HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2014-05-28, Page 15/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 BAYFIELDBREEZE Home Advertise Contact Archive IAN MATTHEW �A s19 -56J 533 �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII r, ��_ _ ROYAL LERAGE Hi�NDA �Illllll lgllllll lll'IIIIIIIIIII II �""'""" '� �'°°"�°"""•'"' BAYFIELD BREEZE d ) 01F vrlkrge's awl c n:fmp news 50vrce SHARE 01Pc�... May 28, 2014 Vol. 5 Week 22 Issue 256 TREE CANOPY GROWS THANKS TO PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS NEW MINISTER cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield BreezeNVeek22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 1/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 Bayfield Tree Project supporters gathered for a picture at a tree planting site on Hamilton Street on May 22. L- r: Mayor Bill Dowson, Kathleen Steenstra with her dog Beauty, Nathaniel Clark, of Verbeeks Farm and Garden Centre, Clinton; Roma Harris, Ryan Watterworth, of Verbeeks, Sondra Buchner, Susan Drew, and Mark Falconer, of Verbeeks. (Photos by Ainslie Willock) Since the spring of 2011 the Bayfield Tree Project has planted 239 trees in the Bayfield Watershed. May 22 marked the seventh season of planting and on that day 34 trees were added to the total already gracing village streets. "You've likely already seen the beautiful trees we planted at Mill Road and Hwy. 21," said Ainslie Willock, of The Bayfield Tree Project. "A big thank you to Sondra Buchner and the Municipality of Bluewater for making all the necessary arrangements to plant there. A water line was installed and it was determine which land belonged to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and which belonged to Bluewater. All was ready to go forward once MTO finished resurfacing the highway and the utilities had marked their locates so we wouldn't cut any lines." Willock went on to extend a big thank you to Mark Falconer's crew from Verbeeks Farm and Garden Centre, of Clinton, and Mayor Bill Dowson for all their help, including determining where the original highway went through the north east corner of Mill Road at they highway. "A number of holes were dug only to hit the original highway's asphalt. A total of eighteen trees were planted, further east than planned, to avoid the asphalt," said Willock. "We encourage you to go and see the new trees; the old pedestrian pathway still in use; and see if you can find signs of the old highway. If you look closely at each tree you'll also see that we've planted "funnels" down to all the tree roots. This is to help get water directly down to the roots and below to encourage healthy deeply rooted tree growth." Further east of the highway corner, still on the north side of Mill Road people will see five newly planted maple trees beside the trailers and directly west of the water tower. Elias Mendes -Gomes Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield is pleased to announce that Elias Mendes -Gomes has accepted an internship placement at Knox for the next year. On May 1 st he began to minister to the congregation and surrounding community. Mendes -Gomes is in his third year at Knox College, a seminary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, at the University of Toronto. He emigrated to Canada from Brazil in 2010. He served as a lay worker from 1992 to 2008 in both North Africa and the Middle East and previous to that, from 1985-87, ministered in Columbia, Peru and Uruguay. He holds an MA in Oriental Languages (Arabic) and is able to communicate in five languages. The congregation would like to encourage everyone to welcome Mendes -Gomes to the community. CHAMBER NEWS The Second Annual Bayfield Girls Getaway Weekend is set for May 30 -June 1. Sponsored by the Bayfield Area Chamber of Commerce, this weekend is an opportunity for ladies to kick off their summer by spending a glorious weekend in this historic village. Bayfield merchants are ready to welcome ladies from near and far and to help them enjoy all that our wonderful village has to offer. Weekend events include a welcome cocktail party at The Little Inn on Friday and a Fashion Show featuring Bayfield fashion retailers on Saturday afternoon at the Bayfield Town Hall. Many accommodation providers in the area are offering special rates for the weekend as well. Registration for the weekend is $40. A special discount is available for local ladies. Tickets can be purchased at The Village Bookshop, or online cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 2/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 I Lillian Martin and a Hamilton Street neighbor chat with Mayor Bill Dowson during the tree planting. Property owners who have a tree placed on municipal land in front of their homes are asked to commit to regularly deeply watering the new trees for up to two years. "These new trees are a great addition to Bayfield," said Willock. "For many years, all these glorious trees will welcome everyone to the village, especially in the fall