HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2014-12-31, Page 15/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 }BAYFIELDBREEZE I Home Advertise Contact Archive FM, .s ,�; � illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ROYAL LEPAGE �� �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BAWIELD BREEZE t ,,... OTR _ 4 �' •. 7 - Fa SHARE ® El Dec. 31, 2014 Vol. 6 Week 1 Issue 287 WEIGH SCALE COMES FULL CIRCLE RING IN THE NEW YEAR The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) will be "Puttin' on the Glitz" for their second annual New Years Eve Party. They've been busy making a list: Party favors - check! Balloons - check! Beer, wine and spirits - check! Party snacks — check! DJ - Check! Yes, they appear to be on trackfor the best party in town. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 1/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 The Bayfield Historical Society Archives received a donation of a counter -top weigh scale from Sharon Marks, of Sherwood Park, Alberta via Bill Dowson on Dec. 10. (Submitted photo) The Bayfield Historical Society Archives received a donation of a counter -top weigh scale from Sharon Marks, of Sherwood Park, Alberta via Bill Dowson on Dec. 10. The following is transcript of the letter to Dowson that accompanied the scales, sent by post at considerable expense: To: Bill Dowson, Babylon Line, Ontario Henry Jackson Marks brought this weigh scale to Edmonton, Alberta in the early 1900s when he moved here from Stanley Township in the Bayfield area. We believe this scale was used in the Marks' Hardware store in Bayfield. Henry's son Tudor James Marks, kept it and told us it came from Bayfield. Tudor's son, Willliam George Marks, inherited it but passed away. I wish to donate this scale to the museum so our family and others can enjoy how something can actually come back to its former home. Please enjoy. Sincerely, Sharon Marks The Marks and Dowson families were close friends some time ago. The Marks family has a long Bayfield history. Tudor J. Marks (1832- 1920) was one of the first Bayfield businessmen who anticipated early village growth. i. Dave Gillians' book entitled, "For the Love of Bayfield", recounts that Tudor J. Marks owned the area north of Pioneer Park down to the south river edge and built cottages there. He also offered the lands to the village for sale on several occasions. He built Century House on Bayfield Terrace and the cottage that once was the hexagonal Dance Hall near the Mara Street Walkway. He owned and operated the largest of the grain storage buildings on the south river pier, built the brick building east of the Little Inn (that housed Hovey's for many years), owned a brick yard on the road to Goderich (now the Bluewater Golf Course property) that probably supplied many of our older buildings with distinctive slop brick, He is said to have bought a ship wreck in 1884 and dismantled it for scrap Seating will be limited. A few tickets are still available Please contact Margo Robeson at 519 565-2827 or Sandy Scotchmer at 519 565-2830 for tickets. Tickets are selling for $25 a person and include party favors, appetizers and snacks. There will be a cash bar. TAOIST TAI CHI Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi practice sessions will be offered on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall starting Jan. 8. These sessions are open to anyone who has taken the beginners' classes and who wants to continue practicing the Taoist Tai Chi 11 arts. Fees are based on the Stratford Branch fee schedule. If you have any questions please call Doug Brown at 519 565-5187. TOWN HALL The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society is delighted to announce that for their fourth annual cabaret, they will be running not one, but two performances. The dates are set for Feb. 6-7 both at 7:30 p.m. This year's theme is "The Great White North Cabaret, Eh?" "Bob and Doug McKenzie" will host along with a great local cast who will be showcasing a multitude of the most renowned Canadian artists of the 20th century. This year Paul Hill has taken over the reins as producer/director, so attendees are in for some new looks, bands and special effects on stage. Tickets are $15 per person and are available at ticketscene.ca or by calling 519 565-2572. The evening will feature cabaret style seating and a cash bar. Last year's event sold out in a matter of days, so don't delay! I oil RVA The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) is sponsoring a St. John's Ambulance First Aid and CPR Course to be held over two days, Jan. 12 and Feb. 2. The course will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the above dates at St. Andrew's United Church in Bayfield. The cost is $110 per person for the two-day course. It should be noted that this is a group rate and is ( significantly less than when signing up individually; space will be limited. Those who wish to participate are required to pre - register before ` register before Jan. 2 by contacting Pam Bowers by A formal portrait of Tudor 1. Marks from the Bayfield email at cjbowers@rogers.com or call 519 565-4605 Archives Collection. (Submitted photo) cc.villageofbayfiield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 2/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 (possibly the schooner Malta that was beached in 1882), and opened a men's haberdashery with a card room at the back at the corner of Main and Charles streets where a retail complex now stands. And according to older residents, at some time, a Marks operated a hardware store where Brandon's Hardware (originally a woollen mill) now stands. . The scale, from Canadian Toledo Scale of Windsor, was government -certified and has a patent date noted of 1923. It is now prominently displayed in the Archives. Always on the hunt to learn more about the community's history, Bayfield Archivist, Ralph Laviolette is in search of another family connection to the Marks family - the Jackson family. "Our records of the Marks family, and its connections to the Jackson family, are incomplete. If any readers have memories of the store or the Marks or Jackson family, please contact the Archives," he said. CO INPUT ON MIDWAY ALTERNATIVES APPRECIATED As winter sets in, plans are already forming as to how the 159th Bayfield Community Fair will look. The Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS) are intending to provide more demonstrations. The food and gardening demonstrations this past year were appreciated and will be continued. There still is no definite decision made on whether to have a midway or inflatables at the fair this coming year. Cost will be the deciding factor. If the community has any ideas, they are invited to contact the BAS at info@bayfieldfair.ca. There are some new conveners for some sections this year. David Loerchner will be looking or Helen Varekamp via email at hvarekamp@tcc.on.ca or call 519 565-5442. The Bayfield Public Library will be providing free computer and technology instruction on Wednesdays and Saturdays under the direction of Grant Richard, the new Internet Access Assistant for the Goderich and Bayfield branches of the Huron County Library system. Sessions are to be booked by appointment. Four hour-long sessions are available Wednesdays and may booked on the hour between 1-4 p.m and on Saturdays on the hour between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. According to Richard, "The Government of Canada provides funding for this initiative. We are aiming to hopefully hold some group sessions in the future. The program is aimed at patrons of all ages, and is held within the library. We ask that interested patrons provide their own devices." Please call the library at 519 565-2886 to book an appointment. 1W I F&I WA 1 1 1 ' after the woodworking section and would like to have some finished products brought in for Two Bayfield women would like to remind everyone display. Pete Meades will be organizing the Music Fest that is being moved to the Saturday preparing for holiday gatherings that their tradition of night of the fair. Cheryl and Jason Wallis are looking after the miniature tractor pull but are collecting empties for Alzheimer's Disease is interested in hearing if there are other activities that the children are interested in. Christa continuing this year. Lehnen now heads the refreshment booth and would be interested in any new volunteers. The heavy horse section is without leadership. The Bayfield Community Fair is one of the last fairs in the District to have a heavy horse show and it seems to have interested viewers. Liz Elliott, 519 233-3432, would appreciate a call if there is someone who has connections with the heavy horse business who would be interested in organizing the show in Bayfield. There is still an opportunity to have a Battle of the Bands for our young people on the Friday night of the fair if someone was interested in coordinating the event. The directors and members of the BAS do wish everyone in the Bayfield community and abroad a wonderful New Year. OPTBUSTS AID LITTLEST SKATERS Dianne Brandon and Carrie Sabourin will be participating in the Huron County 2015 Walk for Memories on Jan. 31. The duo are now collecting donations for the cause. It is, of course, hoped that everyone will celebrate responsibly this festive season and when doing so plan to donate the empty beer bottles and cans; wine and liquor bottles to their team, "For the Love of Elane and Doris". One of the ladies being honored is currently living with Alzheimers, Elane Brandon, Sabourin's grandmother. Unfortunately, Doris Schilbe, Dianne's mother died on Aug. 4 at the age of 80. Empties of all sorts may be dropped off at Brandon's Hardware in Bayfield, or picked up anytime, just call Brandon's Hardware at 519 565-2677 or 519 565- 2545. Empties may also be dropped off at Bayfield Convenience in their names. The ice is now in the Bayfield Arena and some new skating opportunities are being combined with some old favorites. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 3/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 Hank Hessel, of Bayfield, is all smiles as he tests out the new skating aids at the arena that were donated to the Bayfield Arena Community Partners through the generosity of the Optimist Club of Bayfield. (Submitted photos) r 6Ka Little hands share their appreciation of the skating aids that cost just over $200 and were provided by the Optimist Club of Bayfield for the Bayfield Arena Community Partners. Youngsters are encouraged to come out and try these aids during free public skating on Dec. 31, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. SHOP BIKE Bayfield Mews ] THE 2018-19 SEASON All skill levels are welcome to enjoy a free one hour skate at the arena every Monday starting at 9:30 a.m. All are encouraged to come and enjoy this free time on the ice thanks to the sponsorship of Absolute Automation. Also on Mondays, "Moms & Tots Skating" will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The Municipality of Bluewater is sponsoring this ice time for the youngest in the community. And on Fridays and Mondays at 8 p.m. Men's Pickup Hockey games are being enjoyed — very little skill is required. Also on Fridays, Women's Pickup Hockey is held. Participants take to the ice at 7p.m. Fun, exercise and laughs all for $15 per game. For additional information please contact the Bayfield Arena at 519 565-2121. Stay tuned to the Bayfield Breeze and www.bacp.ca for more information and announcements on ice availability and events this winter at the Bayfield Arena and Community Centre. re 11 All -StT-414'1 optornetr is cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 4/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 REMEMBER ME? There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. Editor's Note: We are now adding the archive's code to the information supplied with the photographs so that if anyone would like to learn more from the Bayfield Archives about certain pictures they can use the code to make the process easier. This week, we feature another in a series on studio portraits. Does anyone recognize this gentleman in the "fancy" hat? (Archives Code: PB 13 29b) Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks ISSUE 285 In Issue 285, we featured a distinguished gentleman who is reported to be Doc. W. Woods in the archive records. (Archives Code: PB 13 27a) ISSUE 286 In Issue 286, we continue a series on studio portraits when having your picture taken was a big event, as evidenced by this image of a very well dressed quartet. Does anyone remember them? (Archives Code: PB 13 29a) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 5/11 5/31/2019 f CSHARE oar® PHOTO STORY Week 1 Issue 287 A RETROSPECTIVE OF VILLAGE HAPPENINGS FROM JAN. 8 TO MARCH 26 THE BEST OF THE BAYFIELD BREEZE 2014 Jan. 8 - Issue 236 - REVELERS RING IN NEW YEAR BAYFIELD STYLE: Sixty-five party guests joined together to sing "Auld Lang Syne" as 2014 was rung in at the Bayfield Town Hall. (Photo by Gary Lloyd Rees) Jan. 15 - Issue 237 - BAYFIELD RIVER VALLEY TRAIL ASSOCIATION HIKE KICKS OFF NEW YEAR: A large crowd gathered at the Stanley Complex on Jan. 4 to start the new year off on an active note by taking to the Taylor Trail and Mavis' Trail. (Photo by Gary Lloyd -Rees) PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Well, it is that time of year again - a time to reflect on the accomplishments of the last 12 months and anticipate the blank parchment that is yet to be written upon. This week we look back on the Bayfield that was from Jan. 8 to March 26, 2014. We would like to extend a thank you to all who take the time to write in and share their comments about our weekly online publication. A few of them can be found mixed in with this year in review. We would also like to take this opportunity to extend a huge thank you to our intrepid team of volunteer photographers who cover events that we can't always get to ourselves. Your talents are very much appreciated by not only our committee but our readers also. Feb. 5 - Issue 240 - BAYFIELD ARENA ACTIVITIES - DURING A TRUE CANADIAN WINTER THERE IS NO BETTER TIME TO ENJOY THE ICE: Joan Cluff, of Bayfield, spent Sunday afternoon skating with her granddaughter, Siobhan Klueskens. Siobhan was focused on improving her skating skills. I love the Bayfield Breeze and thanks for the great work cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 6/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 Feb. 12 - Issue 241 - FRIENDS OF THE BAYFIELD LIBRARY - HARP MUSIC WARMS THE HEART ON A VERY COLD DAY: Sharon Johnston, with the help of her harp students, led several people in an opportunity to try playing the harp during Saturday's instalment of the "Show Me Series" hosted by the Friends of the Bayfield Library. March 5 - Issue 244 - BAYFIELD GUIDING - CELEBRATING THINKING DAY IN THE SNOW: The older members of Bayfield Guiding celebrated Thinking Day on Feb. 22 by building a snow quinzee. The first part of the task was to make an existing snow pile larger. Emily Faber enthusiastically released a bowl full of snow on top of the future shelter. you and your team do every week! - H. Y. London, ON Feb. 19 - Issue 242 - WINTER WONDERLAND BOTH INSIDE AND OUT FOR FAMILY DAY: The Bayfield Library meeting room was filled with busy hands being creative on the afternoon of Feb. 15 when the Friends of the Bayfield Library hosted, "Winter Wonderland" as part of Family Day activities in the village. The Bayfield Breeze is always a "hump day" treat to see and read to prep for the coming weekends. — B.L. Toronto ON Feb. 26 - Issue 243 - CHILI COOK -OFF SO POPULAR EVERY MORSEL WAS CONSUMED: Sullivan Thomas and his "fish" enjoyed slurping on a Slushie part of the Optimist Club of Bayfield's Family Day Chili Cook -off event held at the Bayfield Community Centre on Feb. 16. 