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Bayfield Breeze, 2017-10-04, Page 1
6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 BAWIELDBREEZE [,4N MATTHEYIf CA jw/mw 51 9-565 5336 T BAYFIELD -. oiP vi"page's nwn arthnenews source 13 SHARE MVI] Oct. 4, 2017 Vol. 9 Week 41 Issue 431 :�7::1 111 \/l: ►I��1 �1 �' •��II] TRUST CONSERVANCY The first donation of land to the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC), to be preserved for generations to come, was the Mayhew Tract near Holmesville. A crowd of people came in cars and on bicycles to attend the June 19, 2015 dedication ceremony and sign unveiling. This important forested property - which provides water storage, recharge, and habitat benefits to the area - was donated by the Mayhew family, in memory of Jack and Iris Mayhew. Jack and Iris's children, Janine, Tim, and Greg, attended the ceremony along with other Mayhew family members. From I -r: are Roger Lewington, chairman of the Land Trust Board of Directors; Tim Mayhew, Janine Jones, Greg Mayhew and Nancy Mayhew. Since that first donation, the generosity of the Bayfield community volunteers and donors made it possible to acquire another important nature area, the Bayfield River Flats. The HTLTC is looking for some new directors for the board to continue the protection of nature areas like these. (Submitted photo) A local land trust is seeking new members for its Board of Directors to continue to preserve nature areas for future generations. 0 PHARMA, AVE - IIIII II IIIII II II IIIII IIII IIIII II ROYAL LERAGE -.IIIII II IIIII II II IIIII IIII IIIII II PETITION An online petition has been created regarding the proposed development at 89 Main Street South in the village. The petition entitled, "Preserve Bayfield, Ontario's heritage culture - say "NO" to corporate encroachment" that will be sent to the CAO of the Municipality of Bluewater Kyle Pratt. It was launched midday on July 11 and as of publishing time had generated 684 signatures. For anyone interested in viewing the petition please visit::www.change.org. PUBLIC MEETING Tuesday, Oct. 10 is the new date set by the Bayfield Facility Intiative Team (BFIT) to hold a public meeting regarding the future of the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre. It will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall at 7 p.m. The Mayor and members of Bluewater Council have not been invited to this meeting. "The public is obviously concerned and needs a meeting to help vent and to hear that BFIT is cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 1/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC) provides lasting protection of local water and habitat through permanent custodianship of important nature areas such as the Bayfield River Flats and the Mayhew Tract. ` HTLTC Chairman Roger Lewington The Chairman of the Land Trust is Roger Lewington, of Bayfield. He said the land trust's successes are thanks to generous community donors and landowners and to directors who have served on the board since the land trust's creation in 2011. �— MaJarrlver Moran Trarf Ismd Taut Camervanry FormerT--hip haumb y After six years of dedicated service, some directors are stepping down to take on other challenges. This opens up a chance for other nature -minded people to step forward in this role and to continue this important work, said Lewington. 1 would like to thank those board members who are moving on after years of dedicated service," he said. "I would also like to invite you to put your name forward as a potential following the process very carefully right now to ensure the municipality begins the feasibility study by a third party consultant and that the village is well represented on the steering committee," said Sandy Scotchmer, a member of BFIT. The Bayfield Farmers' Market will hold it's last market of the season on Friday, Oct. 6. Vendors will be in Clan Gregor Square from 3-7 p.m. to help people stock up with fresh and local products for their Thanksgiving weekend. For those people looking for more than just fixings for their feast, "Grassroots Woodfired Pizza" will also be on hand with their very popular artisan pizzas. LEARN TO PAINT The Bayfield Artist Guild is hosting "Learn to Paint II" at St. Andrew's United Church on Oct. 16. Come out to paint in acrylic from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A color theory lecture is included. The session is limited to 20 participants. The event cost is $20 or join the Guild for $25. A supply list will be sent to participants. To register please email Bayfieldartistguild@gmail.com. BAYFIELD TREE PROJECT The Bayfield Tree Project, which is funded by donations from villagers, is planning to again plant trees on municipal properties in front of residences here in the village. This project has planted nearly 500 trees over the past six years and the committee members are now asking that residents submit a request to have a tree planted in front of their house if they have not yet done so. In order to have a tree planted on your frontage, the committee asks that homeowners commit to watering and taking care of the tree (mulch, do not damage the bark); and if possible, they make a donation ($20 plus - gets a tax receipt) in order to keep the project going. Every tree planted costs approximately $125. Anyone interested in participating in the project should please contact Sondra Buchner at tsbuchland@tcc.on.ca. WEST COAST ASTRONOMERS cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 2/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 candidate or to offer suggestions of other community -minded people who might serve as a director and continue this important work." The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF), a