HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-10-19, Page 16/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 BAWIELDBREEZE B"fiield L I.., .6.y& `C7 rl"Lf+ti MMM Er �IIIIIIIIIIIIIAAIIIGNpIIIMI ROYAL LEPAGE �nrrMrinrrmrNrMUN -J ,I BAWIELD BREEZE 0 SHARE M *0121. OCt. 19, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 43 Issue 381 GOAL REACHED FOR BAYFIELD RIVER FLATS CAMPAIGN Bayfield has once again far exceeded �wpromo expectations! In less than one month and a half, over 20 per cent of Bayfield residents have donated to the Bayfield River Flats (BRF) campaign to purchase the 4.75 acres of river bank property near the Bayfield Bridge. Once all donations and promises have been collected, the minimum objective of $70,000 will be significantly surpassed! The extra funds will all go to improving the property as a passive, environmentally sensitive, public recreational space. All extra BRF funds, which will be held "In Trust', in the audited accounts of the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC), will reduce the need for future fundraising campaigns. Because of this incredible response, the BRF fundraising team of Mike Dixon, Wayne McKaig, Sandy Scotchmer, Kirsten Harrett, Gayle Waters, David MacLaren, Helen Varekamp, Roma Harris, Jack Pal, Ray Letheren, Larry Dalton, Doug Vanderhaar and Dave Gillians has decided to end this campaign early on Oct. 31. This will give more donors the opportunity to have their names (not donation amounts) if they wish, included in the BRF archival book, which is being prepared to document this campaign. The book will be presented to the Bayfield Historical Society once the River Flats Natural Environment Area is open and functioning as envisioned. All donations of over $1,000 (if the ]AN MAT-TH EW CA 51 �56.ra-; i ON VACATION Editor's note: It's vacation time! The Bayfield Breeze will be publishing hiatus issues on Oct. 26 and Nov. 2. If you have an upcoming event occurring during those times that you would like to appear in these issues please get your news into us by today (Oct. 19) at 4 p.m. The Bayfield Breeze will be back live on Wednesday, Nov. 9. MAIN STREET PLAN The Municipality of Bluewater will host a Public Information Centre (PIT) regarding Bayfield's Main Street Renewal tonight (Oct. 19) at the Bayfield Community Centre. Through consultation with the Main Street Project Advisory Team a concept plan has been prepared which will guide the Municipality of Bluewater through the final design stage of the Bayfield Main Street project. The concept plan provides for improved storm water drainage, upgraded boulevards, sidewalks, tree planting layout, and reconfigured parking. The PIC will present details of the proposed concept plan to residents of the community and obtain feedback on the various design elements. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezeNVeek431ssue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 1/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 donor agrees), will be in the book and included on a plaque, which will be featured prominently on the Flats property. The Bayfield community was underestimated! The fund raising committee cautiously set it's challenging $70,000 target to enable the village to acquire the property, pay expenses and have just enough for a "Masterplan". This first and most critical objective has been achieved because of the generosity and vison of those individuals and groups who could see the potential of this space. Now there are the resources to start phase two of this project. The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) lawyer for this project, Quinn Ross, has been instructed to proceed with completing this purchase. During the sale closing, the land will be transferred to the HTLTC, whose sole purpose is to hold environmentally sensitive lands in perpetuity, according to the wishes of the land donor. Forever is a long time. When this fundraising campaign was conceived, this was one of the most challenging issues. The HTLTC is the best answer to make certain our land will be managed well, for the benefit of the community, in perpetuity. A detailed Trust Agreement and land management agreement between the BRVTA and the HTLTC has been agreed upon to ensure that the Bayfield community will always be able to enjoy and have access to our beautiful river. Thanks to those people who love this village and want to contribute to making it the best it can be, now there will be enough resources to create an innovative, natural space that will help define Bayfield for future generations. HELP NEEDED AS PLAY GROUP GROWS —� Anyone who thinks that Bayfield is solely a r retirement community may want to head to the 14489775_10157525979310321_1051524026_o Bayfield Public Library on a Tuesday morning between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. That is the Jill Robertson, Rural Response's Parent Support Education Worker, dropped in to the Play Group held at the Bayfield Public Library recently and got a snuggle from two month old Bridget Shanahan. (Photo by Jenny Allan) place to be if you are a youngster under six years of age. They bring along, mom, dad or a guardian and have a grand social time along with crafts, songs and stories. In