HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-09-07, Page 16/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 F — -- �1 13AYFIELD IEE it PHMMA AVENAPA M �IIIIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ ROYAL EPAE RMOP— ow C�YAIL LHI�AL . BAWIELD BREEZE -'� f�12 L'lJi�i�'r? $ f7'.Vfl s�dil7t]fF FIF.'VJ$ 5f1'V1CB Q SHARE Mst®... Sept. 7, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 37 Issue 375 1' 1 BY DAVE GILLIANS On Sept. 1, the fundraising campaign to purchase the riverside property just southeast of the Bayfield Bridge for the community officially began with donations being received at Main Street Optometric. Over the first couple of days of the Bayfield River Flats campaign, almost 20 per cent of the $70,000 goal was received in pledges and donations. Since the financing condition on the 'Offer to Purchase' expires in 12 weeks, on Nov. 30, this early support is a good indicator that most villagers realize the significance of this opportunity The early draft of the new Bayfield Bridge plans show that a portion of the "Flats" property will have to be used for the temporary bridge by the Ministry of Transportation and it is likely that the contractors will also want to use a portion of the property for their equipment and crews. Since negotiations will only be carried out with the legal property owners or the entity that has the rights to own the property, this is the reason the timing on this fundraising campaign is so important. Will negotiations take place on behalf of the community or other owners? 41� IAN MATTHEW CA t 2 SKATING CLUB The Bayfield Skating Club is excited to begin another great season! They are offering Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate, Junior and Senior level programming, plus two - 10 week power skating sessions. The season begins Oct. 18 and ends March 9, 2017. The Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association (BACPA) is sponsoring $50 to any new Bayfield Skating Club registrations. Please note this does not apply for power skating and this must be a new registration, no return registrations are eligible. The club's first registration date will take place on today (Sept. 7) at the Bayfield Arena between 6:30-8 p.m. There will be a second registration session on Sept. 21. For further information please contact Tamara Corriveau 226 222-0441 or Sonya Brady 519 565-5672. The club is also selling Elmira chicken. Anyone who is interested in purchasing is asked to please contact cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week37issue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 1/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 During bridge construction there will probably be no access to the "Flats" property for three years starting in 2018. This three year waiting period will turn into a benefit because it will provide a valuable planning window that will allow community groups' time to be innovative in creating plans to maximize the potential of these 1,000 feet of Bayfield riverbank. It will also provide time to apply for various foundation and government grants that encourage the proper development of natural spaces. Although the "Flats" are within the village, they are zoned Natural Environment that precludes buildings, fences or other structures. The fundraising committee feels very strongly that some of this forested riverside setting should be designed for natural play and learning. It should be a place where children can explore, discover and develop an affinity to and a love of nature, away from the allure of "screen time". All donations over $50 to the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) on behalf of this River Flats acquisition are income tax deductible this significantly reduces the actual cost. All donations made at campaign headquarters, Main Street Optometric, will receive a badge. 'Bayfield River Flats' T-shirts or tote bags are offered to donors who contribute $250 or more at Main Street Optometric in the village. Campaign sponsors who donate $1,000 or more, will be publicly recognized with a permanent plaque installed on the "Flats" property. Donors from all over the world, can contribute to this campaign through a "crowd funding" program on the website www.BayfieldRiverFlats.ca but to control costs, no T-shirts, tote bags or badges will be mailed. The BRVTA will be hosting a special Town Hall Information Meeting regarding the Bayfield River Flats purchase on Sept. 14 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. A presentation will be made regarding the purchase of the property, its possible future use and fundraising details. There will also be a question and answer time and donations will be accepted that night as well. WAIT TIMES FOR ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY UNACCEPTABLE �dView More: http://sandraregier.pass.us/bafht Dr. Deborah Josephson any member of the Bayfield Skating Club or check out their Facebook page. 1 001 IA r:] On Sept. 11, the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) invites everyone to take a hike along the Sawmill Trail in Bayfield and take a closer look at what makes up the forest — the trees Special guest Steve Bowers has an amazing knowledge of trees and forests and will point out features to look at for tree identification and any other forestry points of interest along the way. He will also point out any Carolinian species, such as, Sycamore