registered Canadian charity, created the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy to provide a new way to leave a lasting local land legacy. The HTLTC is a volunteer organization with a nine -member Board of Directors appointed by the Foundation. Directors represent the geographic area of the land trust and have varied backgrounds and expertise. If you would like to provide your own name, or the name of someone you wish to nominate, as a possible candidate for the HTLTC Board of Directors, please phone 519 235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@htltc.ca or send a short biography or curriculum vitae to Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy, c/o Ausable Bayfield Conservation, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON, NOM 1S6. A group of volunteers, sponsored by the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association and supported by a successful community fundraising campaign, made it possible to acquire the Bayfield River Flats property, southeast of the Bayfield Bridge in 2016. This was an "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to acquire about 1,000 feet of river bank natural area in the old village boundaries of Bayfield to preserve access to the naturalized area along the river. The property, once home of the Thomson grist and sawmill, was transferred to the HTLTC. This was to ensure the land would remain part of the community's local land legacy in perpetuity. An important forested property in the Holmesville area, the Mayhew Tract, was donated to the Land Trust, by the Mayhew Family, in memory of Jack and Iris Mayhew, in 2015. The Mayhew Tract is about 2 KMs south of Holmesville, on the northeast corner of Tower Line Road and Parr Line. The ten -acre (four -hectare) property is entirely forested. The property provides animal habitat and stores water through the year and recharges the groundwater table. Land trusts or land conservancies are independent, charitable organizations that work with private landowners to preserve open space and nature. A land trust can permanently protect land to preserve its natural, environmental, recreational, scenic, historical, or agricultural importance. Land trusts accept donations and bequests of land and conservation agreements and, in some cases, may purchase land or conservation agreements. The land is then protected from that time on. Acquisition of properties is subject to board approval and negotiation of management agreements. A photo taken from the Bayfield River Flats of kayakers along the Bayfield River. The Flats are located within the historic area of the Huron Tract, where the Board of Directors of the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy works with donors in the community to leave a lasting local legacy of natural areas. (Photo by Jack Pal) The HTLTC gets its name and geographic boundaries from the days of early settlement in this part of Ontario. The Huron Tract was purchased by the Canada Company, an agent of the British government, to be distributed to colonial settlers of Upper Canada. The Canada Company bought one million acres (4,000 KMs) of land, west of the then London district, and called it the Huron Tract. The Canada Company was the administrative agent for the Huron Tract. The West Coast Astronomers (WCA) enjoyed a spectacular observing night on Sept. 20 at the Bayfield Agricultural Park. The astronomy enthusiasts viewed, Saturn, Neptune, M3: a globular cluster, M31: Andromeda Galaxy, M33: Pinwheel Galaxy, M51: Whirlpool Galaxy, M57: Ring Nebula and M81: Bode's Nebulae. Everyone is welcome to join the WCA, with or without a telescope. Their next Star Party is 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at the Agricultural Park in Bayfield. Visit www.westcoastastronomers.info for more details, locations and times. Each party is limited in the number of participants that can be accommodated. Please use the 'Register Now' button on the 'Star Party' page to reserve a spot. If the sky is not clear on the designated night, the event will be cancelled. If you have doubt on the status of the event please call 519 868-6691. Any amateur astronomer, eager to bring their telescope, and share their knowledge with others, please call the number listed above. OCTOBER 18 On Oct. 18, over 90 restaurants in 19 Canadian cities will join together to donate proceeds from dinner service to Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC), supporting community food programs that build health, hope and belonging in low-income communities across the country. Funds raised will directly support local Community Food Centres that bring people together to grow, cook, share and advocate for good food for all. Participating in the event is easy: Diners visit www.restaurantsforchange.ca to find a participating restaurant near them and make a dinner reservation for Oct. 18. Locally The Black Dog Pub and Bistro will be taking part. More than a dozen chefs from participating restaurants across Canada flew to Toronto on Sept. 17 and 18 to learn more about the issues of food insecurity, poor health and social isolation that affect low-income Canadians, and how CFCC is using food as a tool to build healthier and more inclusive communities. They then launched the Restaurants for Change campaign with a packed event at Baro restaurant, where they cooked their favorite dishes from their menus—dishes that Canadians can order when they go out for dinner on Oct. 18. GIRL GUIDE COOKS Got milk? Bayfield Guiding has the cookies to go with The chocolatey mint Girl Guide Cookies are back for a limited time this autumn. They are selling now for cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 