more recent years, Rural Response for Healthy Children ran the sessions at the library and supplied toys with The Bus toy lending program. When the program was cancelled the parents in Bayfield decided to organize their own. What the parents needed most though was someone to take charge, plan and organize the program and they found the perfect person in volunteer, Louise Sygrove. She is a retired Kindergarten teacher who was also instrumental in helping implement Junior Kindergarten in schools. As the new season has just begun for Play Group numbers are on the grow with more than 20 children attending regularly. "We need an assistant for Louise!" said Jenny Allan, one of the parents that rallied to keep the weekly get-togethers going. "We are looking for someone to help with crafts, interact with care givers and children, help with circle time and maybe read a story and to help clean up." Ideally the group would love someone with ECE or a teaching background, but really any out going person who loves children under the age of six is welcome. The volunteer hours would run from 9:45 a.m. to noon every Tuesday from now until into the spring. Representatives of the Municipality and the Project Engineers will be in attendance. This is an informal drop-in open house that will be held from 6-8 p.m. There will be no formal presentation. For further information on this project, please contact the project engineers: B.M. Ross and Associates Ltd., 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519) 524-4403. Attention: Dale Erb, P. Eng., Project Manager (e-mail: derb@bmross.net). LITTLE INN Kelly Elson Psychic Medium Kelly Elson will share her gifts with those who attend "An Evening with Kelly" at The Little Inn of Bayfield on Oct. 29. Elson, is an internationally renowned Psychic Medium, Forensic Psychic Investigator, Mentalist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist, Writer, Teacher, Motivational Speaker and Retreat Facilitator. The show will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are now available for $40 for just the show or add dinner for $70. Please call 1-800-565-1832 or email events@littleinn.com for more information on this exciting event. FIELDS OF FAITH PRODUCTION A refined but snobbish city couple relocates to the backwoods of Cricket County. Will they take up quilting and porch -rocking? Or will the social mores of the simple backwoods folk be turned upside down? The Fields of Faith Players are proud to present,"The Real Housewives of Cricket County" written by Eddie McPherson under the direction of Garnet Colborne. Thirteen local actors from the Brucefield area and as far away as Blyth, are rehearsing hard for their upcoming performance. The production will support the Canadian Foodgrains 'Fields of Faith' growing project near Varna. Performance dates are Friday, Oct. 28 and Saturday, Oct. 29. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. each night at the Brucefield Community United Church in Brucefield. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week431ssue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 2/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 "It continues to be obvious there is a need for this group and we have received great support Ticket prices are $15 for adults and only $5 for from Jill Robertson, Rural Response's Parent Support Education Worker. She has been terrific children 12 and under. loaning and delivering us toys for the program," Just phone the Brucefield Community United Church In addition, Allan noted that the library has been an integral component in keeping the program at 519 233-5755 or call Joe Laurie at 519 482-9265 running allowing the group to store their supplies and toys in the building. And the Bayfield to reserve seats. Optimist Club has offered financial support providing a donation for some toy purchases as well as craft supplies. Don't miss this fun -filled fundraising theatrical offering of a Hillbilly Comedy that is sure to bring back The sessions begin with free play and baby time, as well as crafts. And then after everyone memories of watching The Beverly Hillbillies, helps clean up, it is time for songs and stories. Petticoat Junction and Green Acres. And y'all can stay for refreshments after the performance. Or HURON NATURAL HERITAGE PLAN browse the Canadian any Bank merchandise available for sale. Of course, any donations over and course, OPEN HOUSE TO BE HELD IN ZURICH above the ticket price are always welcome to the "Fields of Faith Growing Project." The County of Huron has drafted the Huron Natural Heritage Plan to conserve the environmental systems and features, which are widely valued by county residents. i� i�L� WI 1 CH S WALK The community's countryside supports many different land uses. While the prominence and The 2 KM trail in the forested area behind The benefits of agriculture are obvious, natural systems also provide vitally important social, Ashwood Inn, just north of Bayfield off Hwy. 21, is economic and environmental services to the residents of Huron County. going to be transformed into a Witches Walk on the The Huron Natural Heritage Plan (HNHP) defines natural heritage systems within Huron evening of Oct. 29 and all are invited to summon