HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-05-04, Page 16/13/2019
Week 19 Issue 357
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iQ SHARE M V EZ .. May 4, 2016 Vol. 7 Week 19 Issue 357
Bayfield Windmill , by Conrad Kuiper
Editor's Note — I had the good fortune to spend an afternoon with Frank de Jong, creator of
the Folmar Windmill back in the summer of 1989. It is one of my favorite memories of my
On May 12, discover the hidden trails in our own
Enjoy a walk through the Village of Bayfield, starting
at 9 a.m. at Clan Gregor Square exploring the
unopened road allowances and public right of ways
that connect our streets.
This walk will be all on flat terrain, but expect to
maintain a brisk pace. Pole walkers are welcome.
The hike should last approximately 1 hour.
The hike leader will be Elise Feltrin, 519 565-5852.
Ly 3 10113 1/1I N 0 W."I.Na .I1.1
On May 15, explore the beautiful area around
Windmill Lake.
Dr. George Ebers, the co-owner of Windmill Lake
Wake and Eco Park, will be leading this hike at 1
Bring binoculars for this Bayfield River Valley Trail
Association special event because this is near the
6/13/2019 Week 19 Issue 357
Bayshore Financial Management of Bayfield, will be
journalism career to date. His pride and enthusiasm was contagious and when he took me to
peak of songbird migration and some eagles have
the very tiptop of the windmill and I got to look out the wee window at the breath taking view it
been spotted near the Bayfield River.
was clear why.
(formerly Bluewater Rest Home) on May 25.
modern technology has taken over, however, b looking at the mills, talking to the people, and
The hike is 3.5 KMs on mostly level ground and
The new owners of the property on Bayfield River Road recently invited me back to chat with a
should take about 1 hour. There might be muddy
windmill specialist who had come to inspect it and make plans for its possible restoration. (My
patches but it will be walk -in -the -park easy.
interview with him will appear next issue.) When preparing to write that story I pulled out the
dining reservation please contact WHCC Wellness
one I had penned in 1989. The parallels in the two conversations were startling — it was though
There is lots of parking in the Windmill Lake parking
the specialist was speaking for Mr. de Jong. It gave me chills. So it was then I decided to revisit
lot, 35957 Bayfield River Road.
the interview with Mr. de Jong and share it with you here today as a lead into the follow up
The hike leader will be Dr. Ebers, 519 482-7572.
Steinson's presentation will address "Legacy
For almost two decades, starting in the 1970s, Frank de Jong, of Bayfield, worked on a labor of
now to make it easier for them later. A discussion
love: a full sized model of a Dutch windmill.
A reminder that the Bayfield River Valley Trail
Mr de Jong did not face any serious construction dilemmas.
Association's (BRVTA) Woodland Trail will be
"To my knowledge it is the only wind driven saw mill in North America. We've just taken it from
temporarily closed from Apr. 25 until May 31 due to
day to day, week to week, and year to year," said Mr. de Jong as the project neared
the spring Wild Turkey Hunt.
It took a summer to build the mill's cement foundation; 67 above ground concrete pillars, over
In accordance with the BRVTA's agreements with
On Sept. 16, 1989, the windmill stood finished — proud, strong, and yet at the same time, gentle
their landowner partners, hikers should not use the
— overseeing the official opening ceremonies which were held in honor this fine structure and in
Woodland Trail during this period.
recognition of the man who built it.
The Sawmill Trail, Varna Nature Trails , the Naftels
Since Mr. de Jong was a small boy, he loved windmills. He was always inspired by their size
and Bannockburn Conservation Areas will all be
and their work.
open during the spring hunt. Hikers should exercise
"They are very mysterious; you can't see from one floor to the next how they work. They are so
vigilance during this period.
quiet and yet so very powerful. There has always been a windmill in my family; my father, and
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or until they are sold out of
his father, and his father before him all worked in them," he said.
This windmill that stands today is a replica (featuring up-to-date improvements) of the windmill
in which his grandfather was master miller. Before its destruction some 50 years ago, this mill Glen Steinson, financial advisor and owner of
known as the "Arend" (Dutch for Eagle) was located in Harlingen, the Netherlands.
