HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2015-02-18, Page 16/13/2019 BAYFIELD Week 8 Issue 294 BREEZE 4D P HARMA AVE �IUINIpIIIIIMIIIgIINpIIINN ,- �, i��YAL LEPAGE �nrrrnrrnuir�rwr� rwrrus.-s•mr.r RAN MATTHEW CA' I A.I 519-565-5336 1 iw/m -r �f v � BAWIELD BREEZE -_ �'� rlie vrfldyre`s d�.vn crrrforaengws StlurC� O SHARE M "1®9 ..' Feb. 18, 2015 Vol. 6 Week 8 Issue 294 CRAFTING UP A STORM STORY AND PHOTOS BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Visitors to the Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL) Valentine's Day celebration mid-day on Feb. 14 had the opportunity to make nine different crafts. A few children and even some adults enjoyed sitting down at the tables to make love bugs from candy treats, Valentine's decor and cards for their sweethearts. Folks from Tavistock rented a cottage in Bayfield for Family Day Weekend and while the gents were out snowmobiling the ladies decided to explore Main Street. They were pleasantly surprised to find it was craft HoNI]A LIBRARY NEWS Feb. 21 is "Local Authors' Day" with four published scribes discussing their experiences with regards to writing and publishing at the Bayfield Library. Anyone wishing to give writing a try or in need of some inspiration is invited to bring a bag lunch and join in the discussion with Fran Hook, Judy Keightley, Deborah Tadema and Bill "Snakebite" Ferguson. The event will run from noon until 1:30 p.m. On Feb. 28, the "Saturdays at the Library' series will continue with a presentation by Kevin and Nancy Kale. The couple will share their knowledge of The Home Exchange Process by describing their five- week home exchange experience in Ireland in 2014. The event will be held at the Bayfield Library and will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 1/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 time at the Bayfield Library. Making cards for their sweethearts were (1-r): Courtney Soehner, Cassandra Ramseyer, Joan Hergott, Courtney Bender, Tori Ramseyer and Shari Ramseyer. It was a crafter's delight at the Bayfield Library mid- day on Feb. 14 with nine craft options available to those who wished to make and take. Charlotte Kwasniewski, and her Mom Sarah, from Goderich, enjoyed making a heart -shaped bird feeder together using colored Cheerios as the main ingredient. Alister Gilbert shared a humorous moment with his Mom Cary as they worked to assemble a heart -shaped bird feeder. Alister believed in the eat -two -string -one policy and his mom wasn't so sure that was the best way to craft. Heather Klopp will be the guest speaker at the next installment of the Bayfield Historical Society's (BHS) Speakers Series on Feb. 23. Klopp, a returning guest, will be presenting an entertaining and informative session about the state of the Hay Town Hall and its history. She is well known in the community for her work in saving and preserving local history. The meeting will be held at the Bayfield Lion's Building starting at 7:30 p.m. BHS memberships for 2015 will also be available that evening. A Lenten tradition, the congregation of Trinity Anglican Church welcomes the community to join in fellowship over a hearty bowl of soup while delighting in a great cinematic work. "Soup and a Movie at Trinity" will be held over five Mondays starting on Feb. 23 from 6-9 p.m. A free will offering is collected with any extra funds going to outreach. All in the community are welcome but need to reserve their spot by calling 519 565-2790 by the Sunday prior to the movie. The schedule of movies is as follows: Gravity, Feb. 23; The Book Thief, March 2; Saving Mr. Banks, March 9; 12 Years a Slave, March 16; and The One Hundred Foot Journey, March 23. ICECULTURE INC. Iceculture in Hensall is inviting the community to come and "Explore Ice" this March Break with three daily tours being offered from March 16-20. "Our teams have traveled to many parts of the world and the tour guides will be pleased to share some of these experiences," said Karen Windsor, from Iceculture. "However, maintaining a community focus is important to the staff at Iceculture so we are donating a portion of our tour sales to Children's Hospital London Health Sciences Centre." Please check the website www.iceculture.com/tours for more information on our tours and contact Karen@iceculture.com or 1-888-251-9967 for available times and pricing. KNITTING 1-2-3 Knitting 1-2-3 is the name of the Bayfield knitting group! The name was chosen because the group meets from 1-3 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at the Bayfield Library. Organizers note that it has been six months now since Bayfield's knitting club was started. During the winter some of the more enthusiastic knitters have cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 2/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 Charlie Curtis enjoyed her first Valentine's Day at the library. She wasn't really into the crafts but she was wearing appropriate holiday attire - red, white and pink! Connor Gilbert worked patiently on a very special decoration for Valentine's Day. ICE TIME also been meeting every Thursday and just