HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-11-16, Page 16/13/2019 BAYFIELD Week 47 Issue 385 BREEZE 4D P HARMA AVE �IIgIIpIIIgMIIIIIIICIIIIIbC .� ROYAL LEPAGE �� � IIi]21 13AL CAIN IVIA'iTHl`W CA s � g-sss-sass IP' � � w �BAWIELD BREEZE r 3 =3 rhe Vrflaye'€ewncarrhn�rrigvr€59ur(e LP SHARE ®O®. NOV. 16, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 47 Issue 385 FEEDING OPMRSM :q The Bayfield Food Bank (Feed My Sheep) received a boost from the Optimist Club of Bayfield recently to kick off the start of holiday giving. Treasurer of the Optimists John Pounder presented a cheque for $500 to Terry Boa-Youmatoff and Rev. Wayne Malott. This Christmas in Bayfield weekend others will have a chance to cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week471ssue385/tabid/805/Defauit.aspx POINSETTIA FESTIVAL Huron Ridge Acres has extended their annual Poinsettia Festival and Candlelight Event to include a third weekend! This year, the event named one of the Top Eight Christmas Light Shows in Canada by Wheels.ca, will run Nov. 17-19, Nov. 24-26 and Dec. 1-3. The greenhouse is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. during the festival. The candles are lit starting at 5 p.m. Huron Ridge Acres is located at 74101 Bronson Line, Zurich. UNITED CHURCH St. Andrew's United Church Women (UCW) will host their annual "Christmas Holly Berry Market and Bake Sale over the Christmas in Bayfield Weekend, this year it is scheduled for Nov. 18-19. The sale will be held at St. Andrew's United Church on Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 1/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 contribute to the food bank's good work by donating during the Santa Claus Parade as well as at The Glee Sisters concert. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) DEVELOPMENT FOR BAYFIELD BY KEN LARONE A packed Bluewater council chambers cheered council's unanimous decision to reject a new subdivision request for Bayfield. Municipal Planner Denise Van Amersfoort told council there were several reasons for rejecting the 7.5 acre plan of four three-storey apartment buildings including a parking lot for 175 parking spaces. Owners of the land are Wieslaw and Jadwiga Kaminski. Currently one water and one sanitary sewer services a single home on the property and no sewer capacity is available for the rest of the property. Mayor Tyler Hessel said the village's sewage lagoon will be filled to capacity when 46 approved individual building lots get homes built on them. Today the traffic intersection at Cameron and Hwy. 21 is considered dangerous. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The market will feature crafts, quilts and a food booth serving lunch. The Bayfield Agricultural Society will also be selling their always popular fresh green wreaths and swags outside at the front of the church with proceeds going to the Bayfield Community Fair. CHILI LUNCHEON On Nov. 19, folks are invited to make their way to Knox Presbyterian Church after the parade for their annual Chili Luncheon. A variety of chili offerings will be available including traditional, vegetarian and turkey served alongside garlic toast. Tea, coffee and juice are the beverages of choice. There will also be a selection of squares for dessert. The cost for the luncheon is $8 for adults and $5 for children under 10 years of age. "MTO has concerns on the intensified use" the 175 cars from a subdivision could add to the SCARVES AND TUNICS traffic danger at the intersection. l L. t�1�IL l Eighty-nine objecting letters to the subdivision were sent to Bluewater Council. They objected 20161111_143324 to the concentrated density that's not compatible with the current village. An increase in sewage capacity is expected to exceed $5 million and council doesn't have an affordable plan for current residents to raise the funds. Traffic concerns also included the lack of safe walkways at the corner of Hwy. 21 and Cameron Street. Other residents thought the developer was showing poor respect for council when council was trying to come to grips with enhancing the village's current charm. Bayfield Councilor Bill Whetstone claimed the plan was wrong for the community at this time and completely rejected it. His resolution was supported by the total council. This was followed by a cheer from one of this year's largest number of ratepayers to attend a meeting. Pat Graham, a long-time Bayfield resident and former municipal clerk, urged council to remain sensitive to Bayfield's reputation as a small charming community where residents work hard to keep it pleasant for its residents and