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Bayfield Breeze, 2017-04-12, Page 1
6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 BAYFIELDBREEZE IAN MATTHEW CA, I erre 519565 a33E I e PHARMASAVE �_ IIgpMUIgMpIIIIIIIIIIIIIG �, ROYAL LePAG HaNIA �IIIIIIdUIIIMIIpIIIpIIpUlp "�'`�"�`°" """" �-- y BAWIELDBRIVEEZE r i d rhe vrllugv'5 own gntone news sQvrcv i SHARE ®V 0 Apr. 12, 2017 Vol. 8 Week 16 Issue 406 SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED Members of the Bayfield Lions' Club and Municipality of Bluewater staff delivered 15 new picnic tables for Clan Gregor Square last week From I -r: Blair Langley, Bill Rowat, Bud Langley, John Davies, Don Vance, Ron Renning and Rusty Brandon. Prior to delivery members of the Lions' Club gathered at Bud Langley's home on EASTER EGG HUNT Forty-five pounds of chocolate, molded into the shape of Easter eggs, will be worth its weight in gold to countless youngsters when it is tossed on the lawn in Clan Gregor Square for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Hosted by the Bayfield Optimist Club the hunt will begin precisely at 1 p.m. on Apr. 16. Those youngsters who participate in the event are reminded to bring a container to collect their chocolate treasures in and remember the hunt happens very quickly so be sure to be on time. Tickets will also be sold for the raffle of a basket filled with Easter treats and toys. Tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5. The sale of these tickets helps cover the hunt expenses and the ongoing work the Bayfield Optimist Club does for youth in the community. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 1/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 Dow Street to assemble the tables before they were moved to the park. The Lions' donated the new tables as l�T/�T 7!� A l�T h77T Ti7lryL7 ANGLICAN NGL1l..L'i1� part of their Canada 150 project to spruce up the Square. Other initiatives include new mature trees to replace L" 1..111J1�CH dead and failing ones, bike racks, lawn reseeding, and a new mobile stage for use for events in the park and Maundy Thursday (Apr, 13) service at 7:30 p.m. A for other venues in the community. "We are indebted to Bud and Blair Langley for coordinating the table Good Friday service will be held at Trinity on Apr. 14 construction," said Lions President Bill Rowat. "We also want to thank Justin Fidler and his staff at the Holy Week has arrived and Trinity Anglican Church Municipality for helping move the tables to the park. (Photo by Tony Van Bakel) and St. James', Middleton will offer a variety of is less than the 500 metres." worship opportunities for those in the community. APARTMENT PLAN DEFERRED Services begin at Trinity with one being held on Apr. can remember the materials buried in the dumps. The results of the first stage are expected to 12 at 10 a.m. St. James', Middleton will host a be known early in April. The second stage of research will include drilling into the dumps by Maundy Thursday (Apr, 13) service at 7:30 p.m. A BY KEN LARONE Good Friday service will be held at Trinity on Apr. 14 A controversial apartment plan on Cameron St. near Hwy 21 in Bayfield was stalled for years starting at 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday (Apr. 16) last week by Bluewater Council. services will be celebrated at Trinity at 9:15 a.m. and is less than the 500 metres." at St. James' at 11 a.m. A sewer shortage in Bayfield was the main reason council deferred any decision on developing walking tours, help planning and participating in the 7.4 -acre plan owned by Wieslaw and Jadwige Kaminski. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1�Ul�l. Craig Metzger, senior planner for Huron County told Bluewater Council he received 17 letters from the public "that related to the appropriateness of the concept." Knox Presbyterian Church in Bayfield invites all in the community to observe Holy Week services at 2Main Also, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) told Metzger the MTO would oppose the subdivision Street North. entrance on Cameron because it would be too close to the intersection of Hwy 21 and Cameron. A Good Friday service will be held at 11 a.m. on Apr. 14. The congregation will view examples from Bayfield Councillor Bill Whetstone, has opposed the development since it first came to council through the centuries of fine artwork of Christ's several weeks ago. He said it could take years for an expansion of Bayfield's sewage system passion interspersed with classic hymns and prayers. to handle the increase of population density. On Sunday at 11 a.m. the congregation will celebrate "Many things in the community can change in four or five years," he added. the resurrection at an Easter Communion service Whetstone asked council to support Metzger's recommendation to defer the plan, which it did. with special music by soloist James Armstrong. A message of hope, "The Uncommon Sense of Two months ago the Kaminskis told council they wanted to build about 120 apartments on the Easter", will be shared and children will receive an site in four three-storey buildings. Council unanimously rejected the idea. Easter gift. Dump Update For more information, please call Lynn at 519 565- 4540. Three old dump sites in the south-east neighborhood of Bayfield may take another two months before a possible pollution threat is lifted. UNITED CHURCH For the past two months the effected residents and property owners have been anxiously waiting for Bluewater Council to let them know how quickly council can get the problem solved. Last week a "public notice" was issued by the municipality which outlined the procedures it will The congregation of St. Andrew's United Church is be following to test the threat of escaping methane gas or other toxic threats. Properties within Preparing for the arrival of the Easter season. 