HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-09-14, Page 16/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 �BAYFIELDBREEZE ",,- : . ..T.n"r, Arrh:^.�.n a W #4 4DPFA MASAVE � I I I I I I 111111.111111111.11111111111 ROYAL LEPAGF �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ��- .0' . ... _P., 4��A r T BAYFIELD BREEZE rhe vr!)4ge's own ar?hne npvrs Sourrr 0 SHARE OWL] . Sept. 14, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 38 Issue 376 FIFTY PERCENT OF FUNDING GOAL RAISED FOR RIVER FLATS PURCHASE MG 3758 Larry Dalton, Gayle Waters, Jack Pal and Roger Lewington, all members of the fundraising team for the Bayfield River Flats campaign were present at the Bayfield Farners' Market on Sept. 9 to share information about the campaign with market shoppers. (Submitted photos) IAN MATTHEW CA. s 13-sss-�3 3 s GARDEN CLUB On Sept. 19, members of the Bayfield Garden Club can carpool to Goderich for a very special tour of the trees in Courthouse Park. Those who wish to take carpool can meet at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building at 6 p.m. Martin Quinn will lead the group in identifying the 166 trees that were planted in the park after the tornado of 2011. If time permits the group will drive down to the beach and enjoy some refreshments and watch the sunset. All are welcome to attend. BLUEWATER BLOOMS Need some trees to fill a space or create a windbreak? Consider buying from Bluewater Communities in Bloom and support a positive community -wide effort at the same time. Communities in Bloom (CIB) sprouted six years ago from an idea to bring villages, lakeshore and farming communities together. It is one municipal -community program that brings together passionate volunteers and unique initiatives. The program funds the creation of a community profile book, or brag book, entry into a provincial competition and flower planters cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week38issue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 1/12 6/13/2019 Fifty percent of the $70,000 objective has been promo reached during the first two weeks of the campaign to purchase the River Flats for the citizens of Bayfield. There are only 10 more weeks until Nov. 30, when the 'Financing Condition' must be removed. Roma Harris, Ray Letheren, Gayle Waters, Mike Dixon, Larry Dalton, Doug Vanderhaar, Helen Varekamp, Jack Pal, Kirsten Harrett, David MacLaren, Sandy Scotchmer, Wayne McKaig and Dave Gillians, the fundraising team working on this campaign, are optimistic that the goal will be reached. On Sept. 14, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Bayfield Town Hall, members of the fundraising group will host an information session to Week 38 Issue 376 answer questions about the River Flats Natural Area and its benefits. It's very important that this community based initiative be as transparent and accountable as possible. Although the immediate focus is on raising enough money to buy the property, in time, resident input will be invaluable in assisting with future negotiations and with the creation of a development and operation plan. The last time there was a Town Hall meeting about the Bayfield River Flats was in January 1980. According to an excerpt from the London Free Press published at the time, "About a third of the village population showed up at the meeting, armed to the topsails in their fight against the Mill Pond Marina, which has been proposed by London developer Dick Peever. Ratepayer representative, Dorothy Hovey, presented petitions with 554 signatures from local ratepayers and tenants and 150 signatures from fishermen and conservationists from as far away as British Columbia and Florida." The population of Bayfield in 1980 was less than 700 and these citizens blocked development on the east side of the bridge. To assist the public in learning about the history of the Bayfield River Flats, Dave Gillians, author of 'For the Love of Bayfield', will be presenting at the Bayfield Historical Society's monthly "Speakers Series" on Sept. 19. The presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. The Thomson Mill ruins which are part of the attraction of the Bayfield River Flats and are an important part of the village's heritage, will form a backdrop for this presentation. Bayfield River Flats campaign information. on every Main Street in the municipality. CIB has also been the vehicle for residents to plant over 200 trees in the past couple of years. Once again, CIB invites you to order fall trees online now via their webpage at bluewaterblooms.ca Tree species offered for sale are: White Cedar, White Pine, White Spruce, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce. These are 18 to 24 inches tall — ball burlap. Silver Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, Bur Oak and Tulip Tree are three to five feet tall and potted. Orders will be confirmed and payment arranged through the Municipality of Bluewater. Please contact Nellie Evans at 519 236-4351 Ext. 236 or email nevans@municipalityofbluewater.ca. Trees are purchased from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. Those who order will be asked to pick up their trees at the arenas in Bayfield, Zurich and Hensall in the middle of October. PLAN OPEN HOUSE The Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater is undertaking an update of the Official Plan, a land use planning document that is a statement of where and how development should take place. You are invited to attend an Open House to learn about required updates to the Official Plan to ensure conformity with County and Provincial Planning documents and discuss the policy areas to be explored in the update to the Bluewater Official Plan. Your comments on this important document are valued. A Public Open House will be held starting on Sept. 19 through Sept. 23 from 1-4 p.m. daily at the Stanley Complex, 38954 Mill Road Oust west of Varna). Private appointments are available during the mornings of Sept. 19-23 to discuss property -specific questions. Please call, to book an appointment, 519 524-8394 Ext. 3. The draft amendment is also available online at: www.municipalityofbluewater.ca. Please contact Denise Van Amersfoort, planner, at the number above with any questions about the review process or how your property might be affected. SKATING CLUB The Bayfield Skating Club is excited to begin another great season! They are offering Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate, Junior and Senior level programming, cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 2/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 During the formative years of the village until 1900, the Thomson Mill on the river flats, was the plus two - 10 week power skating sessions. The area's largest and most important industry. During his presentation Gillians will talk about the season begins Oct. 18 and ends March 9, 2017. three storey Mill, the dam, the floods, the fire and the protest. Such is Guiding The Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association Now, after 120 years of neglect, the 4.75 acre, Thomson mill property on the banks of the (BACPA) is sponsoring $50 to any new Bayfield Bayfield River, may again become a place of pride for the village. Skating Club registrations. Please note this does not Two more Huron municipalities have joined Bluewater in asking Huron County Council to apply for power skating and this must be a new All donations $50 and over made out to the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) on registration, no return registrations are eligible. behalf of the Bayfield River Flats acquisition, are income tax deductible. All donations made at immediately following the younger girls meeting. campaign headquarters, Main Street Optometric, will receive a badge. The club's second registration date will take place on Bayfield Councilor Bill Whetstone was informed last week the municipalities of Huron East and Sept. 21 at the Bayfield Arena between 6:30-8 p.m. Bayfield River Flats T-shirts or tote bags are offered to donors who contribute $250 or more at For further information please contact Tamara Main Street Optometric in the village. Campaign sponsors who donate $1,000 or more, will be Corriveau 226 222-0441 or Sonya Brady 519 565 - publicly recognized with a permanent plaque installed on the `Flats' property. 5672. BLUEWATER COUNCIL SUPPORTIVE The club is also selling Elmira chicken. Anyone who is interested in purchasing is asked to please contact OF RIVER FLATS CAMPAIGN any member of the Bayfield Skating Club or check out their Facebook page. The Bayfield River Flats community campaign to raise $70,000 to purchase 4.75 acres �i �T bordering the Bayfield River received the praises of Bluewater Council last week. BA�7i 1� WLD GUIDING Rodger Lewington, a member of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA), told council his association saw the site as "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to buy the land located ,;Social -Share -2016 -Girl near the Bayfield Bridge on Hwy 21. The flats have 1,000 feet of riverbank with a natural growth area within the old village boundaries. Back in the 1890s it was the site of the Thompson Mill. When the existing Bayfield Bridge is closed for three years in 2017 the BRVTA intends to turn the river flats over to the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy. Last year the conservancy received its first gift of land. The Mayhew Tact of 10 acres is located at the watershed divide between the Bayfield and Maitland near Holmesville. The acreage is a solid hardwood forest that helps store the river water throughout the year. Originally the valuable site was part of the Mayhew family farm. Lewington was encouraged by the council members to have the BRVTA buy the river flats and if the fundraising campaign is successful future tax relief for the property may be a way the municipality can support the campaign. TWO MORE MUNICIPALITIES JOIN "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." BLUEWATER IN REVIEW REQUEST Such is Guiding the epitome of a new season. BY KEN LARONE Sparks, Brownies and Guides in Bayfield will resume on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 5:15 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Two more Huron municipalities have joined Bluewater in asking Huron County Council to Trinity Anglican Church. The older girls, Pathfinders reconsider it decision to eliminate 14 Advance Care Paramedics (ACPs) from its ambulance and Rangers will meet up again