when the corner will be ablaze in color." The Bayfield Tree project will be planting again this autumn, particularly in areas north of the river. Anyone who might like to have a tree on the public property outside their home and is willing to water it deeply once a week for two years can contact Sondra Buchner at: 519 565- 2518 or sondra@bayfieldtreeproject.com. Learn more about The Bayfield Tree Project by visiting www.bayfieldtreeproject.com. Donations are always welcomed. Charitable receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more. It costs about $150.00 to plant each tree. through the event website: http://www.bayfieldgetaway.ca/ Organizers note that tickets are selling briskly so anyone who wishes to attend should act quickly. i . /ai 1101 IMA it" The Huron County Museum will be visiting some Huron County Library branches throughout May to celebrate May is Museum Month with "Museum on the Go". The program, "Mystery Artifacts" will be held at the Bayfield Library on May 31 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Those who attend can put on the white gloves and get up close with some of the museum artifacts as well as guess what they were used for. The Huron County Museum is located at 110 North Street in Goderich. For more information call 519 524-2686 or visit www.huroncounty.ca/museum. ��►RVI" P Every year we are all given an opportunity to be a part of helping to change the lives of many people across Canada by being a participant in the annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides. Lions Foundation of Canada's mission is to assist Canadians with a medical or physical disability by providing them Dog Guides at no personal costs. It costs upwards of $25,000 to train a pup to become a service dog. "Bayfield Lions have been a partner in this activity for many years and on a per capita basis our community walk has been one of the most financially successful in Canada. Let's keep up that wonderful tradition!" said Bayfield Lion Jack Pal. The local Lions will once again host this event on June 1. People are invited to bring their dog and walk for Dog Guides. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Bayfield Arena with the walk scheduled to start at 9 a.m. "The approximately 5 KM gentle walk takes you along a major part of the Heritage Trail in downtown Bayfield. This is a fun event that will give you good feelings about making a difference for the physically and medically disadvantaged amongst us," said Pal. Pledge forms are available from most retail establishments in Bayfield and any Lion member. Please contact Pal at 519 565-5340 for more information. SAFE HARBOUR RUN Hundreds of people will descend on Bayfield on the morning of June 8 for the annual Safe Harbour Run that raises funds for the Huron Women's Shelter. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 3/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 These newly planted Maple trees along Mill Road will greet visitors to town with a bright flash of color during the autumn months. The Who, What and Where of Spring Tree Planting 2014: • Hamilton Street: three Sycamores, two Red Oaks, one Green Mountain Maple, one Sunburst Locust • Troy Street: one each, Sunburst Locust and Tulip • Colina Street: one Tulip • Right of Way at West End of Victoria Street: one Sycamore • North East Side of Mill Rd.: Five Autumn Blaze Maples • North East Corner of Hwy. 21 at Mill Rd., south of Sarnia Street: six Red Oaks, four Autumn Blaze Maples, two Kentucky Coffee, one Tulip, two Sweet Gums, and three small Osage Orange The Osage Orange trees (cousins to Mulberry Trees) were donated and recently grown from seed by Thyra Knudsen, of Clinton, in memory of a cluster of mature Osage Orange trees just south of Bayfield on the east side of the highway that were removed in 2010 by MTO because they were deemed too close to the highway for public safety. (See the Bayfield Breeze Archives - Issues 45 and 56 for the back story.) The new Osage Orange trees are still quite small and marked with short sturdy stakes donated by Bluewater Mayor Bill Dowson. "It will take them a long time to catch up with the relatively older trees planted near -by. When they're about 10 years old, the female trees will drop fruit in the fall known as "hedge -apples" which look like a big overgrown green mulberry. It is hard earlier to tell female from male," said Willock. Hedge -apples are dense, full of seeds, six inches in diameter and can be dried and used as ornaments. According to the Mexico University College of Agriculture, hedge -apples contain a chemical 2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxystilbene and as a result they've traditionally been used in homes to repel insects and spiders. "Hedge -apples stay green in our climate but in the southern States they do turn orange. They're native to southern Oklahoma and northern Texas," said Willock. Registration and awards: Bayfield Community Centre and Arena - 5 Jane St. Race day registration and race number pickup is held