the County and identifies tools to enhance and protect features like woodlots, rivers, ponds and courage to attend! meadows. The plan consists of two documents the HNHP Technical Document and the HNHP Organizers are now looking for local businesses and Implementation Strategy. organizations that would like to create a scary station The HNHP Technical Document describes the methodology used to identify significant natural along the path at the event to run from 6-8 p.m. features and the natural heritage system in Huron County. Please contact Kirsten Harrett at 519 565-4444 if you The HNHP Implementation Strategy defines the approach to protecting natural heritage are interested in taking part. features. BRIDGE AND MA JONGG The success of the plan depends on landowners, municipalities and agencies working together to conserve our collective natural heritage. Those people who enjoy playing cards should mark The public is invited to provide input on the plan, which can be viewed at on their calendars a special fundraising event for the huroncounty.ca/huron-natural-heritage-plan. Please forward comments to Bayfield Town Hall planning@huroncounty.ca, or call toll-free at 1-888-524-8394 Ext. 3 or attend one of the two information open houses. A Bridge and Mah Jongg Social will be held at the town hall on Nov. 2 starting at 1 p.m. A Wine and The first Open House is scheduled for Oct. 20 at the Belgrave Community Centre, 12 Queen Cheese Party will follow the games. St. in Belgrave. The second will be held at the Zurich Arena, 15 East St. in Zurich on Oct. 27. The times for both events are 7-9 p.m. Each Open House will feature a staff presentation Please call 519 565-2202 for more information or to starting at 7:30 p.m. buy a ticket. ADVOCACY GROUP INVITES NEW LEARN TO PLAY MEMBERS IN HENSALL Anyone wishing to learn how to play Mah Jongg should consider coming out for lessons to be held at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building on Mondays in November. A simplified version of the game will be taught initially on Nov. 14, 21 and 28 starting at 1 p.m. The cost for the three lessons is $10. Please call 519 565-2202 to reserve your spot. FLU CLINICS It is Flu shot season once again. The Bluewater Area Family Health Team will be holding two Influenza cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 3/12 6/13/2019 �,',Parkette photo Week 43 Issue 381 Facilities Manager, Kevin Geoffrey; HSIIC Chair, Chuck Mallette and Liz Sangster of the Jennie Smillie Parkette Committee, discuss plans to plant a hedge along the north edge of the parkette in downtown Hensall. (Submitted photo) A concerned group of Hensall residents continue to meet each month with the goal of advocating for infrastructure improvements and streetscape upgrades in the village. The Hensall Streetscape and Infrastructure Improvement Committee (HSIIC) continues to work with the Municipality of Bluewater in a variety of ways. As well, the group has plans to engage local businesses in the future. In 2015, the Municipality of Bluewater held public meetings to provide an opportunity for local residents to express their thoughts about living in Bluewater. At the meeting in Hensall, local residents expressed general satisfaction about living in the village, noting its friendly atmosphere, affordable housing stock, and location. Many improvements to the village were noted, citing the parkette, building upgrades, Heritage Hall, among many others. Clinics within the municipality with Bayfield's being held on Oct. 25 at Trinity Anglican Church. The church is located at 10 Keith Crescent and the clinic will be open from 4-6 p.m. A second clinic will be held at the Zurich Community Centre on Nov. 2 from 4-6 p.m. The Bluewater and Area Family Health Team will also provide shots at their Zurich location Monday thru Thursday from now until Nov. 30 from 1-2 p.m. Those people receiving the shot are asked to wear a top with sleeves that will roll up easily and also bring their CHIP Health Card. i . A I1 0 N bpi 1114.111 It The Huron County Library wants to hear from you! Throughout the month of October, we are soliciting input on the services provided by the Huron County Library. As part of a pilot project at the Bayfield Library, we are also conducting a Community Needs Assessment specific to the Village of Bayfield and catchment area. The purpose of this project is to identify community trends and identify potential gaps in library service delivery. There are a variety of ways that you can participate! The Bayfield Community Needs Assessment will be However, residents also expressed concern about the conditions of roads and sidewalks, gathering information from community members downtown buildings, municipal parking lots and other areas. Since that time, HSIIC has met through street interviews, surveys and at a monthly. Additional concerns noted during this time include trees being cut down in the village community conversation event to be held on Monday, and not replaced with new plantings. The municipality has indicated that a tree -planting plan Oct. 24 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. or Tuesday, Oct. 25 from will soon be in place to address this issue. The HSIIC has met with the municipality to