3/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 The HTLTC gives people in the historic Huron Tract area a safe, reliable, long-term way to leave financial contributions or bequests of real property for the protection of land, water and habitat for generations to come. If you would like to donate to the work of the HTLTC, or leave a lasting local land legacy for protection, please visit htltc.ca, phone 519 235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or speak with one of the community members on the land trust's Board of Directors. PCOB PRESENT AN EVENING WITH THE BOY FROM BAYFIELD The Photography Club of Bayfield PCoB) is proud to sponsor an "Evening with Brad Turner" on Thursday, Oct. 19 at the Bayfield Town Hall. The general public is invited to come to what should be a very entertaining evening starting at 7:30 p.m. Admission will be free to all with a suggested donation at the door to the Bayfield Foodbank (Feed my Sheep). Born and raised in Bayfield, Turner attended high school at H.B. Beal Secondary School in London, ON to pursue radio and television production. While there, he borrowed the money from his mother and beloved local teacher, Ede Turner, to buy his first camera — a Pentax film camera. He began taking pictures of his childhood home of Bayfield and taught himself how to process the film. What Brad Turner (Submitted photo) began as a creative exploration of his unique point of view of Bayfield has led to an award-winning career as a producer and director in television and film Turner also has a love for fine art, and owns the Turner Gallery in Bayfield, which sells and promotes living Canadian artists. $5 a box and are available from Bayfield Guiding members. If the chocolatey mint variety of cookie isn't a favorite, not to worry, the girls also have the Classic Chocolate and Vanilla Sandwich cookies available for the same great price. Profits from the cookies are used to support the girls in their varied activities and to subsidize outings. Want to reserve a box or two? Please call Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 525-3830. IN MEMORIAM The community will no doubt be saddened to learn that a long-time village resident has died. John Robinson died at his Bayfield home on Sept. 27 in his 89th year. Married for 60 wonderful years, his wife Margaret predeceased him (1929-2013). Loving Dad of four children, Tom, Paul, Lisa and Lorelei and their spouses; devoted Grandpa to seven grandchildren; and proud Great -Grandpa of three great- grandchildren. The funeral service will be held today (Oct. 4) at St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield, at 11 a.m., after which interment of ashes will take place at Bayfield Cemetery. Following interment, a luncheon will be served. As most of area residents probably already know, Turner has become a genuine Bayfield In lieu of flowers, donations to either the St. Andrew's success story having directed over 300 episodes of popular television. During his four-year United Church (Music Fund) or the Bayfield Arena tenure on the critically acclaimed FOX series, '24', he won an Emmy Award and served as an Community Partners Association (Youth Free Pick-up Executive Producer for the final two seasons. Hockey Program) would be appreciated by the family. In 2005, he directed the CBC mini-series, 'Human Cargo', which won several Gemini Awards including Best Director, and garnered a prestigious Peabody Award. Over the past few years, Brad and his wife, Jessica, have worked in New Zealand producing the fantasy series, 'The Shannara Chronicles'. The second season begins premiering this fall on SpikeTV and Netflix. Other recent credits include: 'Designated Survivor', 'Daredevil', 'Homeland' and 'Agents of S.H.I.EL.D.'. From Los Angeles to New York and Vancouver, Paris to Auckland and Capetown, Turner has maintained a passion for photography. "Over my career I've seen camera formats change from film to digital with a wide variety of technology available, but one thing that has remained constant is the narrative power of good composition," he said. In his presentation, Turner will share his journey through the various camera formats he has utilized in his highly successful career — starting with his early photographs from Bayfield, work from his travels in production - and video work, including drone footage from this past summer in Bayfield. Members of the PCoB feel that this is truly an amazing opportunity to see and hear the "Boy from Bayfield". Messages of Condolence for the Robinson family may be placed at www.falconerfuneraIhomes.com. MAIN STREET OPTOMETRIC Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to let Bayfield residents know that full eye health examinations are available at his Bayfield office. Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main Street Optometric uses current technology including a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an appointment. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 4/15 6/13/2019 SMEAR TA LENT re Ilti:ill�l titl'a'i't optometric Week 41 Issue 431 Ben Lobb„ 1ALP DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR SEATS ON HENSALL HALL SOURCE PROTECTION COMNUTTEE www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. The source protection authority will review applications and select The fall schedule of the Hensall Heritage Hall was candidates based on the strength of their qualifications and interviews if required. released recently. A local source protection authority has extended the deadline for applications from agricultural Chair Andrew Williams isn't relaxing just because producers to fill two, vacant, Economic — Agriculture sector seats on a committee that is The Hall will welcome the Classic Country Show with protecting municipal sources of drinking water. CCR featuring, Elton Lammie and Wendy Lynn diverse voices at the committee table. One third of the committee is from municipalities. One Snider, on Oct. 14. Tickets are $30 and available The Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Authority (SPA), on behalf of the Ausable Bayfield from Kathy at 519 263- 2343, Carolyn 519 262-3444, Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region (ABMVDWSPR), originally issued or Liz 519 262-2715. Tickets are also available at advertisements and a call for applications on Aug. 15 with a deadline of Sept. 25. The source www.ticketscene.ca or D&D in Hensall. protection authority has extended the application period until Oct. 16 to provide ample time for applicants to submit and in order to develop a strong list of candidates from that sector. Nicole Coward will entertain Nov. 2nd at p.m. environmental sector representatives). Coward's show features hits from such classic assic The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee Canadian musicians as Gordon Lightfoot, Joni (ABMVDWSPC) is a 15 -member committee in addition to the Chair. The committee reduces Mitchell, Anne Murray, Sarah McLachlan and more. risk to drinking water in the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas. The Tickets are $25. ABMVDWSPC does this by putting into action locally developed and provincially approved source protection plans. The source protection authority is seeking applications from Nov. 19, at 2 p.m., the Hall M proud welcome individuals to fill two vacant committee seats from the Economic — Agriculture sector. ba back the always -popular Larry Trio Christmas Trio interesting and important. Clem.ercey Show with special guest Cousin Clem. Tickets are Applications (cover letter and resume), with position title clearly marked, are to be submitted by $30 and will be available soon. Monday, Oct. 16 by 4 p.m. local time to be considered. to pay and services like 211 are available in times of cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 5/15 U I 1 LL WAY For a summary of member obligations, job description, and full posting visit: www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. The source protection authority will review applications and select candidates based on the strength of their qualifications and interviews if required. The United Way Perth Huron (UWPH) Campaign Chair Andrew Williams isn't relaxing just because The make-up of the committee is shaped by the source protection committee regulation 2017 is the last year of his three-year mandate. (Ontario Regulation 288/07) and by a local process that took place to decide how to include diverse voices at the committee table. One third of the committee is from municipalities. One "United Way continues to work hard to help build third of the committee (five members) comes from economic sectors. Locally, three of those strong communities across Perth and Huron," five economic member seats are from agriculture and the other two are from industry and Williams said. "It's vital work and none of us can stop commerce, including tourism. The other third of the committee represents Other — pushing until we cross the finish line." Environmental, Health, and other interests of the general public (including property owner association representation; public representation from the two source protection areas; and Announced during a Kick -Off lunch in Stratford and environmental sector representatives). tour across Perth and Huron Counties, the campaign goal of $1.556 million ensures UWPH can maintain To find out more visit: www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca and www.ontario.ca. Those interested may funding to existing programs as well as fund new also call Geoffrey Cade, Program supervisor, at 519 235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or ones. email gcade@abca.on.ca. "We want to be able to tell people that youth in our Source Protection Committee Chair Matt Pearson said a committee member's work is community will have shelter if they need it, seniors interesting and important. can continue to get rides to appointments, counselling will be available to those who can't afford "We have benefitted from the expertise, knowledge and commitment of our past and current to pay and services like 211 are available in times of members," he said. "We have two committee seats from the Agriculture Sector that are vacant needy said United Way Executive Director Ryan Erb. this time. We are looking for strong candidates to take on these vital roles as committee "Every dollar closer to our goal represents m members. tremendous real-world impact and a big step "It's important to find the right people who can bring their knowledge and questions to the forward." table," he said. "This helps to improve the work we do to implement, monitor and update Behind the scenes, UWPH is also moving forward. policies that are reducing risk to our local drinking water. It helps to keep our drinking water This spring's Annual General Meeting saw the safe and clean, starting at the source." appointment of a new board president; Wayne Smith The ABMVSPC was Ontario's first. The committee has worked since 2007 to create local terms is a long-time supporter of United Way. Beginning as of reference, assessment reports, and source protection plans. This work is made possible by a workplace volunteer in the Goderich Champion cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 5/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006. The Province of Ontario approved the locally developed plans on Jan. 19, 2015 and the plans took effect on Apr. 1, 2015. The