at the Bayfield Arena starting at 7:30 a.m. Awards are also handed out at the arena following the run. There are four runs held all starting and finishing at Clan Gregor Square. The Kiddy Trot kicks off the day at 8:50 a.m. followed by a 2 KM at 9 a.m., a 10 KM at 9:30 a.m. and a 5 KM at 9:40 a.m. PLAYGROUP The Huron County Ontario Early Years program is offered in Bayfield every Thursday morning. It is a place for parents or caregivers to being their children from birth to six years of age to enjoy some social time, free play time, crafts songs and stories. The Bayfield Lions' Community Building is home to the program most of the year and it is held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. On June 12th, the youngsters will enjoy creating a Father's Day craft and then the following week the playgroup will move outdoors to Clan Gregor Square for a summer of fun. On rainy Thursday mornings the program will return to the dry comfort of the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. There is no cost to attend. CPH AUXILIARY For many Bayfield residents Clinton Public Hospital (CPH) is their choice for healthcare and therefore an annual event organized by the Auxiliary to the CPH should be of interest. Huron County OPP Community Services Officer, Constable Jamie Stanley will be the guest speaker at the CPH Auxiliary meeting to be held at St. Andrew's United Church in Bayfield on June 2. The meeting will commence at 9:30 a.m. followed by a potluck lunch. Those who attend are asked to bring food and their own dishes and cutlery — friends are welcome too. UNITED CHURCH Summer isn't officially here yet but the congregation of St. Andrew's United Church is anticipating its arrival with some fun summer style events. The first on the calendar is a special musical 11 a.m. church service on June 1. The Men of Note will be offering up their voices in song and after the service has ended they will celebrate the end of their performing season with a BBQ at the home of John and Kathleen Siertsema. The congregation will host their Annual Yard Sale and Bake Sale on June 20-21 for those out and about looking for bargains. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 4/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 Historically Osage Orange trees were planted by farmers and aggressively pruned to promote And looking ahead the Annual Beef BBQ and Sweet bushy growth and used as living fences or hedges effective at keeping farm animals in and/or Pickled Ham Dinner is set for July 1 st starting at 4:30 out. In 1874, barbed wire fencing was invented and Osage Orange trees were then used as p.m. at the Bayfield Community Centre. The menu strong dense fence posts and effective windbreaks. Named after Osage Native Tribes living will feature the aforementioned meats plus baked near the tree's origins and because the hedge -apple's skin smells like oranges on a hot potato, salads, and homemade pies. summer's day. The Huron Stewardship's Honour Roll of Trees lists nearby Osage Orange trees directly beside MEET AND GREET the road at: 74124 Airport Line, Municipality of Bluewater, UTM Coordinates: E456656, N4815549. Fitness enthusiasts may be excited to learn that Rita Catalina is coming to the village for a Meet and Greet VILLAGE'S PRENUERE LITERARY on June 6. EVENT LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY Catalina is a certified personal trainer, online coach, motivational speaker, fitness model and cover model. Her passion for fitness and helping others can be The Bayfield Writers' Festival, the village's premiere literary event is all set for June 21 at the attributed to having gone through many of her own Bayfield Town Hall. struggles with weight her entire life. This annual celebration of Canadian literature will begin at 1 p.m. She will be appearing at the Bayfield Town Hall from 4:30-6 p.m. due to the sponsorship of The Secret Mary Wolfe, founding owner of The Village Bookshop, established the festival in 2001. The Garden Bed and Breakfast. Tickets are available now Bookshop continues to organize and sponsor the Festival under the leadership of current for $10 from the Blyth Festival Box Office by calling owner Mary Brown (the "new" Mary) and with the support and assistance of dedicated 1-877-862-5984 or online at www.blythfestival.com. volunteers and partners in the publishing industry. Many of Canada's best-known authors, including Margaret Atwood, Lawrence Hill, Terry Fallis, 1��iT T T G1LT COMIC DELI11A and many others, have visited Bayfield to take part in the Writers' Festival. It has become a "must attend" event for local residents, book clubs, summer visitors and readers from all over. An evening of comic delight awaits those who attend This year's guest authors include: Terry Boyle, Krista Bridge, Susan Downe, Kate Hilton, E. K. a performance by Jimmy Keys at the Bayfield Town Johnston, Nicole Lundrigan and Jennifer Robson. Hall on June 13. "We have a fantastic variety of acclaimed Canadian authors this year," Brown said. "Their