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week 06 Issue 292
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Q SHARE C+rl►®... Feb. 4, 2015 Vol. 6 Week 6 Issue 292
Dave Mackechnie, bakery and deli manager at Bayfield Foodland gave the Sparks, Brownies and Guides a tour
of the in- store deli and bakery. He also shared his knowledge of safe food handling practises.
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It's all hearts and flowers at the Bayfield Library on
Feb. 14 when the Friends of the Bayfield Library
(FOBL) will celebrate Valentine's Day with lots of fun
things to make including crafts, decorations and
This special holiday event will be held for one hour
starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Bayfield Library.
Cast a vote for your favorite soup at the Bayfield
Town Hall's annual "Soup's On" event Feb. 15.
Once again local groups and organizations, as well
as many of Bayfield's restaurants, will compete for
the honor of winning one of the coveted Soup Ladles
Who will be the best of Bayfield's soup chefs in
As in previous years, there will be a People's Choice
Award and also a Celebrity Award, where judge
Richard Fitoussi will select his favorite soup in a
"blind" tasting.
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Sparks, Brownies and Guides with Bayfield Guiding are working on badges supporting a
Healthy Eating theme and part of the program was a tour of the new Bayfield Foodland.
The girls visited the store on the evening of Jan. 28 and were given star treatment. Dave
Mackechnie, bakery and deli manager, showed them around the bakery and deli and also
shared his knowledge on safe food handling practices. Joe Lubbers, meat manager, showed
the girls what his job entails from cutting ribs and extruding hamburger to packaging and
labeling the various meats for sale.
The members of Bayfield Guiding spent some time exploring the produce section discovering a
variety of fruits and vegetables they may not have tried before. And then Owner Brad
Maidment, and his wife, Melissa, prepared some of these foreign fruits and vegetables for the
girls to taste test. They finished up by trying a selection of gourmet cheeses.
Bayfield Foodland owner Brad Maidment assisted Bayfield Brownie Riley Arthur in checking out some peanut
butter. At the end of their tour the Bayfield Guiding members got to check out their own groceries that their
leaders had shopped for. The food was later donated to the Bayfield Foodbank.
After a peek behind the scenes and a tour through the Health and Wellness Section of the
store the girls had an opportunity to work the cash register with a little help from the
storeowner. The girls' leaders picked out cereal, beans, soup, powdered milk, peanut butter,
cheese slices, tetra juice pack, individually packaged teas and hot chocolate that the units then
purchased as a donation to the Bayfield Foodbank. This provided a learning opportunity for the
girls to understand what the local food banks greatest needs are and how important it is to
make healthy choices for those who make use of it.
The meeting concluded with a little treat from the bakery — sweet treats in moderation
alongside healthy eats — now that's a fun way to earn a badge!
Bayfield residents and business owners — it's your turn to have your say! On Feb. 5 (snow date
— Feb. 12), at the Bayfield Community Centre all are invited to voice their opinions on the
village aspect of the Bluewater Community Improvement Plan (CIP) at an Open House.
In addition to comments the Open House will help establish a physical area within Bayfield that
the community feels should receive financial incentives for improvement. What is meant by
physical area? Organizers note that on a map a continuous line must be drawn enclosing the
one area (streets and property) in the village that needs the improvement. Participants may
"Soup's On" will run from 2-4 p.m. (voting will end at
3:30 p.m.). The cost to sample as many soups as
desired is $5 (at the door); children under 12 years
are free. Or, sample all the delicious soups, served in
your very own Bayfield Town Hall mug for just $10
and after the tasting is done, it's yours to take home!
The men of Trinity Anglican Church will have their
flippers at the ready on the evening of Feb. 17 when
they descend on the Parish Hall kitchen to prepare
their annual Shrove Tuesday Supper.
On the menu will be pancakes with Bayfield's own
maple syrup and sausage too. The meal will be
served from 5-7 p.m.
