HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-05-18, Page 16/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 BAYFIELDBREEZE IAN MATTHEW GA 519 565-5.33 G 1 y � � BAWIELD BREEZE - 01E, vffhTge'5 nawi Orthne news 90urce SHARE ® .- May 18, 2016 Vol. 7 Week 21 Issue 359 SIXTY TREES PLANTED ALONG THE SAWMILL TRAIL May 7th proved to be a very busy day along the Sawmill Trail when over a dozen volunteers showed up to help the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) with planting almost 60 new trees. (Submitted photos) `nPHMMASAVE IIIII II 1111111 II 11111111111111 II ROYAL LEPAGE �IIIIIII IIIII II II IIIII IIII IIIII II FORT MCMURRAY The Village of Bayfield has a long history of coming together for projects that support our residents and visitors. It's what makes our village unique and a special place to live and play. "I'm sure all of you know of the catastrophic devastation that has occurred in Fort McMurray, said Bill Whetstone, of Bayfield. "I am asking for a "Call to Action" to all our groups, organizations, businesses and interested residents to come together to discuss how we can help as one community for a community that is in desperate need." This meeting will be held tonight (May 18) at 8 p.m. in the Bayfield Community Centre. All are welcome. DUCK RACE The Bayfield Optimist Club is getting all their ducks in a row for their annual Rubber Duck Race to be held on May 22. The race can be best viewed at the South Pier of the Bayfield Harbor — the plastic waterfowl will be set free at 1 p.m. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 1/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Over a dozen volunteers showed up on May 7 to help the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) with planting almost 60 new trees along the Sawmill Trail. As witnessed throughout this area, many Ash trees were felled last fall due to the destruction caused by the Emerald Ash Borer. The BRVTA felt it was important to work towards re- foresting many of the devastated areas, especially along area trails. They specifically wanted to replant with a variety of hardy indigenous trees that offer diversification so that future disease or blight will not wipe out the entire forest. The public was invited to make donations towards the tree of their choice - ranging from maple and sycamore to tulip trees and burl oak. Memorial plaques in the form of sliced rounds of ash wood were decorated by supporters and hung on their specified tree in celebration of loved ones and special occasions. Armed with tractors and backhoes, buckets and shovels, the volunteers dug and planted trees for two hours, lugging water from the creek to give them a good soaking once in the ground. After all the trees were planted, staked and watered, the hard working group was rewarded with sandwiches and snacks, which were eaten in the shelter of a neighboring garage, because as luck would have it, the rain began as the last tree was planted. The BRVTA thanks all those who donated towards this project and all those hardworking volunteers who came out to help dig, plant and water. Be sure to take a walk along the Sawmill Trail and read the names on the plaques of all those who were honored through this project. The public was invited to make donations towards the tree of their choice - ranging from maple and sycamore to tulip trees and burl oak. Tickets are now available from club members or Brandons Hardware and are selling for $5 each or five chances for $20. Only 750 ducks will be "sold" — and as of publication only 200 ducks remain. Optimists will be selling tickets this weekend at Bayfield Foodland and the Bayshore Plaza but don't wait too long to purchase, as this event is always a sell out! This year the first five ducks that cross the finish line will win prizes. First prize is a stainless steel barbecue valued at $400 and donated by a Friend of Optimists. Second prize is a Norco BMX Bike donated by Outside Projects and a friend of Optimism. It is also valued at $400. Third prize is an overnight at The Albion Hotel including breakfast. Donated by Kim Muszynski, of The Albion Hotel, this prize is valued at $200. Fourth prize is a gift certificate for Michael's Pharmasave worth $150 and donated by Michael and Nevien Ibrahim. Fifth prize is a handcrafted stone birdhouse created and donated by Tony Laporte. It is also valued at $150. Money raised from the race will go toward the Optimist Club's many "friends of youth" projects. oil] 191MA 01 On May 22, experience and see nature on a whole new level, through the eyes of an expert photographer. Stroll through the renowned Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area with photographer, Conrad Kuiper at this Bayfield River Valley Trail Association special event. Kuiper will be leading this spring walk through his favorite area, the 2.3 KM Sugar Bush Trail. This trail winds its way through forests that are dominated by Sugar Maples and is renowned as a bird lover's paradise. Hullett provides a habitat for over 180 species of birds and 400 plant species. There should be a diverse collection of spring wild flowers in bloom carpeting the forest floor. The Sugar Bush Trail parking lot is located at 80602 Wildlife Line just east of Clinton off Hwy. 8. This walk will start at 1 p.m. PM and should last no longer than 1.5 hours. For more information, contact Hike Leader Kuiper at 519 482-9724, BAYSHORE FINANCIAL Glen Steinson, financial advisor and owner of Bayshore Financial Management of Bayfield, will be the guest speaker at the Dining for Seniors event being held at the West Huron Care Centre (WHCC) (formerly Bluewater Rest Home) on May 25. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. with Steinson's presentation to follow dessert, during coffee. For a cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 2/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Memorial plaques in the form of sliced rounds of ash wood were decorated by supporters and hung on their specified tree in celebration of loved ones and special occasions. Volunteer Elise Feltrin, of Bayfield, waters one of the donated trees. LIONS BREAKFAST PROFITS TO BE DONATED TO FORT MCNRJRRAY Be sure to attend the annual Bayfield Lions' Club's Breakfast coming up this Sunday, May 22. The net proceeds from the breakfast will be donated to the Disaster Fund set up by the Red Cross to assist Fort McMurray residents. The federal government will match every dollar donated to the fund. The breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. to noon at the Bayfield Arena. "On average Bayfield Lions net about $1,200 to $1,400 from the breakfast," said Bill Rowat, president of the club. "We are hoping that people will donate a little extra over and above the price of breakfast ($7 again this year). Fort McMurray residents can use all the help they can get." The Lions' Breakfast on Victoria Day weekend has had record attendance over the past few years. Permanent residents, cottagers, and visitors from the surrounding area make it an annual ritual. Where else can you get a full breakfast of eggs, sausage, buttered toast, pancakes and syrup, juice and coffee for $7? It is sure to be good food and a good time for the whole family. The Bayfield Historical Society and Archives were one of the recipients of the 2016 Huron Cultural Awards presented at a gala event on May 6 at the White Carnation Banquet Hall in Holmesville. TEAM TO FOCUS ON POTENTIAL NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE Bayfield is a buzz these days as many community groups have come together to form the Bayfield Facility Initiative Team (BFIT). The group's focus is on the possibility of a new community centre. The official launch and first public meeting for "A centre created for the community by the community!" will be held on May 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Bayfield Community Center. dining reservation please contact WHCC Wellness Coordinator, Heidi at 519 236-4373 Ex. 632 by May 23 at 4 p.m. Steinson's presentation will address "Legacy Planning Considerations", things we do for our loved now to make it easier for them later. A discussion about wills, power of attorneys, estates, probate taxes, executor responsibilities and legal fees. Did you miss Bayfield at the Oscars, the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society's Fifth Annual Cabaret? This sold -out red carpet event was held on two nights in February. Perhaps you had a ticket and were snowed out, or perhaps you weren't fortunate enough to score a ticket. Perhaps you were down South, avoiding snow, or possibly you were in the cast and too preoccupied to really enjoy the show. Whatever the reason, you now have another chance to see this amazing performance. The video of Bayfield's own Cabaret will be shown at the town hall on Thursday, May 26th at 7:30 p.m. This showing will be free to ticket -holders who were snowed out of the original performances and to cast members. All others will be asked for a $5 donation. No tickets needed. Just show up and enjoy. COUNCILOR'S CORNER The monthly Councilor's Corner held in the Bayfield Community Centre has had to be rescheduled to May 26. Bill Whetstone, Bayfield Ward councilor, hosts the evening usually on the third Thursday of every month. He provides an opportunity for people to hear what council has been up to and voice their opinions. The evening will begin at 7:30 p.m. LOWEST OF THE LOW LP Productions would like to announce that the Summer Concert Series at The Ashwood Inn will kick off with the Lowest of the Low live at the Ashwood Bourbon Bar on Thursday, May 26. After a brief stint as Low UK, Ron Hawkins, and the rest of his Toronto alt -rock misfits, have fully returned as Lowest of the Low. To celebrate, they've announced a handful of tour dates, including cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 3/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Bluewater, like many municipalities, does not consider recreation as a core service. This may result in the loss of current recreational assets. Bluewater does not have the capital budget or reserves for upgrades or replacement of the current Bayfield community centre. Without a suitable facility, the current active lifestyle that Bayfield now offers will be compromised. Members of Bayfield's community organizations, prospective facility users, individuals, and businesses will facilitate the development of the project. To ensure a sense of ownership and transparency, the concept will be developed with the community's input through a series of public meetings. All possible funding models will be explored. A new multi -generational facility in Bayfield will benefit the community as a whole by providing educational, social, health and recreational programs for the enrichment of residents and visitors alike. Additionally, service groups will benefit by gaining space for meetings, conventions and celebrations. The new facility will provide economic opportunities for area businesses. Upon completion, it is anticipated that a local public board will oversee the facility and work with a private manager to ensure the long-term success of the centre. The project will be achieved through the implementation of a strong business plan focused on usage and profitability. Doug Brown accepted the Heritage Individual or Organization Award on behalf of the Bayfield Historical Society and Archives from Meighan Wark, director of Cultural Services with the County of Huron. (Submitted photo) The annual awards recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals, organizations and businesses in the arts, culture and heritage community of Huron County. The nominees and finalists in each of the award categories come from nominations submitted by the general public. The Huron Arts & Heritage Network and the County of Huron Cultural Services Department produce these awards jointly. The Bayfield Historical Society (BHS) and Archives won the Heritage Individual or Organization Award. In 2015 the BHS opened the newly renovated Heritage Centre on Main Street in Bayfield, as well as a pair of new tunes. "The Kids Are