HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2017-07-12, Page 16/13/2019
Week 29 Issue 419
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SHARE MWF12 ... July 12, 2016 Vol. 9 Week 29 Issue 419
Due to the amount of discussion and requests from
residents to have a meeting regarding the proposed
development at 89 Main Street South, Municipality of
Bluewater Councillor and Bayfield Ward
Representative Bill Whetstone has booked the
Bayfield Community Centre for a special meeting to
be held on Sunday, July 16 starting at 1 p.m.
This meeting will provide an opportunity for him to
listen to both the positive and negative comments on
this proposal. All are welcome.
An online petition has been created regarding the
proposed development at 89 Main Street South in
the village. The petition entitled, "Preserve Bayfield,
Ontario's heritage culture - say "NO" to corporate
encroachment" that will be sent to the CAO of the
Municipality of Bluewater Kyle Pratt. It was launched
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Week 29 Issue 419
n Architecture Inc
A Bayfield summer resident, who is also a professional planner with a Masters in Urban Design
offered Bluewater Council some food for thought when it came to the proposed development of
a 20 -seat Tim Hortons Restaurant, convenience store and self -serve gas station at 89 Main
Street South in the village during their Committee of the Whole meeting on July 4.
Deanne Mighton is Senior Urban Designer at the City of Toronto but has been coming regularly
to Bayfield since she was five years of age and now brings her own children to the village.
In her opening address to council she noted that she "has been unsettled by the application
(that was put forth for the development) on a number of accounts."
"It complies with zoning in terms of use but it does not comply with your Official Plan."
Mighton then directed council's attention to statements within Bluewater's Official Plan (Pg. 28)
that states commercial or industrial may be permitted subject to: the use is compatible with the
character of the area; adequate services and storm drainage are available; highway
commercial areas will be developed to complement and not compete with or undermine the
core area commercial functions.
She then went on to explain how the current proposed design of the development does not
complement the aesthetic qualities found throughout the village and that it does compete with
the core area as there are already established coffee shops, convenience stores and two gas
"The design is quite general, it is horizontal siding, concrete and asphalt, the colors are quite
dark and historically the village buildings are light. It does not take any clues from the heritage.
The people who have designed it have copied and pasted it 60 times across Southwestern
Ontario. They have not taken any time to fit it into its location," Mighton told council.
One of the major concerns Mighton expressed was the planned signage for the development
"The planned sign is higher than the Bayfield Town Hall. It will compete with the town hall and
the peaks of the historic churches. It will be the largest thing in Bayfield."
She stressed that the proposal "is a foreign design that has landed here and quite frankly it is
just not good enough."
Mighton also pointed out that the plan for vehicular stacking (drive-thru) allows for 15 cars that
would imply large traffic volumes are expected. In Toronto plans for car stacking are set at 10
cars maximum.
She also highlighted the fact that the proposal has no connections to adjacent commercial
uses or shared access.
"There is no safe way to get to the liquor store or the grocery store. There is no pedestrian
access. Best practices should be put in place if council is going to endorse this project. Council
should be asking for modifications on these points," she said.
Mighton noted that the proposed gas station is an Esso and there is already an Esso station in
midday on July 11 and as of publishing time had
generated 153 signatures.
For anyone interested in viewing the petition please
visit: www.change.org
Editor's Note: The Blue Bayfield Board has approved
for circulation the letter that they respectfully
submitted and addressed to the Mayor and Council
of the Municipality of Bluewater on June 27 regarding
the proposed development at 89 Main Street South
in Bayfield. Printed below for the information of the
community is their letter in its entirety:
We recognize that "Timmy's", despite being majority-
owned by Brazilian/American investment firm 3G
Capital is, to many, a Canadian institution. We are
also aware that property designated for the proposed
development is zoned as commercial.
Blue Bayfield is the recognized voice of the
environment in the region and is indeed recognized
internationally for its environmental leadership. Our
mandate includes working to reduce the plastics in
our lake and river. There is a substantial body of
evidence that indicates that the Great Lakes contain
as much plastic debris as the oceans.
Blue Bayfield has worked diligently in the village with
the support of 39 community organizations, to reduce
the plastics that enter our waters and litter our
beaches. Single -use bottled water use is
discouraged as we are an internationally acclaimed
Blue Community, one that recognizes water as a
human right and agrees to work towards the
elimination of single -use bottled water. To that end
we have installed, with the support of 23 sponsors
including the Municipality of Bluewater, five refill
stations at various points around the village. To date,
over 10,000 bottles have been refilled in the 18
months that the program has been in place. What
makes this even more significant is the fact that the
two outside stations are closed in the winter
The citizens of Bayfield in cooperation with Blue
Bayfield, The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association
and Love Your Greats, regularly clean the streets and
beaches of debris. As in many communities that do
the same, plastics and other containers from fast
food outlets rank second only to cigarette butts in
quantity collected. In volume, plastics clearly rank
first. While wrappers and cups are a concern, plastic
straws and polystyrene containers risk breaking
down physically into micro- and nano- particles after
they enter our water and will not bio -or photo -
decompose for hundreds of years. These same
waters are our source of drinking water. Most
treatment plants cannot filter out these micro- and
nano -particles and microbeads associated with
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Week 29 Issue 419
"The village has a small population and many franchises have limit distance agreements. I
have seen situations where people have gotten excited because a Loblaws was planned for
their neighborhood only to learn after the fact that due to these agreements they were
presented with a Price Chopper instead," she explained
She also sited Page 30 of the Official Plan regarding Bayfield's Community Design when it
comes to appropriate levels of buffering between uses of land to minimize conflict and increase
"The development is adjacent to residential property and the project is pushed back against
these neighbors with no allowances for buffering," she said.
