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Week 32 Issue 370
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`p SHARE o®... Aug. 3, 2016 Vol. 8 Week 32 Issue 370
"'70th_An niversary_cake_at_nature_camp
Marking the 70th anniversary of watershed -based conservation work by Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority (ABCA) and community partners, campers from the Wonder, Investigate, Learn, and Discover
(WILD) Summer Nature Day Camp enjoyed birthday cake to honor the occasion. Joining the campers for the
cake -cutting at Morrison Dam Conservation Area east of Exeter, on July 28, were BR I -r: Don Shipway, and
Ray Chartrand, ABCA directors; ABCA General Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Brian Horner; Doug Cook,
ABCA director; and Mike Tam, chairman, ABCA Board of Directors. (Submitted photo)
Campers at the Wonder, Investigate, Learn, and Discover (WILD) Summer Nature Day Camp
enjoyed running, playing, and learning about water, soil, and living things from July 25-29. The
young people took a break during their active weeklong program for a slice of cake on
St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, is searching
for a new music director.
The church has an enthusiastic 15 -member choir and
a congregation that sings lustily. The chancel has just
been refurbished and they have a relatively new
grand piano as well as an electric organ (see
Applications and inquiries should be sent to The
Chair, Hiring Committee, Ibella@tcc.on.ca. Please
include a brief CV together along with salary
expectations, on or before Aug. 31 st.
Bayfield and area is enduring a drought period and
so are the new trees planted in the last four years as
part of the Bayfield Tree Project (BTP). Residents are
encouraged to help by watering these trees weekly.
Without assistance these young trees will most
definitely perish.
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Week 32 Issue 370
Thursday, July 28. This was a special cake as it was a birthday cake to mark the anniversary of New trees need anywhere from one to two and a half
70 years of conservation work by Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) and the
inches of water per week to survive. A slow trickle of
watershed community.
water over several hours is the best method.
Seven decades ago, local municipalities had the vision to see the need for protection of life,
Trees planted by the BTP can be found in such
property and natural resources on a watershed basis. ABCA, Ontario's first conservation
places as Louisa, Anne, Charles, Howard, Colina,
authority, was formed on July 30, 1946. It was the Ausable River Conservation Authority at that
Dow, Delevan, William, Chiniquy, Charles, Jane,
time. It was renamed ABCA in 1972. Since 1946, staff members of the local agency have been
Hamilton, Troy, Ducharme, Tuyll, John and Euphemia
working with landowners, community groups, municipalities, and other partners. Together, they
Streets as well as on Bayfield Terrace, Victoria Place,
have planted trees, completed stewardship projects, provided flood forecasting and warning
Keith Cresent, Harbour Court and the corners of
services, protected life and property from natural hazards, added nature areas and much more.
Sarnia and Hwy. 21 and Mill Road.
The anniversary cake included a big '7-0' for seventy years of watershed improvements such
When there has been a bite, scratch, or exposure to
as conservation lands and tree planting. The cake also included the stylized wave and Black
Cherry leaf from the ABCA logo. Mike Tam, chairman of the ABCA Board of Directors, cut the
possible, so that the HCHU can arrange for rabies
cake as the campers joined in the ceremony. Also taking part were directors Don Shipway, Ray
During the warmer months it is common for bats to
Chartrand and Doug Cook as well as ABCA General Manager and Secretary -Treasurer Brian
find their way into homes through open windows and
openings as small as 1.25 cm (3/8 of an inch). The
Stewardship, Land and Education at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA), Kate
Huron County Health Unit (HCHU) reminds residents
The brief, simple ceremony followed the Board of Directors meeting. Kate Monk, Ausable
If you find a bat in your home and are absolutely sure
These highlights included:
to avoid bat exposures.
Bayfield Conservation's manager of Stewardship, Land and Education, presented to the
bat to one room, turn on the lights and open a
directors a multi -media slide show about 70 years of milestones in local conservation. She
window so the bat can fly out.
1950s — Tree planting and acquisition of conservation lands; a renewed emphasis on flood
This summer a Huron County bat tested positive for
noted how it was local municipalities that called for the first survey of the Ausable River
generally beginning to hibernate or fly south around
Hurricane Hazel that hit the Toronto area very hard as well as other areas; creation of Morrison
rabies. Overall, 1 to 3 per cent of Ontario's bat
watershed and for conservation efforts to address concerns such as the loss of wetlands and
1960s — Creation of the Camp Sylvan Conservation Education Program, the longest -running
population is infected with rabies according to the
tree cover.