All Wrong" and "In The Blink of An Eye" are online now. The band's lineup currently consists of Ron Hawkins, Dave Alexander, Lawrence Nichols, Dylan Parker and Brian MacMillan. The doors open at 8 p.m. and the event should get underway around 8:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for $45.20 at ticketscene.ca. I me IW 25 V The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) is inviting community residents to participate in a short survey that will inform the development of its new Strategic Plan. This plan will provide a roadmap for HPHA's four hospital sites, Clinton Public Hospital, St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital and Stratford General Hospital, through the year 2020. "We've just finished hosting Community Forums where we heard a lot of valuable feedback from residents in Huron and Perth counties who use our hospitals," said Andrew Williams, president and CEO. "This online survey is a way for residents who weren't able to attend our forums to ensure their input is taken into consideration." This survey is in addition to the recent public consultation and engagement with numerous stakeholders including HPHA staff, volunteers and physicians. "it is very valuable for our Board of Directors to hear from the patients and families we serve," said Williams. "We want to hear about our patients' experiences, how we can improve on that experience, their top care needs, and what services are important to them." Hardcopies of the survey will also be available in the main lobbies of each hospital site. To take the survey visit www.surveymonkey.com or visit HPHA's website at www.hpha.ca The survey will remain open until May 27th at 11 p.m. CYCLING TALK Tyler Hessel, of Bayfield's Outside Projects, will present "Things to Consider Before You Ride" at the CNR School on Wheels Museum in Clinton on May 28. Hessel is hoping this talk will help cyclists of all ages ride safely. He will also answer questions about bicycle maintenance and draw for prizes. This presentation will be held at the museum at 76 Victoria Terrace in Clinton 11 a.m. to noon. There is cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 4/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Bayfield. Along with the Heritage Centre and Archives the BHS also coordinated the annual no charge for this event. Collector's Show and Exhibition for a number of years and provides historic walking tours of Bayfield during the summer months. LST VIRA KURT In addition to the society, this year's Huron Cultural Award winners included Keith Roulston. He was recognized with the Community Contribution Award. Roulston is a dedicated community Canadian Comedian Elvira Kurt is returning to builder in Blyth and area, as the publisher of The Citizen newspaper, publisher and contributor Bayfield as part of the Girls Getaway Weekend of the Rural Voice and one of the original founders of the Blyth Centre for the Arts. The Warden's Award was presented to Gerry Smith by Huron County Warden, Paul Gowing Smith is a master fiddle player who has won 13 National Titles at the National Fiddle Contest in Those who have yet to see her perform live in the Lyndon John X, of Brussels, received the Individual Artist Award. He received his second Juno village may recognize her as host of the game show nomination, for Best Reggae Recording, in 2015 for his third full-length album, "Escape from Spin Off. She also hosted the entertainment the Mongoose Gang". satire/talk show PopCultured with Elvira Kurt, which Along with the awards, the Blyth Centre for the Arts and Huron Arts & Heritage Network began on The Comedy Network in Canada in 2005. The Blyth Festival was this year's winner of the Cultural Organization or Event Award. Now in opportunity for the community to come together and its 42nd season, the Blyth Festival produces original Canadian plays with a focus on telling the She will share her comedy with those who attend stories of the people of Southwestern Ontario. The theatre has become one of Huron County's Elvira Kurt Live at Bayfield Town Hall on Saturday, cornerstone cultural institutions and a significant economic driver. May 28. The town hall doors open at 7 p.m. and the education. event should get underway around 7:30 p.m. FauxPop Media, was acknowledged for their use of new technologies to promote and advance Enjoy delicious lasagna followed by coffee and arts and culture in Huron County with the Innovators Award. Based in Goderich, FauxPop Tickets are available now from Ticketscene for $30 Media is a professional media production company that has done video projects for Discovery per person. For tickets go to Channel, Wild TV, UN Refugee Agency, and Paramount Pictures. https://www.ticketscene.ca/events/14843/. The Warden's Award was presented to Gerry Smith by Huron County Warden, Paul Gowing Smith is a master fiddle player who has won 13 National Titles at the National Fiddle Contest in COMMUNI 1 i L V lel CH Shelburne. He played on Circle 8 Ranch on CKNX for eight years and has opened for such acts as Johnny Cash, Tex Ritter and Hank Snow. He has also passed along his passion and The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society will be knowledge by being a teacher and mentor to many of Huron's talented young fiddle players. hosting their Fourth Annual Community Lunch on Along with the awards, the Blyth Centre for the Arts and Huron Arts & Heritage Network May 30. This popular annual event is a wonderful scholarship was presented for the first time to two Huron County secondary school students opportunity for the community to come together and who are pursuing post -secondary studies in the arts. This year's recipients were Emma Johns hear about what's been accomplished at the Town a student at Central Huron Secondary School and Dan Pavkeje a student at South Huron Hall after a busy 2015. District High School. Each of the winning students received $500 towards their post -secondary Attendees will also find out about all of the events education. planned for 2016. The Huron Harp School, Lyndon John X and