The Official Plan (Pg 30) states that the municipality will encourage a continuing reduction in
the existing levels of air, water, ground and noise pollution.
"This proposed land use does the opposite," said Mighton. "There will be new fuel tanks in an
area with a high water table."
In conclusion Mighton also asked council to consider the economic goals and aspirations of the
existing businesses in the community.
"I implore council to go speak to the local Main Street business owners in Blyth where a similar
development was approved and built."
Bayfield Ward Councilor Bill Whetstone thanked
Mighton for the work she had done to present to
council. He made council aware that he has
received a number of emails and phone calls
regarding the project and a leading concern is
the sewage issue.
"It is capacity versus volume. Let's face it Tim
Hortons gets used as a bathroom for travelers
along the highway. We have property owners in
the village that are waiting to build but can't do
so because of the sewage issue and we could
face potential litigation if this development
proceeds and these property owners are left
waiting," Whetstone said.
Mayor Tyler Hessel also thanked Mighton for
her presentation. He then asked that she
provide council with a written statement that
could be added to the existing presentation
outlining the additional comments she made in
her evening's address.
Councilor Whetstone then made a motion:
"Moved by Councilor Whetstone, seconded by
Deputy Mayor Jim Fergusson that the
Committee of the Whole recommend to Council
that the presentation and written comments to
be prepared and submitted by Ms. Mighton be
provided to staff, and that the Planner be required to review the information."
The motion carried.
Hay East Ward Councilor John Becker spoke in favor of the development commenting that he
wished they could get one for Dashwood.
"Tim Hortons can do good things for the community. They hire people. They send children to
camp. They support the local fire department. They support the community," Becker said.
He also stated that competition for gas stations is a positive, as it would keep the price of gas
cosmetic and personal hygiene products. In addition,
aquatic species assume these plastic bits are food.
As a Blue Community we are also conscious of the
impact of idling cars on the air quality. A check with
environment Canada air quality reports will
demonstrate that our region is prone to high levels of
air pollutants.
We are not anti -business. On the contrary, we
welcome to our community any business that
respects our local environmental interests and policy
initiatives. We are hopeful then, that if Tim Hortons is
granted permission to locate here, that it uses this
facility as a model for all other stores in the chain by:
1 Discontinuing the sale of single -use bottled water
2 Providing only biodegradable take away product
containers and straws
3 Considering elimination of a "drive thru" window
4 Designing its business structure to reflect the
historic nature of the village
In making its decision, Council should take into
consideration the not insignificant impact that "big
chains" can have on local businesses. These locally
owned and operated businesses have a history of
engagement in all aspects of community life. What
will be the impact of yet another coffee restaurant,
variety store gas station when two already exist on
Hwy 21? Will the entry of this giant change the whole
nature of our village by threatening the survival of our
five existing "coffee shops"? Furthermore, what will
be the impact of a Tim Hortons presence on the over
usage of our limited sewage treatment facility?
This village prides itself on retaining its historical
character and its citizens spend thousands of
volunteer hours protecting its heritage features and
environmental quality. We ask Council to support the
village's efforts to improve the "first impression"
visitors have of the village, that which they see when
driving on Hwy 21. We believe that having this
addition to our gateway is counterproductive.
At its Special Meeting of Council on July 4
immediately following the Committee of the Whole,
the Municipality of Bluewater Council accepted the
tender to Clean and Re -Coat the Roof Trusses at the
Bayfield Arena from Glavin Coating and Refinishing
in the amount of $88,000 plus HST.
Mayor Tyler Hessel and CAO Kyle Pratt were given
authorization to sign the contract upon receipt thereof
and Council directed staff to transfer the additional
funds from the Rec & Park Reserve for Contingency
and replenish the reserve in the 2018 budget.
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Week 29 Issue 419
Mayor Hessel made those present aware that the Bluewater Heritage Advisory Committee
(BHAC) had already commented on the project. (Editor's Note: Comments from the BHAC are
not available until the minutes of the meeting have been officially approved.)
Mayor Hessel also updated council as to the state of the development. He noted that the
developer is working with the MTO and also on the storm water issues and he doesn't expect
that they will be back to council for sometime.
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Thomas Lewandowski, aged two of St. Catharines, ON, got really creative with the red paint when designing
his Canadian flag at the craft time hosted by the Friends of the Bayfield Library on Saturday.
The Canada Day celebrations continued on July 8 when the Friends of the Bayfield Library
hosted a time of crafts and games outside at the library.
The youngsters had some fun getting creative using red and white with opportunities available
to make a flag, a beaver, a lantern and a bird. They could also paint a flowerpot, try a Canadian
I Spy game and join in a scavenger hunt.
Organizers are only days away from rolling out the carpet...
Get Ready! The Pioneer Park's 70th Annual
Rummage Sale is this Friday, July 14.
