HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2013-10-30, Page 15/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 BAWIELDBREEZE rIAPAIMM I,N M+1Al"TI-!4`c7 P� 1 �-565.533E L%mm �IIgIIAIIIIIAIIIIIAIAAIAI _„_ ROYAL LEPAGE miumillilaii HO1�TDts BAYFIELD BREEZE -) -- rhe OPoge"s own omfnenews source 0 SHARE M V IE] . Oct. 30, 2013 Vol. 5 Week 45 Issue 226 BAYFIELD TREE PROJECT TOURS THE SQUARE AND CEMETERY TRAIL Looking toward the festive season, the Bayfield Town Hall and The Village Bookshop are once again cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 1/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 Members of the Bayfield Tree Project Michael Falconer, Susan Drew, Ainslie Willock and Sondra Buchner were given a tour of The Square in Goderich recently by Parks/Cemetery Supervisor and Chair of Community in Blooms Ontario, Martin Quinn (back right). (Submitted photos) Goderich Parks/Cemetery Supervisor and Chair of Community in Blooms Ontario, Martin Quinn, recently invited members of the Bayfield Tree Project on a tour of the trees that have been planted there to compensate for the impact of the tornado on the tree canopy. The group toured both The Square and the Maitland Cemetery Trail during their tour. Ainslie Willock, a Bayfield Tree Project's member, reported that the group learned the following interesting facts about The Square: • Goderich's Court House Square lost 92 trees during the Aug. 21, 2011 F3 tornado. • One hundred and sixty-one trees have been planted there with the goal of removing the faster growing trees in 20-30 years, when the slower growing trees mature. • Quinn handed out a map of The Square complete with a list of the names of all 67 species planted. • About 60-70 per cent of these trees are native. • The soil at The Square was replaced with new soil due to the high salt concentrations from years of salting the adjacent road and walkways. • A watering system has been installed. • A Community Advisory Group continues to advise Town Staff on tree plantings, for example, they've asked that the large cement planters/seats along either side of the "Victory Walkway" up to the Court House be softened by adding trailing plants to the smaller trees planted there. presenting a Children's Book Reading and Concert following the Santa Claus Parade on Nov. 9. This year, the featured book will be "The Santa Trap" by Jonathan Emmett and illustrated by Poly Bernatene. Joining the readers again will be Bayfield's own fabulous, Glee Sisters, who will bring the story to life with music and song. The reading and concert will be held at 2 p.m. followed by hot chocolate and cookies. Admission is by a cash donation or non-perishable food item. All proceeds will go to the local Foodbank. Once again this year the organizers are extremely grateful to the Bayfield Optimists who are donating a book to each of the first 30 families to arrive - so be sure to be early! GARDEN CLUB Members, invited guests and those who wish to join the Bayfield Garden Club are welcome to share in the Annual Fall Potluck on Nov. 18. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church. Those who attend are asked to bring a dish to share plus their own plate and cutlery. A short annual meeting will be held at the conclusion of the evening. Photographer, Jen Smith will be the guest speaker. She will share how she transforms who photos into an art form for framing. She will bring her collection to share and pieces will be available to purchase. CPH AUXILIARY For many Bayfield residents Clinton Public Hospital (CPH) is their choice for healthcare and therefore the work of the Auxiliary to the CPH should be of interest. The auxiliary members are once again organizing their Gift of Light Campaign. Tickets for a light or lights to be presented as a gift or in memory of a loved one are available now from auxiliary members, the CPH Gift shop, CPH Admitting or by calling Shirley Carter at 519 482-7776. Donations are used to fulfill new equipment needs at CPH. The auxiliary invites the community to join them at their annual Tree Lighting Ceremony to be held on Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m. Entertainment, refreshments and draws will follow the ceremony in the CPH Waiting Room. CRYSTAL JOURNEY cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week45issue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 2/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 Scarlett Oak live up to their name during the autumn months. This was just one species selected to provide shade in the Courthouse Park in Goderich. "Martin also handed us a new map of the