Public Health Agency of Canada. Rabies is a viral
The presenter pointed to planting in Hay Swamp as an example of a milestone project to
disease that is fatal to humans.
maintain forest cover in the watershed as local school children planted trees and land was
purchased and preserved. As land uses change, the need to plant trees, undertake
"If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, or if infectious
stewardship projects, and conserve nature areas increases. Monk thanked landowners and
material (such as saliva) from a bat gets into your
community groups for their work and pointed out that while the ABCA logo has changed over
eyes, nose, or a wound, wash the affected area
the years, the commitment to creating awareness and taking positive action to protect water,
thoroughly and seek medical attention immediately,"
soil and living things has stayed constant.
said Public Health Inspector Patrick Landry. "If you
areas and wildlife areas; a number of studies and projects related to erosion control, stream
awaken and find a bat in your room or in the room of
The speaker noted that it is individuals and communities that make changes by quoting
an unattended child or an incapacitated person call
Margaret Mead that we should, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
the HCHU."
citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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When there has been a bite, scratch, or exposure to
infectious material, the bat should be captured, if
possible, so that the HCHU can arrange for rabies
testing. If the bat is dead, put some gloves on and
Some milestones of conservation work in Ausable Bayfield watersheds, over each of the past
place the bat in an empty container, such as a coffee
seven decades were highlighted in a 70th anniversary presentation by Supervisor of
can. Do not touch a bat with your bare hands.
Stewardship, Land and Education at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA), Kate
Monk. The presentation was given at the Board of Directors meeting on July 28.
If you find a bat in your home and are absolutely sure
These highlights included:
that there was no human contact, try to confine the
bat to one room, turn on the lights and open a
1940s — The creation of the detailed 1949 Conservation Report.
window so the bat can fly out.
1950s — Tree planting and acquisition of conservation lands; a renewed emphasis on flood
Bats remain active until cooler weather arrives,
plain management and flood forecasting, warning, and prevention following the tragic
generally beginning to hibernate or fly south around
Hurricane Hazel that hit the Toronto area very hard as well as other areas; creation of Morrison
1960s — Creation of the Camp Sylvan Conservation Education Program, the longest -running
Residents with questions or concerns should call the
overnight nature education program of its kind in Ontario; creation of the Parkhill Dam to
HCHU at 519 482-3416 or 1-877-837-6143.
protect agricultural property from flooding.
1970s — Erosion control works in the Grand Bend area; addition of the Bayfield River
Watershed to the ABCA watersheds; formation of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Foundation in 1974; regulations to keep new development out of flood plain areas.
Anyone ever been curious about Mennonite culture?
Get excited at the prospect of picking up fresh baking
1980s — Creation and implementation of Watershed Plans; improvements at conservation
or produce from a roadside farm? The Huron County
areas and wildlife areas; a number of studies and projects related to erosion control, stream
Museum has partnered with a local Mennonite family
rehabilitation and more.
to offer a unique dining experience. Enjoy a hot meal
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Week 32 Issue 370
1990s — Creation and implementation of a community -developed Conservation Strategy; the
loss of staffing resources in the second half of the decade as provincial funding to conservation
authorities was slashed and there was a need to adapt to a new reality and define priorities
and seek additional funding sources in order to continue to deliver watershed -based services
and programs; the start of the Conservation Dinner, working in partnership with the Exeter
Lions Club to support local conservation programs and community improvements through a
gala charitable auction.
2000-2010 -- ABCA plants the five millionth tree; Watershed Report Card released; water
quality monitoring expanded; Province of Ontario gives important role to conservation
authorities in helping to protect municipal sources of drinking water as part of drinking water
source protection, the first barrier of defense in the multi -barrier approach.
2010 to present -- Creation and implementation of a new Conservation Strategy and
Watershed Management Strategy.
Children are always treated as special at any fair. Watching the glowing smiles and hearing the
hearty laughs, is reason enough for this treatment. Fairs do have something for all ages;
however, the young just find those magical moments that every parent tries to provide every
prepared using locally grown ingredients at the
Westfield Mennonite Church. Dinner includes,
chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, fresh
bread, and a variety of salads and desserts.
All proceeds from the dinner will go to the Mosie L.
Miller medical fund.
The Mennonite Dinner will take place on Aug. 11.
Transportation is available, with busses leaving the
Huron County Museum at 5:30 p.m. Dinner starts at
6 p.m. Tickets are available with bussing included for
$40 per adult and $20 per child and without bussing
$35 per adult and $15 per child. Tickets can be
purchased at the Huron County Museum, Historic
Gaol, or online at
This event is part of the "Stories of Immigration and
Migration" series at the Huron County Museum. The
exhibit celebrates the people of Huron County, and
their unique cultures. The exhibit is on display in the
Temporary Gallery of the Huron County Museum, 110
North Street, Goderich, until October 15.