Get Set! It all happens at the Bayfield Arena. The
outdoor sales begin at 6:30 p.m. The arena doors
open at 7 p.m. and the Silent Auction begins at the
same time.
...and opening the gates on the 70th annual Pioneer Park
Rummage Sale. All are welcome to this legendary annual
event to be held on July 14. (Submitted photos)
Go! All items are full price from 7-8 p.m. There are
drastic reductions to half price from 8 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. And then tradition dictates that grab bags are
sold starting at 8:30 p.m. because everything must
Those who attend are asked to keep an eye on the
Silent Auction tables for bid closing times.
School is just out and already the Bayfield
Agricultural Society (BAS) is letting everyone know of
an educational event to be held on July 15.
The BAS is organizing its second Breakfast on the
Farm event on a dairy farm from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Located at 41090 Mill Road, East of Brucefield, the
hosts Tyler, Emily, Henry and Patti Hendriks welcome
everyone to see their 95 milking Jersey cows in a
brand new facility.
This year the farming operation will feature Jerseys
and the barn will highlight a new tunnel construction
method for ventilating the space within it. With any
tour of a modern facility, biosecurity risks are a
concern so there may be a boot bath needed before
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Handprint Canadian flags was just one of the clever crafts that young visitors got to make outdoors at the
Bayfield Public Library midday on July 8.
Week 29 Issue 419
Meagen Lewandowski and her four year-old daughter, Olivia, worked
together to make a Canadian flag handprint craft on Saturday at the
library. The whole family was visiting Bayfield and all enjoyed the craft
time including older brother, John aged six. (Not pictured.)
entering the barn and no pets are allowed at the
In addition to learning about modern dairy farming,
everyone attending will be served a hearty breakfast.
This year the BAS is pleased to partner with the
Londesborough Lions Club to prepare the meal
consisting of sausages, bacon, eggs, pancakes with
maple syrup, toast and milk or coffee. The meal can
be eaten under a tent set up to keep everyone
sheltered. Visitors will be able to eat at the new
tables the BAS bought recently.
The children will have some activities to keep them
amused while their parents take time to visit with
neighbors and friends. There will be some machinery
to look over and several organizations will have
booths set up to explain what they do to support our
agricultural industry in this area.
There will be tickets available at www.bayfieldfair.ca.
Directors will have tickets and they can be obtained
by calling 519 440-6639, 519 482-5490, or 519 482-
9296. Extra tickets were made available this year to
accommodate more visitors. A few will be left at the
gate but it would be wise to obtain them in advance
since the event was sold out in advance of the
Breakfast date last year. Volunteers are always
welcome. If you would like to assist with the event,
contact the BAS through info@bayfieldfair.ca.
July 15 should provide a great opportunity to learn
what is behind another barn door in the community.
Back by popular demand, this month's Bayfield
Historical Society (BHS) guest speaker is Bayfield's
own Dr. Charles Wallace.
After a seven-year hiatus, Dr. Wallace has agreed to
continue with his "Long Road from India to Bayfield"
life story. Do not worry if you were not present for his
first presentation; he has so many stories to tell that
this presentation will be a most interesting event in
This month's meeting will be on Monday, July 24
commencing at 7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Lions'
Community Building.
Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the
meeting, memberships are available and all are
welcome to attend.
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Kathy Dalton, of Bayfield, will be one of the lovely
models at the Vintage Clothing and Accessories
Fashion Parade to be held as part of the events at
the Bayfield Antique and Collectibles Show and Sale
on Aug. 13. JMR Collections on Main Street in the
village is sponsoring the fashion show to be held in
the Bayfield Arena. Folks are encouraged to come
and see what vintage look this model will be
sporting on the day! (Submitted photo)
p.m. Admission on these two days is $5.
Week 29 Issue 419
Everything old really is new again at the 32nd
Annual Bayfield Antique and Collectibles Show
to be held Aug. 11-13.
New this year, admission to the Gala includes
free admisstion to the show on Saturday and
Sunday! Tickets for the Gala are on sale now at
Brandon Hardware and JMR Collections both in
Bayfield or by calling 519 565-4102.
The Friday Gala is the perfect time to mingle
with dealers and enjoy some wine and cheese
from 6-9 p.m. Attendees will also get a head
start on the stamping of their "Your Passport to
Future Treasures" to be entered into a raffle for
three awesome prize packages. In addition,
visitors to the Gala should be on the look out for
models dressed in fashions of yesterday. These
gals will provide a sneak peak at what will be
shared during a Vintage Clothing and
Accessories Fashion Parade to be held on
Sunday afternoon from 1-2 p.m. and sponsored
by JMR Collections on Main Street.
The Show will be open on Saturday from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4
Another new feature of the 2017 show is an opportunity to have family heirlooms or special
finds appraised by Tim Saunders, of Three Squirrels Antiques in Bayfield. There is three -item
limit and donations are appreciated.
As always the fabulous Cafe will be open during show hours on Saturdays and Sundays when
visitors can enjoy a very reasonably priced sandwiches, sweets and cold beverages or coffee.
Proceeds from this event go toward Trinity Anglican Church's needs and outreach.
So who is coming to this year's event? Seller Spotlight is an occasional, question and answer
feature in the Bayfield Breeze to highlight dealers that will be taking part in the show and sale.
The second business to be featured is "Land and Ross Antiques & Design".