sitting around the fireplace to knit. Everyone is welcome to join them. The next meeting will be Feb. 19. Please email Carole at bobcarolecampbell2@gmail.com or Louise at lever louise@hotmail.com for more information. HEARING CLINIC A monthly hearing clinic has been established in the village at Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy. The next date for the clinic is March 10. The Kincardine Hearing Clinic will be offering their services on the third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The clinic will offer: hearing aid adjustments and repairs to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive devices. Please call Shannon Gould at The Kincardine Hearing Clinic at 1-855-396-6026 to book an appointment. COMPUTER INSTRUCTION The Bayfield Public Library will be providing free computer and technology instruction on Wednesdays and Saturdays under the direction of Grant Richard, the new Internet Access Assistant for the Goderich and Bayfield branches of the Huron County Library system. Sessions are to be booked by appointment. Four hour-long sessions are available Wednesdays and may booked on the hour between 1-4 p.m and on Saturdays on the hour between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. According to Richard, "The Government of Canada Two Bayfield service clubs stepped up with donations to sponsor ice time at the local rink recently. Above: Bill provides funding for this initiative. We are aiming to Whetstone, vice -chair of the Bayfield Arena Community Partners (BACP) accepted a cheque from Lion Penny Overboe while some of her fellow club members looked on. Below: Kim Loebach, treasurer of the BACP hopefully hold some group sessions in the future. accepted a cheque from Joyce McIlwain, president of the Bayfield Optimist Club. (Submitted photos) The program is aimed at patrons of all ages, and is held within the library. We ask that interested patrons provide their own devices." Please call the library at 519 565-2886 to book an appointment. ONE CARE One Care offers many fun exercise and socializing opportunities in Bayfield. There is something happening almost every day! There is a revised winter schedule on the arena door and on the bulletin board by the library and more information available inside the library or call 519 565-2202 for more cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 3/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 M � HAY MHTHAIL 519-236-4381 REMEMBER ME? integrity -- Eve" yr Ev Yth i ng! LAKE HURON RLAL E'S'FM E' UNITED There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, a couple celebrating a milestone anniversary is featured. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB 13 22b) information or to receive monthly information via the Wave to Wellness email. Plus people can now see what fitness happenings are occurring in the village on Facebook. Visit www.facebook.com/- bayfieldexercise for daily details. re - vptomotrr ISSUE 292 In Issue 292, another image taken in 1963 when the Bayfield Cemetery Board members toured the cemetery. (Archive's Code: PB 22 34b) ISSUE 293 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 4/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 F Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr. SHEAR ?ALEN T 0 SHARE ®#®... PHOTO STORY jSfEEETA LR "A r�wsewa In Issue 293, for Valentine's Day we feature a bride and groom on their wedding day. The image is from the photo collection of Lucy Woods -Diehl. Does anyone recognize the happy couple? The bride is reported to be Betty Gairdner. (Archive's Code: PB 13 10b) BAYFIELD TOWN HALL HERITAGE SOCIETY HOT SOUP AND WIND CHILLS ON FAMILY DAY WEEKEND cc.villageofbayfiield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 5/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 Two local churches, ten community groups, as well as six local restaurants took part in the fifth annual, "Soup's On" held at the Bayfield Town Hall on the afternoon of Feb. 15. V PHOTOS AND STORY BY GARY LLOYD- Olga Palmer, of Bayfield, enjoyed trying the different soups and visiting with both the professional and amateur chefs. REES On the coldest day of the winter so far, on the afternoon of Feb. 15, the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS), hosted its fifth annual "Soup's On". The Bayfield Town Hall was again packed to capacity for the event. There were eighteen soups to taste and vote on at the event - participants even had the opportunity to purchase town hall mugs to savor the soups from. Two local churches, ten community groups, as well as six local restaurants took part. Richard Fitoussi, once again officiated as the judge for the "Chefs Award" for which only the restaurants were in competition. After tasting all 18 soups in a blind tasting and marking them for presentation, aroma, taste and originality, he awarded first place to first time winner, The Docks Restaurant for their entry of "Thai Coconut and Carrot" soup. Fitoussi awarded second place to The Black Dog Pub and Bistro for their "Smoked Ham Hock and Collard Greens with Poppy Seed Dumplings" soup, and third place to The Little