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Bayfield Breeze, 2018-03-21, Page 1
6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 AYF"IELD IEEE ] 4 IAN MATTHEW CA] s19-5ssetre.s33s mw_ t=r ,, 40 PHARMA AVE 1111111 IINIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIINII II r, �, ROYAL LERAC,E 101) Hi�NDA �tlllll� �tlllllll lll'IIIIIIIIII �,....,. BAWIELD BREEZE p SHARE owe... March 21, 2018 Vol. 9 Week 12 Issue 454 CITIZEN SCIENTISTS NEEDED COUNCILOR'S CORNER Citizen Scientists Sandy Scotchmer (left) and Kate Lloyd -Rees work with a representative from ABCA to collect water samples in Bayfield. (Submitted photo) The monthly Councilor's Corner held in the Bayfield Community Centre will be held tomorrow (March 22), due to the March Break. Bill Whetstone, Bayfield Ward councilor, usually hosts the evening on the third Thursday of every month. He provides an opportunity for people to hear what council has been up to and voice their opinions. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. The topics for discussion will be: 2018 Budget, Vibrancy Fund and Bayfield Facility Update. DISCOVERY CENTRE cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl2lssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 1/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is asking for your help to monitor water quality along the beach in Bayfield. Since 2014, people from the Bayfield community have volunteered as "citizen scientists". These volunteers have collected water samples each summer for the Bayfield Beach Stormwater Monitoring Program. Information gathered from this program helps in determining whether stormwater from the Village of Bayfield might be having an impact on nearshore water quality. Monitoring also helps to ensure the Bayfield Main Beach maintains its internationally - recognized Blue Flag status. Water samples are collected from three stormwater outlets every two weeks and following heavy rains. Citizen scientists check their rain gauges at their homes to determine whether they need to collect samples. Samples are then analyzed for concentrations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and phosphorus. The program runs from the beginning of June to the end of August with volunteers sharing shifts throughout the summer. "It would be ideal to collect samples like this throughout the watershed, but logistically that type of monitoring is very difficult to do," said Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds technician with ABCA. "Without the volunteers, this program would simply not exist." Citizen scientists are people who are interested in the world around them and want to contribute to understanding it better. By participating in a program such as this, people further the advancement of science, and play a role in managing their natural resources. "I have been passionately interested in the environment and especially water quality for many years," said Sandy Scotchmer, a Bayfield resident who has been involved since 2014. "1 am very fortunate to be able to participate in this program, as I feel I am working on a process of data gathering that will lead to a more positive understanding of urban and rural issues in our mutual quest for clean water reaching our beaches in the area." If you are interested in learning more, or volunteering for this program, please contact Hope Brock, ABCA, at 519 235-2610 or email hbrock@abca.on.ca. WHO WHLL WINBAYFIELD READS? Five contending books, five defenders, only one winner ... let the audience be the judge. The Village Bookshop is pleased to announce the local defenders for this year's Canada Reads contenders... in alphabetical order these well-read friends of our local bookshop will battle to the end for their book's right to be the choice for Bayfield Reads 2018. Nick Howell — "Forgiveness" by Mark Sakamoto Frank Leahy — "The Marrow Theives" by Cherie Dimaline Susan Nicholson — "The Boat People" by Sharon Bala Mary Pounder — "American War" by Omar EI Akkad Arlene Timmins — "Precious Cargo" by Craig Davidson Meet fellow book lovers over refreshments, gain insight and be awed by the intellectual debate into this year's Canadian Reads books selections, sit back and enjoy a musical interlude during the counting of the votes by Canada's absolutely original, fiddle player/violinist, and now a Bayfield Reads Defender: Frank Leahy. Bayfield Reads will be held this Sunday, March 25 at The Bayfield Town Hall. Tickets are available at The Village Bookshop for $5. Those who purchase advance tickets will have their DATE: Rday,Aprl 27 TIME', 5-9p.m, DATE: Saturday, April 28 TIME. 11-5p.m DATE' S-A.y,Apn129 TIME'. 