"Land and Ross Antiques & Design" of Shakespeare, ON will be a returning dealer at the 32nd annual Bayfield
Antique and Collectibles Show and Sale on Aug. 11-13. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder)
Name of Business: Land and Ross Antiques & Design
Owners Name: Peter Land and Gayle Humphries and Wayne and Gloria Ross
Marty Allen as Johnny Cash. (Submitted photo)
The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) is
pleased to announce another tribute performance, on
July 29. This one features Southern Ontario artist,
Marty Allen, celebrating the music of the great
Johnny Cash. Many of us grew up with Johnny's
music, but younger people may know it best from the
2005 movie hit, "Walk the Line".
Allen was named after the late Marty Robbins and
weaned on Sun Record artists Elvis Presley and
He believes that "Honky-tonk and Rockabilly music is
as much about life as it is about music".
"it was a simple sound, yet energetic and
commanding," said Allen, who received his first guitar
at the age of eight. Although not musicians
themselves, his parents possessed a real love for
music. "There was always music playing in the house
and Sunday mornings we would hear the gospel
music crackling from the hi-fi."
Allen went on to form his own band, the Cadillac
Cowboys, with Dave Tufford, electric guitar; Cory
Richardson, upright bass; and Mike McDowell,
drums. He has released five independent albums:
"Daybreak's Coming", "Marty Allen", "Living Life",
"Blue Church Road", and the "Sun Sessions", which
he recorded at the legendary Sun Records Studio in
Memphis Tennessee, where B.B. King, Presley,
Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis all got their
To learn more and to check out his music, go to
www.martyallenband.com or YouTube.
Organizers note the people should get their tickets
soon, as they are expected to sell out. Tickets are
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6/13/2019 Week 29 Issue 419
Business location: Three stores in Shakespeare, ON
# of years attending Bayfield Antique and Collectibles Show and Sale: Eight
How long have you been a dealer? We established our business in 1980 and purchased our
first store in 1982.
Do you belong to any professional organizations, like dealer associations, appraiser
associations or organizations related to specific types of merchandise? Canadian
Antique Dealer Association, it has a code of dealer conduct and strict rules about stating all
Do you offer antiques, collectibles or both? We have always dealt in a wide range of
antique items. We also offer restoration services as well as a custom design and build
program. Many people think of us as furniture dealers but we sell a wide range of glass china
and decorative accessories.
Anything you would like to add about your business? We offer full exchange on all
antiques sold and are open all year round. We deliver regionally and shop nationally.
Hundreds gathered along the shoreline and pier to view the sunset and Boat Parade on Saturday night, July
8th, including several folks who found a great vantage point at Pioneer Park.
As predicted Pioneer Park was a very active place on the evening of July 8 as budding artists
converged on this lakeside green space. And the sun cooperated providing an amazing subject
for all to copy onto canvas as it set producing lovely muted colors of pink, orange and violet.
Well over a hundred people gathered in the park to view the sunset and watch the third annual
Boat Parade on the tranquil waters below. They were also in for a special musical treat as
singer Adam Lang performed several numbers with his guitar and harmonica as
Special thanks to the staff from Kryart Studios of Bayfield who came to the park with everything
inspiring artists needed to paint a beautiful Lake Huron sunset. They will be back at the park for
these free painting sesssions on: July 22, Aug. 5, Aug. 12 and Aug. 26. Please note rain dates
are scheduled for the following night if the sun fails to cooperate.
$20 ($25 at the door, if any are left). Doors open at 7
p.m. and the concert starts at 7:30 p.m.
For tickets, call Pat Pal, 519 565-5340 or Sandy
Scotchmer, 519 565-2830, or go to
www.ticketscene.ca. The BTHHS thanks OLG for
their sponsorship of this event.
The Black Fly Sunset Caravan was comprised of a small group
of travellers that began their journey on July 6 in the
Ridgetown area and have been working north along the Lake
Huron shoreline. They spent the night in Bayfield Agricultural
Park on Sunday night. (Photos by Doug Yeo)
Under a threatening sky about eight vintage trailers
parked for the night on July 9 in the Bayfield
Agricultural Park. The local DJ who plays at the
Sunday Outdoor Market continued to pump out his
tunes as each trailer found its resting spot for the
One of the trailers in the carava was over 50 years of
age and was made in Hensall. The small group of
travelers began their journey on July 6 in the
Ridgetown area and has been working north along
the Lake Huron shoreline.
One young family with three children have enjoyed
all the experiences they have had in each small
community including an indigenous community
where they were able to participate in some of the
activities being put on.
The trailers were a great reminder of how traveling was done
many years ago.
Rick Meyers, who organized the excursion of the
Black Fly Sunset Caravan, wanted to thank Shop
Bike Coffee Roasters for its hospitality. While in town,
the group planned on taking a tour of downtown
Bayfield and definitely was going to see the harbor.
The trailers were a great reminder of how traveling
was done many years ago and is still being enjoyed
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Week 29 Issue 419
July 8th marked the first of five Paint the Sunset
Nights at Pioneer Park. The next one is set for July
22 (rain date July 23).
Staff from Kryart Studio on Main Street in the
village were on hand to help out and supply
everything that a budding artist would need to
create at this free event.
No two sunsets are alike both on canvas and in the sky!
All ages and skill levels enjoyed participating in the painting.
today by groups such as this.