Gerry Smith treated attendees at the awards gala Enjoy delicious lasagna followed by coffee and to musical performances. Winners were presented with handmade pottery bowls by Wonky dessert. The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. and Frog Studios and Patina Studios and an assortment of locally sourced food products from: space is limited so people shouldn't wait to get their Coastal Coffee, Garlic Box, Ferguson's Apiaries, Cravings, Half Hours on Earth, Hanna's tickets. Maple Syrup and Dory's Bitchin Biscotti. The cost is $10 and tickets are available by calling TODAY IS MUSEUM DAY Sandy Scotchmer at 5x19 565- 2830. KNOX CHURCH The Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol are celebrating International Museum Day and Museum Month today (May 18) with fun filled activities. The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church "We are very excited to invite the public to visit both of our wonderful sites on International would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to the Museum Day and partake of some great programming to help us celebrate all things museum," community for supporting their Mother's Day Plant said Will Kernohan, curator of Engagement and Dialogue. Sale. Participate in a scavenger hunt through the museum's new Stories of Immigration and Proceeds from the sale will fund their Christian Migration exhibit, create a memory jars craft and enjoy showings of two fantastic films about outreach, weekly summer program, "Kintail on the Huron County's contributions to WWI, "Our War - Nursing Sisters" and "Our War - On the Road" for children either living in our community or Homefront", produced by the Museum in association with the Government of Canada. The visiting during the summer months. films will be shown throughout the day by request in the museum's theatre. Special hands-on activities and another scavenger hunt are available at the Gaol. Watch for information about the summer program in future publications of the Bayfield Breeze. Since 1977, International Museum Day is organized worldwide on May 18. This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society. m�" T TURKEY �'�' 1LD 1 URKE i V4HUNT Nearly 30,000 museums in 120 countries participate. May is also Museum Month in Canada. Admission at both sites is by donation on International Museum Day and all activities are free. A reminder that the Bayfield River Valley Trail International Museum Day activities take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Association's (BRVTA) Woodland Trail will be cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 5/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 The Huron County Museum is located at 110 North Street, The Huron Historic Gaol is located at 181 Victoria Street North. To stay connected with upcoming events, like us on Facebook (facebook.com/huroncountymuseum), Instagram (@huroncountymuseum), or twitter (@hcmuseum). PUPPY PROVIDES MOTIVATION FOR SUPPORT OF DOG GUIDES Essex in official working uniform. When he is dressed like this people need to ask his handler first if it is okay to give him some attention. (Submitted photo) Essex, Bayfield's own Dog Guide pup -in -training, will be a featured highlight of the June 5th Lions Dog Guide Walk. This year's Lions Dog Guide Walk will start from Clan Gregor Square at 9 a.m. with registration opening at 8:30 a.m. Following the dog walk, as mentioned in last week's Bayfield Breeze, there will be a number of activities and presentations all having to do with dogs including: a Hearing Ear Dog and owner, The London Police K9 unit, Therapy Dogs, Rescue Dogs, presentations on Dog Nutrition and Dog Health and a full scale Dog Agility demonstration presented by Paws Effectiveness Training... as well as hot dogs! However, the real highlight will be the presence of Essex. Tom and Deb Grasby are fostering this yellow lab puppy for a year at which time he will be returned to the Lions Foundation Dog Guide Training Centre in Oakville to complete his training. Come and meet Essex and congratulate the Grasbys for undertaking this important task. There is nothing like a puppy to provide motivation for supporting the Dog Guide program. Pledge forms are available from most merchants in Bayfield and any Lion. Those who wish can also donate on line by going to: http://www.dogguides.com/donate.htm] or by callingJack Pal at 519-565-5340 for more information. TICKETS FOR BREAKFAST ON THE FARM NOW AVAILABLE temporarily closed from now until May 31 due to the spring Wild Turkey Hunt. In accordance with the BRVTA's agreements with their landowner partners, hikers should not use the Woodland Trail during this period. The Sawmill Trail, Varna Nature Trails , the Naftels and Bannockburn Conservation Areas will all be open during the spring hunt. Hikers should exercise vigilance during this period. ALDEBURGH CONNECTION The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) presents a return of the Aldeburgh Connection for one performance only on June 11. This special concert highlights Bayfield's own piano - duo, Stephen Ralls and Bruce IJbukata, with their special guest, Stratford -based baritone James Westman. The BTHHS wants to extend thanks to OLG for its sponsorship to this performance, as well as other sponsors, Friends of the Bayfield Town Hall and D & S Pianos, from London. Again, move quickly, because this event is very likely to sell out. Tickets are $35 and can be ordered by calling Sandy Scotchmer at 519 565- 2830 or Lisa Stewart 519 565-5443. ANTIQUE SHOW Antique experts Pat McKaig and Tim Saunders both of Bayfield will be vendors at the Antique Show and Sale to be held on June 19 held at Bisback's Farm. There will be over 24 dealers, collectors and pickers setting up along the lane under the trees at the farm located halfway between Hensall and Exeter on Hwy. 4. This is the third year for this event that showcases dealers selling genuine antiques and vintage items that are over 50 yrs old. Admission is free but a donation to the Exeter Optimists who sponsor the Exeter Venturers would