The 31 st Annual Bayfield Antique and Collectibles
Show and Sale will be held on Aug. 5-7 at the
Bayfield Arena. It is a fundraiser for Trinity Anglican
Church in Bayfield.
The dealers love the show and bring beautiful
antiques and collectibles, big and small, to suit every
taste and pocketbook. The arena will be filled with an
impressive array of quality antiques and collectibles
such as Canadiana, furniture, books, porcelain,
silver, estate and costume jewelry and antique toys.
On the opening night of the Bayfield Community Fair, Aug. 19, the youngsters and older folks
The Gala Evening Opening Celebration is set for
will find four inflatables set up. There will be a 24 -foot rock tower with three different challenge
Friday from 6-9 p.m. This evening will include
levels, a bouncy castle, a 31 -foot obstacle course and a bungee run. The bungee run is
refreshments and live entertainment. Guests can
something any age might try or two people might compete against the other to see who can go
meet the vendors, chat, browse, and buy a unique
the farthest. The last time the fair had inflatables one parent complained that she could not get
item for their collection. Tickets are $10 in advance
her child to come out of the bouncy castle — the child loved it. Parents might want to promise to
and $12 at the door. Advance tickets are available
come back often and switch it out to see other things as well. The inflatables will be available
now from church members until the Thursday prior to
from when the gates open to dark.
the show at 5 p.m.
Kids of all ages love to see the knife and ax throwing on Friday night and Saturday. If parents
are going to the Rib Fest on Friday night and they have a youngster not quite thrilled with ribs,
they can pick up other food from a vendor that evening. The evening will end with fireworks at
9 p.m. They will last approximately 10 minutes in length so everyone should be in position to
watch them from the south of the tent area as the staging area will be near the John Ave
entrance. People can see how everything is being set up until about 8:30 p.m. when the area
will be restricted.
The show will then run Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. During these times the
church runs a cafe offering sandwiches, tea, coffee
and delicious sweets — so visitors never have to
worry about going hungry while shopping. Admission
for Saturday and Sunday is $5 per person.
For gala tickets or more information call Joan Cluff at
519 565-2974 or Trinity at 519 565-2790 or visit
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Week 32 Issue 370
Saturday morning the kids can see the light horse show and watch the 4-H members get their
animals ready for showing at noon. The parade will start at 11 a.m. and children are
encouraged to be on neighborhood, family, or camp floats. They are also encouraged to
decorate their bike or trike or dress up and walk, bike, or ride in the parade. All children in the
parade get a coupon to get a free hot dog at the fair food booth. The inflatables will be
available from noon to 4 p.m. and there will be games set up for the youngsters to try. A new
discovery tent will test whether people can figure out how things work. There will be two
opportunities to paint a pony — a real live pony! There will be a miniature tractor pull again for
different age levels. A juggler and a magician will both try to amaze young and old. Face
painting and balloon creations will be offered in the afternoon. Children are also encouraged to
watch the sheep and dairy calf shows by the barns at the back of the grounds or see the
Friesian horse demonstrations. Kids of all ages also love to watch the antics at the dunk tank.
On the final day of the fair the young folks will wall
see the dog shows with the various dogs doing
their best to go through the various obstacles
set up. Face painting will return as well as
ballooning. The miniature tractor pull will be
available if there are enough contestants. Most
of the kids are amazed at the size of the heavy
Maggie Brennan will be leading a "Drumming for All
Ages" session at the CNR Sloman School on Wheels
Museum in Clinton on Aug. 7.
Drums will be provided for this one hour session that
will commence at 1:30 pm. Those who attend are
encouraged to bring a blanket, mat or lawn chair as
well as any additional musical instruments they have
if they wish.
Adult accompaniment is required for children. This
event is free but donations will be accepted.
Refreshments will also be provided.
For more information please call 519 482-3997. The
museum is located in Sloman Park, 76 Victoria
Terrace in Clinton.
The Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) will be
holding their annual book sale at the Bayfield Public
Library on Aug. 20-21.
Book lovers are invited to pay what they can with all
proceeds going to the library and community. The
hours for the sale are Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gently used books, puzzles and games can be
donated to the sale. These can be dropped off at the
library from 1-5 p.m. on Aug. 12 and Aug. 16-17.
Commercial book dealers are asked to wait until 1
p.m. on Sunday before purchasing.