11-4pm_ LOCATIONBayFWdArens and Community Caths hPd0 JRY Yd'i Arone The Bayfield Lions' Club members are excited to announce that Hydro One's Electricity Discovery Centre is coming to the annual Home and Garden Show in April. "This is going to be a fantastic opportunity for everyone to learn more about electricity, our power system and its role in our lives," said Lion Kathy Gray. The Bayfield Lions' Club's Home and Garden Show is set for Apr. 27-29. The Discovery Centre's hours coincide with the hours of the Home Show: Friday, 5- 9 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. BLUEWATER BYLAW The Municipality of Bluewater is requesting input on significant process improvements to our Site Plan Control By-law. This Planning Act process applies generally to commercial, industrial and multi -family development within Bluewater. The new process and By-law include greater predictability and accountability, shorter process duration, and improved communication with stakeholders. Business owners, developers and other stakeholders who would like to give input on the new process are encouraged to submit comments by Apr. 13 by email to planninginfo@municipalityofbluewater.ca, by phone at 519 236-4351 Ext. 236 or by mail to 14 Mill Avenue, Box 250, Zurich, ON, NOM 1 GO. Information on the proposed changes to the Site Plan Control By-law may be found at www.municipalityofbluewater.ca/Public/Site-Plan- Control. A FAQ on the process improvements is available there. PANCAKE BRUNCH cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl2lssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 2/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 The Fourth Annual Earth Day Litter Walk, sponsored name entered into a draw for tickets to a Bayfield Concert Series event for autumn 2018. The sweet taste of maple syrup poured over a stack Tickets at the door are $10. of freshly flipped pancakes is a spring ritual for many County authors at the Book Fair. The Book Peddler and Fincher's Goderich will also both have Canadians. It definitely is for the congregation of St. HURON BOOK FAIR THIS WEEKEND James', Middleton as they host their ninth annual 4 p.m. and Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free both days. Pancake Brunch and Sugar Bush Tour on Apr. 7. All Leading up to the book fair, the Museum is hosting a moderated panel discussion on Thursday, in the community are invited to join in the festivities. Discover Huron's Stories at the Huron Historic Book Fair! provided with safety vests and garbage bags. Then Ciufo, playwright; Sinead Cox, Huron County Museum curator of Engagement and Dialogue; Pancakes and sausage with Rick and Rusty The Huron County Museum invites people to learn about Huron County's heritage from some Schilbe's fresh maple syrup, coffee, juice and dessert of the communities most engaging local authors and storytellers at the first Huron Historic Book will be served at the Pine Lake Campground Fair running March 24-25. The event combines a speaker series and book sale featuring Recreational Hall, 77794 Orchard Line, from 8:30 authors who write about Huron's rich heritage legacy. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ten authors will each speak about their previous or forthcoming books over the two days In addition to brunch participants will be able to go on including: a hayride and once they reach their destination see o Dave Gillians, "For the Love of Bayfield" first-hand how maple syrup is made at the Rick o Rhea Hamilton -Seeger, "East Ashfield History" Schilbe Farm. Wagon rides will leave from the recreation hall for the short ride across the road to o John Hazlitt, "Power of the Maitland" the sugar bush and shanty. o Jodi Jerome, editor of "Bush Days" by Malcolm Lamont o Larry Mohring, "The Reuben R. Sallows Picture Postcard Handbook 1900 - 1925" The cost for the brunch is $10, adults; $5, children 12 o Vicky Morrison, "Barn Quilt Trail - 2017 International Plowing Match" to 6 years; and youngsters aged five and under are o Bonnie Sitter, "The Beauty and Bounty of Huron County" free. Proceeds to St. James', Middleton Anglican o Gordon Strathdee, "Goderich: Winds of Change" Church and world outreach. o Brock Vodden, "Blyth Through the Lens", o David Yates, weekly newspaper columnist. LITTER WALK Along with the author talks Huron County staff will speak about some of the services and tools available to local researchers including archives research assistance and the digitized The Fourth Annual Earth Day Litter Walk, sponsored newspaper online portal. by the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association Attendees can browse and purchase copies of the books by the speakers and other Huron (BRVTA), will be held on Sunday afternoon, Apr. 22. County authors at the Book Fair. The Book Peddler and Fincher's Goderich will also both have Starting at 2 p.m., families, visitors and Bayfield booths at the event