize. "Room" was adapted into a film nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award in 2015. Donoghue's screenplay adaptation was also nominated for an Oscar that year. The 2018 Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story includes author readings, panel discussions, writing master classes and an awards luncheon for the annual short story contest. Tickets and passes for the event went on sale on Apr. 9 through the Blyth Festival Box Office — blythfestival.com or 1-877-862- 5984. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 8/19 6/11/2019 J, BA►YFIELD £ 4 E L T ., Week 18 Issue 460 1101 f 5,19 565 2 420 TASTE OF HURON INTRODUCES TASTE kyll IRIt 1 T �.,I1-V�11La Ill alllllN _ - Lab One business on the Taste Your Own Adventure Tours is The Garlic Bax in Hensall. Owner Jackie Rowe has been growing garlic for many years and has created many unique products with her garlic. Anyone who purchases a tour ticket to the Garlic Box will receive a garlic herb mix. (Submitted photo) While it's no secret that Huron County is a rural County with a plethora of agricultural products, it can sometimes take turning an idea on its head to uncover the many local gems. On May 1, Community Futures Huron launched the new Taste of Huron program. The program features "Taste Your Own Adventure" tours, along with guided tours, contests and more. All located on the website www.tasteofhuron.com. Over the past two years the Taste of Huron committee has been working on a new program and ideas. "In the past Taste of Huron worked with various local food businesses to create events," said Paul Nichol, of Community Futures Huron. "While the events were really amazing, we needed to come up with a way for the program to be sustainable." This led the committee to thinking about how they could promote local food and a culinary tourism experience through online initiatives. That is when they came up with the "Taste Your Own Adventure" tours. Goderich residents and tourists alike are loving the casual and welcoming atmosphere of Square Brew. A beer tasting is included in the purchase of a Taste Your Own Adventure Tour ticket. "People can pick as many local food business places as they want, purchase a ticket on the website and then visit the places whenever they feel like between June and September!" said 449 Attics I Spray Foam 00190®0 MAY MELODIES "May Melodies" is the title of a Spring Concert hosted by the Music Department at St. Anne's Catholic Secondary School (SACSS) to be held on Friday, May 4. Starting at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Anne's gym the evening will feature performances by the Concert Band, Jazz Band, Junior Ensemble, Choir, Soloists and small ensembles. Music awards will also be presented at this event. "We have three students heading off out of the St. Anne's Music Program to study music at the post- secondary level. This is a huge number for a rural high school,"said Josh Geddis, music teacher at SACSS. "Joshua LeBlanc -Demers is heading to study Jazz Percussion; Cal Marcy is heading to study Percussion and Ben Luelo Is heading to study Alto Saxophone and Composition." A highlight of the evening will be the world premiere of "Among the Stars Soar" — a Reconciliation Project for the Band." This piece was commissioned by the Huron -Perth Catholic School Board and the SACSS Concert Band and was composed by Vince Gassi. "This is a very special piece of music in that students in the band learned about a wide survey of topics pertaining to Canada's history directly from indigenous teachers who came to the school to work with them. The students then interpreted their learning musically and reported their learning to the composer who created a piece of music. The band's performance of this piece at our May 4th concert is a culmination of almost two years of work," said Geddis. The suggested donation to attend the concert is a $5 minimum while children 12 and under are free. In addition, attendees are invited to pre -order for $10 the forthcoming St. Anne's Jazz Ensemble CD that is being recorded at the Chicago Recording Company in May. The Hensall and Community Horticultural Society are once again hosting their popular Spring Bazaar, Saturday, May 5. This year's bazaar is taking place at the Hensall Heritage Hall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and boasts more cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881 /Default.aspx 9/19 HAL Week 18 Issue 460 Cathy Bieman, Taste of Huron coordinator "Each ticket is $5 and includes a sample worth $5.,, The program is also working with Brad Oke and Tour the Shore, which offer personalized guided tours of local food businesses. This will give consumers options to either drive themselves or get driven around. "We are really excited about the new Taste of Huron," said Kim Burgsma, Committee member and owner of Samuels Hotel in Goderich "Not only is there the marketing program and tours, but customer service and market readiness will help businesses too." Taste of Huron has worked with the Ontario Culinary Tourism Association for years and they have been very clear that to market culinary _ tourism and local food, businesses must be One of the Taste Your Own Adventure Tours will take ready for tourists to