visitors. Dave MacLaren, representing the Bayfield Ratepayers' Association asked council to work with a community that puts quality ahead of quantity. Planner Van Amersfoort said a burial ground abutting the proposed subdivision goes back to 1876 and may be an archaeological site of significance which provincial policy protects. In conclusion, she told council the Kaminski property "would be best developed through a comprehensive Plan of Subdivision." DON AN UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER AND HELP SPREAD FESTIVE CHEER There is a general buzz in the air as the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) Christmas in Bayfield Committee makes the final preparations for their annual festive weekend, Nov. 18-20. Now just two sleeps away, the lights are strung in the trees in Clan Gregor Square and along Main Street. Wreaths are being placed on doors and windows creating an inviting ambience for people to begin their holiday shopping and share in some village traditions. This year, along with a new weekend for the event, there is a fun little twist! Nov. 18 is Ugly Christmas Sweater Day in the Village and all are encouraged to root to the back of their closets A sample of ]ane MacLaren's creativity. The talented Jane MacLaren will be holding her annual scarf and tunic sale this Saturday, Nov. 19 and will once again be donating a percentage of the proceeds to the Bayfield Food Bank (Feed My Sheep). The sale will be held in her home at 41 Main St. S. (Hwy. 21) from 1-5 p.m. BAYFIELD MEWS The lights in Clan Gregor Square will be turned on Nov. 18 and then on the following night, Nov. 19, switches will be thrown on the lights at the Bayfield Mews 55+ Retirement Community. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 2/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 and pull out that delightful sweater that looked so darling in the 90s, squeeze on into it and Area residents are invited to join in this annual event head to the tree lighting in Clan Gregor Square at 7 p.m. There will be carol singing and a visit that is held no matter the weather. The suggested from a very special guest in a red suit. arrival time is 5:30 p.m. with the lights being turned on at 6 p.m. Sixty trees will be lit up around the The stores on Main Street will be open on Friday evening until the crowds fade away as well as neighborhood as people walk past them along the from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. street. Apple cider will be served after the last lights Visitors to the village can enter into a draw that will be held on Dec. 23 (no purchase are illuminated. necessary). Ten lucky winners will receive a $100 gift certificate to the participating business of Mews residents are pleased to announce that the their choosing. Shoppers may enter as often as they like but are only eligible to win one prize last block of houses in Phase One are scheduled to per shopper. be complete by the end of this month or early in Saturday visitors are invited to take in the annual Santa Claus Parade down Main Street. The December. Phase Two of the community will include excitement of this small town tradition begins at 11 a.m. Please note that the Bayfield Fire 16 more residences as well as a clubhouse. Department will be collecting for the Food Bank during the parade. "Not only have we accomplished what we set out to After the parade, youngsters are encouraged to visit the Bayfield Public Library for the do when we introduced this project to provide homes opportunity to decorate a Gingerbread Cookie. This event is free! for people in Bayfield but we have also encouraged others to move to our community," said John Elmslie, Another free activity is a chance to enjoy a Horse Drawn Carriage Ride on Main after 12 p.m. represent the Bayfield Mews. "The community until 4 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. creation has turned out to be a very positive project." Sports enthusiasts are invited to check out all the action at the Bayfield Arena starting at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday when the Relics 50+ Hockey Tournament will be held. Drafted Teams so PUBLIC SKATING individual players are welcome! The ice is back in the Bayfield Arena and with it Visitors to Main Street who pass by the library on Friday night (6-8 p.m.) and Saturday comes the start of free public skating season. afternoon (12:30-2:30 p.m.) will see an unusual sight as volunteers create a Living Snow Organized by the Bayfield Arena Community Globe. Bayfield Guiding members will be alive and singing in the globe on Saturday afternoon Partners