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Week 34 Issue 372
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SHARE P—*[ED Aug. 17, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 34 Issue 372
This weekend, Aug. 19-21, marks the 160th Bayfield Community Fair. The fair is always a
blending of the established activities with new activities to chart new paths.
Over the years many changes have occurred; however, the fair continues to be an event where
members of the community compete against one another for the best pie, or best collection of
peppers, or best creative art piece, or in hundreds of other categories. The fair is an event in
which entertainment is provided. It could be as simple as watching children compete in the mini
tractor pull or enjoying professional entertainers, like the David Wilcox band. A fair is a
gathering place where people visit with their neighbors or friends that they have not seen in a
while. The ultimate purpose of a fair is to celebrate rural life and the Bayfield area is blessed,
Blue Bayfield member, Ray Letheren reports that
well-meaning citizens were recently noted pulling out
dune grasses on the beach thinking they were
helping "clean the beach".
These grasses were planted to stabilize the beaches
and help prevent erosion.
So please don't pull up the grass. It may seem
unsightly but has an important environmental role to
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even with the drought, with great land, wonderful stewards of the land, and usually abundant
crops, both animal and plant.
There are some folks who claim the fair is the same every year. They are partly correct. These
are fair traditions. Bayfield has a wonderful pet display attracting all ages that everyone loves
to linger through. It always has young people showing off their 4H animal that has been
groomed and trained all summer for this competition. The fair always has a huge display of
handcrafts, flowers, children's work, vegetables, home baking and photography.
But every year new things are incorporated into the weekend. The dignitaries will be competing
in a surprise challenge following the official opening on Friday. In addition, a Fireworks display
will be held to celebrate the fair's milestone anniversary in Agriculture Park at about 9 p.m. On
Saturday, a magician/juggler will be presenting a stage show and then performing as a
"busker" for the rest of the day. A discovery tent will draw in the inquisitive to work with some
old tools. And a new 4H goat show will be initiated this year by the sheep shed at 2 p.m. also
on Saturday.
The fair is always made stronger when the community takes part in the competitions in the
arena by entering a class in any section. With the dry weather show off your flowers even if
they are smaller. Dig around your beets and find five that are similar in size. Just take part!
Consider entering in Saturday's parade that begins at 11 a.m. — last minute entries are
welcome — just go to the corner of Catherine and Main by the Little Inn and talk to an official.
It is, however, too late to get tickets to the Dave Wilcox concert on Saturday night as the show
sold -out long ago but there will be food trucks on the grounds on Saturday evening for people
to try a variety of fun and/or healthy foods.
Residents might try volunteering at the fair. Extra people are always welcome and you get to
meet other great people while you are there.
The fair website www.bayfieldfair.ca contains all the information outlining all the events taking
place during the 160th fair. Support your community fair by attending, participating and
encouraging others to attend too!
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Aug. 20 is a very special day in the village. In addition to the 160th Bayfield Community Fair, a
once in lifetime event will leave from the Bayfield Harbour at 10:30 a.m.: eXXpedition Great
Lakes 2016.
L,,�j2016 calendar cover
On Aug. 19, the Bayfield Lions' Club and the
Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB) will be
launching the 2017 Bayfield Calendar. The calendar
is a joint project of the Lions and the PCoB.
"The theme for this year's calendar is: Bayfield from
a different perspective," said Jack Pal, chair of the
Calendar Committee. "We listened to our customers
and made some changes which we think you will
A short list of 36 was selected from over 290 entries
this year. The thirteen winners were determined by a
vote by all the members of the PCoB with assistance
from the Lions. Each of the selected photos has been
enlarged and matted to a 16x20 size ready for
framing. The unveiling of these photos will take place
in the Farmer's Market at 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 19.
Copies of the new calendar will be available for sale
at $10 immediately thereafter.
Following the launch, the unveiled prints will be
offered to the public through a silent auction.
Although bids may be entered any time after the
launch in the Bayfield Archives and Heritage Centre
on Main Street, where the prints will be on display
during open hours; the actual formal silent auction
will take place on Sept. 3 at the Sunset on Summer
event at the Bayfield Town Hall from 4:30-7 p.m. at
which point the winners will be declared.
