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Week 44 Issue 330
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"-` SHARE 0100... Oct. 28, 2015 Vol. 7 Week 44 Issue 330
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The 2 KM trail in the forested area behind The
Ashwood Inn, just north of Bayfield off Hwy. 21, is
going to be transformed into a Witches Walk on the
evening of Oct. 30 and all are invited to summon the
courage to attend!
Local businesses and organizations are creating the
scary stations along the path including: Fly Fitters,
Copenhagens, Main Street Optometric, The Village
Bookshop, Windmill Lake Ecopark, Shop Bike, The
Secret Garden Bed and Breakfast, Bayfield Optimists
and Bayfield Arena Community Partners.
The event will run from 5-7 p.m. and will be held rain
or shine. Included in the fun will be hot dogs, apple
cider and a candy station.
Admission and hotdogs by donation, money raised
will go to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of North
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Week 44 Issue 330
Bruce Johnston, on behalf of the Bayfield Anglers Association, accepted a cheque for $750 from Bayfield Lions'
Club President, Bill Rowat, to aid in the work of the association. The presentation was made at the 37th
Annual Joe Brandon Memorial Rainbow Trout Derby. (Photo by Tony Van Bakel)
Over 200 hardy fishermen took part in the annual Joe Brandon Memorial Rainbow Trout Derby
on Oct. 16-18. The Bayfield Lions' Club sponsors the derby, now in its 37th year.
Nearly 30 trout were caught in this year's derby and once again the Bayfield Lions Club
members made their annual contribution to the Bayfield Anglers Association (BAA) in
recognition of the valuable work the anglers do.
"If it wasn't for the efforts of these volunteers, there would be very few trout caught on the
Bayfield River and there would be no trout derby," said Lion Tom Grasby, coordinator of the
trout derby.
Over 30 years ago the gradual depletion of rainbow in the Bayfield River was a big concern.
These volunteers started a hatchery and have been stocking the Bayfield River with Rainbow
Trout ever since - in fact about 90 per cent of the trout found in the river start their lives in the
hatchery. The BAA's hatchery is reputed to be one of the oldest in Ontario.
Editor's Note: For a full story on the BAA, the hatchery and their stocking program read the
story published in the Bayfield Breeze on Sept. 7, 2011— Week 37 Issue 114.
Inside The Ashwood Bourbon Bar there will be some
special "Black Magic" cocktails brewing and for
anyone who wishes to make a weekend out of it
accommodations are also available at a discount.
Reservations for dinner are recommended.
St. Andrew's United Church Women (UCW) will host
their annual "Christmas Holly Berry Market and Bake
Sale over the Christmas in Bayfield Weekend, this
year it is scheduled for Nov. 13-14.
The sale will be held at St. Andrew's United Church
on Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The market will feature crafts, quilts and a food booth
serving lunch.
The Bayfield Agricultural Society will also be selling
their always- popular fresh green wreaths and swags
outside at the front of the church with proceeds going
to the Bayfield Community Fair.
Members of the Bayfield Arena Community Partners
Association (BACPA) are partnering with the folks at
The Albion Hotel to host an untraditional evening of
fundraising on Nov. 25.
"Not Your Traditional Holiday Cooking Class with
Chef Bone" will begin at 6 p.m. at The Albion and
includes a four -course meal.
Tickets for the event are available now for $65 with
proceeds going to the BACPA.
Please call Sarah at 519 639-9103 or visit The Albion
to purchase tickets.
When you're a kid there is nothing better than getting
a treat when visiting the old ice rink. So it is exciting
to know that the snack bar at the Bayfield Arena is
back up and running again. Can't you just feel that
cup of hot chocolate warming your hands?
This comforting drink, and other treats, will be served
to more arena visitors if volunteers can be found to
operate the booth, especially on Saturdays.
The Bayfield Arena Community Partners are looking
for Grade 9 and 10 students who would like to earn
their community hours volunteering at "The Pit Stop"
snack bar.
Anyone interested can call or text Tracey Johnston at
519 525-0291 or email her at
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Week 44 Issue 330
Twenty-five hardy hikers took to the Sawmill Trail on the afternoon of Nov. 12, 2014 as part of the Christmas
in Bayfield weekend events. They were led by Bayfield River Valley Trail Association Certified Hike Leaders. On
Nov. 1 people have the opportunity to take a Hike Ontario workshop and join the list of local hike leaders.
