HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-02-24, Page 16/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 BAYFIELDBREEZE HONIDA. BAYFIELD BREEZE rhe vrldaye� own and nc new% iouree _Q SHARE m o... Feb. 24, 2016 Vol. 7 Week 9 Issue 347 EIGHTEEN SOUP SELECTIONS WARM HEARTS ON VALENTINE'S DAY STORY AND PHOTOS BY GARY LLOYD-REES cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx Trinity Anglican Church in Bayfield will host the World Day of Prayer service on the afternoon of March 5. El 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Deb Grasby, whipped up the winning soup in the Chef's Choice category for Knox Presbyterian Church at the sixth annual Soup's On event hosted by the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society on Feb. 14 at the Town Hall. Cold days and soup are made for each other. For the second year in a row, the coldest weekend of the Winter coincided with the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) hosting its sixth annual Soup's On event. On the afternoon of Feb. 14, the Bayfield Town Hall was again packed to capacity for the event as soup lovers, young and old, braved the minus mid -teens temperature to taste and vote on the 18 soups at the event. Two local churches, eight community groups, as well as eight local restaurants and businesses took part. Richard Fitoussi, once again officiated as the judge for the "Chefs Award" which for this year all entrants were in competition. After tasting all 18 soups in a blind tasting and marking them for presentation, aroma, taste and originality, he awarded first place to Knox Presbyterian Church (the winner of the "People's Choice Award" in 2013) for their entry of "Three Pepper & Yam" soup. The women of Cuba are the creators of this year's service that is open for both men and women to attend. The theme of their service is "Receive children. Receive me." Rev. Elise Feltrin, of St. Andrew's United Church, will be the guest speaker sharing her experiences on a recent visit to Cuba. This interdenominational, ecumenical service will begin at 2 p.m. and is being held on a Saturday for the first time to encourage more people to attend. It is a family friendly service. The origins of World Day of Prayer date back to the 19th century when Christian women of the United States and Canada initiated a variety of cooperative activities in support of women's involvement in mission at home and in other parts of the world. These activities related to the following areas: concern for women and children, the role of prayer in mission work, a vision of Christian unity, study, the organization of interdenominational structures by women and world peace. In Canada, Presbyterian women called together representatives of women's missionary societies from five denominations in 1918 for united prayer and action. It organized the first national Day of Prayer in Canada on Jan. 9, 1920. This committee, which now has expanded to include 11 church partners is known today as the Women's Inter -Church Council of Canada. Starting in 1922 Canada adopted the same day and theme for the service as the U.S. Four years later, the women of North America distributed the worship service to many countries and partners in mission. The response worldwide was enthusiastic. By the beginning of 1927 the call to prayer that was issued was for a World Day of Prayer for Missions. The Women's Inter -Church Council of Canada continues to coordinate the World Day of Prayer in Canada and to speak to issues that concern women of faith across the country. PUBLIC SKATING February is a fantastic month to start a new activity or get reacquainted with an old favorite. For this reason folks are invited to lace up their skates and head to the Bayfield Arena. Skating is offered free to the public on the afternoon Fitoussi awarded second place to the Lions Club of Bayfield with their "Curried Pumpkin" soup. of Feb. 28 from 1-3 p.m. due to the generosity of There was a tie for third place between The Albion Hotel with their "Sweet Potato Apple Bacon" sponsor Mainstreet Credit Union. soup and Trinity Anglican Church with their "Leek, Potato and Bacon' soup". Ballots were collected from the public for the "People's Choice Award" for which all entrants were also in competition. Interestingly, the people's choices all differed from the celebrity chefs: first place went to Renegades Diner (a first time winner) with their "Potato, Bacon and Roasted Red Peppers" soup; second place to The Docks with their "Braised Beef and Wild CABARET RE -RUN Anyone holding tickets for last weekend's cabaret at the Bayfield Town Hall, and who was unable to attend due to the inclement weather conditions, is cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 2/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Mushroom with Shitake and Truffle Drizzle" soup; and third place to DaVinci Ristorante with their "Thai Chicken Curry" soup. Other participants (in no particular order), including some who were first time entrants, were: Bayfield Farmers Market, Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA), Bayfield Mews, Pioneer Park, Bayfield International Croquet Club, Bayfield Ratepayers Association, Home 4 Good, The Black Dog Village Pub and Bistro, The Ashwood, Bayfield Berry Farm and The Secret Garden. Fitoussi, presented the "Chefs