identify 6:30-8 p.m., at the Bayfield Library. others areas that need attention. For more information, please contact Christa Lehnen, Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality of Bluewater, Kyle Pratt said, "It is always great Bayfield branch library community information to see citizens taking pride in their community. Community volunteerism is important. The librarian by calling 519 565-2886 or email energy and commitment of community volunteers is one of our most valuable resources." clehnen@huroncounty.ca, or County Librarian and Director of Cultural Services, Meighan Wark by The Jennie Smillie Memorial Parkette was the topic of a recent HSIIC meeting. The group expressed that this parkette is a great asset to the village and has a positive effect on the downtown area. Visually, it is appealing and user friendly. However, it was thought that a "green screen" hedge running east and west to the rear of the parkette would improve visual appeal as it blocks out the alley to the north. Liz Sangster of the Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson Memorial Parkette Committee, said, "This parkette is a great example of the community working together. The municipality, business owners, private citizens and service groups really came together from the beginning to honor Dr. Smillie and make this park possible. We welcome the Hensall Streetscape and Infrastructure Improvement Committee's help in the installation of a hedge across the back of the park. The hedge will add beauty and a natural habitat to downtown." For its first project, the HSIIC has approved the installation of such a hedge and the municipality has agreed to facilitate the project. Sangster and HSIIC Chair, Chuck Mallette recently met with Facilities Manager Kevin Geoffrey to finalize plans for the hedge planting In addition, there are plans to install pole banners to beautify the downtown area. Other ideas have included walking trails for the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition, the group will be exploring setting up a work party to clean up certain areas that need attention. The group discusses these and other goals and concerns at monthly meeting. phone at 519 482-5457 or email mwark@huroncounty.ca. CYCLING STRATEGY The County of Huron has developed a strategy intended to improve cycling safety and enjoyment in our region. The Huron County Cycling Strategy Committee has created a draft strategy. The committee is comprised of stakeholders from the cycling, health, municipal, police, tourism, and transportation sectors. Working with the Share the Road Cycling Coalition, a leader in promoting bicycle friendly communities, the committee hosted two public workshops in May of 2016 to discuss education and awareness initiatives, infrastructure improvements and best practices adopted in other areas of Ontario. The resulting Huron County Cycling Strategy recommends a cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week431ssue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 4/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 Miranda Burgess, a committee member and health promoter for the Grand Bend Area number of actions and an implementation plan that Community Health Centre, said, "Various community-based factors influence people's health will make our communities more cycling friendly and wellbeing. This group (HSIIC) is a great way to advocate for and achieve changes we want within the next five years. to see in our community. People working together to make these community improvements are Society (BHS) meeting to be held at Bayfield Lions' dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people living and working in this area." The draft strategy can be viewed online at HSIIC welcomes new members who are interested in helping their community. The group www.huroncounty.ca and copies are also available at "We know that residents have concerns about the appearance of many areas of Hensall but we special kiosks in all Huron County libraries during the are working with the municipality to express our concerns and trying to find ways to address month of October. The public is encouraged to them," said Mallette. "It's a slow process but we feel we're in the for the long haul." provide feedback on the draft strategy by Oct. 20 by emailing planning@huroncounty.ca or calling toll-free The municipality has also been helpful in rectifying safety issues in the village. For example, at 1-888-524-8394 Ext. 3. the committee's request, the municipality has been instrumental in the removal of a derelict 1849-60. The present St. George's building is loading ramp in the village, which was in poor condition and presented an extreme safety HISTORICAL SOCIETY hazard. celebrating the 135th anniversary of its dedication. To Bluewater Council Representative, Hensall Ward, Marnie Hill said, "The HSIIC and the St. George's Anglican Church in Goderich is an Municipality of Bluewater have happily agreed to work together, keeping the lines of historic and impressive building. It will be apart of the communication open in order to maintain and promote a healthy, active and vibrant guest speakers' topic at the next Bayfield Historical community." Society (BHS) meeting to be held at