The Wednesday afternoon Bridge group would like to
invite people to come and join them in some friendly
card games at the Bayfield Lions' Community
Building starting at 1 p.m.
Join in the fun with congenial players with snacks at
a cost of $1.50 per person.
The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church in
Bayfield is inviting the community to come and enjoy
a delicious fish dinner with them on July 29 at the
Bayfield Community Centre.
Meal service for this seventh annual event will run
from 4:30-7 p.m. Fresh Whitefish is the main event
with homemade tartar sauce served alongside salad,
potatoes and a roll. Dessert features include
assorted homemade pies, squares and cookies.
Eat in or take-out. Tickets are available now by
calling Bettylou at 519 565-4770. Cost is $18 in
advance and $20 at the door per adult and $10 for
children 12 and under.
Shannon Gould, of the Bayfield Hearing Clinic, is
now offering her services out of Michael's Home
Healthcare offices just a couple doors down from the
pharmacy — two times a month.
July 18; Aug. 3 and 15; Sept. 7 and 19 are dates that
can be booked this summer.
The Bayfield Hearing Clinic offers appointments from
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The clinic offers: hearing aid adjustments and repairs
to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new
prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing
aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive
Please call Gould at the Bayfield Hearing Clinic, 1-
855-396-6026 to book an appointment.
Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to
let Bayfield residents know that full eye health
examinations are available at his Bayfield office.
Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children
and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main
Street Optometric uses current technology including
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Week 29 Issue 419
It appeared that a potentially record breaking crowd filled Pioneer Park on Saturday night - some came to
paint, some came to listen to music, others came to watch the Boat Parade - all came to view the sunset.
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Singer Adam Lang performed several numbers with his guitar and harmonica as accompaniment.
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a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital
retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like
glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic
Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an
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Week 29 Issue 419
Two staff can be found manning the reception desk at the Bluewater Area Family Health Team facility in
Zurich. (Submitted photos)
On time and on budget - these days, it's not very often this can be claimed at the completion of
a multi -month construction project. Rapidly escalating costs of materials, work delays due to
inclement weather, hold-ups in deliveries of goods and services for a variety of reasons and
many other excuses frequently affect the timing and cost of a new project.
Not so with the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) facility in Zurich which celebrated
the occasion with an Open House for suppliers, sponsors and patients on June 23. More than
200 people attended the event with Bluewater Mayor Tyler Hessel, MP Lisa Thompson and the
current BAFHT Board of Directors with Chair, Ric Grise acting as master of ceremoneis
welcoming guests.
The new BAFHT facility has a program and exercise room.
Scotiabank in Goderich hosted a hot dog barbecue last week
to help raise funds for the VHS Run4Kids event for Make -A -
Wish coming up on Sept. 3. To learn more about the event or
to register visit: http://www.vhsrun4kids.com (Photo by Vic
Organizers report that the Taw Connors concert
scheduled for the Hensall Heritage Hall, this
Saturday, July 15 has been rescheduled for Sept. 23.
They apologize for any inconvenience and note that
tickets purchased for this weekend's performance will
be honored or may be refunded.
In his show, Taw Connors takes to the stage in a
tribute to his late father "Stompin' Tom" Connors.
"Stompin' Tom" was a Canadian country and folk
singer -songwriter who is credited with writing more
than 300 songs in his lifetime. His music focused
exclusively on the Canadian experience and hits
such as 'Bud the Spud', 'Sudbury Saturday Night' and
'The Hockey Song' made "Stompin' Tom" a national
Taw has been quoted as saying, "I'll never fill that
man's shoes" but his voice sounds uncannily like his
fathers and thanks to Taw's "The Canadian
Stompper" tribute concert series, the music of
"Stompin' Tom" is alive again at venues across the
The show will start at 7p.m. at the Hensall Heritage
Hall located at 108 King Street.
Tickets are $35. For tickets please call Kathy at 519
263-2343. They are also available at D&D Variety in
Hensall, or Ticketscene. Those who plan to attend
are asked to get their tickets early so they don't miss
this special opportunity to celebrate Canada and
everything that makes this country unique.
Once again The Huron County Food Bank
Distribution Centre will sponsor The Back Pack for
Kids Program for the 2017-18 school year.
Registration for families has begun and will conclude
on Aug. 18.
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Week 29 Issue 419
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Patients and donors, Doug and Joyce McBeath with retiring BAFHT Board Chair Barbara Brown.
BAFHT Board Chairman Ric Grise and Executive Director Paula Kroll took questions about the clinic from
Bluewater Mayor, Tyler Hessel spoke to visitors at the Open House held on June 23.
Retiring Chair Barbara Brown and Director Steve Haberer pitched in with BAFHT staff that
included doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses as well as Paula Kroll, executive director, who
This year the Salvation Army has volunteered to
register the recipients and then prepare the
backpacks. Anyone who could benefit from this
program should contact 519 524-2950 or 519 482-
8586 to register.
The backpacks will be distributed during the last
week of August. Back packs for children registered
from Bayfield will be distributed by the Bayfield
Foodbank (Feed My Sheep).
The Huron County Health Unit (HCHU) is reminding
people to be careful if they come across discarded
needles at beaches, parks or other recreational
"Recently a discarded needle was discovered along
the shoreline in Huron County," said Dr. Maarten
Bokhout, Medical officer of Health for the HCHU.