Bayshore Financial Management of Bayfield, will be
the guest speaker at the Dining for Seniors event
The idea behind the construction of this replica began in 1972, when Mr. de Jong traveled to
being held at the West Huron Care Centre (WHCC)
Holland to look at the mills there. IN that country the use of the windmill hass declined as
(formerly Bluewater Rest Home) on May 25.
modern technology has taken over, however, b looking at the mills, talking to the people, and
reading books (some dated as far back as 1734) he was able to educate himself on their
Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. with Steinson's
presentation to follow dessert, during coffee. For a
dining reservation please contact WHCC Wellness
Mr. de Jong, who was educated as a machinist and instrument maker, then made a number of
Coordinator, Heidi at 519 236-4373 Ex. 632 by May
sketches. Several blueprints were made detailing various sections of the mill. He also
23 at 4 p.m.
constructed a wooden model of what the finished product would look like.
For years, Mr. de Jong worked constantly on the project. Sometimes he worked alone and
Steinson's presentation will address "Legacy
sometimes with one or two other men. His brother also helped as the project neared
Planning Considerations", things we do for our loved
now to make it easier for them later. A discussion
about wills, power of attorneys, estates, probate
Mr de Jong did not face any serious construction dilemmas.
taxes, executor responsibilities and legal fees.
"I considered any technical problems I did have a challenge; thinking them through was a very
satisfying process," he said. "After all, I couldn't just run to the next mill to see how things were
It took a summer to build the mill's cement foundation; 67 above ground concrete pillars, over
It is time once again for the Bayfield Garden Club's
1,000 bags of cement went into this area. Each pillar weighs more than a ton and each is
Annual Plant Sale. This year the date is set for May
buried about a meter into the ground. One pillar was constructed at a time, and heavily
reinforced for strength. Mr. de John mixed cement and used gravel from his own pit.
Those who attend the event to be held on the south
The mill's tower and building are made of wood, and took approximately two years each to
side of Clan Gregor Square in Bayfield should come
construct. Long straight trees went into the mill, some of these trees were purchased from
early for best selection. The event will run from 9
neighbors, but the majority was obtained from the de Jong's own woodlot.
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or until they are sold out of
Using tractor power, he was able to saw the beams for the mill's cap (the rotating top section to
which the sails are attached) on the sawmill located inside the windmill. The cap itself weighs
This is a great opportunity to buy great plants and
about 12 tons and a crane was used to lift it into place.
help support the Bayfield Garden Club's activities
The sawmill is equipped to do heavy sawing work and can handle wood up to 45 feet in length.
and projects. They will have choice plants, garden
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"And not too many mills are capable of handling that length," he said.
The mill needs a minimum wind of 15 KMs an hour before it can draw power, however, if the
wind increases by just 10 per cent, 33 per cent more power will be generated.
From the ground to the top of the sail, the windmill is 95 feet high. It is situated on a three -acre
island overlooking a beautiful 35 -acre man-made lake called "Roleka". The forest -shadowed
lake, which in spots is 45 feet deep, is home to both fish and waterfowl.
Mr. de Jong incorporated several of his own ideas on windmill construction with the more
traditional ones to make this mill both modern and unique.
The windmill's sails, each 74 feet in length, are made from a special flexible steel which is able
to withstand vibration. The four sails hold 48 wing -shaped airfoils, 12 on each stock in three
beds of four. The position of these foils can be adjusted open or closed while the mill is in full
operation and the sails turning. Opening these foils spills the wind, thus reducing pressure on
the stocks and diminishing the wear on the huge brake shoe in the cap.
Mr. de Jong created a tail beam (hooked to the cap) that turns the camp and sails into or out of
the wind. He also designed the gears in the windmill differently, veering from the more
traditional. By matching one wooden gear with one steel gear having rolling teeth, friction is
decreased and the wind wear on parts is lessened.
He added a number of unique safety features to the mill. These features include a safety
clutch, so that the sawing machinery can be stopped while the sails remain turning.
There is a lightning rod cable running form the steel sail to the ground. When the mill is not in
use the cable is always in place.