as well. The Huron Historic Book Fair will run on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to residents of all ages are invited to join in this annual 4 p.m. and Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free both days. spring clean-up event. Everyone is asked to meet at Leading up to the book fair, the Museum is hosting a moderated panel discussion on Thursday, Clan Gregor Square, where participants will be March 22 at 7 p.m. Panelists will be Gil Garratt, Artistic director of the Blyth Festival; Paul provided with safety vests and garbage bags. Then Ciufo, playwright; Sinead Cox, Huron County Museum curator of Engagement and Dialogue; volunteers can choose their own route to walk, and Taylor Graham, playwright, director and producer. They will talk about the process of picking up litter and recyclables throughout the adapting local history for theatre and performance with moderator Christopher Spaelta. village, parks and surrounding areas. Admission for this event is also free. "Together we are working to keep our roadsides and The Huron Historic Book Fair is a joint production between the Huron County Museum and ditches clean - protect the environment from harmful Huron Arts & Heritage Network. Additional information about the event, including a speaker's plastics and household waste and enjoy an afternoon schedule and list of authors, can be found on the Museum's website - in the great outdoors," said Elise Feltrin, an event huroncountymuseum.ca/book-fair/ or Facebook page - facebook.com/huroncountymuseum/. organizer. For more information please call Feltrin at 519 565- 5852. BAYFI E W w D_ BY MITI 01— 1 MT I LOOKING FOR FUNDING Bayfield Mews Fso[IuSive 9S+ Cpmmunity One floor Townhomes 519. 555 -4542 www_baylieldmews,ra CULTURAL AWARDS Is there a Huron County arts, culture or heritage person, organization or business who made an cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 3/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 It's never easy moving to a new community. There are people to meet, schools to sort out for impression on you in 2017? If so, Huron Arts & children, contacts to learn so you can access services and so much more. Now imagine trying Heritage Network (HAHN), in partnership with to figure all that out while dealing with cultural and language differences. That's the impetus Cultural Services of the County of Huron, invites you behind United Way Perth Huron's (UWPH) drive to fund a new program that focuses on to nominate them for a 2018 Cultural Award. The building a stronger, more welcoming community for newcomers. awards recognize the exceptional achievements of Huron County residents, businesses, and "The Social Research and Planning Council (SRPC) did a tremendous amount of research on organizations in the following categories: Cultural this issue," said UWPH Executive director Ryan Erb. "Thanks to the research, United Way Event/Organization, Individual Artist, Community knows the program is needed in our communities. There are challenges newcomers face, Contribution, Heritage, and Innovation. around employment, isolation and more, that need addressing." with early to mid -stage signs of Alzheimer's disease The nomination process is simple and easy. Just fill Called "Welcoming Newcomers to Perth and Huron Counties" (WNPHC), the program — in the one-page nomination form and include a short offered through Centre for Employment and Learning locations across Perth and Huron — looks description telling us why you think your nominee is to provide newcomers with an easily -accessible location to access information and support to worthy of recognition in their category. Nomination help them transition more easily into the community. forms and award guidelines can either be downloaded at creativehuron.ca or print copies can "We're excited to see this program so close to fruition," said Site Coordinator — Lead for Credit be picked up at any Huron County Library branch. & ESL Programs at the Centre for Employment and Learning, Erin Jones. "Whether it's helping Deadline for submissions is Apr. 8. Finalists and newcomers navigate the healthcare system, doing paperwork to enrol a child in school, finding winners in each category will be selected by a jury a place to live, or something as simple as getting a library card, WNPHC is meant to give from the eligible nominations received. newcomers the resources they need to succeed and stay in our local communities." living the same experiences. Research shows that series. The ninth annual Cultural Awards Gala is set for WNPHC also aims to support the efforts of local economic development organizations to Friday, Apr. 27 at the Blyth Memorial Community attract newcomers and collaborate with community agencies to ensure people are ready