(Photo by Jack Pal)
The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) has found that hikes are much more
enjoyable when there is a Hike Leader. Not just someone who knows the way, but someone
who applies safety, best practices, fun, local knowledge and the ability to work with his or her
group to make a successful outing. The BRVTA currently has 10 Certified Hike Leaders and
would like more so that they can increase the number and variety of guided hikes in this area.
On Nov. 1, instructors from Hike Ontario will be training new Certified Hike Leaders at the
Bayfield Lions' Community Building from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Course topics include: risk management, leadership, Trail Guides, maps, outdoor techniques,
environmental appreciation and hike planning. The cost of this Certified Hike Leader training
course is $55 per person.
However, this weekend there are some special incentives to encourage more participation.
Because of a Seniors Hike Initiative Sponsorship Program developed for Hike Ontario, the cost
of the course has been reduced to $15 for those who are age 55 and older. In addition the
BRVTA will pay the costs of local participants who agree to lead at least two hikes per year in
and around Bayfield.
Prerequisites for taking the course include the need for a level of hiking competence and
experience and participants will be asked to list five recent day hikes that they have taken over
the past year.
For more information call Roger Lewington at 519 565-2202.
The Petty brothers, George and James, are attributed with being the founding fathers of
Arriving in Canada from Yorkshire, England in the early 1850s the brothers purchased land in
Hensall and successfully attracted the "London, Huron & Bruce Express", a rail line that ran
from Wingham to London. With the addition of the new railroad the brothers were able to open
The Yorkshire Packing House shortly after 1876. The Packing House was Ontario's largest at
the time, handling over 12,000 pigs per year. The character of the Hensall settlement, still
known today for its stockyard, mills and elevators, is attributed to the Petty brothers.
The Writer's Circle is returning to the Bayfield Library
on Wednesday nights from Oct. 28 to Dec. 2.
The Circle will help anyone interested in learning how
to write. It will be a safe place for sharing your
writing, be it poetry, your new novel, or even your
grocery list! The Writer's Circle will help build better
writers and a literary community based on respect
and trust.
Judy Keightley will facilitate the group. Meetings will
begin at 6:30 p.m.
Please contact Keightley at 519 565-4515 for more
information or ask Librarian Jamie Thomas at the
The Municipality of Bluewater has initiated a Class
Environmental Assessment process for expansion of
the Bayfield Sewage Treatment Facility. A public
information meeting has been planned to advise
residents of the status of study investigations and to
provide a tentative timeline for completion of the
Environmental Assessment and implementation of
the project.
Representatives of the Municipality and the Project
Engineers will be in attendance at the Bayfield
Community Centre on Oct. 31 from 10 a.m. to noon.
A presentation will be made at 10:30 a.m.
The following information will be presented: project
background and description, current facility
description and performance, what expansion
options are being explored, potential service area
expansion into Central Huron and expected timeline
for implementation.
Blessings Community Store is a thrift store as well as
a food bank on Main Street in Zurich. People may
have noticed that their donation box in Bayfield has
moved from the old Foodland lot to the Nip N' Tuck
lot (just north of the building). Residents are
encouraged to drop in the box clean, gently used
clothing and household goods they no longer need or
want. The sale of these items in the thrift store help
to support the food bank as well as help others.
Please call 519 236-4376 with questions.
It is flu shot season once again. The Bluewater Area
Family Health Team will be holding an Influenza
Clinic at the Zurich Community Centre on Nov. 4.
The clinic will run from 4-6 p.m.
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Week 44 Issue 330
The brothers were also instrumental in the
erection of Hensall's famous town hall in 1914.
The hall has remained a cultural hub of the
community ever since, hosting dances,
performances and celebrations attracting
people from far and wide. The lower level of the
town hall is also the home of the Hensall Public
Today the hall remains a focal point of the
community. The Hensall Heritage Hall
Committee (HHHC) was formed in 2011 and
this group has been working tirelessly to restore
the hall to its former glory. It is the hope of the
HHHC and its many supporters that following
The Petty brothers, George and James, were restoration the hall will once again be a vital
instrumental in the erection of Hensall's famous
town hall in 1914. (Photos by Erin Samuell) part of life in the community. Once restoration is
completed the hall will feature such modern
amenities, as an elevator and comfortable portable seating that will allow for greater
accessibility and multi-purpose usage.
A semi -circular bench can now be found in front of the town hall. It features a life-size sculpture, by local artist
and blacksmith, Jim Wallace, that honors the village's founding brothers and offers patrons of the hall a
chance to take a seat beside Hensall history.