Maitland Cemetery plantings which are divided up into Groves including, "Tiger Dunlop", "City of Oakville", and "Home Hardware" to name just a few," said Willock. "One grove has been left to regenerate on its own so that comparisons can be made to the planted groves. Municipalities and companies continue to help with the tree plantings. There is a Facebook page dedicated to helping private landowners plant trees - see: https://www.facebook.com/goderichtrees "This visit to Goderich was a great opportunity for us to meet fellow tree planters and to share information and expertise," said Willock. "Don't be surprised if you see some Scarlett Oak Trees planted in Bayfield. You can see some gorgeous ones in Goderich's Square right now that have turned bright red! The group was provided with a new map of the Maitland Cemetery Trail plantings which are divided up into Groves. The Bayfield Tree Project members would like to extend a word of thanks to Quinn and his staff, Jen Sinclair and Cassidy Flanagan for showing them around and sharing their stories. Back on home turf the Bayfield Tree Project members will soon be launching their fall tree plantings in the village. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week451ssue226/tabid/639/Defauit.aspx A well-received visit by Crystal Journey in the summer has warranted a return viist to the village for Christmas in Bayfield weekend. Crystal Journey will perform a two-hour show at the Bayfield Town Hall on Nov. 9 starting at 7 p.m. Those who attend will experience "vibrational" music played unrehearsed by renowned holistic musician David Hickey. Yoga mats, blankets and pillows are strongly encouraged. Tickets are $25 and are available at the door or by calling Diana at Willow Creek Wellness at 519 955- 6088. Snacks and tea will be available at intermission. AVIVA VOTING Camp Klahanie is now entered in the second round of voting in the AVIVA Community Fund competition for a chance at winning $50,000. Bayfield and area residents joined members of the Goderich Lions Club in a nearly four-year quest in returning Camp Klahanie to the community for youth of Huron County and beyond. The Goderich Lions Club purchased the property located on Black's Point Road, between Bayfield and Goderich, from Girl Guides of Canada on Aug. 1. Since that time the Lions members and the Camp Klahanie Board of Directors have been working together with the community to raise funds as well as repair and rejuvenate the property. In the last two weeks young campers have been enjoying time there — the next chapter in the life of this 40 year-old camp has begun. The Board and the Lions would like to make it an even greater chapter by providing better facilities for co-ed camping opportunities. A second building with washrooms is needed to realize this goal and that is where the AVIVA Community Fund could be of great assistance. The Aviva Community Fund is, according to their website, "an annual competition that is changing Canadian communities by bringing great ideas to life. The most popular ideas, as determined by passionate Canadians like you, will have a chance to win a share of the $1,000,000 Aviva Community Fund." The competition has three qualifying rounds. Voting in the second round will continue until noon on Nov. 4. The third round will run from Nov. 11-25. People are encouraged to vote for the cause everyday to help the project move on. The idea needs to be in the top 10 to move on and is currently sitting 21 st the only way to improve on this is to get more people voting! New voters will have to register but all it takes is an email and a password. Here is the link. Anyone on Facebook who would like helpful voting reminders 3/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 FIVE BLOOMS FOR BLUEWATER Bluewater Blooms Committee Chair Kay Wise (middle), a municipal councilor, and community profile book designer Heather Redick, of Zurich, attended the Communities in Bloom's Ontario Luncheon and Provincial Awards Ceremonies in Ottawa and brought home the Five Blooms Award for the municipality. A representative of CIB made the presentation. (Submitted photo) On Oct. 26, the Municipality of Bluewater received the ultimate prize at the 2013 Ontario Edition of the Communities in Bloom (CIB) award ceremonies held in Ottawa, ON. - Five Blooms and the Heritage Conservation Criteria Award. "Our goals for entering the Communities in Bloom program were to build community pride, raise environmental awareness and highlight the profile of the Municipality of Bluewater," said Bluewater Blooms Co -Chair Jim Fergusson as he expressed his pleasure at receiving the