Award" to Deb Grasby representing Knox Presbyterian Church, and the second place certificate to Tom Grasby (the Grasby's home is obviously the place to get a dinner invitation) representing the Lions' Club of Bayfield. In presenting the awards, Fitoussi noted that the Bayfield restaurants have some serious competition given the quality of the soups that he had tasted. Bluewater Mayor Tyler Hessel and Deputy Mayor Jim Fergusson presented the "People's Choice Award" to Wayne McDougall, owner and chef of Renegades Diner. Lisa Thompson, MPP for Huron -Bruce, presented the second place certificate to Colin Corriveau, owner and chef of The Docks. The two winners' awards, beautifully crafted for the event by Bob Merriman, will be engraved with the winners' names and they will be allowed to keep them for one year. Patricia Baker, representative of the BTHHS, thanked all the local groups and restaurants for once again participating in Soup's On, as well as the public for attending. She commented that Soup's On is an extremely popular event and that this year, for the first time, several potential entrants were unable to participate due to the physical size of the Town Hall. She suggested groups who want to ensure they have the opportunity to participate next year make sure they confirm their interest with the Town Hall by early January. She added that this local event is yet another example of how the Bayfield Community excels in coming together. Wayne McDougall, of Renegades, served up his People's Choice A: ::. -A winning soup during the Soup's On event. His Potato and Bacon with Roasted Red Peppers Soup was a hit with the voting public. invited to attend a viewing of the Cabaret video, which will be screened at the Town Hall in the near future. If you would like to attend, please call Margo at 519 565-2827 or Pat 519 565-2202 and leave your name and you will be contacted with the date when it has been arranged. SOUP AND A MOVIE The congregation of Trinity Anglican Church welcomes the community to join in fellowship over a hearty bowl of soup while delighting in a great cinematic work. "Soup and a Movie at Trinity" started on Feb. 15 and will be held over five Mondays from 6-9 p.m. A free will offering is collected with any extra funds going to outreach. All in the community are welcome but need to reserve their spot by calling 519 565-2790 by the Sunday prior to the movie with their name and number of people attending. The schedule of remaining movies is as follows: The Monuments Men, Feb. 29; Woman in Gold, March 7; and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, March 14. Please note the Bayfield Calendar for 2016 has the incorrect dates for the movie nights listed — the movies are on Mondays not Sundays! Home4good's transportation subcommittee, after producing their "Bayfield without Wheel's" brochure, is looking at the need for grocery delivery and bus service within the village. To this end they will be conducting a telephone blitz on Wednesday, March 2nd. Volunteers will phone everyone in the village between 6-9 p.m. to ask if they would use either of these services and how much they would be prepared to pay. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 3/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Jane Davidson -McKee studied her voting card closely after tasting the entry by the Pioneer Park Association - Cheesy Potato Soup. Chef Richard Fitoussi was the guest judge for the Soup's On event. He was given the task of tasting all 18 soups for presentation, aroma, taste and originality. The Virtual High School has offered their facilities for making these calls. Home4good will use the information collected to support their efforts to get bus service and grocery delivery in the village. Home4good is asking that everyone in the village answer their phone on March 2nd. The number on the call display will be 416 800-1186. Anyone wanting to help with this telephone blitz should email Leslie Bella at Ibella@tcc.on.ca. More copies of the "Bayfield without Wheels" brochure are available by emailing Bella at Ibella@tcc.on.ca. A digital version can also be found on Home4good's Facebook page and website. SATURDAYS AT THE LIBRARY The Friends of the Bayfield Library are once again hosting their Saturday's at the Library series with three more presentations on the schedule. On March 5, Pam and Chris Bowers, will share photos and talk about their experiences Walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Followed on March 19, with a presentation by the Huron Harp School and concluding with the Elliot's Quartet on Apr. 2. All events are from noon to 1:30 p.m. with the exception of Apr. 2 when the one- hour program will start at 11 a.m. HCEDB BREAKFAST Tickets are now available for the Huron County Economic Development Board's (HCEDB) Annual Breakfast on March 7. Guest speaker, Laurie Guthrie, an economic development specialist will be a morning highlight. Her topic will be "Building a Successful Business Ambassador Program" Fredericton, like many communities, lacked the resources to engage in the expensive game of investment attraction. The quandary was how could a small city with one economic development officer, and a modest budget, address this challenge? As the knowledge-based capital of New Brunswick, Fredericton also had an advantage: being home to a large number of local companies doing global business. In 2002, Guthrie saw an opportunity to leverage and engage these corporate citizens to promote Fredericton while abroad for meetings and travels, and so the idea of the Fredericton Business Ambassador Program was born. The HCEDB's progress and future initiatives since being formed in January 2015 will also be discussed at this breakfast to be held in Clinton at the Libro Community Hall. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/WeekO9lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 4/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 MPP Lisa Thompson was in attendance at the Valentine's Day Soup's On. She sampled The Ashwood Bourbon Bar entry of Parsnip, Apple and Brie Soup served up by town hall volunteer Margo Robeson Curried Pumpkin soup was the inspiration of Lion Tom Grasby. His soup earned him second place in the Chef's Award competition, behind his wife Deb, who took first place on behalf of Knox Presbyterian Church. On the afternoon of Feb. 14, the Bayfield Town Hall was nearly filled to overflowing with visitors jockeying politely for the opportunity to sample 18 soups created by local restaurants, as well as folks representing their service club, organization or church. The event, now in its sixth year, is a great time for tasting different soup creations as well as socializing indoors on a cold winter's day. NEXT BUDGET MEETING MARCH 15 BY KEN LARONE Bluewater Council cut its daunting 2016 tax forecast from 33 per cent to 16 per cent at a day- long budget meeting last week. Now the municipal staff under new CAO Kyle Pratt has been given two weeks to reduce the budget to eight per cent. Council's next budget meeting is expected to take place on Mar. 15. At that meeting council will be looking at ways to cut the cost of operating three arenas in the municipality. This will include the possibility of eliminating future ice in the Bayfield arena. At last week's council meeting Councillors John Gillespie and Bill Whetstone convinced council to have staff develop a report on charges to service clubs and not-for-profit organizations using municipal buildings. This report will be part of the 2016 tax analysis. Treasurer Ansberth Willert told council the property owners of Bayfield can expect a bill for the The event, which will run from 9:30-11 a.m., will feature a buffet breakfast catered by Cait's Kitchen. Tickets are available for $15 per person and can be purchased online at www.huroncounty.ca or by contacting Huron County Economic Development at 519 524-8394 ex. 3242. HEALTHY LIVING WORKSHOP Bayfield and area residents are encouraged to live a healthy life by taking charge of their own health and one way to do this is through education. A free, six-week, self-management workshop that can put people and caregivers on the road to living a better quality of life is now being offered in the village starting on March 23. Topics will include getting active, medication use, healthy eating, managing pain and fatigue, getting a good night's sleep, and making informed treatment decisions. The Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions workshop is a licensed program from Stanford University that has been carefully developed and evaluated. This program follows a standardized format that provides information and teaches practical skills to manage ongoing (chronic) health conditions. Most importantly, it gives people the confidence and motivation they need to manage the challenges of living with an ongoing condition. The workshop encourages participants to use self- management skills and tailor them to their own needs and lifestyle. In addition to learning about healthy living, participants develop skills in areas such as goal setting, problem solving and communications. These small group workshops are open to six to15 participants. Two individuals, who have received specialized training to deliver the workshop series, lead. These leaders are volunteers and/or health care professionals, many of whom have ongoing conditions themselves. The program is funded by the South West LHIN and the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care and is delivered through the South West Self -Management Program. This workshop would also be beneficial for any adult who is interested in learning about how to better manage an ongoing (chronic) condition including but not limited to arthritis, asthma/COPD, chronic pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, mental health issues, obesity, Parkinson's and stroke. Caregivers are welcome to attend the workshop to learn self-management skills themselves and how they can support others. Participants will need to be cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 5/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 community's water in February. Two months ago engineering company B.M. Ross & Associates estimated the cost at $5,000 per home. COUNCILLOR NOTES THREEFOLD BY KEN LARONE Bayfield Councillor Bill Whetstone told 20 people in the arena hall Thursday night Bluewater will face another tough year trying to get control of municipal finances. He divided the problems into three categories --- reactive planning, budget increases and weak corporate controls. Ten examples were included in his list of reactive planning which could reach $810,430 last year for Bluewater taxpayers. The three biggest examples missed in the 2015 budget were Hensall Heritage Hall short fall of $219,050, Hensall landfill site $339,780 and a $100,000 debt left for the current council to fix from 2014. The 2016 budget could be $2.2 million more than the 2015 budget. He outlined 13 items that were part of the 33 per cent increase. Police costs have increased $289,000. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority are adding $200,000. Maintenance of bridges and culverts could add another $552,000 and planning and capital construction could add $1,558,000. He covered 23 points when he was explaining his planning concerns. He would like council to implement corporate controls on all departments. Budget planning should go beyond one year. Every recommendation to council should go through a cost benefit analysis. Staff should be reviewed on a regular basis, including retirement dates. He is not in favor of selling works buildings, road allowances nor marinas without tax payer involvement. "We continually use our tax reserves to cover the cost of poor planning," he added. "This can't happen again." Whetstone finds the budget process discouraging. The examples he used Thursday night are his examples of the frustrations he has encountered in the budget process. ABCA ELECTION RESULTS Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) re-elected Mike Tam, of the Municipality of west Perth, as able to set goals and be comfortable in a group setting. The six-week workshop will run until Apr. 27 on Wednesdays from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Community Centre. Participants will receive a free Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions reference book that accompanies the workshop. Please note that preregistration is required. Patients/clients can register by calling 519 421-5691 or 1-855-463-5692 or by email at info@swselfmanagement.ca. To learn more visit the website: www.swselfmanagement.ca. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 6/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Chairman of the Board of Directors and elected Burkhard Metzger, of the Municipality of Central Huron, as vice-chairman at the annual meeting on Feb. 18. Meeting presentations at the Annual Meeting included an update on the work of the Risk Management Office for drinking water source protection. A new video, about people in the community working together to protect municipal sources of drinking water, was released as well. Here is the video link: youtu.be/8kKGcOBsW2Q (Submitted photo) HAV MUTUAL IIII u IMP I II 519-236-4381 Volume 7 r � Bayfield Mews EXCIU5iWe 55+ Community One Floor Townhomes 514. 555 •4542 www-baylieldmewsxa 6A`4'FFIELD FINANCIAL �?.ouP,lvc There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions' or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, in honor of Guide -Scout Week we looked back into the Bayfield Guiding archive of photos and found this gem taken on Apr. 20, 1996 during a field trip to the London Regional Children's Museum. Does anyone recognize these members of 1st Bayfield Brownies from 20 years ago? FW M .4 �[TE 5(W1R1kXLj r,fMFf, LVM ISSUE 345 In Issue 345, Elaine (Weston) Dinel recognized the photo as being from her birthday party and she was kind enough to identify all the party guests save one who she remembers as a girl who lived at the air force base for a short time. BR I -r are: ?, Steve Scotchmer, Ted Turner, Howie Scotchmer, Jeffrey Hisler, Joyce Bell, Francine Greydanis. MR: Phil (Tiny) Gemienhardt (on the chair at left), Binnie Sturgeon, Wendy Hisler, Rosemarie Telford Scotchmer, Margaret Wallis, and Brenda Blair. FR: Sisters, Kathy Weston Sauve, Elaine Weston Dinel and Jackie Weston Thompson. ISSUE 346 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flick: In Issue 346, we featured a photo of students from Bayfield Public School taken in 1941 courtesy of Beverley Pounder. Does anyone recognize any of the pupils? cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekO9lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 7/13 6/13/2019 FREAK TALENT CSI SHARE ®�►©... PHOTO STORY Week 09 Issue 347 THE ,VrV E R -Y, re 2018-19 'optornetrc SEASON Everything! LAKE HcrR rrLnr_ L -s Wr i.rr r°rt'ry BAYMELD AND AREA COMMUNITY PARTNERS ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY GROUPS CAME TOGETHER TO HOST A SUPER FAMILY DAY AT THE RINK Thanks to members of the St. Andrew's United Church congregation there was a tonne of cupcakes available for decorating. Church volunteer Louise Sygrove helped Clara Kee ice her cupcake while Vanessa Kee looked on. Phantom DJs at the Super Family Day event were Sierra Whetstone and Tatum Rivers. PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER It was a Super Family Day for a lot of children, parents and grandparents as they took in the events offered at the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre on the afternoon of Feb. 15. In addition to lots of time spent on the ice, the families were encouraged to come upstairs to decorate and eat cupcakes, make crafts, engage in games, dance and active imaginary play. Clowns Jeff and Mar were also present entertaining by juggling and making balloon creations. Those who took to the ice were encouraged to dress up as their favorite