HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2016-01-20, Page 16/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Hrrnr, A.ri tprt o E'rntnrl- ArrhFvr, D PHARMIA AV►E �IIIIGII IIIII II 1111111 1111 1111111 , , _ ROYAL LEPAGF l LIIO IAN MA'ITHEW CA 51 �-555-533 s l 1" U]ROXII11OUTL T BAWIELD BREEZE 3 - rhe vii '% own cohnenew% source CSI SHARE o+1®...' ]an. 20, 2016 Vol. 7 Week 4 Issue 342 The Watershed Series SOLUTIONS TO ERADICATE POLLUTANTS FROM STORM RUNOFF Editor's Note: The following article is a cooperative effort of the Bayfield Blue Community Team and the Bayfield Storm Sewer Monitoring Program that is supported by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. It is the second part of a two part series. BACPA January is a great month to start a new activity or get reacquainted with an old favorite. For this reason folks are invited to lace up their skates and head to the Bayfield Arena. Skating is offered free to the public on the afternoon of Jan. 24 from 1-3 p.m. due to the generosity of sponsor The Docks Restaurant and Bar. In addition to public skating on Sundays there is now more time available for youngsters who love to be out on the ice. Due to popular demand, ice time is now being offered on Mondays at 7 p.m. for kids' pickup hockey. New players are always welcome. EUCHRE CLUB The Bayfield Euchre Club winter session of cards has begun and all are welcome to join in the evening held at the Bayfield Lion's Community Building on alternate Wednesdays. The next evening of cards will be held on Jan. 27 starting at 7 p.m. The cost to play cards is $2. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 1/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Collectively and as individuals we can do our part to improve the quality of water flowing into our lake and river not only for the good of the local economy but for our own enduring health and pleasure. (Photo by Conrad Kuiper) Fifteen years ago, studies were undertaken to establish a benchmark database of E.coli and phosphate flows from some Bayfield storm sewers into Lake Huron. Recent studies have demonstrated that little has changed over the intervening period. This is a two part series designed to provide understanding of the problem, the evaluation process and to present alternative solutions. While the outflow of these potentially harmful contaminates is not regarded as critical, recent and past studies have determined that the results exceed recommended guidelines. PART H: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Perhaps we can learn from Lindsay Ontario's studies of E.coli and phosphate discharges. Their study resulted in remedial action. Phosphate counts were alarming and generated discussions on solutions. From the literature they reviewed it was concluded that constructed wetlands would be the most appropriate way to reduce the amounts of E.coli and phosphorus. Studies show that "paved areas and turf grass are not very efficient at breaking down wildlife feces, whereas tall grasses and natural buffers are significantly more efficient. During conditions of saturation -excess, E. coli is found to be quickly transported across the surface of saturated soils, and do not have much of an opportunity to unite with the soil." However, pavement exists and it is not logical to return to gravel roads. What has worked in eradicating E.coli and phosphorus from storm sewer runoff is the creation of more natural buffers around outfalls. This is also the most natural way of solving this problem, and will mitigate other pollutants from entering the lake while having the potential to be aesthetically pleasing. This technique appeared most often in the literature reviewed and seemed to have a high success rate at a relatively low cost. Constructed wetlands are also a cost effective way that has been proven to work. And although this will not remove all of the E. coli, it will lower the concentration. It is also a natural approach that requires little follow up work to maintain effectiveness. Bio -retention ponds are very similar and also an effective method of removing phosphorus and E. coli. A study in North Carolina showed that E. coli levels were lowered by 71 per cent because of the use of this technique. Given that Bayfield is isolated from all agricultural production, it is unlikely that the source of phosphorous is agricultural based. So what might the source be? The answer is not definite but given that it can't be what we put down the bathroom sink as this discharge, presumably, enters sanitary sewers, not ditches, it is in all likelihood what we do to our properties. Testing over many years at outflow sites has demonstrated that phosphates exist in excessive amounts. If we were to eradicate the problem at the source testing at virtually every corner of the community would be required. This is not viable from either a financial or from a practical For more information contact Lee Weiss at 519 565- 2765. SATURDAYS AT THE LIBRARY Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) are once again offering up their "Saturdays at the Library" series starting with a morning with local wine aficionado Richard Fitoussi at the Bayfield Public