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Bayfield Breeze, 2014-02-26, Page 1
5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 �BAYFIELDBREEZE Home Advertise Contact Archive a" IAN MATTHEW GA 519-565-53.9 E y rhe vrftvgv 5 yawn 9j7hroen4vw%seu ce SHARE © "EL) Feb. 26, 2014 Vol. 5 Week 9 Issue 243 NEW DOOR ON HERITAGE HALL The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) members were recipients of a $1,647 grant from the Huron County "Huron Heritage Fund" for renovations to the town hall front door. Kate Lloyd -Rees and Margo Robeson from the BTHHS received the Huron County cheque from Joseph Steffler, Huron County Warden, accompanied by Tyler Hessel, chair of Committee of Whole Day Two (far left), and Meighan Wark, director of Cultural Services (far left). (Photo by Gary Lloyd -Rees) �UAAAAIUAAIIIAAAIIIAI ROYAL LEPAGE loll 2 �nnr�rinrrwr�rin�r w.�w-.�•��•+.r•.r� ANNUAL SHOWCASE On Feb. 22, the Competitive Team from Dance Techniques in Clinton presented their annual showcase on the Blyth Festival stage. There are 25 Competitive Team members from Goderich, Brussels, Seaforth, Exeter, Blyth, Wingham, Bayfield and Clinton. The Hip Hop Group was composed of Dara Meades, Trinity Partridge, Olivia Hesse, Ashley Johnston, Abby Johnston, Dawson Handy, MacKenzie McNichol, Lauren Ritchie and Brooklyn Tiffin. The team will be traveling to five competitions this year as well as taking part in numerous community performances. Team members range in age from five to 17 years old and train about eight to 15+ hours per week. (Submitted photo) BLUEWATER NEWS cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/weekO9issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 1/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) members were recipients of a $1,647 grant from the Huron County "Huron Heritage Fund" for renovations to the town hall front door, recently. The new 42" fiberglass door replaces the old double doors, which had become ill-fitting and posed a security risk, as well as allowing the elements to seep into the hall. In an attempt to keep the new door as much in keeping with the overall town hall look, the existing inverted "V" lintel was raised, and the original brass number "11" replaced above it. A disabled access button was also installed, bringing the entrance up to code - which came just in time to assist BTHHS Board Member Margo Robeson, who broke her leg on New Year's Eve! The door was then painted "town hall blue" to stay true to the outside facade. BTHHS President, Kate Lloyd -Rees and Robeson received the Huron County cheque from Joseph Steffler, Huron County warden, accompanied by Tyler Hessel, chair of Committee of Whole Day Two, and Meighan Wark, director of Cultural Services. Lloyd -Rees said, "The Bayfield Town Hall Board is extremely grateful to the Huron Heritage Fund for approving our grant application. This enabled us to complete the installation of the new door and disabled access button to the high standard we desired." CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATOR WEBSITE LAUNCHED The wait is over. The website is here. The steering committee behind footprintstoforests.com held a public launch event on Feb. 20 to give people a new and local way to compensate for their personal carbon footprint. Interested people attended the website launch in person, at a short ceremony in Exeter, and by phone and computer. Our carbon footprint is the greenhouse gas emissions released by typical aspects of day-to- /lf trots 'e st s against 6111-116s e .. -. 3. Plant day life, such as use of a car or truck or other vehicle, energy to heat and run a home, and air travel. Trees help to capture carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This reduces the impacts of climate change on the planet and in our local area. Trees also provide other benefits such as habitat for diverse species and improved water quality. The people who took part in the launch event had a chance to see features of the new, local website. The site includes an easy-to-use carbon calculator. People can use the calculator to find out how many tonnes of greenhouse gases are produced by their activities. The calculator also tells us how much it would cost to compensate for the impacts of our vehicle use, home energy use and air travel. The site also tells people how many trees will be planted locally with the help of their donations. The Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield conservation authorities launched the new website, which is the key action of the Carbon Footprints to Forests program, created with the financial support of the County of Huron. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases push average temperatures up but trees can help to reduce the impacts of climate change and help us adapt to the changes we are experiencing in weather and climate. People can support the planting of trees through the new website. This will help the local area adapt to our changing climate and weather extremes, according to the partners in this project. "As trees grow, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere," said Ausable Bayfield Conservation's Stewardship, Land and Education Manager, Kate Monk. "Trees also provide shade and cooling effects when it's hot out and limit the impact of snow and wind during the wintertime and that helps us adapt to extreme weather events in a changing climate." Compensating for your carbon footprint is easy. First, use the quick and easy calculator at footprintstoforests.com to find out your carbon footprint. Then, make a donation for all or part of your footprint cost. Your local conservation authority will then put that money to work by Anyone with an interest in the future of the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre may wish to attend a meeting of Bluewater Council on March 3. Last year council made a motion to discontinue having ice in the arena past the 2013-14 season. Concerned citizens in favor of continuing to have ice in the arena in subsequent years are hoping to have this motion rescinded at this council meeting. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Stanley Complex in Varna. IDEAVA a 1011 If all goes according to plan Bayfield will play host to a Farmer's Market starting in mid-May. Coordinator Economic Development for Bluewater, Mark Cassidy, and Joan Brady, of Dashwood, owner of "Sustainable Futures: Farm and Food Consulting" are spearheading the initiative. Arrangements for a public meeting are being made and the details will be released soon. A planning meeting held on Feb. 14 saw a desire to hold the market on Fridays in Clan Gregor Square. Local service clubs are being contacted about partnering on a Trillium Grant application to provide operating funds for the first three years. Members for a Steering Committee to oversee the Market are being recruited. Anyone who has an interest in becoming involved with this project can contact Cassidy at m.cassidy@town.bluewater.on.ca. To learn more about the future Bayfield Farmer's Market as well as to review the planning meeting notes please visit www.bayfieldfarmersmarket.com. 1;�_�17.`! Bayfield Reads 2014 will take on a "Battle of the Book Clubs" theme. Mary Brown, owner of The Village Bookshop, has announced that a representative from five of the local book clubs will champion the finalists. The event will be held on March 2 starting at 2 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. The battle includes: Michele Hansen, of "The Value Added Book Club", who will defend Annabel by Kathleen Winter; Arlene Parker, planning coordinator for the Municipality of Bluewater, who will argue for Cockroach, by Rawi Hage; Kate Johnston, of The Page Turners Book Club, who will support Half Blood Blues, by Esi Edugyan; Stacey Schulz, of the "Virtual Highschool Book Club", who will argue for The Orenda, by Joseph Boyden; and Lois Ward, a member of a book club that prefers to read about cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 2/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 planting trees. This will help your local area to mitigate greenhouse gases and adapt to changes in weather and climate. "We think people will find it interesting to find out how much greenhouse gas is released from their daily activities like driving a car or heating a home," Monk said. "It is also interesting to know how many trees it takes to compensate for that carbon footprint." Some people may be able to donate the entire cost of their carbon footprint, Monk said, but some people may only be able to donate to compensate for part of it. "If you are able to donate all of your carbon footprint that's great but we are thankful for all donations, large or small," she said. "Every tree counts." Some people may not be in a position to donate at this time but the partners behind the new website invite everyone to visit the website just to find out more about the greenhouse gas emissions that come from home energy use or travel by vehicles or planes. BAYFIELD FAIR AND DISTRICT REPRESENTED WELL AT PROVINCE All the Agricultural Societies in Ontario met for their annual meeting Feb. 20-22 in Toronto, ON. According to Doug Yeo, president of the Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS), one of the features of the annual meeting is to have a small version of a fair at the event. In the ballroom of the Royal York Hotel crafts, woodworking items, children's creative items and sewing articles are displayed. These items are chosen from each fair held in the previous season. "In addition quilts, posters, bread, and cookies, which had won at the local fair, then won at the District level, are judged at the provincial event. Yes, the cookies and bread are baked fresh for each event," said Yeo. permaculture, who will defend, Year of the Flood, by Margaret Atwood. Tickets for Bayfield Reads 2014 are $5 each and are available at The Village Bookshop by calling 519 565-5600 or mbrown@thevillagebookshop.com. ANGLICAN CHURCH The men of Trinity Anglican Church will have their flippers at the ready on the evening of March 4 when they descend on the Parish Hall kitchen to prepare their annual Shrove Tuesday Supper. On the menu will be pancakes with Bayfield's own maple syrup and sausage too. Beverages served will include juice, tea or coffee. The meal will be served from 5-7 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. The cost is: adults, $6; children under 12 