to live Hall, 431 Queen Street, Blyth. As well as recognizing and work in the area, as well as educating area employers and communities about the benefits the finalists and winners, this special evening will of creating a welcoming environment for newcomers. feature entertainment by a variety of local artists. Ryan Erb, UWPH Executive director. "We are proud to bring workshops to our local area that There will also be a silent auction of unique items Funding could still be an issue. Although there is a demonstrated need, and a willingness on supporting the activities of Huron Arts & Heritage United Way's part to make the program a reality, ultimately donations will help decide if the Network at the Awards Gala. The event starts at 7:30 program goes ahead or not. p.m. with awards presentations beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets are $18 each plus a handling fee and can be "This year's campaign has raised more than ever before," concluded Erb. "But we still need purchased through www. eventbrite. ca. added support to make this program happen. Currently, we're about $43,000 away. If you haven't donated yet, or if you have but want to give a little extra to help fund this program, now MINDS INMOTION is the time!" To help ensure Welcoming Newcomers to Perth and Huron Counties receives the funding it There is increasing evidence linking a socially needs, UWPH's Sweeter Endings promotion adds a little extra incentive for potential donors. involved, physically active and mentally challenging The promotion provides donors in March with a sweet surprise along with their tax receipt; a lifestyle to helping reduce the risk of developing United Way chocolate and 10 per cent off your next purchase at Rocky Mountain Chocolate dementia, or slowing the progression of the disease, locations in Stratford and London (Masonville). the Alzheimer Society of Huron County, in partnership with Grand Bend Area Community Health United Way Perth -Huron is 100 per cent local and supports almost 50 organizations and Centre, is delighted to offer Minds in Motion@ to the services across Perth and Huron Counties. To donate, please call 519 271-7730 or 1-877-818- South Huron area. The program incorporates 8867, drop by the UWPH offices at 32 Erie Street in Stratford, email physical and mentally stimulating activities for people reception@perthhuron.unitedway.ca or visit perthhuron.unitedway.ca with early to mid -stage signs of Alzheimer's disease or other dementias, and their care partners. WORKSHOPS DIRECTED TOWARD The program will begin on Thursday, Apr. 5 and will NON -PROFITS HELD IN CLINTON be held for eight consecutive weeks from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre. United Way Perth -Huron (UWPH) is once again offering the Non -Profit Professional Development Series in both Perth and Huron Counties; ensuring local organizations have Minds in Motion is a two hour per week fun and affordable access to professional development. Workshops are hosted at the Huron County family -friendly program which offers the opportunity Health Unit in Clinton, the Stratford Library and Trillium Mutual in Listowel. Libro Credit Union is to establish new friendships with others who are pleased to continue their community partnership as the generous sponsor of this constructive living the same experiences. Research shows that series. keeping mind and body fit has been proven to contribute to improved brain health for everyone, the "United Way is committed to helping supported and community partners strengthen the quality program consists of two main components: a 45 to and impact of programs and services available to the community. We know how prohibitive the 60 minute fitness session and a 45 to 60 minute cost of many workshops can be, especially once you add in the travel component," commented session of mentally stimulating activities, both Ryan Erb, UWPH Executive director. "We are proud to bring workshops to our local area that facilitated by a Minds in Motion coordinator from the focus directly on our industry and are of help to staff, management and volunteers alike." Alzheimer Society of Huron County. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 4/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 "These workshops are open to everyone. Scenarios used in workshops may be non-profit specific, but any member of the community will benefit and are encouraged to register," shared series organizer, Susan Faber. For location and times of the workshops go to perthhuron.unitedway.ca. Topics include: • Employee Retentions - a topical workshop for our local labor market where retention is paramount. • Social Media - for non -profits covers the most useful platforms as well as the planning, strategies and analytics you need to make it work. • Understanding Financials - which will be tremendously helpful for supervisors, managers, and board or committee members who don't have a financial background. The workshop will cover financial statements, internal controls, financial terminology and board responsibilities. • Managing Stress - will help staff to not only manage their own stress levels but help their peers manager theirs. • Corporate Governance and Board Responsibilities - a great introduction or clarification for board members in Perth and Huron Counties. A more comprehensive description of each workshop, along with information about the facilitators, cost and location can be found at perthhuron.unitedway.ca. Participants can register by emailing KEYs@perthhuron.unitedway.ca or calling 519 271-2978. HURON COUNTY TALENT HELPS PAINT KITCHENER GREEN The cast of "A Feast of Harps" took to the Registry Theatre stage on March 17. The performance featured many local Huron County talents as well as The Huron Harp School. (Photos courtesy IRL Festival 2018) Members of The Huron Harp School and several other local talents helped the community of Kitchener, ON celebrate St. Patrick's Day on the evening of March 17 with a concert entitled, "A Feast of Harps". Concert participants ranged in age from 8-78 at the concert held at the Registry Theatre in Kitchener. The event was hosted by The Irish Real Life Festival as part of their Paint the Town Green Series that ran from March 10-18. In addition to the 20 harpists with the school, familiar names on the Huron County music scene were also invited to take part including: Irish Dancer Shawnessy Sinnett, Kim and Travis Teed, Capucine Onn and Sons, Liam Morley, Clayton Peters and Bruce McDonald. Regular physical activity for people with dementia leads to a significant reduction in depression, an increased sense of independence and an improvement in quality of life. Minds in Motion helps care partners to focus on their own health as well, rather than focusing exclusively on the needs of the person they are caring for. Minds in Motion was first introduced to Huron County in January 2015 as a pilot program and has now been continued on an interim basis with support from the Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Government. Minds in Motion is currently offered at three sites throughout Huron County: Clinton, Grand Bend and Wingham. To register for the current Minds in Motion program in Grand Bend, please contact the Alzheimer Society of Huron County at 519 482-1482 or email: admin @alzheimerhuron.on.ca. There is a cost of $20 per person for this eight-week session. The Harbouraires Men's Choir will be presenting an evening of songs and readings in a concert titled, "Celebrating Life" on March 27. This is their way of bringing comfort to those who grieve the loss of a loved one by remembering a life and finding peace. The concert will be held in cooperation with McCallum and Palla Funeral Home and the Huron Hospice Volunteer Service. The Harbouraires will sing and readers from across local communities will offer readings that help with grief. Still others will be invited to light candles as memorials. A reception will follow. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. at Bethel Pentecostal Church (across from McDonalds) in Goderich. TAOIST TAI CHI People from all walks of life and across the world tell how the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts has relieved stress, provided deep relaxation, given their bodies balance and strength, helped with pain, lifted spirits and even changed their outlook on life. Continuing and Beginner Classes are being offered in Bayfield in April. All are welcome to attend these classes taught by an accredited, volunteer instructor. An Open House and free class will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 10, from 7-9 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. Classes will continue on Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. at the Town Hall. For more information call Doug Brown at 519 565- 5187. BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 5/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 Alexa Yeo was the youngest harpist to perform with The Huron Hapr School. She also gave a violin solo. re t11 a l Tl s' BAYFIELD optometric EIfTl:tic i X41] I S I I IS Volume 8 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, we highlight an image of the Stewart Home on Louisa Street taken around 1920. In the photo are Jack Stewart, his father and his wife. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB10017PC) It's almost time for Bowl for Kids Sake a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Huron. Goderich Little Bowl will be the location of this Rock N' Roll themed party on March 23. The event will run from 7-9:30 p.m. and bowling is free with $50 or more in pledges. All are welcome to take part with team and individual prizes being offered. For more information contact Goderich Little Bowl at 519 524-2695 or Big Brothers Big Sisters at 519 524- 4361. Download the pledge forms at northhuron.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/event ISSUE 452 In Issue 452, we featiure a picture of Harry Baker and Rev. Harrison taken in 1971. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB10078PC) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 6/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr. VV r. tr Shannon MGClenaghan H.I.S. HEARING UMENT SPECIALIST ISSUE 453 In Issue 453, we feature a spring time image of Albert Woods and Willard Dresser taken about 1975. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB10005 PC) SHEAR " TALENT T' 0 SHARE ©+�0... PHOTO STORY BAYFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY MAD SCIENCE TADS KIDS "UP, UP AND AWAY!" PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER As part of the Huron County Library March Break Programs the Bayfield Public Library held a Mad Science Show at the branch on the afternoon of March 16. A Mad Scientist, "Kinetic", from Mad Science based out of London, ON, made science magic for the approximately two -dozen youngsters and parents or grandparents that preregistered for the show. She performed experiments focusing on air pressure that both entertained and educated those gathered. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 7/12 6/11/2019 Carolynne Leonard used all of her strength to try and pull two toilet plungers apart. Week 12 Issue 454 Graham Pounder, of Toronto, ON, was challenged to separate a device used to keep horses together. He wasn't successful but kept smiling through the exercise. Mad Scientist, Kinectic, from Mad Science in London, opened with a magic trick that required an assistant during the show presented at the Bayfield Public Library as part of their March Break activities. The youngest person in the room was given the task of stomping on a paper cup. The children were asked would you rather be stepped on cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 8/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 Two adults in the audience were also given a strength challenge. MW 44� �V/r 47 A young scientist learned that strange things happen to a pop bottle when the air is sucked out c. Carolynne Leonard, and others, enjoyed a ride on a makeshift hoverboard during the event. by your Mom who was wearing a high -heeled shoe or an elephant's foot? This participant in the show suspended a ping pong ball in the air using a blow dryer. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 9/12 6/11/2019 Week 12 Issue 454 WE For the show's finale, Oliver Leonard got to unfurl a roll of toilet paper using a leaf blower. He accidentally succeeded in hitting his sister, and others, with a stream of sheets. III BAYFIELD FINANCIAL C9OUNNIC WaC13BBLE ESiGN— ZwicN, Det. DE:IGNi BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GAEDIN CENTER 74199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 f 519 565 73 73 PMLATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Integrity+ Everything! LAKE HURON M -Ar. L57ME LWITED _] THL —L/Tv 2018-19 �ASON cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 10/12 6/11/2019 ti Still Reflections... By Hildy Steiner Week 12 Issue 454 Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued - HOME - C0rFAGE - SUSINESS BA, PEELD BREEZE P HAY MUTUAL Insiu"14 IMAGE THERAPY n p�_ n 519.565, 4711 IL 519-236-4381 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 11/12 6/11/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 12 Issue 454 SUBMISSIONS Just 218 days shy of the next municipal election, Bluewater Council voted to permanently remove the ice from the Bayfield Arena. To be clear, I wasn't able to attend the Bluewater Council meeting on Monday night so my info is coming from those in the gallery seats that watched as the motion to keep the ice for the upcoming 2018-19 season ended in a tie — four in favor and four against. Councilors for the Zurich, Hensall and Bayfield Wards voted in favor along with the Deputy Mayor. It is my understanding that when a vote ends in a tie the original motion remains in place. So how could the vote end in a tie? Ironically enough the person that wears the chain of office, who could have broken the tie whether for or against, had excused himself from the meeting early to go coach a hockey game. — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. BAWIELD BREEZE 0 SHARE iioVIZ SIGN UI FOR r BAYFIELD BREEZE CLICK HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue454/tabid/875/Default.aspx 12/12