500 metres of the dumps are limited to what they can do with their properties. Holy Week will begin on Apr. 13 when reflective and Bruce Grant, Acting Works manager was author of the official "public notice" which the Ontario meditative worship will be held as part of a Maundy Environmental Planning Branch administers. There are two stages to the investigation of each Thursday Taize Service. Chants and music of the of the three sites. Taize community will be highlighted starting at 7:30 p.m. The first stage will be a collection of municipal records and discussions with individuals who ARCHIVES' H RING can remember the materials buried in the dumps. The results of the first stage are expected to The celebration of Easter Sunday begins with a be known early in April. The second stage of research will include drilling into the dumps by Sunrise Service at Pioneer Park on Apr. 16 at 6:30 Englobe Corporation, a soils and environmental engineering firm. a.m. A potluck breakfast occurs afterwards in the lower municipal government. church hall. An Easter communion celebration with Grant wrote, "The 500 metres distance could be reduced if it is determined that the actual area special music will take place during the regular is less than the 500 metres." worship service at 11 a.m. Too Much Tax Pressure ARCHIVES' H RING Deputy Reeve Jim Fergusson convinced Bluewater Council to establish a special committee to investigate ways to reduce and control municipal taxes. For the past two years Bluewater The Bayfield Heritage Centre and Archives is hiring council believes the Ontario government has downloaded too much of its tax responsibility on for the summer! If you love Bayfield, are social media lower municipal government. savvy, and want to help promote Bayfield's history, The cost of Ontario Provincial Police charges is Bluewater's biggest complaint. This year we want to hear from you. council police charges will exceed $1,473,720 an increase of $286,376 (24.12 per cent) higher On-the-job training supplied for conducting heritage than last year. walking tours, help planning and participating in cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 2/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 In a similar situation Bluewater has to pay a $305,503 levy to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority this year. A number of Bluewater councilors believe the levy should be paid by Ontario Natural Resources and Forestry under Minister Kathryn McGarry. Other non - discretionary costs levied by the province also include hydro and insurance. Bluewater's tax increase this year is 7.23 per cent higher than last year's taxes. Of that amount, 4.85 per cent was non -discretionary. SEASON WITH MASTER GARDENER Bayfield Garden Club members on a garden tour in 2016. (Submitted photos) Bayfield Garden Club (BGC) members are celebrating the arrival of Spring and invite all to join them on Apr. 17 at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. Their special speaker for the evening is Jim Fitzgerald, Stratford master gardener. Fitzgerald's presentation is entitled "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Vegetable Gardeners" and will begin at 7:30 p.m. Fitzgerald brings years of experience on starting and growing vegetables and flowers in his own gardens in Sebringville and during 15 years of cultivating a Community Vegetable Garden in Strafford. As a life-long gardener, he's been getting his hands soiled since his dad gave him his first trowel at the tender age of four. All his gardens have supplied his family, many friends and neighbors with a wide variety of vegetables every summer, fall and well into the winter. His extensive experience in starting, and cultivating a wide variety of plants in a small greenhouse has given him solid knowledge that is useful to beginning and experienced gardeners alike. summer events, assisting with Facebook maintenance, digitizing and documenting photograph collection and providing customer service to our visitors. Interested applicants can email their resume and cover letter with their interview availability to bayarchives@tcc.on.ca. Further information, if required is available by email, or messaging through Facebook. Applications close April 30th. HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Bayfield Historical Society is happy to present returning guest speaker and local author Bonnie Sitter as part of their Speaker Series on Apr. 24. Sitter has completed another book project, "Agriculture Today: a Portrait of Family Farms in Ontario". This 160 -page hardcover book is subdivided into five differing sections utilizing a combination of photos and descriptive text. This book should appeal to all — farmers and non -farmers, adults and children while taking the readers on an informative journey about the importance of our farming community. All are welcome to attend the evening as Sitter speaks about the creative process behind this undertaking. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm at the Bayfield Lion's Community Building. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting and memberships will be available for purchase or renewal. LAKETOWN BAND The Goderich Laketown Band will celebrate 50 years with an anniversary concert on Apr. 30. This special afternoon of music will begin at 3 p.m. at Lakeshore United Church in Goderich and will feature the premier of the composition, "Snug Harbour" commissioned for the band by Composer Jeff Smallman. The event will also feature special guests, Duo Percussion. Tickets are selling for $10 and are available from band members or at the door. HIGH-SPEED INTERNET Improving access to high-speed Internet in Huron County is a priority of county council. "High-speed Internet access is about connecting small businesses to the marketplace and our youth to their future," said Warden Jim Ginn. "The County of Huron is working together with local Internet service providers to expand access to high-speed broadband cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 3/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 Learning new skills and getting ideas from fellow gardeners is a big part of being a club member. The BGC has planned events for the season to appeal to both experienced and novice gardeners, including speakers and tours of unique local gardens. in our region." Recently, Council passed a motion to support, in principal, an application to the federal Connect to Innovate program put forward by Comcentric — a cooperative of the local Internet service providers. The proposal outlines a plan to build infrastructure that connects 98 per cent of the county's population with high-speed fibre optic Internet access over a three-year period. To leverage federal investment, county council is prepared to invest $7 million over seven years to fund this project. "Improving connectivity in Huron County is something we need to do," said Warden Ginn. "However, we cannot build broadband infrastructure alone and are calling on the federal government to partner with us." The Connect to Innovate application is due at the end of April, at which time the federal government will review the proposal. Over the coming months, county staff and Comcentric will develop a detailed business plan that ensures best value for any public money invested in this project. Their planned activities include: Annual Plant Sale in Clan Gregor Square, visit to a local art Home to 60,000 fulltime residents Huron County is studio and naturalized garden, Summer Pot Luck and Secret Garden walk, local viticulture visit, one of the most agriculturally productive regions in Q & A for Gardeners, Steve Jenkins speaking on the subject of migrating birds and attracting Ontario. Major sectors of the local economy are agri- them to our gardens, dinner at Renegades and the Annual General Meeting. business, manufacturing, professional services and tourism. To learn more come to the first meeting of the season of visit their table at the Bayfield Lions' Home and Garden Show Apr. 28-30. F A NMRS' N A RKET �i�l�l�.i�7 l�lt�l�l 1 The BGC is an active community group whose members support Bayfield and Bluewater by contributing to horticultural projects. There are lots of opportunities to socialize, learn and help The Bayfield Farmers' Market is gearing up for its out in the community. All are welcome to come out to a meeting and enjoy the speaker and the fourth season. With its commitment to fresh, locally company. grown and created products, the market has become a valued part of the community. HOME SHOW ENCOURAGES Opening day has been set for Friday, May 19, from 3 - DONATIONS TO FOOD BANK 7 p.m. in Clan Gregor Square. The market will run weekly on Fridays until Thanksgiving weekend. The market is currently seeking new vendors. Be sure to attend the Bayfield Lions' Club's 20th Annual Home and Garden Show at the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre, Apr. 28-30. Criteria for vendors can be found in the vendor handbook, which is posted on the market website This is a great opportunity for area residents to get to know their local product and service bayfieldfarmersmarket.com. Potential vendors can providers. Exhibitors will include experts in lawn and garden, home entertainment, d6cor and also Market also email Market Manager Mary Brown at Manager r Mary Bmaii.com comfort, investments, insurance, landscaping, leisure, pest control, porches and decks, real email er g for more estate, renovations, travel and water treatment. information. Also returning this year will be displays by local volunteer service and interest groups. Come and see their displays and consider joining in their activities and taking an active role in the HURON CENTENNIAL community. SCHOOL REUNION Admission is free. The show is open Friday, 5-9 