Library. Fitoussi, who has long been associated with the hospitality industry and is a consultant on the development of wines in Huron County, will provide an informative presentation on evaluating wines and how to pair them suitably with cheese at the library on Jan. 23. The session will run from 10:30 to noon. HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Bayfield Historical Society (BHS) will hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Dinner, catered by the United Church Women, on Jan. 25 at noon at St. Andrew's United Church. Author Barbara Brown, of Bayfield, will be the guest speaker at this event. The fact that artists have been attracted to the village for generations was the inspiration behind the book, "Reflections of Bayfield" created by Brown and fellow author Joyce Lambert. Brown and Lambert assembled a collection of art, in several genres, that otherwise would never be available for the public to enjoy as they were in private collections. Brown will share their experiences in assembling and producing this book at the AGM. All are welcome to attend this event. Tickets are available now for $20 and may be obtained by calling Pat or Bud Langley at 519 565-2894. CABARET NIGHT "Bayfield at the Oscars" is the theme of the Bayfield Town Hall's fifth annual cabaret to be held on Feb. 12- 13. The movie theme should provide attendees with a great evening of fun and frolic. Seating is cabaret style and there will be a cash bar at this fundraiser. The curtain will rise at 7:30 p.m. both evenings. Those who wish to attend are advised to get their tickets early, as the cabarets are always a sell out with only 90 seats available for each night. Tickets are available now for $20 per person. Please contact Pat Lewington at 519 565-2202 or Margo Robeson at 519 565-2827, to reserve tickets early. STUDENT SUMMER JOBS cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761 /Default.aspx 2/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 perspective. What we can do as a community is establish processes that minimize phosphate and E.coli content from our storm water. And there are tried and true ideas that could work for Bayfield. A few examples are outlined below: Stormwater Planters: A stormwater planter is a specialized planter installed in the sidewalk area that is designed to manage street and sidewalk runoff. It is normally rectangular, with four concrete sides "'- providing structure and curbs for the planter. The planter is lined with a permeable fabric, filled with gravel or stone, and topped off with soil, plants, and sometimes trees. The top of the soil in the planter is lower in elevation than the sidewalk or roadway, allowing for runoff to flow into the planter through an inlet at street level. These planters manage stormwater by providing storage, infiltration, and evapotranspiration of runoff. Rain Gardens: A rain garden can mimic the natural absorption and pollutant removal activities of a forest, a meadow or a prairie and can absorb runoff more efficiently, sometimes as much as 30 to 40 per cent more then a standard lawn. By capturing rainwater from your roof, driveway and sidewalks in a rain garden, water can slowly soak into the ground reducing the rush of a large storm — quickly, neatly and naturally. Other benefits include the fact that these gardens look great while filtering contaminants and preventing quantities of clean water from going into the sewer system. Because rain gardens are dug 4" to 8" deep, and in some cases V- 2' deep, they hold larger quantities of rainwater making their overall construction more cost efficient then other green - alternatives. Rain gardens also need less technical experience to install and can be installed without permits or heavy equipment. Bioswale/Hybrid Ditch: Bayfield's storm sewers are, for the most part, ditches that run along both sides of our streets. They quickly collect run off from roads and paved driveways. The good news is that abundance provides us with an opportunity. Development along the coastline limits our ability to use wetlands at storm sewage outflow points along the lake to capture and treat E.coli, phosphates and nitrates. However, Bioswales are linear, vegetated ditches which allow for the collection, conveyance, filtration and infiltration of stormwater. These ditches could be planted with native species that are capable of absorbing and treating water naturally. In addition to cleansing water, these plants provide homes for a variety of birds, frogs and interesting insects. Plants would mitigate the problem of standing water that can be home to mosquitoes. This project would require homeowners and the municipality to accept growth in ditches as positive steps forward in protecting our lake. Permeable Surfaces: Heavy rains and melting snow produce fast moving water. When water flows over earth's surface, at least a portion of it is absorbed and filtered by the soil. Paved roads and driveways exacerbate the problem of water runoff. Gravel or brick surfaces interspersed with earth provide an opportunity for water to penetrate into the soil and be ridded of unwanted ingredients picked up from the earth's surface. Trees and More Trees: A fully -grown