most Sponsored by The Secret Garden Bed and Breakfast recent works include historical and contemporary fiction, young adult fantasy and non-fiction the evening will feature the multi -talented Keys in with a definite Ontario focus. Two of these authors are currently on the bestsellers list." music, singing, comedy and visual impressions. Tickets for the Bayfield Writers' Festival are $15 and are available now at The Village The evening will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are available Bookshop, 24 Main Street North or by calling 519 565-5600. now for $35 from the Blyth Festival Box Office by calling 1-877-862-5984 or online at For more information about this year's event, please visit www.blythfestival.com www.bayfieldwritersfestival.com or www.thevillagebookshop.com. TOWN HALL WOODLAND TRAIL, LOCATION FOR NEXT ORGANIZED BRVTA HIIKE "An Evening of Opera " with Voices-Relyea and their talented friends should be a very memorable evening June is a great month for hiking. The forests have turned a thousand different shades of green, for those who attend on June. 14. late spring flowers are blooming underfoot and the birds are enthusiastically serenading all who Don't miss this opportunity to see and hear Canadian walk there. Opera Bass Baritone Gary Relyea, his wife, soprano The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) now has several newly trained hiking Anna Relyea, his sister Deanna Relyea and other leaders, eager to get out on the trails. They are offering at least two regular hiking events for amazing friends as they perform on the Bayfield each of the summer months, the second Sunday afternoon and the fourth Thursday morning, Town Hall stage starting at 7:30 p.m. to be accompanied by three leaders for each hike. This will give the new hike leaders lots of They will offer a new take on scenes from "Don practice and back-up if they require assistance. Hikes will be of varying degrees of length and Giovanni", plus other exquisite arias, duets and difficulty. Some of the hikes will have an educational component to help acquaint participants songs. They promise the evening will run the gamut with local history and the natural environment. from the dramatic to the zany. Generally dogs on leash are welcome but it is always best to check with the hike leader. The usual meeting site will be Clan Gregor Square unless specified otherwise and car-pooling will Tickets are available now for $20 each. There will be be arranged from there. All hikers are reminded to wear proper shoes and bring water. It's a a cash bar provided. good idea to wear long pants and take insect repellent along in case it is needed. For tickets call: 519 565-2572 or 519 565-2827 or visit ticketscene.ca. Anyone with questions concerning specific hikes or who would like to make suggestions, call one of the hike leaders or contact the program coordinator, by email This event is generously sponsored by OLG. thyra.knudsen@gmail.com or phone 519 606-0016. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 5/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 The next hike scheduled will be held on June 8 along the Woodland Trail starting at 1 p.m. The Woodland Trail is the first natural environment trail created by the BRVTA. Organizers note that it is a superb hike. The steep sections have stairs to allow safety for people and the surrounding environment. Hikers should enjoy the scenic beauty, serenity of the ravines, old pastures and glacial hills as they hike along old gravel quarry roads, lumber paths and deer trails. Participants should meet on the north side of Clan Gregor Square. This is a level 3 hike and should take about an hour and a half. The hike leaders will be Pat Baker, 519 565-4015; Chris Bowers, 519 565-4506; and Helen Varekamp, 519 565-5442. SHOP ME COFFEE PEDALING BAYFIELD INA NEW DIRECTION Leanne Kavanagh and Sean Henry were pedalling their Shop Bike coffee at the Bayfield Farmers' Market on May 16. They plan on touring the local Farmers Markets this summer with their Fair Trade and Organic coffees roasted in Bayfield. (Photos by Melody Falconer -Pounder) BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Bayfield may not be the traditional locale people think of when it comes to roasting coffee but Leanne Kavanagh and Shaun Henry aren't necessarily traditional thinkers. Last summer in partnership with Bradley and Greg Aitken, owners of A.D.S. High Impact Advertising, they established Nook & Candy — a trendy, retro candy store located in the space that also doubles as the office for the sign and graphic business. Kavanagh manages the location at 11 Main Street North in Unit 1 facing Charles Street, along with Shaun Henry, who is the graphic consultant for A.D.S. Nook & Candy is still going strong with an expanded candy section for adults and an even larger British line as well as some extra affordable treats for the youngsters who drop in. However, a third business has been added to this eclectic mix — Shop Bike Coffee Roasters. "Last summer a