Members of the FOBL have an opportunity for an
advanced preview and purchase of books on Aug. 19
from 2-4 p.m. Anyone who is not yet a member can
purchase a life time membership for a $5 fee.
horses and their gracefulness. King Lyn Stables
Special music is being arranged that will include
will share a special set of performances. The
horses complete wonderful precision riding to
soloists and a community choir.
music. The discovery tent will be available to learn about some well -used tools.
In what is becoming an annual tradition of the
supervise the inflatables on Friday night and Saturday afternoon and the children's games on
Bayfield Community Fair, local churches will join
Throughout the whole fair the Pet Display building will be open. Take the time to get up close to
local charity that is somehow relevant to the
contact info@bayfieldfair.ca to express your interest in volunteering.
under the fairgrounds tent on Sunday morning, Aug.
some interesting creatures. As well the wiggle cars will be in the arena to use. The grain box
Frayne will tell of their stories and experiences
21 to worship together while also learning about and
will be set up in the arena for a play area. Finally the children are able to enter into the fair
offering support to a local charitable group that
exhibits and are awarded prizes in many categories. Anyone younger than 12 gets in free this
supports agricultural related initiatives.
is perhaps the biggest treat of all!
This year's service takes place at 10:00 a.m. and will
Youth craft opportunities will be held at the library on Tuesday, Aug. 16 and Wednesday, Aug.
be led by representatives of Knox Presbyterian,
17 from 1 to 4 p.m. and what is created may be entered in the fair. In addition, trike and bike
Trinity & St. James Anglican, St. Andrew's United
decorating will be done in Clan Gregor Square near the playground by the market tent set up in
and The Church on the Way. It is open to the public
the park on Friday, Aug. 19th at 4 p.m. These two and three wheeled vehicles can then be put
and everyone is welcome to attend.
in the parade the next day.
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Special music is being arranged that will include
Kids are treated special at the Bayfield Community Fair and a lot of planning has taken place to
soloists and a community choir.
ensure they are. The Bayfield Agricultural Society still needs a few people to volunteer to
supervise the inflatables on Friday night and Saturday afternoon and the children's games on
Each year organizers invite a guest speaker from a
Saturday afternoon and possibly Sunday afternoon. If you like to make kids feel special,
local charity that is somehow relevant to the
contact info@bayfieldfair.ca to express your interest in volunteering.
agricultural theme of the fair. This year, Marg and Les
Frayne will tell of their stories and experiences
working with S.H.A.R.E. Agricultural Foundation.
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Week 32 Issue 370
S.H.A.R.E., which stands for "Sending Help And
Resources Everywhere", is based out of Caledon but
works to help isolated farming communities,
particularly in Central and South America. They work
on developing sustainable projects that will improve
AG 9807
quality of life for impoverished farmers in these areas
— with a mandate of offering 'A hand up' rather than
'A hand-out.' Past projects have included building
more efficient and environmentally friendly cook -
stoves. These stoves not only alleviate family health
Can you smell the barbecue chicken already? Sunset on Summer is coming up sooner than you think - time to
problems but also free up time for women to improve
get tickets before they sell out. (Photo by Jack Pal)
their literacy rather than tending cooking fires all day.
bowls and cutlery. Sunset on Summer will leave a smaller footprint on our environment
The committee overseeing this BBQ is looking for volunteers to help with the event. There are RUN4KIDS CONTEST
several categories of volunteering, such as, serving food, set up, clean up, handling tickets
sales for the beer/wine tent and clearing tables. Anyone interested is asked to please call Every Run4Kids event the winners in every division
Sandy at 519 565-2830 or email her at sscotchmer@rogers.com. of the run receive a photo plaque. This year
organizers, Virtual High School and the Bayfield
LIBRARY PART OF PILOT PROJECT Optimist Club, have decided to hold a photo contest
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S.H.A.R.E. also provides training in subsistence
farming techniques, livestock management and soil
protection that helps farmers improve crops and
livelihoods. They offer workshops in storing feed,
marketing to restaurants and improving growing
conditions. They also hold conferences to train
students and share resources. In addition to
providing funding, guiding and expertise, they also
provide struggling farmers with fruit trees and
livestock - chicks, rabbits and, no kidding - goats,
Can you smell the barbecue chicken already? Sunset on Summer is coming up sooner than you think - time to
which fits in well with this year's Fair theme.
get tickets before they sell out. (Photo by Jack Pal)
A freewill offering will support the work of this charity,
The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) is hosting its third annual "Sunset on
but local church members are also invited to bring
Summer" family picnic on Sept. 3 on the grounds of the Bayfield Town Hall (and in case of rain
their regular Sunday offering envelopes in support of
at the Bayfield Arena).
their own church.