Mr. de Jong was proud of the workmanship and man-hours he put into the windmill. He noted,
"It is excellently built. I never took the easy way out, but took time to put it together. Only the
right materials were used in the right places.
"I think that the mill is something worthwhile to see, it works quietly, and people could learn a
great deal watching it cut wood," he said. "Anyone who is a little bit technically inclined would
really enjoy it."
artifacts and gardening books for sale. Garden Club
memberships will be available as well as an
opportunity to chat with other gardeners.
Donations of plant and gardening items are needed
to make this sale a success. Gardeners are asked to
bring plant and garden donations to the Kales'
residence, at 55 Victoria Street, on May 6 between
6:30-8 p.m. Plants should be in pots and labeled
The Bayfield Heritage Centre and Archives has a
summer position available to a keen and enthusiastic
student to join other summer staff in wanting to learn
about and share Bayfield history.
On-the-job training supplied for conducting heritage
walk tours, taking oral histories, assisting with
publications and website videos, hosting at the
Heritage Centre and digitizing photos and
Interested applicants can email their interest and
advise when they can be available for interview to
bhs@tcc.on.ca. Further information, if required is
available by email or by calling 519 440-6206.
Applications close May 10.
On the cap of the windmill its name is inscribed, "Folmar". Mr. de Jong's Dutch name is Folkert The Bayfield Optimist Club is getting all their ducks in
while his wife Mary's name is Marchien. The windmill name incorporates the first three letters of a row for their annual Rubber Duck Race to be held
each. The inscription graces a piece of wood, cut to resemble the horns and head of a
on May 22.
mountain goat. This Mr. de Jong believes, gives the windmill a detail of strength.
"There is a sound the windmill makes as the sails turn around. It is a sound like a gentle sigh. I
The race can be best viewed at the South Pier of the
have always loved to hear that sound and I often wait for it," said his wife, Mary.
Bayfield Harbor — the plastic waterfowl will be set
free at 1 p.m.
And for a time people did get to do just that until illness shortened the fulfillment of Mr. de
Jong's dream. He died in June of 1999 at the age of 74 years.
Tickets are now available from club members or
Brandons Hardware and are selling for $5 each or
five chances for $20. Only 750 ducks will be "sold".
This event is always a sell out so don't wait to the
last minute to purchase.
Ba ri d:` rer aIleJ Trails
May 7th is Celebra-tree Day - brought to you by the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association
Celebra-tree Day will consist of a one -day tree -planting extravaganza to reforest the Sawmill
Trail that saw its Ash trees devastated in the wake of the Emerald Ash Borer.
All are encouraged to order a tree to be planted along the Sawmill Trail in celebration of a
mother (or a father) or in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion or just because
you love trees!
This year the first five ducks that cross the finish line
will win prizes. First prize is a stainless steel
barbecue valued at $400 and donated by a Friend of
Optimists. Second prize is a Norco BMX Bike
donated by Outside Projects and a friend of
Optimism. It is also valued at $400. Third prize is an
overnight at The Albion Hotel including breakfast.
Donated by Kim Muszynski, of The Albion Hotel, this
prize is valued at $200. Fourth prize is a gift
certificate for Michael's Pharmasave worth $150 and
donated by Michael and Nevien Ibrahim. Fifth prize is
a handcrafted stone birdhouse created and donated
by Tony Laporte. It is also valued at $150.
Money raised from the race will go toward the
Optimist Club's many "friends of youth" projects.
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Five varieties of hard and soft wood trees are available for $50 each but quantities or limited.
Orders may be placed in advance online at www.bayfieldtrails.com.
Trees will be planted by volunteers who will gather at the Sawmill Trail head on May 7th at 2
p.m. Families and individuals are welcome to volunteer with planting their own Celebra-tree
purchased from the BRVTA and to decorate a commemorative wooden medallion to hang on it.
For more information please contact Margaret McBride at 519 565-4067 or Elise Feltrin at 519
So just who was Florence Nightingale?
Those who attend the Bayfield Historical Society (BHS) meeting on May 16 will have the
opportunity to learn the answer to that question as speaker and author Lynn McDonald will
share her vast knowledge of this historical figure at a special evening to be held at the Bayfield
Town Hall.