awards and commented on their importance to the community. "Our Five Blooms award is recognition of our successful achievements in those areas. Winning the provincial heritage category award in addition is like icing on the cake and is a tribute to the many volunteers in our community who work every day to make Bluewater a favorable place to live. These awards really belong to all those residents." Bluewater's claim to fame is the Bayfield Heritage Conservation District formally established in 1982, however, the Junior Farmer's Century Farm Sign program has raised the profile of many local farms that are over 100 years old. The Heritage Conservation Award was awarded by the CIB judges for the establishment of archives in the former library that sits in the centre of the Bayfield Heritage District, and for the refurbishment of the Lutheran Pioneer Cemetery in Zurich. The award validates the efforts of the local Heritage Advisory Committee to educate residents of their long and rich history and is one of eight criteria for which CIB judges each community. The other categories are: tidiness, environmental action, urban forestry, landscape, turf ground covers, floral displays and community involvement. The Five Bloom Award was handed out at the Communities in Bloom's Ontario Luncheon and is asked to join the group known as: "Goderich Lions Club — Camp Klahanie Revitalization". I.\ tali 0,11 ZI11101L17� IMATIIM Paula Letheren, of Bayfield, will be one of the artists featured at the South Huron Community Juried Art Show and Sale presented by Art Around Town on Nov. 2-3. The weekend show and sale is sponsored in part by the United Communities Credit Union and will be held at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre, 125 John Street West in Exeter. The event will run from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5 per adult and students are free. CHURCH ON THE WAY The Church on the Way will be hosting their second Victorious Ministry Through Christ (VMTC) retreat at The Bayfield Lions' Community Building on the weekend of Nov. 8-9. VMTC is an international ministry serving in nine countries. According to the retreat brochure, they are a scripture based, Holy Spirit led ministry of healing and deliverance, bringing people into wholeness. The retreat is for anyone looking to be refreshed and renewed spiritually. Provincial Awards Ceremonies, held as part of the National and International CIB Awards. The weekend will begin on the Friday evening from Bluewater Blooms Committee Chair Kay Wise, a municipal councilor, and community profile 6-9 p.m. and continue on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to book designer Heather Redick, of Zurich, were present to receive it. Wise thanked each and 6 p.m. The retreat will be an interactive workshop every one of the committee members for their hard work. She noted in particular the work of with teaching and prayer, times of fellowship and Redick who had the difficult task of capturing the essence of Bluewater's diverse communities reflection. A qualified team of lay people and and the many community activities and initiatives. ordained leaders will facilitate the weekend. Each year, communities throughout the province elect to participate in the program. Professionally trained judges visit each community where they are shown the attributes and sites of significance. This year, Martin Quinn, also Chair of Communities in Bloom Ontario, and Ray Hurd, president of the Ontario Parks Association, were the judges for Bluewater Blooms. During their two-day visit and tour, they met with volunteers, community representatives and municipal front-line staff on topics such as tree planting, beach and community cleanup programs and heritage preservation. The judges were given a live sample of recognition of local history with the opening of a park in downtown Hensall named after the first woman surgeon in Canada, Dr. Jennie Smillie, who once lived nearby. Several descendants of all ages participated in the event, and continue to support the park's development. The Bluewater Blooms Committee thanks Economic Development Officer Mark Cassidy for permitting the park's inclusion on the tour. "My thanks to the Bluewater Blooms Committee, all the community volunteers and the municipal staff who contributed in some way to our winning program," said Fergusson. Bluewater introduced several new initiatives in its 2013 Strive for Five Program including the introduction of a civic flower, as yet unnamed, and the popular Neighborhood Garden Award. Committee members randomly placed 14 lawn signs on urban and rural residential and commercial properties in recognition of beautiful gardens. Under terms to pass it along within two weeks, the Neighborhood Garden Awards cropped up in surprising new locations, in some cases traveling kilometers to the other side of the municipality. The activity attracted unsolicited mentions in personal columns in two local newspapers. There is no charge for the retreat but offerings will be accepted to cover expenses. Gifts of $20 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. For more information or to register please contact Helen Harvey, administrator for VMTC Canada, at 519 236-7871. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD It is the time of year when many local churches and schools start packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child a program organized by Samaritan's Purse Canada. Samaritan's Purse Canada is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization that has been providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970. The members of the Church on the Way in Bayfield want to invite people not affiliated with a church or cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 4/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 The Bluewater Blooms Committee would like to thank municipal council for their continued support. The Municipality of Bluewater has participated in the internationally known CIB program since 2010 and earned consistently higher marks each year. This year, Bluewater entered the 5,000 to 10,000 population category with the Municipality of South Huron, Town of Greater Napanee, Town of Angus, and Town of Mississippi Mills. The Bluewater planning committee is comprised of representatives of municipal council, merchants and community volunteer organizations. WATERCOLOR TO GRACE WALL IN NEW VILLAGE LIBRARY Meighan Wark, director of Cultural Services, Huron County; Tyler Hessel, Bluewater councillor -at -large and Huron County Library Board member; recently accepted a painting entitled, "Fish Craft off Bayfield, Ontario, Circa 1850" by 'Chick' Charles Peterson for the Bayfield Public Library, from Paul Carroll, marine historian and author, on behalf of Donald Bamford. (Submitted photos) An original watercolor painting by the internationally acclaimed maritime artist, 'Chick' Charles Peterson, formerly of Ephraim, Wisconsin, was presented to the new Bayfield Public Library on Oct. 23. The donor, elderly author and marine historian, Donald Bamford, of London, ON, was represented by his co-author Paul Carroll, and his wife Mary, who made the presentation on Bamford's behalf. The work was originally commissioned for use in a book, "Freshwater Heritage: A History of Sailing on the Great Lakes" completed by Bamford, with Paul's assistance, in 2007. In his writing Bamford has always strived to present history for use by everyday readers. He wanted his art collection also to become available to the general public. Tyler Hessel, Bluewater councilor -at -large and member of the Huron County Library Board accepted the art on behalf of the County of Huron. school that might like to become involved in the project to receive an empty shoebox from them. Instructions come with the box as to how to pack it and what to fill it with. Tax receipts are also available for donations. The national collection week is scheduled for Nov. 18-24. To learn more or to receive a box please contact Larry Truman at 519 482-5506. SANTA CLAUS PARADE Believe it or not, Christmas celebrations are right around the corner and the organizers behind the village Santa Claus Parade would like to invite both new and returning entries to the event held at 11 a.m. on Nov. 9. To register an entry please email BayfieldXmasParade@gmail.com. BAYFIELD GUIDING Got milk? Bayfield Guiding has the cookies to go with it. The chocolatey mint Girl Guide Cookies are back for a limited time this autumn. They are selling now for $5 a box and are available from Bayfield Guiding members. If the chocolatey mint variety of cookie isn't a favorite, not to worry, the girls also have an extremely limited number of the Classic Chocolate and Vanilla Sandwich cookies available for the same great price after making an extra special order in honor of their 60th anniversary. Profits from the cookies are used to support the girls in their varied activities and to subsidize outings. Want to reserve a box or two? Please call Melody at 519 565-2443 (Bayfield Village Inn). FEN WY;IaW in /:\ 7iArT" Can't make it to a flu clinic this fall? Never fear, the pharmacists at Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy and Bayfield can give the shot to anyone five years