source protection plans include policies to address 21 activities that can pose a threat to municipal drinking water sources in certain circumstances (for example, in certain locations such as municipal wellhead protection areas and in certain quantities). Plan policies address a list of 21 activities (such as fuel or chemical storage, among others) in four types of vulnerable areas. The four vulnerable areas are wellhead protection areas (groundwater) that are zones around municipal wells; surface water intake protection zones; significant groundwater recharge areas; and highly vulnerable aquifers. Anyone interested may find the maps of these areas at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. Threat activities may be assessed as low, moderate or significant threats to municipal drinking water sources. In this region, significant threats to drinking water are only found in wellhead protection areas A, B, and C. Policies in those relatively small vulnerable areas reduce risk by tools ranging from education and outreach, to risk management plans, to restricted land uses, or prohibition of some activities. To find out if you are in a vulnerable area near a municipal well, use the interactive maps or read a fact sheet on one of the 25 municipal well systems of the region at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. You are invited to review the page on your community's well, consult a detailed map of wellhead protection areas, and a fact sheet to let you know about the water source and treatment, explain the wellhead protection areas, and provide ways to protect these local drinking water sources. If you would like to learn if plan policies apply to you, or how you can protect local drinking water sources, visit the website at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca or phone toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. RESOURCE NURSES ARE INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF HOSPICE CARE BY KAILYN PASMA" Huron Residential Hospice's Model of Care is grounded on the principles of being a "hospice palliative care community" that is made up of a number of services and highly skilled individuals who provide specialized care. An integral component of the Model of Care is having 24/7 Comprehensive Advanced Palliative Care Education (CAPCE) Resource Nurses. The CAPCE Resource Nurse (RNs and RPNs) is skilled and trained in the best practice, evidence - based hospice palliative care and knowledge strategies to effectively meet the needs of those requiring hospice palliative care. A CAPCE RN acts as a competent hospice palliative care resource professional and provides support and care for an individual and family throughout their life -limiting illness. The CAPCE RN's role is to honor the individuals right to determine a treatment path, identify goals and work in collaboration with other partners in identifying interventions that will help the person achieve these goals. The CAPCE RN will serve as a resource professional by collaborating with peers, identifying gaps in the care delivery and advocating for improvements within the health care systems. They will complete assessments utilizing appropriate tools and complete comprehensive health histories. The CAPCE RN will share information respecting the desires of the individual and family, develop care planning and abide by confidentiality standards. They will assist in the decision making process by discussing goals, values and wishes of the person and prioritize plant, Smith soon saw the good done by gathering resources and supporting community based organizations. Since that time, he has served on the Huron United Way Board (prior to amalgamation), on the transitional board and then with UWPH. After taking a short hiatus to be UWPH campaign co-chair in Huron for two years, Smith returned as board vice- president before taking on the role of board president. "I'm so proud to be working with United Way," Smith said. "Ryan, Andrew, the board, staff and each and every volunteer have helped create a strong, local organization and I look forward to contributing." UWPH is 100 per cent local and supports almost 50 organizations and services across Perth and Huron Counties. If volunteers are interested in joining the United Way North Perth Committee they can call United Way at 519 271-7730 or 1-877-818-8867 or email info@perthhuron.unitedway.ca To help United Way continue supporting these local services, donations are gladly accepted. Call 519 271-7730 or 1-877-818-8867, mail to 32 Erie Street, Stratford, ON, N5A 2M4 or visit perthhuron.unitedway.ca HURON COUNTY MUSEUM This year's Behind the Bars evening tour program at the Huron Historic Gaol in Goderich was the most successful ever! The demand for this program was so high that the Huron County Museum has decided to host an encore production on Oct. 27th from 7-9 pm (last entry at 8:00 pm). Tickets for this event are being sold in advance on Eventbrite or at the Huron Historic Gaol during regular hours. For the first time ever, the Museum is hosting three evening Ghost Tours at the Historic Gaol - these events have also proved to be very popular as all three tours sold out in record time! Thursday evening Movie Nights in the Museum's theatre are returning this fall. "Beetlejuice" will play on Oct. 19 and the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" will be featured on Oct. 26. Movie screenings are included in the regular admission rate and are free for Museum members. Beetlejuice will also be free to Huron County Library cardholders in celebration of Ontario Public Library Week. The Children's Garden Project, hosted by the Friends of the Museum, continues this fall. This Saturday morning program