The event runs from 4:30 to 8 p.m. will feature BBQ chicken cooked during the picnic, along
This outdoor community service has been well
with baked beans, coleslaw, a roll and dessert. Those who would like to attend are invited to
received for the past two years as neighbors enjoy
bring their weekend guests or enjoy take-out.
coming out to worship with neighbors, while also
participating in helping out our global neighbors. The
Entertainment will be provided by Bayfield singer/songwriter Josh Geddis and the group "Safe
collaborative nature of this event reflects the way
as Milk". Activities include a "Kiddy Korner" (with help from the Purple Peony) for the children
God's spirit is indeed at work in the community of
and a cash bar for adults.
The raffle, a popular feature from last year, returns and will once again feature special baskets
For more information please contact Rev. Elise
for kids. Also, the Bayfield Lions' Club will hold a silent auction of 16" X 20" prints of the photos
Feltrin at St. Andrew's United Church, 519 565-2854.
chosen for the 2017 Bayfield calendar. The auction will take place from 4:30 to 7 p.m. with
proceeds being shared between the Bayfield Town Hall and the Bayfield Lions' Club.
The adult ticket price is $20 and children 12 years and younger are $10. The proceeds from
this event will go towards building up the Town Hall reserve fund, which was sadly depleted by
the beautiful, recently installed, new roof.
Davinci Ristorante presents the music of Jazz
musician Glenn Higgins every Friday evening
Ticketscene.ca or Eventbrite.ca can be used to purchase tickets or call the Town Hall at 519
between 6-9 p.m. thru out the summer.
565-5788 and leave a message — the call will be returned shortly.
Higgins has been said to sound like a combination of
"We are trying a new system with this event to ease the ticket selling burden on our volunteer
Joe Cocker, Randy Newman and Louis Armstrong.
Board members. The Town Hall Box Office will be open several times each week to buy or pick
up your tickets. We will also have tickets available at the Farmers' Market on Fridays, and at
The folks at Davinci Ristorante can think of nothing
One Care Fitness Classes," said Pat Pal, representing the BTHHS.
better than live music in a beautiful garden patio
setting combined with great food and summer drinks.
Also new this year, the Town Hall, as an active member of Bayfield's Blue Community initiative,
Folks who agree should know that reservations are
has made arrangements with GreenShift to purchase non-toxic, biodegradable, cups, plates,
recommended by calling at 519 565-4076.
bowls and cutlery. Sunset on Summer will leave a smaller footprint on our environment
The committee overseeing this BBQ is looking for volunteers to help with the event. There are RUN4KIDS CONTEST
several categories of volunteering, such as, serving food, set up, clean up, handling tickets
sales for the beer/wine tent and clearing tables. Anyone interested is asked to please call Every Run4Kids event the winners in every division
Sandy at 519 565-2830 or email her at sscotchmer@rogers.com. of the run receive a photo plaque. This year
organizers, Virtual High School and the Bayfield
LIBRARY PART OF PILOT PROJECT Optimist Club, have decided to hold a photo contest
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6/13/2019 Week 32 Issue 370
Bayfield's preliminary contest is the only one in
The Bayfield Branch Library is being included in the Community Information Hub Pilot Project
to involve the community in determining what image
from now until December 2016. This Pilot Project will explore Community Led Library Service
will grace the 2016 plaque.
in the Village of Bayfield and surrounding area.
Instrumental Solo; (3) Dance Solo; (4) Dance Group;
Members of Bluewater Blooms would like to remind all
The image should reflect the nature of the Run4Kids
Christa Lehnen is the Bayfield Library Branch Community Information Librarian assigned by
as well as the organization that benefits from the
the Huron County Library to the pilot study. She has been meeting with community groups,
event, Make -A -Wish.
organizations, and individuals to better understand the needs and wants of the Bayfield
Entries for all preliminaries can be made online at
community. The vision behind Community Led Libraries is to provide relevant library service to
Large file images should be emailed to
support thriving communities and to do so, libraries need to be embedded in the community
Jackie.loebach@ virtualhighschool.com
listening and responding directly to the community. Community Led Library Service is ongoing.
There is no prize for the picture chosen, just bragging
It is a process that addresses the fast pace of change.
rights to help support the cause.