Tickets will be available at the door. The cost is:
adults, $6; children under 12 years, $3; preschoolers,
free; families, $15. Requests will be accepted for
take-out meals. For more information call 519 565-
And then the next morning, Feb. 18, Trinity will hold
an Ash Wednesday Service starting at 10:30 a.m.
And then a Lenten tradition begins...
The congregation at Trinity Anglican welcomes the
community to join in fellowship over a hearty bowl of
soup while delighting in a great cinematic work.
"Soup and a Movie at Trinity" will be held over five
Mondays starting on Feb. 23 from 6-9 p.m. A free will
offering is collected with any extra funds going to
outreach. All in the community are welcome but need
to reserve their spot by calling 519 565-2790 by the
Sunday prior to the movie.
The schedule of movies is as follows: Gravity, Feb.
23; The Book Thief, March 2; Saving Mr. Banks,
March 9; 12 Years a Slave, March 16; and The One
Hundred Foot Journey, March 23.
The Bayfield Public Library will be providing free
computer and technology instruction on Wednesdays
and Saturdays under the direction of Grant Richard,
the new Internet Access Assistant for the Goderich
and Bayfield branches of the Huron County Library
Sessions are to be booked by appointment. Four
hour-long sessions are available Wednesdays and
may booked on the hour between 1-4 p.m and on
Saturdays on the hour between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
According to Richard, "The Government of Canada
provides funding for this initiative. We are aiming to
hopefully hold some group sessions in the future.
The program is aimed at patrons of all ages, and is
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only draw around one area so they are encouraged to pick the area that needs to be the
immediate focus of attention.
Bluewater is the first in Huron to work on a CIP for the entire municipality. Since December
open houses have been held in Varna (for area hamlets), Hensall and Zurich with the final one
being held in Bayfield.
As Bayfield has a large number of "snowbirds" they are invited to join the conversation too via
email. Marck Cassidy, coordinator of Economic Development for Bluewater, will accept
comments until the end of March at m.cassidy@town.bluewater.on.ca.
The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society is delighted to announce that for their fourth annual
cabaret, they will be running not one, but two performances.
The cabaret will be held on Feb. 6-7 both shows beginning at 7:30 p.m.
This year's theme is "The Great White North Cabaret, Eh?" hosted by Bayfield's version of
"Bob and Doug McKenzie" along with a great local cast who will be showcasing a multitude of
the most renowned Canadian artists of the 20th century.
This year Paul Hill has taken over the reins as producer/director, so attendees are in for some
new looks, bands and special effects on stage.
Tickets are $15 per person and are available at ticketscene.ca or by calling 519 565-2572 or
519 565-2827. Cabaret style seating is featured and there will be a cash bar. Only a few tickets
remain. Call now if you don't want to miss out!
Morro is a border collie who loves to hide on his photographer friend Andrew Knapp. The Village Bookshop is
holding a "Find Morro" Scavenger Hunt over the Family Day Weekend. "Find Morro" books will be drawn for
amongst the top finishers, prizes and hot chocolate will be awarded to all! (Submitted photo)
held within the library. We ask that interested patrons
provide their own devices."
Please call the library at 519 565-2886 to book an
Knitting 1-2-3 is the name of the Bayfield knitting
group! The name was chosen because the group
meets from 1-3 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of
the month at the Bayfield Library.
Organizers note that it has been six months now
since Bayfield's knitting club was started. During the
winter some of the more enthusiastic knitters have
also been meeting every Thursday and just sitting
around the fireplace to knit. Everyone is welcome to
join them.
The next meeting will be Feb. 5.
Please email Carole at
bobcarolecampbe112@gmail.com or Louise at
lever_louise@hotmail.com for more information.
Skating season is in full swing at the Bayfield Arena
with opportunities for all ages and skill levels to take
to the ice.
On Mondays, "Moms & Tots Skating" will be held
from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The Municipality of
Bluewater is sponsoring this ice time for the youngest
in the community.
All skill levels are welcome to enjoy a free one-hour
skate at the arena every Wednesday starting at 9:30
a.m. All are encouraged to come and enjoy this free
time on the ice thanks to the sponsorship of Absolute
Automation. Please note that this free skate was
originally on Monday mornings.