Oct. 22 marked an exciting milestone for the HHHC as they proudly returned the Petty Brothers
to their home on Main Street. In front of the town hall building a semi -circular bench featuring a
life-size sculpture, by local artist and blacksmith, Jim Wallace, honors the village's founding
brothers James and George Petty and offers patrons of the Hall a chance to take a seat beside
Hensall history.
Those people receiving the shot are asked to wear a
top with sleeves that will roll up easily and also bring
their CHIP Health Card.
The Bayfield Community Playgroup, supported by
Rural Response for Healthy Children, is making a
Parents or caregivers are invited to come to the
library on Tuesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. to play and
learn together with their youngsters.
The Bayfield Euchre Club will play their next session
of cards on Nov. 4.
The club meets at the Bayfield Lions' Community
Building on alternate Wednesdays at 7 p.m. The cost
to play cards is $2.
All are welcome. For more information contact Lee
Weiss at 519 565-2765.
Dr. Rich Samuell at Main Street Optometric wants to
let Bayfield residents know that full eye health
examinations are available at his Bayfield office.
Examinations are fully covered by CHIP for children
and teens, seniors, and those with diabetes. Main
Street Optometric uses current technology including
a "no -puff' eye pressure check, as well as digital
retinal photography to monitor for eye conditions like
glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic
Please call 519 565-2300 to schedule an
"We're proud of this monument that honors both the cultural and agricultural history of
Bluewater," said Mayor Tyler Hessel. "The Hensall Heritage Hall Committee continues to Community Connections Outreach Services from
dedicate themselves to this project and we are appreciative of all of their efforts so far. We look Zurich is hosting blood pressure monitoring and
forward to continuing to work with the committee and celebrating many future successes measurement as part of the Cardiovascular Health
together." Awareness Program (CHAP) in Bayfield.
From Kay Wise, HHHC chair, "We are seeing our efforts become part of the community and
The goal of CHAP is to promote cardiovascular
the best part is that the committee members are the same people for the most part who started
health in the local community and to raise awareness
with only a dream and much dedication because we knew it could be done."
about the importance of blood pressure monitoring.
To learn more or to donate to the Hensall Heritage Hall project please visit:
Trained volunteers will help participants measure
their blood pressure and complete a heart and stroke
risk profile. A copy of these results will be given to
the participant and, with their permission, sent to
their family physician if they are participating in the
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Week 44 Issue 330
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) last completed a Shoreline Management Plan
in 2000. A steering committee and consulting team are now conducting work to update the
plan. The end of 2016 is the timeframe set for the completion of the updated Shoreline
Management Plan.
The steering committee includes local people with an interest in shoreline issues, representing
seasonal and shoreline residents, industry, neighboring conservation authorities, the counties
of Lambton and Huron, and representatives of the four municipalities along the shoreline in
Ausable Bayfield watersheds. The steering committee is providing individuals in Ausable
Bayfield watersheds with a chance to provide early input through an online survey. The survey
has 18 questions so property owners can offer some of their concerns, issues, and priorities as
the steering committee moves forward with its work.
The conservation authority is to send correspondence to a number of people with an interest in
shoreline management to invite them to complete the survey. The survey is also available
online. People may complete the survey directly by visiting this link:
www.surveymonkey.com/r/Shoreline-Management-Plan-Update. The survey is to be open until
Feb. 1, 2016.
Survey respondents may provide their name and contact information to be entered into draws
to possibly win one of three grand prizes to be awarded of a family pass for the year to Rock
Glen Conservation Area in Arkona. Each Family Season's Pass prize is valued at $45. Public
opportunities for input, in addition to the survey, are to include public open houses planned for
2016 when some of the technical work is to be ready in draft.
The ABCA Shoreline Management Plan was completed in 1994 and updated in 2000, water
and planning Manager with ABCA, Alec Scott.
"It is important to regularly review these documents, as lake levels fluctuate with weather and
climate changes," he said.
According to Scott, it is important to ensure the Shoreline Management Plan captures the
priorities of the people along the shoreline and in our inland communities.
"We need to ensure the science is current, that we share knowledge and ideas with
municipalities and people in the watershed community, and ensure that strategies are
reasonable and effective to manage a number of shoreline issues," he said.
A key component of the Shoreline Management Plan addresses the shoreline hazard limits for
flooding, erosion, and dynamic beaches. The document is used both for reference and to direct
changes to land use planning documents of lakeshore municipalities.