Association the ice is open for all from 1-3 —donations will be gratefully accepted to Camp Klahanie. p.m. Looking for something fun to do on Saturday night? Butch Haller will be performing live at the The sponsors for Nov. 20 are McGee Motors Ltd. of Docks Restaurant. Goderich. Hill & Hill Farms Ltd. and Karen Morrison Check out the other articles in the Bayfield Breeze this week to learn even more about other were the sponsors of the season opener on Nov. 13. Christmas in Bayfield activities as many churches and organizations support the BACC weekend initiative by hosting their own holiday events. People can also visit COUNCILORS CORNER http://christmasinbayfield.com/ to learn more. The monthly Councilor's Corner held in the Bayfield A CHARLIE BROWN 1r CI] [USS IS Community Centre is set for tomorrow (Nov. 17). �T `� c T 7�T fV 1 I I i'�ARS YO V l� G Bill Whetstone, Bayfield Ward councilor, hosts the evening on the third Thursday of every month. He provides an opportunity for people to hear what council has been up to and voice their opinions. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. BLUE BAYFIELD Blue Bayfield is inviting the community to an evening with Pat Donnelly and Jennifer Pat as they present, "The 'Greats': A Duet" on Nov. 24. Donnelly is the Coastal Science and Stewardship Advisor for the Lake Huron Coastal Centre. He is a leading authority on coastal processes. He uses his background in hydrology and geomorphology to explain how the coast "works". His topic for the evening will be "Coastal Processes 101". Pate is a Great Lakes and ocean researcher, geographer and film maker who recently lead a research eXXpedition of the "Greats". She is proud to be a member of Blue Bayfield. Her topic of discussion will be "Plastices in our Waters". cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 3/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 On Nov. 19, after the Santa Claus Parade, the Glee Sisters are again producing a show for the whole family. This year they chose "A Charlie Brown Christmas" because it has been 50 years since the original television special first aired and a book has been published in celebration. Music for the production includes selections from the original show, as well as other familiar Christmas music and even something from the Beatles thrown in for good measure. As usual, the Glee Sisters will be in full costume and full of Glee. There will be two shows. The times are 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. Admission is by contribution to The Bayfield Food Bank (Feed My Sheep), either cash or a non-perishable food item will be accepted. Every family will be able to take home their own Charlie Brown Tree, courtesy of the Bayfield Optimists. TIME TO DECK THE HALLS WITH AN ASSIST FROM THE AG SOCIETY There are definite signs that the Christmas season must not be too far away. Crews of people from the Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS) have been cutting boughs of cedar, spruce, pine, and juniper. There have been gatherings of folks who have been bundling the greens so that they can be wired on grape vine wreaths to make a finished evergreen wreath. Another crew has prepared over 150 bows to put on the wreaths. The finished product will be for sale this coming weekend in front of St. Andrew's United Church on Hwy. 21. Wreaths, swags, and bundles of greens will be sold on Friday, Nov. 18 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The price of wreaths and swags will be $25. Orders will be taken for larger sizes and available the following week. Contact Don Brodie at 519 263-2404 or John Siertsema at 519 565-2479 if the wreaths cannot be picked up this weekend as they can still be purchased. The money from the sale of the wreaths and swags helps with the costs of putting on the annual fair on the third weekend of August. The Annual Meeting for the Society will be on Tuesday, Nov. 22 in the basement of St. Andrews United Church. A potluck supper will be at 6 p.m. followed by a speaker. The meeting The event will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall at 7 p.m. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Refreshment will be served. Entrance to the event is by donation. CHRISTMAS TREE DAY Dec. 3 will be Christmas Tree Day in Bayfield as folks can visit Bayfield Foodland or Brandon's Hardware and pick out the evergreen that shall grace their living room this holiday season and at the same time support the Bayfield Tree Project. Starting at 1 p.m. on the Saturday, $5 from all trees purchased will be given to the Bayfield Tree Project. There are a limited number of trees available for this event so people should plan to drop by early and enjoy some holiday music and cheer while they select their perfect tree. HOSPICE FOR HURON People in the community are working together to achieve a centrally located hospice for Huron County because "hospice is about how you live". A general information meeting regarding, "Hospice of Huron" will be held at St. Andrew's United Church in Bayfield on Dec. 5. The meeting shall commence at 10 a.m. For more information please contact Jay McFarlan by email atjtmcfarlan@gmail.com or Michelle at Huron Hospice by email at infohospice@tcc.on.ca or by phone 519 482-3440 Ext. 6301. CHRISTMAS BUREAU The Huron County Christmas Bureau will soon be up and operating for 2016 and the coordinators for the Clinton Bureau, Rosemary Edward and Dianne Weber, are already putting out the call for volunteers. The Clinton United Church is the location for the Clinton Bureau. Volunteers are needed for Nov. 28 to Dec. 2 for sorting and Dec. 5 to Dec. 8 for distribution week. Bayfield's collection boxes are now in place. They are located at the Bayfield Public Library, Bayfield Convenience and Gifts, Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy and St. Andrew's United Church. Anyone interested in volunteering can reach Weber at 519 482-5334 or at tweetybird58@hotmail.com. The Little Inn of Bayfield is delighted to reintroduce their popular "Wine and Dine Series". cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 4/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 will begin at 8 p.m. Three dates have been scheduled for these evenings sponsored by Lifford wines and each night has a This is an opportunity to see what the BAS does and what its plans are. There is still room for different theme: Nov. 26, Wines of France; Jan. 28, someone who has strengths in publicity, organizing people to cover the gates during the fair, Wines of California; and March 4, Wines of New continuing the Ribs Fest, grant and support letter writing, organizing the set up and take down Zealand and Australia. for the Farm Breakfast, and assistance with the pet display during the fair. Anyone interested in any of these tasks should contact President Jentje Steenbeek at 519 482-3020. The cost for these evenings is $119 per person per event for the Wine and Dine Package. For more CELEBRATE BAYFIELD RIVER FLATS information or to book call 1-800-565-1832. PURCHASE AT THE ASHWOOD INN SOUND OF GODERICH It..,promo On Saturday, Dec. 3, the purchase of the Nov. 27 is the date set for an annual musical event Bayfield River Flats will be celebrated and known as the "Sounds of Goderich" that features supporters will have an opportunity to do some many talents from Bayfield and area. brainstorming about what should be included in a 'Masterplan' for the 4.75 acre river front The concert will begin at 3 p.m. at Trinity Christian property. Reformed Church in Goderich and will highlight both choral and instrumental music. It will feature the The event will be held at 7 p.m. at The MacKay Choristers, Goderich Laketown Band, Ashwood Inn. Goderich Harbouraires and guest performers, the Huron Handbells. This will be the fundraising volunteers; Mike Dixon, Helen Varekamp, Kirsten Harrett, David Tickets are $10 with donations being accepted for the MacLaren, Wayne McKaig, Roma Harris, Jack Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign. Tickets Pal, Gayle Waters, Ray Letheren, Doug are available now from participants as well as Ernie Vanderhaar, Sandy Scotchmer, Larry Dalton King Music, Knox Presbyterian Church, both in and Dave Gillians' opportunity to thank Goderich; or at the door. everyone for their support. They especially want to single out Roger Lewington, chair of the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy, Erin Samuell, ARMON HARMONY AT the Economic Development Officer for the Municipality of Bluewater, Dr. Richard Samuell and CHRISTMAS his staff at Main Street Optometric, Barb Harmos and Chantal Murray, for special mention, because without them, this ambitious project probably wouldn't have succeeded. The Seaforth Harmony Kings are hosting a musical This celebration will also ensure that villagers are brought up to date on the current status of afternoon of quartets and a massed choir at the Bayfield River Flats Natural Area and provide a forum for all community input, so that Northside United Church in Seaforth on Nov. 27. everyone's ideas are heard and priorities can be organized. "Harmony at Christmas" will feature Forest City Fire, All of the necessary legal and administrative details are