trees. Participants are encouraged to bring any tree ID books and binoculars if with them, as well as a sense of humor. The Sawmill Trail features a range of historical and natural points of interest. Naturalists will enjoy the changing terrain, varied plant life and the telltale signs of abundant wildlife. The trail is 2 KMs long, difficulty is level 2 although there is one large hill and the hike will take approximately two hours. To access the trail turn east on Old River Road, proceed .5 KM and turn right at Sawmill Road; parking is available. The hike leaders will be Chris and Pam Bowers 519 565-4605 and Roger Lewington 519 565-2202. ONE CARE One Care will be offering new, seated exercises classes starting Wednesday, Sept. 7 in the Bayfield Community Centre. These classes will run every Monday and Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. (same time as Total Body Fit 2). All exercises, except balance, can be performed while on a chair. Balance exercises can be done standing beside a chair. For anyone who uses a walker, there is an elevator available to take them to the second floor. Anyone new to exercise or looking for a different exercise format, these Sit/Fit Classes may just fit the bill. Come out and give them a try! HARVEST DINNER The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) will be holding their second annual Fall Harvest Dinner and Dance on Oct. 15th at Renegades Diner, Bayfield. Tickets are $35 and the evening starts with a Reception and Silent Auction at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. After dinner, attendees can dance to live music by "Cheap Shirts". cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 2/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 Wait times to see an orthopedic surgeon for consultation of up to eight months for patients after The BRVTA has been actively building and diagnosis of severe hip or knee osteoarthritis and a further 15 months before replacement maintaining a network of trails in Bluewater over the surgery have physicians at the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) concerned. past 10 years. These trails, built entirely by years before. Even with the extremely hot days and wet nights people enjoyed themselves volunteers, are for public use by local residents and "Our patients are waiting more than two years from diagnosis to surgery," said Lead Physician, tourists alike thanks to a partnership with the Dr. Deborah Josephson. "And as BAFHT is a rural, under -serviced population with many senior Municipality of Bluewater and the generosity of citizens in the community, this length of time is totally unacceptable. Waiting for surgery causes private landowners. patients to lose quality of life, experience more pain and hinders more preventable joint stress, provided deep relaxation, given their bodies destruction." Over the years the BRVTA has contributed much to and cooked entries saw the biggest increase. community improvement through fundraising. The Ontario Wait Times web site (June 2016) confirms that the South West LHIN has some of Sponsorship of the Terry Fox Run for the past 7 the longest wait times in the province from decision to treat to surgical procedure — 237 days years has raised over $24,000. An additional $1,000 for hip replacement and 333 days for knee replacement. In contrast, wait times for these same was raised for the Goderich MRI Imaging project and procedures in the Central LHIN are 115 days and 144 days, respectively. $1,200 for the Clinton Public Hospital. In 2013, the A strongly -worded letter to the Honorable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health, from the Chair of the Festival of Fitness and Art in Bayfield used the trails Board of Directors of BAFHT, Barbara Brown and Dr. Josephson called for immediate action. and raised in excess of $4,000 for Alexandra Marine feedback. It is encouraged and welcomed. When the website www.bayfieldfair.ca is opened, and General Hospital in Goderich. "The geographic inequities our patients experience in accessing hip and knee replacement Town Hall. Beginner classes will continue on surgery has to be addressed. And the system must deal with the current backlog of patients The trails are free of charge to the public and provide waiting for hip and knee replacement." a superb opportunity for families and people of all generations to enjoy the beauty of the area. The letter also called for existing surgical capacity and operating room utilization to be maximized. With wait times reduced, better patient care can be provided in the long term. "We hope you can come out for a wonderful evening and support Bayfield Trails!" said Roger Lewington, The BAFHT is dedicated to providing exemplary health care for patients and finds it representing BRVTA. unacceptable that those who need hip and knee replacement have to suffer needlessly. Folks are encouraged to get their tickets now. Tickets TEUE TO START PLANNINGFOR can be purchased by emailing info@bayfieldtrails.com or by calling Roger at 519 BAYFIELD CO FAIR 2017 02 or Scott at 519 565-2827. Tables of eight or more can be reserved. or more Annual signs that the Bayfield Community Fair is over are noticing that the song birds are TAI CHI disappearing and the school children are getting ready to go back to school. This year the attendance at the fair was about 75 fewer than last year but still higher than the Strength, Flexibility and Stillness Through