The Community Information Hub's pilot project focus is to:
The Provincial results will be announced in Stratford, ON
• Build strong, two-way partnerships within the community. This includes traditional
Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as
partnerships as well as new partnerships with schools, businesses and grass-roots community
a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may
If you sing, dance, play an instrument or perform in
other ways, and are between the ages of six and 21
• Keep up with the fast pace of technological change. Twenty-first century literacy is of
then the Rise 2 Fame Youth Talent Search is looking
particular importance for rural communities where people may feel isolated from educational
for you.
and social opportunities found in more urban settings.
The only Huron County preliminary competition to the
• Continue to expand Huron County Library's "welcomeness". Highlight collections and
Western Fair Talent Search takes place on Friday,
resources that are beneficial to the community.
Aug. 19 at the Bayfield Community Fair, upstairs in
the Bayfield Community Centre. Junior competitions
• Try stuff! Innovation requires an experimental approach. Encourage iteration (aka failure).
begin first at 7 p.m. with Youth competitions to follow.
Engage library staff and community members in trying things that involve participation of
Contestants are asked to check-in at 6 p.m. This
community members in the community such as a tool or musical instrument library or mobile
ensures that all registration documents are complete
and that music can be lined up for the show. Be sure
The big question to be answered through this pilot project is: How can the library best serve the
to read the rules very carefully online by visiting the
community needs?
website at
Lehnan's main focus during the summer months will be to attend community meetings and to
meet with individuals and small groups for the purpose of learning the goals and needs of the
Registration must be completed online on the
community. As the pilot project extends into the autumn months, library information sessions,
Western Fair site before Aug. 7 or you can contact
focus groups, and surveys will be conducted to collect the community's perspective on the
Charlie Kalbfleisch at 519 565-2244 to ensure you
direction of library service in the Village of Bayfield and the surrounding area.
are a contestant on his list.
For more information please contact Lehnen at 519 565-2886, or by email at
Winners go on to perform at the Western Fair — a 35
clehnen@huroncounty.ca, or County Librarian and Director of Cultural Services, Meighan
year tradition which has touched the lives of
Wark, 519 482-5457, or by email at mwark@huroncounty.ca.
thousands of talented youngster from across the
province. The Western Fair Rise2Fame Youth Talent
Search, along with the preliminaries, has been the
• •
start to many careers in the arts and continues to
encourage young people to pursue their talents, by
The Municipality of Bluewater is participating in the 2016
giving them a chance to perform in front of a live
Ontario Edition of Communities in Bloom (CIB).
The CIB judges, Betty Lamont from Tiverton, ON and
Bayfield's preliminary contest is the only one in
Kathy Smyth from Tillbury, ON will evaluate the
Huron County before this year's Western Fair.
Municipality of Bluewater on Aug. 10-12.
Categories of competition are (1) Vocal Solo; (2)
Instrumental Solo; (3) Dance Solo; (4) Dance Group;
Members of Bluewater Blooms would like to remind all
(5) Vocal and/or Instrumental Group including bands;
businesses and residents to tidy up their property before
(6) Variety Solo and (7) Variety Group.
the judges arrive.
Entries for all preliminaries can be made online at
CIB is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to
westernfairdistrict.com/Music/Rise2Fame. Contact
fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility,
Kalbfleisch at the number listed above or email
beautification and to improving quality of life through
wlaurie@tcc.on.ca for more information.
community participation and a national challenge.
The Provincial results will be announced in Stratford, ON
during the Awards Ceremonies on Sept. 17.
Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as
Betty Lamont To support the educational aspect of its activities, the
a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may
organization established the CIB Foundation, a
have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has
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Week 32 Issue 370
registered charity dedicated to funding, developing and disseminating education and
moved from the old Foodland lot to the Nip N' Tuck
awareness on the value, improvement, importance and sustainable development of green
lot (just north of the building). Residents are
spaces and natural environment in Canada.
encouraged to drop in the box clean, gently used
community, business and volunteer groups: Susan Beatty, Sondra Buchner, Leigh Selk, and
clothing and household goods they no longer need or
According to His Excellency, the Right
want. The sale of these items in the thrift store help
Honorable David Johnston, C.C., C.M.M.,imayeooz
to support the food bank as well as help others.
C.O.M., C.D. Governor General of Canada,
Please call 519 236-4376 with questions.
Patron of CIB, "Within the context of climate
Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an
change and environmental concerns, all those
involved in the CIB program can be proud of
their efforts that provide real and meaningful
environmental solutions and benefit all of
Knox Presbyterian Church in Bayfield is now hosting
Kintail on the Road for the seventh year.