"While the risk of being infected with a disease can
be low, it is important that people know what to do if
they come across a sharp object."
Sharp objects, such as used needles, razor blades or
any item that could cut skin should be handled
carefully. Parents should make sure children
understand that:
A child should never touch any needle. Tell them that
used needles can be dangerous and might make
them sick.
Children should tell an adult where the needle is.
If a needle pokes a child, he/she should tell someone
right away. The child will need to see a healthcare
provider as soon as possible.
Adults can safely pick up a sharp object by the
following steps:
• Get a free sharps container if you find a needle.
Call the health unit at 519 482-3416 or after hours
at 519 482-7077 to ask where in your community
you can get the container and where you can take
it when you have put the sharp object in.
• If that is not possible, bring a non -breakable,
puncture proof container with a screw-top lid to
where the sharp object is. Use a thick plastic jar,
empty bleach bottle or water bottle.
• Use pliers, tongs or tweezers to pick up the
• If it is a needle, hold the needle tip away from you.
• Put the needle into the container needle end first.
• Close the container tightly.
• Wash your hands.
• Take the container to the site recommended by
the health unit.
If you have been scratched, poked or cut by a
discarded sharp object, let the cut bleed freely. Wash
the area well with soap and water. Afterwards, apply
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together with office personnel all became fully engaged with visitors and acted as tour guides.
Event organizers feel that the new BAFHT facility is impressive and the number of health care
programs being introduced will surely help the clinic become a health care hub for the
community and surrounding area. Architect, Brad Skinner of Skinner and Skinner, of London,
handled the extension and refurbishing of the facility. K&L Construction (Ontario) Ltd, of
London, carried out construction. Shane Burch was Project Manager while Tony Kester was on
site every day as Site Supervisor.
Already,1,400 patients have registered with the BAFHT for health care from Zurich and
Dashwood, 650 from Hensall and Exeter, 600 from Grand Bend and 600 from Bayfield. Some
patients live even further afield — from as far north as Kincardine and as far south as Sarnia.
Residents in the Bluewater area looking for a family doctor should contact Executive Director
Kroll at 519 236-4413 or e-mail at paulabafht@hay.net.
Lukas Schilder (Submitted photo)
Lukas Schilder is a chicken farmer in Huron County with centuries of farming in his bloodline.
Like others in the agriculture sector, he is keenly aware of the advantages that adopting new
technology brings to his business. Looking to invest in a new chicken barn, Schilder and his
family recognize an opportunity to connect their farm operations with the expectations of
consumers and grow their brand.
Guided by a sector -wide commitment to animal welfare, Schilder is planning to equip a new
free-range facility with cutting-edge technology designed to monitor and broadcast information
about the state of his flock to stakeholders. Some of the technology being considered involves
a live 24/7 public video feed to demonstrate the care and treatment his chickens receive.
"We stay engaged with industry best -practices both in North America and Europe and
operations all over the world are adopting new technology to meet marketplace demands,
which include consumer information about the realities of growing food," said Schilder. "Our
farm needs access to high-speed Internet to be competitive."
In April, Huron County Council partnered with Comcentric — a cooperative of local Internet
service providers — to submit a funding proposal to the Government of Canada's Connect to
Innovate program. The project proposes to connect 98 per cent of Huron County's population,
including the Schilder farm, with high-speed fibre within three years. Expected to cost $31.5
million, the project requires a partnership with the Government of Canada to proceed. To
an antiseptic like rubbing alcohol or peroxide. Follow
up with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Like all health units in Ontario, the HCHU offers a
needle exchange program with community partners
in the county. Providing injection drug users with
sterile injection equipment helps reduce the
transmission of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other
blood-borne diseases. This reduces risk for both
injection drug users and the larger community.
An agreement has been signed to purchase the
house that will become the Huron Residential
Hospice. The property, located between Clinton and
Goderich on Hwy 8, has recently been rezoned to
permit a four bed residential hospice, and will
officially be owned by Huron Hospice Volunteer
Service (HHVS) at the end of August. There will be
an open house event announced soon, but some
renovations and construction will be needed to meet
life and fire -safety building codes for a hospice
before it can officially open in March 2018.
To date, all donations have been made through
HHVS, a registered charity with over 25 years of
experience providing hospice care in this region. A
residential hospice has been part of the HHVS
strategic plan for over a decade. The residential
hospice capital campaign is titled, "Moments Matter'
because the residential hospice aims to support
families through the process of losing a loved one
and embracing quality -of -life in their final days.
"Compassionate care in the heart of Huron," said
Kathy O'Reilly, chair of the committee, "it will not only
be a place where our people can receive the care
and services they require but will also be a place of
living and celebration."
Dr. Agnes Kluz, medical lead on the site
development committee and practicing physician in
Seaforth said, "This will offer another choice for
individuals to spend their final days, in addition to the
existing network of caring staff and volunteers that
are currently providing palliative care in our
community. Having the full support of the community
will be vital to building and sustaining this resource."
Community fundraisers have been popping up all
over the County. A strawberry social at Goderich
Place, the Huron County Warden's Charity Golf
Tournament, raffle tickets for a quilt, Hydrangeas for
Hospice, are all examples of how independent
groups are coming together to raise funds for
residential hospice. Many private donations and
memorial donations have also been arriving for the
Gwen Devereaux, the fundraising campaign chair
said, "If you have been considering donating, but
were uncertain if the residential hospice project was
moving forward, now is the time to make that
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leverage an investment by the federal government, Huron County Council has committed $7
million over seven years.