lot of people that came into the store asked if we sold coffee," said Kavanagh and not one to idle away the "off-season" she started researching the idea of bringing Fair Trade and organic coffee to Bayfield. "We felt it would be a good fit for the Bayfield brand and something that the village needed." KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Congregations from two county united churches discovered that when kids had a hands-on opportunity to prepare the food they eat, they tended to choose something healthy and they felt excited about it. Last summer Laura Peach, a student of nutrition and dietetics at Western University, shared her passion for cooking and nutrition education to over 40 children, ages eight to 12 at two churches in Huron County. Not only did the children and youth helpers learn how to prepare food they learned how to appreciate food. "Kids in the Kitchen Summer Day Camp" has a limited number of spaces and suggests families register their children early. Bayfield's St. Andrew's United Church is a new addition to the camp locations. Their camp will be held Aug. 5-8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Children between eight and 12 years are welcome. There is also a need for adult or senior youth volunteers. For more information or to register please call St. Andrew's United Church, 519 565- 2854 or Kathy Douglas, 519 523-4380. The Huron Perth Presbytery of the United Church of Canada is sponsoring the camp. Leadership is provided from Huron Perth Youth and local volunteers. MR, 81110 The end of the working week just got even more fantastic in the village due to a new Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) initiative to be known as "First Fridays". On the first Friday of each month, starting on June 6, people can enjoy an evening of art by walking the Main Street as artists will be showcasing their work in a number of locations. Organizers note that attendees should on the lookout for balloon markers to denote the exhibits. Each artist will have their own exhibition and will be available to talk to and explain their art. Snacks and refreshments will be served and music will be offered as well. "Why not make Friday afternoons in Bayfield a total destination? Visit the Farmers Market, which is open from 3-7 p.m. and then, on the first Fridays of each month walk the art trail and soak up the creativity," said Judy Keightley, of the BACC. PICKLEBALL ETC. Organizers of Pickleball and Shuffleboard at the Bayfield Arena are pleased with the response of everyone who has come out to play and learn. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 6/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 In partnership with the Aitken brothers, Kavanagh and Henry brought in a two -pound roaster Pickleball is proving to be so popular the number of perfect for roasting small batches in house. They were test roasting by November and after courts has been doubled from two to four in addition Christmas began marketing to retailers across Huron and Bruce Counties. two shuffleboard courts are offered — now three times a week. So people don't necessarily have to come to Bayfield to purchase Shop Bike Coffee. It is also available at Jerry Rader Homestyle Market, Cravings (a Farmer's Market pop-up shop), both in The schedule is as follows: Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m.; Goderich; Scrimgeour's Food Market in Blyth, Corrie's Freshmart in Clinton, Sweets N Treats Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m.; and Thursdays, 9-11 a.m. in Wingham, Mildmay Cheese Haus, Beans Bistro and Pine River Cheese, both in Kincardine. Participants may bring their own paddles or use ones The Black Dog Pantry on Bayfield's Main Street also carries ready -to -go half- pound bags. And supplied. Comfortable court clothes and running or from now until Thanksgiving they will have a presence at the new Bayfield Farmer's Market court shoes are required. Eye protection is advised held on Friday evenings in Clan Gregor Square. for all racquet sports. Shop Bike Coffee Roasters is also home to Nook & Candy and A.D.S. High Impact Advertising. Shop Bike coffee currently comes in four varieties - dark, light and medium roasts as well as expresso. "We intend to do a tour of Farmer's Markets this summer as well," said Kavanagh. The business uses a brokered importer to get "really great green beans". They currently offer four different varieties: Guatamala Feminino Fair Trade Organic Dark Roast, Mexican Chiapas Fair Trade Organic Light Roast, Peruvian Organic Medium Roast and Mexican Organic Expresso. Kavanagh's favorite is the expresso. She noted she first fell in love with it when they were testing varieties at home. Henry is partial to the Mexican Chiapas enjoying the flavors of a lighter roast. The store is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday and if Main Street is bustling near closing time they will stay open until things quiet down. And first thing in the morning there are always a couple of coffees