is available for free to children aged eight to 10, but preregistration is required. Simply call the Museum to enroll. Kids will also be able to enjoy the Kids Sushi Workshop on Nov 3. Children aged eight to 15 are invited to make their own sushi with Drift of Bayfield's cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 6/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 identified issues. The CAPCE RN engages in care planning and care delivery by documenting individuals' wishes related to their preferred care setting, conducting regular reviews and adjusting the plan as needed, supporting the families and friends, supporting caregivers and identifying community resources and strategies that meet the needs of the patient and caregivers. The CAPCE RN also confirms the understanding and satisfaction of the treatment plan by assessing and documenting satisfaction, the patients understanding of treatments, expressed stress levels and advocating when a person's goals and expectations are not met. CAPCE RNs throughout Huron County are advocating daily for excellence in hospice palliative care. Our county is very fortunate to have dedicated NPs, RNs and RPNs that are CAPCE trained. When asked, what does being a CAPCE Nurse mean to you, Huron County nurses had heartfelt responses. One said, "It means I can assist in providing comfort and care for palliative patients from start to end of life, as well as alleviate symptoms of the disease process." Another nurse said, "It is meaningful to provide comfort care to all patients, and especially when a patient has no loved ones to be with them." A third nurse shared, "It is a privilege to help make their experience at end of life the best we possibly can. We hope to help care for the body, mind and spirit." Having lost many loved ones including her father at a young age, Kate Nesbitt, Registered Nurse and CAPCE RN at Clinton Public Hospital states that providing care is a privilege and it gives her comfort that she can honor and remember those she has lost by caring for others. Nesbitt said, "I believe a CAPCE nurse acts as a leader in the health care team, supporting colleagues and team members to provide the best possible care to patients and their loved ones during incredibly challenging times. By using resources, specialists in the field, best practice and knowledge-based judgments, we advocate for those in need of comfort, care and symptom management. A CAPCE nurse treats the entire person and those dearest to them, always respecting the physical, spiritual, and psychosocial elements of their health. I've learned through personal experience, practice and education that each patient and end of life journey is unique and as a nurse it is our role to listen, observe and communicate both as individuals and members of a team to meet the specific needs and desires of each individual that we care for. "As a CAPCE nurse I am excited for change. I believe that the members and families of our community deserve the best end of life care no matter the setting they choose. I consider it an honor to walk alongside each patient and family member in our care as we constantly strive to bring peace and comfort by alleviating burdens while respecting wishes. "We have only begun to see the positive change in our community and I am so proud of the dedicated group of people who are so committed to bringing hospice and palliative care to Huron County. I am honored and overwhelmed to be a part of the progress that I know is before us in this field, and I can only hope to continue to reflect on the positive changes in the hospital setting. Together we bring quality care to Huron County." own Peter Keightley. Preregister now at the museum front desk or call 519 524-2686. The Friends of the Museum will again host their Halloween Main Street in the Museum's History Hall on Oct. 31 from 3:30-8 p.m. This event is free and open to all. There is always something new and exciting happening at the Museum and people won't want to miss a minute of it. A great way to save is with the purchase of a Museum Membership these can be purchased at the front desk for only $30 for student/senior, $40 for individuals or $60 for families. Memberships allow unlimited regular admission to the Museum and the Gaol plus regular admission to four other great Ontario Museums. Visit the Museum's website at www.huroncountymuseum.ca to learn more. RADIOTHON The 16th annual CKNX Healthcare Heroes Radiothon will be back on the airwaves of AM920 and cknx.ca Saturday, Oct. 21 to raise funds for eight local hospital foundations. The Clinton Public Hospital Foundation aims to raise $20,000 towards the purchase of new sterilization equipment for the Medical Imaging Department. Pledges towards this goal can be made in advance of the Radiothon by mail, in person or at www.cphfoundation.ca. Pledges can be made live during the Radiothon by calling 1 -877 -CARE -4U. People are invited to tune into the broadcast all day on AM920 and cknx.ca or catch hourly check -ins on 101.7 The One and 94.5 Classic Rock. Listeners will hear heartwarming patient stories, descriptions of the medical equipment needs at each participating hospital and listeners will be treated to one -of -a -kind musical performances. Nesbitt, CAPCE Resource Nurses in Huron County and Huron Residential Hospice, want to In addition to collecting funds during the Radiothon, ensure every community member has access to excellence in hospice palliative care in the the Clinton Kinsmen are hosting a Breakfast on setting an individual chooses because Moments Matter. If you are interested in more Saturday, Oct. 14, from 7:30-11 a.m., with information about becoming a CAPCE Resource Nurse please contact Huron Residential proceeds to benefit the Clinton Public Hospital Hospice. Foundation's Radiothon project goal. The Kinsmen wills serve up a delicious breakfast for a donation. "Kailyn Pasma, RN, CHPCN(c), Huron Hospice Board Member. More information about the CKNX Healthcare Heroes Radiothon can be found at cknx.ca. Visit the website to enter the story writing contest, download the pledge form, donate online and learn about the eight participating hospital foundations and their fundraising projects. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 7/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 6AYFI E LD Orrim$ii' +'i11iI.wc :rlegali. REMEMBER ME? Volume 8 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, a photograph taken on Aug. 20. 1943 of the Lewis Thomson gateway once found along what is now part of the Sawmill Trail. (Archives code: PB10031 PC) Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks BAY'Fll I.[) BRIF UT 'T0IITIL ISSUE 424 In Issue 424, local artist Agnes Metcalf is shown at work circa 1945. Does anyone remember her? (Archives Code: PB 10073 PC) ISSUE 428 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 8/15 6/13/2019 _"" •H� E 2018-19 SEASON Q SHARE ©v -s-] PHOTO STORY Week 41 Issue 431 HP BIDE Fe ;_yam FALL FOTO FEST In Issue 428, Arthur Peck Cleveland is pictured catching up on the news. Does anyone remember him? (Archives Code: PB12 8a) HANDS ON LEARNING IN SMALL GROUPS A HALLMARK The Grand Prize donated by the event sponsor Photo Tour Trekkers, was a trip to Italy in 2018 with Photo Tour Trekkers. The winner was Laurie Ann Milne, of London, ON, for this macro image. PHOTOS BY JACK PAL The Fifth annual Bayfield Fall Foto Fest (FFF), a joint production of the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB) and Photo Tour Trekkers (PTTs), was held on the weekend of Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Registrations this year were the highest yet with over 120 photographers on each of the two days. Participants in the ten workshops held at numerous locations throughout the village and beyond were able to gain hands-on learning in various aspects of photography in small -group settings: a hallmark feature of FFF. "The Raptors and Birds of Prey were back again by popular demand," said Jack Pal FFF organizing committee member. "How often do you get a chance to see these beautiful birds up close and get to photograph them in flight!" This workshop also included a Dog Agility component for registrants. For the rest of FFF attendees, a complementary Agility session was held in Clan Gregor Square by P.E.T.S. of Clinton. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 9/15 6/13/2019 r M1, Week 41 Issue 431 Also new this year was Street Photography. This was probably the most visible sign of the presence of photographers in town this weekend. This was the second year the fest was almost completely sold out in most workshops. Over thirty of the participants have come all five years which is a great testament to the quality of the event. The Art of Landscape workshop introduced photographers to Phil Gemeinhardt's rather eclectic Bayfield North Flea Market to the great delight of all participants. The bonus free Saturday evening workshop: Night Photography, which was started last year was another hit. Because of the overwhelming interest, registrations were capped at 65 and the workshop was broken into four locations so as not to compromise the individual learning experiences. This year the decision was made to add two three-hour Master Class sessions (Adobe Lightroom; Advanced Techniques and enhanced Macro -Photography) with restricted participation to give the more seasoned photographer a more in-depth growth experience. Also new this year was Street Photography. This was probably the most visible sign of the presence of photographers in town this weekend. The Art of Landscape workshop introduced photographers to Phil Gemeinhardt's rather eclectic Bayfield North Flea Market to the great delight of all participants. Rounding out the workshops were: a Victorian -dress Model Shoot, Creating Digital Video, Photography 101 and a very popular Windmill Lake Sunrise workshop. "This was the second year we were almost completely sold out in most workshops," said James Cowie, Committee chair and owner of PTTs, the event's sponsor. "Participants came from as far away as Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and Michigan and made FFF their weekend destination." Over thirty of the participants have come all five years which is a great testament to the quality of the event. A Wine and Cheese event closed out each of the two days. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 10/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 The bonus free Saturday evening workshop: Night Photography, which was started last year was another hit. .40 ► • �' �AV 6 This year the decision was made to add two three-hour Master Class sessions including, enhanced Macro - Photography. GMiE -4ft Winner Landscape category - Vreni Beeler . "A big thank you again to all our sponsors who helped make this event special," said Pal. "Please mark Sept. 29-30, 2018 in your calendar for the sixth annual Bayfield Fall Foto Fest. It's a must for anyone interested in improving their photography." CONTEST L' ST Wu•I1. ERS Fall Foto Fest 2017 (FFF) held another successful photo exhibition and contest this year with 125 submissions from all across Ontario and the Great Lakes states. The two categories were: Landscapes and Wildlife. All submissions were on display to the general public and all registrants free of charge at the Bayfield Town Hall during the entire Fall Foto Fest weekend. Visitors were also given an opportunity to assist