Bayfield Lions' flowing or have dried up completely. Community Building on Oct. 24. HSIIC welcomes new members who are interested in helping their community. The group the Bayfield Community Centre from 7 to 9 p.m. September streamflow, measured at three local indicator stations, ranged from five to 10 per The parish and its records date back to 1835, and its meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Hensall United Church. Heinbuck. first minister, Rev. Robert Francis Campbell later served at Trinity Anglican Church in Bayfield from For more information contact Chuck Mallette, via email at cmallette@ezlink.on.ca, or Marnie The organization needs dedicated folks who want to September is in the range of the record lows set in September of 2012," Heinbuck said. 1849-60. The present St. George's building is Hill, via email at mahill@hay.net. community. WRT Chair Mike Tam said that streamflow is extremely low, and despite the seasonal decline celebrating the 135th anniversary of its dedication. To in water usage "we are still asking watershed residents and water users to conserve water by celebrate this occasion, Eleanor Smith a former long - LOW WATER ADVISORY REACHES time Bayfield -area resident and Trinity Anglican LEVEL TWO parishioner has published a book commemorating ABCA is providing a number of ways for local industries and people to conserve water. Visit the the 43 people honored in its 26 stained glass water quantity page at http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=water-quantity for some water windows. The oldest window pre -dates the existing The Water Response Team (WRT) has declared a Level 2 Low Water Advisory for the entire church building and the newest was installed in 1964. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) watershed area in response to almost record - BRVTA AGM weather will occur, allowing more rainfall to become available to local streams. However, staff She will be presenting a power point program to the low streamflow. A Level 1 Advisory has been in place since July but a very dry September has BHS, starting at 7:30 p.m., in which she will tell the resulted in worsening streamflow. The flows are so low they reflect a more serious Level 3 Low stories about some of the people to whom the Water Condition. This has prompted the WRT to raise the advisory to a Level 2, according to General Meeting (AGM) this month. windows were dedicated. The stories are of tragedy ABCA. and heroism, of victory and defeat. Rainfall across ABCA watersheds was nearly normal in July and August but hot and dry weather has caused streamflow conditions to deteriorate through the summer. A dry spring F O MI -1119r season was the other factor that led to stressful conditions experienced over the past few months. The most severe declines in streamflow occurred through September, where rainfall was only 20-40 per cent of the monthly normal. Many watercourses have either stopped The Bayfield Agricultural Society has a Wine and flowing or have dried up completely. Cheese Information Evening planned for Nov. 4 in the Bayfield Community Centre from 7 to 9 p.m. September streamflow, measured at three local indicator stations, ranged from five to 10 per Other beverages will be available. cent of normal for the month, according to Lands and Water Technologist at ABCA, David Heinbuck. Anyone interested in finding out about the BAS can have a relaxing evening and all questions answered. "In the 15 -year history of the ABCA's Low Water Response Program, streamflow through The organization needs dedicated folks who want to September is in the range of the record lows set in September of 2012," Heinbuck said. ensure the fair remains a vibrant part of the community. WRT Chair Mike Tam said that streamflow is extremely low, and despite the seasonal decline in water usage "we are still asking watershed residents and water users to conserve water by The fair has been a source of entertainment and voluntarily reducing the amount of water they use by at least 20 per cent." information for the community for 160 years and is now asking for the community's support in providing ABCA is providing a number of ways for local industries and people to conserve water. Visit the leadership. The BAS Board welcomes everyone to its water quantity page at http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=water-quantity for some water Information Evening. conservation tips. ABCA staff members say they are hopeful that as we move through autumn, a shift to wetter BRVTA AGM weather will occur, allowing more rainfall to become available to local streams. However, staff members remain cautious, as it may be necessary for the WRT to consider keeping a Low Members of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Water Advisory in place through the winter. A decision of this nature would put the WRT in a Association (BRVTA) are preparing for their Annual General Meeting (AGM) this month. cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week43issue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 5/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 better position to deal with any water shortages, should that be a concern in the Spring of 2017. The WRT was