The Municipality of Bluewater will be evaluated
This Christian Day Camp runs every Wednesday
for its municipal and community programming,
from now until Aug. 24. The day -long schedule
physical attributes and voluntarism in the 2016
includes games, songs and faith driven activities for
Ontario CIB program. Bluewater seeks to
the children of the community.
improve its rating in the Five Blooms award
couple doors down from the pharmacy.
category for the third consecutive year.
Those people with children interested in participating
Kathy Smyth
should call Knox Church and leave a message. The
This year, the Community Profile Book, a tool
number is 519 565-2913. The program will run from 9
used to describe the efforts of volunteers and
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with lunch and snacks provided.
the municipality, was converted to a format containing active links to municipal and external
Youngsters who have graduated JK through to Grade
websites, expanding its educational component. Committee member and designer Heather
6 are welcome. The cost is $5 per day per child or $7
Redick, of Zurich, said the 55 -page book was reworked to permit CIB judges instant access
for two or more children.
and eliminate the cost of color printing. The book may be viewed on your smart device via
prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing
these websites: www.munici pal ityofbluewater.ca and www. bIuewaterblooms. ca
The local CIB committee has also held a successful street planter sponsorship program in
Bayfield, Hensall and Zurich to offset costs. Local businesses and individuals who sponsor a
planter receive their message printed on a sign and placed in a planter. Another proud
Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to
achievement of a long-term goal is division of a daylily named Bluewater Sunset. Bedded at
let Bayfield residents know that full eye health
Huron Ridge Acres, the daylily needs to be grown and divided for several years before it can
examinations are available at his Bayfield office.
be sold.
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Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children
The Bluewater Blooms Committee sincerely thanks Council and staff for their support and
and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main
invites councilors to participate. The CIB committee consists of these volunteers representing
Street Optometric uses current technology including
community, business and volunteer groups: Susan Beatty, Sondra Buchner, Leigh Selk, and
a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital
Carol Steckle, of Bayfield and area; Harlie Johnston of St. Joseph; Liz Sangster and Kay Wise
retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like
(co-chair) of Hensall, Heather Redick of Zurich, and Deputy Mayor Jim Fergusson (co-chair).
glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic
The CIB judges will be taken on a personal and active tour from Hensall to Bayfield, from
Varna to St. Joseph and many stops in between. Points of interest are identified in each
Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an
community that fit into the eight criteria established by the Ontario Communities in Bloom
organization: Tidiness, Environmental Action, Heritage Conservation, Urban Forestry,
Landscape Turf and Groundcovers, Floral Displays and Community Involvement. The local
planning committee will bring municipal and community goals and achievements to life in short
T�T1��� + T T�7i
presentations from representatives of community, business and volunteers plus municipal staff.
The judges will be tasked with assigning numerical points for each criterion for an overall
Michael and Nevien Ibrahim are pleased to
announce that Shannon Gould, of the Bayfield
The Bluewater Communities in Bloom program was established by Council in 2010 in
Hearing Clinic, is now offering her monthly services
recognition of the economic and social benefits derived from participation and in celebration of
out of Michael's Home Healthcare offices just a
the efforts of countless volunteers and municipal staff who make our communities great places
couple doors down from the pharmacy.
to live. This is an exciting finale allowing everyone to proudly show why they love to work and
The next date for the free clinic is Aug. 16. The
play here.
Bayfield Hearing Clinic offers their services on the
third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4:30
D T rte—
D -1—N— O �
The clinic offers: hearing aid adjustments and repairs
to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new
prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing
aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive
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Week 32 Issue 370
"Melissa Prout, from Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) led a most interesting Bayfield River
Valley Trail Association hike for Moms and Tots on the Taylor Trail on the morning of July 26. Her sons Aiden,
5, and Ely, 2, and the rest of the hikers used their five senses while experiencing the hike. All the hikers had
the challenge of completing an experiential bingo card challenging the hikers to identify things within the
categories: Botanical, Insects, Nature, Geometric and Original. Bingos could be called as hikers identified
things in each category to match the Bingo Card. Hike leaders, Roberta Stemp, and Carol and Russell
Powadiuk had their questions about nature surrounding them answered by Prout and made sure no one was
left behind on the Taylor Trail." (Submitted photo)
Bayfield Mews
Exq;lu5iv4 55- p- nily
One floor Townhomes
519. 555 •3542
` www_baylieldmews,ra
Volume 7
Please call Gould at the Bayfield Hearing Clinic, 1-
855-396-6026 to book an appointment.