Inn with their "Pork and Bean" soup. Fitoussi also marked the church/community groups' offerings and although their award was separately decided by popular vote, bragging rights go to his top three choices: first, One Care - Bayfield Keep Fit ("Seafood Chowder"); second, Bayfield Blue Flag ("Middle Eastern Lentil Soup with Parsley and Sour Cream"); and third, the Bayfield International Croquet Club ("Spicy Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup"). Ballots were collected from the public for the "People's Choice Award" for which only the church and community groups were in cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 6/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 Judith Higgs, of Bayfield, sampled Chef Colin Corriveau's "Thai Coconut and Carrot" soup. This entry from The Dock's Restaurant would go on to win the "Chef's Award" - a first for the business. Bev Pounder, of Bayfield, enjoyed her soup samplings in a town hall mug, served up by Judy Keightley who was appropriately attired to mind the Bayfield Historical Society's soup entry. competition. First place went to One Care - Bayfield Keep Fit. This was a first time entry for One Care and a result, once again, in line with the expert judge. Second place went to the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association ("Chicken Tortilla Soup") and third place to the Bayfield Mews (Sweet Potato and Pear Soup). The public's choices for restaurants (covered by the Chef's Award) were: first, The Albion Hotel ("Mulligatawny Soup"); second, The Black Dog; and third, The Docks Restaurant. Other participants were: Knox Presbyterian Church, Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield Historical Society, Bayfield Lions' Club, Bayfield Town Hall, Bayfield Farmers Market, Charles St. Market representing the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce, DaVinci Ristorante and Renegades Diner. Fitoussi, presented the "Chefs Award" to Colin Corriveau owner and chef of The Docks, and Bluewater Deputy Mayor Jim Fergusson gave the "People's Choice Award" to One Care's, Tory Hyde. The awards, beautifully crafted for the event by Bob Merriman, will be engraved with the winners' names and they will be allowed to keep them for one year. Kate Lloyd -Rees, past -president of the BTHHS, thanked all the local groups and restaurants for once again participating in Soup's On, as well as the public for attending. She commented that the event is yet another example of how the Bayfield community excels in coming together for local events, which benefits every one of us. Vicar Wayne Malott, of Bayfield, happily taste -tested the competition although he was strongly cheering for the Trinity Anglican Church entry. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 7/11 6/13/2019 / l0 00 l0 000 0 lid 00 00 1110 01 vo M1ON� lo tiMsoow-. a1�AAR`ia)aYJrp'�. Week 8 Issue 294 _qw-111111110 MMA Richard Fitoussi was given the difficult task of tasting all 18 soups. His expert palette declared the restaurant placements in this friendly competition. On the coldest day of the winter, so far, the Bayfield Town Hall was at capacity with eager soup tasters. Hcare $4F7POId SarvicOs Tory Hyde was the chef behind the Seafood Chowder entry from One Care - Bayfield Keep Fit. Her talents were rewarded with the "People's Choice Award" for which only the church and community groups were in competition. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 8/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 Richard Fitoussi and Bluewater's Deputy Mayor, Jim Fergusson (far right) presented the award for Chef's Choice to Colin Corriveau, chef and owner of The Dock's Restaurant. The winners were announced by Past President of the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society, Kate Lloyd -Rees. 6AYFlELD BREEZE - 11S Wild Bird Seed co. L TA K1 W PtMLATED - IMAGE OF TIE WEEK Winter Storm by Dennis Pal BAYFIELD 0 1111 ST Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 9/11 6/13/2019 Week 8 Issue 294 1 am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued .k— Ba�y�f�ie�ld Mews '4YaV$'' LR' Sw4e Exclusive SS+ Community One Flour Townhomes 519 - 565 - 45422 www_bayfieIdm ews.w Melody Falconer -Pounder ] THE 2©18-19 SEASON LIZ W MID SUBMISSIONS �naB � DES1�Fs1 �,.t luaich. aml. DESIGN/BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTILLATION GARDEN CENTER ?41984 BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 r' 519 565 7173 The Bayfield Breeze now has its own dedicated Facebook Page. If you are a Facebook member why not "Like" us at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bayfield-Breeze/206183479424800 - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@yillageofbayfield.com or call 519-525-3830. p A►YFIELD BREEZE rhe• �.: I:.nria'< ni.:.n ..n J,no nru+e .ni ir..• (O SHARE M CE9 j cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 10/11 6/13/2019 si r. UP r u R EBA.'FIELDu BREEZE CLICK HERE �l Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 8 Issue 294 Credits: Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek8lssue294/tabid/711/Default.aspx 11/11