ready and the lawyers for all involved London Men of Accord, Sarnia Bluewater parties have set Nov. 25 as the closing date for the purchase. Chordsman and the Strathroy Vocal Federation. As Conrad Kuiper, chair of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) remarked, "For A freewill offering will be collected for the Seaforth a small village to purchase its own 1,000 feet of riverbank parkland without any government Community Hospital Foundation. financial support is a unique achievement, especially in today's political environment. Over 20 per cent of the population of Bayfield has contributed to make this community project become a reality. This is an event worth celebrating!" T �T� Vtr ��C7 OODLAND In addition to some brainstorming there will be time for dancing as well. And to get into the festive spirit of the evening, Sarah Sylvester, from the Little Shed Flower Co. is generously On Christmas in Bayfield weekend, Sunday, Nov. 20 donating some Winter Woodland decor for the River Flats Celebration Event. people are invited to take part in a hike along the pe Woodland Trail starting at 1 p.m. BLUEWATER AREA FAMILY HEALTH Participants are asked to meet at the gazebo at Clan Gregor Square, stroll through the village until they TEAM BEGINS NEW PATIENT ROSTER reach the edge of the woods at Sarnia Street. Once in the woods they will enjoy the scenic beauty of the A fourth physician has joined the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) in Zurich. ravines, old pastures and glacial hills as they walk along old gravel quarry roads, lumber paths and deer Dr. Faraz Sethna completed his undergraduate studies at the University of British Columbia trails. The trail is 5 KM long, difficulty is level 3 and and attended medical school at the Medical University of Americas in Nevis, West Indies. He the hike will take approximately two hours. moved to Vancouver, BC at the age of 12. Hike leaders will be Adriaan Schreuder 519 565 - Dr. Sethna's residency was spent at the East Carolina University, NC where he became Junior 2382, Dave Gillians 519 565-5884 and Gary Mayell Chief Resident in his second year. In his third year, he was nominated as Chief Resident. Dr. 519 565-5662. Sethna is fluent in three languages and he is certified with the American Board of Family cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 5/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 SALVATION ARMY Physicians. He, his wife, Mia, and 16 month old son, Adam, are excited to be back in Canada �1��TT�-� SOUP AND SWEETS SOUP and settling into his new position at the BAFHT clinic. His wife is a fully qualified pediatrician. With a complement of four physicians, physician assistant, nurse practitioners, registered St. James' Church, Middleton presents their Soup nurse and social worker, the BAFHT is now equipped to register new patients. It is expected and Sweets Luncheon to be held on Nov. 20 after more than 5,000 patients will be rostered at the clinic over the next 12 months. their 11 a.m. service. Also joining the BAFHT is Executive Director, Paula Kroll, a veteran of 25 years with the The congregation invites everyone to come and join Ministry of Children and Youth Services and the Ministry of the Attorney General where she them for delicious homemade soups and desserts worked closely with youth, adults and vulnerable people in the community. about noon. Of course all are invited to come for the IPM 2017 will be encouraging home owners in Huron County to create and hang barn quilts as worship service as well if they wish. "The challenges of helping young adults make a positive contribution to society and the local Doors will open at 7.30 p.m. and the concert will community are extremely rewarding," said Kroll. She is enthusiastic about being part of the Those who attend can help make a little one's BAFHT and recognizes just how important the new health care hub will be to the area. Christmas brighter by making a Free Will Offering "People have the choice to purchase their own barn quilts or they can make it themselves," with all proceeds going to the Huron County Kroll lives with her husband, Paul, and three children, Kylie (14), Caleb (11) and Spencer (9) on Christmas Bureau. a small farm in Benmiller just outside Goderich. "We are very excited about this initiative as these barn quilts will last after the Match is St. James' is located at the Corner of Tipperary Line Anyone new to the area looking for a Family Doctor should register with Kroll at 519 236-4413. and Bayfield Road (77397 Tipperary Line). BARN QUILTS ENCOURAGED AS PART SALVATION ARMY CONCERT OF