Bayfield has been home to a Country Flea Market for
several decades. In more recent years, it has found a
new home in Agriculture Park; a home that offers
plenty of parking as well as some green space for
children to run carefree. The Bayfield Agricultural
Society provides this home for the market that is
open on Sundays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (maybe a
little longer depending on the crowds).
Shannon McClenaghan H.I.S.
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr.
Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the
photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about
certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier.
This week, a gentleman and a lot of beans circa 1915! Anyone remember him? (Archives
Code: PB10025 PC)
In Issue 366, we highlight these twins who were
born in the village in 1903 as they looked in 1986.
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Week 32 Issue 370
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flicks
ie- .t
Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code:
PB12 17B)
These twins were Greta Scotchmer (d. 1989) and
Harry Baker (d. 1997).
In Issue 369, a group of ladies in a photograph from
1952. Does anyone remember them? (Archives
Code: PB12 11a)
According to records with the picture, the women
were: Maude Sterling, Josie Metcalf, Mrs Metcalf,
Mary MacKenzie, Mrs Jowett, Ida Menary, Jean
Ferguson, Miss Rankin and Maude MacGregor.
W C1101I 110HA V.119_WYIZ��1XI1
Thirty years ago a fun tradition was started to
raise funds for the maintenance of Pioneer Park —
the 5 KM Fun Run, Walk and Roll. This year more
than 230 people registered for the run on the
morning of Aug. 1. They laced up their sneakers
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Week 32 Issue 370
This trio had a very colorful entry for the 30th annual Pioneer Park Fun Run held on the morning of Civic Holiday
Aklkl'� loom OFNEEF-7
Mirek McLean, age 4, waiting patiently for the Fun Run to start.
Participants are encouraged to dress up and have fun at the run and Joshua McLean, age 5, did just that!
some to walk others to run. People took to wheels
of all sorts from cycles built for two to roller
The weather couldn't have been nicer for the
event with warm temperatures and sunny skies.
Prizes were awarded in each category in four
different age groups, plus prizes were also
awarded to those who demonstrated a special
effort. Various local merchants, personal
businesses and other individual sponsors
generously donated prizes.
Sarah Gundy was the first cyclist across the finish line.
Sam Dupuis was a close second at crossing the finish line
during the 30th annual Pioneer Park Fun Run.
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Week 32 Issue 370
This young man's strategy was to take it easy in a shady place before the race began.
There was a tremendous turn -out of cyclists for the 30th annual Pioneer Park Fun Run.
Jenny Allan, Luke Shanahan and their son, Weylin, took part in the cycling event this year. This was quite ar
impressive feat for Jenny as she is currently expecting the newest member of their family any moment now!
Riders exhibited their own style as they crossed the finish
line after completing the 5 KM route.
Ray Bauer celebrated the finish of his cycle about
the village.
John Erb and Sandy Scotchmer exhibited a little bit of
competitiveness when it came to which walker was going
to cross the finish line first.
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The Pioneer Park Fun Run is a 5 KM event for all ages.
Morning weather conditions were perfect for a bike ride about the village.
Week 32 Issue 370
There were four participants on blades in this year's event and they got off to a brilliant start.
This women was determined to finish the walking portion
of the event strong.
Five year-old Mattias Saaveda is a seasoned veteran of
the Pioneer Park Fun Run.
Aidan French was the first runner across the finish line at
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Week 32 Issue 370
Ready, set, race!
Money raised from the entry fee into the event goes toward the upkeep of beautiful Pioneer Park.
Integrity - ,r
€ EAL €sWt t. MIFF
the 30th Annual Pioneer Park Fun Run.
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Week 32 Issue 370
Storm's coming, By Tom Tillmann
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
Wild Bird Seed co.
Mich. offt.
ZURICH, 01,11d,R10
519 236 73'3 1 519 565 7773
Today you are reading the 370th weekly issue of the Bayfield Breeze. I thank you for scrolling all the way down to the bottom to
see what I have to say. We are brought to your email inbox each week because a number of people advertise their service or
business throughout the issue. I encourage you to click on their advertisements and tour their websites to see what they are all
about. We wouldn't have been able to create this 370th issue if it weren't for them.
Our advertisers offer us amazing support ... we often have people wanting to join our team of sponsors but very rarely do we
have spots open, but right now, today, we do. So if you would like to be a part of the Bayfield Breeze by becoming an advertiser
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 32 Issue 370
just send me an email. Do you have a special event coming up in the next few months that you'd like to advertise? Well that's a
possibility too. Just ask. Also anyone who just appreciates the work we do is always more than welcome to make a financial
contribution. Thanks for reading. - Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
Founding Members
...._ ..........................e. ..
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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