be gratefully accepted. Last year over $1,800 was raised which assisted the Scouts in attending Jamboree. The show runs 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. rain or shine. There are two parking lots available so visitors are asked not park on the highway as it will be under construction this Spring. QUILTERS GUILD cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 6/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Rw All, �+.. A new tradition for summer celebrations is now available to the Bayfield community. Breakfast on the Farm on July 2 will be an opportunity for the family to enjoy a great breakfast in a country atmosphere and then see where milk is produced. From 8:30-11:30 a.m. visitors are welcome to tour Steenbeek Dairy Farms, East of Varna, and have their breakfast. The Bayfield Lions' Club will prepare the breakfast consisting of hash browns, eggs, sausage, possibly beans, pancakes, syrup, toast and milk. Groups of people with their hunger satisfied will tour the 300 cow milking operation. It is rare to get this opportunity to visit a milking facility. The technology used in modern operations can be seen at every stop on the tour. Visitors are not permitted to smoke at the farm and are suggested to wear shoes or sneakers during the tour. Tickets can now be requested using the website and they are available for pickup at Stonefield Garden Centre. The tickets are limited and may not be available on the day of the breakfast and tour. They cost $7 for anyone over five years of age. Volunteers are welcome to assist with parking, setting up, cleaning up, and taking things down and can contact the organizers through the website. This year is the 160th year for the Bayfield Fair. Many special events are taking place. The King Lynn Stable Precision Team will be performing this year at the fair on Sunday, Aug. 21. They have new routines with their horses and their music is definitely upbeat. They were one of the lead up acts for the RCMP Musical Ride held in Clinton four years ago. The next meeting for the Bayfield Agricultural Society will be held on June 13 at 7 p.m. in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church. It will be attempted to finalize the fair weekend schedule that evening. Volunteers to help with the Ribs Fest, supervise activities like the dunk tank or games, or taking tickets are always welcome. Talk to any member or check the website and leave a note at info@bayfieldfair.ca. MANY SHORELINE RESIDENTS ASK "WHERE'S THE BEACH?" Lake levels are the highest they have been in years. These higher -than -average lake levels, combined with large amounts of rain, high winds and wave action due to sparse ice cover has led to erosion at the base of the bluffs and an increase in gully erosion in some areas. This in turn leads to higher risk of slope failures along the lakeshore. Water levels in Lake Huron are above the long-term average and higher than this time last year. Lake water levels are, in fact, higher than they have been since 1998 and they have rebounded from the period of lower -than -average levels that took place between late 1999 and early 2014. The Bayfield Sunshine Coast Quilters Guild is holding a special event with dessert, coffee and a speaker on June 21 and all are invited to attend. Patti Carey, vice-president of Public Relations for Northcott, will be the guest speaker. The cost for the afternoon is $5 per person. The event will be held at St. Andrew's United Church. For more information call Kathleen at 519 565-2479 or email ksiert@tcc.on.ca. CLIMATE CHANGE The Federal Government is reaching out to community groups to hold conversations and to share ideas on how to address climate change. The first Huron -Bruce "Climate Change — Town Hall" event will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall on June 23 from 7-9 p.m. Allan Thompson, the Communications chair for the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association, will chair the event. Come and hear brief presentations, then share views on the impact of climate change and solutions you'd like to see, plus offer ideas for how we can grow the economy while also reducing emissions and promoting innovation and new technologies. Input from the meeting will be delivered to Environment and Climate Change Canada. The event is free, but space is limited so please register online ahead of time at http://climatechangetownhall.eventbrite.ca FOODGRAINS CONCERT Choir singers from across Huron County will come together on June 25 to sing in support of small-scale farmers in developing countries who struggle to grow enough food to feed their families. Funds raised will be donated to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to be used in the work of ending global hunger and helping farm families grow more and better food. Performing at the concert are the choirs of Huron Shores United Church, Grand Bend; Brucefield Community United Church, Brucefield; Lakeshore United Church, Goderich and St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. The Bayfield event is one of about 70 similar concerts across Canada this Spring, all being offered to benefit the work of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. The program features the original music of Ron Klusmeier. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrews United Church at 6 The Square, Bayfield. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 7/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 "Property owners should be aware of shoreline risks and natural hazards and remain diligent in There is no admission fee for the concert, but monitoring their property for any sign of potential slope failure or bluff collapse," said Alec donation envelopes will be available at the door. One Scott, Water and Planning manager with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). hundred per cent of contributions received will be "Unfortunately, it is very difficult to predict when bluff failures will happen and how big those forwarded directly to Canadian Foodgrains Bank. failures will be." Furthermore, donations made at the concert will be Environment and Climate Change Canada. In February and March of 2016, lake levels rose amplified by additional financial support from the It is important for property owners to regularly check the condition of their bluff and property Government of Canada, through Global Affairs and if they have any concerns, to seek advice from appropriately qualified engineering and Canada. technical professionals. In the event of a significant bluff or slope failure that impacts residential was an overwhelming response from the community structures, property owners should notify their municipality and the ABCA immediately. Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 churches and church agencies working together to Factors affecting bluff erosion include wave action, lake levels, groundwater flow and end global hunger. In the 2013-14 budget year, the saturation, wind, freeze -thaw cycles, bluff height, soil type, and the angle of the bluff. Heavy Foodgrains Bank provided $42 million of assistance rainfall in early 2016, combined with a number of freeze -thaw cycles this past winter, increases for 1.2 million people in 42 countries. Canadian the potential for erosion along the Lake Huron shoreline. Saturated clay -till bluffs, combined Foodgrains Bank projects are undertaken with with erosion from wind, storm events, and higher lake levels, can lead to increased slope matching support from the Government of Canada. instability along the shoreline and increased erosion of gullies. activities, and scenes from nature, as well as some Environment and Climate Change Canada records indicate that March precipitation across the H•C• MUSEUM entire Lake Huron basin (Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Georgian Bay) was almost double the long-term average for the month of March. In Ausable Bayfield watersheds, the Travel through historic downtowns, across a farmer's precipitation was even higher. Based on three indicator stations, which are part of the ABCA field, and down the coast of Lake Huron as part of precipitation -monitoring network, average rainfall for March was close to three times the normal Huron County Museum's newest temporary exhibit, amount. "Home in Huron". In an average year, lake levels in Lake Huron would typically rise approximately 4 CM in During the past year, residents were encouraged to February and March, according to Frank Seglenieks, Water Resources engineer with submit photos of present day Huron County to Environment and Climate Change Canada. In February and March of 2016, lake levels rose commemorate the county's 175th anniversary. There about 14 CM. This increase represents the fourth largest rise at that time of the year since the was an overwhelming response from the community start of water level tracking in 1918, according to Seglenieks. Lake Huron water levels in March with hundreds of photos being received. The exhibit of this year were 13 CM above the same period the year before and 32 CM above the long - features an array of images depicting agricultural term average for March. (This year's March level is still 51 CM below the record March level practices, architectural details, wildlife, recreational set in 1986). activities, and scenes from nature, as well as some The lake level in Lake Superior, which contributes a significant proportion of water supplies to photos from the Museum's archival collection. Lake Huron, is also well above average and will continue to contribute to the high levels The exhibit also features a "soundscape" of Huron experienced in Lake Huron for at least the rest of this year. As a consequence, it is predicted County and vintage films from the late 1940s. that water levels in Lake Huron will remain above average this year even if weather conditions are fairly dry. The exhibit is on now until Sept. 12at the Huron County Museum, located at 110 North Street in There are inherent natural hazards and risks along any shoreline. Higher water levels and wet Goderich. weather add to that risk, according to the ABCA. Bluff erosion is a natural process that has been occurring along the Great Lakes shorelines since they were formed more than 10,000 For more information about this event please call the years ago. This erosion process is necessary to the ecology of the shorelines. Sand beaches Huron County Museum at 519 524-2686 Ext. 2201. would disappear without some erosion. However, with higher lake levels and more rain events Visit their website at www.huroncounty.ca/museum or early this year, the erosion process is now much more visible. Property owners need to be follow them on Facebook aware of the increased erosion and slope failure potential and watch for any sign of slope (facebook.com/huroncountymuseum) and Twitter failure on their property. ABCA encourages property owners to contact the conservation (@hcmuseum). authority with any questions. The ABCA is currently updating its Shoreline Management Plan and is working with a Steering SHONYOU Committee and consulting team to complete this work. Information about the Shoreline Management Plan may be obtained from the ABCA's website at: Home4Good is a community-based group seeking to http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=shoreline-management. The conservation authority will ensure that services are available so all residents be adding new information materials on this web page in the coming weeks. can continue to live in their own homes in Bayfield. VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT FOR BEHIND has three priorities: Transportation, Information and Housing. Information 7�� THEBARS Recently the Transportation Committee telephoned villagers to see if they would use a personal shopping service. Of those called, 23 said "yes". This is an opportunity to create a small business and we would like to talk to anyone who would like to investigate this further. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 8/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 This photo of the 2015 Behind the Bars Cast was taken last August. Who will comprise the 2016 group? Volunteers are now being sought. (Submitted photo) The Behind the Bars evening tours at the Huron Historic Gaol in Goderich are returning again this summer. The event takes place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from July 5 until Aug. 25. The Huron Historic Gaol is looking for volunteer actors and actresses (ages 12 and up) to portray real inmates and staff from the gaol's past. Volunteers will take part in interactive evening tours and share their stories with local visitors and tourists at this National Historic Site. The gaol operated as a county jail from 1841 until 1972. Step into costume and relive the period of the gaol's operation from 1841 to 1911. Volunteers could play the role of a lunatic, thief, or vagrant who occupied a cell at 181 Victoria St. North, and tell visitors about their time Behind the Bars. If interested turn yourself in by calling the Huron Historic Gaol at 519 524-6971 or by emailing mhiggins@huroncounty.ca. Volunteers will meet individually with event coordinators and attend training sessions in June and July. The gaol's regular hours are Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sundays 1-4:30 p.m. CUPCAI ES FOR CANCER If you want to know more, please call Pat McDougall at 519 565-2572 before May 31. Home4Good has information and resources that could help. For more information see http://www.home4goodbayfield.ca or like us on Facebook. Join in meeting Nelson Sleno, author of "Shaking Hands", and listen to his inspirational story of living and fighting Parkinson's Disease on June 29. The event is taking place from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the front foyer of the West Huron Care Centre in Zurich (formerly Bluewater Rest Home) located at 37792 Zurich-Hensall Rd. This event is free and open to everyone. It should be enlightening for not only those suffering from Parkinson's, but friends, family and anyone with an interest in the subject. Books will be available for purchase. Please reserve a spot by calling Heidi Klopp, Wellness coordinator 519 236-4373 Ext. 632. NEW PLAYGROUND CELEBRATED Huron Centennial School officially opened their new playground with a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 5. The celebration took the form of an Open House and School Council BBQ along with a book fair, science fair displays and classroom work on display. The event coincided with Education Week. (Submitted photo) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 9/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 On Apr. 25 and 26, Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy in Bayfield hosted a Daffodil Day Cupcake Campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society. Over the course of these two days the staff collected donations for cupcakes and daffodil pins. They even got a little sales help from a special visitor with a sweet tooth. (Submitted photo) Integrity Everything! LAK 5 Wild Bird Seed co. •erxret rttu4l{ni• REMEMBER ME? Volume 7 BAYFIELD FINANCIAL G�Cb.iPl?.'L There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions' or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, a group of people dressed in their Sunday best. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB13 03b) HAY MUTUAL h �� I Ilii I II 519-236-4381 IASS'ACE THERAF A6,-.- 519.565,4711 ISSUE 357 In Issue 357, an interior view of the church that was featured in Issue 356. The big reveal next issue - but we're sure most of you have already figured it out! (Archives Code: PB13 31 b) But just in case you didn't the exterior image and interior image above are of Trinity Anglican Church. ISSUE 358 cc.viIlageofbayfieId.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 10/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks Shannon McClanaghan H.I.S. i PECIALIST Bayfield Mews '&rs Lk'* Wusrv4 55+ Community One Floor Townhcmes 519. 565 •4542 www_bayfieldmews.ca SHARE © L�1... PHOTO STORY re l71.7�17 tit9'i'F?t optometric lop V'TI t In Issue 358, a dapper looking young gentleman is featured. Does anyone remember him? (Archives Code: PB 13 21 b) The young fellow is Harry Baker. He would later become a published author and his book, My Memoirs, about life growing up in Bayfield in the early 1900s is available at the Archives. l'v qW 13110 BAYFIELD RIVER VALLEY TRAIL ASSOCIATION 11 is 1 119A Iva is II ' C I 1 I011010 1 As almost 30 hikers set out on the morning of May 12 to explore the 'hidden trails in our own backyards' around the Village of Bayfield, little did they know that they were re-enacting an ancient custom. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 11/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Thirty hikers set out on the morning of May 12 to explore the 'hidden trails in our own backyards' around the Village of Bayfield The Christy St right of way is a hidden gem. "The Beating of the Bounds" which still occurs in parts of England and Wales, arose during a time when maps were rare. Community members young and old would gather to walk the boundaries of the church parish in order to share and pass along knowledge of its boundaries. Using willow sticks to 'beat the boundaries' as they walked, this traditional event was often led by the parish priest, who would also pray for protection and blessing of the land as they walked. Young people were encouraged to participate so that they would be witnesses to the boundaries and help preserve and maintain them for future generations. Ironically, Rev. Elise Feltrin, of St. Andrew's United Church, was completely unaware of this custom when she recently led the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) hike that was plotted to cover the unopened road allowances and right of ways that are sprinkled throughout Bayfield. After the 1.5 hour hike, a participant later shared information about this ancient tradition of preserving the integrity of village borders and protecting them from encroachment. "Had I known, we could have been blessing the land as we