And on Fridays and Mondays at 8 p.m. Men's Pickup
Hockey games are being enjoyed — very little skill is
required. Also on Fridays, Women's Pickup Hockey
is held. Participants take to the ice at 7p.m. Fun,
exercise and laughs all for $15 per game.
For additional information please contact the Bayfield
Arena at 519 565-2121.
Stay tuned to the Bayfield Breeze and www.bacp.ca
for more information and announcements on ice
availability and events this winter at the Bayfield
Arena and Community Centre.
One Care offers many fun exercise and socializing
opportunities in Bayfield. There is something
happening almost every day! There is a revised
winter schedule on the arena door and on the bulletin
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The Village Bookshop is holding a "Find Momo" Scavenger Hunt over the Family Day
Momo is a border collie who loves to hide on his photographer friend Andrew Knapp. The two
drove across Canada resulting is an endearing photo book where Momo is hidden somewhere
in every shot.
For three days over the Family Day weekend Momo's stunt double could be spotted around
town and his photo cards will be hidden in shops along Main Street. Participants are asked to
check in at The Village Bookshop to get details about the Scavenger Hunt and then return their
finds to the shop before 3 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 16. Then an award ceremony will be held at 3
"Find Momo" books will be drawn for amongst the top finishers, prizes and hot chocolate will be
awarded to all!
On ]an. 27, and in recognition of Family Literacy Day, JK to Grade 2 students from St. Boniface School visited
the Zurich Public Library to celebrate Family Literacy Day. Sally, Michelle and Pete the Cat prepared story
telling and crafts for the students. In addition to the library visit some students enjoyed a visit from three
special guests including, a female firefighter, a high school drama teacher and Bluewater Mayor Tyler Hessel
who all read stories to the students. They also shared how literacy is used and is important in their occupation.
(Submitted photo)
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There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
board by the library and more information available
inside the library or call 519 565-2202 for more
information or to receive monthly information via the
Wave to Wellness email.
IN 1
THE BUS comes to Bayfield every Tuesday as part
of the Rural Response for Healthy Children (RRHC)
The playgroup at the Bayfield Library occurs every
Tuesday morning from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and includes
an opportunity for toy lending.
THE BUS offers its lending services to community
daycares and Full Day Early Learning classrooms
throughout the county on a mutually agreed upon
The New Year is a great time to check in with our
hearing health. A monthly hearing clinic has been
established in the village at Pharmasave Michael's
Pharmacy. The next date for the clinic is Feb. 10.
The Kincardine Hearing Clinic will be offering their
services on the third Tuesday of every month from 9
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The clinic will offer: hearing aid adjustments and
repairs to all makes and models, no cost hearing
tests, new prescription of hearing aids, wax removal,
hearing aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing
assistive devices.
Please call Shannon Gould at The Kincardine
Hearing Clinic at 1-855-396-6026 to book an
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bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr.
Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the
photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about
certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier.
This week, another image taken in 1963 when the Bayfield Cemetery Board members toured
the cemetery. (Archives Code: PB 23 34b)
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flicks
i� ;
In Issue 290, an image by photographer H. Foster of
Clinton, Ont., is featured. Does anyone remember
this gentleman? (Archives Code: PB 13 28a)
In Issue 291, we start a little series of images
captured in the Bayfield Cemetery. Does anyone
recognize the men pictured? Records indicate they
were Elgin Porter, Donald Mackenzie, Arthur Peck,
Wilmer Reid and Russell Heard. (Archives Code: PB
13 34a)
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More than 30 people attended all or part of the
first in a monthly series of events called
"Saturdays at the Library" on Jan. 31.
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The art of manipulating mud was of interest to a lot of people who stopped in to the Bayfield
Library mid-day on Saturday.
Art Dadd and others examined one of the sample pots provided by Tony Eyamie at the pottery demonstration.