tree may lose up to 90 per cent of stored water through its leave on a hot, dry day. Depending on the species this could be the equivalent of 40,000 litres. The ten per cent that remains keeps the living tree system healthy and maintains growth. The elimination of trees adds to flow of water directly into our watercourses. Trees also moderate the rainfall so that water drips into the soil. Trees are themselves a natural filter and utilize phosphates for growth. Lawns: North Americans are passionate about lawns. What makes a lawn grow? However, phosphates, nitrates and potash are what make a lawn grow. And those chemicals end up in our lake. Perhaps we should look at our lawn as ground cover and accept what grows naturally. It can be very attractive. It is also healthier for people, pets and the environment. It Member of Parliament for Huron -Bruce, Ben Lobb, today encouraged employers to apply for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program to help create student jobs. Canada Summer Jobs helps students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, while earning money for the upcoming school year. The program also supports local community priorities such as agriculture, infrastructure and arts and culture through the hiring of students. Funding will be available to not-for-profit organizations, public -sector employers and private sector employers. Young people aged 15 to 30 years who are full-time students and intend to return to school in the following school year can qualify for these job opportunities. Employers can apply online at www.servicecanada.gc.ca/csj or print an application from the website. They can also get an application by visiting any Service Canada Centre. Applications must be submitted between now and Feb. 26. To help employers complete their application, the Canada Summer Jobs Applicant Guide is available online, by calling 1-800-935-5555, or by visiting any Service Canada Centre. HURON COUNTY NEWS Ron Gaudet From a long list of highly qualified candidates, Ron Gaudet has been selected as the new director of the Huron County Economic Development Department. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 3/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 also saves water and money. According to a past study by the Ministry of Natural Resources, it is estimated that 50 per cent of the water treated in Grand Bend is applied to lawns. So What's Next? Collectively and as individuals we can do our part to improve the quality of water flowing into our lake and river not only for the good of the local economy but for our own enduring health and pleasure. In addition to the Blue Community Project (with 37 member groups) and the Water Monitoring Team, the Bayfield Ratepayers' Association, Bayfield Tree Project, the Erb Family Foundation and the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association have committed themselves to protecting our waters and have taken action. Interested in being part of the solution? Contact Sandy Scotchmer of the Water Monitoring Team by email at sscotchmer@rogers.com or visit the Blue Community Website and contact any of the Blue Community Team http://www.bayfieldbluecommunityproject.com/ Editor's Note: This series is based on an article that first appeared in the Nov. 1 edition of "The Paper" published by Cheryl Heath. The original article provided data on the coastline beyond Bayfield in addition to Bayfield. WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU SNOW... PHOTOS BY DIANNE BRANDON make a snowman. Dave MacKechnie and his children stand proudly with their snowman that was later voted as the best of the day on the Bayfield, Ontario Facebook page by local snow sculpture connoisseurs. Early on the morning of Jan. 12 the call went out on social media for those that could make it to Clan Gregor Square safely to come the park at 1 p.m. and participate in a snowman -making contest to celebrate the first real snow day of 2016. The Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce invited local vendors to enjoy in the fun and they did so in some very inventive ways. Brandon's Hardware provided maple syrup flavored snow cones, Shop Bike Coffee offered builders free hot chocolate, Outside Projects brought snow shoes of all sizes to the park for people to test out and The Albion Hotel extended their hospitality to anyone who needed to use the washroom. Now the snow might not have been the perfect variety for making snowmen but several people entered the contest and there were some tremendous looking creations. A winner was determined via online voting at the "Bayfield Ontario" Facebook page with the creation made by Dave Mackechnie and his two children earning first place. McCabe Promotional donated the prize, an Adidas backpack — the perfect thing to carry coal, carrots and a corncob pipe in! "I'm thrilled we were able to secure a powerhouse like Ron," said Brenda Orchard, CAO of Huron County. "His extensive experience in economic development projects all across North America will offer tremendous benefits to Huron County." In addition to more than twenty years of proven leadership in community economic development, Gaudet holds a Fellowship