"With fibre connectivity we would be able to have all of our records for the entire growth period
for each group of chickens recorded electronically and shared in near real-time with our vet,
processing plant, food safety board and humane care program," added Schilder. "We would
have an opportunity to be world leaders in the poultry industry."
Huron County is one of the most agriculturally productive regions in Ontario with annual
commodity receipts totalling $1.2 billion.
"High-speed fibre connecting our farmers to the marketplace has the potential to unlock
incredible value within our agriculture sector," said Warden Jim Ginn. "Whether it's to join
consumers to producers or creating opportunities for value-added product development by the
agri-food industry, rural access to high-speed Internet would benefit the entire economy."
Bluewater Tug of War Team competing at 2016 World Championships in
Sweden. (Submitted photo)
Unbeknownst to many, Huron County is home to a Tug of War team that has competed around
the world representing Canada for two decades.
The 2017 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM 2017) Executive Committee is
proud to partner with Huron County's own Bluewater Tug of War team to host a Charity Pull on
the final day of IPM 2017, Saturday, Sept. 23. The Charity Pull is open to anyone wanting to
submit a team of eight to 10 people with a registration fee of $100. Each team will be pulling on
behalf of a self-selected charity in a winner -takes -all tournament. Advisors to the Bluewater
team will be offering free coaching sessions for teams registered to participate in the Charity
Pull. The Pull will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blaine Pryce is accepting registrations at 519 520-
7317 until Aug 31.
This is not a first for Tug of War at an IPM hosted in Huron County as Bluewater and the
Canadian Tug of War Association (CATOWA) hosted a league pull at IPM 1999 in Dashwood.
Ten professional teams came to pull, eight from across Canada and two from USA. CATOWA
will again host a league pull at IPM 2017 with four teams confirmed to participate. This will give
charity pullers and attendees the opportunity to see proper techniques and the skill of
professionals. If inspired, the Bluewater Club is looking for men and women to join ensuring the
teams growth and long-term success. Coach Jim Connolly can be reached at 519 521-9387 if
"Fun, fun, fun," describes Pryce about his Tug of War experience at IPM 1999. "For one of our
teammates his farm was one of the host farms at IPM 1999 so it felt like we were pulling at
home. Dashwood is also very supportive of our team so there were hundreds of people out
watching us pull, cheering us on."
IPM 2017 has committed itself to telling the stories of families in agriculture, in Huron County's
history and development of the Plowing Association, and their impact on agriculture in Huron
County. The Bluewater Tug of War team is much the same. With multiple siblings on the team,
with multi -generations pulling together, sport is being used to celebrate our families. Read
more about the Bluewater Tug of War families and their success in the August 2015 edition of
donation. We have the property, the zoning, the
plans, and the ministry support. You have the chance
to make a real difference for your neighbors, friends
and family here at home in the centre of Huron
For more information about the project, and to
donate, visit www.HuronResidentialHospice.com or
contact Huron Hospice Volunteer Service office at
519 482-3440 x6301 or Gwen Devereaux at 519
870-3667. Follow the project on Twitter
@HuronRezHospice and Facebook
Bayfield has been home to a Country Flea Market for
several decades. In more recent years, it has found a
new home in Agriculture Park; a home that offers
plenty of parking as well as some green space for
children to run carefree.
The Bayfield Agricultural Society provides this home
for the market that is open on Sundays from 7 a.m. to
2 p.m. (maybe a little longer depending on the
On July 9, Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield was privileged
to have enjoyed the gift of classical music provided by 13
year-old, Charlotte Leuking of Langley, BC. The two piano
pieces she performed were "Sweet Sorry" by Burgmuller and
"Moonlight Mood" by Gillock. Charlotte is the granddaughter
of Deb and Barry Amos former Knox congregants, now living
in the Kitchener area. Prior to arriving in Bayfield Charlotte
celebrated Canada 150 with her immediate and extended
family travelling to Montreal and then Ottawa for Canada Day.
(Submitted photo)
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Sportsnet Magazine, the June 2017 edition of Rural Voice, Bluewater's website tugofwar.net or
the CATOWA website catowa.org.
IPM 2017 takes place Sept. 19-23, with advanced tickets being sold at every municipal office in
Huron County for $15. Tickets will be available at the gates on the day of for $18 per person.
More information about all the programming and events for IPM 2017 can be found online at
plowing match.org/ipm-2017 or the Facebook Page Huron IPM 2017.
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Several hundred people watched the third annual Boat Parade from the pier, Nionect -at k ana Harbour- Lights
On July 8th, the Bayfield and Area Chamber of
Commerce (BACC) hosted their third annual Boat
Parade and it proved to be a picture perfect night.
This year there were prizes for the best Sail Boat,
Motor Boat and Paddle Boat. Twenty-two boats
competed for the prizes, Bayfield Farmers' Market
Bags loaded with Bayfield's favorite goodies and
Several hundred people watched the spectacle
from the pier, Pioneer Park and Harbour Lights
The winners were: Best Sail Boat — "Styx" for the
disco theme. Honorable mentions were to
"Feather" with the string lights and "Innovator'
with the 60s theme earned honorable mentions.
