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Bayfield Breeze, 2016-03-16, Page 1
6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 _r �BAYFIELDBREEZE WE w043ge's o- x..a..- ,-�..- "All—l-,- 4Da —.-,— �lhllllglllllfllllllllllllllllll - ROYAL LEPAGE �IllltlhllllllllAlllllllllllllll �'`""'"� '� "°'"' '""-�" IAN MATTHEW GA. 513-5665-5336 y BAWIELD BREEZE -)) rhe yrr"ldpy�'€ own sarriine rive€ 5gur Q 4; Q SHARE MVV] .'. March 16, 2016 Vol. 7 Week 12 Issue 350 BAND HAS GOLDEN MOMENT The St. Anne's Concert Band, which is made up of 66 members, earned a Gold standing at a competition held in London recently. (Submitted photo) The St. Anne's Concert Band, which is made up of 66 members, competed at Music Fest Regionals at Westminster Secondary School in London recently. The band performed cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield BreezeNVeekl 2lssue350/tabid/769/Defauit.aspx BALPA March Madness has taken over the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre offering up insane prices on available ice time for private bookings as well as lots of crazy free fun for the whole family every day this week. Free skating is being offered from 1-3 p.m. on Friday, March 18. On Wednesday, March 16, Family and Kids Yoga will be held in the community centre from 1-2 p.m. On Thursday, March 17 — St. Patrick's Day — not only will there be free skating offered from 1-3 p.m. but upstairs in the community centre there will be a time of crafts, games, cookie decorating and refreshments for the whole family. The week is brought to the village by the Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association (BACPA) in partnership with St. Andrew's United Church and friends, Bayfield Agricultural Society, Bayfield Optimist Club and the Virtual High School. 1/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 exceptionally well and received a Gold standing along with some very positive remarks from Plus the BACPA will be subsidizing ice rentals all their adjudicators. This Gold standing earns the band an invitation to compete at the National week long. Please check their website for rates and music festival within the next two years. availability, www.bacp.ca. The St. Anne's Jazz Band also competed at the festival and earned a silver standing. This Experience the ultimate Canadian tradition, without group comprised of 10 musicians performed three challenging jazz pieces and were awarded a T TD �71�T� C LI]B�i 1�1.' W�.7 silver standing. a hayride and once they reach their destination see The Bayfield Public Library is offering a March Break "We have an exceptional group of young musicians at St. Anne's that come out of some Schilbe Farm. Wagon rides will leave from the news" figures to Mayor Tyler Hessel, Councillor Bill Whetstone and key members of the activity for youngsters! amazingly musical communities in Huron County. It is a privilege to watch their hard work and the sugar bush and shanty. dedication to music pay off," said Josh Geddis, Music teacher at St. Anne's. On March 17th, Mad Science presents Optical expected to be available for council's budget discussions which haven't ended. Illusions will be featured from 1:30-2:30 p.m. for the The music program at St. Anne's continues their busy spring season with several small to 6 years; and youngsters aged five and under are Facts about revenue and expenses for Bluewater 2016 budget have taken days of council five to 12 year old set. Registration is required and performances in April. Their musical performance season concludes on May 13th with their Church and world outreach. annual May Melodies concert at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. Admission is $5 for adults and children adults must be present. To learn more visit http://Iondon.madscience.org/. under 12 are free. For more information and to register call the library at NOT FOR PROFIT GROUP WORKS 519 565-2886 or email bayfieldlibrary@huroncounty.ca. HARD TO INCREASE ARENA USE PANCAKE BRUNCH & BY KEN LARONE SUGAR BUSH TOUR Use of Bayfield arena grew by 196 hours in 2015 compared to the hours rented in 2014. The sweet taste of maple syrup poured over a stack This information was presented to Bluewater Council and members of Bayfield Arena of freshly flipped pancakes is a spring ritual for many Community Partners Association last week. Canadians. It definitely is for the congregation of St. James', Middleton as they host their seventh annual Use of the arena ice was up 102 hours. Ice revenue in 2014 was $50,000. In 2015 it jumped to Pancake Brunch and Sugar Bush Tour on March 19. $63,000. All in the community are invited to join in the Revenue from building rental was $17,000 in 2014 and increased to $18,000 in 2015. festivities. "To be clear the ice revenue also includes any BACPA none ice activities such as floor hockey Pancakes and sausage with Rick and Rusty and lacrosse which will no doubt cease if the BACPA is not active in the facility," Chairman Ron Schilbe's fresh maple syrup, coffee, juice and dessert Keys told BACPA's annual meeting. will be served at the Pine Lake Campground carrying too much expense in the cost of operating three arenas. Formation of BACPA as a Recreational Hall, 77794 Orchard Line, from 8:30 In 2015 the organization paid Bluewater $9,816 for the events it sponsored using the facility. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Members also learned they had a bank balance of $8,477 to start 2016. Experience the ultimate Canadian tradition, without In addition to brunch participants will be able to go on "We have worked hard to make this happen," said Mike Gozzard. a hayride and once they reach their destination see first hand how maple syrup is made at the Rick On the afternoon before the annual meeting Keys and Gozzard gave a copy of the "good Schilbe Farm. Wagon rides will leave from the news" figures to Mayor Tyler Hessel, Councillor Bill Whetstone and key members of the recreation hall for the short ride across the road to Bluewater staff. Earlier this year Bluewater council asked its staff to report revenue and the sugar bush and shanty. expenses to operate each of its arenas in Bayfield, Hensall and Zurich. The information is the historic St. James', Middleton Church, join hike expected to be available for council's budget discussions which haven't ended. The cost for the brunch is $10, adults; $5, children 12 double in the next six years, Bluewater council was told last week. to 6 years; and youngsters aged five and under are Facts about revenue and expenses for Bluewater 2016 budget have taken days of council free. Proceeds to St. James', Middleton Anglican discussions in the past three months. It started when staff recommended a 33 per cent tax Church and world outreach. increase for this year. Yesterday council met all day and hoped to get it below 10 per cent. During the budget discussions individual members of council have expressed concern about BR V 1 A carrying too much expense in the cost of operating three arenas. Formation of BACPA as a non-profit organization was established to help keep Bayfield Community Centre as an important feature in the lives of its citizens. Experience the ultimate Canadian tradition, without using a canoe or hockey stick! Hike in a traditional WATER RATES COULD ALMOST sugar bush, Saturday, March 19 at 9:30 a.m. starting at the Pine Lake Campground on Orchard Line just DOUBLE IN SIX YEARS north of Bayfield. After enjoying the wonderful Maple Syrup and BY KEN LARONE pancakes at the Pine Lake Campground in support of the historic St. James', Middleton Church, join hike Water rates for the three villages of Bluewater, Bayfield, Hensall and Zurich could almost leader, David MacLaren and walk off the calories double in the next six years, Bluewater council was told last week. through the Schilbe maple forest to their sugar shack where you can learn how they transform the sap from cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 2/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 Stephen Burns of B.M. Ross & Associates, the engineer firm in Goderich which is often used the maple trees into that heavenly nectar, true Huron by Bluewater council, assessed strength and weakness of the three villages' water systems. County Maple Syrup. The cost for standardizing the three systems could see existing water rates jumping from $420 to $2,384 per dwelling by 2021. The walk is less than 2 KMs and may be muddy, so for a chance to win an iPad mini or a dinner and movie night for the whole family. wear appropriate footwear. Currently Bluewater's rates are lower than the other Huron County rates of Central Huron, Communities around the world will demand action on Huron East, Lambton Shores and South Huron. Rick and Rusty Schilbe are also offering hayrides to while at the Museum. and from the shack for those who don't wish to walk. Burns' 39 -page report was one of the largest reports facing council in an agenda that exceeded minutes starting at 8:30 p.m. 400 pages. Deputy -Mayor Jim Fergusson convinced council to postpone discussion of the i SAT T7 MAYS AT �7 lJLIBRARY water report until after council strikes its 2016 budget which it hopes to do on March 15. IB A�7 " L l�t�l�i Fergusson predicted it would take two -to -three hours of discussion for council to understand Andrew's United Church to join in a one-hour sing - full implications of the B.M. Ross report. The Friends of the Bayfield Library are once again theatre! Included with admission, and FREE for members! The movies and days showing are: hosting their Saturdays at the Library series with two In a written report to council, Jennette Walker, manager of Public Works explained, "Based on more presentations on the schedule. Bluewater's current water rates, the operating cost of the water system will exceed the revenue Bayfield Tree Project's 2016 season. There is no in 2018. Rounding out the series will be a presentation by the "The average remaining life of water assets is 63 years. There is substantial water main Huron Harp School from noon to 1:30 p.m. on March replacement needs in Hensall and along the Lakeshore over the next few years." 