Organizers note that the calendars make wonderful
gifts and mementos of Bayfield. All proceeds from
calendar sales and the silent auction go towards
supporting Lions activities throughout the community.
Three "ribbers" will keep your taste buds dancing at
the Bayfield Community Fair Ribfest on the evening
of Friday, Aug. 19.
Smackwater Jacks, of Grand Bend, is a new "ribber"
to the Bayfield scene. Their ribs have a distinctive
sauce flavor that will appeal to many. Devin Tabor, for
Bon Vivant, is a recognized chef and ensures the ribs
are cooked perfectly. Brian Garnet, from Let the
Flames Begin, decided to provide choice this year for
those attending by offering two sauces to choose
The price for a half rack has been reduced this year
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eXXpedition Great Lakes 2016 will be the world's largest simultaneous sampling for
microplastics in history! There will be lead boats on all five Great Lakes and their connecting
waterways of Lake St. Clair and the St. Lawrence River. These crews will be made up of
women from across the region that represent diverse STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art and Math) and will be trawling for plastic while under sail. Two Tall Ships will
join these boats in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan with students on board aged 12 to 18 years
on board. There will also be citizens over the entire region that will be sampling and conducting
shoreline cleanups to show the strength of community when they work together to protect
something they love.
eXXpedition 2016 will heighten awareness of the pollutants that have invaded the Great Lakes.
While the task of cleaning the lakes may be beyond local scope, individuals can do their part to
make sure Bayfield does not contribute to the problem of lake pollution. Litter from ditches that
feed the Bayfield River is a catchall for plastics and other debris. For years the local community
has supported efforts to cleanup near the river and on the beaches. Anyone who has an hour
on Saturday morning is encouraged to put on some old clothes, wear good footwear and bring
gloves to join their neighbors and the boat crew in this summer cleanup, a special part of
eXXpedition 2016.
Participants can also track their trash.
For those taking part in the cleanups this Saturday or in the future, be sure to download the
free Marine Debris Tracker app for Smartphone or tablet at www.marinedebris.engr.uga.edu.
Participants can log the trash they collect for this global dataset and help map plastic pollution
on the Great Lakes.
Participants are also invited to share their photos at #Bluebayfield.
This one hour cleanup of Main Beach will begin at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and water will be served at
the beach at 9:30 a.m. All are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle or purchase one on
site for $3. Those who wish a coffee should also bring a mug. At this time participants can
meet the eXXpedition 2016 crew that is leaving from the Bayfield Harbour on their adventure
starting at 10:30 a.m. This beach clean up and meet and greet is being sponsored by
On Aug. 14, Dave Gillians, author of the book, 'For the Love of Bayfield' led hikers along the path of the
pioneers and shared some of the stories about the Sawmill Trail. The hike was sponsored by the Bayfield River
Valley Trail Association. (Photo by Adnann Schreuder)
to $18 and a full rack will be $26. The meal will
consist of ribs, a cob of locally sourced corn,
coleslaw and a drink. A sample rib will sell for $2.
Extra corn and drinks will also be sold for $2 each.
The ribs will be sold from 5-9 p.m. or whenever they
are sold out. There is lots of tent space if rain comes
and there is lots of room in the arena. In addition to
the food there will be music for most of the evening.
The official fair opening will be at 7 p.m. with a
dignitary competition following the opening. People
are encouraged to come out and cheer on their
favorite dignitaries as they compete in Bayfield's
Dignitary Olympics.
Rounding out the Friday evening will be a fireworks
display scheduled for 9 p.m.
Huron County Council's decision to down -grade its
ambulance service appears to be gaining greater
public criticism across the county.
Last week a group of 50 protestors marched around
The Square in Goderich criticizing council's decision.
This week Municipality of Bluewater's Bayfield
Councillor Bill Whetstone expects to contact the
medical staffs of the five county hospitals (Clinton,
Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham) about the
county council's decision to cut the county's 14 most
qualified ambulance attendants, all members of the
Advance Care Paramedics (ACP) program.
Whetstone feels more public discussion is needed as
well as the advice of doctors and nurses working in
the five hospitals.