available at their self -serve coffee station giving visitors an opportunity to sample. "We can grind coffee right on site if needed," said Kavanagh. "People just need to wait 72 hours to roast the beans after they are freshly ground." So readers may wonder where the name for the coffee business came from, again it is a case of untraditional thinking. "Last summer with all the road construction that was going on the Aitken brothers thought it would be a good idea for us to have a bike available so that the staff could get around and run errands. So as the season progressed we were often heard to say, 'Just taking the shop bike to get the mail or go to the grocery store.' The bike now seems to personify us here," Kavanagh said. "So when it came time to name the coffee business Shop Bike seemed to be a good fit." As the season progresses they hope to offer a discount on a bag of coffee to anyone who rides their bike to the shop to purchase it. They also plan to enter the cyclists' names into a monthly draw. Just some more untraditional thinking fueled by Shop Bike expresso and light roast coffee... Due to the efforts of Bayfield Mews residents, a Government of Canada grant through the New Horizons for Seniors Program was issued to bring Pickleball and Shuffleboard to Bluewater. BAYIULD CALENDAR The Bayfield Calendar will once again be a joint project of the Bayfield Lions' Club and the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB). Last year's 2014 calendar was so successful that it was sold out well before year's end. As a result, more calendars will be made available this year starting with the official launch on Aug. 16, coinciding with the Bayfield Fall Fair. The calendar committee is looking for more photos from both PCoB members and members of the public. People need not be a member of any photography club in order to participate. Winning photographers get the choice of a free membership to the PCoB for 2015, or $50 and, of course, bragging rights if one or more of their photos is selected for the calendar. Photos should be recognizably Bayfield, and surroundings, through the four seasons and special consideration will be given to those photos that have a heritage aspect to them. Photos should be in 8 x 12 landscape format and a minimum of six Mega Pixels in size to assure quality reproduction. For full posting details go to Flickr or call Jack Pal at 519 565-5340. Deadline for submissions is June 20. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The members of the congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church are busy with numerous projects for the spring and summer. Their annual yard sale will be held on June 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the lawn of the church, weather permitting. The barbecue grill will be fired up that day for their first BBQ of the season. This is always a popular spot for lunch for bargain shoppers. New this year will be a bake table with home made goodies available for purchase. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 7/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 1101 W 1/ ►1 �/ I►I►I The Bayfield Farmers' Market held their first weekly market basket draw recently. Joan Caldwell (left) was the winner. She received items from all the market vendors including jams, plants, produce, meat and more in a basket from Acting Market Manager, Joan Brady. (Submitted photo) HAY MUTUAL 1 a� 11. � 519-236-4381 REMEMBER ME? ,Attics ! Spray Foam ;iM '.F There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, our series on people at the Bayfield Post Office continues. Does anyone recognize the people in this picture? (Archives Code: PB13 36a) BAYFIELD (5. OPTIMIST � o Bayfield Mews q: &n U44vSlll I, Exclusiuq $S+ Community one Floor iuwhh owes 519 - 565 - 4592 ` x+wuw_bayfief dmetvs.ca ISSUE 253 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 8/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 ISSUE 255 In Issue 255, a look back at one of the Bayfield Post Office's many manifestations. Elaine Dinel wrote in to say that the two ladies pictured are Marg Mayman (left) and Berthena Sturgeon (Hammond). Can anyone guess as to when the image was taken? (PB13 35b) In Issue 253, we feature an image of a woman and child in honor of Mother's Day. A number of people wrote in to identify that it is Ethel Poth in the photograph and she is holding her son Ronald Jowett Poth who was born in July of 1935. Ethel Poth was a long time resident of Bayfield and the picture is likely to have been taken in her father William Jowett's house. The baby would grow up to run Jowett's Gove Cottages until his retirement. Ron still enjoys his cottage in Jowett's Grove on Cedar Grove. (Archives Code: PB13 14a) ISSUE 254 YAH � f r 4 dP In Issue 254, in honor of the first long weekend of the season we share an image of some young people ready for some fun. Does anyone remember them? Floy Edwards is the only name given with the picture. (Archives Code: PB13 12b) Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 9/15 5/31/2019 • HOME • COTTAGE +BUSINESS 0 SHARE Ill PHOTO STORY BA1'F II l.