or older. The shots will be offered on a walk-in basis, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. According to Pharmacist, Michael Ibrahim, people need to be monitored for about 20 minutes after they are given a shot to ensure they don't react to it so people should allocate their time accordingly. HISTORICAL SOCIETY cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 5/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 Tyler Hessel and Paul Carroll take a closer look at the watercolor that will now grace a wall at the Bayfield Public Library. The original watercolor, showing three two -masted fishing craft off the cliffs of Bayfield, circa 1850, was created to illustrate the three variations of the old Huron Boat in wide use at the time as a sailing fishing schooner. A Huron Boat, a Collingwood Skiff and the Mackinac Schooner are shown at work in choppy seas offshore from Bayfield. A Huron Boat, the Helen MacLeod is under long-term restoration by the Bayfield Historical Society. The donor had stipulated that he wanted the work to be placed in a public building, most suited to the theme of the painting. The new library at Bayfield seemed to be the ideal location. In keeping with his request, arrangements were completed with Meighan Wark, director of Cultural Services, the Bayfield Librarian, Anny Johnston and staff for the Huron County finance department who will arrange to insure the painting for its estimated current value of approximately $8,000. This donation completes the dispersal of Bamford's major collection. The Carrolls presented the last painting of the 1812 warship, the HMS Nancy, to the Wasaga Nancy Island Park Museum a few weeks ago. A final presentation of two Peterson pencil sketches (of the Griffon and the Nancy) and a canvas copy of the first navigation chart of the first for the "Entrance to Georgian Bay at Tobermory" completed by Captain Owen, assisted by Lieutenants David Wingfield and then - Lieutenant Bayfield, will be presented to the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre in the near future. GROUPS UNITE TO CREATE READING GARDEN ON MAIN STREET The Friends of Bayfield Library (FOBL) are working with the Bayfield Historical Society (BHS) to develop the green space behind the Bayfield Archives Building adjacent to the new library into a Reading Garden. It is their hope to create a place of peaceful repose in the centre of the village. The Garden design was created by some of Bayfield's talented master gardeners. The Reading Garden project is estimated to cost in the range of $30,000. Components include: leveling the property and bringing in new top soil, creating a berm to separate the garden from the library parking lot, planting native and drought resistant trees and shrubs, building an interlocking brick patio and gazebo and installing some comfortable benches. Artist and blacksmith, Jim Wallace, has been commissioned to create a metal screen sculpture with a theme of leaves and books. The sculpture, to be placed along the top of the berm, will be a The Bayfield Historical Society (BHS) will be hosting a display of artifacts and stories related to "Broken Ships and the Great Lakes Storm of 1913" at the Water and Beyond Trade Show at the Goderich Legion Centre on Nov. 8-9. The Trade Show is one of the many events commemorating the 100th year anniversary of the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 and will run at the legion both days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BHS participation in the Trade Show is in place of the BHS regular monthly Speakers Series for late October. There are several remaining events, organized by the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Remembrance Committee, including presentations each Thursday evening until Nov. 10 at the HCM and also a play about the Storm to be held at the Livery in Goderich from Oct. 31 to Nov. 10. Visit 1913Storm.ca for details. Bayfield Historical Society Director Barb Durand has created an attractive poster of a map detailing the shipwreck disasters that occurred during the Great Storm of November 1913. According to Historian Paul Carroll it is the most exact he has ever seen. The posters are selling for 12"X8" posters are selling for $5 each and are now available at the Bayfield Archives. The Bayfield Archives is open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1-5 p.m. A 16"X20" version can be purchased at the Thursday night Great Lakes Storm Speakers Series at the HCM for $10 over the next two weeks. II INIa1011 M ZKIMD10 17,11 The 2014 Bayfield calendar was released recently. The Bayfield Lions' Club sponsored the calendar this year working jointly with the Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB). Thirteen photographs selected for the 2014 Calendar — one for each month and one for the cover - are extraordinary images of various scenes and subjects around the village and are identifiably Bayfield. The calendar is now on sale for $10 at the Bayfield Archives, The Village Book Shop and at various stores throughout the village. The proceeds from the sale of calendars are shared equally between Lions and the volunteer organizations and merchants who sell the calendar. The Bayfield Lions' Club will use its share of the proceeds to fund its various projects in the community. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek45issue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 6/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 focal point of the Garden. Visitors to the Reading Garden will have free Wi-Fi connection courtesy of the library. The FOBL and BHS are looking for donors to help underwrite the cost of implementing the project. While contributions of any amount will be gratefully accepted, they have identified three special categories of potential donors: Platinum $1,000 and over; Gold $500 to $ 999; and Silver $200 to $499. Donors in these categories will be recognized on the Wallace metal sculpture with inscriptions on the small books tastefully incorporated into his design. A number of donors, particularly members of the FOBL executive, have already made generous contributions to the project. All contributors will receive tax receipts issued by the BHS to reduce the after-tax cost of a donation. Cheques can be made out to the Bayfield Historical Society with Reading Garden on the memo line. Cheques may be sent to Bayfield Historical Society, Box 161, Bayfield, ON, NOM 1 GO. For more information or to have a financial donation picked up please call: Roma Harris, president of the FOBL, 519 565-2373 or Bill Rowat, president BHS, 519 565-5838. I.OMNI 1 Jr A Bow -making Workshop with the Bayfield Agriculture Society (BAS) and the Bayfield Garden Club members working together was held on Oct. 21 at St. Andrew's United Church. At the end of the evening, the pile of completed bows numbered over 100. These bows will be added to the holiday wreaths that the BAS sells at the annual Christmas in Bayfield weekend. (Submitted photo) F 1 IASSAGE THERAP --i & ALO domaw k -- 519S65,4711 -519 Sb5,4711 REMEMBER ME? Integrity Everything! LAKE H( REAL LYME There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at ISSUE 224 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 7/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well. This week, five people pose for a picture — does anyone remember them? Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flickr. BIAYFI E LL] (5. OPTIMIST SHARE M*1©1-. PHOTO STORY HAY MUTUAL I�aru 519-236-4381 BAYFIE L6 FINANCIAL C. PI^.'C In Issue 224, the Bayfield Ever Young Club members are featured. This photo was taken at the club's picnic held at the Old Homestead. In this photograph are: Mr. Curtis, Bill Parker, Rheny Larson, George Clarke, Fred Mote, Percy Johnston, Jack Hughes, Brown Higgins, Lloyd Makins, Ray Scotchmer, Lulu Smith, Lillian Penhale, Esther Makins, Lorna Mote, Mary Clark, Fern Baker, Lillian Higgins, Greta Scotchmer, Clara Johnston, Beulah Smith, Dorothy Weston, Vi Sturgeon, Mrs. Duggan, Harry Baker, Freida Scotchmer, Myrtle Parker, Florence Brown, Margaret Larsen, Reta Upshall, George Brown. ISSUE 225 In Issue 225, does anyone remember this minister and his wife? BAYMLD TOWN HALL ARM cc.viIIageofbayfieId.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek451ssue226/tabid/639/DefauIt.aspx 8/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 BOLLYWOOD WHO -DUN -IT ENTERTAINS A SOLD OUT CROWD Click to enable Adobe Flash Player PHOTOS JACK PAL STORY BY GARY LLOYD-REES On Oct. 26, the Bayfield Town Hall was the scene of yet another murder. Almost exactly two years after the sad demise of Joe Perlement from eating poisoned oysters, intrigue has once again surfaced. A mystery was solved and another killer was brought to justice. As a fundraiser for the Bayfield Town Hall, "Murder at the Bollywood Bash," a murder mystery dinner play, was held for 80 "guests" on the occasion of the birthday party of Miss Barbara Heartland (Carol Thornley -Hall) - famed writer of several hundred novels. Unfortunately for Heartland, after having been entertained by Bollywood dancing trio The Patel Sisters (Sandy Scotchmer, Natalie Tarnawski and Jamie Thomas) and serenaded by crooner Frankie Sanelli (Mike Callaway), she met an untimely end by a fatal bite from an Asian golden backed Cobra. The intrepid team of Inspector Morsel (Gary Lloyd -Rees) and Sergeant Day -Lewis (Philip Keightley) arrived on the scene of the crime and once again managed to interview all the suspects and solve the mystery by the time that the dessert had been served. Bayfield Mews Uclusiwe 55+ Community One Floor T&WrihOMCs 514. 