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public is encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item that will be Fifty years ago, 600 students entered the doors of donated to the local Bayfield Food Bank (Feed My Sheep). Huron Centennial School at Brucefield for their first day. The new school was completed in late winter Attendees at the show will have a chance to win some fabulous door prizes. Other highlights of 1967 and made ready for the students to move in the event include face painting for children (Friday, 5-7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday noon to after the Easter holiday week. 2 p.m.) and a food court featuring beverages, snacks and delicious lunches at modest prices. Katie Durst from 104.9 The Beach will be broadcasting live from the show Saturday midday. Ten shiny new buses picked up the students in Stanley and Tuckersmith townships and the villages cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 4/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 The Bayfield Lions' Club organizes and runs the Home and Garden Show every year as well as many other annual fundraising events including the Lions' Breakfast in May, Walk for Dog Guides in June, Bayfield Calendar launch in July, a Lions' Golf Tournament in September, a Fishing Derby in October, and a Turkey Bingo in December. In 2015 Bayfield Lions raised over $40,000 from these events that were reinvested in the community to fund local projects such as the washroom in Clan Gregor Square, youth and elder programs, environmental projects and persons and families in need. The Lions' Club also runs its own building providing meeting rooms at modest prices for childcare, local clubs, associations and interest groups. RMDELL TO BE INVESTED IN AGRICULTURE HALL OF FAME A special community tribute will be held on Saturday, May 6, in honor of the remarkable Jack Riddell to mark his upcoming investiture in the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame. The event is being held from 4-8 p.m. at the Dashwood Community Centre and will include a meal, entertainment and a tribute to Riddell. Tickets are $15 and should be purchased in advance online (https://jackriddell- tribute. eve ntbrite. ca) or in person from Paul Steckle, at 519 565-2147. Riddell formally ended his 17 year run as a provincial MPP in Huron -Bruce in 1990 after an incredible tenure that also included a period as Minister of Agriculture and Food from 1985-89. Jack Riddell While he did not seek re-election in 1990, Riddell has remained an active Liberal, a member of the board of the Huron -Bruce federal Liberals and a key player in the 2015 election campaign. The official ceremony to install Riddell in the hall of fame takes place in Milton, on June 11. But his friends wanted to get the ball rolling early to celebrate this amazing person. "Jack is such a legendary character in this part of the world that we didn't want to miss this occasion to honor him and to recognize his installation in the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame," said Allan Thompson, communications chair for the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association, which is sponsoring the event. The $15 admission price will cover the basic costs of the event and includes a meal, entertainment and cash bar. "This event in Jack's honor is sponsored by the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association but is open to all as Jack's friendships cross over party lines," Thompson said. "And just to be clear, the funds being collected through ticket sales are not a donation to the federal Liberal party but will be used to cover the costs of the event. Any funds left over after we pay the bills will be given to Jack as a gift." BIRTH OFA NATION IN ICE of Brucefield and Egmondville and delivered them to the school. The first Grade 8 graduation was held in June 1967. Close to 3,000 students have graduated since the opening of the school. "it is remarkable that the first graduates are now over 60 years old and many of them have children and some have grandchildren graduating," said Arnold Mathers, of Exeter, who was principal from 1967- 1984. On May 27, a 50th year reunion of graduates will be held at the school. They will be welcomed by the past principals and staff. All past students and staff of Huron Centennial School are welcome to attend and help make it a day to remember. KNOX PLANT SALE Knox Presbyterian Church in Bayfield is pleased to partner with Huron Ridge Greenhouses for their annual Spring Plant Sale. Premium mixed hanging baskets (12 inch or 10 inch); and mixed patio pots (10 inch); and Peppy Red or Suzie Storm Petunias can be purchased from any Knox Church member or by calling 519 565-5142. Any questions concerning your prospective order can also be directed to the number above. If you would prefer a color or plant not mentioned the solution is easy - gift cards in $10 denominations. Why not give one or several as a gift for Mother's Day? It is worth noting too that no expiry date means you can shop in any season. All plants and gift cards will be delivered to your door on Friday, May 12 just in time for Mother's Day enjoyment. Importantly, all proceeds from the