super hero or as their favorite movie or television character with prizes being awarded for the best child's costume and the best -dressed family. The Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association (BACPA) partnered with the Bayfield Lions' Club, St. Andrew's United Church and the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce to sponsor this event. Youngsters who took part in the Super Family Day at the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 8/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Boom -Boom -Balloon a trendy new game was very popular with the boys in attendance at Super Family Day especially Owen Wallis and Rylan Corriveau. Bayfield Arena and Community Centre on Feb. 15 could, in addition to ice skating, take part in some active, imaginary play. Weylin Shanahan chased Halle Corriveau, 3, around the play area doing his best Dinosaur impression. Clowns Jeff and Mar (not pictured) were kept busy making balloon animals - swords being a popular request. Addison MacAdam-Cutler, of Goderich gave the hoola hoops a whirl. Members of the Gilbert Family and friends chose some of cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 9/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Addison MacAdam-Cutler took a "pie" in the face while playing this trendy new game with Autumn MacAdam. (Submitted photo) The Daily Family from Guelph were the winners of the Best Family Costume Award.(Submitted photo) the cast of "Despicable Me" as their favorite characters. (Submitted photo) Carson Brady was the winner for the Best Kid's Costume at Super Family Day events held at the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre on Feb. 15. (Submitted photo) PMLATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK -4C13BBLE 1�QESIGN WWc imrieh. Ont. DESI GNi BUILD LANDSCAPING S?.LES S IN'T?.LLMON GSE EIEN C6TEF. 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 1 519 565 7173 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 10/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 "I see no ships...... by Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued Melody Falconer -Pounder BAYFIELD BREEZE SIC �M �S BAYFIELD SUBMISSIONS a 7.8UU�•9fi�1 t<} —. t f in MASSAGE TH6R Y _-;&saed - - 519.5b5A711 So I was out at the Goderich Lions Club's Camp Klahanie on Friday with a few people invested in the revitalization of the place along with some skilled tradespersons helping us check things off the wish list for the property. It may be winter but the hopes and dreams for Camp Klahanie never hibernate. I am very excited to have been tasked with heading up the completion of the camp kitchen renovation and having used the little cabin for about 20 years now I think I have a pretty good understanding of how it could be improved without losing its camp panache. And I am grateful that there are willing hands that have an excellent understanding of how to do the work needed to accomplish this. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 11/13 6/13/2019 Week 09 Issue 347 Sadly, the woods around Camp Klahanie are not immune to the Emerald Ash Borer and it has been determined that no less than 24 trees bordering the property will have to come down. Thankfully skilled people have also come forward to help with this. And on the upside we will have lots of firewood for future campfires but still it was disheartening to think of the loss of these members of the camp's tree canopy. So within hours of learning about the tree cull I was applying for a tree -planting grant from TD Friends of the Environment in conjunction with Girl Guides of Canada. I am pleased to report that our application was accepted and they are donating $2,000 to purchase some new trees for the camp. This is a great start in the replenishment of the forest and will allow the Bayfield Guiding girls to make a tangible contribution to the camp that they all so love to attend. In other camp news, two of the four wished for bunkhouses are just waiting for better weather to have their interiors completed while the foundations are poured for the others so that building can begin in the spring. And the washroom building is closed in and just waiting for some warmer weather to reach completion. Still other volunteers are turning their attention to the necessary hydro upgrade and the parking lot refurbishment that is also in the works. Of course none of these projects are free and the community and organizations such as, Libro and AVIVA, have been incredibly generous to help us get to where we are now but donations both large and small are always welcomed and celebrated — whether it be given to plant a tree or install a doorknob. There is still a lot of work to be done but we hope to have the majority of this work completed for a summer grand opening party and you are all invited to attend. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Ba geld Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. .r _r BAWIELD BREEZE the xiJiargr s awn oMme news source 0 SHARE MIF El , SIGN UP Fart BAYFIELD BREEZE {r" CLICK H€R€. Founding Members -........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 12/13 6/13/2019 Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 09 Issue 347 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek09lssue347/tabid/766/Default.aspx 13/13