Taoist Tai years before. Even with the extremely hot days and wet nights people enjoyed themselves Chi@ Practice taking part in the fair activities. excellent one to see first hand what happens behind the scenes to put on a fair or an event like People from all walks of life and across the world tell The number of entries at the fair including all the animal classes was also very close to the how the practice of Taoist Tai Chi@ arts has relieved year before. Surprisingly there were more vegetables entered this year than last year. The stress, provided deep relaxation, given their bodies entries though smaller than normal looked great. The culinary arts area with all the canning balance and strength, helped with pain, lifted spirits and cooked entries saw the biggest increase. and even changed their outlook on life. The creativity within the youth section always impresses, whether it is the poster making class Beginner classes are being offered in Bayfield or the use of vegetables to represent a birthday cake. starting in September. All are welcome to attend these classes taught by an accredited, volunteer The after fair meeting for the Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS) will be held at 7 p.m. on Sept. 12 in the St. Andrew's United Church basement. Reports from all the committees are received instructor. and reviewed before planning of the next year's fair. There is still time for the public to provide An Open House and free class will be held on feedback. It is encouraged and welcomed. When the website www.bayfieldfair.ca is opened, Thursday, Sept. 8 from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Bayfield the opportunity to give feedback appears on the opening page. Please take the time and tell Town Hall. Beginner classes will continue on the BAS members what you thought of all parts of the fair. Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. at the Town Hall. Change will be happening at the BAS and it is time for some new and interested people to be For more information call Doug at 519 565-5187. part of the Board of Directors. The Society is looking to the Bayfield community for some active individuals who want to see the fair remain vibrant and to continue to take a meaningful role in gAYFIELD GUIDING the community. If interested, talk with a current Director or the current President with any questions or for identifying what particular skills are needed. The meeting on Sept. 12 is an excellent one to see first hand what happens behind the scenes to put on a fair or an event like "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the Breakfast on the Farm that was held in July. This is an opportunity for the community to the other gold." indicate its interest in the BASand be involved in the decision-making. Such is the epitome of a new Guiding season. TERRY FOX RUN IS FOR FAMILIES Sparks, Brownies and Guides in Bayfield will resume on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 5:15 p.m. until 7 p.m. at cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 3/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 "A single dream. A world of hope." These words ;w not only symbolizes the Terry Fox Foundation 204 TFR 2015 POSTER SM but also the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) as their members organize their eighth annual Terry Fox Run set for Sept. 18. The ultimate goal of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope that began in 1980 was to find a cure for cancer. All monies raised under the Terry Fox name go strictly to cancer research. "The Bayfield Terry Fox run is just a small way for our community to contribute time, energy, and donations to a cause that effects so many of our friends, relatives, and neighbors so that one day there will be a cure and Terry's wish can be fulfilled," said Roger Lewington, representing the BRVTA. Registration is now online for individuals and teams at www.terryfox.org. Participants can also register on the run day at the gazebo in Clan Gregor Square. The route may be run or walked. The event starts at 9 a.m. "We hope you can come out for a wonderful day and help raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation," said Lewington. "New this year, you can be part of a team challenge. You can register a team, club or organization, office group, family, to participate. The team with the highest average donation and/or the team with the highest number of participants will win two large gourmet pizzas from Charles St Market! Thank you Graham Wallace." The Terry Fox Run is an all-inclusive, non-competitive, family oriented event. Trinity Anglican Church. The older girls, Pathfinders and Rangers will meet up again starting on Sept. 21 immediately following the younger girls meeting. They will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Girls aged five to 17 are welcome to join and they can register online now at www.girlguides.ca, clicking on Registration and entering the "NOM 1 GO" area code. Bayfield Guiding has had a presence in this community for 60 plus years, Want to learn more about Bayfield Guiding? Contact Melody Falconer - Pounder at 519 525-3830 or melody.pounder@gmail.com. I'll 19 ,41.11111118 IN 1110 There is a motion on the table at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) to be held on Sept. 15. The following motion will be presented at that time for consideration: "That two new Board members from the FOBL membership