formed in 2001 in response to the low water conditions that year and the team has been active ever since. The WRT includes representatives of major water users (such as aggregate industries, agriculture and vegetable growers, and golf and recreation) and includes local municipal representatives and staff of provincial departments (such as Natural Resources and Forestry; Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change). The BRVTA will be holding their AGM this Saturday, Oct. 22 starting at 10 a.m. in the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. Anyone who would like to become involved in the organization, perhaps as a board or committee member or volunteer, is asked to please visit www.bayfieldtrails.com or email info@bayfieldtrails.com for more information, ABCA staff will continue to monitor rainfall and streamflow data and keep the public informed of The BRVTA has been actively building and any changes in watershed conditions. Visit www.ontario.ca/lowwater for further resources on maintaining a network of trails in Bluewater over the the Ontario drought and low water response program or ABCA website at abca.on.ca and view past nine years. These trails, built entirely by the dynamic low-water advisory tool which alerts people to low-water advisories in effect in the volunteers, are for public use by local residents and watershed. tourists alike thanks to a partnership with Bluewater and the generosity of private landowners. UNITED WAY LAUNCHES WISH LIST United Way Perth -Huron in partnership with PF Solutions has launched a new service in Perth and Huron Counties, connecting people and companies to non -profits who are seeking gently used items at no cost. The service consists of a website encouraging non -profits to post items that they are seeking as "a wish list", as well as showing items that businesses and individuals are willing to give away. "It's a match making service for gently used items," said Susan Faber, PF Solutions Manager. "There are so many vital organizations across Perth and Huron that just don't have the budget to purchase items that they need. Examples are filing cabinets, office chairs, humidifiers, indoor plants, fridges, microwave ovens... really any item that would make their lives easier while delivering their service." Faber continued, "Most businesses and individuals have items they no longer use and they are more than pleased to gift that item — now they can and it's PF Solutions that will provide that backend logistics to this service." PF Solutions (PF) is a practice first program where individuals facing barriers to employment attend over a period of time to upgrade their administration skills and gain work experience, increasing their employability. PF Solutions is a supported partner of United Way Perth -Huron and helps between 30-36 participants a year to gain employment. The new service will provide work experience to participants in web page management, logistics, and customer service and project management. "It's a great example of the collaboration that is happening in Perth and Huron Counties," said Executive Director of United Way Perth -Huron, Ryan Erb. "This community service will help businesses, organizations and individuals across both counties, as well as helping individuals facing barriers to achieve employment. It's a win-win for everyone." The Non -Profit Wish List link can be found at the top right corner of perthhuronunitedway.ca. The wish list or items available are submitted via a web form. For more information contact PF Solutions at 519 271-2978 or via info@pf-solutions.ca. 'HEAR T - 'A Membership is a significant contribution to the maintenance of the trail system and the organization of community events throughout the year. It might also make a great gift idea. The dues are $20 per year per person or $30 per year for a family. COUNCILOR'S CORNER The monthly Councilor's Corner held in the Bayfield Community Centre is set for tomorrow (Oct. 20). Bill Whetstone, Bayfield Ward councilor, hosts the evening on the third Thursday of every month. He provides an opportunity for people to hear what council has been up to and voice their opinions. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. BAYFIELD Flh cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 6/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 REMEMBER ME? Volume 8 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, in light of the campaign to purchase the Bayfield River Flats we are sharing an image of these men down by the river taken in 1908. Notes with the photo suggest that the three gents on the right side are John McLeod, Frank Keegan and Lois McLeod. Does anyone remember the two men on the left? (Archives Code: PB10001 PC) PB10001 PC Remember Me 381 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr ISSUE 379 In Issue 379, we feature another river related picture of someone in fancy dress circa 1930. The canoe bares a well-known village name, the "McLeod". (Archives Code: PB 10056 PC) ISSUE 380 In Issue 380, another river photo is highlighted. Records indicate that this image of "Dressers Boat" was taken circa 1900. (Archives Code: PB10003 PC) cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 7/12 6/13/2019 SHARE ®�►©... PHOTO STORY .'