starting on Sept. 21 system by the end of this year. immediately following the younger girls meeting. They will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of Bayfield Councilor Bill Whetstone was informed last week the municipalities of Huron East and the month. Central Huron would ask county council to reconsider its ACPs decision. Whetstone expects more Huron municipalities could join the three municipalities asking for a review of the county's Girls aged five to 17 are welcome to join and they decision to kill the jobs. can register online now at www.girlguides.ca, clicking on Registration and entering the "NOM 1 GO" areacode. At a Huron County Council meeting in Goderich last Wednesday, Sept. 7, the council rejected Bluewater's request to reconsider its decision. Bayfield Guiding has had a presence in this "I expect county council will face a similar request from Huron East and Central Huron at its community for 60 plus years, They meet from Sept. next meeting," Whetstone said. unitl June. Want to learn more about Bayfield He said more and more citizens throughout the county are beginning to recognize the need for Guiding? Contact Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 ACPs. 525-3830 or melody.pounder@gmail.com. "A large rural area with a small population needs a highly skilled ambulance system. In an HAR V L` ST DINNER aging community like Bayfield the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes are cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 3/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 disproportionately high. "The county council has made a serious miscalculation and we must work hard to get it turned around," he added. Huron County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) employs 14 ACP and employs 72 Primary Care Paramedics (PCP). Forty of these PCP are full-time the remainder part-time. The extra cost for the higher skilled ACPs is $167,488 with Ontario paying half and Huron paying half. Whetstone is trying to get Huron's five hospitals - Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter and Wingham - to tell him where they stand in the controversy. At the Huron County council meeting last week most members of council seemed surprised to learn Wingham Hospital did not need Huron's $500,000 grant as part of its fundraising campaign. Now the county council is trying to decide what to do with the money. TERRY FOX RUN THIS SUNDAY 204_TFR_2015_POSTER _SM_ENG "A single dream. A world of hope." These words not only symbolizes the Terry Fox Foundation but also the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) as their members organize their eighth annual Terry Fox Run set for Sept. 18. The ultimate goal of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope that began in 1980 was to find a cure for cancer. All monies raised under the Terry Fox name go strictly to cancer research. The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) will be holding their second annual Fall Harvest Dinner and Dance on Oct. 15th at Renegades Diner, Bayfield. Tickets are $35 and the evening starts with a Reception and Silent Auction at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. After dinner, attendees can dance to live music by "Cheap Shirts". The BRVTA has been actively building and maintaining a network of trails in Bluewater over the past 10 years. These trails, built entirely by volunteers, are for public use by local residents and tourists alike thanks to a partnership with the Municipality of Bluewater and the generosity of private landowners. Over the years the BRVTA has contributed much to community improvement through fundraising. Sponsorship of the Terry Fox Run for the past 7 years has raised over $24,000. An additional $1,000 was raised for the Goderich MRI Imaging project and $1,200 for the Clinton Public Hospital. In 2013, the Festival of Fitness and Art in Bayfield used the trails and raised in excess of $4,000 for Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich. The trails are free of charge to the public and provide a superb opportunity for families and people of all generations to enjoy the beauty of the area. "We hope you can come out for a wonderful evening and support Bayfield Trails!" said Roger Lewington, representing BRVTA. Folks are encouraged to get their tickets now. Tickets can be purchased by emailing info@bayfieldtrails.com or by calling Roger at 519 565-2202 or Scott at 519 565-2827. Tables of eight or more can be reserved. LIBRARY FRIENDS AGM There is a motion on the table at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) to be held on Sept. 15. The following motion will be presented at that time for consideration: "That two new Board members from the FOBL membership be appointed to the Board of Directors subject to the resignation of two current Board members." FOBL members are requested to attend the meeting that will be held in the Bayfield Library Community Room at 7 p.m. so that they might cast their vote. CALENDAR The theme of the 2017 village calendar is "Bayfield from a different perspective", and organizers feel that the theme is well reflected in the photos. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week38issue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 4/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 "The Bayfield Terry Fox run is just a small way for our community to contribute time, energy, and donations to a cause that effects so many of our friends, relatives, and neighbors so that one day there will be a cure and Terry's wish can be fulfilled," said Roger Lewington, representing the BRVTA. Registration is now online for individuals and teams at www.terryfox.org. Participants can also register on the run day at the gazebo in Clan Gregor Square. The route may be run or walked The event starts at 9 a.m. "We hope you can come out for a wonderful day and help raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation," said Lewington. "New this year, you can be part of a team challenge. You can register a team, club or organization, office group, family, to participate. The team with the highest average donation and/or the team with the highest number of participants will win two large gourmet pizzas from Charles St Market! Thank you Graham Wallace." The Terry Fox Run is an all-inclusive, non-competitive, family oriented event. The Bayfield Calendar, a joint project of the Bayfield Lions' Club and the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB), is now on sale for $10 at the Village Bookshop, the Bayfield Archives and Heritage Centre (BAHC), Bayfield Foodland and from Justyne Chojnacki as well as a number of local clubs and organizations including the PCoB. Organizers note that the calendars make wonderful gifts and mementos of Bayfield. All proceeds from calendar sales and the silent auction go towards supporting Lions' activities throughout the community. 1 [o I M M 1.1► L%IV* [IIII)Q The Bayfield run has been a BRVTA initiative and is scheduled to start and end at Clan Gregor Square and incorporates various parts of the Heritage and Sawmill Trails. Alternate routes will The United Way Perth -Huron is now accepting be offered to ensure that it is an inclusive event so that anybody wishing to participate in the applications to fund youth -led projects for up to run will be able to do so. Pledge sheets are available around the village at various locations. $1,000 within Perth and Huron Counties. Over the years the BRVTA has contributed much to community improvement through The purpose of the grant is to assist young leaders in fundraising. The Terry Fox Run in Bayfield has raised over $24,000 over the past seven years. addressing issues that are important to them and their community. Projects must have a lead youth If you are interested in volunteering with the Bayfield run please contact organizers Paula applicant (age 14-25) and an adult trustee to assist in Letheren by email at raypaula@tcc.on.ca or Lynn Girard atlgirard16@gmail.com or the stewardship of funds. info@bayfieldtrails.com. HIIERS LEARN ABOUT TREES AND FORESTRY ALONG SAWMILL TRAIL Forrester Steve Bowers (right), explained tree identification to 16 hikers on the Sawmill Trail on Sunday afternoon. (Photo submitted) Steve Bowers, shared his vast forestry knowledge with a group of 16 hikers when the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) hosted their monthly Sunday afternoon hike along the Sawmill Trail. Bowers spent his career in forestry and is able to share an amazing amount of information about trees and forestry in general on these hikes. The hike took around two hours. It was filled with a lot of interesting stops along the way as Bowers talked about tree identification, good management practices, invasive species and the local forest ecosystem. He also pointed out Carolinian species, such as Sycamore Trees. Due to the moderating effect of Lake Huron, Bayfield is on the northern edge of the Carolinian Zone. Earlier in the year the BRVTA had a tree planting day on the Sawmill Trail with a number of Carolinian species planted and it was interesting to see that almost all of the planted trees survived. "Our Youth In Action grant stream provides opportunity for youth driven social innovation", explained Ryan Erb, executive director of United Way Perth -Huron. "I'm always thrilled to get these applications — consistently they demonstrate how our youth are committed to social change and how they care for their community. I'm sure this year will be no exception!" Last year's recipients included: The Green Ribbon Campaign: Graphic material was developed and produced to be used to identify safe places for students to disclose they may be struggling with mental health issue and in need of support. The Open Mind Project: A mental wellness summit was organized and run by students. GDCI — GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces: A GSA group was run to support students of the LBGTQ community. Priority will be given to projects that are collaborative, address priority issues in the community, present a unique and innovative idea, have not received prior funding from the United Way and promote health and wellness while raising awareness of youth issues and concerns. Applications will close on Wednesday, Oct. 5. Details regarding criteria, priorities and timeline for the youth grants can be found at http://perthhuron.unitedway.ca/funding/#Youth. BLESSINGS cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 5/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 