in the judging by voting for the Ashwood People's Choice Award: a weekend for two at The Ashwood INN. The winner of this award was Bayfield's own Jane Seifried and member of the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB). All winners were announced at the closing Wine and Cheese reception on Sunday, Oct. 1. According to FFF participants, the overall qualityof the photos were outstanding. The Grand Prize donated by the event sponsor Photo Tour Trekkers, was a trip to Italy in 2018 with Photo Tour Trekkers. The winner was Laurie Ann Milne, of London, ON. First Prize winners in each of the categories, received $200. Two Honourable Mentions prizes, gift packages from local area merchants, were awarded in each category. The winners in each of the categories were: Landscape - first, Vreni Beeler, of Zurich, (PCoB member); Honourable mentions, Mike Cassidy, of Guelph, ON and Bryan Nelson, of London, ON. Wildlife - Linda Pepper, Chatham, ON; Honourable Mentions, David Huffman, Blenheim, ON and Elizabeth Van Den Broeck, Goderich, ON. For a complete list of winners and their wining photos go to: http://phototourtrekkers.com/tours/bayfield-fall- foto-fest-201 7/ Organizers would like to pass on their congratulations to the winners and send out a special thanks to everyone that participated in the contest and to the prize sponsors. Photographers are encouraged to submit photos to next year's event. There is no requirement to register for FFF in order to participate. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 11/15 �r a.MI IA}. Winner Wildlife Category - Linda P, ,)per Y f • a a # . • i Winner People's Choice Jane seifried F HAY MHTHA . I� s�u� II Il 519-236-4381 EAYFIE;La FIE ANICIAL C.?2K1F1�.,& PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK --Z I/ .9-4— . ASSAGE THERAPY 519.565.4711 err cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week41 Issue431 /tabid/852/Default.aspx 12/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 Angry Huron... By Nancy Rome Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye – please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued SUBMISSIONS r }_ Bayfield Mews qZ�niv s* Exclusive 55+ Community One Floor Townhonics 519. 555 - 4542 www_Wieldmews.ca oESf� DESIG N— 11"Ocn. ant. DESIGN: BUILD D�NDSCAFING SALES & IN':TXLL,T10N G.SPDEN CENT EF' 741980, BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 296 7573 f 519 565 7773 Inton ity Eve"rythling! LAKE HURONREAL LS'Wt. From 1791 - the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Two hundred years later - April 1999 – 13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, CO July 1999 - 9 killed, 12 injured: Atlanta, GA cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 13/15 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 41 Issue 431 September 1999 — 7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth, TX, Nov. 1999 - 7 killed: Honolulu, HI Dec. 2000 - 7 killed: Wakefield, MA March 2001 - 2 killed, 13 injured: Santee, CA Oct. 2002 - 3 killed: Tucson; A series of sniper -style shootings occurred in Washington DC, leaving 10 dead. July 2003 - 5 killed, 9 injured: Meridian, MS Aug. 2003 — 6 killed, Chicago, IL. Nov. 2004 — 6 killed, 2 injured, Birchwood, WI March 2005 — 7 killed, Brookfield, Wi.; 9 killed, 7 injured: Red Lake, MN Jan. 2006 - 6 killed: Goleta, CA Oct. 2006 — 5 filled, 6 injured, Nickel Mines, PA Feb. 2007 - 5 killed, 4 injured: Salt Lake City, UT April 2007 - 32 killed, 17 injured, Blacksburg, VA Aug, 2007 — 3 killed, 1 injured, Dover, DE Dec. 2007 - 8 killed, 4 injured: Omaha, Neb.; 6 killed, Carnation, WA Feb. 2008 — 5 killed, 1 injured, Chicago, II; 5 dead, 16 injured, DeKalb, IL, July 2008 — 3 killed, Phoenix, AZ Sept. 2008 — 6 killed, 2 injured, Alger, WA Oct. 2008 — 2 dead, 1 injured, Conway, AR Dec. 2008 — 9 dead, Covina, CA March 2009 — 10 killed, several towns, AL; 8 killed, Carthage, NC; 6 killed Santa Clara, CA April 2009 — 13 killed, 4 injured: Binghamton, NY: 3 killed, Hampton, VA; July 2009 — 6 killed, Houston, TX Nov. 2009 — 13 killed, 42 injured, Fort Hood, TX Feb. 2010 — 3 killed, 3 injured: Huntsville, AL Aug. 2010 - 8 killed, 2 injured: Manchester, CT Jan. 2011 - 6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, AZ Oct. 2011 - 8 killed, 1 injured: Seal Beach, CA Apr. 2012 - 7 killed, 3 injured: Oakland, CA July 2012 - 12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, CO Aug. 2012 - 6 killed, 3 injured: Oak Creek, WI Sept. 2012 - 6 killed, 2 injured: Minneapolis, MI Oct. 2012 - 3 killed, 4 injured: Brookfield, WI December 2012 - 27 killed, one injured: Newtown, CT June 2013 - 5 killed: Santa Monica, CA Sept. 2013 - 12 killed, 3 injured: Washington, DC Apr. 2014 - 3 killed; 16 injured: Ft. Hood, TX May 2014 - 6 killed, 7 injured: Isla Vista, CA June 2015 - 9 killed: Charleston, SC July 2015 - 5 killed, 3 injured: Chattanooga, TN Aug. 2015 — 2 killed, Roanoke, VA Oct. 2015 - 9 killed, 9 injured: Roseburg, OR Nov. 2015 - 3 killed, 9 injured: Colorado Springs, CO Dec. 2015 - 14 killed, 22 injured: San Bernardino, CA June 2016 - 49 killed, 58 injured Orlando, FL; 3 killed: San Francisco, CA Sept. 2016 - 5 killed: Burlington, WA Jan. 2017 - 5 killed, 6 injured: Fort Lauderdale, FL June 2017 - 5 killed: Orange County, FL. Oct. 2017 - 59 killed, more than 500 injured: Las Vegas, NV - Melody 'With records from The Telegraph, 2015 and The Los Angeles Times, 2017. Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 14/15 6/13/2019 Week 41 Issue 431 / BAYFIELD BREEZE O SHARE MVEl , 5 1 G N U P f 4 R BAYFIELD BREEZE C LICK HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Commiftee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek4l Issue431/tabid/852/Default.aspx 15/15