� pF,9iGl�l me _ 1upich, dlll. DESIGN+BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GAP.DEN CENTER 74199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 i 519 565 7173 Week 43 Issue 381 GOPEMHAGENS ASSAGE THERAPY -- 6. All, domm 4— - 519.565.4711 --- 519.5b5.4711 HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL Bayfield Mews Exclusive 55+ C41mmunitty One Floor Townhotnes 519. 555 .4542 liV W W_haylieldmews.ca TERRY FOX RUN, SPIRIT DAY AND FIRE SAFETY: CLASS IS IN SESSION Patti Down, a teacher at Huron Centennial School posed for a picture with students and a family friend during the school's annual Terry Fox Run held on Sept. 30. Alexis E, Lorissa W and Abby H got into the spirit of the Terry Fox Run. PHOTOS SUBMITTED This week we take a look at some of the activities that students at Huron Centennial School in Brucefield have taken part in over the past few weeks. The Terry Fox Run is a very special annual event at the school and together the students raised $2,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Other highlights of the fall session included a Spirt Day in support of the Toronto Blue Jays and a visit from some local firefighters. 30 Hudson H and Ben W showed off their toothless grins as well as their running skills. Christina G, Karly F, and Elyse B sported temporary tattoos supplied by the Terry Fox Foundation. cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze1Week431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 8/12 6/13/2019 ;�I M G_3194 Week 43 Issue 381 It was a perfect autumn day for the students of Huron Centennial School to participate in the Terry Fox Run on Sept. 30. Sophie C, Sawyer C, Kate W and Carly D ran along the route designated for the annual event. BAYFIELD re q-9 OPTIMIST optor etrkc GAYFIELD Ir)tegfity -" . Everything! LAKE 14UROI r?VA1. f: fAl ?� r W;7 I` PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Bosten S, Max M, Maddex J, Keina P and Carson B were just some of the students that took part in the Huron Centennial Terry Fox Run. Student's from Mrs. Regier's Grade 4/5 Class participated in Blue Jay's Spirit Day at Huron Centennial School recently. �IMG_1110 A presentation from the Brucefield Fire Department to the Grade 2/3 and 3/4 class on Oct. 14 and they left the students with a small souvenir. Showing off their new hats were Ashlyn E, Faith D, Addison T, Kiera P, Maud K and Trinity B. AMUTUA H 519-236-4381 cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield BreezelWeek431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 9/12 6/13/2019 Week 43 Issue 381 ,&:image Sunrise at Windmill Lake By Jennifer Pate Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued HOME • COTTAGE • BUSINESS cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield BreezelWeek431ssue381 /tabid/801 /Default. aspx 10/12 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 43 Issue 381 SUBMISSIONS Oct. 15 and 16 marked Cookie Days Across Canada for Girl Guides. Here in Bayfield I am blessed with some rather remarkably enthusiastic cookie sellers perhaps the best I've seen in my 28 years as a Guider. In just under a week the Bayfield Guiding girls had cleared out our original inventory of 80 cases of Chocolatey Mint cookies (960 boxes) and we were still days away from Cookie Days so that is when I started searching for surplus cases. Turns out it is a banner year for cookie sales and it took a lot of searching before I tracked 18 more cases down in a town just an hours drive away. At this moment, apparently there are no surplus cases available anywhere in Ontario and units who need more are on a three-week wait list with no guarantee of a supply. The folks at Dare must be shaking their heads! Well, it is not for me to question why the sudden burst in popularity — mine is just to help the girls reach their cookie selling goals. So with the added 216 boxes secured we had enough to complete our selling days at Bayfield Foodland — selling out of the surplus on Saturday afternoon. Girls who still had some cookies brought in their extras to sell on Sunday and they got scooped up too. And thus in just three short weeks our autumn cookie campaign is concluded. There may be the odd member of Bayfield Guiding still with some cookies to sell so if you have a craving I would track them down fast — I can pretty much guarantee they won't last long! And if you were one of the lucky people who got a box of cookies — thanks so much for supporting our girls and our program we truly appreciate it! — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. BAWIELD BREEZE Q SHRRE®... {�. SIGN UP FOR BAYFIELD BRME _N CLICK HERE _ J Founding Members .­ .............................................................................................................................................9........................................ Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week431ssue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 11/12 6/13/2019 Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 43 Issue 381 Ian Mathew CA Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Falconer -Pounder cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week431ssue381/tabid/801/Default.aspx 12/12