Some of the main objectives of a Shoreline Management Plan include:
• Reducing or eliminating damage due to periods of erosion, flooding and dynamic beach
movement that may occur to development close to the shore of a Great Lake or large inland
• Directing new development away from hazardous areas.
• Helping to protect existing development from potential impacts of new development.
People may find out about the plan update by visiting the shoreline management plan web
page at www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=shoreline-management. The page includes answers
to a list of frequently asked questions. It also includes the link to the survey.
Anyone with further questions is also invited to contact Alec Scott or Geoff Cade at Ausable
Bayfield Conservation at 519 235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@abca.on.ca.
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The sessions run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the
third Thursday of every month, at Pharmasave
Michael's Pharmacy.
To learn more please call local CHAP Coordinator,
Heidi Klopp at 519 236-4373 Ext. 632.
Members of Bayfield Guiding are now selling
Chocolatey Mint Girl Guide Cookies for $5 a box.
Profits from sales help with program activities and
field trips. Anyone wishing cookies should contact
Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 525-3830.
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6/13/2019 Week 44 Issue 330
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Volume 7
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr.
Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the
photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about
certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier.
This week, two gentlemen inspect some of the older stones at the Bayfield Cemetery. Does
anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB 13 34b)
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flicks
Lli%Ch. Ort.
519 236 7333 i 519 565 3373
Attics f Spray Farm
In Issue 328, two ministers and a lady are shown.
Does anyone remember them? Notes with the
picture say they are Canon and Mrs. Langford and
Rev. Harrison. (Archives Code: PB13 32a)
In Issue 329, a young man is pictured. Does anyone
remember him? (Archives Code: PB13 21 b) Records
indicate it is an image of a young Harry Baker, who
would later become known for penning his memoirs
about life in the village. Copies of his book are
available at The Bayfield Heritage Centre and
Archives on Main Street.
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Week 44 Issue 330
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Sergeant Day -Lewis - Philip Keightley and Inspector Morsel - Gary Lloyd Rees.
The Lulubelles - Dorothy Griffith and Lisa Stewart.
On Saturday, Oct. 24th, Pandora Pettigras and
Jeremy Smythe -Jones were set to "tie the knot".
The beautifully decorated Bayfield Town Hall was
filled to capacity with wedding guests (those 80
people lucky enough to purchase tickets before
they were sold out), who were on hand to witness
the celebration. The groom (Tyler Hessel) and his
best man (Jim Fergusson) and the rest of the
wedding party stood at the front as the bride
(Leanne Kavanagh) was escorted down the aisle
by her father (Jerry Selk). Suddenly, the lights
dimmed and a shot rang out. When the lights
came on, the guests learned that the groom had
been murdered!
No wedding would take place, of course, but all
present had to remain as witnesses and even
potential suspects, until a police investigation
could be conducted. Graciously, the bride's father
agreed that guests would be fed their three -
course dinner during the wait. And since they had
already been paid, the Lulubelles (Dorothy Griffith
and Lisa Stewart) provided wonderful
entertainment during the interlude, although some
did question the suitability of their second song,
"Going to the Chapel".
All were relieved by the return of Inspector Morsel
(Gary Lloyd -Rees) and Sergeant Day -Lewis
(Philip Keightley), known for their key roles in
solving previous murder mysteries at the Bayfield
Town Hall. Through their astute questioning,
wedding guests learned more about the members
of the wedding party, including the bickering
mothers of the bride (Sandy Scotchmer) and
groom (Margo Robeson), and the promiscuous
bridesmaids (Jane Rowat and Joy Love), both of
whom admitted to having affairs with the groom.
The questionable business practices of several
were raised, including the bride's father and
especially the best man, who had been using the
groom's imported rubber duckies to smuggle
cocaine. Even the minister (Greg Stewart) came
under scrutiny when he revealed he had obtained
his ordination via the internet, which included a
law degree for an extra $10.
The cast was rounded out by Penny the Party
Planner (Judy Keightley) and her assistant Mimi
Remital (Helen Latimer).
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Week 44 Issue 330
All the wedding guests, whether in character or not, enjoyed the efforts of Bronwyn Bechard and her team of
servers that kept the courses coming as the story unfolded.
Mother -of -the -Groom, Tabby Smythe -Jones - Margo Robeson and Katie Cool -Girl - Kate Lloyd -Rees.
Bridesmaid Prudence Pratt - Jane Rowat, Bride Pandora Pettigras - Leanne Kavanagh, Mother -of -the -Bride
Samantha Pettigras - Sandy Scotchmer, and Father -of -the -Bride, Randal Pettigras - Jerry Selk.