walked!" Feltrin responded. The Bayfield walk, was attended by pole walkers, newcomers, long time residents and visitors, who enjoyed the sunny morning and warm temperatures while hearing some history about the village streets as they followed the original layout of the roads. People were surprised to discover the many public pathways that link sections of streets such as Victoria, Christy and Glass. The group also traversed the northern end of Lidderdale and the green space known as Margaret St. that runs parallel to Tuyll between Cameron and Jane. In addition, they learned about the public beach access points along Tuyll St. Many of the hikers expressed concern about losing these important pathways as neighboring property owners sometimes plant trees, post deterring signs or otherwise encroach on these little known parcels of public property. The trail leaders encouraged participants to express these concerns to municipal council so that the future of these public walkways is protected. They said, "If we don't use them, we just might lose them." Maps highlighting the allowances and right-of- ways were distributed to participants and they were each encouraged to continuing walking them regularly as a way of expressing their concern, and re-claiming the paths for the future citizens of Bayfield. The 'Beating of the Bounds' may become an annual event for the BRVTA not only to define cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 12/16 6/13/2019 The group walked the Udderdale Road allowance. week 21 Issue 359 The Troy St. Road allowance appears open to the sky. COBBLIE IQ>ES11sW ira4 Lunch. Qat. DESI GNi Bulb LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GAPOEN r..ENT ER. 74199A BRONSON LINE 2HRICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 J 519 565 7373 L,P�T�ON Attics ! Spray Foe m NOME • F07TASE •'&U RN EV; and share the public right-of-ways but as an event that strengthens the community and gives its members a sense of place. Q-0) BAYFIELD e cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 13/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Rose Breasted Grosbeak byAdriaan Schreuder Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued BAYFIELD DAYFtELD BREEZE I 701k,��JR :F OPTIMIST i / r __.W 1 � SUBMISSIONS The smell of campfires and the sounds of sweet young voices singing in harmony mingling and wafting about on the night air have returned to Camp Klahanie. And this is due in no small part to business owners, corporate sponsors and individuals such as you that recognized what a special part of the community this the last surviving youth camp in Central Huron could be. The Goderich Lions' Club purchased the property from Girl Guides of Canada on Aug. 1, 2013. Since that day the transformation of the camp began to make it a coed, accessible, year round facility not just for children and youth groups but anyone who enjoys the great outdoors to rent and make use of — family reunions, service clubs, church and school groups, corporate retreats — all are welcome. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 14/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Melody Falconer -Pounder Due to community support all existing buildings received new roofs, a storage shed was erected, the pavilion area was improved and the camp kitchen renovated and upgraded. Successful fundraising efforts were begun to construct a co-ed, accessible comfort station complete with toilets and showers as well as the supporting septic system. In addition work has begun on creating four bunkhouses that will sleep up to 40 campers when completed. The first two are nearing completion and the foundations are in place for the next two. However, as the dreams are becoming reality, camp supporters are finding that costs, some unforeseen, are growing and more money needs to be raised to complete the comfort station — a handicapped accessible door to one shower and toilet room alone costs over $7,000. Hydro upgrades are needed to support the new buildings. And improvements are needed in the parking lot to allow spots for the influx of campers that will soon be coming. For this reason the Camp Klahanie Board of Directors and the Camp Klahanie Friends will be hosting a Penny Sale and Silent Auction to raise funds to keep the revitalization going. Donations for this event are now being collected. It is planned for June 2 to 4 at Trinity Anglican Church, 10 Keith Cres., Bayfield, ON. Donations are being sought for this fundraiser in the form of material goods, although new in box is preferred, unique items, collectibles and antiques would also be gratefully accepted. Gift certificates for the donation of goods and/or services are also most welcome. Anyone who should request it may be issued a tax receipt from the Goderich Lions Club. Monetary donations for the cause would also be accepted and tax receipts for amounts over $25 would be issued. Donations for the Penny Sale and Silent Auction will be accepted from now up until June 1 Donations may be dropped off at 16 Keith Cres., Bayfield, ON. Or phone 519 525-3830 to make a arrangements for pick up. This week a little plug for a cause near and dear to my heart. Please note that a portion of the proceeds will go to Bayfield Guiding to help them raise funds for a bus to go on a year-end adventure to the Toronto Zoo where they will sleep under canvas in the African Region. — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.corn or call 519-525-3830. _r _r BAWIELD BREEZE th€eiJPur�eiowr on�anenewssewrte IO SHARE [ED SIGN UP FOR J }BAY]FIEii-D BREEZE £�s11 CLICK H€EE Founding Members .............................................................................................................................Y.....................9..................................................................... Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 15/16 6/13/2019 week 21 Issue 359 Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Falconer -Pounder Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week21 Issue359/tabid/778/Default.aspx 16/16