Nightingale is remembered most as being the founder of modern nursing, and less well known
for midwifery education, but she also left a broader unsung legacy as an environmentalist,
social scientist, reformer, feminist, statistician and general force of nature.
Lynn McDonald
Guest Speaker McDonald may be considered a force of nature in her own right. She has
written the definitive 16 vol. "Collective Works of Florence Nightingale" and is a recipient of
"The Order of Canada". As a former MP, McDonald introduced the bill leading to banning
smoking in public places and to regulation of tobacco advertising. Co-founder of "Just Earth" a
coalition for Environmental Justice she continues her activities for truth, justice and the
Canadian way.
The evening will begin at 7 p.m. and is free although donations would be appreciated.
The Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association (BACPA) is hosting the Bayfield Beer,
Wine and Food Festival on May 14.
The festivities will be held at the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre from 2-9 p.m.
Organizers note that this event is the first of its kind in the area, promoting local restaurants,
wineries and craft breweries. They feel the timing is perfect for such an event with the "sudden"
surge in Huron County wineries and breweries. They also feel that it is an ideal opportunity for
Huron County to continue to promote their tourism strategic plan, "Food and Drink Strategy".
Bayfield Urban Poling is offering a free six-week
Urban Pole Walking Program starting May 17. Poles
will be provided.
The program will be held on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 6 Main Street Bayfield starting at 10
Instructors will demonstrate the proper technique and
go over the benefits of Urban Poling also known as
Nordic Walking. This program is perfect for anyone
who has never tried Urban Poling or anyone who has
been away from it for awhile and would like to get
back into it.
Regular Urban Pole Walking sessions continue on
Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m.
On May 5 a spring tune-up will be hosted. Instructors
will be stressing proper technique before and during
the regular walk.
New this year, on Wednesday's at 9 a.m. a more
challenging and longer walk of up to 10 KM (6 miles)
will be offered.
Also new this year the Urban Poling group will
partner with the Bayfield River Valley Trail
Association on the fourth Thursday of the month to
go on their walks.
Linda Reid, Nancy Arthur-Ische, Roberta Stemp,
Lynn Girard, Pat Baker and Paula Letheren are the
group's instructors and they are excited to share
these opportunities with the community.
Exeter's Art Around Town is hosting a day of creative
workshops for all, filling bowls with gourmet soups
and in turn filling the shelves at the Huron County
Food Bank Distribution Centre (HCFBDC), on May
Artworks will be held at the Exeter Christian
Reformed Church from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with the
Empty Bowls Lunch being served at noon.
People can register now for the Creative Workshops
that include: sacred geometry, jewelry making,
improvisation, fiber art, photography, garden art,
culinary art, floral design, harp lessons, coloring book
design drawing, multi -media, printmaking and art for
kids. Visit artaroundtown.net to learn more about the
workshops and register.
The Empty Bowls luncheon participants will for $10
enjoy a variety of gourmet soups as well as eat from
a handmade pottery bowl that they get to take home.
In addition a Celebrity Bowl Silent Auction will be
held. All profits from the luncheon will go to the
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Admission is $40 per person, which includes 16 sample tickets for food and drink. A $9 option For more information please call 519 237-3510 or
is also available for admission only. email artaroundtownx@gmail.com. The church is
located at 330 Huron St. W in Exeter.
The O'Deadleys will be performing live music during the festival as well.
Restaurant vendors scheduled to participate are The Albion Hotel, The Ashwood Bourbon Bar,
The Black Dog Pub and Bistro, The Docks Restaurant & Bar, Drift Bayfield, as well as Goderich
a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may
restaurants, Pat & Kevins on The Square and West Street Willys, Blyth's Part II Bistro and
have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has
* Service for people who have a physical disability
Bayfield has many creative people living here both
Grand Bend's Smackwater Jacks Restaurant.
lot Oust north of the building). Residents are
useful to all handlers. However, some of their training is also tailored to meet the specific needs
full and part time. Many have studios built into their
Refreshment vendors on tap are Alton Estate Winery, Beaus Brewing, Black Donnelly Brewing,
homes or on their property. But wouldn't it be great if
Maelstrom Winery, MacLeans Ales, Forked River Brewing, Raillway City Brewing, Toboggan
there was an association, of sorts, where they could
Brewing & Whitewater Brewing.