Best Motor Boat — "Drift". Best Paddle Boat - The
canoe with the rotating colored lights.
Organizers are appreciative to all those who
participated and especially to the Canadian Coast
Guard for making the trip to Bayfield as well.
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Week 29 Issue 419
I n .il residents took part in the Boat Parade including Dave and Lynne Gillians and Pat and Roger Lewington.
This year there were prizes for participants. The sailboat "Innovator' earned an honorable mention with their
fab 60s theme.
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Owners of sailboats, motorboats, canoes and rubber dinghies all got into the spirit of the parade.
Organizers are appreciative to all those who participated
and especially to the Canadian Coast Guard for making
the trip to Bayfield as well. (Photo by Erin Samuell)
Twenty-two boats competed for prizes, Bayfield Farmers'
Market Bags loaded with Bayfield's favorite goodies and
treats! (Photo by Erin Samuell)
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The winner of the best decorated paddle boat enjoys a turn on the tranquil lake.
Hawaii meets Bayfield with this very tropical entry in the parade.
On July 8th, the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC) hosted their third annual Boat Parade and it
proved to be a picture perfect night.
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Week 29 Issue 419
Drift earned the title of best decorated motor boat. (Photo by Erin Samuell)
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Bayfield Vette Fest 2017 had a record-breaking weekend when 319 Corvettes entered into the show, while an additional 18 cars were located outside Clan Gregor Square.
Bayfield Vette Fest 2017 had a record-breaking
weekend when 319 Corvettes entered into the
show, while an additional 18 cars were located
outside Clan Gregor Square.
"A huge thank you to all who showed up with their
Corvettes this weekend!" wrote the organizers of
the event on their Facebook Page. They noted
that the weather was great on both Friday and
Saturday night.
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Week 29 Issue 419
Perhaps the oldest Corvette in the park (1954) was this one owned by McKichan from Strathroy, ON. It
attracted a lot of attention from show visitors.
Dean Tully, of Bayfield, brought this 1958 model to the park on Saturday.
Cindy and Lennie Slipacoff, of Sarnia, ON, participated in Vette Fest with this beautiful 1960 model.
The Dark Horse Winery in Grand Bend was the
destination for the 76 Corvettes that took part in
the Friday Night Cruise.
Organizers also expressed thanks to all the
volunteers that assisted with the event as well as
to all the village and area merchants that donated
such beautiful door prizes and goody bag swag.
The participants were so happy to receive such
great items!
This 2003 Corvette owned by Jim and Donna Robbins, of
Talbotville, ON, had a prominent position in Clan Gregor
All the corvettes were gleaming in the sunshine so much
so that these individuals could be captured in the
reflection of a hood on a 2010 Corvette owned by Paul
Ackert, of Norwich, ON.
Not every Corvette was a solid color as demonstrated by
this vehicle. (Photo by Jack Pal)
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Week 29 Issue 419
Scott M., of Hamilton, ON, brought this corvette to the show that was the Official Pace Car for the Indianapolis
500 in the spring of 1978.
Dave Richardson, of Waterloo, ON, had a sense of humour when it came to displaying his red 2005 Corvette in
the Square.
little red Corvette takes pride of place under the hood. (Photo by Adriaan Schreuder)
Gleaming interiors complimented the sparkling exteriors
of the Corvettes on display. (Photo by Jack Pal)
There was a wide spectrum of colorful Corvettes on
display in the park on Saturday. (Photo by Jack Pal)
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Week 29 Issue 419
The vanity plates on the Corvettes were often as interesting and unique as the vehicles themselves. (Photo by
Adriann Schreuder)
The door design on this Corvette caught the attention of many. (Photo by Adriaan Schreuder)
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Week 29 Issue 419
There's a Full Moon on the Rise..... By Gary Lloyd -Rees
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
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So the topic on everyone's lips of late seems to be the proposed development at 89 Main Street South in Bayfield. Some may
be supportive of the project. Others may be against it. Still others may be ambivalent considering it a done deal.
But this is Bayfield and our residents have opinions and as awareness grows they are starting to express them. I have been
watching with interest the petition regarding the project that was launched midday yesterday on Change.org to check the
barometer on the issue.
There are many thoughtful statements being written in the comments on the petition and I thought I would share three of them
here. After all the Bayfield Breeze attempts to be the voice of the village and the people are speaking. — Melody
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Week 29 Issue 419
"Contradicts Bluewater Official Plan. Bayfield is one of the last small towns that embody tenets of traditional Ontario. I have no doubt that this development
would pick the pockets of all existing enterprise, and tarnish the prestigious heritage reputation that is so important to our village." — S.W. Bayfield
"Bayfield already has several great places to get good coffee. We don't need another. It will only make that intersection busier than it already is. Before we
know it, there's a traffic light, a Walmart, McDonalds and the small town of Bayfield is gone." — C.B. Bayfield
"Bayfield is a unique tourist destination. Community members have worked hard to keep it unique by preserving its heritage and restoring and maintaining
its environmental integrity. Allowing a business such as Tim Hortons into Bayfield will be the beginning of the dismantling of what makes it a unique
community." — J.V. Bayfield
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
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'ICP, L.
Founding Members
..._......................_.........................----- .... -- --- _..
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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