19 and a one-hour program by the Elliot's Quartet on Don't forget to help celebrate St Patrick's Day! Wear green and receive free Admission on Apr. 2 starting at 11 a.m. Eight items are included in the B.M. Ross "Full Cost Recovery" charges that should be charged The church lights will be turned off at 8:30 p.m. This to taxpayers. They include operating expenses, interest expenses, debt principal, amortization EARTH HOUR of tangible capital assets, inflation in asset cost, historic under investment, service evening will be projected on a big screen to make enhancements and costs related to growth. participation easier. The debt for the upgraded system will be $8.4 million and reserves will cost an additional $1.66 million. Burns also prepared a report on the wastewater systems in the three communities but council decided to postpone discussion on it until discussion on the three water systems take place. EMBARK ON A QUEST OR TAKE IN A MOVIE AT THE MUSEUM Unleash your inner Sherlock Holmes and seek out the clues that will unveil the answers of the Museum Quest this March break at the Huron County Museum! Bring the whole family as Big Kids and Little Kids alike will enjoy the fun and search the exhibits for clues to answer brain teasing questions and learn about the museum along the way! You can also enter your name for a chance to win an iPad mini or a dinner and movie night for the whole family. Join us at the museum for this self-directed quest from now until March 19. Children age 12 Communities around the world will demand action on and under must be accompanied by a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or the family wizard, climate change by marking Earth Hour on March 19. while at the Museum. All are encouraged to turn their lights off for 60 Be sure to drop-in to our family games room that will feature vintage video games, board minutes starting at 8:30 p.m. games, vintage toys and more. You can amaze your children with your pre-internet Atari and To celebrate Earth Hour in Bayfield everyone is Nintendo skills. Try your hand at Crokinole and other historic games all included with invited to turn off lights at home and head to St admission. Andrew's United Church to join in a one-hour sing - Join us for a popcorn and a movie every day of March Break in the Huron County Museum along of songs from all over the world with the Glee theatre! Included with admission, and FREE for members! The movies and days showing are: Sisters. The Neverending Story, March 16; Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone, March 17; A Little The program will commence at 8 p.m. launching the Princess, March 18; The Princess Bride, March 19. Please note that all of these movies being Bayfield Tree Project's 2016 season. There is no at 1 p.m. admission fee to this event but a free will offering will In addition, on the evening of March 17 there will be a showing of Waking Ned Devine at 7 p.m. be collected for the work of the Bayfield Tree Project Committee. Don't forget to help celebrate St Patrick's Day! Wear green and receive free Admission on March 17! The church lights will be turned off at 8:30 p.m. This year the words to the sing -along portion of the For more information visit the Museum's Facebook page and Twitter account. The Huron evening will be projected on a big screen to make County Museum is located at 110 North Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T8 participation easier. COUNCILOR'S CORNER cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 3/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 TIME TO NOMINATE FOR AWARDS Do you know of a group or an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to arts, culture or heritage in Huron County during 2015? It's once again time to recognize them. The Huron Arts & Heritage Network (HAHN), in partnership with Cultural Services of the County of Huron, is accepting nominations for its seventh annual Cultural Awards celebration. The awards recognize the exceptional achievements of Huron County residents, businesses and organizations in the following categories: Cultural Event/Organization, Individual Artist, Community Contribution, Heritage, and Innovation. Nomination submissions require a nomination form and a short description (maximum of one page) explaining what the nominee accomplished in 2015 as it relates to the category they are being nominated in and why you think it is worthy of recognition. Nomination forms can be found at creativehuron.ca or at any Huron County Library branch. Deadline for submissions is Apr. 8. A jury will select the finalists and winners in each category from the eligible nominations received. An original work of art by a local artist will be presented to winners in each category, in keeping with previous years. The Cultural Awards Gala will be held May 6 at the White Carnation Banquet Hall in Holmesville. As well as recognizing the finalists and winners, this special evening also features entertainment by a variety of local artists. There is also a silent auction of unique items at the Awards Gala supporting the activities of the Huron Arts & Heritage Network. The event starts with a cocktail social at 7:30 p.m. followed by the awards presentations at 8 p. M. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased through the Blyth Festival box office at 519 523- 9300 or toll free at 1-877-862-5984. ZOOMFIT FUN Family Zoomfit was offered in the Bayfield Community Centre on March 15 to introduce everyone to a new free class that will begin next week on Wednesdays from 7-7:45 p.m. and will run until June. The evenings are geared to getting children to move to music. The program is sponsored by the Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association due to a generous grant from the Huron County Health Unit Healthy Kids Challenge. Kids Yoga is also being held on Tuesdays from 7-7:45 p.m. in the community centre. (Photo by Melody Falconer - Pounder) Due to March Break Councilor's Corner is rescheduled until March 24. Bill Whetstone, Bayfield Ward councilor, hosts the evening on the third Thursday of every month. He provides an opportunity for people to hear what council has been up to and voice their opinions. The evening will be held in the Bayfield Community Centre starting at 7:30 p.m. UNITED CHURCH The congregation of St. Andrew's United Church is preparing for the arrival of the Easter season. Holy Week begins on March 20 with a Palm Sunday service at 11 a.m. A Good Friday Service will follow on March 25 also at 11:00 a.m. The celebration of Easter Sunday begins with a Sunrise Service at Pioneer Park on March 27 at 7 a.m. A potluck breakfast occurs afterwards in the church hall. An Easter communion celebration will take place during the regular worship service at 11 a.m. On Sunday, Apr. 10 at 11 a.m. the St. Andrew's congregation will welcome guest speaker Nancy Moore. The topic of her presentation will be "How I Donated a Kidney and Learned to Play the Ukulele." Along with sharing her personal story of a life-giving gift, Moore will perform with members of the Bayfield Ukulele Society. This promises to be an uplifting and educational event, that all in the community is welcome to attend. Canada Reads 2016 is all about "starting over." The national debate will be held from March 21-24 on CBC Radio One. In Bayfield the debate will be held on March 20. The featured book titles are: "Minister Without Portfolio", "The Illegal", "Birdie", "The Hero's Walk" and "Bone and Bread". Who will defend these books? Attend and find out! Martha Beechie, owner of The Village Bookshop, invites community members to be the judge, and learn the winner here in the village first at'Bayfield Reads 2016'. The event will be held from 2-4 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. Tickets are available now for $5 each at The Village Bookshop. Tickets will also be available at the door. In addition to the bookshop sponsors of this year's event are Shop Bike Coffee and Friends of the Bayfield Library. To learn more check out The Village Bookshop on Facebook or visit www.thevillagebookshop.com. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 4/14 6/13/2019 SHEAR TALENT REMEMBER ME? Volume 7 COEBR� %t5 91CsN tue-c h. oat. 0ESI GNfBUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION G.AP.DEN CENTER 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 1 519 565 7113 Week 12 Issue 350 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, we feature a picture sent into us by a resident of Bayfield, Wisconsin. Dick Goodlet questions whether the postcard is actually of his hometown so he thought he'd give Bayfield, ON residents a chance to see if they recognize the shot possibly taken in the 1930s. The American flags flying on the building indicates to Bayfield Breeze staff that it probably isn't Canadian but fun to share all the same. Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr. Ben Lobb, KP. ISSUE 348 In Issue 348, thoughts turn to more spring like weather as we post an image of a garden party. Does anyone recognize any of the attendees? (Archives Code: PB13 33a) Penny Johnstone did recognize some of the people pictured. "The woman second on left next to the woman in the yellow top is Mary Shepherd, my mother, 3rd over from her is a lady that lived at 11 Louisa Street but I can't remember her name, far right is Harold Beakhust and third from right is Mrs. Paull," she said. Records with the photo list others as being: Mrs. Oddleifson, Ethel Poth, Mrs. Seutamone, Mrs. Crosby, Jean Bell and Pearl Hutchings. ISSUE 349 In Issue 349, in honor of the snow slowly melting away we feature another image from the garden party. Does anyone remember those pictured? (Archives Code: PB13 33a) Notes indicate that the following people are in the picture: Florrie Oddleifson, Lucy Diehl, Dorothy Rent, Mrs. J. MacKenzie, Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. H Paull. cc.villageofbayfiield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 5/14 6/13/2019 DEER PARK LODGE 6 E A C It S I D E R f 5 0 R T -- 0 SHARE ov©... PHOTO STORY Week 12 Issue 350 A reader shared that this photo was taken on the front lawn at the home of Lucy Woods Diehl. BAYMLD SKATING CLUB l;nitegfity Evertk�ngr LAKE HURON rrLrt e -577;e a.rr �L tr YOUNGSTERS PRESENT A GLEEFUL SHOWCASE Graham Peck and Tatum Rivers. .J Sierra Whetstone, Halle Corriveau and Shea Regier. PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER The approximately 25 members of the Bayfield Skating Club gave an uplifting and empowering performance to a crowd of about 70 people on the evening of March 8 capping off a terrific season. Skating Showcase 2016 was set to songs from the television series "Glee" plus both Junior and Senior skaters presented their solo numbers as well as couple of interpretive pieces. In addition, Canskaters took part in group numbers under the direction of their coaches or Senior skaters and the crowd delighted in watching their achievements. The finale, which included both Junior and Senior skaters, was set to the music "Lean On Me" and proved that the Bayfield club may be small but it sure is mighty! Following the performances, year-end certificates were handed out upstairs in the community center. And then those who attended the show were encouraged to lace up their skates for some time on the ice with the showcase stars. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 6/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 Jun, CIMM Kayci Fielder, Naomi Jacobs and Kaitlyn Fielder. Halle Corriveau skated over to say, "Hi" to her dad, Colin, after her performance was over. A �i Julie Chun cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 7/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 The Junior Group skated to "Save a Little Prayer". They were (in no particular order): Elise Brady, Naomi Jacobs, Kayci, Katelyn and Karly Fielder. I� �d 777 Sierra Whetstone Melody Turner Melody Turner Rebecca Phillips cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 8/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 Rebecca Phillips, Ambreen Cheema and Kassie Jefferson. Naomi Jacobs Melody Turner and Julie Chun. Ambreen Cheema 71r g Sierra Whetstone Coach Jody Whetstone and Kayci Fielder. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 9/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 Marlese Coombs Ka; - Caleb Maaskant, Coach Brittany Taylor and Powell Maaskant. tl: I- I ti Iti Sierra Whetsone and Tatum Rivers. Dana Wilson and Julie Chun. Karly Fielder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 10/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 Canskaters Caleb and Powell Maaskant, Corbin Phillips, Travis Saunders, Cian O'Sullivan and Brennan Erb (in no particular order) showed off their skating skills to the song, "Shout it Out Loud". Corbin Phillips celebrated at the end of the boys' performance. Brennan Erb Junior skaters in the final number were: Karly Fielder, Naomi Jacobs, Kayci Fielder, Elise Brady, Kaitlyn Fielder Senior Skaters Kassie Jefferson, Melody Turner, Sierra Whetstone and Tatum Rivers perform to "Lean on Me" during the finale of Showcase 2016. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 11/14 6/13/2019 THE _VFV '[VJ E 2018-19 SEASON ~� BhwFlkl.[l BH5.ksI.E: �- 7 _�_ to ra �v�y Week 12 Issue 350 1�; PIMLATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK 4'C M Senior Skaters Makayla Jacobs, Marlese Coombs, Julie Chun and Kayla Beyerlein performed in the final number alongside the junior skaters. Floating In by Jane SeiNed Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl21ssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 12/14 6/13/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder x� Bayfield Mews 8 il4 Exclusive 55+ CnmmunRy One floor Townhcmes 519 • 555 - 4543 L www.bayfieldmews.ca_j SUBMISSIONS Week 12 Issue 350 BAYFIELD FINANCIAL r1ROUP Iti{. I! $AGiTHERAPY --i & 46 dpwo -- , 519.565.4711 So I am currently living in the world of Dr. Suess, Candyland and Lego ... it is a really nice place to visit especially when you have a smiley, blue eyed, blond haired grandson steering the ship. Yes, that's right Graham is here for March Break so... a little commercial this week instead of the usual missive. Today you are reading the 350th weekly issue of the Bayfield Breeze. I thank you for scrolling all the way down to the bottom to see what I have to say. We are brought to your email inbox each week because a number of people advertise their service or business throughout the issue. I encourage you to click on their advertisements and tour their websites to see what they are all about. We wouldn't have been able to create this 350th issue if it weren't for them. That's right, folks, it is that time of year again when our Advertising Representative Mike Dixon is out pounding the pavement checking in with returning advertisers and hoping to enlist a few new ones too. It takes more than the time and enthusiasm of our merry little band to put out an issue every week. It takes money — albeit we do our best to be frugal. There are costs to send out our weekly emails, costs for domaine services and costs to host the wonderful myriad of pictures that make our publication rather unique, I think. Anyone is welcome to support the Bayfield Breeze financially — advertising is just one way — donations to the cause are always gratefully accepted. If you would like to advertise or know someone who should be please send me an email. And thanks so much for reading. — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. cc.villageofbayfiield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezeNVeekl21ssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 13/14 6/13/2019 Week 12 Issue 350 BAYFIELD BREEZE 9—SHARE C - ®D 5rtn vv Toa BAY'FIELD BREL,ZE CLICK: HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl2lssue350/tabid/769/Default.aspx 14/14