sale stay right here in Bayfield to support the annual 'Kintail on the Road' day camp, as an outreach of Camp Kintail it offers programming once weekly for eight weeks. July 5th is the start date for this year. Qualified Kintail counselors lead campers who have graduated from Junior Kindergaten to Grade 6 in fun and faith based activities and games. COOKIES FOR SALE 2017 marks the 90th year for the Girl Guide Cookie. The first generation of these treats took the form of a sugar cookie. These evolved into the classic chocolate and vanilla creme sandwich cookies that are available now as part of Bayfield Guiding's spring campaign. Cookies are selling for $5 a box. Profits from sales help with program activities and field trips. This year cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 5/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 The 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge took place on Apr. 9. Prior to the official date, on Apr. 1, Vimy Branch 145 of the Royal Canadian Legion in London marked the date by hosting a gala dinner in the Grand Ballroom at the London Convention Centre for 1,000 guests. All proceeds from the event went to the Poppy Fund. Two sculptures designed by Iceculture of Hensall were a highlight of the evening. They recreated in ice the Vimy Memorial as it stands in France as well as the grieving mother sculpture known as "Canada Bereft". Julian Bayley, of Iceculture, noted that many of the veterans present at the event were brought to tears by their recreation. (Submitted photos) �:r'll 67.000 soldiers of the Cansdin Ex t irionzry Force who died during tho First W rld Warr. This 250 acre site was built an Hill 145, rhe highest Namt of Vi- Rid— It as pr.rroaneatly ceded m Gnada by the Fr.�. 1, Governmrnt and was deducted by Zi; Edward VDI in July N36. Designed by Canadian sculptor and architect Walrer S. Alward, the menw W took 11 years b, band. It f-- s stamen thnt rL r—d where they stood. Th-- displays the es of 11,285 soldier, who died in France and whose resting place was then unknown. The name, aI 6,940 Canadian soldiers on who died in Belgium without a kno n s -d the Mmin Gam Memorial in Xpre�s,r130giuem- A description of The Vimy Memorial as explained at the War Musuem at The Citadel in Halifax. Click on the photo to read the description. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) BAYFI E LD S OF A --d4 BAYFIELD REMEMBER ME? Canada Bereft in ice. Integrity Everything! LAKE HURON MEAL rl--'SIA';j-.11Ml`rEP HAY MUTUAL ,I Ag 519-236-4381 the girls will be staying overnight at the Canadian Warplane Museum in Hamilton and hopefully sleeping under the wing of the Lancaster that was once a decoration at the Sky Harbour Airport in Goderich and is now one of two Lancs that were restored to fly. Anyone wishing cookies should contact Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 525-3830. VENDORS WANTED Are you looking for a great venue to sell your craft, promote your business or sell fundraising tickets? Are you a food vendor? The Bayfield Community Fair is looking for vendors for Aug. 18-20. An indoor or outdoor 8x10 space is only $40 ($1 per foot extra, $10/day for hydro). Please fill out the application http://bayfieldfallfair.ca/?page_id=886 and send to Anna Needles via email at amneedles@gmail.com. IMAGE THEMP 519,565.4711 ISSUE 404 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl6lssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 6/11 6/13/2019 Volume 8 Week 16 Issue 406 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions' or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, Emily Osmond is pictured circa 1925 wearing a fancy hat. Could it have been her Easter bonnet? Anyone remember her? (Archives Code:PB10008 PC) Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks COBBLE DESIGN — Fur:ch. Oat. OESI GK BIUILO LANDSCAPING SALES & IN'ITALL4TION G,PDEN CENTER 74199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 i 519 565 7973 0 SHARE MvEl . PHOTO STORY Attics I Spray Foam FF SqPIRLR�Illj ]e;rnrei1,a ©G In Issue 404, another image of a beautiful baby! This is a photo of Jean Isobel Kneeshaw at 8 month- old. Records indicate she was born on May 22, 1918. Does anyone remember her? (Archives code: PB12 2a) ISSUE 405 In Issue 405, we featured an image of "Charles" circa 1930. Bernice Reid reported that she believes this is an image of her late husband, Charles Reid, as a youngster. (Archives Code: PB10102 PC) I f i%tl e' I7d PLUfV'L�1wiG�i a S, 9 mS 242.0 i� 49Ff Ci u:0,�_^.TC q'+• cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl6lssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 7/11 6/13/2019 Week 16 Issue 406 BAYFTELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND ARCHIVES VILLAGE COTTAGES THEN AND NOW HISTORY OF PEOPLE CONNECTED WITH William Wellington Connor was born in about 1809 in Ireland. He came to Canada in 1834 aboard the Maria. In 1834, he built a log house on Lot 6, Mill Road, at the southeast corner of the Wildwood Line in Stanley Township. He married Jane Rutledge, a sister of Andrew Rutledge, who was born in Ireland in about 1806. The first property Connor bought in Bayfield was Lots 121 and 163 purchased in 1836, the same year he