Huron's current paramedic staff total 72 including the
14 ACP who cost the county an additional $88,724.
ACP are the only paramedics who can administer
pain medication, intubate and stabilize patients in
order that they can be transported without pain.
Leslie Bella, a spokes person for Bayfield's
Home4Good claims the public didn't have an
opportunity to make their views known about down
grading the ambulance service.
Whetstone expects his meeting of Councillor's
Corner on Aug. 25 will involve more discussion about
cutting the service.
The Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) will be
holding their annual book sale at the Bayfield Public
Library on Aug. 20-21.
Book lovers are invited to pay what they can with all
proceeds going to the library and community. The
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A couple pertinent topics of interest at the next Councilor's Corner may be of interest to
hours for the sale are Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
community members: the discontinuation of the Advanced Care Paramedic Services will be
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
revisited and the Bayfield Bridge Replacement will be reviewed.
Gently used books, puzzles and games can be
Councilor's Corner will be held on a different date than usual due to the Bayfield Community
donated to the sale. These can be dropped off at the
Fair being held this week. The meeting has been rescheduled for Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. in the
library from 1-5 p.m. on Aug. 12 and Aug. 16-17.
Bayfield Community Centre.
Commercial book dealers are asked to wait until 1
This months focus topics:
p.m. on Sunday before purchasing.
* Advanced Care Paramedic Services: continued discussions regarding the counties decision
Members of the FOBL have an opportunity for an
to cancel this service and an update will be given. Further questions and discussions will be
advanced preview and purchase of books on Aug. 19
from 2-4 p.m. Anyone who is not yet a member can
purchase a life time membership for a $5 fee.
Bayfield Bridge Replacement: The Bridge is an important part of the future of the village as it
links the two halves of the community together, provides the only walking access for boaters
and acts as the gate to the village from the north. Year round walk -ability, safety and aesthetics
were the common themes given to the MTO and consultants. The MTO as well as the
consultant will be showing the conceptual drawings based on the feedback they received from
In what is becoming an annual tradition of the
residents and what is in the budget.
Bayfield Community Fair, local churches will join
under the fairgrounds tent on Sunday morning, Aug.
21 to worship together while also learning about and
offering support to a local charitable group that
supports agricultural related initiatives.
This year's service takes place at 10:00 a.m. and will
be led by representatives of Knox Presbyterian,
Trinity & St. James Anglican, St. Andrew's United
and The Church on the Way. It is open to the public
and everyone is welcome to attend.
Special music is being arranged that will include
soloists and a community choir.
Each year organizers invite a guest speaker from a
local charity that is somehow relevant to the
agricultural theme of the fair. This year, Marg and Les
Frayne will tell of their stories and experiences
working with S.H.A.R.E. Agricultural Foundation.
S.H.A.R.E., which stands for "Sending Help And
Resources Everywhere", is based out of Caledon but
works to help isolated farming communities,
particularly in Central and South America. They work
on developing sustainable projects that will improve
quality of life for impoverished farmers in these areas
— with a mandate of offering 'A hand up' rather than
Sandy Scotchmer (right), president of the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society, cut a grass rug at the Sunset
'A hand-out.' Past projects have included building
on Summer BBQ in 2015. "Safe as Milk" will be the musical act at this year's event scheduled for Sept. 3.
more efficient and environmentally friendly cook -
(Photo by Jack Pal)
stoves. These stoves not only alleviate family health
problems but also free up time for women to improve
There are just 18 days until the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) third annual
their literacy rather than tending cooking fires all day.
"Sunset on Summer" Chicken BBQ on Sept. 3 on the grounds of the Bayfield Town Hall (and in
case of rain at the Bayfield Arena).
A freewill offering will support the work of this charity,
but local church members are also invited to bring
The event runs from 4:30 to 8 p.m. will feature BBQ chicken cooked during the picnic, along
their regular Sunday offering envelopes in support of
with baked beans, coleslaw, a roll and dessert. Those who would like to attend are invited to
their own church.
bring their weekend guests or enjoy take-out.