Clay Artist Tony Eyamie brought several examples of basic shapes finished with a variety of glazing techniques
to the demonstration held at the Bayfield Library mid-day on Saturday.
The first installment organized by the Friends of
the Bayfield Library (FOBL) featured the talents of
artist Joan Bailey and clay artist Tony Eyamie.
The duo own Patina Studio just up the street from
the library.
Bailey shared several techniques she uses to
create her intricate landscapes including throwing
paint on the canvas with a toothbrush. Eyamie
offered up with humor the fun of making pottery
by throwing two basic shapes as well as talking
about different and sometimes accidental glazing
On Feb. 28, the "Saturdays at the Library" series
will continue with a presentation by Kevin and
Nancy Kale. The couple will share their
knowledge of The Home Exchange Process by
describing their five-week home exchange
experience in Ireland in 2014.
The event will be held at the Bayfield Library and
will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. There is no charge
to attend.
Eyamie shared the story of how an error on the wheel
proved serendipitous for the potter as a "plant collar" was
invented and it is now a popular seller at Patina.
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The first in the series "Saturdays at the Library" allowed people the opportunity to drop in on a demonstration of
landscape painting.
Artist Joan Bailey gives Roma Harris and others a closer look at the textures in the landscape she was working
on during the demonstration.
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As part of the demonstation Tony Eyamie showed those in
attendance two of the basic shapes created on the potter's
Clay Artist Tony Eyamie took up pottery making six years
ago. He now leads workshops for others wanting to learn
the craft.
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week 06 Issue 292
Snow dappled river By Bonnie Sitter
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. Any images that include minors should have the parent's permission for publication prior to submission. And don't forget to tell
me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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Bayfield Mews
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One Flexr Tawnhomrs
519 - 565 -4542
L www.baylieldmews.ca
Melody Falconer -Pounder
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519 236 73'3 i 519 565 7113
week 06 Issue 292
May 2, 1986 is just a day on the calendar of time for many but for me it is the date that changed the direction that my life's path
would follow. It was a big day. I got to take the car to school and as our family only had one vehicle that was a big deal in itself.
But without it I would have been late for my first shift at the Bayfield Village Inn.
I was greeted that afternoon by Mark, the assistant manager, and quickly introduced to Candy who was given the task of
showing me around. Now if anyone knows Candy you know she is the definition of a whirlwind. She showed me the rooms,
how to check people in, how to wash and fold the laundry, the daily prep chores before dinner service and the specials menu
all in the half hour prior to the restaurant opening for the evening meal.
The assistant chef in the kitchen stood back and quietly observed our interaction for a few minutes until he interrupted and
asked me, "If my head was spinning yet?"
It was. But I tried not to let it show. And all went very well except for the part where I told the couple at my first table the specials before they were even
seated. They just stood there and looked awkward while I prattled on about the Catch of the Day.
I know, I know," I said to Candy once I was safely behind the bar and out of earshot of the table. "Let them sit down first then tell them the specials."
Working at the Bayfield Village Inn helped me put myself through college and realize my dream of earning a diploma in Print Journalism. It introduced me
to many of the people in this village as well as the numerous repeat summer visitors that like me share a love for the community. Countless co-workers are
still some of my very best friends today. It provided me with life skills and I shared these with so many. Chances are if you can fold a queen bed sheet all
on your own with ease you learned it while working at what the staff liked to call the "BVI".
That red brick ranch style building on the curve just North of the village became my home. A few years after first being introduced I made a life there with a
husband, two teens, two cats and a cocker spaniel. It was my safe place to fall.
This brings me to yet another significant date Jan. 30, 2015. The Bayfield Village Inn has been sold, is now closed and will open under new ownership and
a new name in May. Ten thousand and five hundred days later, sporting a few grey hairs but hopefully still as young at heart as I was when I first walked in
— we turned out the lights and walked out the door. It was a very big day. — Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@yillageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443.
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9—SHARE C - ®D
5rtn vv Toa
Founding Members
Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant
Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA
Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody
Falconer -Pounder
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