INTERNATIONAL MATCH On Nov. 25, join us at the Bayfield Town Hall for a The Quilt Competiton and the Beautification Competition have both been traditional and Magical Evening of Christmas Music featuring the foundational pieces to the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM). As Huron County London Citadel Salvation Army Band. For over 20 prepares to host the 100th IPM in Canada's 150th Birthday, these two committees have joined years this wonderful group has provided Bayfield with forces to create something new! an opportunity to come together as a community while getting into the holiday mood. IPM 2017 will be encouraging home owners in Huron County to create and hang barn quilts as part of the beautification process as we approach IPM 2017. If the barn quilt meets the Doors will open at 7.30 p.m. and the concert will qualifications of the Ontario Barn Quilt Trail (8ft x 8ft and visible from the roadway), it will be begin at 8 p.m. In case of inclement weather, the uploaded onto their website. concert will be rescheduled for December 2. "People have the choice to purchase their own barn quilts or they can make it themselves," Tickets are $20 and are available from Patricia Baker said Deb Falconer, chair of the Beautification Committee. "In the New Year we will host a wine at 519 955-1456 or Pat Pal at 519 565-5340. and paint day offering tips and tricks from the experts at Ontario Barn Quilt Trail." "We are very excited about this initiative as these barn quilts will last after the Match is HISTORICAL SOCIETY complete," said Jacquie Bishop, chair of IPM 2017. "When you see these barn quilts hanging three, five years down the road, you will think of the memories made at IPM 2017." On Monday, Nov. 28, the Bayfield Historical Society Participants must have their barn quilt installed by July 1 st of next year to participate in the welcomes back speaker David Yates. cash prizes presented by Tim and Donna Prior, of Brussels Agri Services and Cowboy Loft in The always entertaining and informative Mr. Yates Brussels. All participants will be entered into a draw to win $750 and during the IPM Quilt will be speaking about "Prohibition in Huron County", Show, hosted at the Seaforth Arena Aug. 19-20 2017, community members can vote for a Fan since it was such a contentious issue during its time Favorite winning $250. Both winners will also receive tickets to the Beautification Awards he should have many stories to relate. Humorous Banquet on Aug. 31, 2017. antidotes, factual information and his smooth The Ontario Barn Quilt Trail can be found at www.barnquilttrails.ca. For more information to presentation all combine to make Yates one of the participate and/or the Beautification Committee contact Deb Falconer at 519 233-5393 and BHS members' favorite speakers! information regarding the IPM 2017 Quilt Competition contact Linda O'Rourke at 519 527- The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield 1035. Lions' Community Building. All are welcome to attend. AFGHANISTAN LEGACY LEARN TO PLAY Anyone wishing to learn how to play Mah Jongg should consider coming out for lessons to be held at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building on Mondays in November. A simplified version of the game will be taught initially on Nov. 21 and 28 starting at 1 p.m. The cost for the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 6/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 The Huron County Afghanistan Community Monument (HCACM) can be found on the grounds of the Huron County Museum in Goderich. The HCACM Committee recently presented a cheque in the amount of $25,000 to Huron County Warden Paul Gowing for legacy funding for the monument. L -r: Deb Shewfelt, Norm Leddy, Eric Ross, Warden Paul Gowing, Dennis Schmidt, Mike Blumhagen, Meighan Wark, Brenda Orchard and Paul Thorne. (Photo submitted) The Huron County Public Works Bridge Crew received the Friends of Branch 109 Award from the Royal Canadian Legion in Goderich recently for their ingenuity, professional workmanship and attention to detail during the construction of the Huron County Afghanistan Community Monument. This award is given out on rare occasions to people or groups who provide an exceptional service to local veterans or the Branch. L -r: Darryl Marks, Hayden TenPas, Shawn Engel, Andy VanBeek, Legion Zone Commander Eric Ross, Dan Murray, Wayne Higgins, Goderich Legion President Paul Thorne, Legion Member Norm Leddy, Steve Lund, Kevin Regier and Brady Nolan. (Photo submitted) !17GARDENING VICES REMEMBER ME? Volume 7 IntegrityLAKE HURON is rr€AL is rare LWITED