be appointed to the Board of Directors subject to the resignation of two current Board members." The Bayfield run has been a BRVTA initiative and is scheduled to start and end at Clan Gregor FOBL members are requested to attend the meeting Square and incorporates various parts of the Heritage and Sawmill Trails. Alternate routes will that will be held in the Bayfield Library Community be offered to ensure that it is an inclusive event so that anybody wishing to participate in the Room at 7 p.m. so that they might cast their vote. run will be able to do so. Pledge sheets are available around the village at various locations. Over the years the BRVTA has contributed much to community improvement through fundraising. The Terry Fox Run in Bayfield has raised over $24,000 over the past seven years. If you are interested in volunteering with the Bayfield run please contact organizers Paula Letheren by email at raypaula@tcc.on.ca or Lynn Girard atlgirard16@gmail.com or info@bayfieldtrails.com. DRAFT SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN AVAILABLE TO REVIEW The Draft Shoreline Management Plan Update Consultant Recommendation Report document was posted on Sept. 1 for a 90 -day period for public review. Written comments will be accepted from now until Dec. 1. 2016. The local Shoreline Management Plan Update Steering Committee has asked that the Draft Updated Shoreline Management Plan Consultants' Recommendation Report (DUSMPCRR) be posted online for review and that the public have the opportunity to provide comment. That document — along with draft mapping and appendices — is now available for free download on the Shoreline Management Plan Update Web Page: http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php? page=shoreline-management Staff members of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) posted the report. The document is based on current scientific knowledge and provincial policies and was prepared by the consulting team. The consulting team was led by Karen Wianecki, of Planning Solutions Inc., Judy Sullivan, of Aqua Solutions 5 Inc., and Robin Davidson -Arnott, University of Guelph. Additional input was provided by Billy Singh, of Terraprobe Inc., and Ryan Mulligan, of Queen's University. UKULELE SOCIETY Area residents are encouraged to hop on "The Bus" and join the coolest club in town at it celebrates its first birthday. The Bayfield Ukulele Society (aka The BUS) began last August with their first get together at the Bayfield Public Library. The group still meets at the library and is grateful for their ongoing support. Every week, local "uke" enthusiasts gather for a very informal session of strumming and singing. The group is presently attracting about eight to ten regular strummers. The BUS is changing their schedule to every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and every other Saturday from 10-11:30 a.m. as of Sept. 10th. The group will be singing and playing at Volkfest on Sept. 25. Stop by and see us at Volkfest on Sept 25th to hear us sing and play The great thing says member Nancy Moore,"Is that we're really just learning together and having fun. We welcome all levels. So why not dust off your old ukulele and come hop on `The BUS' with us. TRIP A MONTH cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 4/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 The 90 -day comment period is provided to allow time for public access, comment, and to address the comments on the new DUSMPCRR. Written comments on the document, or questions, may be sent to Alec Scott or Geoff Cade through the staff contacts page at abca.on.ca: http://www.abca.on.ca/contact—Staff.php If you would like the report in alternate format please contact staff at ABCA. A printed copy of the document is to be available at the ABCA office, at 71108 Morrison Line, east of Exeter, for people who do not have convenient access to the Internet. Copies are also to be available in the coming week for the public to review at a number of local libraries. Shoreline property owners and other interested people are invited to review the document, download it for free, and provide written comments to ABCA. To reach the web page, click on the Shoreline Management icon on the abca.on.ca home page or use the search tool on the home page. The Steering Committee includes representation from diverse shoreline and industry interests. After comments on the document are received, reviewed, and considered by ABCA and the Steering Committee, the ABCA will work with municipalities and other reviewing bodies in early 2017 to develop draft local policies through a draft local policies implementation plan. Comments received during the current review period will help to inform the development of draft local policies for implementation. The DUSMPCRR and local implementation policies is also expected to be presented in public events in spring or summer 2017. SUN MAKES FOR A LOVELY MUSE PHOTOS BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER The Lakeview Mennonite Church choir raised their voices in song in Pioneer Park as the sunset approached on Sept. 2. Pioneer Park was a very active place on Friday, Sept. 2 when singers, artists and sunset enthusiasts all converged on this lakeside green space. The Lakeview Mennonite Church choir raised their voices in song as the sunset approached. At the same time both young and old were scattered about some sitting on the