This outdoor community service has been well
Entertainment will be provided by Bayfield singer/songwriter Josh Geddis and the group "Safe received for the past two years as neighbors enjoy
as Milk". Activities include a "Kiddy Korner" (with help from the Purple Peony) for the children
coming out to worship with neighbors, while also
and a cash bar for adults.
participating in helping out our global neighbors. The
The adult ticket price is $20 and children 12 years and younger are $10. The proceeds from collaborative nature of this event reflects the way
this event will go towards building up the Town Hall reserve fund, which was sadly depleted by God's spirit is indeed at work in the community of
the beautiful, recently installed, new roof. Bayfield!
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Ticketscene.ca or Eventbrite.ca can be used to purchase tickets or call the Town Hall at 519
565-5788 and leave a message — the call will be returned shortly.
"We are trying a new system with this event to ease the ticket selling burden on our volunteer
Board members. The Town Hall Box Office will be open Tuesday afternoons from 2-4 p.m. and
Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon to buy or pick up tickets. We will also have tickets
available at the Farmers' Market on Fridays, and at One Care Fitness Classes," said Pat Pal,
representing the BTHHS.
The committee overseeing this BBQ is looking for volunteers to help with the event. There are
several categories of volunteering, such as, serving food, set up, clean up, handling tickets
sales for the beer/wine tent and clearing tables. Anyone interested is asked to please call
Sandy at 519 565-2830 or email her at sscotchmer@rogers.com.
United Way Perth -Huron is proud to announce three-year funding toward "Poverty to Prosperity
in Huron"; a Huron County based anti -poverty initiative.
In April 2013, the committee known as "Bridges in Huron", and later as the "Huron Anti -Poverty
Initiative", started building a foundation for community response to address poverty in Huron
County. With funding from United Way Perth -Huron, along with the County of Huron, The
Huron County Health Unit and support from Rural Response for Healthy Children (a community
based parent support agency), the Poverty to Prosperity (P2P) committee in Huron was
For more information please contact Rev. Elise
Feltrin at St. Andrew's United Church, 519 565-2854.
Before heading back to school and a regular work
schedule consider supporting a great by running or
walking around Bayfield in all of its "end of summer"
The 4th Annual Run4Kids event will take place on
Labour Day weekend, Sunday, Sept 4. Once again
the Virtual High School (VHS) and the Bayfield
Optimist Club are teaming up to raise funds for
Make -A -Wish Southwestern Ontario (SWO) to grant
the wish of a Huron County child facing a life-
threatening medical condition.
P2P is a collaborative and action -based group that brings people together from across sectors
to improve the lives of individuals who live in poverty. Established in 2014, P2P envisions an The goal of Make -A -Wish is to enrich the human
end to poverty in Huron County leading to a healthy, equitable, just and inclusive community experience with hope, strength and joy and this
where every person has a sense of belonging and path to prosper. year's Run4Kids will reflect that.
The initiative is comprised of services, supports, organizations, networks and citizens that
focus on building the capacity of Huron County to decrease poverty and its impact. There is a
commitment to integrate the expertise of people with "lived experience" into this service
Ryan Erb, executive director of United Way Perth -Huron, said, "United Way Perth -Huron is
very pleased to continue collaborating with community to incubate valuable new services such
as Poverty to Prosperity's, "Destination — Prosperity: Working Together to Support
Communities" program. This community development strategy will enhance existing services in
three of Huron County's most socially isolated and underserviced communities."
The key activity will be to develop Working Groups of service providers, and women in the
isolated communities, to improve service coordination. A half-time coordinator will work for the
group as they define the strengths, assets and gaps in community services. It is anticipated
that service providers will be prepared to review their programs and policies and pool
resources to improve service delivery. Activities for women may include workshops, information
sessions and meetings on topics such as: food security; education; volunteerism; peer support;
arts/culture/recreation activities; financial literacy; household management and community
This project will serve as a conduit for integrating lived experience into service coordination in
Huron County, social program effectiveness, long-term P2P poverty reduction strategies and
improved service provision. Through the activities determined by the women in the community,
it will also generate opportunities for community engagement, meaningful participation and
empowerment for women, their families and communities. The anticipated outcome will be
"community services working together to make it easier to navigate community supports and
Prosperity outcomes tend to be seen in financial terms. Prosperity, for this project, is defined as
"Each runner will receive a race kit containing some
fun surprises," said Emily Santos, with VHS. "We will
have live entertainment by Mike Graham, face -
painting, raffle prizes, awards, snacks and hydration
and more!"