share insights, studios, lesson's learned, materials as
The following are the types of services that Dog Guides provide:
well as invite instructors, host workshops, supply or
Tickets are available on line at http://bacp.ca/beerandfood or by calling 519 263-3031. Advance
sell materials and help motivate each other?
purchase of tickets is recommended due to a limited number available.
a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital
"if you are among the interested, I am prepared to
host a gathering of the like-minded for an exploratory
in training, Essex, an 18 week-old yellow lab. Fostered by Tom and Deb Grasby, Essex will
conversation to pursue this idea. I will endeavor to
gather us together in early spring, " said Leslee
Squirrell, artist.
The 31st annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides will take place on Sunday, June 5, hosted once
Please contact Squirrell by email at
again by the Bayfield Lions, starting from Clan Gregor Square at 9 a.m.. Every year we are all
given an opportunity to be a part of helping to change the lives of many people across Canada
by being a participant in this important event. It costs up to $25,000 to train a pup to become a
service dog.
Michael and Nevien Ibrahim are pleased to
Lions Foundation of Canada trains Dog Guides and assists Canadians with a wide range of
Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as
disabilities. With six programs in place, Canadians with disabilities are offered the opportunity
a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may
to find greater independence, mobility and safety through the help of a Dog Guide.
have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has
* Service for people who have a physical disability
moved from the old Foodland lot to the Nip N' Tuck
Depending on the program, Dog Guides are trained to perform a set of basic skills that are
lot Oust north of the building). Residents are
useful to all handlers. However, some of their training is also tailored to meet the specific needs
encouraged to drop in the box clean, gently used
of their future handler. In the final stage of training, the client and Dog Guide train and live
clothing and household goods they no longer need or
together at the Oakville facility for two to four weeks. This helps to ensure that the new working
want. The sale of these items in the thrift store help
team develops a bond and prepares them for their next step - returning home.
to support the food bank as well as help others.
The following are the types of services that Dog Guides provide:
Please call 519 236-4376 with questions.
Canine Vision for people who are blind or visually impaired
* Hearing Ear for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
Oi TO1vu�T�C
1 ill
Autism Assistance for children who have autism spectrum disorder
* Service for people who have a physical disability
* Seizure Response for people who have epilepsy
Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to
* Diabetic Alert for people who have type 1 diabetes with hypoglycaemic unawareness
let Bayfield residents know that full eye health
examinations are available at his Bayfield office.
"This is the 31 st anniversary of the walk and the Bayfield Lions have been there from the
beginning. On a per capita basis our community walk has been one of the most financially
Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children
successful in Canada," said Bayfield Lion Jack Pal, chair of the annual Dog Guide Walk. "We
and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main
are once again holding this event in Clan Gregor Square, which proved to be a successful
Street Optometric uses current technology including
change last year when we raised over $10,000, the most ever!"
a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital
retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like
This year we are fortunate to have with us as part of the event our own Bayfield Dog Guide pup
glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic
in training, Essex, an 18 week-old yellow lab. Fostered by Tom and Deb Grasby, Essex will
return to Oakville after a year to complete his training.
Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an
Everyone is encouraged to come out to Clan Gregor Square with or without a dog, participate
in the walk, meet Essex and stay to enjoy the other dog related activities planned for the
morning and donate generously to this very worthwhile cause.
"This is a fun event that will give you good feelings about making a difference for the physically
and medically disadvantaged amongst us," said Pal.
Michael and Nevien Ibrahim are pleased to
Pledge forms are available from most retail establishments in Bayfield and any Lion member.
announce that Shannon Gould, of the Bayfield
Please contact Pal at 519 565-5340 for more information.
Hearing Clinic, is now offering her monthly services
out of Michael's Home Healthcare offices just a
couple doors down from the pharmacy.
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The Bayfield Lions' Club Home and Garden Show held last weekend saw double the donations for the Bayfield
Food Bank - Feed My Sheep from the 2015 show. Stopping traffic as they head from the arena to Trinity
Anglican Church with carts full of food were volunteers, Geordie Palmer, Lion President Bill Rowat, Paul Spittal,
Joan Spittal, Larry Dalton and Terry Boa-Youmattoff, food bank coordinator. (Photo by John Pounder)
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There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr.
Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the
photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about
certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier.
This week, an interior view of the church that was featured in Issue 356. The big reveal next
issue - but we're sure most of you have already figured it out! (Archives Code: PB13 31b)
The next date for the free clinic is May 17. The
Bayfield Hearing Clinic offers their services on the
third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4:30
The clinic offers: hearing aid adjustments and repairs
to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new
prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing
aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive
Please call Gould at the Bayfield Hearing Clinic, 1-
855-396-6026 to book an appointment.
In Issue 355, a lovely pastoral image that records
indicate was taken on Woods' Farm. (Archives Code:
PB13 25b)
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Week 19 Issue 357
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flickr
Atbcs d pray Foam
In Issue 356, an exterior image of how one local
church looked back in the day. Can anyone guess
which one it is? (Archives Code: PB13 31 b)
Integrity "I
Anyone who thinks that Bayfield is solely a
retirement community may want to head to the
Bayfield Public Library on a Tuesday morning
between 10 and 11:30 a.m. That is the place to be
if you are a youngster under four years of age.
They bring along, mom, dad or a guardian and
have a grand social time along with crafts, songs
and stories.
In more recent years, Rural Response for Healthy
Children ran the sessions at the library and
supplied toys with The Bus toy lending program.
When the program was cancelled the parents in
Bayfield decided to organize their own.
"It is quite obvious there is a need for the group
and we have received great support from Jill
Robertson, Rural Response's Parent Support
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Fathers can have fun at play group too. Here, Mike Dynes, of Bayfield, and his daughter, Brooke, 2, test out
some little finger puppets.
Having Play Group at the Bayfield Library allows the opportunity to explore new books.
Some of the toys at Play Group are loaned from Rural Response for Healthy Children.
Education Worker. She has been terrific loaning
and delivering us toys for the program," said
Jenny Allan, of Bayfield, one of the parents that
rallied to keep the weekly get-togethers going.
What the parents needed most though was
someone to take charge, plan and organize the
program and they found the perfect person in
volunteer, Louise Sygrove.
Sygrove who is a recently retired Kindergarten
teacher was also instrumental in helping
implement Junior Kindergarten in schools.
"Louise is really organized and she plans and
leads all the crafts, songs and stories for the
children," said Allan.
In addition, Allan noted that the library has been
an integral component in keeping the program
running allowing the group to store their supplies
and toys in the building. And the Bayfield Optimist
Club has offered financial support providing a
donation for some toy purchases as well as craft
The morning program sees anywhere between
eight to 25 preschoolers from September to June.
The sessions begin with free play and baby time,
as well as crafts. And then after everyone helps
clean up, it is time for songs and stories.
"I am really enjoying volunteering with the group,"
said Sygrove "It took me a little bit to get the crafts
figured out as I was used to working with older
children but it is great fun."
Sygrove wears a button at Play Group that sums
up her belief. "Early years are learning years —
make them count."
And this is something that is quite evident at Play
Group in the smiles and giggles of both the
youngsters and the parents who attend.
Halle Corriveau, 4, enjoyed some social time at the
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The theme of the day was "Spring and Rainbows". The children always have plenty of time to make a craft
during free play if they choose to do so. Here Alex, 3, and her mom, Lori Saggers, pick out the colors of their
Hank Heard, 3, prepared tea while Brooke Dynes, 2, tried her hand at farming.
Tuesday morning play group.
Benjamin Stoye, 11 months, was all smiles during
playtime at the library.
At six months -old Cohen Steenstra, was the youngest
child at playgroup on Apr. 12. He too enjoyed the
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Ben Douglas, and his son, Declan, took time out for some tea.
Taking pride in a well done craft is another benefit of Play
Kyle Geddis, 11 months, plays with one of the larger toys
donated to the library by the Bayfield Optimist Club. The
club also recently donated money to purchase craft
supplies for the play group.
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Week 19 Issue 357
Harvey Heard woke up from a nap feeling pretty happy!