grass, others perched on picnic tables or park benches, ready to enjoy a sunset. Most of those gathered had paintbrushes and canvas at hand as they created their interpretation of the sun setting. A few looked to the staff of Kryart Studios of Bayfield for guidance as the studio supplied all the tools necessary to create free of charge. Support the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) and earn a chance to win a great vacation at the same time. The BAFHT Trip a Month Draw will start in January 2017. Only 300 tickets will be sold and at $135 per ticket, there are 12 chances for your ticket to win — that's just $11.25 per month! And perhaps most importantly even if you win, your name is returned to the draw for another chance. The draw will be made the first business Friday of the month at the BAFHT clinic (the following business day in the case of an overlap with an official holiday). Tickets are available from BAFHT Board Directors and at the front desk at the clinic. Payment can be made by cheque, cash, VISA and Master Card. Contact Paula Kroll at the BAFHT paulabafht@hay.net for more details. CALENDAR The theme of the 2017 village calendar is "Bayfield from a different perspective", and organizers feel that the theme is well reflected in the photos. The Bayfield Calendar, a joint project of the Bayfield Lions' Club and the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB), is now on sale for $10 at the Village Bookshop, the Bayfield Archives and Heritage Centre (BAHC), Bayfield Foodland and from Justyne Chojnacki as well as a number of local clubs and organizations including the PCoB. Organizers note that the calendars make wonderful gifts and mementos of Bayfield. All proceeds from calendar sales and the silent auction go towards supporting Lions' activities throughout the community. H.C. MUSEUM Travel through historic downtowns, across a farmer's field, and down the coast of Lake Huron as part of Huron County Museum's newest temporary exhibit, "Home in Huron". During the past year, residents were encouraged to submit photos of present day Huron County to commemorate the county's 175th anniversary. There was an overwhelming response from the community with hundreds of photos being received. The exhibit features an array of images depicting agricultural practices, architectural details, wildlife, recreational activities, and scenes from nature, as well as some photos from the Museum's archival collection. The exhibit also features a "soundscape" of Huron County and vintage films from the late 1940s. The exhibit is on now until Sept. 12 at the Huron County Museum, located at 110 North Street in Goderich. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 5/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 And the sun was in attendance too ... it did not disappoint making a lovely muse, setting albeit too quickly on this tranquil scene in Pioneer Park. Knstyn Watterworth (far right), owner of Kyrart Studios on Main Street, shows a group of inspiring artists a painting technique during paint the sunset night at Pioneer Park. �IMG_0116 I This was the third time this summer that a Paint the Sunset had been planned for Pioneer Park but the first time the sun made an appearance. For more information about this event please call the Huron County Museum at 519 524-2686 Ext. 2201. Visit their website at www.huroncounty.ca/museum or follow them on Facebook (face book.com/huroncountymuseum) and Twitter (@hcmuseum). BLESSINGS Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has moved from the old Foodland lot to the Nip N' Tuck lot Oust north of the building). Residents are encouraged to drop in the box clean, gently used clothing and household goods they no longer need or want. The sale of these items in the thrift store help to support the food bank as well as help others. Please call 519 236-4376 with questions. MAIN STREET OPTOMETRIC Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to let Bayfield residents know that full eye health examinations are available at his Bayfield office. Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main Street Optometric uses current technology including a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an appointment. IN MEMORIAM The community will no doubt be saddened to learn of the death of a former village resident. Mavis Freeman, formerly of Bayfield passed away in Windsor. ON on June 30. Her late husband Cliff Freeman predeceased her 1999. Mavis and Cliff moved to 2 Bayfield Terrace in Bayfield in 1985 after he retired from Hiram Walker and Sons. Cliff was a councilor for many years in Bayfield. Owen (Peggy), Stephen (Claudia), and Michael (Marlin) — her three sons survive her. She was Nana to five grandchildren and their spouses; and Great Nana to seven grandchildren with one more on the way. Nana appreciated all those friends she made in Bayfield and Windsor while quilting, playing cards, and taking long walks. She was thankful for the many close friends she made while attending Bayfield and Riverside United Churches. Mom has joined Cliff in heaven where she continues to be a Heavenly Assistant Coach for the Leafs, Blue cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 6/17 6/13/2019 ;�IMG_0122 Week 37 Issue 375 Families came out to paint the sunset at Pioneer Park on Friday night including: Bette, Layla, Niki and Madilyn Schlosser and Ava Garcia. SHEAR TAS €i SHARE ®�►®... PHOTO STORY Jays and Windsor