"Even though this is a competitive race we are
adding a fun element to it by opening it up to teams
and families. Participants are encouraged to come
out in their best outfits and help us grant a wish," said
Cathy Fisher, a member of the Bayfield Optimist
The first Virtual High School Run4Kids was held in
"We were originally inspired (to organize the first run)
by one of our very own students, Will Frassinelli. He
has been battling brain cancer for over ten years,"
said Santos.
Then last year the focus was on supporting the
Make -A -Wish SWO, she said.
"With last years' proceeds of $6,000, we were able to
grant the wish of a Huron County child — Reiko, a five
year-old boy who is living with an inherited skeletal
disorder. His wish was to take a trip to his favorite
theme park in Orlando, Florida. With the help of our
community, Reiko's wish came true."
On the day of the event, site registration will open at
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a successful, flourishing or thriving condition. It is hoped that these attributes can be generated
collaboratively with women as leaders in connected communities.
After eleven years of membership, sharing, volunteering and generally being a cornerstone for Knox
Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, Deb and Barry Amos have moved to the Kitchener area to be closer to their
family. At a Best Wishes and Appreciation Luncheon Deb stated the decision was a difficult one to make and
entailed mixed emotions for both of them. Deb was an elder in the Church as well as a mainstay in all
fundraising events and a member of the Women of Knox. Barry provided his expertise and many volunteer
hours in his role as a member of the Board of Managers. To say they will be missed is an understatement as
evidenced by the many words of praise expressed and the tears shed at the luncheon. (Photo by Deb Grasby)
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7:30 a.m. The race will begin promptly at 9 a.m. with
awards to follow at 10:15 a.m. to the top two male
and female finishers in each age category. Twenty-
five dollars will be given to first place in each
category and $50 to first place overall in each gender
There are some advantages to not procrastinating
about participating in this year's run. From now until
Aug. 21 the registration fee is $30. Between Aug. 21
and Sept. 2 the fee will increase to $35 and from
Sept. 3 to the start of the race the fee will be $40.
Children under the age of 12 years can register for
$10 and there is also a family rate of $50 for two
adults up to a maximum of three children.
Anyone who would like to just donate to Make -A -
Wish to grant a wish to a local child with a life
threatening illness can visit www.vhsrun4kids.com or
call Fisher at 519 482-5557. She will collect the
donation and send personal info in for a tax receipt
for any donation over $20.
To learn more visit the VHS Run4Kids website listed
above or go to www.makeawishswo.ca.
One Care will be offering seated exercises classes
starting Wednesday, Sept. 7.
These classes will run every Monday and
Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. (same time as Total Body
Fit 2). All exercises, except balance, can be
performed while on a chair. Balance exercises can
be done standing beside a chair.
If you are new to exercise or looking for a different
exercise format, these Sit/Fit Classes may just fit the
A "demonstration" class will be held on Monday, Aug.
15 in the community room at the arena at 10:30 a.m.
All are welcome to either participate or observe and
discover if this new class might suit their needs.
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The Main Street Sailor will be given a new name on Saturday morning. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder)
On Saturday, Aug. 20, another chapter in the history of the Main Street Sailor will be written as
his new name will be officially revealed.
The ceremony will take place at the sailor's location on Main Street North at 10:30 a.m. All are
welcomed to join the Bayfield Historical Society for this momentous event.
This sailor who watches over traffic on Main Street in front of the former Harry's Pub was carved
from a tree called 'balm of gilead'. The tree produces a resinous -gum healing compound that
seeps from branches and trunk. About 25 years ago, there were two large trees on a property at
Dow and Tuyll that dripped sticky resin and were threatening power lines and the cottage
because they were vulnerable to damage from heavy winds.
A tree company was engaged to remove the
trees. The remover ran into troubles and asked
Phil Gemeinhardt who owned and operated a saw
mill at Keith and John Streets to take away the
trunk and branches at no charge. At the time,
Gemeinhardt manufactured fish boxes and 'balm
of gilead' trees made great fish boxes.