in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo and the Economic Developers Association of Canada, a bachelor's degree in economics and a bachelor's of education. An advisor to the county for nearly two years, his expertise has guided the process of redefining the purpose, mandate, and approach of economic development in Huron County. "Ron's strategic vision and his ability to get things done makes him a perfect fit for this job," said Jim Lynn, chair of the Huron County Economic Development Board. "I know that the entire Board and I look forward to continuing to work with Ron as we enter the exciting next phase of our strategic plan." Building on the momentum generated over the past year, the director position will oversee the implementation of the new Huron County Economic Development Strategy. The plan will operate under three guiding principles: develop targeted opportunities; align with municipal government efforts; and engage a broader group of stakeholders. The Huron County Economic Development Board, which represents an innovative private -public partnership, has approved of the strategy and looks forward to reporting on progress over the coming year. Alan Thompson photographed on the campaign trail in October in Stratford with Canada's future Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. (Submitted photo) Former Huron -Bruce federal Liberal candidate Allan Thompson has been asked by the federal Liberal party to set up and chair a task force to be called cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek4lssue342/tabid/761 /Default.aspx 4/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 This trio of snow people took second place in an online vote following the impromptu park event. Maitland and Dawson Roy, Denver Fisher and Brennan Erb went with a cookie themed snowman "Project Rural" to begin a major program of research and outreach in rural ridings. The full details of the task force's composition and mandate are still being finalized, but work will begin almost immediately. The task force will be established under the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) and will begin its work in rural ridings across the province. At the outset, the goal of "Project Rural" is to design a program of outreach in federal ridings across Ontario that are predominantly rural. A first step will be to consult with former Liberal candidates, their campaign teams and electoral district associations from ridings with a significant rural presence. But equally important, the task force will engage directly with communities in ridings that are predominantly rural or have a significant rural presence. Project Rural will also conduct research into key rural issues and will tap into existing work on rural issues and concerns. Project Rural recognizes the need for the federal Liberal party to engage directly on key issues that resonate with rural voters, to establish best practices for campaigning in a rural context and to begin the process now of devising a rural campaign strategy and platform planks for 2019. "We must be regarded as a party and government that has something to say to rural voters. And having something to say starts with listening," said Thompson. "I think the federal Liberal party can work harder to connect with people who live in rural communities." As the Liberal candidate in Huron -Bruce in last year's election, Thompson ran on a theme of providing a strong rural voice. He and his supporters moved the Liberal party from a distant third in 2011 to a very competitive second -place finish in the October 19th election. And Thompson's experience mirrored that of many other candidates in ridings with a significant rural component. Alongside MP Kim Rudd (Northumberland - Peterborough South), Thompson was asked to lead a panel on "the rural campaign" at the LPC(0) Executive Board meeting held in Ottawa in early December. To prepare for that session, he was in touch with candidates in a number of predominantly rural ridings and conducted an informal survey about lessons learned from the 2015 campaign. A central finding of that survey was that there is a need to start now re -connecting with rural candidates and their communities and to build a major program of outreach in rural ridings. Thompson was born and raised on a farm in Bruce county and is now a journalism professor at Carleton University. Based on his experience as a candidate, he took the initiative to propose to the Liberal party that it set up the Project Rural task force. Liberal cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 5/14 6/13/2019 Or Week 4 Issue 342 I Brandon's Hardware served up some of the very tasty Albert and Doris Schilbe maple syrup on the fresh fallen snow for those who came to Clan Gregor Square for the Snow Day events on Jan. 12. The snow that fell in the storm last week perhaps wasn't of the packing variety but all who came to make snowmen in the park did there best to be creative. This one could be titled, "Masked Snowman Resting". Party of Canada (Ontario) President Tyler Banham has formally tasked Thompson with establishing and chairing the initiative. For further information, Thompson can best be reached by email