Spitfires. Mavis' funeral service was held in Windsor on July 5 followed by cremation. The Freeman family would like to invite friends from the Bayfield area to her burial service on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 11:30 a.m. at the Bayfield Cemetery, County Road. 3. A Celebration of Life and luncheon will follow at the Bayfield Town Hall. Please RSVP to freeman2304@rogers.com or 519 565-2168 by Sept. 17. Shannon McClenaghan H.I.S. d R A Pf HEARINGMINKNT GARDENING ' SPECIALIST SERVICES BAYFWLD TO "N HALL SUNSET ON SUMMER DESTINED FOR SUCCESS PHOTOS BY GARY LLOYD-REES The Board of Director's for the Bayfield Town Hall could not have asked for a better day for its Sunset on Summer Family BBQ! The sun shone down on the crowds who enjoyed fantastic chicken and sides, along with cake for dessert. Added to that a beer and wine tent, music from "Safe as Milk" and Josh Geddes and the afternoon was destined for success. It was so wonderful watching volunteers and children decorate sun visors at the Kiddy Korner table," said President Sandy Scotchmer. "As well as watching the volunteers create huge bubbles that the children ran after with great delight. We are not sure who had the most fun, the volunteers or the children!" The board would like to thank Cheri Shaver, owner of The Purple Peony on Main Street in Bayfield, for generously donating the bubble blowing kit for use at the BBQ, as well as cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 7/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 Cheri Shaver, (far right) owner of The Purple Peony on Main Street in Bayfield, donated a giant bubble blowing kit for use at the barbecue.Volunteer Karen Ratcliffe led the fun! SOS 2016-6811.jpg Folks lined up for a half BBQ chicken, coleslaw, baked beans and a bun from Gayle Detenbeck, Laurie Detenbeck, Ralph Detenbeck and Barry Detenbeck. _SOS 2016-6890.jpg Young volunteers, Nolan Geddes and Abby Langan, helped Doug Brown draw for the raffle prizes. numerous coloring books, stickers and prizes for the table. This has become the main yearly fundraiser for the Town Hall, providing much needed income to help support yearly maintenance and major replacements such as the new metal roof installed in July. The Sunset on Summer BBQ is a huge reminder to the board of director's of the support the community continually displays by attending this great family event. This year has been an exceptional one for sponsorship. The generosity shown by businesses and individuals during our campaign to restore reserves after the roof was installed has truly been a heartwarming experience. The board thanks every sponsor for its continued support and generosity. "A BBQ as large as this is impossible without volunteers and lots of them, 95 to be precise! The response to the call for help was fast and furious, for which we thank each and every one of you!" said Scotchmer. "You all did an outstanding job and we just can't thank you enough for making the 2016 Sunset on Summer another success for Bayfield Town Hall." SOS 2016-6866.jpg No one could complain about the portion sizes. Those were some big chickens served up by Gordon Fraser, Dorothy Griffith and Mary -Beth Larone. SOS 2016-6894.jpg This pair seemed pleased with the basket they won in the raffle. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week37issue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 8/17 6/13/2019 2016-6789.jpg Safe as Milk performed at the barbecue. Josh Geddis lent his voice to the festivities. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Week 37 Issue 375 Barbecued chicken was the feature of the menu. It was prepared by Jim Mehlenbacher and his crew. The delightful aroma's could be smelled throughout the town hall neighbourhood. (Photo by Melody Falconer - Pounder) A good crowd gathered, for the 3rd annual Sunset on Summer Barbecue held on the grounds of the Bayfield Town Hall. Everyone seemed to be enjoying a final taste of summer on a warm Saturday evening. Ninety-five volunteers worked to make the event a success including, Dave Gillians, Lynne Gillians, Kate Lloyd -Rees and Leigh Selk. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 9/17 6/13/2019 HSP SIE �Cgr(L'C RC45�FS1t:• BAYFIELQ FINANZAL LRCx.0.P9�VC Q SHARE ®+�©... PHOTO STORY Week 37 Issue 375 Integrity Everything! LAKE HURON I MLAL L-'SIAVt..L.ONI'IEI RUN4KIDS MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE SHARE IN THE MAGIC OF A WISH The sunny, warm morning dawned with Nicole Rogers, of the YMCA in Goderich, leading the group in a warm up. ;�190A4255.jpg Mayor Tyler Hessel kept the runners on track leading the way on his bicycle. PHOTOS BY DENNIS PAL AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER The 4th Annual Run4Kids event was held on Labour Day weekend, Sunday Sept. 4. The run/walk raised over $6,000 (and counting) to grant a very special wish for a Make -A -Wish child from Chatham -Kent, nine year-old Memphis. His wish is to meet his favorite YouTube star, a Minecraft blogger, a person that helps to lift his spirits on those down days with his illness. Memphis has Cystic Fibrosis but this doesn't deter him — he plays hockey and does triathlons. He loves video games and building Lego. He has a cat named Trader and a dog known as Lightning. So before heading back to school and a regular work schedule 117 people supported Memphis by running or walking around Bayfield in all of its "end of