was appointed Clerk of Stanley Township. The 1851-52 Canada Directory lists William W Connor as an innkeeper in Bayfield. He built the Exchange Hotel on Lot 163 at the corner of Main and Catherine streets, possibly as early as 1845, replacing it in 1878 with the grander Queens Hotel. William W & Jane Connor's only child, daughter Catherine, was born in 1849. The house, pictured above, was likely built in the early 1850s; in 1855, Connor and his wife applied for an entertainment license so that they could use their house as a hotel. Connor died in 1889 and the property was assessed the following year to his widow, Jane, and his son-in-law, Francis Ryan. See WW Connor & Andrew Rutledge family trees, see also Profile of Land Speculators & Agents and For the Love of Bayfield. George Parke was born in Scotland in 1827 and came to Canda in 1842. He married Mary Anne Elliott in Stanley Township in 1853. They had six children: Mary Elizabeth (1854), Anne (1856), Catherine (1857), Margaret (1860), John Henry (1862), and Susan (1865). George is listed in the 1910 Assessment Roll as a yeoman aged 81; the property was valued at $525 and George also owned Lots 247, 248 and 250, making up the corner of that block. George died in 1911. See the Andrew Elliott family tree. The 1915 Assessment Roll lists Isabella Woods, a widow, as the tenant at Lot 249 and Emmanuel Ward, a blacksmith, as the tenant of Lots 247, 248, and the west part of 250. Kate Parke of Yonkers, New York, is listed as the owner. Editor's Note: This week we bring you a feature that will periodically appear in the issues of the Bayfield Breeze, "Village Cottages Then and Now" brought to you by the Bayfield Archives. For the last two years, Dianne Smith, a professional researcher, has been researching ownership records of properties, doing new research and assembling existing researched materials, on notable residents and buildings over the years, augmenting the info gathered years ago by the Bayfield LACAC. As a result a collection of the ownership history, as well as some family history for the homes and cottages in the older section of the village — residents on such streets as Tuyll, Colina, Anne, Victoria Place, Louisa and Charles — is evolving. The publication of these histories may be of interest to residents who also have history to share regarding these properties, stories to tell or stories that want telling. Anyone interested in providing more detail should contact the Bayfield Archives. The Photography Club of Bayfield was also enlisted to take street side photos of the properties as they appear today for the historical record. 091AERSDV IRSTORY OF 8 THE SQUARE (Lot: Plan 147 West Part Lot 249) 1851 NH Onoway 1853 William Wellington Connor; mortgage 1857 1897 George Parke 1911 Catherine Parke, Susan Parke 1941 William J Dowson 1954 Clifford E Talbot cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl6lssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 8/11 6/13/2019 BAYFIELQ FIP Week 16 Issue 406 � TEie moi, r+'j 2018-19 SEASON PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK • 440ME. • COTTAGE • BUSINESS Red, White & Blue... By Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued Me(- I''e.t optometric SUBMISSIONS cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl61ssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 9/11 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder each Week 16 Issue 406 Bayfield Guiding has a few adventures in the works for this spring and summer and in keeping with their mandate of making these activities affordable for all members they have some fundraising to do. In addition to selling cookies, the members are now selling some cheery and festive bows in celebration of the International Plowing Match (IPM) being held in Walton, ON this September. Volunteers with the IPM Beautification Committee recently made these bows in the theme colors of the Huron County event and they are available now to brighten porches, front doors, planters and mailboxes. The committee hopes many in the county will show their pride of hosting the IPM by purchasing these bows from Bayfield Guiding members or by emailing or calling me at the contacts below. The price has been set at $10 Bayfield Girl Guides will also be the benefactors of a Paint Night Fundraiser to be held at Camp Klahanie, 33260 Black's Point Road, just south of Goderich, on the evening of Apr. 18 (6:30-9:30 p.m.). For $45 participants will come away with a delightful painting of a lovely flower — the perfect piece of art to brighten any room. To reserve a spot please contact Becky Bradley at beckybradley1@hotmail.com - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. BAWIELD BREEZE �SHARE 'S SIGN UP FOR SAYFIELD BREEZE 1r1 {LICK HERE -J Founding Members ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl6lssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon EM 6/13/2019 Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 16 Issue 406 Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce The Dock's Restaurant Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Ian Mathew CA Falconer -Pounder Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl6lssue4O6/tabid/826/Default.aspx 11 /11