visit. visitors to Eddingtons, of Exeter. Chef James Eddington has always worked with local producers to create his menus. "All businesses that are listed on the website have gone through a market readiness vetting process," said Bieman "These businesses must grow or serve local food, have a web presence, sustain regular hours and business signage must be present on site." Taste of Huron is partnering with the Huron County Museum and their "Farmtastic" exhibit on an opening/launch event, which will definitely excite people's taste buds. Bring the whole family on Sunday, May 27 from 1-4 p.m., tour the exhibit and learn about agriculture in Huron County, bring your appetite and savour the flavors of Taste of Huron, plus interact with friendly barnyard animals in front of the museum! For more information please visit www.tasteofhuron.com. Maelstrom Winery, west of Seaforth, just opened their new tasting and sales building which is surrounded by their vineyard. Purchase a tour ticket and a tasting is included. HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE SEEKING ADULT VOLUNTEERS vendors than ever before. Craft vendors such as Riverbend Soaps, Silverwear, Stone Birdhouses by Julie, Jewellery by Carolynne, Mermaid and Dragon Tails, Rose's Candy Co., Rita Van Wieran and Sunflowers will be there as well as Direct Sale representatives from Avon, Epicure, Limelight, Scentsy, and Sweetlegs. There will also be a bake sale, lunch, door prizes and a large silent auction featuring vendor donations. This is a not to be missed event and a great opportunity to get Mother's Day shopping done. hHOW11-0117_\ R o1 m 10011101 Municipalities from within Huron County will be hosting a Candidate Information Session for anyone interested in running as a candidate in the 2018 Municipal Election on June 27 in Clinton. The session will be held in the Libro Hall in Clinton, 300 Bill Fleming Drive beginning at 7 p.m. All are welcome and pre -registration is not required. As there have been many changes enacted to the Municipal Elections Act, this session will be of benefit to newcomers to the municipal election process, as well as those who have participated in past elections. Topics discussed at this session will include: • Presentation by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs • Role of council and head of council • Role of municipal staff • Role of school board trustees • Nominations, key dates and process • Eligibility to run for various offices • Candidate duties • General campaign rules • Compliance audits and penalties • Voter's list and proxy voting • Scrutineers • Recounts • Resources • Endorsements and Nominations Election Day is Oct. 22 and nominations will be accepted during regular business hours from Tuesday, May 1st to Friday, July 27 at 2 p.m. By attending the Candidate Information Session, potential municipal council and school board trustee candidates, potential third party advertisers, spouses or partners and anyone interested in learning more about local government will have an opportunity to become familiar with the overall election process, pick up an election package from their municipality and learn the specific requirements related to the nomination process such as advertising, financial reporting, etc. prior to submitting nomination forms. SUICIDE SUPPORT cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 10/19 6/11/2019 FF_ '40�=141i 7wu% .— ba. dffu Week 18 Issue 460 The Huron Country Playhouse is looking for adult volunteers for their 2018 season. These volunteers do a variety of tasks including acting as ambassadors for the theatre by ushering at performances. (Submitted photo) Applications for adult volunteers are now being accepted for the 2018 theatre season at the Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend. Due to record attendance last year and increasing tourism in the area, the season is extended into the fall shoulder with the Canadian premiere of Irving Berlin's blockbuster musical "Holiday Inn" on stage from Sept. 13-30. The Huron Hospice Volunteer Service will be running a Support Group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide starting on May 7. "Six Weeks that will Help the Healing Process" is a program for people to share ideas and strategies on how to cope, to learn how grief due to suicide is unique, to discuss and dispel the myths around suicide. The cost of the resource material is $35. The sessions will be held at the Sacred Heart School in Wingham, 225 Cornyn St. starting at 7 p.m. To learn more about this first step to recovery or to register please call 519 441-8833; or Wingham, 519 357-3210 Ext. 5520 or Clinton, 519 482-3440 Ext. 6301. Because although lives are forever changed, healing is possible. COASTAL CONSERVATION GALA On Thursday, May 10, the Lake Huron Centre for With nine productions on stage from June to the end of September, the burgeoning theatre will Coastal Conservation (LHCCC) will celebrate its 20th require more helping hands to assist the thousands of theatregoers that will attend more than anniversary as a non-profit organization with a 200 performances over the course of the summer and early fall. Coastal Conservation Gala Dinner held at the Oakwood Resort in Grand Bend. "We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would