Of the whole lot, three large logs were good for
carving because the wood is soft and fine grained.
One went to Dale's of Grand Bend who was going
to carve his own sailor from it. Another went to the
St. Mary's Baseball Hall of Fame where it
presumably became a very large baseball
slugger. The largest log was 4 feet in diameter
and 10 feet long. Harry MacDonald thought it
would make a giant sailor who would be a great
traffic generator for his pub; so he hired a carver
to make a sailor. In the last 25 years, that sailor
had lost his feet and lower limbs and shrunk about
2 feet.
Legend claims he was kidnapped and taken to
somewhere down Highway 21 near Snowden
Acres and on another occasion temporarily
abandonded at the village dump. But he found his
way back each time and had become the
cherished watchman of Main Street North. He
remains one of the most photographed characters
in Bayfield. He also represented the village's
fishing past that goes back to the 1860's and the
beaching of the schooner Malta in 1882.
Since the old sailor wasn't registered with OHIP,
all Bayfield villagers and cottagers were invited to
make a donation for his rehabilitation and to
propose a name for him. As a result, he was
reconstructed by David Loerchner's D L Creations
shop on Hwy. 21 just south of Bayfield Foodland.
Cody Moon painted him and Melissa Silva
allowed the newly created sailor to remain where
his predecessor stood for years.
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The Communities in Bloom judges Betty Lamont (left) and Kathy Smyth were given a tour of Bayfield on Aug.
11 by Municipality of Bluewater Deputy Mayor, Jim Fergusson, who also wears the hat of chair of the Bluewater
Blooms Committee.
Bluewater Blooms committee chair, Jim Fergusson showed CIB Judge Kathy
Smyth the water bottle refill station
located at the newly minted washroom facility in the park.
A scorching hot day greeted the Communities in
Bloom (CIB) judges when they visited Bayfield on
Aug. 11 as part of their tour of the municipality for
the 2016 Ontario Edition of Communities in Bloom
But the weather did not wilt the enthusiasm of
Betty Lamont, from Tiverton, ON, and Kathy
Smyth, from Tillbury, ON, this year's CIB judges
who toured the community from Aug. 10-12.
CIB is a Canadian non-profit organization
committed to fostering civic pride, environmental
responsibility and beautification and to improving
quality of life through community participation and
a national challenge.
The Municipality of Bluewater will be evaluated for
its municipal and community programming,
physical attributes and voluntarism in the 2016
Ontario CIB program. Bluewater seeks to improve
its rating in the Five Blooms award category for
the third consecutive year.
The CIB judges were taken on a personal and
active tour from Hensall to Bayfield, from Varna to
St. Joseph and many stops in between. Points of
interest were identified in each community that fit
into the eight criteria established by the Ontario
Communities in Bloom organization: Tidiness,
Environmental Action, Heritage Conservation,
Urban Forestry, Landscape Turf and
Groundcovers, Floral Displays and Community
The Bluewater Blooms committee brought
municipal and community goals and
achievements to life in short presentations from
representatives of community, business and
volunteers plus municipal staff. The judges were
tasked with assigning numerical points for each
criterion for an overall percentage.
On Thursday morning, Roger Lewington gave the
judges a tour of the Taylor Trail. The Bayfield
River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) created
this accessible trail.
After lunch, they met Sondra Buchner, of the
Bayfield Tree Project, at the intersection of Hwy
21 and Mill Road where she shared and showed
some of the work of the BTP. Pat Lewington, met
with the women at the Bayfield Sign on this same
intersection to enlighten them on the many One
Care programs available in the community to
keep seniors active.
Lamont and Smyth were then treated to an
opportunity to see some youngsters playing in the
Clan Gregor Square Splash Pad and learned how
the facility came to fruition due to the collective
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The judges were treated to an opportunity to see some youngsters playing in the Clan Gregor Square Splash
Pad and learned how the facility came to fruition due to the collective spirit of village residents and summer
Dave Gillians, greeted the judges in front of the cenotaph in Clan Gregor Square and explained to them how the
Clan Gregor Revitalization Project and the Cenotaph Reconstruction Project had rejuvenated the village's central
spirit of village residents and summer people.