at allan@allanthompson.ca SOUP'S ON Treat your sweetheart to some warm, comfort food on Feb. 14th at the annual Bayfield Town Hall's Soup's On event. Local restaurants and community organizations will compete for the bragging rights of tastiest soup voted on by the people in attendance. This event will begin at 2 p.m. and winners will be announced shortly after 4 p.m. Anyone who would like to participate, or has questions, are invited to please contact Patricia Baker at 519 955-1456. (Photo by Gary Lloyd -Rees) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 6/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Brook and Storm Dynes and Weylin Shanahan created a short and stout, technicolor snowman. SHEAR TALENTJ 1 E: 2018-19 SEASON REMEMBER ME? Volume 7 BAIYFIELD 6 OITI Mf � ST ?,--- 1 *— There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, a group of fashionable ladies from the photo collection of Lucy Woods Diehl are featured. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: P613 04a) r BBlfleld ]Miews �'_etEre it-th Flume 55+ Community One Floor Yownhomes 514. 555 •4542 www.baAieldmews.ca ISSUE 340 In Issue 340, the Bayfield Archive's collection of Lucy Woods Diehl includes this photo of a young woman. Does anyone remember her? Notes with the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761 /Default.aspx 7/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks flo SHARE o� PHOTO STORY HAY MHTHAI 11I1 .I. .,IHiI 11 519-236-4381 photo indicate she is Anna Waldridge Woods. (Archives Code: PB13 06a) ISSUE 341 In Issue 341, a picture from the Bayfield Archive's collection of Lucy Woods Diehl shows her as a young woman (at left) with two other people. Does anyone recognize them? Records indicate they are Lucy's mother, Ena, and Bill Metcalf. (Archives Code: PB13 15b) a 1.800.543.9601 7 t 1 t in A RETROSPECTIVE OF VILLAGE HAPPENINGS FROM SEPT. 9 TO DEC. 30 THE BEST OF THE BAYFIELD BREEZE 2015 With the holidays now past and a return to routine we take one last look at the year that was. This week: Sept. 9 to Dec. 30. At this time we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you our advertisers - several have been with us from the beginning and we are so happy to acknowledge this. We do have some new advertisers on board as well and to you we say welcome and thanks for your vote of confidence in our publication. We invite our Subscribers to support our advertisers by visiting their websites (click on their ad) and consider them first when in need of a product or service. It is also important to acknowledge our subscribers as well. Close to 1,650 of you receive the Bayfield Breeze into your email inbox every week and this cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 8/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Sept. 9 - Issue 323 - BAYFIELD TOWN HALL HERITAGE SOCIETY - HOT SUN BEAMED DOWN ON SUMMER'S FAREWELL: Barbecued chicken was the feature of the menu. It was prepared by Jim Mehlenbacher and his crew. The delightful aroma's could be smelled throughout the town hall neighbourhood. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder photo) Sept. 16 - Issue 324 - VIRTUAL HIGH SCHOOL AND BAYFIELD OPTIMISTS - RUNNING TOWARD REIKO'S WISH: While waiting for the runners and walkers to return to the finish line Reiko had some fun wheeling down the street holding his own races with big brother Kai. (Photo by John Pounder) number continues to grow steadily. A lot of you also read us now via our Facebook page — please pop over and give us a "like" if you haven't already. Here is the link: hftps://www.facebook.com/pages/Bayfield- Breeze/206183479424800 Here's to a positively newsworthy 2016! Sept. 23 - Issue 325 - BAYFIELD RIVER VALLEY TRAIL ASSOCIATION - REMEMBERING TERRY ON A LATE SUMMER MORNING: Elise Feltrin makes her way down Tuyll Street along the 5 KM route. Run participants could choose between 2 KM, 5 KM, 7 KM and 10 KM routes. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Oct. 28 - Issue 330 - BAYFIELD TOWN HALL - MARRIAGE, cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 9/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Oct. 7 - Issue 327 - BAYFIELD GUIDING - STILL TRYING NEW THINGS AFTER SIXTY-THREE YEARS: Kayla deLange was a guest at the Bring -A -Friend Carnival held on June 3. Thanks to her older sister, a Spark, Kayla got a sneak peek of what fun can be had with Bayfield Guiding and is now a member too. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Oct. 14 - Issue 328 - PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB OF BAYFIELD - HANDS ON LEARNING IN SMALL GROUP SETTINGS A HALLMARK OF FALL FOTO FEST: Vreni Beeler, a member of the Photography Club of Bayfield, worked on her macro photography skills during a workshop held as part of the Fall Foto Fest weekend Oct. 3-4. (Photo by Jack Pal) MURDER AND MAYHEM ALL INGREDIENTS FOR A FUN NIGHT OUT: Father -of -the -Groom, Tom Smythe -Jones - Scott Robeson enjoyed the three -course dinner catered by Renegades Diner in Bayfield. (Photo by Jack Pal) Nov. 25 - Issue 334 - UNIQUE FAMILY CHRISTMAS EVENT - GLEE SISTERS BOARD THE POLAR EXPRESS: Santa shows those gathered the silver bell off of his sleigh that was the requested first gift of the season. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Dec. 2 - Issue 335 - HURON RIDGE ACRES - POINSETTIA FESTIVAL OFFERS FEAST FOR THE SOUL: Twinkle lights and candles provide a soft glow while the myriads of poinsettias provide dramatic flashes of color at Huron Ridge Acres on the evening of Nov. 28. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Dec. 9 - Issue 336 - OPTIMIST CLUB OF BAYFIELD - TENTH ANNUAL BREAKFAST WITH SANTA HELD AT THE ASHWOOD INN: Olivia, Kaylin and Morgan Sonke got all dressed up to share their wish lists with Santa following a hearty breakfast at the 10th annual Bayfield Optimist Club's Breakfast with Santa this year held at The Ashwood Inn. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Dec. 16 - Issue 337 - COMMUNITY OUT IN FORCE TO PLAY cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 10/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Oct. 21 - Issue 329 - BAYFIELD VOLKFEST - BUGS INVADE CLAN GREGOR SQUARE - THE COLORFUL VW VARIETY - THAT IS: Volkfest was the talk of the town on Sept. 27 when Clan Gregor Square saw 60 plus Volkswagon (VW) Vans and Bugs parked under the shade trees. (Photo by Jack Pal) Nov. 4 - Issue 331 - BIG BROTHERS AND BIG SISTERS OF NORTH HURON - HUNDREDS ATTEND WITCHES WALK AT THE ASHWOOD INN: The dark side of local Optometrist Richard Samuell emerged at the Main Street Optometric station as he attempted to remove the eyeballs of his son and patient, Eddie. (Photo by John Pounder) TURKEY BINGO: An unusual occurrence happened at the Turkey Bingo on Dec. 7 when "N34" was called during a share -the -wealth game. Ten hands went up and ten "Bingos" were shouted. The crowd, including Sandi Green (at right), saw the humour in the situation. Everyone went home with $11 each. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Dec. 23 - Issue 338 - THE ASHWOOD INN - SIXTY SUITED SANTAS EQUALS SEASONAL SERENDIPITY: Robert MacFie, of Bayfield; Bev Razz LaFramboise and Darlene O'Rourke, both of Dashwood, were just three of over 60 runners who ran through The Ashwood Inn's forested property and along Bayfield River Road during the Santa Run/Walk held on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Dec. 30 - Issue 339 - BAYFIELD AND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - TESTING A UNIQUE TOURISM EXPERIENCE BY THE LIGHT OF A LANTERN : Hughie McCleod (Gary Lloyd -Rees) told tall fishing tales under the guise of the wooden sailor on Main Street. Enjoying the stories were Judy Stephenson, Jennifer Pate, Heather Ross and others. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 11/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Nov. 11 - Issue 332 - LEST WE FORGET - SUN SHINES ON VILLAGE REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY: Joey Brandon laid a wreath on behalf of HMCS Provost during Bayfield's Remembrance Day Services held in Clan Gregor Square on the morning of Nov. 8. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) Nov. 18 - Week 333 - BAYFIELD AND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - PARADE HERALDS THE START OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON: There were over 60 entries in the 2015 Bayfield Santa Claus parade. (Photo by John Pounder) rr HIT1, 8g9IR1kF,L PL�,��AM1BINIG I 4 519r5b 4 t PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK C1318BIX a■l1cn. cat. DISI GN+BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION G.AP.DIN CENTER 741919A BRONSON LINE 2l1RIGH. ONTARIO 519 236 7379 1 519 565 73 73 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 12/14 6/13/2019 Week 4 Issue 342 Harbour in Bayfield by Mel Diotte Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued IMAGE THERAPY 519,565.4711 #egrrrtj+ Everything! LAKE HURON SUBMISSIONS DEER PARK LODGE E E A C H 5 1 D E R E S Q R T So winter has finally arrived. I know of folks who have been shoveling out from at least two feet of snow not too far from here while we who live in the Bayfield Bubble (my own unofficial term for this meteorological phenomenon) remain mostly unscathed — I can still see grass poking through in our backyard. But this lack of snow doesn't prevent me from being glued to the Exeter Radar, the road closure and school cancellation websites and the hourly Weather Network postings for Bayfield. It is kind of a winter hobby. So you can imagine my excitement cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week4lssue342/tabid/761/Default.aspx 13/14 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 4 Issue 342 when I read an article about www.trackmyplow.com. If you haven't seen it yet you should check it out. It posts on a map where the snowplows are in the area — the direction they are traveling in and the time they were last in that area. Too cool! Now in its second year of testing it is another tool to help people travel safely in the winter months when the roads are open. — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. )4%Av-r-ir1F r% l nvic-ic IO SHARE MEg® SIGH UP FOR % BAY'FIELD BREEZE . � CL[Cx HERE Founding Members ...._ ..........................e. .. Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek4lssue342/tabid/761 /Default.aspx 14/14