like to donate their time and energy to provide a positive and enriching experience for everyone who visits the theatre in Grand Bend," Guest Speaker Patrick Donnelly, co-founder and said Alex Mustakas, Artistic director of Drayton Entertainment. director for the LHCCC will be talking about "Great Lakes Environmental Advocacy: 20 Years of Riding Do you have a passion for theatre? If so, becoming a volunteer at the Huron Country Playhouse is a fantastic opportunity to learn what it's like to work behind -the -scenes, while helping others to discover the incredible experience of attending a live performance. Whether you're retired and looking for interesting social activities that can also help others or looking to expand the customer service experience on your resume, volunteering at the theatre is a rewarding activity that allows you to make a positive contribution to your community. As a not- for-profit, registered charitable organization, Drayton Entertainment relies on a strong volunteer base. Adult volunteers do a variety of tasks including acting as ambassadors for the theatre by ushering at performances — duties include tearing tickets, handing out programs, selling raffle and 50/50 tickets and leading patrons to their seats. They may also assist with special events or help spread the word about upcoming shows through local distribution of promotional materials. Volunteer Information Sessions will take place in the lobby at the Huron Country Playhouse on Monday, May 14 at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. To register for a session, or for more information, please contact Catherine Shaver, Volunteer coordinator at 519 621-5511 Ext. 264 or email catherine@draytonentertainment.com For more information about volunteering at the theatre or to fill out an application form, please visit: https://www.draytonentertainment.com/volunteer The 2018 Season includes: "West Side Story", June 7-23; "Cruisin' Classics", June 27 to July 7; "Canada 151: Better Late Than Sorry", July 12 to Aug. 4; "Disney's The Little Mermaid", Aug. 9 to Sept. 2; and "Holiday Inn", Sept. 13-30 on the 660 -seat Mainstage. "Kings & Queens of Country", June 13-30; "Cinderella: The Panto", July 5-22; "Out of Order", July 25 -Aug. 11; and "The Birds and the Bees", Aug. 15 to Sept. 1, will run on the 300 -seat Playhouse II stage. For more information about the 2018 Season, please visit www.huroncountryplayhouse.com. the Highs and Lows". Tickets are $75 and include dinner with live musical entertainment, cash bar, raffle prizes and a silent auction. All proceeds from this event go towards the Centre's coastal education, restoration, and research projects. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7 p.m. For tickets call 226 421-3029 or visit www.lakehuron.ca/gala This Gala is part of a larger event, the LHCCC's "Is the Coast Clear" Coastal Conservation Conference, to be held over two days, May 10-11. "This conference would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors" said LHCCC's Executive Director, Erinn Lawrie. "Thank you especially to our generous corporate partners and artisans donating beautiful silent auction items." cc.villageofbayfiield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 11/19 6/11/2019 Ben Lobb, KR _ f REMEMBER ME? Volume 8 lntergrity Everything! LAKE HURON !{tsVL t:ti'1i17[- L!NI'ff.Y3 Week 18 Issue 460 Bayfield Mews L1' €xclusWe 55+ Community One Floor iownh-omCs 519 - 555 .4542 www_baytieldmews.ca There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, as we approach Mother's Day we share a picture of Mrs. Weir and her son, Fred, taken around 1900. The records note that they were related to Higgins? Does anyone remember them? (Archive's Code: P131 7b) t Tora,Pi c . Air® Make your comments... click on any image and it will HAY MUiUAI � 11 519-236-4381 BAYFIELD ANANCIAL c:acwri, sc ISSUE 458 In Issue 458, a picture of Dr. W.F. and Mrs. Metcalf is highlighted. It was taken around 1910. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB10072 PC) ISSUE 459 cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 12/19 6/11/2019 take you to Flickr: Q SHARE ®s/®... PHOTO STORY i C13BBLE IJESIGN— lupich. ant. OESI GNfBUILO LANDSCAPING SALES 6 INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER 74199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 73,3 i 519 565 7773 Week 18 Issue 460 1Kk11TE S(L01RRE1. f�cA k S 1.1!B In Issue 459, a photo of Jessie Metcalf is highlighted. It was taken around 1975. Does anyone remember her? (Archives Code: PB10026 PC) Tracey Church wrote in with some remembrances of Jessie Metcalf. "Thanks for the great picture of Jessie Metcalf in this week's Bayfield Breeze. That is pretty well exactly as I remember her! When our (Guilfoyle) family first started to come to our cottage on Bayfield Terrace in 1970, my dad (Bill Guilfoyle) made fast friends with the neighbors which included Morgan Smith and Jessie Metcalf. I remember sitting in her garden with my Dad as she showed us around and talked about the history of Bayfield and Pioneer Park. A great memory." BAYFMLD LIONS' CLUB 2018-19 SEASON 11�:i[��11i1,Y: ►� `I 1��11J_��� I •� `I IZI�:: 1 � ��]ii/ PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER About 2,000 