They also expressed an interest in the water
bottle refill station located at the newly minted
washroom facility in the park.
From there they crossed the street to the Bayfield
Town Hall where Sandy Scotchmer, president of
the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society shared
with them the history of the town hall and how it
continues to be a place for the community to
gather. She also provided cold lemonade for the
touring group, offering them some respite from the
heat in the air-conditioned hall.
Dave Gillians, greeted the judges in front of the
cenotaph in Clan Gregor Square and explained to
them how the Clan Gregor Revitalization Project
and the Cenotaph reconstruction project had
rejuvenated the village's central park.
Under the shade of the park's aged Maples, Erin
Samuell and Susan Beattie explained the
significance to the community of both the Bayfield
Farmers' Market and The Garden Club
The tour then headed down Main Street to the
area surrounding the Bayfield Public Library
where Ray Letheren, of Blue Bayfield, Jim
Fergusson, of the Friends of the Bayfield Library,
and Arlene Timmins and Roma Harris,
representing Home4Good shared with the judges
the value that their groups bring to the village.
The village tour concluded at the Bayfield
Historical Society and Heritage Centre where
Judy Keightley showed the facilities to the women
and shared with them the importance that local
history plays within the community.
The Provincial results of the CIB Competition will
be announced in Stratford, ON during the Awards
Ceremonies on Sept. 17.
The Bluewater Communities in Bloom program
was established by Council in 2010 in recognition
of the economic and social benefits derived from
participation and in celebration of the efforts of
countless volunteers and municipal staff who
make the municipality a great place to live.
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Week 34 Issue 372
The Communities in Bloom judges had an opportunity to view a typical summer's day in Clan Gregor Square,
Erin Samuell spoke to the judges about the Bayfield Farmers' Market and shared some pictures of the Friday
markets with CIB Judge Kathy Smyth.
Susan Beattie explained the significance to the community of the Bayfield Garden Club to CIB judges Kathy
Smyth and Betty Lamont; George Irvin, Municipality of Bluewater Stanley West Ward Councillor, and Deputy
Mayor Jim Fergusson, who is also chair of the Bluewater Blooms Committee.
Sandy Scotchmer, president of the Bayfield Town Hall
Heritage Society shared with the judges the history of the
town hall and how it continues to be a place for the
community to gather.
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Week 34 Issue 372
<t Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park, By Conrad Kuiper
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or...Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 34 Issue 372
Well, so it finally rained on Saturday. To say that the earth needed some moisture would be an understatement. I was grateful
that it rained. I wasn't as happy with the fact that I was in the middle of a long planned for outdoor event when it happened.
Around 10 a.m. on Saturday I was under the roof of a small tent trying to keep it from going airborne with two partners in crime
as the spray hit our faces and the puddles rose quickly above our ankles. We were drenched. We all looked like we had just
stepped out of the shower fully clothed. And while all this played out we laughed and laughed.
I can only recall one other time that I got that wet when caught in the rain and that was in Grade 9. 1 had gone with a friend for
lunch at her house near The Square in Goderich. When we left to head back to the high school the clouds appeared a bit
menacing and then the rain began. We started to run and after a block or so we did an about face and ran back to her house
but it was too late. We were drenched. We both looked like we had just stepped out of the shower fully clothed. And while all
this played out we laughed and laughed.
I called my mom and she came to town with a full change of clothes and then she drove us both to school. I had secretly wished she might have just taken
me home. We had math class after lunch and it wasn't my favorite subject. A lot of my fellow students had faired better, however, as the rest of our
afternoon classes were only about quarter full.
Time slows down in certain situations and only about 10 minutes had passed on Saturday when we determined that the "monsoon" wasn't stopping
anytime in the near future. So we abandoned what at the time seemed akin to a sinking ship for higher ground and dryer clothes. Thanks very much to the
people who remained on site and chased our tent around the grounds when during a second onslaught later in the day it chose to do a 100 -yard dash. Not
sure if they laughed and laughed but hopefully they saw some humor in its rescue. — Melody
Like us on Facebook: https:llwww.facebook. eomlBayfield-Breeze-206183479424800/
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@ villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
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6/13/2019 Week 34 Issue 372
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Founding Members
Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant
Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA
Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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