1 love the Bayfield Breeze and your submissions section at the end is extra special!!! A little "biography" at the end of the Breeze every week! — B.P. Bayfield, ON March 12 - Issue 245 - THE PANCAKES WERE FLIPPED AND THE SYRUP FLOWED: Pat Graham filled the plates of more than 100 patrons during the course of two hours at cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl Issue287/tabid/703/Defau1t.aspx 7/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 March 19 - Issue 246 - SKATE THE DAY AWAY - BAYFIELD ICE SEES PLAYERS FROM MORNING TO NIGHT ON SATURDAY: Novice #2s Aiden Bell prepares to take a shot on goalie Cameron Williscraft with just minutes left in the third period, He was supported by teammate Preston Harris while members of the Novice #1s Connor Ward, Brayden Dykstra, Tyler Chuter and Scott Gould (Novice #2) look on. March 26 - Issue 247 - FRIENDS OF THE BAYFIELD LIBRARY -SLICING, DICING AND CHOPPING AMONG FRIENDS: Arlene Parker receives some guidance on knife sharpening from Chef Devon Tabor as part of the "Show Me Series" hosted by the Friends of the Bayfield Library on March 22. A. )5+E11TF..SCWIRRE1 C,M*F CLkA ra Shannon McClenaghan H.I.S. Ben LdW KP. HEARING UMENT SPECIALIST PIXILATED -IMAGE OF THE WEEK the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper held at Trinity Anglican Church. I spent many childhood summers in Bayfield in the 1960s and our family has enjoyed rediscovering the village through the past 15 years. Receiving the "Breeze" helps keep us in touch, and we appreciate the efforts of the editor and contributors. Keep up the good work! — A.P. San Antonio, Texas cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Defau1t.aspx 8/11 5/31/2019 Week 1 Issue 287 Winter 2014 Woodland Trail by Adriaan Schreuder Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued -er-_ IASSACE THERAPY 519.565.4711 HEAR TA LENTi COBBLE _ Zurich. DO. DESI MBUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER ?4199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTd.R10 519 2226 7373: 519 565 7373 SUBMISSIONS The nine days of Christmas — Falconer -Pounder Style: ' T s Attics !Spray Foam :rr •.r ..i1®0 6 BAYFIEL D Dec. 20 — Grandkids and their parents dropped in for a three-hour visit enroute to the in-laws across the border at the start of their 10 days of Christmas tour. We enjoyed a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup lunch together before they headed out. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 9/11 5/31/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 1 Issue 287 Dec. 21 - Attended my favorite church service of the entire year. The Lessons and Carols service is a great time to reflect on the season and catch your breath before the frivolity really begins. Dec. 22-24 — The calm before the storm, so I took the opportunity to create and edit the final two 2014 issues of the Bayfield Breeze for publishing. Now I could have a guilt free holiday with family. My husband and I went to a birthday party for Jesus, yes, there were cupcakes! Followed directly by a family -centred, early Christmas Eve service. I shared a wink with my husband when singing, 'The First Noel", this carol has taken on new meaning as our own little Noelle was soon to celebrate her first Christmas. Then it was home to welcome my step -daughter and her husband for an evening of catching up and indulging in a variety of appetizers. Dec. 25 — Grandkids and his parents returned - family opened Christmas stockings - attended dinner for 23. Dec. 26 — "Christmas morning" at my mother -in-laws — gift opening for 23, and one very involved cat. Later that evening hosted a dinner for some of the aforementioned 23. Dec. 27 — Family opened gifts after breakfast. We had about an hour break and then we hosted members of my maternal side of the family for an afternoon swim, hot chocolate, goodies and gifts for the younger set. Then we had about a 30 minute break before it was off to my childhood home to open more gifts - enjoyed dinner with eight companions and one sleeping Noelle. Dec. 28 — Attended Ninth Annual Pounder Family Curling Bonspiel. Spent just over five hours keeping my grandson entertained at this event — or maybe it was he who entertained me? Now it may appear that a Falconer -Pounder Christmas is an exhausting whirlwind and there is some obvious truth to that. We had family travel from Waterloo, St. Thomas, Toronto, San Francisco, CA and London, England to take part this year. By my estimation we were all in one room together for approximately 30 minutes before some had to move on to other events. What made the holiday so special though was everyone made the effort despite conflicting schedules and this in and of itself is a great Christmas gift! Happy New Year one and all. I think it may be time for a nap! - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. ,d _F BAWIELD BREEZE O SHARE MVV] , cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl Issue287/tabid/703/Default.aspx 10/11 5/31/2019 SICft UP r u R BA.�FiELDu BREEZE 1 CLICK HERE —sl Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 1 Issue 287 Credits: Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee:Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeekl Issue287/tabid/703/Defau1t.aspx 11/11