Louise Sygrove, of Bayfield, is a recently retired Kindergarten teacher who enjoys organizing crafts, songs and
story time for the Play Group participants.
There was plenty of action around the craft table. In
foreground I -r: Nolan Geddis, 2, and his baby brother Kyle
Geddis, 11 months,
and Benny Soyle, it months, interact with Jess Langen,
mother of Josh and Kyle.
Maddy Baldwin, 4, of Goderich got creative at the craft
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4 .
Week 19 Issue 357
T, r
Rainbows were the theme of this Play Group meeting and children gathered round Louise Sygrove to hear a
story on the subject.
Craft of the day.
rf'"V-1 -
Harm Purser, of Goderich, stopped exploring for a minute
to do a little coloring.
Week 1199�Issue
♦� -0N IY 110
Brent Hillier The Purple
Rick and Rannona Humphrey Peony
.RNR Gaaeq queen's Bakery Blylh
Peter Kelghlley Joseph Rapai
Kincardine Hearing Clinic, Shannon Gould The Red Pump
Lela Huron Realty, Deb Penhai
Remax, Brien Coombs
Pal aril Bud Langley Rem". Elaine Coombs
Leslies of Bayfield Bud Robinson
Paula Lutheran Mike Russo-
The Lilllo Inn 7Sm and Tracy Saunders
Tory MacDonald The Secret Garden
Muln Street OplInm is Shared dimes, Sayliold
Andrew McInlosh Shop Bike coffee Roewers
Anla M6Kinnoa John Siedaeane
Jutta & Jaen Memer Subway. Bayfield
Michael's Phamras Sunshine Lhrillers Guile)
Mammarsh". Bob and Card Dougwagner and Jan Ure
Nabri Baold The Village Bookshop
Meir Qd.ana Pau. Ron Westlake
hlip'n Tuck Variety Stora Jan Webster
" Designs, Clinton The YPardroba Bazaar
out of the Blue Seafood Shop Whitefield `mnWindmlll Lake Wake and Eoo Park
The Pink Flamingo Bakery
Bonnie Pollack
Porter's Hilt Vrild Bird Seed Co.
On Apr. 16 a real community building event happened when everyone rallied
around Wayne McDougall and Paula Foley, co-owners of Renegades Diner,
whose business was damaged by flooding during a storm at the end of March.
The business will be closed for a number of weeks for renovations but many
people came together to show their support both emotionally and financially
raising $10,000 to help reopen the doors. The following is Part II (see part I last
week). Thank you to all! (It is normally the policy of the Bayfield Breeze not to
run these lists but considering the exceptional nature of this event an exception
has been made. - Melody, editor)
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. Any images that include minors should have the parent's permission for publication prior to submission. And don't forget to tell
me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 19 Issue 357
There is nothing more quintessentially Canadian then riding the rails westward.
Hubby and I just spent the last 84 hours traveling across the country on "Train #1 The Canadian" — the views were second to
none — the staff, the food, all was amazing but what we will take away from the experience the most I think was the people we
dined with. There are no tables for two on the train — some people might frown at this idea — but I say embrace it — you'll never
know whom you will meet and what you will learn. We, and our dinner companions, were just about always the last to leave the
dining car and many times I forgot to look out the window at the stunning views, the conversation was so engrossing.
We met people from Ottawa and Toronto (originally from Kitchener and Kincardine), Pittsburg, France, England, Scotland,
China and South Korea.
We, and other new retirees, were among young professionals and students - all
sharing a dream of seeing the country from the perspective of a domed car.
The young people from China and South Korea were all newly minted Canadians
having recently gotten their citizenship and decided to celebrate by seeing their new
home by train. Remarkable!
The train is not for those who just need to get from A to B. They invented planes for
that. The train is for those who want to make the journey part of their vacation — and
with two weeks left to go on our holiday — it was a terrific, relaxing way to start! —
P.S. The Bayfield Breeze is currently posting hiatus issues. Our next live issue will be
published on May 18. The deadline for submissions is May 15 at 4 p.m.
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@yaggeofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
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5 1 C N uv r 0 R
Founding Members
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Week 19 Issue 357
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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