Bowers also talked about the impact of the Emerald Ash Borer as well as diseases that are threatening other species such as American Beech There was also an opportunity to view the Bayfield Flats from across the river. The group saw that a number of fishermen and a kayaker were spending Sunday afternoon enjoying the river. The Sawmill Trail features a range of historical and natural points of interest. Naturalists enjoy the changing terrain, varied plant life and the telltale signs of abundant wildlife such as beaver, wild turkey and deer. The trail is 2 KMs, difficulty is level 2 although there is one large hill at the start and finish. It is open year round. To visit the Sawmill Trail, turn east on Old River Road, proceed .5 KM and turn right at Sawmill Road; parking is available. For trail membership and information visit www.bayfieldtrails.com r b„ Balfleld Mews ti-, - _'u. Udu5iwe 55+ 03rnmunity One Floor Townhernrs 519 • 565 •4592 VUWW_baAieldmews.ca Me ivet optametric RAYFIELD FINANCIAL C.toup Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has moved from the old Foodland lot to the Nip N' Tuck lot (just north of the building). Residents are encouraged to drop in the box clean, gently used clothing and household goods they no longer need or want. The sale of these items in the thrift store help to support the food bank as well as help others. Please call 519 236-4376 with questions. REMEMBER ME? ISSUE 371 Volume zd PB12 2b Remember Me 371 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, in keeping with the ongoing campaign to purchase the Bayfield River Flats we share an image circa 1925 of a fellow whose history is now synonymous with the property. Does anyone remember him? (Archives code: PB10034 PC) In Issue 371, this family posed for a summery photograph on Aug. 24, 1948. Does anyone recognize them? (Archives Code; (PB12 2b) Notes with the photo identify the people as Mrs Adelaide McLeod, Frank Crawford, Pat Crawford, Gay Crawford, Lill Thomas and Cecil McLeod. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 6/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 PB10034 PC Remember Me 376 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks COPENH,AGENS C3 SHARE MOO .. PHOTO STORY BAYFIELD 41 PB10006 PC In Issue 374, in light of the campaign to purchase the Bayfield River Flats we are sharing an image showing a lady sitting on the bank circa 1935. (Archives Code: PB10006 PC) c�n�scws EXXPEDITION GREAT LADS 2016 OVER ONE THOUSAND CITIZENS FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE GREAT LAKES BASIN PARTICIPATED IN THE PROJECT PHOTOS BY MELODY FALCONER - POUNDER STORY BY RAY LETHEREN AND JENNIFER PATE Citizens that reside on the shores of any of the Great Lakes are frequently reminded of the threats of invasive species, lake level variances, algae blooms and other unnatural and unwanted changes. On Saturday, Aug. 20, an equally serious but relatively unknown and understudied invasive "species" was put under a microscope. Boats from multiple Great Lakes harbors - Bayfield, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Buffalo, Duluth - to name a few, set out to study the plastic soup that has quietly created a serious threat to cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 7/12 6/13/2019 ;�IMG_9661 Week 38 Issue 376 The nine women crew of Bayfield's "eXXpedition Great Lakes 2016": BR (1-r) - Chelsea Rochman, Patricia Corcoran, Heather Ross, Theresa Hamilton, Lorraine Dietz and Sarah Richardson. FR - Kelly Jazvac, Jennifer Pate and Katrina McQuail. A local beach cleanup prior to sailing on Saturday morning was organized by Blue Bayfield. In the course of one hour, approximately 50 citizens collected 40 bags of litter. Plastics, particularly single use bottles for water, and cigarettes represented the bulk of the waste. aquatic species and has the potential do the same to humans. These plastics come in many forms, from microbeads found in toothpaste and facial scrubs to micro fibres from clothing and ropes, all the way to plastic bottles and other plastic waste degrading to become part of the soup. Bayfield's Jennifer Pate is the mastermind behind this international study of plastics in the Great Lakes called eXXpedition Great Lakes. She, along with scientists from around the world set out to establish the extent of plastic pollutants. Expectations from previous smaller studies, is that the lakes have a greater density of the microplastic debris than any of the ocean "gyres" (accumulation zones of pollutants). Pate and some members of the array of research vessels gained their experience on cross -ocean voyages on eXXpedition 2014 and 2015. Their research demonstrated that waters outside the known gyres were awash in plastic debris, a fact previously not well communicated. Pate's crew left Bayfield harbour followed by a flotilla of supporting citizens, early Saturday morning. Before boarding, the team spent time with volunteers in a beach and river cleanup. This serves to heighten citizen awareness of the quantities of debris that could potentially be part of the lake pollution. The eXXpedition 2014 crew worked with local citizens in beach cleanup in the Canary Islands before their cross -ocean voyage. The local cleanup on Saturday was organized by