As the wedding guests enjoyed dessert, they
were asked to assist by submitting their views as
to who the murderer might be. Only two people
guessed correctly, as in the end the best man,
Damon Matt, confessed his guilt. Turns out the
groom was planning to sell the rubber ducky
business, thus ending the lucrative smuggling
operation, plus the best man was in love with the
The Bayfield Town Hall offers thanks to all who
contributed to the success of this event, including
sponsor, Deb Penhale, Huron Real Estate;
Graham Wallace, Sound and Lighting; Bronwyn
Bechard and her team, and all the servers; Jane
Maclaren for the hall decorations; and
Renegades for the dinner. Special recognition
goes to writer and director, Judy Keightley whose
creativity and dedication made this wonderful
evening possible.
Jane Maclaren provided the decorations that adorned the
town hall for the wedding themed production.
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Week 44 Issue 330
The murder mystery dinner was a sell-out fundraiser for the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society.
Bridesmaid Sue -Ellen Dallas - Joy Love and Best Man Damon Matt - Jim Fergusson.
Sandy Scotchmer, president of the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society acknowledged that Penny the Party
Planner - Judy Keightley was also the playwright behind the production.
Bridesmaid Prudence Pratt - Jane Rowat and the bride -
that- wasn't - Leanne Kavanagh.
Father -of -the -Groom, Tom Smythe -Jones - Scott Robeson
enjoyed the three -course dinner catered by Renegades
Diner in Bayfield.
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Week 44 Issue 330
Great Aunt Agatha - Jane MacLaren.
Shannon McClenaghan H.I.S. 777Ben
Lc �41.P.
Happy Halloween By Melody Falconer -Pounder
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr,
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Week 44 Issue 330
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye – please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
171:1 ill ^4 It 1't' i' I
Melody Falconer -Pounder
I received two letters to the editor this week. And although these are always welcome, this isn't really a vehicle in which there is
space to publish such letters. However 1 thought they were worth sharing with readers and have decided to lend my non-
partisan "Submissions" section to share them with you. The first is from MP for Huron -Bruce Ben Lobb (dated Oct. 21), the
second is from Alan Thompson, Liberal Party of Canada Candidate, Huron -Bruce riding (dated Oct. 22). – Melody
Thank you! Over the last seven years I have had the honor of serving as the Member of Parliament for Huron -Bruce and I am
truly humbled to continue to work on your behalf in Ottawa.
I want to thank the people of Huron -Bruce for their support. I also want to thank my family, friends and all the dedicated
volunteers that have supported me over the years. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
We had a great team and this was the best campaign we've ever run. Over the course of the last 11 weeks we knocked on 18,000 doors, participated in
nine All -Candidates' debates, walked over 450 miles, made over 40,000 phone calls and put up 4,000 lawn signs.
We knew we were in for a real fight, and I want to congratulate the other candidates, Allan Thompson, Gerard Creces and Jutta Splettstoesser on their
Again, thank you to the voters of Huron -Bruce for your trust and support! - Ben Lobb, MP Huron -Bruce
The people of Huron -Bruce should be congratulated for engaging in the democratic process in unprecedented numbers in the Oct. 19 federal election.
More than 72 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot in this riding. That voter turnout of 57,888 is the highest ever in Huron -Bruce. As one of the
candidates in that contest, I was impressed at every stage of the long campaign by the engagement of ordinary voters who were among the thousands of
people I met on their doorsteps and at community events.
Perhaps equally important, as a first-time candidate, I was overwhelmed by the participation of volunteers in the electoral process. I recruited in excess of
300 people to work on my campaign: knocking on doors, delivering flyers, making phone calls and staffing campaign offices, among other things.
Despite working for 10 years as a political reporter, I don't think I fully understood the role volunteers play in an election campaign at the riding level. While
I wasn't successful at the ballot box, I cherish every moment of my own 18 -month campaign to be the Member of Parliament for Huron -Bruce.
Please allow me to extend my thanks to all those who voted and particularly to the thousands who supported me, to my hundreds of volunteers, to the
dozens who worked full-time on my behalf and most of all, to my family. Together, I think we demonstrated that the democratic process is alive and well in
Canada. —Allan Thompson, Liberal Party of Canada Candidate, Huron -Bruce riding
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830.
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Week 44 Issue 330
O SHARE MV[' ].,
p 5 1 C h up T Q R
Founding Members
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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