There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. three lessons is $10. Please call 519 565-2202 to reserve your spot. LETTERS TO SANTA Bayfield residents will be pleased to know that Santa Claus will once again be receiving mail in his special mailbox but at Bayfield Foodland. Santa's elves delight in hearing from area youngsters and learning what is on their wish lists every year. Be sure to include a return address so that the children can be sure of a note in return from the jolly old elf himself. ISSUE 382 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 7/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, we continue our series of images to honor the many photos of soldiers found in the Bayfield Archives Collection. This one is labeled cadet and boy circa 1930. (Archives Code: P1310110 PC) P1310110 PC Issue 385 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr HAY MUTUA �K Iv�huewn 519-236-4381 COPENFA -S MASSAGE THEMP _ & A6 $ --- 519.565.4711 O SHARE ®+r®... PHOTO STORY P131 0050 PC Remember Me 382 In Issue 382, we begin a series of images to honor the many pictures of soldiers found in the Bayfield Archives Collection. The first to be featured is Ernest Kneeshaw in this image circa 1930. (Archives Code: PB 10050 PC) ISSUE 383 In Issue 383, soldiers posing for a picture. The only note with the image is "Roy" circa 1930. Does anyone know which lad Roy is? (Archives Code: P1510101 PC) SNOPBIKE dflf"" cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 8/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 NEW BUSINESS MASSAGE THERAPY ON THE SQUARE OPENS IN HISTORIC CONNOR HOUSE PHOTO AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER "Massage Therapy is now considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's ;�IMG_1459 increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations," she said. Registered Massage Therapist Lorraine Dietz would like to welcome everyone for a tour of her newly renovated therapy rooms and reception area at 8 The Square during Christmas in Bayfield weekend, Saturday, Nov. 19 from 2-4 p.m. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) For the past few years the formidable building, on the corner of Clan Gregor Square and Hwy. 21, has been waiting for someone to come along and add the next chapter in its very historic story. William W. Connor, a prominent member of early Bayfield, built the Connor House, as it is fondly known today, in the 1860s as a store and dwelling. In the 1940s, George and Ada Little were the caretakers of the property prior to their purchase of the now famous Little Inn. They made some changes to it and opened a Bake Shop. During the 1960s, the house became the Baptist parsonage to the former church at 4 Main St. S. The most recent residents of the home ran a shoe store in the front and lived in an apartment on the second floor. Upon retirement they moved downstairs. This history brings us to 2016 when Lorriane Dietz took notice of the Connor House. A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), she had been working at the Bayfield Chiropractic Clinic across the street for about four years. "I have always wanted to have my own clinic and one day I noticed the Connor House was vacant and thought that would be a wonderful place to have my own clinic," she said. "it had character, history, charm, location and so much more. Once I viewed the interior of the house, I realized how much potential it had and how perfect it would be for my new clinic." She noted that she could immediately visualize what needed to be done to make it a Massage Therapy clinic. After several months of renovations this past summer, two new large treatment rooms and a new reception area were completed and she opened her doors to clients in September. Her business is known as, "Massage Therapy on the Square". Dietz is very pleased with how the renovations turned out noting, "there is a real sense of peace and serenity in the rooms." Her goal is to bring in other RMTs, as well as other healthcare professionals, as the need arrives in the community and for that reason created two treatment rooms. Currently, Massage Therapy on The Square offers registered massage therapy seven days a week. Cathy Armour, an RMT from Goderich, has joined the practice and specializes in therapeutic massage and Reiki. A career in Massage Therapy nicely compliments Dietz's love for outdoor adventure as she moves from the relative "Zen" of the therapy room to the adrenaline pumping thrills of competing in Triathlons and sailing. When she moved to Bayfield in 2002 she was instantly enamored with the area and