Blue Bayfield, a community of thirty-nine village organizations from Girl Guides to the Pioneer Park Association that are committed to the protection of the Great Lakes. In the course of one hour, approximately 50 citizens collected 40 bags of litter. Plastics, particularly single use bottles for water, and cigarettes represented the bulk of the waste. Bayfield as a village has stepped up to the plate by discouraging single use bottled water. Blue Bayfield has installed five new water bottle refill stations in the village with the generous support of sponsors such as the Bayfield Lions. Over 1,500 refillable bottles have been distributed in the village. On board the research vessel, the scientific team conducted surface trawling and water sampling for plastics. Much of the plastic pollution in the lakes consists of microplastics (under 5 mm in diameter) or nanoplastics (under 1 mm in diameter). So, even though at first glance there may not appear to be anything present - further analysis and processing will be able to uncover this "unseen" pollutant. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 8/12 6/13/2019 Week 38 Issue 376 Blackburn News reporter, Bob Montgomery, interviewed Jennifer Pate about the event prior to the launch. Pate's crew left Bayfield Harbour followed by a flotilla of supporting citizens, early Saturday morning. A few members of the Blue Bayfield Community Group as well as experienced past "eXXpedition" members went along on the adventure on a boat owned by Dave and Jane Maclaren of Bayfield. Trawl - Peter Keightley The Manta Trawl at work on Lake Huron. (Photo by Peter Keightley) Malin Jacob Discovered microplastics. (Photo by Malin Jacob) Among the support vessels were two tall ships manned by students. Kayaks, barges, canoes and paddleboards left locations from across the region to show their support for this world -first event. Over 1,000 citizens from every corner of the Great Lakes basin signed up to support and participate in the project. The analysis of this world's largest simultaneous sampling for microplastics in history will take time. By the start of 2017 it is hoped that results will be available. The resulting data will be public and shared widely with citizens, industry and government departments around the Great Lakes. These results will available on the web sites of eXXpedition Great Lakes, Love Your Greats and Blue Bayfield and published in the Bayfield Breeze. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 9/12 6/13/2019 C13BBE„E blich. 00. DESIGN/BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER WHO.BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTAR10 519 236 73'3 a 519 565 7973 MASSAGE THERAPY 51'9.565.4T 11 Week 38 Issue 376 dfif SHOP BE PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK MG_9671 Blue Bayfield... By Melody Falconer -Pounder Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued HAY MUTUAL Integrity ", Everything! 519-236-4381 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week38issue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 10/12 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 38 Issue 376 SUBMISSIONS When you think about the word litter what comes to mind? Fast food wrappers and cups, disposable water bottles, newspaper flyers, obviously, but what about cigarette butts? In my summer walks around our village I have noticed a lot of cigarette butts on the edges of roadsides and along the edges of our beautiful heritage Main Street. This summer The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation in Goderich has started working on the problem of cigarette butt waste on our beaches having collection days in Grand Bend and Goderich this summer. The need to clean up is very real as butts made up 76 per cent of all litter collected during the 2012 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up at Grand Bend. And on Aug. 20 when the eXXpedition clean up occurred on the Bayfield Main Beach a great number of cigarette butts were picked up. This despite the recent placement of a collection container by the LHCCC at Bayfield's Main Beach. Sadly it is just so much easier to just flick those butts on the ground. I know at my former place of employ I used to get very frustrated with people who chose to butt out in our flowerpots or on the ground instead of in the collection container sitting just a foot away. Our community is not an ashtray, folks. What the LHCCC want people to realize: Cigarette butts do not biodegrade. Cigarette butts cause water pollution. Cigarette butts can harm wildlife. But it isn't just our beaches that need our help ... so I challenge my subscribers to take a container and a couple pairs of protective gloves out with them on their travels; whether you live in Bayfield or elsewhere, and pick up those butts! — Melody Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bayfield-Breeze-206183479424800/ Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. r _ BAWIELD BREEZE O SHARE MVE9 , cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 11/12 6/13/2019 5 1 c N uI r rJR BAYFIELD BREEZE -r- CLICK HERE Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 38 Issue 376 Credits: Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek381ssue376/tabid/796/Default.aspx 12/12