[) 13 MF [�/T. 'r,0 VI I Week -22 Issue256 t IL L64§ HOBIKE BAYInLD HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wegrity Everything! LAKE HURON ULAL L'S MTV L fM1'I�'f) PIONEER LIFE EXPLORED IN "TIGER AND THE BARON" Jerry Selk and Ken Larone Jerry Selk and Ken Larone PHOTOS BY JACK PAL "Tiger and the Baron", the latest play written by Judy Keightley was performed at the Bayfield Town Hall on May 23-25. Written as a fundraiser for the Bayfield Historical Society (BHS), the play spans a period of thirty years and opens with the purchasing of land, surveyed by Captain Bayfield and bought by Baron Van Tuyll. The relationship between the young Baron and 'Tiger" Dunlop is highlighted along with the betrothal of marriage between Charlotte Mansfield and Baron Vincent Van Tuyll. The aim of the play was to portray a real sense of what it might have been like in Huron County in the days of early pioneers. "The aim of all of the plays that I have written for the Bayfield Historical Society, is to bring our local history alive through drama," said Keightley. "If people come away knowing just a little more about the heritage of Bayfield, then I will feel that I have succeeded. "It has been a great privilege to work with so many community volunteers in Bayfield over the past five years. To perform on stage in front of a large audience takes an awful lot of bravery and I thank each and everyone of the cast for taking those steps." The cast was comprised of: Baron Van Tuyll, Ken Larone; Tiger Dunlop, Paul Hill; Captain Bayfield, Jerry Selk; Baron Vincent Van Tuyll, Major Dwight Nelson; Charlotte Mansfield. Leanne Kavanagh; Elizabeth Straathan, Margaret Clydesdale; Lawyer, Greg Stewart; Fenton — Footman, Ian Rutherford; Dancers, Natalie Tarnawski (Choreographer), Jenn Wallace, Naomi Pal and Leanne Kavanagh. Keightley, also directed the play as well as narrated the production. Behind the scenes several talented people worked very hard to ensure everything went smoothly. They were: Producers, Margo Robeson cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 10/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 ti1 Tenn Wallace. Natalie Tarnawski. Ian Rutherford and Naomi Pal Leanne Kavanagh, Naomi Pal, Ian Rutherford, Major Dwight Nelson, Natalie Tarnawski and ]enn Wallace (not visible) and Sandy Scotchmer; Sound & Lighting, Philip Keightley and Dave Bechard; Costumes, Bronwyn Bechard and Helen Varekamp; and Set Design, Jane Maclaren. Leanne Kavanagh, Natalie Tarnawski and Naomi Pal cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 11/15 5/31/2019 Week -22 Issue256 Major Dwight Nelson, Paul Hill and Greg Stewart Leanne Kavanagh and Margaret Clydesdale Leanne Kavanagh and Greg Stewart Naomi Pal and Ian Rutherford Major Dwight Nelson and Greg Stewart cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek221ssue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 12/15 5/31/2019 BAYFIELQ Week -22 Issue256 " PVCHLATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Gosling Glory ... By Bonnie Sitter Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 13/15 5/31/2019 11r��Q161a[r[r: i �pse-u rs Melody Falconer -Pounder Me MaITl -tree--e optometric Q. nsNvbGxu�©.s G : W C13HR E 9ES1GN ,Wt _ Zurich. ant. 0ESI GNfBl11L0 LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION G.AP.DEN CENTER 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 1 519 565 7973 SUBMISSIONS Week -22 Issue256 drk— So Friday morning is a big day for our community as Bayfield Foodland is opening in its new location at 71 Main Street South. The doors will open at 9 a.m. with a ribbon cutting ceremony taking place 15 minutes prior. Donations will also be accepted for local food banks to help celebrate the day. It is the end of an era for the little grocery store across from Clan Gregor Square with its sloping floors and narrow aisles and the parking lot that overflowed in the summer months with drivers often going "in" the 'but'. Despite its idiosyncrasies, or maybe because of them, I will miss this little hometown store. The three different owners that it had since 1987 served the community well. It is very exciting to see such a shiny, new facility opening on the south end of town. I know that the Maidment family and their staff will move the small town character and quality service right along with them. I wish them luck and much prosperity in this next chapter of Bayfield Foodland as it unfolds. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfaeld Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. ,d _F )B,AWIELD R,E,E E 113 SHARE MIIF121 p cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezeNVeek22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 14/15 5/31/2019 5 1 C N uv r 0 R BAYFIELD BREEZE &`.. CLICK HERE Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week -22 Issue256 Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week22issue256/tabid/670/Default.aspx 15/15