565 - 4592 ` www-bayfieldmews.W ] T Fi E _iV" l�V 2018-19 SEASON SHEAF TALENT Heartland was identified as having had more than her fair share of secrets and not too many good words to say about her friends. Her ghost-writing, snake -charming sister, Cynthia (Margo Robeson); the drunken herpetologist, Dr. Johnson (Dave Gillians); the love -child secretary, Jane (Pat Charland); the gun -toting misfiring, Colonel Forthright (David MacLaren); the ophidiophobic publicist, Jeremy (Jim Fergusson); the oh -so -slow literary agent, Jenny (Patricia Baker) ; and last but not least, the reptile -skin dealer, Rory "my name is McAllister!" (Scott Robeson) were all under suspicion. Finally, Penny Panash (Nancy Kelley), the Bollywood-besotted screenplay writer, was unmasked as the murderer and led away to meet her fate. Also listed among the cast were: Paul Hill, Helen Latimer, Kate Lloyd -Rees and Judy Keightley. The cast's enthusiasm was matched by the "family and friends" in attendance. Bronwyn Bechard, Judy Keightley, Jane MacLaren, Sandy Scotchmer and Helen Varekamp prepared a delicious meal served by a host of volunteers that splendidly complemented the evening's entertainment. Helping behind the scenes were Rita Paakkunainen and Jenn Wallace. Once again Jane MacLaren transformed the Town Hall with her inimitable style and seemingly inexhaustible supply of ethnic objects and decorations. Judy Keightley was not only the overall party -planner but also the director and playwright. To help the investigation, guests submitted by ballot, their own choice of murderer: Jane (Charland) being the "people's choice". A few guests made some truly bizarre suggestions, one actually accused the snake itself - perhaps a case of spending too much time with Dr. Johnson? Will the Inspector and Sergeant have to return to Bayfield yet again? Time will tell... cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 9/11 5/31/2019 Week 45 Issue 226 PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK October Sunset... By Jack Pal Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued CIMIRLE DESIGN - Mich. ant. 0ESI GN! BUILD LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER 741990, BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 3373 1519 565 3373 Shannon McClenaghan H.I.S. HP HIS +[pFF[[ IBOA�aS[1A+• — � � HEARIt�GUMENT SPECIALIST SUBMISSIONS Tired. That is what I'm feeling as I sit down to write "my bit at the bottom" as I often refer to Submissions. I'm sure I'm not the only one and I'm not complaining just stating a fact. How in the heck did it get to be the end of October? The time of year when we turn back the clocks, this Saturday, don't forget. How did it get to be a little over a week from Christmas in Bayfield? Where in the world did this year go? I have always been told that time goes faster as we get older... didn't it take forever for your birthday or Christmas to come when you were younger? Didn't it seem like we waited forever for summer vacation and then didn't the holidays just drag on? cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 10/11 5/31/2019 Melody Falconer -Pounder Week 45 Issue 226 I hesitate to think what it must be like for someone who has lived 80 plus years ... one minute you're bouncing your great- grandson on your knee and the next minute he's walking into the room asking to borrow the car keys. It seems impossible that a whole year has passed since we enjoyed Halloween with our grandson at his family home in Toronto and now tomorrow we are off to do it again. I can really only measure time by his milestones — last year he was just starting to use his words — this year he can carry on a clear, coherent conversation — which will know doubt add to the fun! Better go get rested up. I won't want to forget a single moment. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@yEggeofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. BAWIELD B rhe vJi�r�e'S uwri w�i�nene�vs scurc<• 0 SHARE MfI®... 51614 SAF F OR /:BAYFIELD BREEZE t£ CLirK HERE Founding Members ............................................................................................................ Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek451ssue226/tabid/639/Default.aspx 11/11 y r � y