summer" glory. The sunny, warm morning dawned with Nicole Rogers, of the YMCA in Goderich, leading the group in a warm up. She did double duty by also sharing her inspiring story about her teen daughter's fight with cancer. Her family had experienced the power of a wish just a few weeks ago. They enjoyed an extra special trip to Comic - Con in San Diego this summer along with 825,000 souls. She explained that Make -A -Wish went the extra mile to personalize the trip to her daughter and she got to meet all her "fays" in the comic book world. Rogers explained that they also spent some time at the beach and it was there that she realized that although her family's life would never be the same as it was before the cancer this trip gave them a chance to press the reset button. Hearing her family's perspective of how big of a difference these wishes can make was inspiration for both runners and walkers. This showed in result times. Mike Maclnnes, of Barrie, and Aidan French, of Bayfield, recorded the fastest time both finishing the 5 KMs in 17:06. The first overall female cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 10/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 Twenty-six participants hailed from Bayfield. There were 117 runners and walkers in total. Mike MacInnes, of Barrie, and Aidan French, of Bayfield, recorded the fastest time both finishing the 5 KMs in 17:06. This was the second year that VHS worked with the Optimist Club of Bayfield in organizing the race. finisher was 13 -year-old Ava Garcia, of Barrie, who finished in 22:44. All winners in each age category received a wooden plaque with the picture of last year's Make -A -Wish child, Reiko, smiling out from the image. Twenty-six Bayfield residents participated. People joined the run from all over the place including: Ancaster, Barrie, Blenheim, Bolton, Brampton, Brussels, Etobicoke, Goderich, Granton, London, Mississauga, St Marys, Seaforth, Stratford, Toronto, Walton, Waterloo and Wingham. "The volunteers were incredible!" said Jackie Loebach, VHS organizer. "From organizing, to fundraising, to set up and clean up, to directing runners on the route, the list goes on. It would not have been possible without so many wonderful volunteers." Special mention should go to Pat Carter for keeping a watch at the end of Main Street as well as Mayor Tyler Hessel who kept the runners on track leading the way on his bicycle. MPP Ben Lobb acted as Master of Ceremony for the day keeping things running smoothly and providing the odd chuckle too. Following the run the participants needed fueling and the food and drink supplied by The Pink Flamingo Bakery, Shopbike Coffee Roasters, both of Bayfield, and Fairholme Dairy, of Clinton, wasn't long to disappear. The "kids" were treated to face painting and freshly popped corn. And all enjoyed live music provided by Mike Graham of Bayfield. The organizers are indebted to the many shops around the village that provided draw donations, support and discount offers to encourage the participants to stay in town and shop and dine. Bluewater Sanitation also gets a special shout -out for donating the sink for all to wash up after the trek around town. As a lead in to the run day both Bayfield Foodland and Scotiabank Goderich hosted hotdog barbecues in support of this event. Jackie Hivert, a Bayfield native now living in Waterloo, ON, spoke to the runners and walkers as a volunteer with Make -A -Wish Southwestern Ontario following the event. She expressed her thanks for their support. She also invited all to gather around so that she could take a video to share with Memphis so he could see how many people were behind his wish being granted. On the count of three, everyone shouted, "Enjoy your wish, Memphis!" And, hopefully, when Memphis views this message the real wish granting magic will have begun. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 11/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 This runner finished strong with the crowd's applause to support her. Siblings Jeff Merner (39) and Jody Whetstone (82) both of Bayfield crossed the finish line. The day started out cool but the sun's heat intensified as the race went on. 90A4403.jpg John Baker was pleased with his finishing time. 90A4516.jpg Franck Hivert and his six year-old son, Jackson, congratulated each other at the end of the race. A lot of young people took part in the race as a last bit of fun before heading back to school. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 12/17 6/13/2019 190A4469.jpg The VHS Run4Kids is also about bringing out the best in family. Week 37 Issue 375 On the count of three, everyone shouted, "Enjoy your wish, Memphis!" DEER PARK LODGE - 6EAC1151DE RESDRT � Nri a• #APIA,+ 0 SHARE ®�+®... SUBMISSIONS PART I TABLE STACK 2016 �1190A4240.jpg The "kids" were treated to face painting and freshly popped corn. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF COMMUNITY PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER On Aug. 31, 1 wrote a comment on my personal Facebook Page: cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 13/17 6/13/2019 ;�IMG_0210 IMG_0219 Week 37 Issue 375 "So I just witnessed a municipal vehicle removing most of the picnic tables from Clan Gregor Square. Trying to thwart a table stack this year perhaps?" Little did I know how accurate I was. I have always wondered what people in the community thought of the table stacking event that has occurred on Labour Day Monday in Clan Gregor Square for well over 40 years now. With that one little comment on Facebook I soon learned. People like it; they really, really like it! On Sunday morning I was in the park with my grandkids and I noticed that there were no longer a half dozen picnic tables left in the park as there had been on Friday. Now they were all gone! I grumbled a little as there was no shady spot to sit around the playground. We came home early as a result. How many others had come for a picnic and found no place to sit? Would they visit the shops or just go home disgruntled? When I got home I started asking questions. Why were all the picnic tables removed from the park so early? In more recent years they have just been left out all winter. Here is what I learned. Bluewater Municipal Staff decided to remove the tables without any input from council or community. It has always fallen to them to take the tables down after the annual stacking and this year they sited a Health and Safety concern and thus eliminated the hazard. However, in Bayfield we are not prone to giving up on tradition. One person summed it up best, I think. "There is usually respect from the traditionalists. They are not seen as hooligans in the eyes of the majority of residents as it is a fun event that signifies the end of summer break." Never underestimate the power of community. Taking away the picnic tables didn't stop it from happening — it became a BYOPT event instead. This morning, I was drawn to the park in the hope of seeing this year's artistic expression. For me the table stacking is kind of like Santa's arrival on Christmas morning. People were there taking pictures, some stopped in before heading to work to check it out, others brought their youngsters to view it before the buses came. Shopkeepers came to pick up their signs. Conversations were positive and all were proud that the tradition prevailed. Members of the community that wanted to see the tradition continue had made arrangements with Bayfield Tree Service to come with their boom truck and safely dismantle the stack using a cable cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 14/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 ;�IMG_0213 so that municipal staff didn't have to. They were there before 9 a.m. IMG_0223 6- = I -A-44 = r Melody Falconer -Pounder tuo-nn. Uel. EIESI GNi BIJILO LONOSC.4PING SF11E 1 INSTXLL�TION G,4P.DEN CENTER i4190d BRONSON LINE ZURICH. OND.RIO 519 236 7373 519 565 1113 00F MASSAGE THERAP 519.565.4711 SUBMISSIONS PART H One older lady walking through the park asked me why they were taking it down so early? When I explained to her what had transpired she scoffed saying if this little bit of harmless fun is all our young people get into we should enjoy it. And I couldn't agree more. ,,,IMG 0231 So on Sunday my family and our extended family entered the VHS Run4Kids to support the school and the Optimist Club of Bayfield in raising funds for a little boy named Memphis who wants to meet his favorite YouTube star through the Make -A -Wish Foundation of Southwestern Ontario. Make -A -Wish has been apart of our family since the early 90s when my niece decided to get her high school behind the cause of granting a child with a life threatening illness her wish of going to Walt Disney World with her family. The teens at the school truly adopted the little girl and made her wish come true. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 15/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 That was it for my niece. She has been a volunteer with the organization ever since. She has repelled down tall buildings for the cause so the least her family could do is walk 5 KM. I have never entered a run before but I've sure photographed a lot of them. I set two goals for myself — to make it through the course in under an hour and not to be the last one across the finish line. I am pleased to say I accomplished both. �28831054844_131e4ea165_b The Breeze Team Part I with the boy and his family. And that, my friends, was the goal that mattered most. — Melody P.S. Thanks to Dennis Pal for taking pictures of my team on run day! The Breeze Team consisted of my husband, my stepson, his wife and their two children aged five and two. The five L;,129455711935_e158ee8ff7_b year-old stated all morning that he was The Breeze Team Part II not going to run. And we told him he didn't have to that walking would be fine. But then he must have got caught up in the moment as he was off like a shot when the runners took flight and it was left to my stepson to catch up. Father and son walked some and then ran some with our grandson getting encouragement from others that passed them by. He was beaming when he crossed the finish line lifted up by all the applause and Dad was smiling too. My niece ran the race as well and when all had reached the end goal she invited everyone to gather around so she could make a video of all the faces that helped grant Memphis his wish to share Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bayfield-Breeze-206183479424800/ Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at Bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week37issue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 16/17 6/13/2019 Week 37 Issue 375 BAYFIELD BREEZE 9—SHARE 5rtn vv Toa BAY'FIELD BREL,ZE CLICK: HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek371ssue375/tabid/795/Default.aspx 17/17