its people but Lake Huron had a decided pull. "I took up sailing in 2011 and loved it so much that I took many of the Goderich Power Squadron sailing classes that were being offered and then went to Georgian Bay to take my CYA Skippers certification," she said. This resulted in opportunities to sail the Atlantic and the Mediterranean twice, plus numerous voyages across Lake Huron, the North Channel and the British Virgin Islands. She took up training for Triathlons in 2015. "Training for the three disciplines of swimming, biking and running makes it easier on your body than training for one sport and I enjoy the positive energy that surrounds you on event day. It becomes a little addictive. In the past two summers I have done ten Triathlons," she said. Dietz has a personal mantra, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did." This belief will no doubt be reflected in the next pages of the history of the Connor House and its newest resident. The RMT would like to welcome everyone for a tour of her newly renovated therapy rooms and reception area at 8 The Square during Christmas in Bayfield weekend, Saturday, Nov. 19 from 2-4 p.m. She can be reached at 519 565-4711 for appointments or more information. Dietz can also be found on Facebook at "Massage Therapy on The Square - Lorraine Dietz RMT" COMMON TYPES OF MASSAGE cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 9/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 Dietz specializes in therapeutic massage therapy such as reducing muscle pain and tension, improving joint health and mobility, sports injuries, deep tissue, pregnant massage, TMJ disorders and relaxation "I have a passion for well being and want to inspire others to live to their full potential," said Dietz. "I love my profession and feel this is where I was meant to be. I don't feel it is a job but rather a privilege to be able to help people heal and be well." Dietz's path to becoming an RMT began growing up in a small town in Eastern Ontario outside of Ottawa. She notes that Bayfield is the biggest town she has ever lived in. "I grew up in a very active family and health was always a priority," she said. She attended McGill University for a Science degree, specializing in Food Science. She worked in Food Microbiology for 15 years. Ten years ago she became a fitness instructor. "It was during this time that I realized that the rewards of helping others become healthy was what I wanted and need to do," she recalled. So in 2011 she went back to school. She attended the D'Arcy Lane Institute of Massage Therapy a private school in London, ON to become an RMT. SHEARQV T •o � BAYFIEL.3 PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK There are many different types of massage, including these common types: Swedish Massage — This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize. Deep Massage — This massage technique uses slower, more -forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage from injuries. Sports Massage — This is similar to Swedish massage, but it's geared toward people involved in sports activities to help prevent or treat injuries. Trigger Point Massage — This massage focuses on areas of tight muscle fibers that can form in your muscles after injuries or overuse. SAYFIFI.E) BREEZE Ak Supermoon rising from Goshen Line By Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week47issue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 10/12 6/13/2019 Week 47 Issue 385 I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued Melody Falconer -Pounder SUBMISSIONS BAYFI E LD (a. OPTIMIST CORBLIE n>Fsi�ra �� _ Zurich. aril. DESIGN/BUILD LAN OSCAPING SALES & INSTILLATION GARDEN CENTER 741994 BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 J 519 565 7173 So what terrific autumn weather we are having, eh? Yesterday my husband and I were able to plant spring bulbs, clean up a big pile of leaves, string holiday lights and decorate the front porch for the festivities for Christmas in Bayfield weekend and we did all this in our shirtsleeves. Yes, it's Nov. 16 and I have yet to put on my winter coat or dust off my winter boots. No complaints here, I just hope I don't jinx everything by putting this in writing. Let's just enjoy it for as long as it lasts! — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. BAYFIELD BREEZE ...,. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 11/12 6/13/2019 Q SHARE MV[R ]., BAYFIELD (BREEZE ..f {LICK HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 47 Issue 385 Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek471ssue385/tabid/805/Default.aspx 12/12