years, $3; preschoolers, free. Requests will be accepted for take-out meals by calling 519 565-2790 on the day of the event. And then the next morning, March 5, Trinity will hold an Ash Wednesday Service starting at 10:30 a.m. FILM SOCIETY The Bayfield Film Society is excited to be starting a The Bayfield Community Fair had two posters that won at the District level taken to Toronto to new season, Spring will bring four interesting new be judged against all the Districts in the province. At the junior level, Cate Thompson won presentations starting with Twenty Feet from second prize in Toronto. Taryn Siertsema also had a poster submitted and competed at the Stardom on March 13. event. "We are so proud that Cate did so well," said Yeo. "These two posters are part of the front and back covers of the 2014 Prize Book." The Bayfield Community Fair is part of District 8 and this District had the distinction of sending the winning quilt this year. "District 8 also has a reputation throughout the province of having one of its Ambassadors winning the CNE Ambassador competition almost regularly for the last decade. Our young people at our fairs in Huron and Perth make us extremely pleased," said Yeo. For those who would like to get started on projects for the fair, the listings will be on the website shortly visit bayfieldfallfair.ca. The next meeting for the BAS will be March 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church. CHILI COOK -OFF SO POPULAR EVERY MORSEL WAS CONSUMED STORY AND PHOTOS BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER On Feb.16 the Optimist Club of Bayfield hosted their annual Chili Cook -off at the Bayfield Community Centre. Club members could deem it their most successful yet with so many people coming in to sample the chili that every last morsel of it was gone after the first hour of the event! There were six chili entries this year and the winner of the People's Choice Award went to The Albion Hotel. It was a clean sweep for hotel owner Kim Muszynski as his establishment also went home with the top awards at the Soups' On hosted that same day by the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society. The spring schedule also includes the films: The Hunt, The Attack and Our Man In Tehran. Tickets are available now; see all four movies for just $35. They can be obtained by calling Lynne Gillians at 519 565-5884 or by email lynnegillians@hotmail.com. BAYFIELD CONCERT SERIES The Bayfield Concert Series is bringing to Bayfield two rather well-known entertainers as part of their spring concert series. Two Meades Bros. Productions announced recently that Jay Malinowski, of Bedoin Sound Clash, and Ashley Maclsaac will be taking the stage at the Bayfield Town Hall in the coming months. Malinowski will perform at the hall on Apr. 2 followed a month later by Maclsaac on May 2. Tickets for Malinowski are $35 while Maclsaac's show will cost $50. Both shows are sponsored by briandupuis.com. The town hall doors will open at 8 p.m. with a showtime of 8:30 p.m. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 3/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 Aside from the chili attendees could enjoy hotdogs, Slushies and popcorn, have their face painted, or get a balloon creation thanks to the very talented Snippety the Clown and Jennifer Black or they could occupy themselves at the craft table or on the ice at public skating. All in all a very pleasant way to celebrate Family Day weekend. Charlotte Melnick tried her hand at making a Family Tree at the craft station part of the Optimist Club of Bayfield's Family Day Chili Cook -off event held at the Bayfield Community Centre on Feb. 16. Madelyn Baldwin was happy to show off her balloon creation. Lila Egbers embraced everything the Optimist Club Chili Cook -off Family Day event had to offer - Slushies, popcorn, face painting and balloon creations. Tickets are available now at tunestub.com or The Black Dog Village Pub and Bistro in Bayfield. 1�.Y17.� X1717_\•��7 � �:7,\•1 �J.7 Knox Presbyterian Church in Bayfield will host the World Day of Prayer service on the afternoon of March 7. The women of Egypt are the creators of this year's program. The theme of the afternoon is "Streams in the Desert." Dr. Emad Henein, of London, ON, will be the guest speaker. This interdenominational service open to both men and women will begin at 2 p.m. The Women's Inter -Church Council of Canada coordinates the World Day of Prayer in Canada and to speak to issues that concern women of faith across the country. HISTORICAL SOCIETY "The Tiger and the Baron" is the title of the next Bayfield Historical Society Fundraising play to be performed May 23-35 at the Bayfield Town Hall. The casting call for both thespians and back stage volunteers is now. Rehearsals for this production, written by Judy Keightley, will begin on Apr. 1. The play is set in the 1840s when Bayfield was still a fledgling village. It highlights the relationship between "Tiger" Dunlop, the young Baron Vincent Van Tuyll, his wife Charlotte, and their ongoing dispute with The Canada Company. This will be Keightley's sixth historical production bringing to life characters from Bayfield's colorful past. Anyone who is interested in being involved in this production either in a supporting role back stage or by try their hand at acting, should please contact Keightley at 519 565-4515, or Margo Robeson 519 565-2827. FITNESS SS 1 Vl\ The weather is making it difficult to go for a stroll but it is still possible to walk in the sunshine and enjoy some warmth even in a good old-fashioned Huron County winter if people stop by Huron Ridge Acres. Once again the greenhouse located at 74101 Bronson Line near Zurich is offering "Watkin' in the Sunshine" every Tuesday and Friday from now until the end of February from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. People are invited to come out and walk the sidewalks in the greenhouse for exercise, soak up the sun, and absorb the smells of plants growing. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 4/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 Leena Kale had her face painted thanks to Clown Jennifer Black. Jennifer Lynn Scott and her son, Jonathon, took advantage of the Slushie machine offered at the Chili Cook - off. There is no charge — it is the owners' way of thanking the community for their loyal support. One of the most popular winter pastimes in Canada is skating and Bayfield is fortunate to have ice in its arena this year to take advantage of. People are invited to attend public skating at the Bayfield Arena on Sundays from 1-3 p.m. as well as Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to noon. In addition to the free times, the ice can also be rented for private use just call 519 565-2121 to learn more or to book a time. TAI CHI Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi TM is offering practice sessions for graduates of the beginner classes. Practice of the Taoist arts can improve strength, flexibility, balance, and circulation and can help calm the mind and cultivate the heart, transforming one into a healthier and more harmonious person. The practice sessions are being held on Tuesdays from 1-3 p.m. in the Bayfield Town Hall. These sessions will focus on practicing the foundations, various Taoist Tai Chi moves within the set and doing sets. Anyone with questions, please call Doug Brown at 519-565-5187. BEAWNG CLMC Have you heard the news? A monthly hearing clinic has been established in the village at Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy. The next date for the clinic is March 18. The Kincardine Hearing Clinic will be offering their services on the third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The clinic will offer: hearing aid adjustments and repairs to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive devices. Please call Shannon Gould at The Kincardine Hearing Clinic at 1-855-396-6026 to book an appointment. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 5/13 5/31/2019 IMG_7730 Sullivan Thomas and his "fish" enjoyed slurping on a Slushie. CCBIRLE DESIGN— ,_; Zurich. ant. DESIGN: BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER P4193d BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7313 1 519 565 7373 1.1 REMEMBER ME? Integre is Evthingr LAKE HURON HLAL €sTAM.' tWr'it.ra week -09 issue -243 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, these people seem dressed for the winter weather but the snow seems rather sparse in the background. Anyone remember them? (Archives Code: P131 12b) Bayfield Mews uokn h E)Kiwiwe SS+ Cammunity one N091 Townhomes 519. 555 •4542 WWW-&WfI1etdmews,. ISSUE 241 In Issue 241, records note that it was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards who posed for this photo taken on Main Street in Bayfield. (Archives Code: PB13 13b) ISSUE 242 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 6/13 5/31/2019 4 = ,f VV� I-* - A. 4 F week -09 issue -243 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks O 1 • $0[F •543 • X60'1 C t: f in SHARE o�+®... PHOTO STORY In Issue 242, in honor of Thinking Day on Feb. 22, a date that celebrates the founding of the worldwide Scouting and Guiding movements, we are sharing a picture of the troops that once flourished in Bayfield. Records indicate Margaret Howard is the leader pictured at far left. Can we identify any others? (Archive's Code: PB13 04b) HAV MUTUAL ii t46'Cll'LC �_. 1W �1 I IHU �� ■ nin it gtivet C)ptOfl elric 519-236-4381 BAY F LD TOW1. HALL CABARET A CHANCE TO ESCAPE THE WINTER BLUES PHOTOS AND STORY BY GARY LLOYD- REES On Feb. 22, a sold -out audience was treated to an international star-studded musical night to remember, when the Bayfield Town Hall and a number of local Bayfield residents were transformed for a one-off cabaret performance in celebration of music from the 1950s up to the 1990s..."Those Were The Days". The evening was written and directed for the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHSS) by Judy Keightley who also acted as MC for the evening. Behind the scenes, Philip Keightley was the technical director. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/weekO9issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 7/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 Terry Brophy resembles a young Leonard Cohen. The Supremes were Anny Johnston, Helen Latimer and Pat Charland. ""Those Were The Days" is the third Bayfield Town Hall cabaret, following the 1940s themed "We'll Meet Again" and last year's "Sixties doing the 60s, born of an idea to provide some entertainment for the die-hards in Bayfield who are not "snowbirds" and who therefore valiantly brave the Canadian winter. "There is nothing like a good song and dance to wash away those winter blues!" said Keightley. Before the main performances, the arriving patrons were kept well entertained by Leslie Bella who played a number of pieces on the clarinet. Mary Hopkins (Janice Nelson) got the evening underway with a performance of the title song. She was followed by a number of familiar names and almost familiar faces including: ABBA (Arlene Parker, Kate Lloyd -Rees, Philip Keightley and Dwight Nelson); The Carpenters (Lisa Stewart and Jim Fergusson); Leonard Cohen (Terry Brophy); k.d. lang (Jane MacLaren); Bob Marley (Gary Lloyd -Rees); Carly Simon (Margo Robeson) and The Beach Boys (Jim Fergusson, Scott Robeson, Dave MacLaren, Wayne Malott and Dwight Nelson). The first half also featured an outstanding dancing performance by "Natalie & The Neverwives" (Natalie Tarnawski, Leanne Kavanagh, Jennifer Reaburn and Danielle DeMers) to "All That Jazz" from "Chicago". During the interval, The Elliott's Ensemble (Leslie Bella, Charlotte Fanjoy, Roma Harris, Rosemary Crosthwaite and Barbara Sturgeon), joined by guest vocalist Janice Nelson, played a selection of old favorites for the audience. The evening's second half started with a performance by Simon and Garfunkel (Dwight Nelson and Paul Hill) followed by Diana Ross and The Supremes (Pat Charland, Anny Johnston and Helen Latimer); Patsy Cline (Patricia Baker); Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton (Wayne Malott and Janice Nelson); Johnny Cash (Jim Fergusson) and Sir Elton John (Paul Hill). To close, Mary Hopkins led the cast and audience in singing a special Bayfield version of "Those Were The Days". Kate Lloyd -Rees, president of the BTHHS said, "Once again we want to thank the enthusiastic cast members, the many helpers behind the scenes, and Judy for her leadership and direction. Of course, without the audience there would be no event — thank you to all who attended for your wholehearted support of this event and of the BTHHS." cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 8/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 Patricia Baker as Patsy Cline. After a recent concert at Budweiser Gardens Sir Elton John stopped into the Bayfield Town Hall thanks to Paul Hill Margo Robeson played the part of Carly Simon. The Carpenters aka Lisa Stewart and Jim Fergusson. The outfit is a dead giveaway as to who Gary Lloyd -Rees was portraying. cc.viIlageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieIdBreeze/weekO9issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 9/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 ABBA as performed by Philip Keightley, Arlene Parker, Kate Lloyd -Rees, and Dwight Nelson The Beach Boys were Dave MacLaren, Dwight Nelson, Jim Fergusson and Wayne Malott. The fifth Beach Boy, Scott Robeson, was "surfing" during dress rehearsal and missed the photocall. "Natalie & The Neverwives": Danielle DeMers, Natalie Tarnawski, Leanne Kavanagh and Jennifer Reaburn performed to 'All That Jazz" from "Chicago". Jane MacLaren crooned like U.lang. Janice Nelson and Wayne Malott embraced their roles as Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/weekO9issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 10/13 5/31/2019 week -09 issue -243 PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Snowshoeing on Lake Huron... By Dennis Pal Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued BAY'F it 1,D BREEZE / tis +e ..s A Toga MASSAGE THERM ( 519.563.4711 BAYFIFLD FINANCIAL ,.Nc RUN[ cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/Bayfield Breeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 11/13 5/31/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder week -09 issue -243 SUBMISSIONS So are you tired of winter yet? This may sound a bit odd but the older I get the more I appreciate a good old fashioned winter — I hate a wishy-washy season. So for that reason this winter has been tremendous and it couldn't have gotten any better than on Saturday when I got out and played in the white stuff with the young ladies of Bayfield Guiding. We made a snow quinzee (see picture) went snowshoeing, made snow sculptures and snow taffy. The sun shone, the snow cooperated and it wasn't too cold. It was the perfect winter's day as seen through the eyes of children and if we could all experience that more often we'd probably all be less weary of this season. — Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. BAYFIELD BREEZE iD SHARE M 2F E9 SIGN UP FOR BAYnELD BREEZE -f CLICK HERE Founding Members ...................................................................................................................................................9........................................ Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 12/13 5/31/2019 Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login week -09 issue -243 Ian Mathew CA Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/week09issue243/tabid/657/Default.aspx 13/13