people took advantage of a pleasant weekend to travel to the village for the Bayfield Lions' Club's 21st Annual Home and Garden Show, Apr. 27-29. cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week181ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 13/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 y John Vanderhaar, of Bayfield Tree Service, (left) and Dave Loerchner, of DL Creations, had side by side booths at the Home and Garden Show. It was fitting as Vanderhaar is an expert at felling trees and Loerchner, a talented woodworker, creatively extends the legacy of said fallen trees in his furniture designs. A highlight of the display offered by Groves Appliance Centre and Sleep Matters was a TV console that converted into a bed! This is after. The show is always a great opportunity for area residents to get to know their local product and service providers. Exhibitors included experts in lawn and garden, home entertainment, decor and comfort, investments, insurance, landscaping, leisure, pest control, porches and decks, real estate, renovations, travel and water treatment. There were several new vendors this year as well as Hydro One's Electricity Discovery Centre. Once again, Bayfield has a prize offering in London's Dream Home Lottery. And there was a free shuttle to the Dream Home at 22 Delevan Street on Saturday and Sunday from the front of the arena, with free parking in the Agricultural Park. Always popular are the displays by local volunteer service and interest groups where visitors are invited to consider joining in their activities and taking an active role in the community. Admission to the show was free but the public was encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to the local Bayfield Food Bank (Feed My Sheep). Attendees at the show also had a chance to win some fabulous door prizes. Other highlights included face painting for the children and a food court featuring beverages, snacks and delicious lunches at modest prices. Kati Durst from Country 104.9 also broadcast live from the show midday Saturday. Bathmaster Goderich is a regular at the Bayfield Home and Garden Show. cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week181ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 14/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 Leaf Filter Gutter Protection is the number one rated eavestrough protection in North America. The company, that is a regular at the show, serves Southwestern Ontario. Home and interiors by Armes created a booth with a beautifully warm aesthetic. A highlight of the display offered by Groves Appliance Centre and Sleep Matters was a TV console that converted into a bed! This is before. FP,"��eero,�a",ra„an OfSers programs Reren[s fo, alfages [ollahpraCes cairn rhe Eayfield nvbiic Library Jj Fintlusm (j T1 This was the first year that the Friends of the Bayfield Library had a booth at the show. 4 G od 09ing D Hi�i7 p/ace, o` Home4Good launched the 2018 issue of their "Bayfield without Wheels" brochure at the Home and Garden Show. Leslie Bella posed with the brochures that provide information to help those who live in the area but are unable to drive, or whose driving is limited for any reason. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 15/19 6/11/2019 bb 5-F—A Week 18 Issue 460 The owners of Pest -Away Inc., of Sarnia, had a little fun at their booth near the close of the show on Sunday. Morgan Sonke, of the 1st Bayfield Sparks, took a break from the Bayfield Guiding booth to get her face painted by Snippety the Clown. _� IMAGE THERAPY --A & A6 a f umrae - 519.5165.4711 YFIELD (0. OPTIMIST PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 16/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 Magic Carpet ... By Hildy Steiner Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued SHEAR TA7LI ENT SUBMISSIONS BAYFlELD BREEZE re -40" 4 riiorin -,ti-eet opt 0 -Metric The sun came out yesterday and for the first-time in recent memory the wind chill and the actual temperature were the same. Double digit temps on the plus side of freezing had arrived in Huron County and instantly I observed: The birds were singing. The people were raking. Vehicles were being washed, waxed and vacuumed. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 17/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 Shorts and sandals were trending. Motorcyclists could be seen out and about. Convertibles were being driven with the top down and the tunes up. ALL the laundry was hung out to dry. Farmers shifted into high gear and were out on the fields. A winter's worth of manure was now being harvested. Melody Falconer -Pounder Once proud Canadian flags looked beleaguered after a season of torment. And outdoor Christmas decor suddenly looked really, really out of place. Happy 44th day of Spring everyone! — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at Bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. _ BAWIELD BREEZE OIL v Uffges Own fwihne news source i0 SHRRE �.:. SIdN up roit Begt'I nELD BRUZE CLIrN HERE J Founding Members .......................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 18/19 6/11/2019 Week 18 Issue 460 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl81ssue460/tabid/881/Default.aspx 19/19